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Dear Admission Committee,

It is with great enthusiasm that I recommend Madhavan Patel in his pursuit of higher
educational qualifications from an esteemed university like yours. I've had the opportunity to
assess his abilities on a variety of topics during my time as his English teacher. Having
Madhavan, one of the most extraordinary talents I've ever seen in my teaching career, in any
of my classes has been a delight. He can apply his knowledge in various contexts because of
his linguistic prowess and general enthusiasm for learning. He possesses exceptional
linguistic skills.

The nuances and feelings he uncovered in the text challenged the students' creative sense. He
was empathetic in explaining the chapter Keeping Quiet, and his selection of words and
analogies was excellent. His intelligence enables him to pick up on and express the genuine
feelings that arise during class discussions. He has consistently demonstrated superior
academic performance and has stood out from the crowd through his creative use of language
in all of his assignments. It is inspiring to witness a student so committed to language study.

Madhavan has been an active participant in debates and MUNs. An interclass debate that
remains fresh in my memory centers around "Linguistic Chauvinism and Language is the key
to one's prison." Madhavan engaged in insightful discussions and offered perspectives for and
against the motion. Although he is not an avid reader, he has read the complete Harry Potter
series, Sherlock Holmes stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, Goosebumps novels, and various
Greek-based mythology books available in the school library. Inculcating a habit of reading
has been essential in helping him to have productive discussions and gain valuable insights.

Participating in Model United Nations (MUNs) has helped him grow personally and
academically. He has participated in many MUN conferences, each of which has helped him
develop differently. His MUN journey began in 2016 when he attended the IIMUN Surat
conference. He represented the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) in the
DISEC committee, where he discussed the important issue of cybercrime. This experience
gave him a deeper understanding of diplomacy, politics, and public speaking.

Madhavan has excellent multitasking skills and is eager to develop his language abilities
further. He's a brilliant student who knows how to combine different approaches to get the
job done. He would truly be a superior addition to the student body of your university. Please
know you have my strongest endorsement if you consider him for enrolment in your
university's undergraduate program.


Name of the Teacher

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