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What are the key topics of marketing?

Advertising New product development

Advertising is the practice and techniques employed to bring attention to a product In simple terms, is the process of creating and bringing a
or service. Advertising aims to put a product or service in the spotlight in hopes of completely new product to the market. It involves all the
drawing it attention from consumers. steps from idea generation to product launch. This
Marketing strategy process typically includes:
In simple terms, a marketing strategy is a plan or approach that a business uses to 1. Idea Generation: Coming up with new and
promote and sell its products or services. It involves identifying target customers, innovative ideas for a product.
understanding their needs and preferences, and then creating a plan to reach and 2. Idea Screening: Evaluating and selecting the most
convince them to choose the company's offerings over those of competitors. promising ideas based on various criteria.
Social media marketing 3. Concept Development and Testing: Developing
Social media marketing is a way for businesses to promote their products or services detailed concepts and testing them with potential
on social media platforms. It involves creating and sharing content on platforms like customers to gather feedback.
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and others to engage with the target audience. The 4. Business Analysis: Evaluating the potential
goal is to build brand awareness, connect with customers, and drive traffic or sales profitability and feasibility of the product.
through social media channels. 5. Prototype Development: Creating a prototype or
Brand management sample of the product for further testing and
Brand management, in simple words, is the process of overseeing and controlling the refinement.
various aspects of a brand to ensure it is perceived positively by its target audience. 6. Market Testing: Introducing the product to a
Marketing communications limited market to assess its performance and
Consumer behavior gather additional feedback.
Refers to how a person or a business treats the people who buy or use their products 7. Commercialization: Launching the product into
or services. It involves actions, attitudes, and communication that can make the full market, including production, distribution,
customers feel valued, respected, and satisfied. and marketing efforts.
1. Furthermore: Adds information or emphasizes a point.
 Example: She excels in math, and furthermore, she enjoys solving
complex problems.
2. Hence: Shows a consequence or result.
 Example: The car broke down; hence, we had to call for a tow
3. Similarly: Indicates a similarity or comparison.
 Example: She plays the piano well; similarly, her brother excels at
the violin.
4. Otherwise: Implies an alternative or different course of action.
 Example: Study hard; otherwise, you might not pass the exam.
5. Meanwhile: Indicates a period of time concurrent with another activity.
 Example: He was reading a book; meanwhile, she was watching
6. In addition: Adds another point.
 Example: The hotel has a swimming pool, and in addition, a
fitness center.

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