(D&D 5.0) Barbarian Path of The Raging Tempest

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Primal Path: Path of the Raging Tempest

Furious Charger

Beginning when you select this path at 3rd level, you gain the ability to charge recklessly into
battle and sow destruction among an enemy that gets in the way. You immediately gain the
"Charger" feat found in the Player's Handbook. If you already possess this feat, you can choose
to take another one instead. When using the feat's benefit to make an attack roll as a bonus
action, you may choose to use both the option to shove the enemy and deal extra damage
with the attack. If you do so, your attacks deals damage as normal, then you make a contested
strength check to shove the target.

Swift Flurry

When you reach 6th level, you can attack with a series of rapid blows that leave your enemies
dazed. Whenever you use the attack action while in a rage and you wield a weapon in each
hand, you can make the extra attack from your off-hand weapon as part of the attack action
rather than using a bonus action. In addition, enemies you attack on your turn cannot make
attacks of opportunity against you for the remainder of your turn.

Whirlwind Attack

Beginning at 10th level, you have mastered the technique of spinning your weapons and body
in combat to slash at all opponents in reach. As an action, you can make a single attack roll
against each enemy within 5 feet of you. Make a separate attack roll against each target.

Grip of Iron

Starting at 14th level, your strength and skill with two weapons are unrivaled. You may wield a
2-handed weapon in your main hand as though it were 1-handed, though you suffer a -2
penalty to all attack rolls made with that weapon.

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