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Rana. you are such a perfect student, and in the same time you are hardworking.

What all
you need to do is to keep practicing the language in and out of the class and you will be one
of the best

Samar. you are a great and amazing student. And what makes you special is you are always
cheerful, but try to stop making a lot of questions because they might confuse you.

Afnan. you are a nice student, but try to participate more in the class in order to improve
your speaking. All the best for you

Hiba. You are an amazing student, but try to take care about your studying more than your
passion. Wish you all the best

Raghad. You are a perfect student, but you have to practice the language well to be more
perfect than now

Rana. You are a nice student, but you must be more serious in your education because it will
help you a lot. best wishes

Asalah. You are an excellent student, but you should stop being shy in the class in order to
improve your fluency of speaking

Safaa. You are a good student, but you have to be hardworking and do all the things you
have to do in order to be one of the best

Dawoud. You are an excellent and perfect student, but you have sometimes to stop speaking
Arabic to improve your level of speaking

Anas. You are a perfect student, but you have to be more hardworking in your studying in
order to be one of the best. Good luck

Asaad. You are an excellent student, but you should stop being shy in the class in order to
improve your fluency of speaking. All the best

Zohair. You are a nice student, but you have to be more hardworking than now, and to know
if you can manage studying two courses or not. Best wishes

Abdulrahman. You are a smart student, but you have to take care about your education in
order not to lose it and try to care about it more than your job. Wish you all the best

Mohammed. You are an amazing student, but you have to be serious with your education
and you know how you can manage your job with it. Best of luck

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