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y-}SPECTORATIL SOLAR MINISTERUL EDUCATIEL 2 AL JUDETULIT BRASOV Etapa judefeana a olimpiadelor nationale scolare - 2022 Proba scrisa Limba engleza CLASA a IX-a - SECTIUNEA A © Toate subiectele sunt obligatori * Nuse acorda puncte din oficiu. © Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 3 ore. SUBIECTUL A - USE OF ENGLISH (40 points) |, Read the following text and put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 10 points A hundred years ago, most people travelled on foot, by train, or on horseback, Railways 2 4. (MAKE) ___it possible to travel rapidly over long distances. Bicycles (ALSO/BECOME)___popular, after the invention of the air-filled tyre, which 3. (MAKE). cycling a lot more comfortable. Buses, trams and underground railways: 4, (ALREADY/INVENT)_, and cities all over the world already had traffic jams. There 5. (BE) very few private cars, and city streets were still full of horses. What a difference a hundred years 6. (MAKE). ! Nowadays we have got used to the problem of private cars, and some cities are so noisy and polluted that in many places vehicles 7. (BAN)___from the city centre. How 8. (WE/TRAVEL)___in a hundred years’ time? Perhaps by then there 9. (BE). only personal helicopters. There may be no need to commute to work or school in the future, since everyone 10. (HAVE), a computer at home. There might even be more people walking and horse-riding, for pleasure and exercise. Il. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in each sentence. 10 points 4.1'd lke to read the... (CENSOR) version of this article, so | can see what was left out in the version they printed. 2. You shouldn't be so... (JUDGE) all the time, especially if you don’t know a person well. 3. With all your... (SECRETARY) skills you should find a job quite easily. 4. You reaction was... (JUSTIFY). You should have given Maria a chance to explain her actions. 5. Lawrence is so... (DECIDE). He stil hasn't made up his mind what to wear to his brother's wedding and the big day is tomorrow! 6, The blackbird and the robin are two examples of ... (MIGRATE) birds that travel south in winter. 7, The new laser treatment can extract teeth ... (PAIN). 8. In some countries, the percentage of ... (LITERATE) is stil very high. 9. They depended on growing tomatoes for their... (LIVELY). 10. We would like to point out the... (SIMILAR) between this new type of engine and the conventional one. Proba scriss la imba engleza ‘asa a DX, sectunea A Pagina 1 din 4 Scanned with CamScanner INSPECTORATUL SCOLAR MINISTERUL EDUCATIEL AL JUDETULUT BRASOV. Ill, Read the following text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits in each gap. 10 points Explorers and adventurers who succeed in reaching their goal (1)....fame and sometimes fortune. ‘Those who fail have little to nothing to (2)....for their efforts. In the 1970s, a young man from England put aside a large part of his monthly salary for several years (3)....he could cycle down the continent of South America. The (4)....that he chose meant that he would have to endure extreme weather conditions: the freezing cold of the Andes and the energy-sapping humid climate of the Amazon jungle. The timing of his adventure also meant that his success (5)....on his plans working out perfectly. Needless to say, it was a disaster. He was (6) mosquitoes, he almost drowned while crossing a river which had a (7)... that was much stronger than he had imagined and he was arrested for ot having official permission to cross a certain part of Peru. He was also treated for a variety of illnesses in several hospitals. He survived all these setbacks but lost so much weight that he couldn't go on. He was found (8).... along a remote mountain path and passed out soon afterwards. ‘Two days later he was flown back to Britain, where he was interviewed in a (9).... at his local hospital by an interested reporter. When asked about his plans for the future, he answered with a (10)....grin that he would like to have another go. (4 TA fulfil B= achieve C - manage D- take (2 TA= show B- exhibit C= display D- demonstrate 3.__ | A- inorder B- because ‘C-so that D-soas (4. TA= way B= route C= track D-course. 5.__| A-trusted B= stated C- based D- depended 6. | A-stung B- pecked (C= bitten D= pinched [7 TA- draught B - drought (C= current D- flood 8.__| A= staggering B = tiptosing ‘C= stroling = ambiing 9. [A= compartment | B- ward ‘C-section D- department 40. | A= long B- extended C= deep D-broad IV. Translate the following text into English. 10 points Existd 0 lege absolut importanta referitoare la conduita umand, Daca respectim acea lege, ‘aproape c& nu vom avea probleme niciodata. De fapt, acea lege, daca este respectata, ne va aduce nenumérati prieteni si o fericire constanta, Ins exact in clipain care incalcdm legea, vom avea negresit probleme. Legea e urmatoarea: Fa mereu cealalta persoana sd se simta importanta. John Dewey, dupa cum am observat deja, a spus c& dorinta de a fl important este cea mai profunda nevoie a firi umane, iar William James a afirmat: ,Cel mai profund principiu al naturil umane e dorinfa de a fi apreciat." Aga cum am indicat deja, aceasta nevoie e cea care ne diferentiaza de animale. Aceasta nevoie e cea responsabila pentru civilizatia In sine. Probl scrisé la imba englez’ clasa a ica, sechunea A Pagina 2 din 4 Scanned with CamScanner ‘+, INSPECTORATUL, sun MINISTERUL EDUCATIEI AL JUDETULUT BRASOV: SUBIECTUL B- INTEGRATED SKILLS (60 points) Read the text below and do the tasks that follow. |. For each question decide which answer (A, B, C or D) fits best according to the text. 10 points Procrastination or avoiding doing the jobs we know we should be doing - is # common problem. Why do we spend so much of our time not doing the work we should be doing, or putting off minor tasks that have since piled up to create one enormous, insurmountable obstacle? Procrastinating, as putting things off lke thi is in our genetic make-up; we avoid dull or difficult jobs, opting to browse the internet instead, until i's too late to do anything else. Some people, a fortunate and focused minority, seem born with the ability to just get on with things, but what about the rest of us? ‘We often put things off despite knowing that it will make life harder and more stressful,’ says Dr Piers Steel, the author of a book on procrastination end an authority on the science of motivation. I these tasks were fun, we'd just do them now, but we put off what is difficult or unpleasant.’ Such as the paperwork that needs doing before leaving the office or cleaning the bits of your home that people can't see. “You can put off anything,’ Dr Steel continues. ‘But we know that we really should get on and do these things. The fact is, the less people procrastinate, the more money they have, the better relationships they have, and the healthier they are.’ This is obvious when you look at the couples who don't argue about whether anyone has cleaned the kitchen yet, the young go-getters who rise straight to the top at work, the health freaks who simply go for that run instead of endlessly rescheduling it in their own heads. And then, of course, there are the rest of us, who feel the chores piling up around us daily. "We've evolved to respond to the moment, and not to set our sights too far in an uncertain world, Dr Steel adds. "We are not set up to appreciate long-term rewards, whether it's the benefit of a four-year degree, doing exercise or dieting, You feel the cost now and the reward comes much later. But humans value the short term. Procrastination is often associated with unhappiness, 80 now is the time to unlearn your time-westing techniques and work-avoidance tactics. ‘You have two decision-making systems in your brain, Dr Stee! says, the imbio, which is responsible forthe short term, and the prefrontal cortex, which ideals with the future - i's responsible for civilisation. We bounce between long-term goals and short-term temptations, so we need goals that will translate our plans for the limbic system.” tions: they set themselves targets and word counts per day. These are thus turned from seemingly endless tasks into something concrete with easily measured progress. Dr Steel recommends such techniques, or ‘pre-commitments’, adding that engaging yourself nd others @ month or so before the ‘deadline’ makes it more likely a task will be completed. The added benefit is that you will want to avoid the embarrassment of not following up on something people are ‘expecting you to do - telling everyone you are going to take up jogging makes you more likely to do so. For example, take students writing dissertat Overcoming procrastination ultimately comes down to planning, which, if you're not careful, becomes procrastination in itself. But it’s worth making sure you have everything in place to change your strategies for the better - a separate computer log-on screen for work and for play, the former with @ plain background, fewer applications and limited internet access. If you wish to check your personal emails ‘make sure they're a log-out, rather than a click, away and remember every time you disengage, t takes 15 minutes fully to re-immerse yourself in the task at hand. “Successful people don’t pretend they don't procrastinate,’ Dr Steel says. ‘People who pretend they have willpower are less successful’ Instead, plan for procrastination: make your work environment a temple of productivity by cutting out all distractions, s0 you can really focus on moving forward. Proba serisé la imba engiez’ ‘lasa a Xa, secjunea A Pagina 3 din 4 Scanned with CamScanner MINISTERUL EDUCATIEL suk INSPECTORATUL : E + ETT BRAG © 4. What does the writer say about procrastinating in the first paragraph? A. Itis something people use as an excuse. B. It is something many people can't help. G. Its caused by the technology in people's lives. D. It is more common when people have small jobs to do. in the third paragraph? 2. What is the writer's main p |A. There are plenty of examples that support Dr Steel's claims. B. itis hard to understand people who manage not to put things off. ©. Dr Steel had difficulty finding people who never procrastinate. D. Research shows that successful people enjoy their work. 43.1n the fourth paragraph, Dr Stee! says that people who procrastinate should ‘A. find out more about the way they make decisions. B. be aware that their problem is relatively small C. attempt to overcome their natural tendencies. D. take the advice of others in the same situation. 4. Why does Dr Steel recommend making ‘pre-commitments'? A. They are an alternative to impossible goals. B. They are an effective way of impressing others. C. They allow people to achieve their aims sooner. D. They make challenges feel more manageable. 5, What does the writer do in the sixth paragraph? ‘A. reminds the reader to take the time to focus properly on a task B. warns the reader against spending too long getting organised CC. advises the reader to deal with non-work tasks quickly D. encourages the reader to use breaks effectively II, Write a narrative essay about the unexpected effects of procrastination. (180-200 words) 50 points roba serie la limba englezi clasa a IX, seciunea A Pagina 4 din 4 " Scanned with CamScanner

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