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The Analysis of Verbal Behavior 2011, 27, 179–184

Teaching a Child With Autism to Mand for Information

Using ‘‘How’’

M. Alice Shillingsburg, Marcus Autism Center and Emory University

School of Medicine
Amber L. Valentino, Marcus Autism Center

Children with autism often do not learn to mand for information without structured teaching. Studies
have demonstrated that manipulation of establishing operations (EOs), prompts, prompt fading, and
differential reinforcement are effective in teaching children with autism to ask ‘‘wh’’ questions such as
‘‘what,’’ ‘‘who,’’ and ‘‘where.’’ To date, no studies have evaluated procedures to teach children with
autism to mand for information using ‘‘how.’’ Teaching the mand, ‘‘how’’ is uniquely challenging
because once the information regarding how to do something is provided, the EO may no longer be
present. The following study evaluated a procedure to teach one child with autism to mand for
information using ‘‘how’’ to obtain information to complete multiple activities. The results have
implications for clinical application and future research on contriving EOs to teach the mand, ‘‘how.’’
Key words: autism, establishing operations, generalization, language acquisition, mands, question

Typically developing children engage in EOs and used functional reinforcers to teach
frequent question asking (Brown, 1968). the mands, ‘‘what?’’ (e.g., Williams, Donley,
When question asking is under the control & Keller, 2000), ‘‘who?,’’ ‘‘where?,’’ (e.g.,
of an establishing operation (EO) and the Endicott & Higbee, 2007; Lechago, Carr,
behavior results in information that is Grow, Love, & Almason, 2010; Sundberg et
specific to the EO, these questions may be al., 2002), ‘‘which?,’’ and ‘‘when?’’ (e.g.,
functionally classified as mands for informa- Shillingsburg, Valentino, Bowen, Bradley, &
tion (Michael, 1988). Unfortunately, many Zavatkay, 2011).
children with autism do not learn to mand for To date, no studies have investigated
information without structured teaching strategies for teaching children with autism
(Charlop & Milstein, 1989; Endicott & to mand for information using the response
Higbee, 2007). form ‘‘how.’’ This may be due to the unique
Early studies established that question challenge of arranging multiple opportunities
asking could be taught to individuals with for teaching while ensuring that an EO
disabilities using prompting, fading, chain- controls the response. In other response forms
ing, differential reinforcement (Bondy & such as ‘‘who’’ and ‘‘where,’’ trials can be
Erickson, 1976; Hung, 1977; Twardosz & arranged such that the information provided
Baer, 1973), and videotaped rehearsal and differs each trial, ensuring the information
feedback (Knapczyk, 1989). Sundberg, Loeb, remains valuable. For example, the mand,
Hale, and Eigenheer (2002) noted that earlier ‘‘who?’’ might be taught when a child is told
studies may have neglected the role of the that someone has a preferred toy. The natural
EO by teaching when an EO was not present reinforcer for the mand would be information
and/or by using contrived reinforcers (e.g., about who has her toy. Multiple learning
tokens) rather than functional reinforcers opportunities can be arranged when informa-
(e.g., information). Unfortunately, this may tion about who has the toy differs each trial. In
result in less functional use of the mand. contrast, when a child mands, ‘‘how?,’’ and
Several studies have effectively contrived information specific to the request is provided,
the information may lose its value because the
individual learns to complete the task inde-
Correspondence concerning this article should
be addressed to Alice Shillingsburg, The Marcus pendently, rendering the information unnec-
Autism Center, 1920 Briarcliff Road NE, Atlanta, essary. This unique characteristic presents
GA, 30329 (e-mail: clinical challenges in teaching the mand for


Table 1
Scenario Descriptions for Teaching the Mand, ‘‘How?’’

Scenario Description Demonstration of EO Therapist response

Computer Sound muted while Samuel says he can’t Therapist tells Samuel to
playing hear his game unmute the computer
Walkie talkies Talk button not Samuel talks without Therapist tells Samuel to
pressed pressing talk button talk to the therapist
Swing Gate to playground Samuel attempts to open Therapist tells Samuel to
locked gate, asks for swing open the gate
Computer 2 Computer monitor Samuel asks to play the Therapist tells Samuel to
unplugged computer/attempts to play plug in the monitor
TV Remote missing Samuel attempts to use Therapist tells Samuel to
batteries remote to turn on TV replace batteries
Snack Snack closet locked Samuel attempts to open Therapist tells him to
locked closet unlock the door

information ‘‘how.’’ For example, if a task or activity. In such situations, he typically

therapist contrives a situation in which there persisted with mands for the activity or item
is an EO for information, prompts the child to and occasionally used the mand ‘‘help.’’
ask ‘‘how,’’ and provides the information, Samuel was taught in a one-on-one format
there may be no other opportunities using the using discrete trial instruction. Trials were
same scenario to present additional teaching conducted in a classroom and/or on the
trials. The purpose of the present study was to playground twice per week. Materials in-
teach a child with autism to mand for cluded typical classroom items (e.g., desks,
information using ‘‘how.’’ To ensure a chairs, shelves, toys) and the items necessary
sufficient number of trials, several scenarios for each activity (see Table 1). Other chil-
were used to provide multiple opportunities to dren and instructors were present but did not
teach the mand. Additionally, independence interact with Samuel during sessions.
with each task was continually assessed to
determine if an EO was present. Response Measurement and
Interobserver Agreement
Trial-by-trial data were collected on cor-
Participant, Setting, and Materials rect independent manding ‘‘how?’’ within 5 s
of the therapist contriving the EO. These data
Samuel, a 7 year 8-month-old male diag- were summarized as cumulative independent
nosed with autism by an independent psy- ‘‘how’’ mands across trials for each activity.
chologist participated in the study. Samuel A second independent observer collected
attended a full-day behavioral intervention data during 7.4% of trials. Point-by-point
program for children with language deficits interobserver agreement (IOA) was calculat-
and demonstrated well-developed mand, tact, ed by dividing the number of agreements by
and intraverbal repertoires. He emitted 3 to 6 the number of agreements and disagreements
word phrases and used prepositions, pronouns, and multiplying by 100%. An agreement was
and adjectives correctly. He typically used a defined as the primary and secondary data
variety of ‘‘wh’’ questions to access informa- collector recording a correct independent
tion (e.g., ‘‘what is that?’’ ‘‘when can we go correct mand during a trial. A disagreement
outside?’’). Samuel was selected for the study was defined as one data collector recording
based on a report from his parents and an independent correct mand and the other
therapists that he did not emit the mand data collector recording an incorrect re-
‘‘how’’ to access information to complete a sponse. IOA was 100%.

Experimental Design and Scenarios response without an opportunity for an

independent response. All subsequent trials
A multiple baseline design across ‘‘how’’ were presented with an opportunity to
scenarios was used to evaluate the effects of respond independently followed by a prompt
teaching. If the mand ‘‘how’’ emerged in if necessary. Sessions were conducted as in
untreated scenarios, treatment was not initi- baseline with the following exceptions. If
ated with those scenarios. Six ‘‘how’’ Samuel emitted no response or an incorrect
scenarios involving highly preferred activi- response during the 5 s delay, the vocal
ties (according to the therapist report) were model ‘‘how’’ was provided by the instruc-
selected. The use of multiple scenarios tor. Once he echoed the response ‘‘how,’’
allowed for trials to continue with other information was provided that led to com-
scenarios if there was not an EO for pletion of the task and access to the preferred
information about how to do a task for one activity. If he emitted the correct mand
scenario. In addition, this arrangement al- ‘‘how’’ independently, the information and
lowed for continual assessment of general- subsequent reinforcement were provided
ized manding under various conditions. The immediately and no prompts were given. If
description, demonstration of the EO, and he completed the task independently, the trial
therapist response for each activity are was terminated and the scenario was no
provided in Table 1. longer presented since the information was
no longer necessary. If Samuel did not echo
Experimental Procedure or gave an incorrect response to the vocal
prompt, the trial was terminated; however,
One trial was conducted for each scenario this never occurred. Each scenario in treat-
each day, two days per week. Prior to each ment was conducted until 3 consecutive trials
trial, an EO for the activity was assessed by resulted in an independent mand ‘‘how’’ or
asking Samuel if he would like to engage in until the participant began to complete the
the activity. Samuel responded by saying, task independently (i.e., without the infor-
‘‘yes,’’ nodding his head, or sometimes mation). Only the independent opportunity to
reaching for the activities if present. respond during each trial is presented graph-
Baseline. Each scenario was presented one ically.
trial at a time since one presentation of the
information may abolish the EO. Samuel was RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
given 5 s to begin to complete the necessary
task independently or mand using ‘‘how.’’ If Figure 1 depicts Samuel’s cumulative
he initiated completing the task, additional independent ‘‘how?’’ mands across trials
time was allowed for him to fully complete during each scenario. During baseline for
the task. If he did not initiate the task, 5 s was the Muted Computer scenario (Panel 1),
given for the response ‘‘how.’’ If Samuel Samuel did not mand ‘‘how?’’ Upon imple-
emitted the mand for information ‘‘how’’ mentation of mand training, a teaching trial
during a scenario during the initial baseline, was immediately conducted (data not
it was not included in the present study. shown). On all subsequent days, each trial
Though Samuel had never been observed to began with an opportunity to respond inde-
emit the mand ‘‘how’’ in the natural setting, pendently. Samuel independently emitted the
he did emit the mand ‘‘how’’ during two mand ‘‘how’’ after two teaching trials;
scenarios that were not included in the manding did not occur during any other
present study. If Samuel emitted an incorrect scenarios. Additional teaching trials for the
response or no response within 5 s, no Muted Computer scenario were not conduct-
information or reinforcer was provided, and ed because Samuel learned to unmute the
the next trial was initiated by asking Samuel computer and did so independently during
if he wanted to engage in one of the other the next presented opportunity. Following
activities. implementation of treatment for the Walkie
Mand training. Upon implementation of Talkie scenario (Panel 2), Samuel indepen-
treatment to a scenario, a trial was conducted dently manded ‘‘how’’ after four trials (i.e.,
with an immediate prompt for the correct one initial teaching trial and three trials with

Figure 1. Samuel’s cumulative mands for information using ‘‘how’’ during each activity.

opportunities to respond independently). indicated if Samuel attempted to, but could

Interestingly, during mand training on the not complete the task independently, estab-
Walkie Talkie scenario, Samuel independent- lishing the information on how to complete it
ly manded ‘‘how’’ in the other four scenarios as valuable. Future research could take
still in baseline (Panels 3 through 6). additional steps to ensure EO control by
The current study is the first to evaluate an alternating trials in which information is
intervention to teach a child with autism to needed (e.g., playground gate is locked) with
mand for information using ‘‘how.’’ The trials in which information is not needed
results obtained suggest that the preparation (e.g., playground gate is unlocked).
used facilitated appropriate stimulus control There are some limitations to the current
of the mand ‘‘how?’’ by contriving EOs for study that warrant discussion. Because only
information, using natural reinforcers (i.e., one participant was included, replication of
information), and arranging multiple oppor- these procedures with other participants is
tunities for teaching. An EO for information needed. As previously noted, Samuel had a
regarding how to complete the task was history of emitting the mand ‘‘how’’ in two

contrived settings. While this skill had not typically developing children do. Future
been observed in natural settings, it is studies might assess the social validity of
unknown whether similar results would be the procedures and outcomes via caregiver
obtained with participants without a mand for interview.
information repertoire in general or with It is acknowledged that the percentage of
some mands for information but no history of trials with IOA is lower than is typically
manding ‘‘how.’’ Future research should reported in single subject design. According
examine the individual characteristics that to Kazdin (1982) if checks on agreement
may result in differential effectiveness of this show observers agree almost all of the time,
intervention. agreement may not need to be checked
The mand targeted was the response frequently. In the current study, given the
‘‘how?’’ as opposed to a more specific clarity of the operational definitions and the
response such as ‘‘how do I unmute the high agreement obtained, the lower percent-
computer?’’ The general response form age of trials with IOA still allowed for
‘‘how?’’ was selected because it was deemed confidence in the reliability of the results.
simpler for Samuel to learn. Additionally, The present study did not include procedures
since the therapist gave an instruction in all to promote generalization other than teaching
of these scenarios, the ‘‘how’’ response was in multiple scenarios. Though Samuel’s mand-
a functional response. However, this re- ing generalized across situations after training
sponse may not be as functional as more in only two scenarios, some learners may
specific mands in other situations. For require teaching with more scenarios before
example, in naturally occurring situations, generalized manding is observed. Other ways
the adult may not be aware of the task the to promote generalization might include train-
child is unable to complete. Future research ing with multiple instructors and with multiple
might examine teaching the mand ‘‘how’’ exemplars of each scenario (e.g., two different
that is specific to a variety of scenarios. computer stations). Pre- and post-treatment
Another limitation is the lack of assess- generalization probes with novel instructors,
ment of treatment integrity, maintenance, and exemplars, and scenarios could be used to
social validity. Given the importance of the assess generalized manding.
EO and its complexity specific to the mand Finally, the generalization observed across
‘‘how,’’ a measure of treatment fidelity baselines limits the experimental design
would allow for assurance that each scenario employed in the current study. Following the
was contrived appropriately. In order to test initiation of treatment in the first scenario, the
for maintenance of the mand ‘‘how’’ addi- remaining scenarios remained at baseline
tional scenarios would need to be included to levels providing some evidence that the
ensure that an EO for the information was increase in responding ‘‘how’’ in the first
present. Again this highlights some of the scenario was due to the teaching procedures.
additional challenges to teaching and assess- Following the implementation of treatment
ing acquisition of this particular mand for with the second scenario, again an increase in
information. While social validity was not the response ‘‘how’’ was observed, replicat-
formally assessed, manding ‘‘how?’’ would ing the results obtained with the first scenario.
appear to be an important skill for children However, with the initiation of treatment with
with autism when they are placed in settings the second baseline, increases in the remain-
where they are asked to complete unknown ing baselines were also observed. Although
tasks. If an instructor is unaware that the this is an ideal clinical outcome, it limits the
child does not know how to complete a task, utility of the multiple baseline design in
the child may not complete his or her work assessing the effectiveness of the current
and this lack of work completion may result teaching procedures. Future research may
in negative consequences. However, if a employ alternative designs, such as a multiple
child can effectively mand ‘‘how,’’ he or baseline across participants, to increase inter-
she can then obtain information in order to nal validity. Despite this limitation, the
effectively complete the task. This crucial current study introduces a procedure to teach
skill allows for a child to effectively learn the mand for information ‘‘how’’ and presents
from the environment in a way that many preliminary data supporting its use and

highlights the importance of assessing gener- Knapczyk, D. R. (1989). Generalization of

alization. student question asking from special class
to regular class settings. Journal of
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