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Chapter 2 – Fluid Statics Exercise Questions

1. Derive the equation for atmospheric pressure as a function of altitude in the presence of a linearly
decreasing temperature. Calculate the altitude at which the atmospheric pressure is one half of the sea
level value. The sea level temperature is 15°C at the temperature lapse rate [dT/dz] = 6.45°K/km.

2. A vertical mine-shaft extends 3000 m down into the earth and the air temperature, which is
determined by that of the surrounding rock, increases linearly from 20 °C at the top to 45°C at the
bottom. Find the air pressure at the bottom of the shaft, assuming atmospheric pressure at the surface
is 100 kPa.

3. The tube shown is filled with Mercury at 20 °C, calculate the force applied to the piston. The specific
gravity of Mercury is 13.54.

4. A closed tank contains compressed air and water. A pressure gauge is connected to the tank and reads
p = 10kPa (gauge pressure). The column heights of the water in the main tank are h1 = 1m, h2 = 0.5m.
Determine the height of the water (H) in the connected tube.

5. Consider the two-fluid manometer shown. Calculate the applied pressure difference. The density of
carbon tetrachloride is 1595 kg/m3
6. A manometer containing water and kerosene, open to atmosphere, displays a free surface difference in
height of H0 = 20mm. Determine the elevation difference when a pressure of 98 Pa (gauge) is applied
to the right-hand tube. The specific gravity of kerosene is 0.82.

7. Calculate 𝑝𝑥 − 𝑝𝑦 for the inverted U-tube manometer shown in the image below. The manometer is
filled with water and oil, with specific gravities of SGW = 1 and SGO = 0.9 respectively.

8. A manometer is constructed with a large reservoir, diameter D = 50mm, on one branch and a smaller
diameter tube, d = 5mm, on the other branch. Determine the water level change for each branch, as
well as the over level change when the reservoir is subject to 100 Pa pressure increase (above
atmospheric pressure). Compare these liquid level changes to a standard U-tube manometer with
equal arm diameters. The gauge liquid is water at 4 °C.

9. An inclined-tube manometer has a reservoir diameter D = 96mm and minor tube diameter d = 8mm.
Derive a general expression for the liquid deflection, L, in the inclined tube, due to the applied
pressure difference, Δp. Then determine the angle, θ, required to provide a 5:1 increase in liquid
deflection, L, compared with the total deflection in a regular U-tube manometer.

10. Using the same inclined-tube manometer defined in question 9 with water as the gauge liquid,
determine the liquid deflection, L, which results from an applied Δp = 350 Pa. Compare the total
water level difference (h1+h2) for the inclined-tube manometer and an standard U-tube manometer
with the same applied differential pressure.

11. Calculate the horizontal force required (Fsupport) to hold the gate in place against the hydrostatic forces
produced by the water. Neglect that mass of the gate and the friction of the hinge.
[This problem has been solved in class by integrating all the elemental forces acting on the gate, in this example
we will solve the same problem using the method based on the centroid and moment of inertia of the gate and

12. A rectangular sectioned channel of width W contains water of density ρ to a height H. A

barrier mounted transversely contains a control gate consisting of a rectangular panel of
width W and height 2D, mounted on a horizontal shaft located at the panel mid-point,
depicted in the diagram. Since the pressure at any point on the lower half of the panel is
greater than that on the upper half, it will tend to open unless a restraining moment is applied
to the shaft. Find this moment, showing that it is independent of H.
13. A semicircular plane gate AB of radius R is hinged along B and is held closed by the force FA applied
at A. The liquid to the left of the gate is water and sits at a height H above the gate hinge. Calculate
the force required for equilibrium.

14. The parabolic gate shown is b = 2 m wide and has a hinge at O. (a) Determine the magnitude and line
of action of the vertical force on the gate due to water. (b) determine the horizontal force applied at A
to maintain the gate in equilibrium. (c) Determine the vertical force applied at A required to maintain
the gate in equilibrium. D = 2 m, H = 3 m and c = 0.25 m-1

15. An open tank is filled with water to the depth L = 10 m. Determine the magnitude and line of action of
the vertical component of force of the water acting on the curved part of the tank bottom.
Atmospheric pressure acts on all outer surfaces of the tank.
16. If a piece of timber weighing 670N is fixed to a hinge on a wall that is then submerged y = 2.1m under
the water surface, calculate the angle of inclination of the wood.

17. A hot air balloon with a volume of 9061m3 is planned for use at low altitude on a summer morning
when the air temperature is 8.9°C. The flame torch will heat the air inside the balloon to a temperature
of 71.1°C. Both outside and inside air pressure will be the same, at 101352 Pa, and considered
constant for the low altitude flight. How much mass can be carried by the balloon if neutral buoyancy
is to be assured.

18. A rectangular container of water undergoes a constant acceleration down an incline as shown in the
image. Determine the slope of the free surface using the coordinate system shown. What acceleration
is required to make the water free surface lie parallel to the x-axis?

19. A parabolic telescope mirror is to be made using a circular dish of liquid Mercury rotated around the
central axis until rigid body motion occurs. Find the angular velocity that will cause the Mercury to
reach the lip of the container and the gauge pressure at the bottom corner of the container. The
equation for the vertical height of the liquid undergoing rigid body rotation is:

𝑧𝑠 = ℎ0 + (2𝑟 2 − 𝑅 2 )

And the equation for the pressure is:

𝜌𝜔2 𝑟 2
𝑝 = 𝑝0 + − 𝜌𝑔𝑧

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