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A community health nurse must be aware disorders as a temporary replacement until

of the his/her scope of practice in order to the medication arrives.

function efficiently in the community setting. 11. This herbal plant is for the indication of
1. What is the primary goal of community b) Bawang
health nursing?
b) To prevent and control disease 12. Diabetes Mellitus of non-insulin
dependence can be managed by this
2. Which of the following is a key principle herbal plant:
in primary health care? c) Amplaya
a) Health Promotion
13. This medicinal plant can be used as a
3. What is the role of community health deworming and its seeds are taken 2 after
nursing in disaster responses? supper.
d) To provide basic health care services d) Niyug niyogan
and supplies
14. This plant is a diuretic and it helps pass
4. A special field of nursing that combines renal stones
the skills of nursing, public health and some b) Sambong
phases of social assistance and functions
as part of the total public health program. 15. This plant is for asthma and cough
c) Community health nursing a) Lagundi

5. As a public health nurse of a municipality

with 20,000 in total population How many
more midwives do you need if you already
have 3 Rural health midwives? After passing the board exam, you have
a) 1 decided to become a community health
nurse. The right information in CHN is vital
6. It is this level of prevention aims to to the job interview as well as where and
decrease the persons vulnerability to when to apply. The following questions are
disease and promote health. about the DOH and other heath agencies
a) Primary Prevention that you will encounter once you become a
public health nurse.
7. Statistics of Illnesses is termed as:
c) Morbidity 16. Where will you apply if you want to
become a public health nurse?
8. Which is the primary goal of community d) Rural Health Unit
health nursing?
b) To enhance the capability of individuals, 17. Which step of community organizing
families and communities to cope with their involves the training of potential leaders in
health needs. the community?
b) Core group formation
9. It is a type of nursing practice that
promotes and protects the health of 18. What is the legal basis for the Primary
populations using knowledge from nursing, Health Care approach in the Philippines?
social and public health science? b) Letter of instruction No.949
d) Public Health Nursing
10. Population-Focused nursing practice 19. As a PHN, you present the municipal
requires which of the following process? health statistics by using what type of
c) Nursing Process graph, chart or diagram that compares the
frequency of leading cases of mortality in
the municipality?
d) Bar graph

You are a public health nurse in a small 20. Which of the following is the mission of
barangay to teach about the herbal plants the Department of Health?
approved by the Department of Health. b) Ensure the accessibility and quality of
Such plants will help the community when health
pharmaceutical medications are not
available for different ailments and
30. A woman who would like to get
Patient De Jesus 29-year-old pregnant with pregnant wants to know that in the
twins is due for a check-up at the clinic. preconception phase which infectious
Data is being collected for assessment. diseases are risk factors that can result to
She has a healthy 5- year-old child who maternal complications, these are: (Select
was delivered at 38 weeks and tells the all that apply) BONUS
nurse that she does not have any history of
abortion or fetal demise. You also have
other pregnant women lined up in the clinic
so other questions about pregnancy will
also be entertained. You are a nurse at a pediatric unit, A 2-
year-old child is being assessed as a new
21. Document the GTPAL for Patient De patient for check-up. A physical
Jesus from the data above as: examination is vital in assessing a child's
b) G2, T1, P0, A0, L1 growth, development, and health status. In
this way, the nurse can provide
22. What should be the first nursing action interventions for any health issues the child
in planning for the diet of Patient De Jesus? is experiencing or is it at risk.
a) Review her current dietary intake.
31. What is the recommended age of the
23. Patient De Jesus asks about what child to receive the first dose of Hepatitis B
symptoms would she experience during the vaccine?
first trimester. You reply. a) At birth
d) Burning during urination
32. What is the recommended age for
24. You are asked to do a fundal height children to receive the first dose of MMR
measurement, where do you measure it Vaccine?
from? d) 12-15 months
c) The top of the pubic bone to the top of
the uterus 33. Which vaccines are administered at
25. Patient De Jesus asks that; "What a) Vitk, BCG, Hepa B
symptom would I consider danger signs
and needs to be reported immediately 34. What is the most appropriate method
when I experience them? You answer: for performing a physical examination on a
a) Blurred vision 2-year-old child?
b) Least to the most intrusive
26. Client Leah arrived at the clinic for a
pre- natal assessment. She says that her 35. In assessing a child with croup, what
first day of LMP was October 28,2012, situation would further precipitate if the
when is her Expected Date of Delivery nurse used a tongue depressor?
using the Naegle's rule? b) Complete Obstruction
a) July 30,2013
36. What is the recommended age for
27. Client Leah also asked if how much is children to the second dose of the MMR
the average weight pregnancy? Vaccine?
c) 25 to 35lbs d) 4-6 years

28. Client Leah is at 38weeks in her 37. What is the normal range of respiratory
pregnancy, she disclosed that she hac rate of a 1 year old?
vaginal bleeding during coitus. As a nurse c) 20-40
you tell her that:
c) It must be restricted because it may 38. What are the signs & symptoms of
further stimulate uterine activity epiglottitis (SATA)
a) Muffled Voice
29. A first-time pregnant woman asked the b) Tongue Protude
nurse; "How long into my pregnancy will my d) Nasal Flaring
uterus already has risen out of the pelvis
and is expanding further into the abdominal 39. Which assessment findings should lead
area?" the nurse to suspect that a toddler is
d) 18 week experiencing respiratory distress? (SATA)
a) Coughing
b) Respiratory Rate of 35 BPM d) 187.50ml
c) Restlessness
d) Diaphoresis 48. A child needs a dose of 1.5mg/kg of
multivitamin syrup. The available stock is
40. Healthy Full-Term infants are usually 200ml of 3mg/ml. The child is 22lbs. How
first screened for iron deficiency anemia at many ml's does the child need in one
what age? dose? b) 5ml
d) 12 months
49. A man got stung by a bee, the order is
to give 05mg/kg of epinephrine IM dose.
The stock is 5m/5mg vial. The patient is
You are a nurse in a medical ward assigned 220lbs. How many vials does the man
for drug administration, accurate and the need?
right drug orders must be carried out in a) 1
order for it to be therapeutic for every
patient. You also need to be familiar with 50. A girl was diagnosed with an upper
the emergency drugs and antidotes if respiratory tract infection, the doctor's order
toxicity occurs. The following questions are is as follows
related to drug calculations and drug "Take 3 tablets per meal to run for 7 days"
identification. Think critically as a nurse. The medication is penicillin 75mg per tablet
What is the total milligrams of her penicillin
41. A patient is started on Calcium per day?
Carbonate at 1500 mg/daily. The stock on b) 225mg
hand is 500mg/tab. How many tablets per
day would he take?
b) 3

42. A patient has gout and was ordered of You are a nurse in a hospital assigned for
colchicine at 18mg per day. He needs to assessments of patients. A nurse must be
take it at breakfast, lunch and dinner. The observant in doing assessments in order to
stock dose is 3mgs per tablet. How many perform it accurately and the results are
tablets does he need per meal? reliable for the physician to understand the
c) 2 tablets causes of the patients' problems. You are
also handling the receiving of various
43. Patient Patricia is having fever she laboratory results for the patients. Normal
needs to take a 5ml /250mg of paracetamol values and ABG interpretations must be
every 4 hours. The stock is 500 ml bottle. done quickly and accurately.
How many milligrams in total did she take
per day? 51. A Dion 56-year-old male suddenly had a
d) 1500mg BP of 162/102, the patient never had a
previous reading as high as that, it has
44. How many mg is in a 500ml bottle of been known that he just ate okra and
paracetamol above? bagoong at lunch. Based on what he ate,
d) 25000mg what is the cause of his hypertension?
b) Increased sodium intake
45. An IV line is started with 1Lof PNSS is
ordered to run in 8hours, how many ml per 52. What should be the normal value of
hour should the infusion be set if the drop sodium in the body?
factor is 10? a) 136 to 144mmol
c) 125Ml/hr
53. Which medications are most likely to be
46. An IV line is started with 1L of PNSS is prescribed to Dion? SATA
ordered to run in 12hours, how many g per a) Losartan
min should the infusion be set if the drop b) Metoprolol
factor is 10? c) Enalapril
b) 14gtt/min
54. Which type of diet should Dion follow?
47. An IV line is started with 1Lof PNSS c) DASH Diet
with a5oom of vitamin c is added for
immunity is ordered to run in 8hours, how 55. Dion has edema, what would the doctor
many ml/hr should the infusion be set if the order?
drop factor is 15? a) Diuretic
56. Dion asks: "What is that equipment you 66. A patient who has hypokalemia will
are using to check my blood pressure?" have a priority nursing diagnosis of
You reply. a) Electrolyte imbalance related to changes
b) Sphygmomanometer & stethoscope in the intake of potassium.

57. An ABG result just came in for a patient. 67. Fall precautions are displayed on the
the results are: pH 7.30, CO2 16, HCO3 8. patient, what will be the appropriate action
The interpretation would be of the nurse?
c) Partially Compensated Metabolic b) Keep the siderails up on the patient's
Acidosis bed

58. An ABG result just came in for a patient, 68. Which personal protective equipment
the results are: pH 7.54, CO2 35, HCO3 29. does the nurse need in a Contact
The interpretation would be: Precaution situation? (SATA)
b) Uncompensated Metabolic Alkalosis a) Gloves
b) Gown
59. An ABG result just came in for a patient,
the results are: pH 7.38, CO2 16, HCO3 9. 69. Which personal protective equipment
The interpretation would be: does the nurse initially need in a Droplet
a) Fully compensated Metabolic Acidosis Precaution situation?
a) Surgical Mask
60. Which of the ABG values are Correct
(SATA) 70. If the patient is suspected to have TB
a) pH 7.35 to 7.45 which precaution should the nurse employ?
b) CO2 35-45 mmHg c) Airbome
c) HCO3 22-26 mEq/L

The nursing fundamental knowledge is key

to solving more advanced problems and A nurse is assessing patients for admission,
nursing actions because this knowledge different areas of the body is being
though basic is the foundation of patient inspected, auscultated, palpated and such.
care and the protection of the nurse. The As an efficient nurse, proper actions are
following questions will be related to the necessary to perform a good health
Skills Concept Demonstrations classes you assessment to collect proper and accurate
have taken and other concepts such as data of the patient.
Anatomy and Physiology as a foundation in
the disease process. 71. What part of the nursing process is
constantly being done during the whole
61. A patient is received with constipation, process?
heart palpitations, fatigue with muscle a) Assessment
spasms and tingling sensations. The doctor
would diagnose it as: 72. When assessing the sigmoid colon, the
c) Hypokalemia nurse is referring to which area of the
62. What should be the normal value of b) LLQ
c) 3.7 to 5.1 mmol/L 73. Which is the correct sequence for
assessing the abdomen?
63. What is usually given to the patients c) IAPePa
with hypokalemia?
b) Potassium chloride 74. If the patient is suspected to have
cholecystitis, which Quadrant is
64. What test can show the palpitations of concerned?
the D heart? c) RUQ
d) ECG
75. If the patient is suspected to have
65. Which food is rich in potassium? appendicitis, which Quadrant is concerned?
(SATA) a) Dried fruits d) RLQ
b) Bananas
c) Potatoes
d) Avocado
76. The pulses of the upper body are not 84. A patient with a pulmonary embolism is
palpable, it was suggested to use the receiving anticoagulation with IV heparin.
popliteal artery, where is it located? What instructions would you give the
b) Knee nursing assistant who will help the patient
with activities of daily living?
77. What type of thermometer is the least a) Use a lift sheet when moving and
invasive? positioning the patient in bed.
c) Infrared Thermometer b) Use an electric razor when shaving the
patient each day.
78. When assessing for bowel movements c) Use a soft-bristled toothbrush or tooth
in the abdomen, which part of the sponge for oral care.
stethoscope is used for lower pitched
sounds? 85. Nurse Remie is reviewing the diet of a
b) Bell 28- year-old female who reports several
months of intermittent abdominal pain,
79. In diagnostic procedure of a 24-hour abdominal bloating, and flatulence. The
urine collection, when is the urine nurse should tell the client to avoid:
discarded? b) Broccoli
b) The first urine specimen
86. You received a patient that came from
80. What purpose does the 24-hour urine radiologic accident, what is your priority?
collection diagnose? b) Decontaminate the open wound on the
c) Kidney Function client's thigh.

87. The nurse plans to care for a client in

the post-anesthesia care unit. Which of the
following should the nurse assess first?
An ED nurse knows how to classify patients a) Respiratory status
based on their timely needs. Prioritization
and delegation greatly helps the efficiency 88. A client arrives at the ER with upper
of the Department and also is vital to saving gastrointestinal bleeding and moderate
lives that need time-critical decision distress, what is the priority nursing action?
making. The employment of critical thinking a) Obtain vital signs
is evident in every decision of the nurse
and one mistake in prioritization may mean 89. An hour after admission to the nursery.
a life or may affect all the patients in the the nurse observes a newbom baby having
hospital if not properly done. spontaneous jerky movements of the limbs.
The infant's mother had gestational
81. After a change of shift, you are diabetes mellitus (GDM) during pregnancy.
assigned to care for the following patients. Which of the following actions should the
Which patient should you assess first? nurse take FIRST?
d) A 50-year-old with asthma who c) Determine the blood glucose level
complains of shortness of breath after using
a bronchodilator. 90. A child undergoes a tonsillectomy for
treatment of chronic tonsillitis unresponsive
82. A patient with sleep apnea has a to antibiotic therapy. After surgery, the child
nursing diagnosis of Sleep Deprivation is brought to the recovery room. Which of
related to disrupted sleep cycle. Which the following actions should the nurse
action should you delegate to the nursing include in the child's plan of care?
assistant or the UAP? a) Institute measures to minimize crying
c) Remind the patient to sleep on his side
instead of his back.

83. The nurse is caring for a patient with

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease A nurse always must be aware of every
(COPD). Which intervention for airway medication given to the patient. Every drug
management should you delegate to a interaction or contraindication must be
nursing assistant? noted as well as considerations on what
a) Assisting the patient to sit up on the side circumstance the patient is in and if the
of the bed. patient will have more benefit or long term
harm must be carefully studied. These
questions deal with the identification of
certain drugs and its actions and

91. Drugs that end in "statin" are:

c) Antihyperlipidemic

92. What vitamin plays a role in lowering

cholesterol concentration?
c) Vit B3

93. The nurse teaches a patient how to

take Simvastatin, when is it best to be
d) In the evening

94. A patient is prescribed atorvastatin

while he is taking erythromycin for his
infection of the nurse Joe is aware that this
combinon should be avoided becaus
c) can result to breakdown of muscles

95. Which medical conditions will render

antihyperlipidemic ineffective? a) Biliary

96. When dealing with children, which

potassium sparing diuretic is highly
c) Spironolactone

97. A type of diuretic that has a therapeutic

effect by pulling water into the renal tubule
without the loss of sodium?
b) Osmotic Diuretics

98. A patient comes into the emergency

department needing an opioid antagonist
for a suspected drug overdose. Which is
the most appropriate drug to administer?
c) Naloxone

99. Which of these are antihypertensive

a) Ace inhibitors
b) Calcium Channel Blockers
d) Angiotensin Receptor blockers

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