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Terminal Exam

Communication Techniques and Critical


Ayesha Ahmad
Roll# FA20-BAR-032
Question no. 1
One cannot feel architecture without a storyline. So narrative writing in architecture
holds same importance as schematics. Narrative serializes and exposes the spaces.
Imagining visuals enhance creativity and while writing or reading a narrative one goes
through the whole structure in his imagination. There one discovers some creative
problems and then their solutions and evolves his design. Going through a narrative
puts light on the interactive behavior of a being with that space. Schematics are all
about designing a space whereas narrative is about feeling the space and increase in
creative thinking.
For example, Nigel Coates is famous for his design abilities and narrative environment.
In one of his projects “The Parada Skirt” he discovered fabric as an architectural
element. He narrates his idea that ‘Fabric is the perfect mediator between the firm and
the flowing.’ From here he decides his design strategies. He describes his own
experiments with textiles at Branson Coates Architecture and the Royal College of Art
(RCA). In which the structure has alternately skin, weave and pattern that works in all
dimensions from individual body to urban design. He made connection of a fabric with
a weaving pattern and for its geometry; he took inspiration from shape of a skirt. While
forming his narrative he sets up rules for his design strategies and explained them well
for a three dimensional translation.
The Parada Skirt by Nigel Coats
Question no. 2

Charles Drawin gave the theory that humans are the descendants of apes. They have many
systems in common. Other than apes, many animals share some of the common systems and
gestures with humans. Almost all humans and animals share same number of limbs that
contributes in performing gestures. From here, increases the possibilities for both species sharing
same gestures. For example, if a dog barks in anger, it has sharp eyes with wrinkled forehead
along with a loud voice. Same is the case with human beings. In a cheerful mood, a monkey claps
with starry eyes and so does a human. Likewise this many other gestures like kissing your beloved
one, hiding in fear and making painful voices when in pain are in common.
Question no. 3

Downside of a hilltop, along the pathways of a meander valley, lays a house with two
homologous design elevations. It has extravagant windows having panels carved with grotesque
play of numeric patterns inspired from a calculas book. The mud walls and along with them the
modern wooden doors dictate the fusion of rustic and contemporary architecture. On the
elevation B, the weird design and different colors of non-contiguous facade seems as if it does
not belong to this house. From the second storey, there appears an inside out, circular canopy
that makes the house visually heavy. It seems that the designer has entailed considerable risks
while translating his ideas. From the windows, one can see a long continuous view of meander
valley in the neighborhood. Along with canopy there are electric towers that are of double
height than the house. This horrible house is just fulfilling the formality of a livable house and is
not fitting perfect on this beautiful site. However, the inside condition of the house is habitable
and cozy. The house has a completely opposite interior on the basis of design elements. It has
accommodated two bedrooms with attached bathrooms, a T.V lawn, a kitchen and study room,
all containing utilitarian elements. Besides the kitchen there is a circular staircase that connects
the two floors. In between, there is a courtyard that deliberates a viewer to praise its majesty for
having an elegance of managing space and melodic performance of sound echoes. The structure
enjoys light and air from the extravagant openings and from the canopy.

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