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Architectural Science


Lecture By: Miju G.

• Heat is a form of energy, contained in substance as
molecular motion or appearing as electromagnetic
radiation in space.

Energy Sources
• Non-renewable sources/Fossil Fuels
Natural Gas
• Nuclear sources Renewable sources
Fission Hydro
Fusion Wind
Mechanisms of Heat Transfer
• Mechanisms involved in the transfer of heat in
building and surroundings that play a role in
establishing thermal comfort.
Conduction – to allow heat, light, sound and
electricity to pass along through something or the
direct transmission of heat through a material.
Convection – the transmission of heat within liquid,
air, or gas by circulation of the warmed parts.
Radiation – the process of radiating light, heat or
other energy in the form of radiant energy.
Evaporation – to change liquid into steam or
vapor causing heat exchange from liquid to vapor.
Principles of Heat Transfer on Object
1. Nature of Heat Flow
1. Conduction
2. Convection
3. Radiation
4. Combination of them
2. Heat Loss and Heat Gain
The primary sources of heat loss in cold weather are:
✓ Convection, Radiation and conduction of heat
through exterior walls, window and roof assemblies
to the outside

✓ Infiltration of air through cracks in exterior

construction especially around windows and
The sources of heat gain in warm or hot weather are:
✓ Convection, Radiation and conduction of heat
through exterior walls , window and roof
assemblies when outdoor temperature are high;
varies with the time of the day, the solar
orientation of the assemblies, and the effect of
thermal lag
✓ Solar radiation on glazing; varies with the solar
orientation and the effectiveness of shading
devices used
✓ Building occupants and their activities
✓ Lighting and other heat-producing equipment
Nature of Heat Flow
Thermal Conductivity (K): is the ability of a given
material to conduct or transfer heat. Conductivity is
a unit of conductance. It is designated as K and
defined as the number of Btuh that flows through 1
sq. ft. of materials, 1” thick.

Thermal Conductance (C): is the time rate of steady

state heat flow through unit area of a material or
construction induced by a unit temperature difference
between the body surfaces in W/m.K
K= (QL) / (AΔT) Where:
K= thermal conductivity in W/m.k
Q= the amount of heat transferred through the material in
Joules/Second or Watts
L= the distance between two isothermal panels
A= the area of the surface in square meters
ΔT= the difference in temperature in Kelvin

Conductivity is established by tests and is the basic

rating for a material. When conductance C is
preferred to, in a homogenous material, it is for a
thickness other than 1” the other conditions remain the
C= q/ΔT = 1/R = K/L
Thermal Resistance (R): is the temperature
difference at steady state between two defined
surfaces of a material or construction that induces
a unit heat flow rate through unit area, K.m2/W.
Thermal resistance R is reciprocal of conductance.
R=ΔT/q = L/K
Total thermal resistance (RT): is the sum of the
surface resistance of the building unit itself.
RT= (1+fo+1+fi) + R1+R2+R3… where:
fo= Outside surface conduction
fi= Inside surface Conduction
R1, R2 = Thermal resistance of different materials
Thermal Transmittance (U): is the rate of transfer
of heat through matter or the thermal transmission
through unit area of the given material/building
divided by the temperature difference between the
air in steady-state condition.
U = 1/Rt where:
U = Thermal Transmittance in (W/m²·K)*
Rt = Total Thermal Resistance of the element composed of layers (m²·K/W)

Rt is obtained according to:

Rt = Rsi + R1 + R2 + R3 + ... + Rse
Rsi = Interior Surface Thermal Resistance (according to the norm by climatic zone)
Rse = Exterior Surface Thermal Resistance (according to the norm by climatic zone)
R1, R2, R3, = Thermal Resistance of each layer
N.B: The Thermal Transmittance is inversely proportional to
the Thermal Resistance: the greater the resistance of the
materials that make up an envelope, the lower the amount of
heat that is lost through it.
U = 1/R
R = 1/U
Thermal Insulation: is used to indicate the
construction or provisions by way of which
transmission of heat from out side to inside or from
inside to outside of the building is retarded. The aim
of thermal insulation is to minimize the transfer of
heat between outside and inside of the building

Methods of Thermal Insulation

✓ Thermal insulation by Orientation
✓ Thermal insulation by Shading

✓ Thermal insulation by Proper height of ceiling (An

adequate ceiling height of about 1meter – 1.3 meter
above the occupant should be provided)
✓ Thermal insulation by application of thermal insulating
Thermal Insulation on walls
Thermal Insulation on Openings (doors & windows)
Thermal Insulation on Roof
Exercise: Find the thermal transmittance ‘U’
value for 22.5cm thick brick wall provided with
15mm thick cement plaster on both sides.
Resistance of brick wall and cement plaster is 69.7
and 81.8 m2K/W and other details of the brick wall
shown below:
▪ Introduction to ARCHITECTURAL SCIENCE the basis of
sustainable design (Steven V. Szokolay)
▪ Building in the Tropics (George Lippsmeier)
▪ Man Climate and Architecture (Givoni)
▪ Environmental Science in Buildings (Randall Mc Mulln)

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