Banishing Spirit 1

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PART I: The Qabalistic Cross

1. Touching your forehead, vibrate AH-TAH (“unto thee”)

○ visualize a blinding white light coming from the sky,
connecting to your forehead.

2. Touch your Heart Chakra, vibrate AH-DOH-NYE (”The Lord”)

○ visualize direct same light going down to your chest

3. Point down, covering the groin, vibrate MAL-KOOT (“the Kingdom”)

○ visualize the light is now piercing your body vertically,
from the sky above you to the ground below you.

4. Touching thy right shoulder, vibrate VEE-G’-BOO-RAH (“and the

○ Keep visualizing that first line of light. Now visualize a
second light, this time coming from the right and now
touching your right shoulder.

5. Touching thy left shoulder, say VEE-G’-DOO-LAH (“and the Glory”)

○ Now, direct that light to your left shoulder. The light
should be piercing your body horizontally.

6. Lay your fist on your heart, say LIH-OH-LAHM, AMEN (“to the
Ages, Amen”)

○ You have now completed the cross of light.

PART II: Formation of the pentagrams

1. Start facing the east, draw pentagram, point to center, vibrate


2. Carry line to the north, draw pentagram, point to center,

3. Carry line to the west, draw pentagram, point to center,
vibrate AH-GLAH

4. Carry line to the south, draw pentagram, point to center,

vibrate EH-HEH-YEH
5. Carry line back to the east, completing the circle.


Hands out, say: Before me, MICHAEL (visualize flames/fire, the color
red, Archangel Michael)

Behind me, URIEL (visualize earth/nature, the color green, Archangel


To my right hand, GABRIEL (visualize water, the color blue, Archangel


To my left hand, RAPHAEL (Visualize air, the color yellow, Archangel


For about me flames the pentagram, Within me, shines the six-rayed
star (visualize the star of David around you).

PART IV: Repeat The Qabalistic Cross

1. Touching your forehead, vibrate AH-TAH (“unto thee”)

○ visualize a blinding white light coming from the sky,
connecting to your forehead.
2. Touch your Heart Chakra, vibrate AH-DOH-NYE (”The Lord”)
○ visualize direct same light going down to your chest

3. Point down, covering the groin, vibrate MAL-KOOT (“the Kingdom”)

○ visualize the light is now piercing your body vertically,
from the sky above you to the ground below you.

4. Touching thy right shoulder, vibrate VEE-G’-BOO-RAH (“and the

○ Keep visualizing that first line of light. Now visualize a
second light, this time coming from the right and now
touching your right shoulder.

5. Touching thy left shoulder, say VEE-G’-DOO-LAH (“and the Glory”)

○ Now, direct that light to your left shoulder. The light
should be piercing your body horizontally.

6. Lay your fist on your heart, say LIH-OH-LAHM, AMEN (“to the
Ages, Amen”)

○ You have now completed the cross of light.

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The ritual is now finished

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