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Explain how a restaurant could support a sustainable kitchen (with at least 5 examples from what
you have learnt)

1. Minimize food wastage

To minimize the food wastage, restaurant team can try to use the below method:
- Cook only according to the captain order
- Store the food correctly, using FIFO (First in First Out), and label each food with the
description and the date information
- Not overbuying the food stock
- Donate any leftover food (if any) to the local charity and homeless people
- Compost the leftover food

2. Avoid using a disposable kitchen material

Avoid using a disposable cutlery, glass, straw, and containers. Try to use the reusable
kitchen materials that are made of glass, stainless steel or at least the materials that can be

3. Using a reusable linen and grocery bag while shopping

Avoid using paper towels, restaurant team can consider by using the reusable towels and
napkin to reduce the footprints and using the reusable grocery bag (tote bag) while going
for shopping to reduce the plastic waste

4. Using a natural cleaning product

The restaurant team can consider by swapping the cleaning product into the natural one,
such as white vinegar, salt, baking soda, and lemons to avoid toxic chemicals that are bad
for the environment

5. Water waste management

- Installation of a low flow kitchen faucets
- Fix any leaks right away
- Using the waste water for indoor or outdoor watering plants
- Try to use the dishes sparingly

Energy waste management

- Using LED lighting (Or using outdoor restaurant design concept)
- Turn it off when it is not needed
- Choose an certified energy efficient appliances such as refrigerator, dishwasher, stove,
oven and etc

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