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Productivity and Quality Institute Master of Quality Management

Statistics for Management Decisions

Assignment # 1
1. Place these variables in the following classification tables.
a. Salary
b. Gender
c. Sales volume of MP3 players
d. Soft drink preference
e. Student rank in class
f. Number of home computers
g. Temperature

Discrete Continuous

Discrete Continuous

2. The following data give the weekly amounts (in EGP) spent on groceries for a sample of
45 households.
90 126 140 168 220 86 126 149 172
162 216 135 162 212 126 139 87 161
114 127 149 172 230 125 132 118 172
121 129 156 175 255 127 149 118 128
195 105 126 142 171 229 82 235 243

This information is to be organized into a frequency distribution.

a. How many classes would you recommend?
b. What class interval would you suggest?
c. What lower limit would you recommend for the first class?
d. Organize the information into a frequency distribution and determine the relative
and cumulative frequency distribution.

Page 1 of 2 Dr. Magdy A. Khalaf

Productivity and Quality Institute Master of Quality Management

3. The following chart depicts the annual revenues, by type of tax, for the state of Georgia.

a. What percentage of the state revenue is accounted for by sales tax and individual
income tax?
b. Which category will generate more revenue, corporate taxes or license fees?
c. The total annual revenue for the state of Georgia is $6.3 billion. Estimate the
amount of revenue in billions of dollars for sales taxes and for individual taxes.

4. Answer the following questions by using the cumulative frequency polygon that shows
the hourly wages of a sample of certified welders.

a. How many welders were studied?

b. What is the class interval?
c. About how many welders earn less than $10.00 per hour?
d. About 75 percent of the welders make less than what amount?
e. Ten of the welders studied made less than what amount?
f. What percent of the welders make less than $20.00 per hour?

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