Associated and Compound Angles (SN Dey Xi)

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[0° <
(b) sec02
cartles (a) sind=
J3 (c) 3tan
Multiple Choice Type Questions Tmark
3. Prove:
sin 135° cos115°0
Choose the correct option N (1) sin45° cos65°+
5T 77 tan lln =1
1. If sin =-, then 8=
2 (1) tan 12 lan 12 12 12

tan (270° - 6)
(iti) sec(270°- 6) sec(90° -68)
A30° B 120° 150o 210°

2. sin(6- 540°) =
A sina B -sina C) cOsa (iv) cos 306° +cos 234° + cos 162° + cos18° =0
3.) If tan 35° = 0.7 then tan(-665°) = 5
4. If tan= and sin is negative, find cose.
A 0.7 100 12
© 0.007 D
() following is the value of cot(-870°)?
4. State which of the
Short Answer Type Questions Eachqueter

5. Which of the following is the value of cos (-1170)?

1. Simplify:
6. Which of the following is the value of sec(-945°) ? cos sin (-0) tan (90° +0)
© 2 D -2 sin (90° + ) sin(180° + 0) cot
7. Which of the following is the value of cos (51 197 ? cos(27r +a)cosec(r - e)tan+o
/3 (ü)
2 sec+ asin-)cot(2r -o)
8. sec2e = is true if and only if
(x+y)2 2. If sin = 3 and 8 lies in the third quadrant, i
Ax+y#0 8 x=y, x#0 and seco.
O x0, y#0 3. () If tan =
9. If tan +seco =e, then cos# equals 8
and cos is negative, ind u
sin(-0) - cos
A e +ex 2 e-e*
tan(- 0)+ sec(-6)
2 e+e-t 2
e +e (ii) If 0lies in the
fourth quadrant and seco=3
Very Short Answer Type Questions the value of 6tan8 + 5 cos0
5 cot + cosec0
Find the sum to n
1. Find the values: sin +sin ( + terms
(i) cot660° + tan(-1050° ) 0) +sin(2I + 0) + sin(3+ )+
(ii) sin 135° cos210° tan 240° 5. If n is an
( ) sin 420°cos 390® - cos(-300°)
() cos(nn +0) =prove that,
sin(-330°) (-l)P cos
COg2 + cog23r Cog?57
(iv) 8 8
+ cos² (ii) tan
2 + (-lynI =1
(v) cos 24° + cos55° + cos 125° +cos204° + cos 300°
2. (AI 9+= 60° , showthat, (ii) sin nn
sin(120°-)= cos(30°- ¢) +(-1)" .
(iv) tan (n + )
= tan
are the angles of a triangle, show
8 ,C that, Eachquestioncarries
cos Bsin (C+ A)= 0
Long Answer Type Questions 5 marks
1. Prove that,
OsAcosC+ cos (A + B) cos (B+ C)
nsA sin C- sin(A + B) cos (B + C)
= cot C
al sin -a) +sin(3n +a)
tan B+ C)+ tan((C+A) + tan(A + B)
aníf -A) + tan(2T-B) + tan (3 C)
d,B, C, D are the four angles taken in order of a cyclic 2. Solve (0°<0< 360) :
Nadrilateral prove that () cos?0- sin = (ü) cos8 + /3 sin 0=2
tan D= 0 (ii) tan+ cot = 2seco
a tand+ tanB+ tan C+
an s( 180-A) + cos(180+ B) + cos(180°+ C)
(iv) tan9-4tan0 +3 =0 (0<0< 180°)
(v) 4sin cos =l-2sin+ 2 cos0.
sin (90 + D) = 0
=0 3. If cosec(a -B)
and sec(a +B)= 2, find least positive
m) cos.A+ cOSB t cos C+ cosD
values of a and B.
i) tan(A + B) + tan(C+ D) = 0. tan 155°- tan 115° 1-a?
i) Prove that, A If tan 25° = a,prove that, 1+ tan 155° tan 115 2a

an1°tan2° tan 3°.. tan 87° tan 88° tan 89°= 1. 5. Prove that the value of
sin³(27 0) cos³(27-9) tan (7 e) sec?(r+0)
(ü) Prove that tan2. tan227 tan237 tan247 cos(32 +e) sin° (27+0) cosec2 (7-0) sin
16 16 16 16

is independent of 8.
- tan25.
16 tan2.tan2-1
16 16
If tan 15 = 2- M3, then show that
Show that, 2tan 1095° + cot975° + tan(-195°) = 4-2/3
tan 181° tan 182 tan183°... tan 267°tan 268° tan 269° =1.
7. Prove that =1 where p and q are
Prove that, cos?+ sin 34 sin? +sin? 4
sin an+(-1)9.
Find the minimum value of 2sin842 cos0 integers.

2. (i) (a) 210,330°
Multiple Choice Type (b) 30°) 330°
3. 4. (c) 30°, 150°,210°, 330°
6. @ 7. 8. 4 12

Short Answer Type

Very Short Answer Type 1. () 3 (it) 1

(i) (ii); (iv) 2 2. tan = and seco=2

3. () 23
68 (i1) 1
EXAMPLE 21 cos(8- p)+ cosl; - (0+o))
sin(O+ )1-* or,
Cos(0-) show that
tan-o) tan(-)=. cos(0-p) - cos[ - (0+ )]

Solution sin(0+ p)l-X cos(- )_l+X 2sin( - ) sin(-0)

OI, cos(0-)
cos( -)+ sin(0 +
1+x sin(0+) 1-x
Therefore, x =
cos(0-)- sin( + ) )l+x+l-X
1+x-1+x = tan(-p) tan(- 9) (Proved)
|by componendo and dividendo]

Multiple Choice Type Questions

EXERCISE4 Eachquestioncarries
10. If sin + sin
cos ( + ) ?
= 2, then which of the
following is the
1 mark 1
Choose the correct option » 11. If cosA + cos B = 2, then which of
C) -1
1. sin(A +
B) sin (A B) = the following is
A sin2A- sin2B of cos(A+ B)?
® cos2A - sin2B 0
© cos²B- sin2B -1
cos²A- cos²B 12. If tanA = and tan B= ,then
2. cos (A + B) cos
(A B) =
4 3 which of the folloui
A sin²A - sin²B value of (A+ B)?
e cos²A- sin²B 37
cos²B- sin²B O cos²A- cos2B
4 4
3. sin (45° 0)
B(sin0 -cose) (sin@ -cose) Very Short Answer Type Questions Eachquestior
( cose-sine) 1
(cose sin0)
1. Find the values:
4. tan(7+o) tan-o) = (i) sin(-75°)
(ii) cos 15°
(iiü) tan(-105)
1 2. Prove that, (iv) sec(-75)
5. cot20+ tan = (i) tan75°
cot75°= 4sin60°
A sin220 B cot20 (i) cos a+ cos (120°+ ) +
© cosec220 D tan220 cos(120° -- )=0
(ii) tan 35° + tan 10° +
6. 2cos(+A) =

(iv) tan 8¢ tan 5a-

tan35° tan 10° = 1
A cosA- W3 sinA
tan3a tan 8o tan5a tans
cosA - 2sinA V)_tan 43° Cos2° -sin 2°
sinA -f3 cosA sinA -2cosA cos2°+ sin 2
(vi) Prove that tan62° = 2
7. If sinA= 2, cosB=-, where A and B both lie in second 3.
(1) If a and B are tan 34° + tan 28
quadrant, then the value of sin(A + B) is- (a) sing =
positive acute angles and
B) 56
C 65
(D 65 and sinß =V10 then find (2 t
56 56 (b) tana = cot8 =a,
cos9° + sin 9° find (a +B):
cos9o sin 9° (c) tane = and tan&= ,ind
(« t):
A sin 54° l, cos 54o tan 54o D cot54° (d) cota = and
9. If sinA+ sin B= 2, then which of the following is the value cot8 = prove that, o
(iü) If A, B, C are positive acute angles and tat
of sin (A+ B) ?
A 2 tanB =:, tan C= , prove that. A+ Bt (
Findcos(8+ ) where 0 and
are acute

sinl = and sing

=. angles and ). If A+ B= 45°, show that. (1 + tan A)(1+ tanB)=2; nence
0 , 13
cosec) =1 then find the find the value of tan( 22:)
sec(0+) . value of
tanß =: b.If A +B+C=I and cosA = cos Bcos C,show that,
tane = then find the
tan(a+B) and cot(a -B). values of () tanA = tan B + tan C (ii) 2cot Bcot C=1.

sind=¿ tand= 3 15 and and lie in the first and

(. An angle 0 is divided into two parts a and B such that
third tano : tanß = x:y;prove that, sin(a -B) = sin.
piadrantsrespectively, find
cosec(0+). 8. If tan = Q sina
P+ Ocoso Prove that, tan (a -0) =
cos20°+sin 20 tan 65 Q+ Peos a
cos20°-sin 20° 9. If sin (a +B) = nsin ( -B) and
cOseco coseco n #-1, prove that,
) cosec(e+ )= cot + cot¢ Cota =
n+1 cotß.
cos67°24 1'cos7°24+
cos82°36' cos 22°36 = 10. () If cota cotß =3, show that. cos(a -ßY2
À tan(B- C) + tan(C-A) + tan(A B) cos(a + B)
=tan (B C) (iü) Find the value of sin (a + B) given that tana = 2tanß.
tan(C- A) tan (A B) sin (a -B)
iowthat the value of each of the following expressions is (iii) If o° <0<90° and cos +sin=/2, find the
dependent of 0: value of

11, If tan a x sinß y sin a

1-xcosß and tanß= 1-ycos ,show that. sing
sinß y
12. If
ao- sin?-o) tan + tan¢= x and cot + cot¢ = y,
cot(0 +¢) =!1
prove that,
x y
cos(a -B) +l=0, show that, cosa + Cosß = 0 and
na +sinß = 0 13. If tan = 2x-K and tan =
K3 2K-x' then show that
l - = 30.
Short Answer Type Questions 14. If
cos(0- )= p and sin(0 +B) =q, show that
ve that, p'+q'-2pqsin(a +B) = cos (a +B)
15. Eliminate 0 and :
sin'a +sin2(120°-o)+sin(120° + a) =
(i) sin0 +sin¢ = a, cose +
cos¢=b, 8-= a
sin-sin² 8
(i) tan +tano =X, cot +coto =y, 8+
¢= a

Long Answer Type Questions Eachquestioncarries

lan70°= 2tan 50° + tan 20° 5 marks

SA sin (B -C) + cosB sin(C- A) + cos Csin (A B) 1. Prove that, tan(A + B)- tan (A sin 2 B
4Sn(A- B) sin cos²B - sinA
CoSA cos B (B-C), sin(C-A) If tan A= 1Snd cos
ghow that, tan(« -B) = (1-n)tanc.
C cos CcosA 1-nsin2a
tan-+\· tan (37
3. If mtan (0-30°) = ntan (0 +
120°), show that,
4 2cos2=m+n
+C) sin(B -C) + sin(C+ A) sin (C- A) m- n

he expansion: + sin(A + B) sin (A B) 4. If cos(B-y) + cos (y - a) + cos(a -B) = -,show that,

sin(A- B
+C) (i) tan(A + B-C) cosa + cosß + cOSy =0 and sinc + sinß+
siny =0.
Hence deduce that,
rcosß + 1 = 0, show that, sin (a +B) =0;
that, I +cotatanB=0. cos(8-y)= cos(y -a) = cos(a -B) =-;.
5. If o
atano + btanß (44+ b)tant2 8how that. q () Show that for all real value of x
cosß b J+bl< ucosx +
6. 11 sin0
ksin(0+ d), show that, tan(0 + ) =
1 cot(a -ß)

() Express (cosb-sin) in the bsinx+c<c+ a,

form rOS{4,.
cosy cos -k (G3sin0 + coso) in the form
COlr COs l, show that, tany +tana cotß =0. (D1) Find the maxímum and rsin(0++B).
6. I| tan AX s0na +1
XCOSY 4+ ysinß
ycosß prove that,
5cos)+ 12sin + 12. minimum
xsin(9- o) + ysin(0-B) =0. (iv) Find the maximum value of
acosh +|
[a, b, a are constants.

Multiple Choice Type
2. e)
Short Answer Type
3. (D) 4. © 2. (0) 0
5. C) 6. (ii) 1 (iii) -1
7. 6) 8. G
2 () sin ACos
Bcos C- (iv) 0
9. B 10. C)
sinB cos CcosA+ sin CcoSA crel
11. ) 12.
(u + sinA sin:
tanA + tan B- tan C+
]- tan Atan B+ tan B tanA tan Btan C
Very Short Answer Type 5. 2-1
tan C+ tan Ctan A
10. (ii) 3 (ii)
1. (1)
2.2 (1) 3+1
2./2 (1) (2+3) 15 () a+h= 2(1+ cosa) (ii) xy = (y-x) tana
(lv) 2(3 +1)
Long Answer Type
(1) (a) 45 (b) 90° (c) 45° 9. (1)
4. (0) 0 65
r=2, a= and r=2, B= 6
(1) 35 (i1)
16 (11) 0 12 5. - Maximum value = 25 and minimum =-
(iv) a+ value
2absina +b'
Sample Questions for
A Multiple Correct Answers Type >
In this section each
question has more than one
Competitive Exams
4. If
answers. correct tanA= and tan B= 5
then the value of sin(A+
1. If tan (7 cos0) = cot(7sin0) , equal to
then the value of cos 0-4 will A 16
(B) 16
65 C 56
A 65 65
2.2 (D) 3. 1 tanA =
and tan B
2. If J2 cosA = cosB + 2./2
cosB and J2 sin A= sinB- sin B,then A) 225° =.then the value of A+B
the value of sin(A- B) will be 8 405° 945°
B Integer 585°
2 3 The answer Answer
to Type
? If tang =x+1 and tanß= x-
1, then the value of x will
integer, rangingeach question in this section is asingle
from 0to 9.
1. tan(a
+B) = tan(a -B) = then the value of tan
A 2cot(a -B) B /2tan(a -B) 2. If 3
2tan = coto ,
J2cot(a -p) O -2tan (u -B) 3. The
then the value of COs(9.-) is
minimum value of 3 cos + 4sincos(9 + ) +5 I5

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