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Class 9
English Paper 1 2023-24/1st Term
1 hour 20 minutes

You must answer on the question paper.

For Teacher’s use
No additional materials are needed. Question Mark
● Answer all questions. 4
● Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any 5
diagrams or graphs. 6
● Write your name and date in the boxes at the top of the page.
● Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
● Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.

● The total mark for this paper is 40.
● The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [] .

Paper 1
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Paper 2

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Reading Part

Ayesha, 14

I enjoyed this. I like books with mysterious characters and strange settings, mainly because they seem very
different to normal life. For me, reading is a chance to escape reality, so I enjoyed reading about the character
of The Doorkeeper because he seems powerful and mysterious at the same time. I like characterswho have
some type of secret knowledge. In comparison, Louis seems dull and a bit disappointing as a character. I'd like
to read a bit more of this book to find out what happens and why The Doorkeeper is testingLouis. I think this is
a story about how people don't realise that there are ways of living differently to their own.

Vanessa, 13

I thought Darkparis was okay. The best bit about it was the character of Relic. She seemed to be intriguing,
not only to Louis, but to the reader. There were lots of unanswered questions about her, so I'd like to know
who she is and how she develops in the full novel. I like novels with strong female characters, mainly because
these days I think girls can do anything that boys can. That's why I usually choose books where the main
character is a girl. I found the opening of Darkparis disappointing because Relic doesn't really feature much -
it's mainly about male characters.

Alexei, 18

This is the type of book I would have read a few years ago and enjoyed. At that age, I used to like books set in
underground places. Now that I'm older, it didn't appeal as much, but it did have interesting characters. The
character I most identified with was Louis. I know how it feels to be bored. I live in a small village in Russia and
would like a more exciting life! The other thing I liked was the setting. Last year, my family went on holiday to
Paris, and I visited the catacombs, so I could imagine the setting of this book. It's fun to read books set in
places you know.

1 Read the conversation and answer the following questions.

a. What type of text does Ayesha prefer? How was her reaction? [2]





b. Explain why Vanessa has a slightly negative reaction to the novel? [2]





c. Alexei has mixed views about the novel. What factors have informed his reaction? [2]





Louis opened the door to his apartment and switched on the light. Everything was organised and neat.
Everything was in its place. The walls were painted cream and the littlekitchen was perfectly clean. Most
people would think it a very pleasant apartment. But for the first time, Louis noticed how bare it looked. Table,
chairs, TV, rug, clock... it seemed somehow empty. He stood for a moment and listened to the silence. He had
lived here for almost a year. The only photograph in the room was of a smiling Louis with his school friends.
They'd gradually lost contact over the months. In that moment he decided - he would go to meet Relic.

2 Give a summary of the given passage. [5]









'Stand back and watch carefully,' said The Doorkeeper in hushed tones. 'You've waited your whole life for this.
‘Louis held his breath and watched as The Doorkeeper slowly turned a keyin a door in the wall and pushed it
open. Louis stared in horror at the awful thing that appeared. ‘What is that?' whispered Louis, barely

3 Rewrite the following extract, altering the punctuation and adding ellipses and exclamation! marks to help
suggest the characters' personalities. [5]






4 Complete the questions with the correct adjective after “How”.

a. How can a person survive under the water? [1]

b. How is a goat? Could I lift one up? [1]

c. How _______________ is an elephant's skin? [1]

d. How_______________ is the bridge? Will it support our weight? [1]

e. How _______________ can a rabbit run? [1]

- 'Well, there it is,' said Liz. 'Or rather there it isn't!'

- Jeff nodded. 'Well, don't just stand there, Sherlock. Detect something!' Dan knew they were only teasing, but
his heart sank all the same.
- Here there was nothing. Just a light patch of unfaded wall where the picture had once hung. Even Sherlock
Holmes wouldn't have been able to make anything of that.
- Or would he?
- An oak-panelled door had opened, and a man stood looking at them. He was tall, and thin, he wore a baggy
brown suit.

- and there was a plaster across his balding forehead. This was Sir Jasper Ryde - owner of OldPark House and
ex-owner of the stolen painting. They all gave embarrassed grins. All exceptDan. His heart was pounding, but
he forced himself to speak up. 'I know this sounds daft, but we were thinking about investigating this crime.
‘Sir Jasper stared at him in astonishment, and Dan struggled on. 'I expect you're sick of the whole business by
now. Butif you could spare a minute or two to talk about it...

- Sir Jasper was delighted. 'I shall be happy to assist your investigations in any way I can. Shallwe go into my
study?' Dan found he couldn't think of anything sensible to ask. A sudden inspiration came to his rescue.
'Since we're right here on the spot, why don't we?
- reconstruct the crime instead of just talking about it? ‘Sir Jasper jumped up enthusiastically,and immediately
took charge. 'You all go outside and pretend to be stealing the painting. I'll be sitting here reading, just as I
was on the actual night.'

- He bustled them out into the gallery, where by now a few tourists were wandering about.‘What do we do
now?' whispered Jeff. 'You heard him,' said Dan cheerfully. 'Steal the painting.

- You and Mickey can be the robbers.'

- Jeff made vague cutting motions, and Mickey jumped up and down making great slashing sweeps that would
have had the painting in shreds. The door to the study was flung open,and Sir Jasper appeared shouting, 'Aha,
caught in the act! ‘Dan thought it was time to intervene. 'Did you actually say that?'

- 'Well, no,' confessed Sir Jasper. 'I think I

- probably said something brilliant like "Er..." 'And what did you 'see?'

- 'The small one was at the painting, and the big one was holding a torch. The one cuttingseemed to be working
very carefully.

5 True or false, give the correct answer beside each question. [5]

a. Jeff knew that they were only teasing.

b. Jeff made vague cutting motions.

c. After opening the door, two men stood looking at Dan and Jeff.

d. Sir Jasper ordered others to pretend to be stealing the painting.

e. Only Mickey can be the robber.

6 What is a Compound sentence? Give an example. [2]







7 What is a Complex sentence? Give an example? [2]







8 Insert the missing colon in the following sentences to emphasize the key words. [2]

a. There are two choices at this time run away or fight.



b. We knew who would win the game the Eagles.


9 Rewrite the following sentences, inserting a semi-colon. [2]

a. You should stop eating so much food because you will have to go on a diet.



b. You need new breaks otherwise you may not be able to stop in time.



Lian quietly knocked on the door and waited. She knew the owner of the shop, Mr Chan, a large, unfriendly
man who was always getting into arguments with people. But now he needed help. Jewelry - and lots of it-
had been stolen from his shop the previous evening.

Mr. Chan opened the door. 'Wondered when you'd bother to turn up,' he said abruptly. Lian said nothing but
entered the shop, stepping quietly

behind Mr. Chan. He walked like an angry bear. She let him talk.

They got in through this window. I called you a lot twelve times.

Where have you been?' he demanded.

Lian said nothing but looked carefully at the broken window and the way the glass lay on the floor. She knew
straight away.

I think I can solve this very quickly,' she said quietly, as she confidently looked Mr. Chan right in the eye. Mr.
Chan blinked and for once, said nothing.

10 Write 5 main characteristics of Mr. Chan. [5]











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