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CS507 GDB Fall 2023 Idea Solution

Total 5
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Status Open
Question Graded Discussion Board
Question Graded Discussion Board (GDB) Instructions & Guidelines:

1. Students need to provide a precise and to-the-point answer (Max 200

words). Avoid the irrelevant details.
2. You need to use font style as “Times New Roman” and font size as “12”.
3. Material copied from the internet or another student, will get zero marks.
4. Students cannot participate in the discussion after the due date via email.
GDB posts via email will not be accepted.
5. The GDB will open and close on a specified date and time. Please note
that NO grace day or extra time will be given for posting comments on


GDB Scenario:

Suppose, you are an IT consultant hired by a small business to explore the

possibility of adopting technologies to improve its overall efficiency and IT
infrastructure. Currently, the company relies on traditional on-premises servers
for data storage, email services, and basic file sharing. The management is
interested in understanding the benefits and challenges associated with migrating
to a technology that should be cost-saving and eliminate the on-premises servers,
providing scalability to adjust business needs as needed.

It is just an Idea solution don’t submit as it is. Got idea and make a Unique Solution
Contact at WhatsApp: +92 345 3282256 for Unique Solution(Paid)
LMS Handling (Assignments, Quizzes, GDBs) services also available.
CS507 GDB Fall 2023 Idea Solution
GDB Question:

Considering the given scenario, you are required to explore and discuss the
desired technology and its benefits to the organization; and discuss the limitations
of the current traditional system running in the business.


In the given scenario, the small business is currently relying on traditional on-premises servers for data
storage, email services, and basic file sharing. The management is interested in exploring technologies
that can improve overall efficiency, reduce costs, and eliminate the need for on-premises servers. Let's
discuss the desired technology and its benefits, as well as the limitations of the current traditional

Desired Technology: Cloud Computing

Benefits to the Organization:

Cost Savings:

Infrastructure Costs: Cloud computing eliminates the need for investing in physical hardware and on-
premises servers, reducing upfront capital expenses.

Operational Costs: Pay-as-you-go models allow the business to pay only for the resources they use,
providing cost flexibility and efficiency.


Cloud services offer scalability to accommodate fluctuating workloads. The organization can easily scale
up or down based on business needs without the constraints of physical infrastructure.

Flexibility and Accessibility:

Cloud services provide employees with the flexibility to access data and applications from anywhere
with an internet connection, promoting remote work and collaboration.

Automatic Updates:

It is just an Idea solution don’t submit as it is. Got idea and make a Unique Solution
Contact at WhatsApp: +92 345 3282256 for Unique Solution(Paid)
LMS Handling (Assignments, Quizzes, GDBs) services also available.
CS507 GDB Fall 2023 Idea Solution

The cloud service provider manages software updates and security patches, ensuring that the
organization's systems are up-to-date without requiring manual intervention.

Data Security and Disaster Recovery:

Cloud providers implement robust security measures, including encryption and multi-factor
authentication, to protect data. Additionally, automatic backups and disaster recovery options enhance
data resilience.

Collaboration and Integration:

Cloud-based solutions often offer seamless integration with third-party applications, fostering
collaboration and improving overall productivity.

Limitations of Current Traditional System:

High Initial Investment:

Setting up and maintaining on-premises servers involve significant upfront costs for hardware, software
licenses, and IT personnel.

Limited Scalability:

Scaling on-premises infrastructure can be time-consuming and costly. The business may face challenges
in adapting to changing workloads or expanding operations.

Maintenance and Updates:

The responsibility for system maintenance, updates, and security patches falls on the organization's IT
team, consuming time and resources.

Geographical Constraints:

Access to data and applications is restricted to the physical location of on-premises servers, limiting
flexibility for remote work and global collaboration.

It is just an Idea solution don’t submit as it is. Got idea and make a Unique Solution
Contact at WhatsApp: +92 345 3282256 for Unique Solution(Paid)
LMS Handling (Assignments, Quizzes, GDBs) services also available.
CS507 GDB Fall 2023 Idea Solution
Risk of Data Loss:

Without robust disaster recovery mechanisms, on-premises systems are more susceptible to data loss in
the event of hardware failures, natural disasters, or other unforeseen incidents.

Limited Collaboration Tools:

Traditional systems may lack modern collaboration features that are readily available in cloud-based
solutions, hindering communication and teamwork.

In conclusion, migrating to cloud computing can offer the small business numerous advantages,
including cost savings, scalability, flexibility, enhanced security, and improved collaboration. The
limitations of the current on-premises system underscore the need for a more agile and efficient
solution to meet the evolving demands of the business environment.

It is just an Idea solution don’t submit as it is. Got idea and make a Unique Solution
Contact at WhatsApp: +92 345 3282256 for Unique Solution(Paid)
LMS Handling (Assignments, Quizzes, GDBs) services also available.

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