Drive Dated 28 Jul

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Dated 28 July, 2023

Changed Keyboard layout in Linux system.

Removed or deleted the frappe-bench2 completely. Commands used were:

rappe@baljit-ThinkPad-T460:~$ cd frappe-bench2
frappe@baljit-ThinkPad-T460:~/frappe-bench2$ bench version
frappe 14.x.x-develop
library_management 0.0.1
frappe@baljit-ThinkPad-T460:~/frappe-bench2$ bench --version
frappe@baljit-ThinkPad-T460:~/frappe-bench2$ cd
frappe@baljit-ThinkPad-T460:~$ rm -rf frappe-bench2
frappe@baljit-ThinkPad-T460:~$ cd frappe-bench 2

Exploring Drive which is installed locally and available at a address

User can upload any files, folder

If you are considering using Frappe Drive in your application, it's essential to be aware of its pre-
alpha status and the likelihood of encountering breaking changes between different versions of the
feature. As the development progresses, it will eventually reach more stable stages (alpha, beta, and
stable), but until then, it's best suited for experimental and testing purposes only.

Dated 31 July, 2023

Restarted the Library Management Tutorial:

$ bench find .
/home/frappe/frappe-bench is a bench directory!

In total I created 5 Doctypes:

1. Article Which includes the following fields:

1. Article Name (Data, Mandatory)

2. Image (Attach Image)
3. Author (Data)
4. Description (Text Editor)
5. ISBN (Data)
6. Status (Select) - Enter two options: Issued and Available (Type Issued, hit enter, then type
7. Publisher (Data)
2. Library Member
This comprises of Controller methods which allow you to write business logic during the lifecycle
of a document, in this the doctype the fields are:

1. First Name (Data, Mandatory)

2. Last Name (Data)
3. Full Name (Data, Read Only)
4. Email Address (Data)
5. Phone (Data)

3. Library Membership

It have the following fields:

1. Library Member (Link, Mandatory)
2. Full Name (Data, Read Only)
3. From Date (Date)
4. To Date (Date)
5. Paid (Check)

4. Library Transaction

This doctype will be called Library Transaction and will have the following fields:
1. Article - Link to Article
2. Library Member - Link to Library Member
3. Type - Select with 2 options: Issue and Return
4. Date - Date of Transaction

5. Library Settings
Let's create the last doctype for our app: Library Settings. It will have the following fields:
1. Loan Period - Will define the loan period in number of days
2. Maximum Number of Issued Articles - Restrict the maximum number of articles that can be
issued by a single member.
Dated 1 August, 2023

Created web view of the Library management system.

rappe@baljit-ThinkPad-T460:~/frappe-bench$ bench version
drive 0.0.1
frappe 14.41.0
library_management 0.0.1
frappe@baljit-ThinkPad-T460:~/frappe-bench$ bench --version
frappe@baljit-ThinkPad-T460:~/frappe-bench$ mysql -uroot -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 463
Server version: 10.6.12-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 Ubuntu 22.04

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