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2 a aaea MINISTERUL EDUCATIEL ©. AL JUDETULUT BRASOV Etapa judefeand a olimpindelor nationale gcolare - 2022 & Probi scrisi Limba engleri CLASAa ‘+ Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. + Nuse acorda puncte din oficiu, + Timpul efeetiv de lucru este de 2 ore. SUBIECTUL I - USE OF ENGLISH (25 points) 11.Read the following text and fill in the blanks with the correct verb forms. 10 points Hi Jane, ‘Thanks for your email. I'm glad to hear you (1) .....s.ssssessu« (feel) better now, Actually 1 (2) . (have) the flu myself a few weeks ago. I missed two days of classes and an important football match for the school team. Before that, 1 (3) .... (nov miss) a day of school for two years. Anyway, I (4) (pass) my driving test last Friday. I had been having lessons for six months, so I (5) (be) glad I finally have my licence. I was happy to hear you're going to Paris this summer. (6) (you/ buy) the tickets yet? It's an amazing city, so I’m sure you (7) .. . (have) 4 great time. You're so lucky! As you know, my family and I usually (8) ..........» (Bo) on holiday in England, Well, that’s all my news. It (9) .. (rain) here at the moment, so I think 1 (10) a (stay) in and watch a film this evening. Hope to hear from you soon, Tom 112, Read the following text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits in each gap. 10 points The History of Fireworks Fireworks were (1) ...............» by chance around 2000 years ago, in China, They were made from three (2) ssssosesesseu kitohen ingredients, which were heated over a fire to make a black powder. When lt, the powder created a (3) . sew light and made a very (4) ........ noise, Today, we (5) this ‘gunpowder’. But it was many years later that the Italians (6) .. the first real fireworks. Made from the (7) ingredients as gunpowder, these fireworks Were (8) ..........x for public displays. \ey were very basic, as the only colours available to make fireworks were yellow and orange. However, Nowadays, firework displays are really spectacular. The UK is especially famous for its firework displays held all over the (9) ..........0n November 5%. This day celebrates an important historical (10) in the English calendar, It is known as Bonfire Night or Guy Fawkes Night. Other than Proba sersa ia imba englezd casa a Vira Pagina 1 din 3 Scanned with CamScanner A Reo Beg £ @ MINISTERUL EDUCATIEL setting off fireworks, the English light bonfires, and sometimes burn a doll that looks like a man who ‘once wanted to kill their king but failed. 1 ‘A= uncovered B- discovered C- revealed D- found 2 ‘A = unique B= common (C= unnecessary = original 3 [A=blazing B- vivid ‘C= sharp = bright 4 ‘Aloud B= aloud C= noisy D-deep S| A=name B= call C= say D-tell 6 | A=cooked B- improved ‘C—created D- found 7 A=same B= similar (C= identical D- equal & | A=attempted B = installed (C= hidden D-used 9 A = location B= month (C= country D-time. (oT A= event B - performance (C= presentation D- show. 1.3.Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in each sentence.5 points 1, The students discussed the problem of ......-..:-..--= ( DISCRIMINATE). 2. Wewere all impressed by her friend’s . ses» (KIND) 3. Wedidn’t expect such an (IMPROVE) in his behaviour. neo (KNOW) of history is very poor. | don’t think he feels safe, he looks very ............... (SECURE). SUBIECTUL al Il-lea- READING COMPREHENSION (25 points) Read the text below and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). I got involved in the house-building project through my Uncle Brian. We went to stay with him in the United States for six weeks during the summer holiday. He was helping out on the project and asked me to come along. At first 1 wasn’t interested. I was enjoying watching lots of new channels on TV! But after awhile I got bored and went along to see what he was doing. [realised that what he was doing was really eat! Fie was helping out for an organisation that builds houses for people who em't usually afford them. Instead, the organisation buys all the wood and bricks and things you need to build a house. It lends the family the tools and hires some guys who know what they're doing, They also get people like my uncle, who aren't builders but who just want to help out in the community, to do the most simple building jobs. The family eventually pay all the money back to the organisation, but they can do this over many years, and it’s much cheaper than buying a new house. 1 helped out with moving dirt and preparing tea. It was a bit disappointing that I wasn’t allowed to use the tools and do jobs like cutting wood and nailing things together. l understand why they did it: ! was too ‘young; but I study design and technology at school so I know I could do it right. Some people had no idea hhow to use a hammer correttly! But if I go back next year, I'l be able to do it, Because Ill be fifteen then. 1. Why was Neil's uncle involved in the building project? ‘A. He lent the family his tools. B. He is a qualified builder. C. He enjoys helping out other people. D. He wants to build his own house. ‘lasa a Vike Probai scrsa la iba engiez’ Pagina 2 din 3 Scanned with CamScanner MINISTERUL EDUCATIEI \s0¥ 2. Which of the following is true about the building project? ‘A. The organisation provides free homes for poor people. B. The project was filmed and shown on television. C. No experienced builders were needed to build the house, D. The future owners are involved in the project. 3. Neil was surprised that A. his uncle had such good building skills. B. some adults didn’t know how to use tools CC. he wasn’t allowed to cut wood. 1D. houses are so expensive in the USA. 4._ Neil will be able to use the tools next year because. A. he is planning to study design and technology. B. he will be old enough. C. his uncle is going to teach him how to use them. D. there will be fewer people on the project. 5. What might Neil write in his diary about his experience? ‘A. Building the house was okay, but it wasn’t as fun as watching American TV! B. Tleart a lot of useful things for my design and technology course from working on the building project. C. Ireally enjoyed building the house. It gave me the chance to use my design and technology skills D. Building the housg was better than watching TV, but I wanted to do more building work. ‘SUBIECTUL al III-lea - WRITING (50 points) Write a narrative essay beginning like this: As we were walking towards the gate, I realised this wasn't a good idea. ‘Write your story in 120-150 words and give it an appropriate title. Pay attention to the following: «you don’t need to write long descriptions; + use dialogues only if they are relevant to your characters or events; ‘* you should use this plan: 1, Introduction (paragraph 1 ~ set the scene) 2. Main Body (paragraphs) 2/3 — develop the story) 3. Conclusion (paragraph 4 ~ end the story). ‘© don’t count the words given in the beginning. Probl sersd la imba englezi dasa a Vira Pagina 3 din 3 Scanned with CamScanner

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