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Sixth grade of middle school

Ministerial notebook answers

Arabic grammar
(Al-Wafi series in the base ministries)

For the sixth grade of middle school


Ihsan Naeem Kazem

Master's degree in Arabic language

Al-Mumayazin Secondary School for Boys in Diwaniyah

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Sixth grade of middle school
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Az A Rabiya s
won't have a good time Yes, it is necessary No, I promise the language and visited yat
Hassan E
M K about N M

School: student's name :

Al-Wafi in ministries

sheArabicTo return the language to

With model answers

For the sixth grade of middle school


Ihsan Naeem Kazem

Six Arabic
language Yer

F LL to
From m y
yen Z Yin And nowY
Oh my God, father

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Az A Rabiya s
won't have a good time Yes, it is necessary No, I promise the language and visited yat
M M K about N Hassan E

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won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

Ministerial questions on the “interrogative method”

Questions of belief and perception

paternal uncle He fell asleep Oh God Call them outThis is the case
color( ÿ B ÿ
Mmshha She jokedmillimeterI am still you?God Almighty said: “Say, ‘Are
I didn't understand ÿ
We are God And what Allah knows best
Preparatory ( Q/ What is the type of question? How do you express his second instrument?

C/ Imagine. From: An interrogative noun based on the sukun in the nominative subject, followed by an indefinite noun.

And my tendency towards Al-Abbas is contagious and not narrated. She said to Al-Abbas, I said: Who then? Q/ What type

of question appears in his second instrument? Why?

C/From: Imagine. Because it is answered by appointment.

What a desert vulture, what should I sing? Is that the sound of that or the echo of my song?

Q/ What type of question is given? C/What:

Imagine. A Help: Visualize.

(2 / 1997)
sacrifice yourself? How are these parameters? O Rider and Paradise, are you willing to

Q/ Replace Hubble with the hamza, making the question visual?

A: Are you a worker or are you ignorant? Am I treating you or being ignorant?

It was said to Al-Atbi: “Who is the most sensible of people?” Did he say to me or to the people? People said: Imru' al-Qais. It was said: About you. They said: Abu

Nawas. Then he recited a verse and said, “Do you know who this poetry is from?”

Q/ What is the type of question in (Do you know..) and how do you replace “Ha” with a hamza? C/

“Belief,” do you know? O Dar Saadi, why

is your quarter humbled by the burden of weariness? They broke it, so it became clear.

Q/ Extract what you find in the text as an interrogative, indicating its type?

C/ What is the matter with your quarter: imagine, most worthy of wear:

believe. The Messenger (PBUH) said: “Do you know who is best among you with God? The poor and the immigrants.”

Q/ In the honorable text, there are two interrogative questions. Extract them, indicating their

types. C/ Do you know: a validating question from: a conceptual question. Do you

And what hearts this ride is hard. know a quarter, meaning blood

spilled ? Q/ In the house there are three interrogative methods that he identified and explained the

type of each of them. A/ I know: belief, meaning hearts: imagination, meaning blood: imagination.

Q/ When do we answer with the letter “yes”?

C/ If we want proof of the affirmative sentence. The negation of the negative sentence.

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A Rabiya s
won't have a good time Yes, it is necessary No, I promise the language and visited yat
Az MK Hassan E

from N M (2/2005)
(It was said that a boy met my father Al-Ala’ Al-Ma’arri and said: Who are you, Sheikh? He said: So-and-so. He said: Are you the one

who said it in your poetry? Q/ Extract the question contained in the text

and indicate its type . You? Imagine. Are you the one who said it?

ratification. C/ From the beginning of the hour of the hour of reporting. Do the servants of God

know where their money is ? Q/ Make the interrogative noun at the beginning of

the verse a figurative question? Whether they don't know or don't know? Why are they ignorant? Or: Do the

(1/2009) ÿÿÿÿQO people, the people servants of Godsame.

ÿ ÿ know God
wherethey are?
Almighty C/Hand
the Do
said:) Q/the
of sorry,
I'm God?
TheI'm ofHe
Has God
bored ÿ
forgiven that
the response
Is He
(m)a fool?
of emotion?
All C/ A

conjunction, a connected equation. He said it

wrongly or correctly. How should I listen to a

miserable person? I do not know. Q/ Point to one of the characteristics of the hamza

mentioned in the text, indicating the type of question? C/ The hamza was deleted for lightening. Its type:

perception. (He made a mistake) ? _ _ A/A Indeed, there is a reward for us,

(2/2009) ne( 113 ne) B

We fled from poverty
ÿ Here are someÿ people (they said: ‘Am and A’).
the type of which
is belief.
for it The
is the
of the
to the
of the
of Aaron in the

Qur’an, God Almighty said: “Then do you not consider the question /question in the

noble text for belief and not for perception? Why? C/ Because it is a negative interrogative, and the

(2/2009) A A Qafahl Y
( ÿÿ ) negative is analways
and isby
a letter. The days, how

turn, bring happiness and joy. Q/1 - What type of question is mentioned twice? A: Oml:

believe, how: imagine 2- A Can you put (is) in place of the hamza? And why? It is not

permissible, because the sentence is negative and (is) does not enter

Preparatory ( into the negative sentence. 3- What is the answer that suits the first question? For proof we say:

Yes. To the negative we say: Yes. It was said to (Muti’ bin Yas): “There is nothing wrong with you except talking too much.” He said: Are you

hearing right or are you hearing wrong?


1- What type of question is in the text? A: Its type: (conception) 2-

Indicate the conjunction after the hamza? A: (You hear sound) meaning a stream

(2/2013) from which souls flow. The day of separation is a day of frowning. Q/ What is

the type of question in the text? C/


(1/2014) DA
(j) ÿ
a covenant
the type God that
of question was broken
said: upon
in The
(AS/ noble
What isShould
you,verse I say
then ?I have
C/ made
this to you?
you If I have
What and refuted
do you
with the
He replied,
Lord. “Close, and am

I still close to Maram? Q/ What type of question appears in the

first part?” A:


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won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary ArabicNo, I promise the language
and visited yat

(1/2016) By God, I don’t know, even if you know /

For seven stoning coals or for an eighth. What type of question?

imagine. C

MWell done, old manThat's what happened a ÿ
Hassamn alÿJummum Munun A My heart ÿ

Q/ What type of question is mentioned? Why?

C/ Visualization. Because the answer is by appointment.

(1/2017) Solve it
yes( They said B This God
for me Almighty said: (He said:

( How bored Deposit (They just said

71 Without ) If you agree
ÿ I acceptGod Almighty said: (And
Mm mhPraise be to me

Q/ What type of question appears in the two noble texts? Why?

/ Alice: Believe. Because the answer is with the letter answer. C

What: Imagine. Because the answer is by appointment. Look


(1/2017) nf Um ahl um hanaha wa za naha ni B F

ÿ at it God Almighty said: “Is it not?
There is a maki on his neck
ÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ
ÿ MY

Q/ What type of question appears first in the holy text? C/ ratification. That

passion was

exhausting, so I said yes. How many people have told me that I am not finished with Q/ What is

the type of question? What is the characteristic of his tool? Can you use another question letter? Why?

C/ Type of question: Believing. Its characteristic: It was omitted lightly. (Do) cannot be used because the sentence is negative. Show this.

(2/2017) I will This Yÿ YGod Almighty said: (And

solve it (They said B is S
a ally
palm They were seen during the day
ÿ And my mother

Mosul questions Q/ What is the type of question? What is your evidence? Is it possible to put (is) in place of the hamza? And why?

C/ Believe, the evidence: the presence of the letter answer (yes), it is not possible to put “hal” in place of the hamza because the sentence is negative, and “hal”

does not enter into the negative sentence.

(1/2019) The poet said: It would not harm you if you were just, had your eyes not seen your fate ?

Outside diameter Q/ Answer the question in the second part by proving it. Once and in the negative another time. C/ For proof, we

say: Yes. For denial, we say yes. The Messenger of God (may

God bless him and grant him peace) said: “Shall I not inform you of the best degree of prayer, fasting, and charity?” They said: “Yes, O Messenger of God.”
Q/ Why was the answer (yes) and not (yes)? C/ Because the sentence

is negative and he wanted affirmation. May Laila

sacrifice my soul, which I do not blame. Should I excuse Laila with the intention or do we blame

her? 1) Is it correct to replace (is) with the hamza Maalal?

It is not permissible because the question is related to the concept of the existence of (the mother of) the equation, and does it not apply to the question of the concept? A:

2) If you delete “um” and what follows it from the text, what is your answer to the question?

A: To prove: Yes. For negation: No. {Do they not

look at camels, how they are created?} Mention the

(/2022 d)
characteristics of the hamza. It

has the precedence over conjunctions and its entry into the negative sentence. A:

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Az A Rabiya s
won't have a good time Yes, it is necessary No, I promise the language and visited yat
N M M K about Hassan E

Characteristics of “the hamza and

(1/2022) Literature
whether” (Do you seek tolerance or fanaticism) (Do you want tolerance or fanaticism) Which of the two sentences is more

correct? Trust the rule. A: The first sentence, because the question being asked about must occur directly after the hamza and we mention an equivalent

that occurs after the mother ofKthe equation

BbThaw The poet said: Ally
by .negating
have by
Answer the question given peopleonce
affirming many times.
and What type of question is it?
another ÿ
(2/2021) Applied

time. A: Believing. For proof, we say: Yes. For negation, we say yes. This is the eloquent report.

(2/1995) ( Is it permissible
for the Almighty
ÿ ÿ
God to

say: (So Rasul Es / Is it permissible to replace the hamza with Hulla if something similar to it occurs

in another text? This was documented. C/ Were the messengers effective? Because the hamza has priority over the conjunctions. Are

you late for conjunctions? Have you not heard of distress in their meetings and there is

no decision for them, friend in the house ? Q/ Why is it not permissible to replace

(hal) with (hamza) in this case? C/ Because the sentence is negative,

and does it not include negation? Al-Hajjaj interviewed a man and said to him: Are you an Ash’ar or a

Khatib? He said: The two matters

are its words. Q/ What is the characteristic of the hamza? C/ The hamza came in the

(1/1995) question
B God Almighty said: (I
of conception. The answer
the designation.
ÿ to it is with Look at my guest's care in the familyRewa yy y will not

s / Can you replace “hal” with the hamza if something like it occurs in something other than the holy text? Explain that. C/

This is not permissible because the sentence is negative and does not include negation.

(1/1999) Y They are

La Y )a
God. What is the characteristic of the hamza in the holy text?
saw (He Aam Ml

B C/ The hamza entered the negative sentence. Do

(2 / 1999)
lovers not have freedom in you? How can lovers not understand your secrets? Q/ What

is the hamza specializing in in the house? How is the interrogative noun parsed? C/ The hamza entered

the negative sentence. How: An interrogative noun based on the opening in the accusative case. God Almighty said: (I hope S/

He sprinkled the solution on your chest ( after you read the

noble verse between the characteristic of the hamza. C/ The hamza

entered the negative sentence. Hope you see how

the deputies rise above the people of voluntary and curious things. Q/ In the

house is one of the characteristics of the hamza indicated? C/ The hamza

entered the negative sentence. As for the passion,

it is easy for you, and the matter is difficult for you to shed tears. Your mark is patience. Q-1/ What is

the characteristic of the hamza in this verse? Is it possible to replace it with (is)? The hamza is

included in the negative sentence. This is not permissible because the sentence is negative and does not enter into the negative.

2- Answer the question with (affirmation) once and with (negation) another

time? A: For proof, we say: Yes. For negation, we say: Yes.

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won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary ArabicNo, I promise the language
and visited yat
ÿ ÿ

M Ak Solve it a
I ÿ ÿ B God bless youHey
God Almighty said: “No.”
{Q/ In the holy text there is one of the characteristics of the hamza, what is it? ÿ

Hakam C/ The hamza entered the negative sentence. I

(2010/preliminary) hope you see how the days turn, bringing bitter and bitter joy. Q/ Can you put (is)

instead of the hamza? And why? What is the answer that suits the first question?

C/ This is not permissible because the sentence is negative and does not include negation. For proof, we say: Yes. For denial, we say: Yes. Do you not see

a beautiful fingernail other than a fingernail in which the Indian eggs and the lions have shaken hands?

Q/ Why is it not permissible for the question in the verse to be without a hamza? What do we call it? C/ This is not permissible

because the sentence is negative and does not include negation. It is called: Believing or in my Lord, we find that I see a

companion. A flash of lightning in the burning jug /

(2016 3) Adeeb What type of question is in the verse? What is the characteristic of the hamza?

C/Type: Visualization. The hamza came in the question of perception, and the answer to it is by designation. Alpha,

Umm Jafak Khalil, left. O lawyer, what is wrong with you when you cry with the hamza? What

Mosul questions
type of mother? 1) Bm C:

The hamza is included in the conceptual question, and the answer to it is by designation. An equation connected to emotion. 2) Is it

permissible to replace (is) with (hamza)? And why? It is not permissible

because the question is conceptual and the answer is by designation due to the presence of (the mother of) the A:

equation. I do not exaggerate. In the right of tomorrow, to the hand of Fadla. Is not a human

being known for charity ? Q/ Can you put (is) in the place of the hamza as an

explanation for that? A/ That is not permissible because the sentence is negative, and does it

(3/2019) not apply to negation?

Hana Y (Sufoun)
Come to me He was savedY Here you goshe saw God Almighty said: (a
What was the hamza characterized
by? Why Lo nif aa ÿ ÿ
ÿ Ml
God is a

C/ The hamza entered the negative sentence. Q/ Have

you not seen how the deputies rise to the people of voluntary acts and rational minds ? A

complete answer must be given to the first question. Then he expressed how he did not understand.

The writer. C/For proof, we say: Yes. To deny, we say yes. How: An interrogative

noun based on the opening in the accusative case. Is there a return for a stranger who

was blown away by the stones? And does a wandering woman have a return?

Biological What type of question is in the verse? Then put the hamza instead of (hal) in the two places, and change what is necessary. A: So, is it

a belief? Is it a belief? Is it strange for his toh?

Or for women who dream?

(2/1993) ÿ
paternal aunt
n God Almighty said:
Who is the One
Allah( is the One

Q/ The hamza has characteristics. Which of them is mentioned in the text about that ? A/

It has priority over the letters of conjunction. It was said to

Al-Atbi, “Who is the poet of the people?” He said, “With me or among the people?” It was said, “The people,” he said: “Imru’ al-Qais.” It was said, “And about you.”

He said: “Abu Nuwas.” Then he recited, “Do you know who this poetry is from?”

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won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

Q/ What is the type of question in (If they realized..) and how do you replace “Ha” with a hamza?

C/ Tasdiq/ So do you know...?


(1/1998) { He might
third of this is
what I said
That's what I said ÿ
I'm sorry Look A wounded woman and her family, A
The Almighty said: {

Q/ There is one of the characteristics of the hamza in the verse, mention it?

C/ The hamza has priority over the conjunctions. What is the

matter with my books that do not return any answers? Have you been honored

not to receive a response? Q/ Replace the question letter with another letter and write the phrase

with the explanation / Did you honor.... The hamza has priority over the conjunctions. As for (is), it comes later than conjunctions. C

(1/2010) Is there anything more astonishing than this to hear? I have patience and a complaint about my girl. Replace

the hamza with (is) indicating the characteristic of the hamza?

C/ Do I like it....? The hamza has priority over the conjunctions.

When will the shadow be straightened and the wood will be crooked? And will the Ibrahim go with his

brilliance? Q/ Replace the question letter with another letter?

A/A: Or gold....? Loon (Ajjasat

(2015) Y
Una). The Almighty torment
said: (Afb) ÿ ÿ

literary branch) Q/ The hamza has characteristics, which of them are mentioned in the holy text? Why?

C/ The hamza has priority over the conjunctions. Oh my absent

person, time cried because of your distance, so do we have a meeting after

outside absence? Q/ Replace (Has) with another question letter and change what is

the country) necessary. C/ Shall

/2019) How much I have in my heart for you. we...? The poet said: Do I have a fixed share in your heart ?

Mohidi Adeeb ( Q/ Put (the hamza) instead of (Has). C/ A:

Will I have a share...?

Is there a past or something new in you? Eid, in any case you returned, Eid. Q: In the

second part, there is a question, explain it and provide the evidence that helps you reach it? C/ Abram went on...? The

evidence for this is the existence of the mother of the equation. And what

I tend to say to Al-Abbas is meaning and no narration. She said to Al-Abbas, I said: Who then? Q/ What is the

characteristic of the hamza? Replace (is with the hamza). C/ The

characteristic of the hamza: omitted lightly. Replacement: Is it by Al-Abbas? He will show you this.

(1/1994) Ahl M
{YCharm How much ÿ
They are ruined
ÿ Indeed, I inform you He came before us
God Almighty said on the tongue of Pharaoh (As said:

/2015 Preliminary What is the most prominent characteristic of the hamza in which it differs from the hamza?

C/ The hamza feature: slightly deleted.

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won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary ArabicNo, I promise the language
and visited yat

You asked me who was the one who shot you, so I said, yes, from the remnants of the Arabs. (2/2003)

Delete it
Q/ There is a deleted letter that indicates it and a reason . C/

You are the security of the East? I deleted it omittingly.

I presented to the Noble One without adding more than the deed of great sin. Q/

What is the type of question? What is the advantage of its

instrument? / Believing. I deleted it

(They said 113 Bomittingly. John

ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ Here we go Ra'on said: the OhGod Almighty said: (and c
ne( ÿ
We fled from poverty
Yes, yes
Here you are bored
ne) ÿ
of GaulOn the go ÿ ÿ
ÿHashara F

Hiddenly deleted. 1-
Indicate the characteristic of the hamza? A: 2-

When do we answer with the letter “yes”? A: In the case of proof for the affirmative sentence. In the case of negation of the negative sentence.

Remember how many nights we spent in its shade while time was

bright. Q/ Extract the questions you find in the text, indicating its type? A: I

remember how many nights? ratification.

(2014) And the gray-haired man plays. I'm happy and I'm not longing for eggs. I'm happy

(1/2014) to delete
them? There is a deletion indicated by it, and

there is a reason for it. C/ Who has gray hair? Hiddenly de

Because of your age, I do not know whether you were able to pay seven stones of pebbles

or an eighth. Q/ In the house, explain the question and explain the evidence that helped you reach it? A: By

seven...? The evidence for this is the existence of the mother of the

equation. Q/ Determine the deleted question mark, then indicate the type of question.

C/ What are the seven...? Imagine.

(2015) ) vinegar We're half-assed That's what it isand net God Almighty said: (And
Seriously Y ÿ ÿ Oh, Arab ÿ
whatWow, Wow, Wow ÿ

Outside Q/ In the first noble verse there is more than one characteristic that is unique to the hamza, without (hal) indicating one of them. / It entered

vinegar We're half-assedand E it is

/ That's what
the letter similar to the verb inn. ...
Seriously Y ÿ ÿ ? I entered the conditional style. Or: Abba AEC

To death I seek or to death I ride. Dharwi, Shani and Al-Waghi Al-Mabalia Q/ Explain the question in the verse

and explain its type and the evidence for it. C/A: To death should I strive or to death

should I ride? Type: imagination. Hiddenly deleted. Al-Ma’mun said to one of his judges: “Are you

imprisoning my friends? Will they worry about anything?” He said , “ Yes ”

! ÿ

(2/2001) { Oh Godÿÿÿÿt ÿtfy y

To M God Almighty
They sawYE
Nash ÿ And boredom

said: (AS / Mention the characteristics of the hamza mentioned in the noble

text. C/ It has a noun on conjunctions and is inserted on the negative sentence. I said, “Who is

this person who has killed all of us with his death?” She said: Or what do you know? Q/ What is the

characteristic of the question letter? C/ It has a noun on conjunctions and is inserted on the negative sentence.

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A Rabiya s
won't have a good time Yes, it is necessary No, I promise the language and visited yat
Az MK Hassan E

from N M (1/2014) Dr
(j) ÿ ÿ
And he was left behind has the issuance of conjunctions,
designation. Do
Did he say something have
it comes any
wrong of right?
in the
or you, or for you
How I ?listen
doform C/and
It toissomeone
I don’t
by know? Q/

Indicate a characteristic of the hamza that occurs in the verse, then

indicate the type of question? C/ It was hidden. Imagine. God Almighty said: (What a curse on the face of the one who scratches

M.S./ What are the characteristics of the hamza? C/ It has a noun on conjunctions, and it comes

in the interrogative form and is answered with a definite noun. Harun Al-Qalq, God Almighty said: (Have He not seen,

even though He had been trained ?/

(1/2019) H BofIt has the issuanceMention a specificity

there will be mats,
On the
mats, yumsY( ÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿ
floor, han yHuda um a ÿ
of the hamza. C/

Writer conjunctions. Or: It entered the

negative sentence. The poet said: And to the youth, will he come back and the woods are what he wants? Q/ Put (the hamza)

(2/2019) A thousandÿsister Nd
(many). Yeh n n a C/ Should itnecessary.
come back?
ÿ in place
Q/ No, O Yand change what is
of (hal)
and they foundGod
it is different

lawyer, what is the matter with you

crying? Have you left an alpha or been separated from a lover ? Did you use the hamza? Is it

permissible to replace it with the hamza? Give reasons. Why?



Biological. C/ The question is about perception. It is not permissible to replace it because the question is conceived and is only for confirmation.

May you be with youQ/ They said: Ta’
RSFUNN {Didthe
not mention a people who used

as a specialty? Is it permissible to replace it with Hubble? Why

The writer.
C/ I entered the conditional style. This is not permissible. Q/ Why the

separation? Don’t we all have a love that we continue to embrace? Is it

permissible to replace it with “hal?” Why? What meaning did it give? A/ It is not

permissible to replace it because (Is) does not apply to the negative sentence. It only applies to the affirmative sentence. It is used

in the metaphorical question. It is accepted in the affirmative question. Ron F

alive ÿ
{ What are the characteristics of the hamza?

It has a noun on conjunctions, and is inserted on the negative sentence. A:

Q/ }Does not man remember that We created him before, and he was not a thing? { What

are the characteristics of the hamza? What is the grammatical and moral effect of the second negative
tool? It has a noun on conjunctions, and is inserted on the negative sentence. A: ML/ Bedouin:

The present tense verb is delimited. Moral: denying the action in the past tense. A Qaflah m on the hearts

of the
Quran Al-Qaq A A Anras/
said: (And
God Almighty
will He not go away?) What are the
)/2021 t
characteristics of the hamza? It has precedence over conjunctions, and it is included

in the negative sentence. A:

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M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary ArabicNo, I promise the language
and visited yat

These tears are flowing Q/ The poet said: Yes, my heart, I have returned to it . Formulate

a question for which what is underlined will be an answer.

Biological. C/ Can’t you promise?

mind is perfect throughout the trials, the poet said:Even
I diedif theHe saw that the mind is like

Applied What is the characteristic of the hamza? Then answer the question affirmatively once and negatively

again. I entered the negative sentence. To prove: Yes. To deny, yes. A: I will

Rise up go to the countryside Q/ The poet said: And he began to walk on the carpet, then he turned to the sea

The writer Delete its

place, and mention the reason for the deleted letter and return it to

Th A to the sea seeking...? To relieve. We A: A.


{ We are wise for to

Hassan M Na Gnome with me ÿ Y Oh, the
ÿ ÿ God Almighty said:
My people, my people are God best of luck

What is the characteristic of the

The writer hamza? Hala takes precedence over conjunctions. A: God


This is deliciousSo
B he was disobedient s Y Almighty said: (a).
Let's talk about it ÿ
ÿÿ (ÿÿÿÿÿ
They looked at me
ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ later teams floor later
They were seen
And boredom

(2/2012) Is there a characteristic of the hamza in the Holy Verse that is indicated?

C/ It has the issuance of conjunctions. Or: It entered the negative sentence. As for my heart’s

share of its desires, my heart has no share. How did the passion torture it at home, a

(/2022 d) characteristic of the hamza that it indicated?

I entered the negative sentence. A:

God Almighty said: “And they say, ‘When We stray into the earth, are we truly among a new creation?’”

What are the characteristics of the hamza

Biological. mentioned twice? A if: entered into the conditional if. (A, inna) entered the letter similar to the verb inna. A:

"Parsing the question mark"

Who is that waterer and what did he water me with? Q/ I express what is under it written by me, “Allah.” What of you, O Lail Taf? A/ That: A

demonstrative noun based on the opening in the nominative case, a delayed subject or predicate. It was said

to Al-Atbi, “Who do people feel most comfortable with?” He said, “With me or with the

people? ” Q/ What are the ways in which (who) is parsed? And why?

C/ Who: An interrogative noun based on sukun in the nominative subject or predicate followed by a definite noun. And

(1/2002) the heartaches until she left. Before Azza, I did not know what al-baka was. Q/ What are the

grammatical aspects in the parsing of the second (ma)? C/ Ma:

An interrogative noun based on the sukun in the nominative of a predicate or subject. The

Messenger (PBUH) said: “Do you know who is best among you with God? The poor.” And immigrants.”

(2015) .
Q/ Extract the type of question and then express what is underlined

Machine Translated by Google
A Rabiya s
won't have a good time Yes, it is necessary No, I promise the language and visited yat
Az MK Hassan E

about N M /2016)
C/ Do you know: You believe, who is the best of you:

Imagine from: an interrogative noun based on sukun in the nominative case of a predicate

or subject. Would you be honored if you were not met with a response? Q/ What is the parsing of the interrogative noun?

What is the matter with my books that do not answer them? C/Ma: An interrogative noun based

on sukun in the nominative case of a predicate or subject. ((It was said that a boy met my father Al-Ala’ Al-Ma’arri and

said: Who are you, Sheikh? He

said: So-and-so. He said: You are the one who said) ( S/ Express what is underlined. C/ From:

an interrogative noun based on the sukun in the nominative case of a predicate or subject.

(So I said . She said: Who is this, with whose death all of the people died? She said: Or what you know .. ) On the

The literary branch sukun in the nominative case of a subject or predicate

followed by a definite noun .


(3/2012) Y BY A TGod Almighty said: (And

Q/ Is there an interrogative noun in the text? Extract it and then express Wasi (your mother)

it? What: An interrogative noun based on sukun in the nominative case of a predicate or subject. A:

Who can satisfy all his traits? Q/ Whether

you make (the) the second pillar of the interrogative sentence or make (who) one word, the parsing is the same.


C/ Because in both cases it is followed by a definite noun, so it is

expressed: From: an interrogative noun based on sukÿn in the nominative subject or predicate followed by a definite noun.

(3/2015) ( Yña a Y
H Hal
Behind him is M Mÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ B
ÿ ThenB this Nadah
ÿ ÿ ÿ
E God Almighty said: (M E
is what May God bless you and grant you peace

M M Q/ Is the interrogative noun mentioned in the text expressed in two grammatical

ways? C/ Who: An interrogative noun based on sukun in the nominative case of a predicate or subject.

The poet said: Sahm invited me an invitation, so I answered him. Who can hope for a

Outside diameter representative after me? Q/ What is the parsing of the

interrogative noun and the reason? C/ Who: An interrogative noun based on sukun in the nominative subject or

(3/2016) nights, and the evening became a friend. predicate followed by a definite

noun. Who denounced Laila if she added Q/

How do you express (from) in the house? C/ Who: An interrogative noun based on sukun in a nominative subject or

(3/2016) Third( Is this this,

followed by a definite noun . In the light of your ÿ did God Almighty say: (and)

approach, express (what) in parts, supporting that with the rule. C/ Ma: an

interrogative noun based on a sukun in the nominative subject or a predicate followed by a definite noun. Like this

(3/2018) (shur
al-ala on sisaid:
bu mun
:) NS/
the interrogative
Almighty noun in the

text and express it, explaining the reason for the parsing. C/ From: An interrogative noun

based on sukun in the nominative nominative of a subject or a predicate followed by a definite noun. Say, God forbid.

(2019/1) { ...It's bad M

God us H
ÿ ÿ ÿ And suf 'anan fasudat
ÿ y ra dha han Mecca here.
He addressed
God Almighty said: ÿ

Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

Q/ What is the parsing of the interrogative noun mentioned in the text, Maalal?

C/Ma: An interrogative noun based on sukun in the nominative subject or predicate followed by a definite noun. The Messenger

(1/2019) of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him

Writer and his family) said: “Hearts rust like iron rusts.” It was said, “O Messenger of God: What is their escape?” He said; (Reading the

Qur’an ) . He said: Literature. He said: Yes, it is a thing, so

you should do it. )


Outside diameter

C/Ma: An interrogative noun based on sukun in the nominative subject or predicate followed by a definite noun. People

dhab { ÿ Nif Dhi n S/}And what is the matter?
Come, God bless you

The writer. What is the grammatical position of the interrogative noun?

Maalal. C/Ma: An interrogative noun based on sukun in the nominative subject or predicate followed by a definite noun. It came

Because M HB TA M is right
(2012 Preliminary)
ÿ This is guidance for He consoled me with light ÿ
ÿ He comes Oh, this is it down to youNa Yatha( )qal m ÿ Na God Almighty said: (And
God has limited us

Q/ How do you express (from) the interrogative word mentioned in the two noble verses? And why? C/ Who is

more truthful: an interrogative noun based on the sukun in the nominative subject as a subject, followed by an indefinite noun.

Who revealed: an interrogative noun based on the sukun in the nominative subject as a subject, the reason followed by a verb. Transitive, its object is

(2014/1) Outside the country fulfilled. From Fares, Khalilm, it means us. If there is one manna in the alif, then they call it s/

indicates the question and explains its nominative case, then replaces its parsing with the nominative as well.

A/From: In the nominative case, because it is a subject followed by an indefinite noun. Who is the knight?
He fell asleepOh God Call them outThis is the case
(2017/2017) Color (uncle) ÿ
B ÿ ÿ
Mmshha She joked‘UmmI am unjust and God does not know. Do you know?God Almighty said: “Say,
I didn't understand We are God

Q/ What is the type of question? How do you express his second instrument? /

Are you: imagine, whoever is wronged: imagine. Who: An interrogative noun based on the sukun in the nominative subject. I C

mean to you, and you have the Lord. O my heart, I see you do not

read. Express (what), reinforcing this with the rule

C/Ma: An interrogative noun based on a sukun in the nominative case of a subject followed by a semi-phrasal. He

(1/2001) removed the wear and tear and made it beautiful. Oh Dar Saadi, why is your quarter so

humble ? Q/ Express the interrogative noun?

C/Ma: An interrogative noun based on a sukun in the nominative case of a subject followed by a semi-

phrasal. And I did not know if the dream responded to me with a human being if I made him angry.

Preparatory ( Q/ Extract the interrogative noun from the verse, explain its meaning, and mention its parsing, explaining the reason? C/ From: Its

meaning: for the wise person. An interrogative noun based on a sukun in the nominative case of a subject followed by a semi-gamma.

(2/2012) Hal Al Hilal Fa It is a solution

Phone(said Here you are
Iqq Why b God Almighty

(1/2013) (F. S. S/ What is the parsing of (what) unified and undivided in the Holy Verse? And why? C/

What: An interrogative noun based on a sukun in the nominative case of a subject followed by a semi-phrasal.

Machine Translated by Google
A Rabiya s
won't have a good time Yes, it is necessary No, I promise the language and visited yat
Az MK Hassan E

from N M (1/2016) ÿ ÿ God Almighty said: They said

What is the parsing
the of the interrogative noun mentioned in ÿ
C/ What:
An noun based on Holy
a sukun
Text, in
reason? case of a subject

followed by a semi-glossary. Indeed, the two sides of eternity. Or will I be harmed? The poet

said: Who do I have as a lover but you so that I may take refuge in him with sadness? Q/ I extract the

significance: interrogative noun, explaining its significance, then express it with a reason. C/ Who: Its meaning and

Preparatory ( for the rational person. An interrogative noun based on the sukun in the nominative case of a subject followed

by a quasi-mammalian. The Almighty said (and they say: Dahm ma ajaja kanhan na nara rs/ What is the grammatical position of the

(3/2019) ) Arshan Al on a sukuninterrogative noun? Why?

C/Ma: An interrogative noun
in based

Writer nominative case of a subject followed by a semi-phrasal. God does not

allow love to remain. Let us and what remains if we finish it. S/ express what is underlined . C/ ma: an

interrogative noun based on the sukun in the nominative of a subject followed by an intransitive

verb. Is it they who made fun of us?

(1/1994) ssh( BYes, I am told Ouda

... M E,
... M, A, E ÿGod Almighty said (Wale
ÿ ÿ

Q/ What is the meaning of the interrogative noun and what is its parsing? Do you support your answer

with the rule? C/Ma: Its meaning: for the unwise. An interrogative noun based on the sukun in the nominative case of a subject followed by a transitive verb that takes its

(2/2000) E TA
ÿ b what comes
This is ÿobject. The Almighty revealed the universe.
Because it is (S) and Sunnour is a guide to ÿ

He said (Qul M S/ Express the interrogative noun with a

word? C/ From: An interrogative noun based on sukun in the nominative case of a subject followed by a transitive verb that takes its

object. O home, what have I done to you? The days hold you together and the days do not

hold you together. Q/ How would the question be if we wanted to parse the interrogative noun as a

subject? C/ What did

in the past, but there is no way to reach it? you do? Who does not love the world

Mosul questions Q/ State the interrogative noun and parse it, explaining the reason for the parsing. C/

From: An interrogative noun based on sukun in the nominative case of a subject followed by a transitive verb that takes its object. My

inclination towards Abbas is contagious and not short. She said to Al-Abbas: I said, “Who has permission?” Q/ If in the

expression (then who has given permission), I deleted it, and the appreciation is (whom I meant by permission), so how do you express “who” and

why? C/Who: An interrogative noun based on sukun in the accusative accusative object, obligatorily preceded, followed by a transitive verb that does not fulfill its object.

(1/1993) Earn 1 The Almighty said: “Repent

(2)( They are the ones who are indispensable
us (MHow Y
Da Abi Hal

do you express (what) in the Almighty’s saying?

C/ Ma: an interrogative noun based on sukun in the accusative accusative object that is obligatorily

(2/1998) (Without) How

Hpreceded .BDhaqal Al)E ÿ
do you direct the parsing of the interrogative noun maalal? ÿ ÿ

C/ Ma: An interrogative noun based on sukun in the accusative of an object that is obligatorily presented and followed by a transitive verb that does not take

(1/1999) its object. We hope that it is in its place from you. What did you do with it? Al-Manfaluti said: Oh tomorrow. Tell

us about S/ Express the second interrogative noun and explain the reason.

Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

C/ What: An interrogative noun based on sukoon in the accusative case of an object obligatorily presented and followed by a transitive verb that does not take its object.

ask. I am not an expert in astrology. Q/ What What will I present tomorrow, do not

is the parsing of (what) unified and undivided? And why?

C/ What: An interrogative noun based on sukoon in the accusative case of an object obligatorily presented and followed by a transitive verb that does not take its object.

(1/2014) What did I find in the world that I liked? C/

Where am I suspicious of Hamsud? Q/ What is the parsing of ((what))?

What: An interrogative noun based on a sukÿn in the accusative case of an object that is obligatorily presented and followed by a transitive verb that does not take its

(2015) And kill him, what does he want from us? object. Except the killer of God, the

Preliminary cores, what is his matter ? Q/ In light of your approach, express (what) unified, not divided, supporting your answer with the rule?

C/ What: An interrogative noun based on sukoon in the accusative case of an object obligatorily presented and followed by a transitive verb that does not take its object. If

the destroyer of pleasures came to you, what would you say and you did not have an excuse?

A writer (writer) Q/ Express the interrogative noun, reasoned.

C/ What: An interrogative noun based on sukoon in the accusative case of an object obligatorily presented and followed by a transitive verb that does not take its object.

(2/2018) n (mAnd R F Y God Almighty said:

Why did he come?
b ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿJKKKM
ÿ ÿ
This is a guard I will enlighten See me

Outside diameter Q/ What is the parsing of the interrogative noun?

C/ What: An interrogative noun based on sukoon in the accusative case of an object obligatorily presented and followed by a transitive verb that does not take its

object. If you are distressed, who will you call? The poet said: What did we agree on, my heart ? And the

gray hair of his mouth wants

The poet said: Woe to the youth. Will he return ? S/

Writer Express the interrogative, mentioning the reason.

C/Ma: An interrogative noun based on sukoon in the accusative case of an object obligatorily presented and followed by a transitive verb that does not take its

(3/2019) object. The poet said: If the heart is filled with it, then what will harm it if the places are empty of

it? Q/ Express (what) unified, undivided, and mentioning the reason. C/ What:

An interrogative noun based on sukun in the accusative accusative object, obligatory precedent, followed by a transitive verb that does not take its object. A poetic

chant . You have made us sleep hard. The poet said: A scholar who forbade me. S/

In the verse, he made an interrogative sentence and then expressed it, explaining the change that had occurred in it.

What: An interrogative noun based on the sukun in a prepositional preposition. The letter “Alif” was deleted in order to distinguish it from the rest of the types of “ma”. A: Q/

Undo the syllable with a line underneath it and return it to its point. C/ scientist. Ali: a

preposition. What is an interrogative noun?

(1/1999) Oh Mother
He said Solve it
Ynb ÿ sqd m
God Almighty said: “And He is
God( Don't kill me

Q/ The preposition entered “what” in two places, and its spelling differed. How do you explain that?

C/ The first one: Mala: is not interrogative (connected), so do not delete the faha. Lama:

interrogative: the alif must be deleted to lighten it and to distinguish it from the rest of the types of ma.

Machine Translated by Google
A Rabiya s
Az MK Hassan E won't have a good time Oh, Job, No, I promise the language and visited yat

from N M (2022 AD)

the poet said: He measured your passion with every pulse that had settled in me, oh my love, you

wronged me and left me. S/ Denote the interrogative noun, and express it, explaining the

change that has occurred in it. What: An interrogative noun based on the sukun in a

prepositional preposition. A: I deleted the letter “Alif” in order

to make it different and different from the rest of the types of (Ma). What is the

explanation? “ The family,” “homeland,” “Nadeem,” “cup,” “home . ” The genitive

case was deleted in order to distinguish it from the rest of the types of (ma). A:

Unless you ride on the sand to fold the original, the necessity of magic. Q/ In

the text, there is a specific question, then he expresses it, explaining what has changed and for what purpose?

What: An interrogative noun based on the sukun in a prepositional preposition. A: I deleted the fah in order

to make it easier and distinguish it from the rest of the types of (what). Jamazy exclaimed. Are you satisfied with what you

(2/2013) have redeemed the fever with? Tell the martyr, “Alam. You look at the poison / in the house.” A question.

Identify it and then explain the reason for the change that occurred in it . I deleted the “faha” in order to

Adeeb (2/2014)
make it easier and distinguish it from the rest. Types of (what). A: A scholar: What is the solution to

(2015) year
Mahon (R How manytimes do yousee God? ÿ ÿ
the Qubayyat Hasi Al? ÿB If you like it, you will stay
ÿ Y God Almighty said: (He said
Q: Point to

A writer (writer) the question and express it, mentioning the characteristic of its article in the text? What:

An interrogative noun based on the sukun in a prepositional preposition. A: The characteristic

of the article: The letter “alif” was deleted in order to reduce and distinguish it from the

(2/1992) A of(ma).rest of the types

express the word (scientific) in the noble verse. C/ Color) they,Why were
uncle? ÿ

Scientific: a predicate or a delayed subject in the nominative case, and its nominative sign is the

decreed dhammah.
How bad were their worries? The
ÿzÿl al-naÿb (ÿm) ÿÿ ÿ

Almighty said: (AS /) In the noble text, he made the same question and then expressed it, explaining

what change had occurred in him? What: An interrogative noun based on the sukun in a prepositional preposition. I deleted the letter “ Alif” in A:

Adeeb (2/2018) order to make it different “We

B said.”
Y God Almighty said,
and types of (ma). The accusative object
from is
rest of thepreceded

followed by a transitive verb that does not take its object. By God, the Shahah of

Gods is yad on ms / Express the interrogative noun mentioned in the Holy Text with a reason. What: an interrogative noun based on sukoon in a

(2/2017) aB TA
Loon (UncleAat.) TAKFURNEP MIL Did the Almighty say, “Say.”
preposition.preposition with a

Outside diameter It preceded with a preposition. C: h Saha (Hal, Ariya, Ariya, and the biggest is


(2/2018) TAThis is the

ÿ ÿ ÿ ironing,
sleep.”the qulun,
God Y you
Almighty said may
(and s/ express the
ÿ ÿ Go out of your mind

interrogative noun as ma’alal.

What: An interrogative noun based on a sukoon in the nominative case of a subject followed by a semi-gative. A:

(2/2001) Y
A TGod Almighty said: (And
B Y for you
Wasi (your mother) ÿ

Q/ There is a question in the text. Extract it and direct its parsing?

Machine Translated by Google
Az A Rabiya s
N M M K about Hassan E won't have a good time Alaa Jub No, I promise the language and visited yat

C/Ma: An interrogative noun based on sukun in the nominative subject or predicate. The

Messenger of God (PBUH) said: “On whomever the Fire is forbidden.” They said: “God and His Messenger know best.” He said: “On

my ease, the soft, the easy, the near .” preceded by a preposition.

Sam Aoun (Afalat) ÿ

(2017) ...
baa yadhi
Km ÿ Because
God Almighty said (M
He is not ÿ

Preparatory ( God. S/ In the holy text there is an interrogative noun. What meaning does it give?

Expressed by Maalal / from: for the rational person. (From) an interrogative noun based on the sukun in the C

(2/2017) Al- God Almighty said,

noun. of a nominative
subject followed by an ÿ
and Haleel “Say, ‘Lukeis my name.

because he is Mahar. Q/ How do you parse the interrogative noun

Maalal? A: (Who) is an interrogative noun based on the sukoon in the nominative case of a subject followed by a transitive verb that fulfills

/2019) ÿ
its object. God Almighty
May God be pleased with you (say, “And the first are heavens in the world.”)

A writer (writer) said (Say why ?/ Express the interrogative noun by

saying “mala”? A: From: an interrogative noun based on sukoon in a preposition with the letter of the preposition. preceded by

a preposition. And we were done with nostalgia and pain. The poet said: We have not

returned or we have not grown in love. Q/ What type of (what) is mentioned

in the verse? C/ Interrogative. The thoughts of the one who is determined . Q/ How are the

interrogative nouns expressed? And why? C/ From an interrogative noun based on the sukun in A preposition added to it, preceded by an

(1/2014) ÿ
indefinite noun with an added noun. Pardon {Express what unified and mention the reason. So, saythe colors as what

(1/2020) Biological ss/}wy yinj /what: an interrogative noun based on sukun in the accusative accusative object obligatorily preceded and followed by a verb It is transitive and does not

take its object. Q/ Jesus, peace be upon him, said: (Who is your manners?) He said: No one disciplined me, but I saw the ugliness
of ignorance, so I avoided it.) Define the interrogative noun, and

express it, with the reason. C/ Who: An interrogative noun based on sukun in the nominative nominative of a subject followed by a

transitive verb that

object. its is theyb
takesWhat al-sahha a s/}w
significance of the interrogative noun? How do you express it? And the

reason. C/ Its significance: The characteristic of the

rational person and his reality. What: An interrogative noun based on sukun in the nominative nominative of a subject or a

Did he say S/}E

something about you {
Y predicate. It is followed by a noun of ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ
ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿGHÿNBGH knowledge. ÿÿÿÿÿÿ
with me


What is the meaning of the interrogative noun, and express it

with the reason. What: an interrogative noun based on sukun in a preposition with a preposition. Preceded by a preposition.

the Beloved, but he did not respond. A: Q/ What follows. I stood on the graves, greeting

My answer : What is the parsing of the interrogative noun

Ma’alal? C/ Ma: An interrogative noun based on a sukun in the nominative case of a subject followed by
a semi- mazal . is theparsing of the Bwhat did R. say?
Q/ }They said

interrogative noun? Explaining why.


Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary ArabicNo, I promise the language
and visited yat

C/ What: An interrogative noun based on sukoon in the accusative case of an object obligatorily presented and followed by a transitive verb that does not take its object. Q/ The

Messenger (PBUH) said: “Do you know what backbiting is? They said: God and His Messenger know best. He said: Your brother reminded you of something

that he hates. Define the interrogative noun and express it with

Applied. (2022 1) Biological the reason. In the text there are two interrogatives. Point to them and indicate their types, then express

its second tool. A: Do you know: to believe. What is backbiting: imagine.

What: An interrogative noun based on the sukun in the nominative case, a subject or a predicate. The name “knowledge” follows. A:

Q/ Except, O lawyer, your heart is present to you and your branch is a field, so why do you mourn?

Define the interrogative noun and express it, giving the reason. What:

Applied. An interrogative noun based on the sukun in a preposition with the preposition. preceded by a preposition. A: Q/ What is the

matter with the engagement? She overwhelmed her as if she was ignorant that we were calling you on the lookout (/2017

1) Point out the question and

The writer.
express it. A/ What: An interrogative noun based on a sukun in the nominative subject followed by a semi-

phrasal. O home, what have the days done to you? Stand in the lands of the oppressors

and call them, specify . The interrogative noun and express it,
Preparatory (

mentioning the reason. C/Ma: An interrogative noun based on sukun in the accusative case of an object obligatorily presented and followed by a transitive verb that

does not take its object. Who is the one who has never done bad and who

has only the best ? Express (who is that) unified and mention the reas

What: An interrogative noun based on the sukun in the nominative case, a subject or a predicate. The name “knowledge” follows.
Preparatory (

A: Q/ If the people said, “I am a boy, I thought I was being mean, so I was not lazy or dull,” define the

interrogative noun and express it, mentioning the reason. C/ Who:

(/2021, edited by
An interrogative noun based on the sukun in the nominative of a subject followed by an indefinite noun.

Adeeb). (preserved) Ask how much money we haveThey are here Qfuhm E ÿ
ÿ Q/ God Almighty said: (And

Define the interrogative noun and express it, explaining why. C/

Ma: An interrogative noun based on a sukun in the nominative case of a subject followed by a semi-

Biological phrasal. ÿqal t

Did( ÿ Help the people of God
ÿWait a minute ÿ ÿ
Concern A
Q/ God Almighty said: (And...
And He will punish me with a severe punishment Akhmhmhmm of You get bored ÿ

Define the interrogative noun, and express it, explaining why.


What: An interrogative noun based on the sukun in a preposition with the preposition. preceded by a preposition.

my promise, and loyalty is little. A: Q/ The poet said: And I will not praise you as long as I keep

(1/2021) Indicate the interrogative noun and express it, explaining the reason for the parsing.

C/Ma: An interrogative noun based on a sukun in the nominative case of a subject followed by a semi-phrasal. They

She came
are God (he says We created them as a whole n Q/ God Almighty said: (Loyalty

Express the interrogative, giving the reason. C/Ma:

The writer
An interrogative noun based on sukun in the nominative case of a subject followed by a transitive verb that takes its

object. before Heyscold

ÿ Why do you kill? Q/ God Almighty said: (Say,

Oh God

Machine Translated by Google
A Rabiya s
Az MK Hassan E won't have a good time Answer: No, I promise the language and visited yat

from N M (1/2021) Express the interrogative noun with an explanation, explaining what has changed.

Al-Adib What: An interrogative noun based on the sukun in a preposition with the preposition. The letter “Alif” was deleted in order to distinguish it from the rest of the types ofA:“ma”.

Oh my God, do not weep in tears when eternity approaches and eternity becomes uncertain.

Define the interrogative noun and express it, explaining the reason. C/

Ma: An interrogative noun based on a sukun in the nominative case of a subject followed by a semi-

reason? the people? Who underlined
is the best while mentioning
of people? the phrasal.
An interrogative Is it better
noun based on afor people?
sukun We
in the say: Who is the best at parsing what is

case, a subject or a predicate. The name “knowledge” follows. Who is good to people: an interrogative noun based on a sukun in the nominative case of a

subject followed by an intransitive verb. Oh yes, what is the ruling? The Almighty said: {
Biological ÿ

May Eh l
Noon Y ÿ ÿ ÿ

{ Qawqoomi God blesscharacteristic

you. What is of
thethe hamza?

(2/2021) Al-Adib What is the parsing of the interrogative noun?

Hala takes precedence over conjunctions. From: An interrogative noun based on the sukun in the nominative case of a subject followed by an indefinite noun. A:

It's badT
We deny ÿ
a boy? noun,
Express the interrogative And then
is there
word likeYes
hamza) tuh
ÿ n alan mn ÿ

(1/2022) Writer instead of (Hall) and change what you see. A: An interrogative noun based on the sukun in the

nominative nominative of a subject or a predicate. It is followed by a definite noun. A and by fatti. Such as...? {On the Day when God will gather the Messengers and

say, “What have you answered? They will say, ‘We have no knowledge. Indeed, it is You who is the Knower of the unseen.’” What is the

(1/2022) Writer
parsing of (what) unified and not fragmented? And why? What: an

interrogative noun based on sukun in the nominative subject. A followed by a passive verb. A:

Ministerial questions about the tools of time and place (when - when - where - where)

For the covetous, and where is that covetous person? Covetousness is not taught to be

humiliating. Q/ How do you express an interrogative noun? Document your answer

with the rule. A/ I: An interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in the nominative case of a predicate that is obligatorily preceded by

a definite noun. And she said, “How about your departure from them?” I said to her, “I have no knowledge of destiny.”

Express what is underlined by J/Ani: an interrogative noun based on sukun in the nominative case, an obligatorily presented predicate

(1/1998) ( Nafs (orGod Almighty said:

ÿ ÿ
Akm Nadn Na A Here,
this, say it, M, Aha, I said, “Three of the M’s are poured.” May Aha.
followed by a definite

noun. What is the meaning of “Anni ” and what is its pronunciation?

“Anni” indicates the place. An interrogative noun based on the sukoon in the nominative nominative of an obligatory predicate, followed by a noun of

(1/1999) knowledge of our hopes. Where is their place in you? And tell us about our wishes. From an article by Al-Manfaluti (O Tomorrow, we have hopes, old and young, so tell us

what you did with them?)

Q/ An interrogative noun was mentioned in the article. Express the first one and explain your answer.

noun. knowledge.
A/ Where: An interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in the nominative of a predicate obligatorily preceded by a

Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

If it appears from the hour of the sun, the dawn has begun. Do the servants of God know where they

are? Q/ Extract the interrogative noun and then express it? C/

Where: An interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in the nominative case of an obligatory predicate followed by a definite noun. Color
(2/2018) Maha Ali Im Y
a Hurry the Sa God Almighty said:
This is it ( The time has comeHere's to meNad ribal ji
ÿ ÿ They areHe anchored it, say:
N ka a

(Y Q/ How do you express the interrogative noun illuminating the rule? What is the difference between him and Matthew?

C/ Ian: An interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in the nominative case of an obligatory predicate, followed by a definite

noun. The difference: When will you understand it for the past and the future? Ian: He asks for the future and great things. Color

(2/2016) a Hurry the Sa God Almighty said: (Y

N ka a
He anchored it ( HA N M Y ÿ

the reason for the parsing.

Q/ Identify the interrogative noun in the text, explaining its meaning and parsing, and explaining

A/Ayan: He inquires about the future and great things. Ian: An

interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in the nominative case of a predicate that is obligatorily presented, followed

(2/2017) by a definite noun. I watch the sun set. The poet said: And a day like the day of two lovers is like his story. Q/

How do you express (Ayan) when you say (Ayan Grohba)? And why?

Ian: An interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in the nominative case of a predicate that is obligatorily presented, followed by a definite noun. The

conveyor of the verses of my family and their faithfulness. The poet said: How do we have the likes of Zaid alone ? Q/ What

Outside diameter is the significance of (Ani) and what is its parsing documented?

by a definiteAnnie: indicates the place, an interrogative noun based on the sukoon in the nominative case of an obligatory predicate, followed

noun. The poet said: Do not be sorry for the past, where is your patience? No hope if it is too late. Q/ What is the grammatical

Preparatory ( position of the interrogative noun maalal?

C/ Where: An interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in the nominative case of an obligatory predicate followed by a definite noun. The Messenger

of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, his family, and his companions) said: “A man’s rank in Paradise will be raised, and he will say: How can I do this?” He said: Asking your son’s

Preparatory ( forgiveness for you. ( Q/ What is

the significance of “Ani”)? And what is its syntactic expression? And why?

I: indicates the place. It is an interrogative noun based on the sukoon in the nominative case of an obligatory predicate, followed by a definite noun. The poet

said: Where am I from my exhalation of the one whom I have entrusted, and where am I from you, my son, my son, the

strength of the lion ? S/ I express the interrogative noun at the beginning of the

verse and confirm it. C/ Where: An interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in the nominative case of an obligatory predicate followed by

a definite noun. Then she said when will the meeting be? The poet said: She bid me farewell with eagerness

)2 and longing. Q/ Identify the interrogative noun in the text, explaining its meaning and parsing, explaining the reason for the parsing.

When: An interrogative noun based on sukun in the accusative case of a predicate preceded by an imperfect verb followed by an imperfect verb that does not complete its predicate.

Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

Q/ When do you do a lot of irrigation if you are at least unable to do so? Express the interrogative noun maalal. C/ Matt: An

T Adib
interrogative noun based on a sukoon in an accusative accusative case containing an adverb of time, followed by a perfect verb. Q: When will

our success be? I see here the glory of meeting my loved ones and what I want. Define the

interrogative noun, express it, and state the reason. When:

The writer.
An interrogative noun based on sukun in the accusative case of a predicate preceded by an imperfect verb followed by an imperfect verb that does not

complete its predicate. Do not be sorry for the past. Where did you wait? It would be

better if it was too late. Q/ With an appropriate change, make the

interrogative noun express an adverb . A: Where do you wait?

Is it usual for a quarter to speak? Q/ In the house, is there an interrogative noun that I express as an excuse? Where were your Serbs? Ask the

quarter: Ani Yammat or Samal C/ Ani: An interrogative noun based on a sukun in the accusative case, an object containing an adverb of

(1/2013) place, followed by a perfect verb. When is the shadow straight and the wood is crooked? Is a row

equal to it gone? Q/ What is the parsing of the interrogative noun mentioned in the vers

C/ Matt: An interrogative noun based on a sukoon in an accusative accusative case containing an adverb of time, followed by a perfect

(3/2013) verb. I see you with clear eyes,

characterized by determination, breaking the

thorns of thousands and caution. Q/ Extract the interrogative noun,

explaining its meaning, then express

it? C/ Ana: for time or adverb: Ana: an interrogative noun based on sukun in an accusative case that

contains an adverb of time. Annie: - An interrogative noun based on sukun in the

(1/2014) yy They felt like Ya aMM

Uthwan B(yHan Oh, liveaccusative GodWawat
case. AlmightyTaghri
said (UmA

Writer Q/ Identify the interrogative noun in the noble text and express it, explaining the reason for the parsing? C/

Ayan: An interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in the accusative case, as an object, an adverb of time, followed by a perfect verb.

Stealth for banquets, and how I formulated my invitations to afflictions. Q/ In the my hearing?When was

verse, an interrogative noun was mentioned between its connotation and its grammatical position, with the reason

being mentioned. An interrogative noun in the accusative case is an adverb of time followed by an imperfect verb that fulfills its predicate. When: for

the time, as how: for the adverb, an interrogative noun in the accusative case followed by a perfect verb.

(3/2015) Q/ Make (I) an indication of the place in your creation and express it. / For the

place: How did you get these books? In the nominative case, a predicate is followed by a definite noun. C

(1/2016) Dr.
When will my eyes be filled with a glance at you and your right is that day with me ?/

between the Arabic position and the interrogative noun ma’alal. A:

When: An interrogative noun based on sukun in the accusative case, as an object, an adverb of time, followed by a perfect verb. The

poet said: I spent a lifetime waiting for my beloved, so when will the beloved return to the beloved? Q/

Express the interrogative noun, and state the reason . A:

When: An interrogative noun based on sukun in a predicate in the accusative case, as an object of time, followed by a perfect verb.

Accept: an interrogative noun based on sukun in the accusative case, in the accusative case, an adverb of time, followed by a nominal phrase.

Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

For how long have you been in a Muharram uniform and for how long: Have you been in your

apartment and for how long? Find two of the interrogative nouns that appear in the house. I will explain

to them in detail. A: That is: the interrogative noun of jamur and its genitive sign is the

visible karsa. When: An interrogative noun based on the sukun in a prepositional preposition.

How many hopes, my friend, do you hope for? How long will the heart remain tortured ? Q/

What is the parsing of the interrogative noun mentioned at the beginning of the verse? How do you make it in the

accusative case? C/ When: An interrogative noun based on the sukun in a preposition with the

preposition. When does the heart remain...? In the accusative case, there is an adverb of time followed

“You loved him, where is your home?” You were cheating on her. dear by a perfect verb.

How much did it leave you ? Q/ What is the significance of (where)? What is

the ruling on introducing it? State the reason. A: Place: ......................... ........

Who can a person trust, who will act on his behalf, and where does the noble freedom

have companions? Q-1/ Express the interrogative noun in the second part, illuminating the rule.

C/ An interrogative noun based on the opening of a preposition with a preposition, preceded by a

preposition. 2- Can you put an interrogative tool instead of the tool mentioned in the second part? Is it similar in meaning?

A: How does the honorable free man have

any friends? Q/ Anjum Laila, where is Badri going or what do you learn from him? The

poetic line includes two interrogative adjectives, the first of which is expressed

only. C/ where: an interrogative noun based on the opening in the nominative case of an obligatorily

presented predicate. My homeland in Lij asks about me, where I am from, the cradle of

youth, where I am from. Q1/ - Express the interrogative noun that came first, referring to

Rule 2 - Replace the interrogative noun (where did you get this) with another noun with its meaning?

C-1/ Where: An interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in the nominative case of an obligatory predicate followed by a definite noun.

-2 How did you get this?

If it were not for the way she enacted poetry, the greedy would not know where good deeds come

from. Q/ Can you put the question word instead of the aforementioned tool? Is it similar in meaning? C/ How

are good deeds given? And where

does the honorable free man have companions? Who does a person trust and who represents

him? Q/ Can you put an interrogative tool instead of the tool mentioned in the second part? Is it similar in meaning? Q/ Replace

(from where) with an interrogative noun similar to it in meaning. C/ How does the

noble heat have companions? Q/ How can the

night of your sadness be a shelter, and when will the sun of your morning rise? What is the significance of

“Ani” and what are its meanings and the reason?

C/For the adverb: an interrogative noun based on a sukun in an accusative adverb followed by an imperfect verb that fulfills its predicate.

Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

It is accepted: for time or place: an interrogative noun based on sukoon in the accusative as an object containing an adverb of place or time followed by an imperfect

Applied. verb that fulfills its predicate. Q/ I

wish the houses could tell an inquirer where their people settled in the homelands. Express

the interrogative noun as Ma’alal. A:

Where: An interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in the accusative case, the object of which is an adverb of place followed by a perfect verb.

The writer.
Q/ Oh questioner, where is the solution for generosity and generosity when I have a statement? If someone

asks for it, they present it. What is the significance of the interrogative noun? What is its parsing? Why? Then

replace it with another meaning. C/ for the place. Where: An interrogative noun based on the opening in the accusative case, the object of which is an adverb of

The writer place, followed by a

perfect verb. How can I solve the skin? Q: When will time run out, and God is able, so we can dwell in this tomb in peace

Express the interrogative noun and state the reason. C/ An

interrogative noun based on sukun in the accusative case, as an object, and an adverb of time, followed by a perfect verb.

n of bafay Q/
And I come to walk The poet said: The youth has gone and has a mouth like a stick.

What is the parsing of the question name? Explained.

C/ Where: An interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in the nominative case of an obligatory predicate followed by a definite noun. Where

does his blood flash, escaping from his blood? I wish my hair was where from it. What is the

parsing of where is the word for me? I have passed away with

the reason. A: Where is it: an interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in the nominative case, an obligatory predicate followed by a definite noun.

I: an interrogative noun based on sukun in the accusative case, as an object, and an adverb of time, followed by a perfect verb.

Ministerial questions about what indicates the condition (how - how)?

How can you succeed when you have no agreement and the oud has no voice without a string?

Q/ What are the parsing of the interrogative noun (how) Ma’alal. /

How: An interrogative noun based on the opening in the nominative case of a predicate that is obligatorily followed by a definite noun.

This is a dual if it is far and if it is close. So how can we - I wish I had poetry - dual ? Q/

How do you parse the interrogative noun? / How: An

interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in the nominative case of a predicate obligatorily followed by a definite noun.

With salt we fix what we fear will change, so how about with salt if it befalls others?

Q/ If you know that the ba’ in (salt) is extra, then parse (how) and mention the reason? How would you parse it if you knew that

There is a deleted verb whose appreciation is (how do we do)

/ How salt: An interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in the nominative case of a predicate that is obligatorily preceded and followed by a definite noun. C

How to do: An interrogative noun based on the fatha in an accusative case followed by a perfect verb.

Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary ArabicNo, I promise the language
and visited yat

I wish you had time, sadite. How can you return? Is there a good watch? Q/ How do you direct the

parsing of an interrogative noun ? A/ How: An

interrogative noun based on the opening in the nominative case of an obligatory predicate. I was in

the prime of youth aside from my youth, but now my gray hair is coming out. Q/ What is the

meaning of the interrogative tool? How do you address its parables if there is an omitted meaning (where is the matter)?

C/ for the time being. An interrogative noun based on the sukun in the nominative case of a predicate obligatorily followed by a

(2/2012) It's all empty definite noun. He loves people through his cheeks
So how come, when my
beloved comes to me? Q/ If you count the ba as yaf

C/ An interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in the nominative case of a predicate obligatorily followed by a definite

(2014 3) Adeeb noun. Longing, and since only a night had passed, how about if he brought us a throne? Q/

Multiple parsing of (how). It has two parsings after evaluating the omitted. C/ How: An

interrogative noun based on the opening in the nominative case of a predicate obligatorily followed by a definite noun. And appreciation: How is

the matter? An

interrogative noun based on the opening in the accusative case followed by a perfect verb. And appreciation: How do we
ÿ ÿ

(1/2016) ) YehPff Yes F E work? God Almighty said: “My jaw

When he combined his meanings forÿ
And my money

Q/ What is the parsing of the word “how” based on (How is it)? A/

How: An interrogative noun based on the opening in the nominative case of an obligatory predicate.

(/2019 2) Adeeb My friend, my blood The poet said: Oh, I wish my poetry could sleep with

you. Q/ The parsing of the interrogative noun maalal.

C/ How: An interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in the nominative case of a predicate obligatorily followed by a definite

noun. How did their wives and virgins become? He asked about them during the night and

during the day. Q/ What is the parsing of the interrogative noun that is documented with the rule?

How: An interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in the accusative case of a predicate for an imperfect verb followed by an imperfect verb that did not fulfill the verb. So

(1/2012) ( This is ithe was disobedient Flour

M H Let's talk about it ÿ B They looked at me
ÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ entire later
(Yes, yes Named
They were seen God Almighty said:

Q/ Express the interrogative noun Maalal.

C/ How: An interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in a predicate accusative case for an imperfect verb followed by an imperfect verb that did not fulfill the

(2/2000) verb. If it was said (How was the lamp ?)

Q/ What is the parsing of (How)? C/

How: An interrogative noun based on the opening in a predicate accusative for an imperfect verb followed by an imperfect verb that did not meet the letter.

Then she said, “How will the meeting be?” She said goodbye to me eagerly and longingly. Q/

How do you direct? Parsing of the interrogative noun. C/ How:

An interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in a predicate accusative case for the imperfect verb followed by an imperfect verb that did not fulfill the verb. So it
ÿ ÿ

)/2011 Matthi DrThe banknote

Bwas disobedient. God Almighty said: (M
(n) ÿ ÿ Until the end of the night (), then see how

D( Q/ What is the parsing of (how) mentioned twice?

Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary ArabicNo, I promise the language
and visited yat

C/ How do you judge? An interrogative noun based on a fatha in the accusative case followed by a perfect verb. C/ How

was it: an interrogative noun based on the fatha in a predicate accusative case for an imperfect verb followed by an imperfect verb that did not fulfill

(1/2016) the verb. How can kindness be like kindness

that lasts and remains while kindness

disappears? Q/ Insert a kaif into the missing magazine (yukun) so that it expresses its news.

Deferred C/ How is licking? About me, so

how did the orphan become? The poet said: Go ahead with a phantom of your imagination and ask me if he

Outside diameter returns. S/ Express the interrogative noun, mentioning the

reason. C/ How was it: an interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in the accusative predicate of an imperfect verb followed by an imperfect verb that

(2/2019) did not fulfill the verb. The poet said: I am tired of life and its longness and asking these people, “How is

Mohed Adeeb Labid?” Q/ Express (how) and state the reason, then make its parsing in the accusative case.

C/ How: An interrogative noun based on the opening in the nominative case of a predicate that is obligatorily followed by a

definite noun. How did Labid do? Or: How was Labid?

(2/1995) I fear its success after it appeared. The medicine is in your hands. Its meaning. Q/

Express the interrogative noun and then replace it with another with its

meaning. A/ Ana: An interrogative noun based on a sukun in an accusative adverb followed by a perfect verb. How can you fear its success?

His animosity boils in a cauldron. Q/ Express what is underlined by “ Allah” C/ How : An interrogative noun based on the

opening in an accusative case followed by a perfect verb. Do lovers not care about your freedom? So how

Q/ How do you direct the parsing of the can lovers not understand your contentment?

interrogative noun? C/ How: An interrogative noun based

on the opening in An accusative adverb followed by a perfect verb. Oh, the Nile, how do we call thirsty in a

country where dreams have been narrated. Q/ How do you parse the interrogative

noun? A/ How: An interrogative noun based on the opening

in an adverb accusative followed by an imperfect verb whose predicate is complete. I, and someone like you, seek refuge in birth.

(2/2002) You are bereaved by a land that did not give birth to you again. Q/ How do you express

(I) and the appreciation is that I give birth? And why?

C/ Ana: An interrogative noun based on a sukun in the accusative case followed by a perfect verb. To the

(1/2005) people of voluntary and wise minds. Did you not see how calamities are called? Q/ If we

were asking in the magazine (How are calamities called) and you answered it by saying (Great calamities are called) then parse how. C/ How: An interrogative

noun based on the opening in an accusative case in the accusative case followed by a perfect verb. the

(2/2008) (n) Here you areHala ho faaHAALLRidhaal E

And ÿ ÿ Nakhal did notGod Almighty
ÿ ÿ May God bless you
God bless you

said (H.S.) : Express the interrogative noun mentioned in the noble text, illuminating the rule.

C/ Ana: An interrogative noun based on a sukun in the accusative case followed by a perfect verb. nf

(1/2011) Um ahl um hanaha wa za naha ni F Flour

God Almighty said
ÿ B
There is a maki on his neck
ÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ
Look at it MY
and C)

(AS / How do you direct the parsing of the second interrogative article with a reason?

Machine Translated by Google
Az A Rabiya s
N M M K about Hassan E won't have a good time Alaa Jub No, I promise the language and visited yat

C/ How: An interrogative noun based on the opening in the accusative case followed by a perfect

(2/2011) (yehBF
ÿ Yes God Almighty said (How?
verb. And what if we put ÿ

them together? L/S / What are the parsing of how according to the omitted perfect

verb (how do they do)? C/ How: An interrogative noun based on the fatha in an accusative case
(1/2013) followed by a perfect verb.
Sophon? ÿ What is the solution oflord God bless youGod Almighty said, “So he was humiliated.”

Q/ What is the meaning of the interrogative tool (I)? And how do you pronounce it with a

signifier? C/ For the adverb. Ana: An interrogative noun based on a sukun in the accusative case followed by a perfect

(3/2013) verb. I see you with an open eye,

smelling determination, crushing the thorns of

love and caution. Q/ Extract the interrogative noun by indicating Its

significance and then its expression? C/ How: For the adverb. An interrogative noun based on the

(2014) accusative the sukoon in Y Faid God Almighty said (ki).

(m)(ÿ) ÿ

Preparatory ( case. God is my people. He has sufficed. Irwa b . The accusative case is

an adverb that is followed by a perfect verb. So, the lack of happiness is the word “to them, may God

(1/2014) And
them,” the Almighty said. (H) S / Define the interrogative
beware of noun and state its

meaning and parsing with the reason. C/ Ana: for the adverb. An interrogative

noun based on the sukun in. An accusative case is an adverb followed by a perfect verb. They invent a lie against
! ÿ

(2/2014) yen(BThen, thenH ÿ

ÿ Y
F “Look!God Almighty said:
ÿ ÿ
B. Q/ What is God, and that is enough.

the meaning given by (how) in the Holy Text? How is it grammatically directed? C/ It indicates an

exclamation and its meaning for the adverb? How: an interrogative noun based on the opening in an accusative case. An adverb followed by

(2/2014) Lagan
( RYat Aq Ar
ÿ And um
May God ÿ B
a perfect verb. “Kunnelil is a boy, and he has conceived me.” The Alm

bless you. Q/ What is the meaning given by (Ani) in the noble text? How is it used to parse it? C/

It stated the exclamation and its meaning for the adverb? Anni: an interrogative noun based on sukun in an accusative adverb, followed by an imperfect

verb that fulfills its predicate.

Stealth for banquets, and how I formulated my pleas for torturers. Q/ In the my hearing?When was

verse, an interrogative noun was mentioned between its meaning and its grammatical position, with the reason

mentioned when: for time, an interrogative noun in the accusative case in which the object is an adverb of time followed by an imperfect verb

that fulfills its predicate. How: for the adverb, an interrogative noun in the accusative case
(3/2014) Envious, yes
followed by a perfect verb. If only he is satisfied with her marriage. How does one manage ?

Express the interrogative noun, mentioning the reason. C/

How: An interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in the accusative case followed by a perfect verb. Ikum

(2015) B
Fat KfarunGod Almighty said (ki).
(Haym) Um,What
I was God, Wawatta, Ax /

Preparatory ( meaning did (how) convey through the Qur’anic context? And what he parsed with a metaphorical reason came out

as an astonishment. How: an interrogative noun based on the opening in an accusative case followed by a perfect verb. And extrapolate the

shined in the Tigris of Ahldar. history. How the peaks of the statement

Machine Translated by Google
Az A Rabiya s
N M M K about Hassan E won't have a good time Answer: No, I promise the language and visited yat

Question : What is the parsing of the interrogative noun? Support your answer

with several words. C/ How: An interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in the accusative case followed by a

(1/2015) perfect verb. What you said hurt your brother. How did injustice pass on your tongue? Q/

What is the grammatical analysis of the interrogative noun? How

is Maalal? A: How: An interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in the accusative case, followed by a perfect

(1/2017) is no
verb. There
B ÿ
Yes, He Almighty said (He said: A
This one

God (And this) The poet said: How can a person be a polite person and bring what he brings in an immoral

manner. Q/ The nominative Arabic position of the interrogative is the same, but if the reason differs, explain that. /

Ani: An interrogative noun based on the sukÿn in an accusative case followed by an adverb. Complete action.C

How: An interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in an accusative case followed by an imperfect verb that fulfills its predicate. (Yehah,
ÿ ÿ

(1/2017) the F
brotherof the brothers, and
Y God sent a crow, so God

Outside diameter Q/ What is the grammatical analysis of the interrogative

noun? Why? / How: An interrogative noun based on the opening in the accusative case followed by a C

(2/2017) perfect verb. How can I blame eternity to change? The most generous with the most generous and

Outside diameter stingy with wealth. Q/ What is the grammatical analysis of (how)? And why? Then I make it grammatical

in the nominative case. / How: An interrogative noun based on the opening in the accusative case followed by a perfect verb. C

How to blame?

(2018) The poet said: How can I fear or be deprived of wealth when the opinion of the Commander of the Faithful is

Preparatory ( glorious? Q/ What is the grammatical position of the interrogative noun maalal?

/ How: An interrogative noun based on the opening in the accusative case followed by a perfect C

(1/2018) ( KY (
verb. OhGod, I am afraid of you, I am afraid,I am afraid,s.I Express
am afraid, M/

the interrogative noun mentioned in the noble text, mentioning the reason. / How: An

interrogative noun based on the opening in the accusative case followed by a perfect verb. And he C

/2019) brings what every sinner brings. How can one be polite? Q/ Express the

Preparatory ( interrogative noun and state the reason? A: How: An interrogative

noun based on the fatha in an accusative case followed by an imperfect verb that fulfills its predicate. Nafs A Hana This is what I said,

how three He might

of (Anna)
them were
ÿ ÿ
comepoured, regret,
out, and whatthat,
is itsA / To what meaning did May God bless you and your family. God Almighty said: (A)

pronunciation? C/ For the place: an interrogative noun based on the sukun in the nominative nominative of a

predicate that is obligatory followed by A noun of knowledge. To this, the Almighty said (Have you not seen

(3/2019) Zephon ÿ He was savedY ÿ ÿ

What is the name of the hamza? What is the significance of (Anni)? And

what is its parsing? Explaining

the reason . With two different meanings, then state its meaning in each magazine.


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M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

C/ For the place: Where did you get this book? For

now: How did I make this device? Q/ My soul,

which owns things, is gone, so how can I cry over something if they are gone? What is the parsing?
How? Why? How do you make it a lifting load?

/ How: An interrogative noun based on the opening in the accusative case followed by a perfect verb. C

How do you cry?

Q/ How is the way when the house has dispersed us? Or how can I be patient when my friends have gone ?

The writer.
(How) is mentioned twice. What is the grammatical analysis of the second ma’alal? How do you parse it in the

nominative case? / How: An interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in an accusative case followed by a perfect
C verb.

How are the Serbs?

(3/2015) statement shone with the Tigris of Hadar And read history, how the peaks of the

Q/ Replace the interrogative noun with another expressive object that expresses an absolute object that is tempting as necessary.

Did you shine?C / Ay Taal

awake and sad for a long time. I was told: How did you say: I am always

What is the parsing of the interrogative noun Maalal?

C/ How: An interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in the nominative case of a predicate obligatorily followed by a definite noun.

Q/ The poet said: The distance was not asceticism between us, and how could I asceticize you and you,

me, about me? The interrogative noun, and express it, mentioning

the reason. / How: An interrogative noun based on the opening in the accusative case followed by a perfect C

verb. Htt He ate

(1/2021) It is ruined ( B
ÿ God knows best
Souqifat Ayasarba Aam
She settled down ÿ
Q/ God Almighty said: (He said:

The writer What is the parsing of the interrogative

noun? / How: An interrogative noun based on the opening in the accusative case followed by a perfect C

verb. And Kivimis, who hopes for freedom from you By the one who calls you with hopeThe poet said: How is it?

What is the parsing of the interrogative noun? Maalal?

A: Ana: an interrogative noun based on a sukun in the accusative case followed by a perfect verb. How: An

interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in an accusative case followed by an imperfect verb that fulfills its predicate. The poet
They filled in This
B ÿand for you You will be able to avoid it said: Even if a
The application
How about my soul? is the case

Express the interrogative noun Maalal. A:

How: An interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in the nominative case of a predicate obligatorily followed by a definite noun.
ÿ ÿ

(2/2021) { Yes, brotherAnd hide evil Y

F Then, Godmoth
Y God's Almighty said:
He lost ÿaÿÿf Al
He is so that he can see
is a crow
B the father

Express the interrogative pronoun, giving the reason.

A: How: An interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in the accusative case, followed by a perfect verb. You

(2/2021) are her feet, so how can a letter come? You are her inspiration, and how can a soul thirst

Biological It was received twice. What is the parsing of the first? How do you make the second in the nominative case as a predicate once, and in the accusative case again?

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M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

A: How: An interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in the accusative case, followed by a perfect verb. In

the accusative case: How is thirst? In a lifting load: How is thirst? So how

can I fear poverty or deprive myself of wealth, and the opinion of the Commander of the

(/2022d) Believers is as clear as the parsing of how? How do you make it a lifting load?

A: How: An interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in the accusative case, followed by a perfect verb. How are thousands?

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------

(1/2022) {And look at the bones, how We cause them to grow together. Then they

Writer cover them with flesh} {It endures and endures while creation perishes, and how can creation

be like the Creator, for whom the Arabic position of the interrogative is the same, and if the reason differs,

explain that. A: / How: An interrogative noun based on a sukoon in an accusative case followed by a perfect verb.

Ani: an interrogative noun based on the fatha in an accusative case followed by an imperfect verb that fulfills its predicate.
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------

(1/2022) I could not wait to meet you for an hour. How could I find my way to wait for months?

applied Define the interrogative noun and express it with a meaning

A: How: An interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in the nominative case of a predicate obligatorily followed by a definite noun.

Ministerial questions about “what - how much”

(3/2016) Which poem did you sing? Which poem did you sing? How do you control the movement of (any) in both cases? And why? It is

in the accusative because it expresses an object followed by a transitive verb that does not take its object. C/ A
Y in the nominative: Because it expresses a subject followed by a transitive verb that takes its object.

(2/2006) You are steadfast in war What boy did I meet you in the war?

(1/2016) -1 That is, where does it get its meaning

Teacher A: From the genitive that comes after it.

from? 2- At home, it was repeated twice, so what was the benefit each time? What do I express in the second part? C/ Any boy:

for the sane person. Any stability: for the event. An absolute object in the accusative case, and the sign of its accusative case is the fatha appearing at the end of
ÿ ÿ
{ stayedAnd Ash-Na-A
This is torture
YThey are a it. the
The palm trees are gone And the Almighty said: { S/ Express the

interrogative noun that appears, illuminating the rule.

/ That is: an interrogative noun with a nominative subject and a nominative sign, followed by an indefinite C

(1/1997) noun. I wish I could hear any time you try. If you did not try hard in your youth.

Q/ What is the parsing of the interrogative noun linked to the rule?

C/A: An interrogative noun in the object in which an adverb of time is in the accusative case and its accusative sign is the apparent fatha. The next perfect verb.

How many heroic knights have built our walls

here. Q/ Make (how much) an interrogative pronoun with a suitable distinction, then express (how much) based on the rule.

C/ How many heroic knights are there between our walls? How many: an interrogative noun based on a sukun in a nominative subject followed by a semi-majal.

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won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary ArabicNo, I promise the language
and visited yat

(2/2003) And what hearts this ride is hard. Does he know the quarter, meaning the blood he shed? S/ (i.e.)

The first in the verse is expressed as an object. Make it expressed as a subject. / Meaning, the blood

he spilled. C

(2/2007) he sleptY
a H This is it Kmza He says aÿ ÿ ÿ they're
ÿ ÿ from
Lat Surah is a mouthNazi
A, A, Aadham
God Almighty said
(and ÿ

Q/ Indicate the interrogative article in the Noble Verse, indicating its meaning and its parsing. C/E:

indicates the rational person. That is: an

interrogative noun with a nominative subject and a nominative sign made by the apparent ÿamma, followed by a transitive verb that takes its

(1/2010) object. In its shadow and time, we have grown. It reminds you of our

night. S/ Express the interrogative noun mentioned in the text, Maalal. S/

How: A noun based on a sukun in the accusative case, an adverb of time followed by a perfect verb. Any lover

(1/2010) has been prevented for a long time from whose person has been distanced and who

getting engaged. A: From the genitive that comes after it.Q-1/ Where does it take its meaning from? 2- What

is the parsing of (any) in the verse? State the reason. C/any: A

nominative nominative interrogative noun with a nominative sign made by the apparent ÿamma. It is followed by a transitive verb that fulfills its object. How

About this arduous passion, I said yes. many people said to me that I am

not finished ? Q/ What

type of how many? C/ Expert

(1/2011) I remember your majestic hands. I thank you, any of my Majlis. 1- Mark

the vowel (i.e.) in the above text with a reason . A: With the accusative in both places. Because it expresses an object in both places. 2- Formulate an

interrogative sentence in which (i.e.) expresses an absolute object. A: Any thanks, I thank. Any mention. Mention. 3- What is the

grammatical analysis of the noun that occurs after any direct object? C) It is genitive and marked with a genitive case. And where

(2/2011) are the homes that you used to cover? How many of you
of (how
a lover whom
And you loved? Q/ What

what is the grammatical effect? State the reason. / Kharbiyeh, Km:

Kharbieh. C

A noun made in the accusative case as an absolute object followed by a noun derived from the

verb. Or: a noun in the nominative subject, followed by an intransitive

verb. What a favor if I were more satisfied than the student of Al-Al Benzar Yusri. Q/ How

do you express (any)? And how do you express it when you say: Which favor did you prefer? And why? C/ Any:

A subject interrogative noun or a predicate in the nominative case and a sign raised by the ÿamma. It is followed by a definite

noun. That is : a question noun in place of the infinitive, an absolute accusative object and a sign The accusative case is fatha, followed by a noun derived

from the verb word.

(1/2012) Al-Sayyab said: Do you know what sadness brings rain? Q/ What is

the parsing of (i.e.) mentioned in the verse? / i.e.: an

interrogative noun in the direct object that is obligatorily presented in the accusative case and the sign of its accusative is the apparentCfatha.

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won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

How many days did you travel? Q/

Define the interrogative noun and state its parsing, explaining the reason. C/Kum: An

interrogative noun based on sukun in the accusative case, as an object, an adverb of time, followed by a perfect verb.

Transfer perhaps
(/2022 1) Applied B.J
Naqloun( She is MUmua aWe stayedY I am here YGod Almighty said (Was

I would have known a

I love you so much. (/2022 T) (1/2022) The poet said: If you were to learn about the expressions of


Adeeb S-1/, and (i.e.) was repeated in the previous two texts, what would it benefit each time?

A: Any inversion: indicates an event. Any blood. It

indicates an irrational self. 2- How do you explain

them with the two texts, documenting your answer with the rule?

C/ Any inverted: That is: a question noun that is a substitute for the infinitive, an absolute accusative object, and a fatha accusative sign, followed by an infinitive

derived from the verb word. That is, blood: a

subject in the nominative case and a nominative sign made by the apparent dhammah, followed by a passive verb.
ÿ ÿ

(1/2015) Transfer perhaps M aY Ta

She is Mwa A We stayedY I am here ni()wasi ÿ
Isl Muwain
ÿ ThroneShow
Because it is coming YGod Almighty said (a
Transferred from (B.Y.) How much?

Q/ (i) in the two aforementioned holy texts is expressed as a maalal. / Aykum: a

question noun with a nominative subject and a nominative sign followed by a transitive verb that takes its object. C

Any inverted: i.e. an interrogative noun representing the infinitive, an absolute accusative object and an accusative sign of the fatha followed by an infinitive derived

from the verb word. I hate myself

(2/2015) a
Y and don't let it spit
himOh, the one who dares me, I will go astray ÿÿÿ The poet said: S/ Express
And theythe (i)upon
called mentioned in the text, then replace a built-in article with

Outside diameter it. / That is: an interrogative noun with an object that is obligatorily presented in the accusative

and the sign of its accusative is the apparent fatha. C

Replacement. Who is rumored? I

(2016 Preliminary) read and benefited, and tell us how many books you read for the exam. Q/ What is the difference between (how many) in our saying: how many?

/ How many books: debatable, how many books: interrogative. And the C

(2016 Preliminary) enjoyment of the world is you for the two events. I am afraid of any Paradise. Q/

What is the grammatical analysis of the interrogative noun (i.e.)?

/ That is: an interrogative noun that is a subject or a prepositional noun in the nominative case marked by the apparent ÿamma. C
May there be relief from their presence and fingers. The poet said: What hand in the ml has extended its reach ? Q/

Outside diameter What is the significance of (any)? And what is the meaning

of it? The significance: the irrational, that is: a question noun with a nominative subject and a nominative sign followed by a verb in the passive voice. We

(2017/2017) say (i.e. live, live a tormented heart)

1) Extract the interrogative noun, explaining its meaning, then express it. 2) How do you express (i.e.) when you say (what kind of life would you like)?

And why? C/1 - That is: its significance (of the event) i.e.: an interrogative noun representing the infinitive, an absolute accusative object, and its accusative sign is

the fatha It is followed by an infinitive derived from the verb word.

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M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

2- An interrogative noun in the accusative case with the fatha appearing at the end, followed by a transitive verb that does not take its object.

(1/2018) A wise man was asked: Which matters are the most supportive of reason? He said: Consulting with scholars, trying things out, and having good

Outside diameter verification. Q/ What is the significance of the interrogative noun? What is its

parsing? Maalal. / Connotation: for the non-rational entity, i.e.: a question noun with a nominative subject and a nominative sign followed by an indefinite

Farasirul or naseem sari. How many blessings have we experienced? What type (how much)

and what is the meaning of it? And why?

/ Type of sentence: predicate, predicate based on sukun in the nominative subject of a subject followed by an intransitive verb. C

Al-Aqqad said: (I am not the Yemeni, how many people have I satisfied, but the Yemeni, what kind of people have I persuaded?) Q/

An interrogative noun appeared in the text. I mean the one expressed by them, and I express it as a

ma’alal. C/ That is: an interrogative noun with an obligatory direct object in the accusative case, marked by a fatha, followed by a verb. It is transitive and

does not fulfill its object. The poet said: I said to them, “Where do I hold fast to my Creator? From what will I hide?” Q/

Outside diameter What is the significance of the interrogative noun? What is its parsing? And why?

C/ (i.e.) for the non-reasonable. An interrogative noun in the genitive case, and its prepositional sign is the apparent kasra. Because it is preceded by the letter of the preposition.

C/ What glory has taken place in your pulpits and other than you have made a decision about it? What is the

The writer. significance of (i.e.)? Then he replaced it with another interrogative noun with its meaning. C/ It

indicated something other than that. The wise one. What did I do in your pulpits? Q/ How

many endeavors did you strive while you were competent and you were the one responsible for paying them ? What

Biological. type of effort did you do? How much did you perform it? And why?

C/interrogative. An interrogative noun based on sukoon in the accusative case as an absolute object representing the infinitive, distinguishing it from the

verbal verb. Q/

You ask me: Have you ever loved, how many friends have you had, and how many girlfriends

you had? What is the meaning of it and why? C/

interrogative. It indicates the rational one. An interrogative noun based on the sukoon in the accusative case, an object obligatorily presented, followed by a

transitive verb whose object is not fulfilled. Q/ It is

a shame that you ask about it a lot, and which person has no defects? What is the

The writer.
significance of (i.e.), what is its pronunciation, and why?

C/ for the sane person. A subject in the nominative case and a nominative sign made by the apparent ÿamma followed by an imperfect verb that completed its
ÿ ÿ

at YOh
a a
(2021 preliminary) Mona{
Ask where I am coming
Shaha ÿÿÿÿ
that accepted
Show Quantity
my hopeS/}Qalia

Q/ What is the significance of the interrogative noun? What is its parsing? Why?

A: For the sake of Allah, say it. A nominative subject with a nominative sign, the apparent ÿamma, followed by a transitive verb that takes

(2021 Edited by Adeeb) with its object. Q/ What is the difference between the interrogative qam and the interrogative qam?

Explain that. A: The interrogative qam: distinguishing it from the singular in the accusative case, and it is used to refer to an unknown number. Such as: How many

workers are there in your country? Khamriya Kharbiyya: Its distinction is singular or plural. It is better than abundance. Like how many books I've read. Or: How many books

have you read?

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won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

(/2022 1) Biologist And any sleep is not impossible for you Abu Matam said: Which of the hearts upon you does not crack?

What is the meaning of that? In the first part, what is the meaning of it? Why?

A: For the wisest. That

is: a nominative interrogative noun with a nominative sign appearing on the end of it, and it is an genitive. The third is an incomplete verb that fulfills its definiteness.

(1/1997) AHA( ÿÿÿÿ ÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿ

(F 42
Yes He anchored it) HA N M Y
a ÿ
Hurrythe Color ka a
Sa God Almighty said: (Y

The interrogative noun (Ayaan) appears in another name. What is it? What is its grammatical position? Why? And what are the grammatical nouns of the other

C noun.
interrogative noun? / When, an interrogative noun based on sukun in the nominative case of a predicate that is obligatorily followed by a definite

What: An interrogative noun based on sukun in a preposition with the preposition mouth as

an excuse to walk to Athari. If you are more than twenty years old, then who is the partner in the

Marina and the best of your brothers who participates in the Marina ? An interrogative noun is

mentioned in the two verses. Talamha is a noun of knowledge. Explain the difference in parsing, supporting your statement with the rule.

C/Ma: An interrogative noun based on sukun in the nominative subject or predicate. It is followed by the name of knowledge. Where: an

interrogative noun based on the fatha in the nominative case of a predicate obligatorily presented, followed by a definite

noun. In its shadow and time, we have grown. Remember how many nights

we spent? Q/ Extract what you find in the text from the question, indicating its type? Express the interrogative noun mentioned in the text?

C/ I remember: believing. How much: imagining. How much: an interrogative noun based on sukun in the accusative accusative subject, an adverb of time, followed by a perfect


(2/2010) Sahha aaa Wake upGod Almighty said: (And...

ÿÿÿ MB to me ne m MB to me ÿ

I said when is our appointment? Hind laughed and said the day after tomorrow. Q/ An

interrogative noun is mentioned in both texts. Its word is a noun of knowledge. What is the difference between them in

parsing? C/Ma: An interrogative noun based on the sukun in the nominative case, a subject or a

predicate. When: An interrogative noun based on the sukoon in the nominative case, an obligatory

(2/2012) a
predicate. Is it a torrent from which souls flow? The day of separation is a day of

frowning, so when you throw away the dust of travel. It travels, transmitted through

the ages. S/ In the two verses, an interrogative noun is mentioned between its significance and its Arabic position, with the

reason mentioned. C / i.e.: for the event / i.e.: an interrogative noun representing the infinitive, an absolute accusative object and a fatha accusative sign, followed by an

infinitive derived from the verb word. Ayan:

for time/ Ayan: an interrogative noun based on the opening in the accusative case of a time adverb followed by a perfect verb. Whenever I

Stealth for banquets, and how I formulated my invitations to afflictions. the house, heard s/ in

an interrogative noun was mentioned between its meaning and its grammatical position, while mentioning the reason. /

When: for time, it is expressed in the accusative case as an object in which there is an adverb of time followed by an imperfect verb that fulfills its predicate.

How: For the adverb, it is expressed in the accusative case of an adverb followed by a perfect verb.

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won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

A He's a fool Well lost in God Almighty said (m
(2014 3) Adeeb (m) ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿ Rida, astray of GodRead
y yy This is delicious ÿ

ÿÿÿÿQ .msad
We were
This came
And come back Say m ÿ)ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ

Q/ An interrogative noun is mentioned in the two holy texts. Its word is a noun of knowledge. What is the difference between them in parsing?

C/ Who: An interrogative noun based on sukun in the nominative subject or predicate, followed by a definite noun.

Matthew: an interrogative noun based on sukun in the nominative case of a predicate that is obligatorily presented, followed by a definite

(1/2018) noun. I cry and I blame myself for what happened. What is the matter with your heart that has become

Outside diameter hardened? How long will Q/ in the verse be an interrogative noun? How should

I express them? Why? / What: An interrogative noun based on sukun in the nominative subject or predicate followed by a definite noun. C

When: An interrogative noun based on sukoon in a prepositional preposition preceded by a preposition. Love

(1/2021) your brother. He survived He will succeed. Your brother (,) has succeededQ/ We say) A

of the two examples? (Y?) And what is the meaning of it? What is the significance

A: Any success. It indicated the event: an interrogative noun representing the infinitive, an absolute accusative object, and an accusative sign of the fatha, followed

by an infinitive derived from the word of the verb. Any success

at the end, a definite is success. For the non-reasonable: a subject or predicate in the nominative case, with a nominative sign marked by a dhamma

(1/2021) noun. Q/ The poet said: Is there any friend in time who is more companionable than the one who loves a hypocrite?

Applied What is the meaning of (a)? What is its meaning? And why? Then he replaced it with another noun with

its meaning. A: For the rational person. A questionable noun, a plural noun with a prepositional sign appearing on the end of it. It was preceded by a

preposition. It is replaced by (whom) Interrogative: To whom

(1/2021) (Did you complete middle school?) ... should I accompany? Q/ We say :)At any teacher

The writer What is the meaning of it? What is the significance of the interrogative noun? A

A: For the place. An interrogative noun, a genitive noun with a genitive sign with the kasra appearing at the end.

(2/2021) dignity while the guard of the windows was empty

How often we walked on bricks with

Biological If we say: (How many walks did we walk), what is the type of (how many)? What is its syntax? And why?

A: How many ruins? A noun based on sukoon in the accusative case, an absolute object representing the infinitive, followed by distinguishing the infinitive from

the verb. The poet

(2/2021) said: What wound in my father’s father, Raaf, missed the grief and did not heal? What is the

Applied significance of (any), what is its syntax, and the reason?

A: Unreasonable. An interrogative noun with a subject in the nominative case and a nominative sign marked by the ÿamma appearing at the end of it, and it is an genitive. It is followed

by an indefinite noun, or a transitive verb that takes its

(2/2021) Heb
The money of the planets And Al-Hili
object. ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿ solo ÿ
In Al-Baida
First: The poet said: How many nights are

Applied there? What is the parsing of how many nights? Then, point out the underlined text with a suitable tool,

explaining the reason. A: How much: A noun based on sukun in the accusative case as an object in the adverb of time followed

(2/2021) Sorry
Yes Their
I know him from essence
Fawaa A is like this by a perfect verb. Hassan Al-Shakal am I? How many times

The writer
What is the type of (quantum) and what is its meaning?

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M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

A: Kharbieh. A noun based on the sukun in the nominative subject, followed by a transitive verb that takes its object.

Formulating a

(2/2017) question that limits or avoids resources. I ask if it is underlined with a suitable tool. The poet said: She left and you went to Al-Alia Sad A: How

did you leave? Hatoum's world? Al-Taqi was weak

with nouns, and he became fat when you imitated someone like him. S/ Formulate two

(1/2000) separate questions in which the accusative and the accusative can be answered with the briefest and most concise

Why did you miss?wording. C/ What are they smiling at? B

(1/2006) As if the cusp was decorated with premolars. And they laugh about ivory decorated like it. Q/ Formulate two

separate questions, the answers to which will be a jar and a embers for each of the two parts of the verse, and with the briefest pronunciation. How were

you decorated?A: What are they laughing at? B

(1/2009) Delays what the judiciary presents. And we choose the doctor. Is there a doctor? Q/

Inquire about (the self) from the actual magazine (We choose the doctor), provided that the noun is in the nominative case?

C/ Who do we choose?

(1/2012) bad Please

Woe, for they are a healer
B if H I will solve it s
Goa and Goa
What's wrong with you?
Q/ Insert an interrogative noun indicative of the condition in the verbal noun (hal) using the word “pain” /

envy resolve in the heart?

How did the pain of C
(2/2012) Like a lover who wrote line by line in love and fever. He cries and laughs, neither sad nor

happy. “Crying”
Q/ Formulate a question using an appropriate tool for the content of the first part

of C/ How does he cry and laugh? So

(3/2013) tell him what the old man did. If only youth would return one day. Q/ Insert

an interrogative noun into the sentence (verb) so that it is expressed as a subject?

C/What did the old man do?

(2014/2014) Q/ Make an interrogative sentence with (I am) indicating the place. C/

How did you get this book? Q/

(3/2014) Inquire about the situation from (there is affection between us) with an appropriate interrogative noun.

How is the affection between us? C

(3/2015) Q/ Make (I) an indication of the place in your creation and express it.

C/ How did you get this book? An interrogative noun based on the sukÿn in the nominative case of a

(3/2015) predicate. Whoever is afraid of what has passed must see and be patient. Q/

Make (of (At home, an interrogative question in her

magazine / Who was

(2015 3) Adeeb For every
afraid? C) Who has no knowledge of the disease ? disease there is a medicine

for the one who treats it. S/ Ask about knowledge, making the interrogative noun the object.

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M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary ArabicNo, I promise the language
and visited yat

/ What science have you mastered? C

(2016 Preliminary) Q/ He used the interrogative noun (I) in a magazine so that it means (from where) and expressed it. C/

How did you get this book? An interrogative noun based on sukun in the nominative case of a predicate. /

(2016 Preliminary) How did you spend your time? Q/ Insert the interrogative how with a sentence of: Your creation.c

(1/2016) How can kindness be like kindness

that lasts and lasts while kindness

Questions for deferred people

disappears? 1- Make me an indication of the place in a new magazine. A: Where did you

get this book? 2- Insert “how” into the incomplete sentence (yukun) so that it

expresses its predicate. A:

(/2016 1) Adeeb When he appeared as a guest, he rolled up and was concerned

How can the word “alq” be? He saw a

ghost in the middle of the darkness in his arm.

C/ Who saw? In the accusative case, the direct object is obligatorily presented.

Q/ Formulate a question for which the underlined answer will be in the following sentence (Ninawa Governorate is located in the north of Iraq)

Mosul Questions / Where is Nineveh Governorate located? C

(2/2017) Examples.
Q/ Explain the difference between (when and when)

with / when: it is used to ask about the past and future tense / when will you travel? C

Ayaan: He asks about the future tense and great things. (This is the Day of Judgment) We

say: ((I tried my friends and found that they were few in trust) )


(2014/2014) It means residing in Dharaka Perhaps God will make him

leave. Q/ Make an interrogative magazine, making (departure) an answer, welcome?

C/ What does God make of

so when will the beloved return to the beloved? him? The poet said: I spent my time waiting for my loved ones,

Q/ Interrogate what is underlined with an appropriate interrogative tool.

How have you spent yourC/V


(2021 Edited by Adeeb) Q/ Anbar Governorate is located in western Iraq. Q/

Interrogate what is underlined with an appropriate interrogative tool.

A: Where is Anbar Governorate located?

ÿ ÿ

BU And tomorrow
EMAIL S night, medical Beh Orthwin SabaWelcome The shari
Ar: said

Applied Inquire about what was underlined with a suitable

tool? A: Who do I

see? We say: (Teachers are responsible for their students, as well as female

The literary one

teachers.) Formulate a question for which what is underlined is an answer

Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

A: Who is the student? Or: Which of you completes the students? Who

will take care of the students? Or: Will you take care of the students?

(1/2022) a In Damascus, Dubai life

To theÿ heart.
heart of Fouad’s Y ÿ The poet said: Heaven has bestowed upon you the

Bio Ask a question, underlining it with an interrogative noun once and an interrogative letter another

time. Literal: Is my heart filled with love or something else? Welcome? Or: Where is Ahlawy's bear? Pa A: In the noun: “Where is

the figurative question?”

I will be patient with it and I will not be flogged. My money has endured the turbulent years of my life,

and today, Q/ What style did you come to? What is the interrogative, and how do you pronounce it?

/ I came to the meaning of exclamation. What: A question based on the sukun in a nominative subject. C
(2/1995) (. Hal Alb
ÿ ÿ
Russell EGod Almighty said: (So is it based on No?

Q/ Why does the question not mean knowing something unknown? /

Because it is a metaphorical question that leads to implicit negation.

and consider someone else’s water in my ego? O son of Ishaq, do you deny my brother

Q/ There is an interrogative question in the text. What purpose did

it serve? C/ Its purpose is to

amaze. She said, “Stay, don’t we lack irrigation.” So I said, “Do the waterwheels save the water from

the sea?” Q/ For what purpose was the question

asked? / went out for the purpose of implicit negation.

(2 / 1997)
Imam Ali (peace be upon him) said: (O helpless person, on a day like this, do you not ask?)

Q/ What is the meaning of the question? C/

He went out for the purpose of

astonishment. The poet said: Have the poets left from Mattdam? Q/ For what purpose was the question asked in the

Outside the text? / went out for the purpose of implicit negation.

country (preliminary/2018) The opinion of the Commander of the Faithful is great. The poet said: How can I fear or deprive myself of wealth ?

Q/ For what meaning did the question come

out? / went out for the purpose of implicit negation. C

(2/1993) HADOUN ( paternal aunt nAFPWhether it is Lakkat A Mother SeeThey preferred YbOh my GodGod Almighty said: (F).
God is coming
ÿ ÿ
ÿ Understood F

M on m H zaqdi ri ÿ

Q/ What is the meaning of the question? C/ A

metaphorical question that turns into an exclamation.

There were gusts that woke up every sleeper. How do the eyes sleep? Fill our eyelids.

Q/ For what purpose was the question asked? /

went out for the purpose of implicit negation. C

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won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

Ask the quarter, where is Yammat or Samel, and is it the habit of the quarter

to speak? Q/ In the second part of the verse - interrogative. What purpose did it serve? /

Its purpose is implicit denial. I mean C

(2/2000) Oh my heart, I see you don't

to you, when you have righteousness / indicates astonishment and its type?

read C/mile/amazing my hearing.

madam nor these songs can move me. I am a rock, and neither this

Q/ What is the interrogative style that you came up with? / I went

out for the purpose of astonishment. C

Come and enjoy it. Mahal, descendant of glory, i.e. Muhannad Tal al-Qara

Q/ What is the meaning of the question? What type? C/ Jamazi

went into negation and its type is implied. She said: How

(3/2016) do people like you tend towards youth?

And you have the characteristic of being forbearing and reverent . Q/ For what meaning did the question arise?

/ I went out for the purpose of astonishment. C

How is the one who begs you for freedom? The poetBy the one
said: Howwho callsparsing
is the you with of
my interrogative noun?

Maalal. What was the purpose of the question in both parts?

Applied Annie: An interrogative noun based on a sukun in the accusative case followed by a perfect verb. He went out for the purpose of implicit negation. How: An

interrogative noun based on the fatÿah in an accusative case followed by an imperfect verb that fulfills its predicate. He went out to implicit denial

-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------

God Almighty said: {And why should you not eat of that upon which the name of God has been mentioned?} indicates the question and to what purpose it was directed?
(/2022 1) Biological

What: He was surprised. A:

Ministerial questions about the “method of denial”


(3/2014) On Shaath, meaning polite men. Q/ I am not waiting for a brother or sister

What is the type of (Ba) in (Bamastaq)?

C/ redundant for emphasis.

(1/1995) The dream belongs to his sons, not to the usurper, and the usurper does not have

the means to destroy him. Q/

Express what is underlined. C/ Aalat: A nominative noun with a nominative sign made

(2 / 1999)
freedom in you? How can lovers not by the apparent ÿamma. Do lovers not have

understand your secrets? Q/ Indicate my job is not?

C/ freedom is not a noun. Vic: Almost the sentence is ruined. I

(2001/1) am rich, but I do not have any money. Tell Suleiman where he is at ease

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M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

Q/ (I do not have money) put the phrase with an emphatic letter?

C/ I have no money.

What you see and shave yes sabil. I have no choice but to explain the

type of (what) and then parse it?

C/ (connected) What: A connected noun based on the sukun in the nominative noun is not. Sleeping, for the

Hazm is not sleeping. Leave the hyuni for the weak and do not be. Q/ What is the grammatical

analysis of sleeping? / Ba is an

additional preposition for emphasis. Sleeping: A predicate that is not a predicate in the accusative case. C

(1/2006) The text is only revealed in our battalions

Like a vulture, it has no shelter except the peaks.

Q/ Replace with (not) the no that denies sex and anything else necessary?

C/ He has no shelter.

(2/2008) And he said, “Every boyfriend I used

to look to you on my behalf, but who is busy

with you?” Q/ Delete the letter similar to the verb from the text, then negate the sentence with a verb indicating negation?

/ I'm busy with you. I am not busy with you. May God

(2010/preliminary) reward everyone I do not know. Only the ones I knew were bad. 2.

Replace Bliss with another active negation tool that she carried. Q/-1 Where is the name of Lais and Kharbha? C/ 1 -

Its name is the relative pronoun T, and its predicate is the verbal sentence (I know him).

-2 What I know. If

(2013 3) Adeeb poetry does not make you happy when you hear it, then it does not deserve to be called poetry

Q/ Express the word poetry in the second part. C/ Deputy subject

in the nominative case and marked in the nominative case by the apparent ÿamma.

(2014/2014) Except by spreading knowledge in our homes. The cooperation of peoples is not in the

interests of Q/ indicate what I am doing (not) and express its news?

C/ Her name: Dhamri, whose appreciation is met by him. Kharabha: good. (Ba)

is an extra preposition for emphasis. (Salih) is a predicate that is not in the genitive case and is in the accusative

(3/2014) good in keeping the truth in the fa. case. I am not one of those who see the

Q/ - indicates what I have done, not a dhikr, in the form of

negation. 2- Replace (not) with (what), the active negative, emphasizing

its predicate. C/ Noun not: the relative pronoun (ta). Predicate not: semi-sentence (of those who..). Negative tense: adverb. I am

. ...not innocent. .
2 - I am not

good , humiliated by arrogance or honor, and patience is not in the

Outside diameter face of calamities. Q/ Replace (what) with (not) and

mention its agents. / What is patience in the valleys of calamities? C

(2016/3) There is nothing wrong with honest women

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M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

Outside diameter Q/ He indicated my subject (not) and confirmed its

negation. C/ The name: similar, the Lord: for them, they have no one like me.

(1/2017) The poet said: Silence is nothing but a garment of humiliation in which the soul shrouds itself and submits to the hand of calamities. Q/

Instead of the letter negation, replace the verb with a verb that indicates negation, indicating the difference in its grammatical ruling, while controlling the form.

... is nothing but a garment of humiliation. C

A worker who raises the subject and establishes the Lord. Not: to operate without restriction or condition.

What: is neglected because it is negated by except.


(1/2017) ( MYComment Al HullAnd He is God

ÿ Let us meet M
A third of them b R Drove
ÿGod created the heavens I'm
ÿ here Guardian God Almighty said: (a

Mosul questions S/ indicates my maamuali (lyes) /

who: a noun of lyes, qadir: a predicate of lyes. C

(2/2017) Other than the soul, he lent and borrowed. Is there no tense in the language of

language, unless you put a verb for negation once and a negative letter again instead of (hal) and adjust it in the form indicating

s. M nf c the grammatical effect ? / Verb: to me

The only doubts are different Letter: What is necessary
s for the soul?

It is not the case that you raise the subject and assign the Lord to act without any restrictions or conditions, and (what) is neglected and has no action to contradict its negation.

(2/2017) If only he had

say, Tak Mahmud Al-Salaf?
Nakakah dialectÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ What do you

Q / indicates my dependent (not) /

noun not: argument, news not: you have. C

(2018/2018) Writer It lasts forever He grew uppoisonR h ha k m saffah and anli He saw the horizon
She dictated

Q/ He indicated my object (not) and then replaced it with another article that he did.

There is nothing that lasts forever/noun not: of something, predicate not: (the actual sentence) that lasts. They called me to their C

(1/2018) text, I came to them hard, but they are not to my text quickly, even if they are. S/ indicates what I do not,

Outside diameter then he emphasized its negation/noun is not the pronoun

(noun is not the pronoun) Al-Waw (The predicate is not: Rasa’a:, emphasis: They are not to my text with Rasa’a. If where. And I C

(2/2018) did not suffer, nor did I suffer. Yes What I

missed And
... you do not

Outside diameter realize. S/ indicated my object (not), then replaced it with an active tool devoid of negation from

affirmation . Replacement: I do not realize.

: With an awareness / noun that is not: the relative pronoun T. Ruin it C

(1/2019) The poet said: The distance has been long and my heart cannot bear what has returned to me in love after you.

S/ He indicated my subject (not), then he affirmed its

negation. C/ The noun (not): A pronoun that was evaluated

(he). Her predicate: The actual sentence (he bears). Emphasis: He is not

(1/2019) whoever is sleeping is He knew God, so he dreamed

tolerable. The poet said: I look and think where

Q/ I never accused a line of negation, mentioning the reason. C/ I

do not see: because the nominal sentence is uncertain and indicates the present tense.

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M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

I am not sleeping: Because the nominal sentence indicated the adverbial tense and was confirmed by (that), so we used the extra preposition

(ba). With it, and how

(2/2019) Ha. Cover

come to me and my soul. The poet said: Peace be upon Baghdad, I am not, but I am not. From the

affirmative with the tense. C/ I am not a reproach. He is a good companion and makes peace with them

when the storm of the

moon becomes severe, except the truthful. Q/ We have no

Biological. evidence of what was said. Then he confirmed its denial.

C/ Her name: Sahib. Her narration: The semi-sentence (to us). We have no companions. S/ And not Jalil

is the part of wealth and his loss, but the part of the generous people is Jalil, which

Applied. indicates what I did not do. A:

Her name is: Razi’ of money. Her narration is: Jalila. A :

Q/ The poet said: Answer
I consult him and I am not listening. I am weak in heart and I cannot speak if I fail.

Prove the negation contained by the verb of negation in the

two parts. I am not a speaker: I am a speaker. I am not listening: I am listening.


And the guard is the guard of the windows, empty How many times have we walked on bricks with

dignity without a line under them with a suitable

Ras the stars. What's the response? tool. Ras the stars. A: The response is not immediate

Y Yes, God Almighty

said: Six
Hessian vowels { He instigated this Until then
One of them is hope ÿ
Color the Lube Hut ÿ ÿ for me

(2021/2) Biological
In the noble text, there is a verb that indicates negation. He extracted it and explained its

two subjects. Ruin it: the semi-sentence (for those who...). A: It is not: its name: repentance. If he

Att So it's dark

ÿ Miss B that followblames And the ages spring
B Yup
He had a dream about losing them

(2022 1) Biological.

Point to my subject (not), then replace it with an active tool, devoid of negation from affirmation, changing what you see.

What is considered. Or: He is considered. A: A noun is not: a pronoun that is fully evaluated (he). His predicate: with considered:.

lordHave I made the sky of disbelief pale, for it has become pale until the word “S/” indicates

the form of negation, then mention her name and her news?

C/ Negation style: Alt. Her name is Hamdouf, according to the latest version, and it was ruined by Hamdouf, according to the latest version.

If the end of time was due to his injustice, then I think this time when S/ introduced the

underlined nose with a suitable negative tool. C/ I moved

forward. Your knock is a hunter

(2 / 1999)
of hearts, and it is not the time for a visit, so return safely. Rephrase the negation to be more

concise? C/ It was time for a visit


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won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

(2/2001) (The time is the time to review the

mistake) Q/ Nominate the sentence with an appropriate negative tool, choosing the most likely face, then explain the change that occurs. State

the reason? A/ The time to review the mistake. We deleted one of the two verbs and the majority deleted the noun and used (Tat). Because the noun is

the words of time. By the Lord,

love, I will not be careful of it. It is whoever I strive towards You in great

time to lose. S/ Make what is underlined by a corner of a negative sentence with

an appropriate negative clause.

C/ It is not too late to be lost. And they turned away, and there is no point in

fleeing. The people left their sides to us. S/ Lost (Alt). (Conditions that I apply to her at home if no one mentions her

work. Make her a worker. C/

(3/2010) Serb's hour has

passed. Alt is a time of escape. If

your ghost is absent from me. Q/ If (Alt) is a working exile, where is her name? And where is he

C/ The name of (Al-T): obligatorily omitted. Its estimation is (the hour). The news of (Al-T): An hour.

(2012 Preliminary) What do you choose? Eternity. The time of escape. Q/ In the

text, what is it omitted? What is its estimation? C/ The name

of Al-T. Its estimation is time. We say: (The

(Preliminary/2013) time). At the time of reviewing the word “ S”/ Expose

the sentence with an appropriate negative tool chosen in the most common way... Then explain the significant change that occurs.

C/T at the time of reviewing the ta', its name and its kharabha are among the words of the time, and one of its two meanings is mentioned after it, and most

often its name is omitted and its kharabha

)/2014 Preliminary ( )/ remains. Time is a time of rapprochement and decline, so shake off the dust of hatred and

2021 ed
grudges. Q/ The nose is not underlined with a suitable negative tool. Document your answer

Adeeb with the rule? C/ The time is close. The name and the Lord are among the terms of the time, and one of its two subjects is deleted, and most often the name

(1/2014) Serb's hour has

passed. is deleted. The poet said: If your ghost escapes

my sight , there is an omission in the text. Determine the omission and state the ruling on deleting it.

lord. The omitted noun is the noun that is estimated (the hour) and the ruling on deletion is: obligatory. C/ The hour of the

(/2015 d) s broken.
The Tak Sayerak
My urineheart was
See, oh
Shake it up
Time to go ÿ

SS / indicates my subject (not)? Then replace it with another suitable negative tool and the shortest

pronunciation? C/ noun not: the. Predicate not: the time of a visit. The time of a visit.

(2/1998) Rather, he is the most powerful of the authorized men. My time is a long time , it is playing ,

and it is (t) so what do you say? Q/ If he asked you to negate the beginning of the verse

with C/ T, it is a playing time. The

poet said: There is no time for blaming, my beloved ones. I wish you had not been absent from our time. Q/

There is an omission in the text, as much as it was deleted, mentioning the ruling. Delete it

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won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

C/ The noun of its appreciation: the hour. The deletion ruling is obligatory.

(S) Naani M
H And that's what happened ÿÿ ÿÿÿ Mm mhLet's kiss
Did he sleep?
God Almighty said: (a).

(2015) Q/ The value of the deletion in the noble verse. C/ The

name of the one whose appreciation is: the

(3/2016) time. So where is the source of slander and slander? If this stick is a stick, then the s/nose

above the tongue is softened with a suitable negation

tool. C/ If you stick, you will

(2/2017) soften. She did not start blaming him or his size, nor did she blame her. Q/ There

is an omission in the first part that indicates it and its value. / The

name of the letter, its appreciation (Hunni).


(1/1991) The hour of reproach has passed,

I wish you had not forgotten our past

O our beloved ones . Q/ If you know that (t) is among the suspicions of (lys), then how is it different from it and where

do you find its name? The expressions of the time, and one of the two dots omits it, and in most cases the name is deleted.

C/ The name (t) and its predicate from lys is used without A restriction or condition. The noun of the

omitted, its definiteness: (time). I wish you had not been absent from our

Outside diameter gatherings for an hour. Blame, our beloved ones.

you are gone. Q/ C/ Not repent,

The time of escaping from what you choose is daher indicates

the tool of negation. Then estimate the deletion. Then replace them with a verb to negate.

Biological. C/ T. The noun of the word, its approximation is (time). Time is not the time to escape.

Serb's hour has

passed. If your ghost is absent from me,

(/2022 d)
it is as much as it is deleted. Then put the verb in place of the negative and change what you deem

Serbs. appropriate. A: The noun of tat, its estimation is (the hour). The hour is not the hour or

the hour .
He is a prostitute, a breeding ground for what he seeks, and a tent and regret you go out and get lost

(/2022 1) Adeeb
(that) and explain the difference between them in the context of negation. Replace (not) with (not) with

A: This is not the hour of regret

Words of time. The letter is similar to “please” and is used under conditions. First: That its direct object be from. Second:

That one of the two direct objects is deleted, and most often the noun is deleted. However, it works without restrictions or conditions. (I

blame you, but it is not the time to blame) Rephrase the negation in a more concise manner,
but the time has come.
A: B.


"What" is negative

(2004/2) He does not speak about his love (God Almighty said: (And

Machine Translated by Google
Az A Rabiya s
N M M K about Hassan E won't have a good time Is there No, I promise the language and visited yat

an obligation between the type (what) and its

action if she is a worker? C/ Negative non-working subject

(1/1996) to the present tense. And I did not create Akrouma in a command for

him or any purpose. “Except

Express what is to you what is in it. Q/

(2/2004) ( aGod Almighty said: (And

C/ What: Negative .
non-working A

worker with the past tense. C/ What is negative, not

a worker? What is wrong with me except those I

(2010/preliminary) know. May God reward everyone I do not know. Q / What type of (what) is in the

house? And why? C/ What is a negative

sentence that is not active because it is in the past tense.

(3/2010) ( B May Was it God Almighty

MYAnd he was happy God
bless you who gave light? The Almighty said: (And

Q/ What is the type of (what)?

With the past tense verb. C/ What is negative without fulfilling your

(1/2018) satisfaction, and I ask you for what I cannot meet. I was striving after your desires and I wanted to write what was

under it with a suitable tool, then confirm the negative that came , otherwise I

I am the would not have been striving. A:

(1/1991) me treatHail to the Lord is M H Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

ÿ qarn, ijr, i.e., what
ÿ ÿ
You may be punched

the adjective of the tool (I am not asking you)? Can (now) be used with it and why?

C/ Non-functional negative. It is not possible to use (now) with it because it concludes the present tense of the

adverb without a context. I complain . The cores and so on from Arabit are amazing. I used to

be and I only complain about fatigue . But ts / for (what) in (what his

wealth availed of) has

(1/1991) earn( Y The Almighty said: “Repent

two meanings and how do you
C/ How
is in them?

(negation): What: a non-active negative because it is used in the past tense.

What is rich (interrogative): An interrogative noun based on the sukun. In the

accusative case, it is followed by a transitive verb that does not take its object. Things that make fools laugh . Q/ Insert (what) the


(3/2012) negative in the two sentences

He cries because of its consequences

(laugh) and (crying) to preserve the meaning? C/ Things that make fools laugh are nothing but them. The

intelligent person does not cry except From it. His mouth speaks except

where he smiles, exuding his shyness and exaggerating his fear. Q/

Outside diameter What type of (what)? And

why? / Negative, not active because it is used in the presentCtense.

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won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary ArabicNo, I promise the language
and visited yat

use if there are no nobles above the Neither the noble nor the poor are of any

nobles. Q/ What time did you deny (what)? How do you prove the negation?

/ It denies the current tense of the (present) without a context. Confirmation: The present tense is useful. C

(1/2019) a( T
KUNA L Y sf mf
It is necessary
And your supplication is a lie.How much is it?B ÿ
God Almighty said: (Say:

Outside diameter Q/1 - What is the type of (what)? Can (now) be used with it? And why?

C/ (What) is a negation other than its factor that is included in the present tense. It is not used with (now) because it negates the present without a context. Q/

(/2020 1) Al-Adib. What is the matter between God and people that has a factor that has in piety or in Muhammad a

market ? What type of (what) and what tense did it negate?

/(What) is a negation that is not a word used in the past tense. It negated the past tense. C

(2020/2) Biological. Q/ I did not know before Tariqa al-Hawa that the eyes are the traps of hearts. (Ma)

was mentioned in a negative and uncertain form. He

confirmed it in two ways. A/ By oath: By God, I did not know. By ingratitude: I did not

(1/1991) ÿÿÿÿ M H
The immortal is the one who is responsibleÿ
He fell asleep, or he fell asleep
Na ÿ ÿ
You may be punched
said: (Say:
know. The Almighty

Q/ What is the type of the second (what) and how is the pronoun (I) expressed?

What: Nafi worker (Hijazi). A:

I: a separate pronoun based on the sukun in the nominative predicate of a noun.

(2/1994) A youth who is longing with the hope of meeting is not like a longing without

hope. Q/ Where do you find news about Hejazia?

C/ The semi-sentence (as a mushtaq). So

(1/1988) they were patient in the field of death , so

Neal's mouth is as good as possible.

patiently . Q/ Express the second part.

C/ What: A Hijazi negative that does not function. Neel: A noun

in the nominative case with a dhammah, and it is an genitive. Al-Loud: An genitive to it. With the

possibility of: The ba is an additional preposition. Emphasis is useful, and it is possible: Kharab (what) the Hijazi is a verbal genitive in the accusative case of

scents on you in their row, and they Hamal. Don’t you see that the bricks have

have virginity? ( Don’t you see the bricks) Negation, so how would you formulate the phrase if you replaced the negative with something similar in meaning and fun

A: Do you not see the bricks? Let us

and what remains if you are done, for by God, nothing remains through love.

Q/ Express what is underlined /

Ma: Hijazi nafiyyah, a work that is not. C

Sha: Its name is nominative with the apparent ÿamma. Baqiyya: ruin what is set. Do not feel safe

from eternity, a free man, darkened by the mouth of an oppressed night, generous and

sleeping. Q/ Express what is underlined

/ What: Nafiyya is a woman who works in a job that is not. Lÿl: Its name is nominative with the apparent ÿammah. It is added to (oppressed). C

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won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary ArabicNo, I promise the language
and visited yat

(Karim) is an adjective of jamurah. Banaam: The ba is a preposition plus (sleeping). It is kharbaha by jamur in the accusative case

is what I am in terms of amusement and joy. You have died from me with an of Hamal. Here

unturned heart. Q/ I express what is

underlined. C/ Ma: Nafiyya, a Hijazi worker, I am. : A separate pronoun based on the sukun in the nominative case of a noun.

(2/1998) H to
To the water a
YKahf Tay
As a hulkcap a
Oh, he is ÿ
I reached out to you ÿ ÿ Oh, shh
And he won
willYtalk ÿ Don't Let me known y y
ÿ Wow,
ÿ this is itThis is the solutionGod Almighty said: (No

(Yazm Ajj ÿThey are b
mouth ) ) A misguided halif N E E RThe kaf is the supplication of the mother
ÿ ÿ ÿ

Q/ What type of (what) is referred to in the two texts?

Hmmm: Nafiyyah Hijazi, working in a job that is not. C/ What is its meaning: Nafiyyah Hijazi, working in a job that is not. F

(2/2002) n
ne ( Mum B Sound and heatOh
ÿ ÿ
day was left behind God Almighty said: (And
ÿ Miss

(/2021, edited by Adeeb) Q/ Explain what type? What is the parsing of what is underlined? C/ Her

type: Hijazi, working woman, not working. With believers: the

ba is an additional preposition, believers are the prepositions of what is a Hijazi genitive case, pronounced with the yÿ in the accusative case

of Hamal. To you, from the mouth of remembrance, is beneficial and unhelpful in what

they were. Q/ Express what is

underlined by a line. C/ With a fafa’ah: Ba is an additional preposition, a fafi’ah, a predicate of what is a Hijazi genitive, in the

accusative case, in the accusative case. So look at yourself, how shy you are, revealing about you the

wealth and arrival of the days. Q/ Define the subject of (ma) and then confirm its

Khabar (ma): Kashf. What is yournegation

a kashif?
extra letter? C/ The noun of (ma): your modesty.

(2010/preliminary) Only those I know have harmed me. May God reward everyone I do not know. Q/ Replace with

(not) another negative tool that carries it?

/ What I know. C

Love is gone and the shrine is far away. It is permissible for my eyes to cry if he calls ms/naf

working negative, preserving (the meaning) and not being restricted by the poetic meter. under which there is a line with (what) the

C/ It is not permissible to cry.

And what beauty is there in him, but his face looked like a human being? Q/ Why did the poet use

the word “runga”?

A/ Rawnaqa: Because the news of (ma) in Hijazi is in the accusative case, and the sign of its accusative

case is fatha. Fam after the evening from Arar. Q/ Make (ma) a negative one working in its genitive case. Breathing from Shamim Arar, we find /

(3/2012) .
After the evening No
... one from Arar could

(Special 2/2013) not find the need for white eel. Al-Abyad asked Al -Aqouk, so he touched the nose of the

magazine of the first part with (what) Al-Hijjaziyah, and he affirmed the negative, tempting what he saw fit?

. .
or: A white man is not disobedient A hyena if heOr: What my father asked for What A father is not punished C/B.

does not do what is appropriate. is the beauty on the young man’s face? It is an

honor for him. Q/ Extract the negative article in the first part and explain the effect of the tool in terms of parsing and the conditions for its operation.

Machine Translated by Google
Az A Rabiya s
N M M K about Hassan E won't have a good time Alaa Jub C/ No, I promise the language and visited yat

Ma: Hijazi negation, a worker who does not raise the subject of her name and accusative of the Lord as a predicate for her. 2)

That her negation is not invalidated by (except). Her conditions: 1) That her predicate does not precede her name . On

(2/2015) my weakness and what is fair. Q/ Make the

third “ma” above negative, making the verb tell her/

Outside diameter what is fair. C/ No one is alive, even if he lives in peace, he will be immortal from his absence in

the graves. Q/ What type


(3/2015) (what) is in the text? What is its impact on her magazine? C / What: A Hijazi negation

that does a job that is not, raises the subject of its name and puts the

accusative of “the Lord” as a predicate of it. It denies the description of the noun with “the Lord.” The Almighty said: (Woe

(3/2018) Ruqoun (for we are your king andÿ ÿ ÿ B ÿ

people they are my Oh, oh, ohWhat is the God bless you

grammatical and moral effect of the tool of negation in the holy text? C/ The syntactic effect:

(She does an action that is not) She raises the subject of her name and puts the lord in the accusative. It predicates of her.

described as The moral effect: She denies that the noun is

(1/2019) lord. If he warns her that he is stripping her. The poet said: She cries on the black blade. The first and with

certainty .

(2/2020) nÿ { ÿ factor
It came

What is the
grammatical ÿ

Applied. and moral effect of the negative tool mentioned in the holy text? Then mention what they do. C/ The Arabic effect: (She does an

action that is not) She raises the subject of her name and puts the accusative of the Lord. It is her khabar. The moral effect:

Lord. Her name is: the pronoun (we). Her narration: with two factors. What, O Jews, She denies the description of the noun with the
(2/2020) Al-Adib.
Na{ ÿ Hello TARK B
...S/ {They
Hanna between
Man Bah and
ÿ “You have come to us. ”

(Ma) was mentioned twice. Point to the world from it and mention its objects. C/And

what we are: Its name: the relative pronoun we. Its narration: by leaving.

(2021 2) Applied ÿ

ÿ ÿ ÿ B PhoneÿLoy Almighty said: {

tool and between theofsyntactic
the negative

effect and the moral effect. C/ The syntactic effect: (It does an action that

is not) raises the subject of its name and places the Lord as its predicate. The moral effect: denies that the noun is associated

with God. . ) And this is what God Almighty said

(2/1990) e ghnal
Binformed of the humiliationI have beenYes To the watera Hakahfi Taas
Hal Kab a YupYou willYtalk
ÿÿÿ ÿ And Nahl- ÿ Don't writeLet
ÿ them helpme ÿ
ÿ ÿ ÿ e-Sh-Sham b

of the M
Y M)
The Al-Kaf is the
(please give me advice to me)
ÿ oppressors who rejected them, so Y ÿ Yes, you remember A misguided halif ÿ supplication of the Uum S /
irrigation How often do we remember these days?

(what) appears more than once, so where do you find it neglected and why? This is a

neglected due to its negation with except. misguided Al-Kaf supplication

ÿ of the Uum: A: No,

no, no, no,

no, no, no, no, no, no, ÿno, no, no.
Neglecting the progress of the irrigation

Lord. If you forgive. And my good opinion. I have no recourse except my hope in Your pardon. Q/

Whether you mention (a trick) or not, (what) in both cases is negative and negligent, so why? C/ Neglecting the

advancement of the Lord in both cases.

Machine Translated by Google
A Rabiya s
Az MK Hassan E won't have a good time I am No, I promise the language and visited yat

from N M (1/1998) aunt) to call them A Ahadum,

(my obliged ...
Al- the Almighty, said ( S/
ÿ ÿ ÿ

Express what is underlined. C/ Ma:

neglecting the progress of the Lord. Ahad: Pain is

a preposition. One: The name Jamrur. It is similar to the sentence in the nominative case of a predicate. There is no other

intercessor for your good deeds, and there is no other reason than to cling to kindness. Q/

Express what is underlined. C/

What: neglecting the progress of the Lord. Li: A semi-verbal sentence in the nominative case of a predicate. Shafi’: a delayed subject in the nominative

(2 / 1999) Dr(Y Here, I M What type?

will show you what is rightÿ Nah ÿ
How do you
ÿ ÿcase. God Almighty said, “They said, ‘And H

express what is underlined? C/ Ma: neglected negation of

the Lord’s progress, from: an additional preposition for emphasis, right: a delayed subject, a genitive noun, pronounced in the nominative case. Kill

(1/2003) Q
Yen(ÿ him, O Al-
Hazn, and he willnot be tortured, O
Al-Hazn. ÿ Welcome, God Almighty said (M

Q/ 1 - If (from) is redundant in the Almighty’s saying (who taught), what are the parsing of the word knowledge? 2 - What is the type of (what)? And why?

Mosul questions C/ 1 - Knowledge: a delayed subject in the genitive case, pronounced in the nominative case. 2 - A neglected negative, to give precedence

to the subject. One of them said (A mouth for good deeds is a doctrine about it and I

have nothing to do with anything

else.) Q/ What kind of thing? And why? C/ A neglected

negation, to put God ahead of the principle. If a person does not refrain from evil from people, then

he has nothing to live from. Q/ We say (He has no interests) . (And (He has no interests) So how do you express (Masalih)

in both cases? C/His money Masalih: Masalih: A delayed subject in the nominative case, marked by the apparent

dhammah. He has no interests. Masalih: The noun (is not) is delayed in the nominative case, marked as nominative by the

apparent dhammah. It was said to (Muti’). Ibn Iyas: “There is nothing wrong with you

Deadlines (what)? a reason except talking too m

C/ neglected negative, to give priority to the Lord over the

subject. How can you succeed when you have no agreement and the oud has no sound without

a string? Q/ Replace with (not) a letter with its meaning, then explain its

meaning. C/ He has no sound: a neglected negative that does not give

(1/2017) a
from ÿ
precedence to the Lord over the subject. Q/ Express what is underlined in the
the outside)

Almighty’s saying ()And what is for me and what is halal ? C/

What: a neglected negative for giving precedence to the Lord over the subject. The beginner. F from: an additional preposition for

emphasis, and J: a subject with a delayed genitive pronoun pronounced with the krassa,

in the nominative case, with a ÿammal with the ÿamma. And it is nothing

but Durrat “ I have not

(1/2003) This boy is nothing but a disaster. found anyone but you with

generosity whose abundance is

Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

C/ Neglecting to criticize it without denying it.

When she held back her milk, she said, “I am so strong,” and this is not an act of cowardice. Q/ (What)

in the second part is (worker), so how do you make it negligible? Apply that with more than one rule. C/ This is nothing but a heart-

broken verb. What is this heart-broken verb?

(2/2012) I only want to die and live in humiliation. Do not think that your soul is going

dead. Q/ What type of (ma) is a

reason? A/ (Ma): Negative neglected to contradict its negation with


(2/2012) ) ) 23 Then you will be freed.)H.A

for him
Na Help me, O God Y So he said
HTo my people(except). We sent INoah
have God Almighty said: (And
The amount of money
Get up Heb

Q/ What is a neglected negation? A/ What is a neglected

negation of the Lord’s precedence over the subject. These

days are nothing but clouds over every land raining rain and drowning. Q/ What is the type of (what)? A/ What: A

neglected negation.

(2/2015) H Hal m m
Messenger. You have enteredGod Almighty said: (And Ibrahim
(L) Rs ÿ ÿLet's kiss ÿ

Q/ What is the type of underlined? What is the parsing of what follows?

Canceled. (Messenger): Destruction raised and a sign raised by the dhamma. Hoss C/ The

(/2017 1) Adeeb With it, the soul complied with the restraint of calamities. poet’s tool : Silence is nothing but a garment of humiliation

that has been dissolved. Q/ A negative letter is mentioned, what is the

Bedouin ruling? Why? / What: neglected to deny it except. C

(/2020 1) Al-Adib. Come on, we don't have a monthly surplus Q: We are not ungrateful for the virtue of a people

Put (what) instead of not and change what is

necessary . / We are not ungrateful. C

(2020 1) Applied.
Q/ I do not know that there is no shame in saying it. What is wrong is to issue a fatwa that is not correct. Put

(what) in its place, explaining whether they agreed in syntax or disagreed,

authenticating their statement . They disagreed in syntax, because it is not done without restriction or condition. And it is not negligent to put the Lord ahead of others.

The name, and it is valid if the name comes before the Lord. Q/ Not

Jalil is the part of wealth and its loss, but the part of the Most Generous Ones is Jalil , which

indicates my subject is not. Then put (ma) instead of (not) indicating what change or agreement in parsing occurs with the reason.

C/Non-name: Razamal. Jalal ruined it. What a great thing to do. It does not work unconditionally.

She does not act on the conditions that her news does not precede her name and that her denial is not refuted.

Q: Hassan’s mouth broke your promise after it resonated in the hearts

(2020 1) Applied.
Indicate the tool of negation and its type and the reason. C/

Ma: Negative neglecting the priority of the Lord over the Name. Q:

I sometimes clean and sound for my testers, but it is not recommended to clean and sound without difficulty

Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary ArabicNo, I promise the language
and visited yat

(2020/2) Biological. Put (what) instead of (not) and explain the change or agreement that occurs in the parsing, mentioning the reason. C/ It is

not recommended to be clear. They differed in the parsing, because not works without any restriction or condition. And what is neglected is that

God comes before the noun, and it is effective if The name came before the Lord. S/

His mouth is but a blink, after which he returns and suffers withering. What pains his pain is broken?

(/2021 Preliminary) What time limits are there in both parts? Then put a verb in its place in the first part. Build a reason

A: It is nothing but a blink: its denial is refuted by nothing. It's just a blink.

What a pain to overturn: the Lord’s precedence over

the name. Q/ The poet said: I am tired of your fraudulent coloring. Does fraud sing in boredom?

Biological that
Underline with a suitable psychological tool, explaining the reason

A: By God, I am not tired. Because the sentence is verbal, preceded by (may) and the oath.

The time of life is gilded with poetry, morning and evening ÿ Q/ The poet said: Once

Put a verb to negate it instead, and change what is necessary.What type (what)? And why? D
R.Except for the time of uncle Neglected neglected. We attacked her with no effort. You are not A:

(1/2021) with Q/ The poet said: Free

How can one sleep from Al-Numiya, Malik’s daughter, and from the bed of the sink of anger?

Enter (what) the negative word used in the first part of the sentence with an emphatic form, then express the interrogative noun mentioned

in the text as “no”.

Sleeping is not forbidden. A:

(1/2021) How: An interrogative noun based on the fatha in an accusative case followed by a perfect verb. We went

ne n
khaz H Yes, what a
ÿ ÿ
We gave you something to drink ÿ
down to sleep
And may our Messenger be pleased with him
Q/ God Almighty said) and
The writer

What is the type of (what) in the holy text? What is the parsing of what is

underlined? A: Ma/ Nafitic Hijazi worker.

(1/2021) Bakhazinin: The ba is a preposition. Khazinin: A noun in the genitive plural, with the yÿ’ in the accusative

case of Hamal
n of. bafay started walking Q/ The poet said: The youth went, took his mouth from his stick, and
The writer

What is the type of

(ma)? Ma: a negation neglecting the primacy of God over the subject. A:

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------

Hassan’s mouth violated your promise after it resonated in the hearts. Put a verb for

negation instead of (what) indicating what change or agreement occurred in the syntactic expression and mentioning the

reason. A: It is not good to violate your promise. It does not work without any restriction or condition, even if its predicate is preceded by its

And when the people thundered, they thundered The poet

name. .a walking path said: I am not the one with two hearts.

(2/2021) Say, “Denote” to my direct object, “not,” then he replaced it with a working tool whose function was the negation of the affirmation, with the

genitive form. A: Its name: the relative pronoun ta. He ruined it: the one who turned me on. Replacement: I have no heart.

Applied -------------------------------------------------- --------------

Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary ArabicNo, I promise the language
and visited yat

Hal MA E AThis B
This is
God Almighty said: (M
ÿ ÿ
a spray

What is the type of (what)? What is its grammatical and moral

(/2022 d)

effect? A: Negative, a Hijazi worker.

The grammatical effect: (She performs an action that is not) raises the subject as her name and places the Lord as

description of theher news. Moral effect: She denies the name’s


-------------------------------------------------- ---------------

A way of affection and goodness. The poet said: Advice to the brothers is only to put (what) instead

of (not) and indicate any change or agreement that occurs in the parsing, along with mentioning the reason.

(/2022 d)
What is advice but the way? They differed Arab-wise, because they do not work without restrictions or conditions. And what was neglected was violated A:

Deny it without exception.

“Types of non-negative things”

! ÿ ÿ

( H Kafal M evening
Y And my mother is oldSo touch
M God bless you May
)/2013 3(Adib M Yes
You are welcome
Glory be to Him, and He is God
ÿ Aden b They are RS
all ÿ ÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ
... ÿ
Lnha s
ÿ Y (M.A
God Almighty said:

Q/ What is mentioned in the text without negation? The reason for that? He

looses what he catches. Her words are conditional. What is it? C/


(2/1995) The medicine appeared in your hands and hugged it How can its success be different after what

type? C/ Source.

And there is no

(1/2005) intercession in returning what they conveyed to you from the mouth. The remembrance is

beneficial. Q/ What type of (what) is in the second part?

C/ connected. Injustice

leads to remorse. Do not be unjust if you are capable. Q/ If you know that (if) is a non-

assertive conditional, then what is the type of (what) after it? C/ Affirmative addition. Who can

a person trust in what he

intends and from where does the honorable freedom have companions? Q/ What is the

Outside diameter type? A: Conjunctive.

He lied to me

Ak Solve it Haka A 7 Your

(2010/preliminary) ÿÿÿÿ M ÿ B God bless you( to My fatherB Bpromise, God Almighty said: (F Q/
M ÿ n) ÿ

What is the type of

(what)? C/ Interrogative.

In the heart is an inexhaustible treasure of youth. It gives and increases as its gifts increase. Q/ What

is the type of (what)?

C/situational source. Let us

In God, nothing lasts without love. express what remains, if we do so,

what is underlined

Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary ArabicNo, I promise the language
and visited yat

/ Emphatic excess. C

(1/1995) Tomorrow
We will not forget what we manage. It isYupeasier for them to do so. S/

Express what is underlined. C/ In:

An assertive policewoman. What: an emphatic excess. Ibn: The conditional verb is a present tense verb. What do I find in

the world that I like? Where am I doubtful about it? Mahsud Q/ What kind of (what) is

in the house? / Connected.

When she suppressed her love, she said, “I am so desperate,” and this is not a heartfelt act. Q/ What

type of (what) is included? C/ All .

ÿ ÿ

(1/1990) Sorry a
Y God Almighty said:
Bmmmmmm And welcomeMay God bless them He agreed, he won In their hearts (Sha'ron) Share it ÿ
Aid Aoun E

(n) And Peace be upon us
ÿ Who are they?
ÿ In the medicineWhat's wrong with you?Oh hello
And they were bitter
ÿ ÿ
That Q
And (and) and (and) BSo What were they?

Q/ (Ma) appears in the text many times, four of which are distinguished. Ya Sha’arun:

Inam: all. negative, non-functional. Bama Kanuun: connected. C/ And what is supported by Aoun/ And what

What you see and the truth, yes, the path is not for us from the facts of the story to S/

Explain the type of (what) expressing it C/

Conjunctive: a relative noun built into the nominative case of a noun not. I will make

as long as you have no you cry as long as my tears overflow, and if they flow, it will suffice for you from me

wings. S/what type (what type) (What) in the first part? C/ Infinitive adverbial. Like

those who call out what we

(2/1992) Age is nothing. would like to see. Q/


what is underlined . C/ Emphatic

superposition. If a person

does not refrain from evil against people, then he has no interests in which he can live. Q/ What

is the type of (what)? C/ /

Adverbial infinitive. What is the

)/2013 3(Adib type of (what) in our saying: (We rarely forget the creators). C/


(1/1991) Enjoy Na M H Sa
Noah (Naam)Y ÿ ÿ
DattaarB I aum aum
Hey Gren a No, no ÿ )Wey
ÿ ÿ ÿ You may be punched
May God bless you
ÿ ÿ

And (bwahl
What a shame
YIt's okay
The world of God

Q/ (Ma) came once in working order and sometimes neglected. Explain it, and explain the reason for the

delay . : worker. AAA

ÿ B Na/um
: Neglected, to contradict the negative except. Om ÿ C

Us on the shores of the most beautiful ship wings. I It was only dangerous, then I took off, and

almost died of sadness when she called me I had never tried passion before this

Machine Translated by Google
Az A Rabiya s
N M M K about Hassan E won't have a good time The word No, I promise the language and visited yat

“what” appears once neglected and sometimes non-functioning. Point to them, and explain the reason for the

And I was not: a non-worker. The delay. C/ And what is it: neglected? To deny it except. God

(1/1992) M H
onesaccountable Namÿ Umm Umjran A -
ÿ ÿ ÿ
are you?’” Almighty said: (Say: “Say, ‘How

What is the characteristic of the tool in (what I ask you)? - What is the type of the second

What am I: a Hijazi worker? Come on (what)? What I ask you: negative that does A:
not work with the present

(2/1991) I am a (um 113 n) San 112 Ap

Nahab M EH(E tense verb.
Loon (lamnu
kay b) yÿmu’
And the God Almighty said: “He said, ‘And
Rebel and feel ÿ ÿ

ÿÿÿÿ n
imam of faith ÿ
DattaarB ÿ

Q/ (what) was mentioned twice as non-negative. What type of each of

: interrogative. A p UM/J
them? Why: Y ÿ ÿ

Connected. By God, nothing can make love last. us and what remains if you finish. S/

Express what is underlined by /

Ma: Hijazi worker negation. Sha: a noun in the nominative case with the apparent ÿamma. Baqiyya: ruin what is set. They C

(2/1993) But you Y This is what God Almighty said: (F

Seepreferred b
are a mother M on m H Zaqdi R / ÿ

What type of (what) was mentioned twice? The

Hijazi nafiyyah. On what: Connected . Y subject: /

ÿ ÿ

(2/1994) And if TA Y sÿh alam B Ouda M If

God Almighty said: (And
poison ÿ
ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿy Yes, I am told
... ...
ÿ the Is it not that they mocked us about

Y ÿ They were
authorityof Abu Eun?
Give About them

and what is true. Q/ What meaning does (what) which was


interrogative. Yip mama maknoun twiceChave
: connected. ? Suh:
with the present ÿ

! ! ÿ

(warNiv al-qab O
M SmmmB
going I am
to sleep God willing Name
Y these gods
M tense verb.
And what are you:
Y God Almighty said: (And

(2015) working negative. Wei: Non-working negative /

Mohidi ÿÿÿÿÿÿNT ÿÿÿÿ

(ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿ speaking. 30 Kath A’n M. Ben Nif) ÿ

(2/1997) Y ÿ Yt af bdm kasb H

irrigation ÿ
... yabsun m How much is the God Almighty said: (And

affliction of God? Oh ÿ

me and the text without

, how
of conscience?
is it from What

M: Connected. And what are you: Hijazi. And what do you have: a neglected negation.ÿ c

(2/2003) YSee a Here I will tell you

my uncleI want to be YR
able to fix it. M /s/ Ma was Hey, I was ÿ talkingwhat
you are ÿ
How much is it? a a um

mentioned three times, so give its type each time. C/ What I want: negative, non-

functional. To what: connected. What I could: adverbial. They are m. Have you jumped, or have you

(2/2004) 3 prepared with machines that fell on the face of foreigners? (n) God Almighty said (and God been
Hal Nhu E (E
ÿ ÿ its Almighty
religion) by (n)
He madesaid:
Ali Q/(Indeed, you areinembarrassed
(Ma) appears
the following in
noble Qur’anic texts. Explain the type of each of them and mention ÿ

function if it is its function.negative
What youthatare: a Hijazi
does working
the work of not, raising the revealed (the Almighty said) and He is revealed
And He is

subject and accusative of the Lord. And what is pronounced: a non-working negative. And what is made: a non-working negative. .

/ That is what: connected. C

Machine Translated by Google
A Rabiya s
Az MK Hassan E won't have a good time If things will No, I promise the language and visited yat

from N M (2/2005)
become clear soon, talk to yourself. Q/ What is the difference

between what is underlined? / Amma Qarib:

extra for emphasis. Amif: connected. Make it safe C

ÿ ÿ

(1/2011) E M M
A mill ñ a B E B RaqqonfaY ÿ
fell n n n n n m Ahlet rafi tnnafat their palm ÿ believe
Saying: “I until now.” One
from here ... of us ÿ Y God Almighty said: (And

) Y Y So, EB Hal E ... M H Riyadh

ÿ ÿ
One of us ÿ ÿ b
ÿ ÿ
Oh, boom, boom He is a husband
him and his family, the Most High, the Most High.May God benefit

M.S./1 - What are the types of four of (what)? Specify this by mentioning what comes after it.

F They are: My
Report a muqawun, all. Of whom.
pronounce: connected. :A non-working woman. ÿ mom

The earth
connected to them.
is Nafi, a Hijazi worker. Ahm Ahm:

(1/2012) nbmta He is alive RI , , , , , H-N-Dab
... God Almighty said: (And
lands they roam, In the
If you have a kilogram, a ton or more

and they shall be terrified. ...

ÿÿÿÿÿÿ / (what) was mentioned twice, clarifying its type each time.

Tanna faÿaM
wrong with me. mum, I ndaÿar/: :Neglected,
am full of
Negative, neglected.
worries, and
you do... not
know what is

The poet said: You are not of me and you do not care what I took. S/

“Ma” was mentioned several times between two types of it after specifying what she

took: connected. What is the matter: interrogative. / What are you: Nafiyah, a Hijazi worker. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
ÿ ÿ

(2/2013) ( oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,

Y oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, B
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,ÿ oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! ÿ ÿ

(2/2016) Q/ There was a time when she was neglectful and another time she was working. Their type indicated the reason for the delay.

What is
What is Al-Hayat: a neglected negation, its negation is invalidated by this? Barsha: Nafi, a Hijazi worker. A:

(3/2016) ( His jurisprudence

Yaz ÿ
B Koumna Yana
Lat of Raÿtakal awal
theRamana not see you
ÿ we willÿ Here you say andand
ÿ rich is thick “O Shi’i.”They said,

Outside the Yazz (2022 1) Adeeb (Ma) appears three times. What is its type each time? Who has

and what you are: Nafiyya, a Hijazi worker . M /c

country (1/2019) Adeeb say: connected Here you understood it: negative, non-active.

ÿ ÿ

(1/2017) So, EB Hal M H

The satisfaction And E ... the point ÿof Aÿ
of what benefits him is important to his money. ÿ ÿ ÿIbn Birdha. God
ÿThey are said in condemnation of sorcery: (And in the

received The E M with (what)Indeed,

peopleof (Amun were
ÿ b Ismail bin Khaliq bribed
Yes,other several they have
times. become
ÿ the ill

negated ones, explaining its action. And what are they among the other ?

N: Nafiyya, a Hijazi worker. You do something that is not, you raise the subject and install the Lord. Satisfied What is the ÿ Jah

Al M
:Neglected, neglected. No work, welcome. Yes,type of

thing in the texts below? If (how bad have

M Praise
I mortgaged ÿ ÿ aPlunder (v. 1 n they been) God Almighty says: (I breastfed
it and died (Yani) ÿ
Say hello to Hannad the Prophet (God Almighty said: )) Q

O /c Oh
them) ... perished? Have you
They are: interrogative. A little uncle: excess. She breastfed: connected. Behold,
! ÿ
(3/2019) his hal m a
RY ÿ any
family and mother are inspired. Httpn a B And an actY do not ÿ
ÿ ÿ with e as ÿ ÿ ÿ yes I am sent and I ÿ

mentioned in the text fromame).
for only Explain
third. thenot:
C/ I was typenon-
of (what) BM

What it does: Connected. functional negation. I do not know: non-functional negation. What is revealed:

connected. And I am not: neglected negation. Is it for you? God

ÿ ! ÿ
(2019/1) Oh GodWow Ap
End and end of the scene
ÿ May God bless those Without a doubt, write a message Almighty said: (Say, O

who repent

Machine Translated by Google
Az A Rabiya s
won't have a good time Yes, it is necessary No, I promise the language and visited yat
N M M K about Hassan E

He fell asleep
Did you ÿ B
what types of (what) are mentioned in the text? understand ÿ

work, am: connected. ML / between the types of what

C/: interrogative,
are mentioned and whattexts
in the is God: negative
below: 1(HowHijazi

good is Zaid. .exclamatory .

(How good is Zaid. Interrogative. 3(How

good is Zaid. Negative. Ya’fÿl d as/ }

ÿ ÿ

(1/2020) lost I am This is

Ahtbnaÿ B And
ÿ what is revealed
ÿ and what is revealed to Him ÿ How ÿ yes And what did he see?

Biological. many times (what) is mentioned in the Holy Text between a third type of it. And what type of (that) is a reasoned

one. D
Uma Re: Negative and non-functional. What He does: Connected. What is revealed: Connected. And What am I: Negative and neglected. A: If : Non- ÿ

functional negative. Ralanha

For a male
his mind ( worker whoÿ has lost Nahhu E ÿ See More ÿ
H ÿ
MeowB Walu Harshat S Akkath S/)Wama
ÿ He passed on to mypeople and died ÿ

(2021 1) Biological What type of inbox did you receive? What type is it? More:

Hijazi worker. And what you ask them: a non-working negation. A: And since: a neglected negation, its

negation is invalidated by anything.

(/2022 1) Biologist What type of (what) is mentioned twice ?

Not a day goes by that is restored. Al-Mutanabbi said: Abu Dhu’ayb said: What is the matter with my eyes

little sleep. And my past: Nafiyyah Hijazi. that do not dry up their tears? They complain so much, they have so

A: What about: interrogative?

The negative "that".

(2/1987) YSee a God Almighty said: (E

I am obedient (I am the righteous Oh
God, ÿ

Q/ What is the type of

With the present tense verb. (that)? C/ Negative, non-

(2006/preliminary) functional , on ÿyou.

God Almighty said: (E
(Al-Gha) Hal ÿ

Al- Bas / In the Noble Verse (Indeed) is negative and neglected, why?

C / To give precedence to the Lord over the

(2/2017) n(onAnd
the word M Then Name.The Almighty said: (E
the Sultan of Heb descended
ÿ ÿ

You say against God Naduk m m ÿ

s / What is the type of ( in) in the text? C /

neglected negation. n aa

(1/1998) TheyÿWe called Khaza'iÿHal A E and aa

ÿ aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

ÿ ÿ

Enjoy Na M H Sa
(2013 Preliminary) Noa( Believe in me ÿ ÿ
Dattaar B ÿ YGod Almighty said: (And
ÿ ÿ You may be punched
oh, oh, oh, oh, Ha, may God bless him, oh, oh, AQUMAL A

oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh .

Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary ArabicNo, I promise the language
and visited yat

A/ I do not ask you: a non-functioning negation. If I am rewarded: negative and neglected. And what: Hijazi language.

(2/2013) Name Here H God

ÿ a Almighty said:
comes your father (Oh, and you are my mother,
my sister Hey ÿ

Q/ What is above the t is a negation tool whose function is nullified, explain

that. A/N: Neglected to deny it without exception.

(3/2014) ( Express what is underlined? t Y Right

nat e n a nÿ )

C/ In: neglected negation of the negative, its negation without, you: a separate pronoun built into a nominative subject, nazir: a predicate in the nominative case.
ÿ ÿ

ÿÿÿÿ Maybe that Lost! Come on

Ahtbnaÿ B And
(2020 1) Biological. ÿ
ÿ Hill and what
ÿ is revealed OE ÿ as ÿ yes yufal d a s / }wm ray ma ÿ

What type of (in) is ma’alal?

With the present tense. C/ Negative, non-functional. Q/ A

(2020 1) Applied.
person is dead when his life ends, but when he is attacked, he will be let down.

Identify the negative tool and explain its syntactic effect, then express what is underlined. A/N:

She raises the subject as her name and places the Lord as her predicate. Meta: It

is reported that it is in the accusative case, and the sign of its accusative case is the fatha appearing

The Feast of what you promised { Aqar ray
at the end of it. ÿYes ÿ ÿ
S/ } and E

Indicate the tool of negation and its type and tense?

(/2021 Preliminary)

With the present tense verb. Time denied substitution. A/ In: Negative, non-functional, and

they have lost a right that is digested. Q: God’s help from the one who seeks, if you neglected. What type of (in)

and what tense did you negate it? With the past
(/2021, edited by Adeeb).

tense. She denied the past tense. A: Negative, non-functional. Q/ (And how many people,

(2021 1) Biological
even if (You have taken care of the believers, and you ask them of no reward for it. It is only a mention to the worlds.) (Indeed ) appears in the

Holy Text. What is its type? And why?

A/N: A neglected negation of criticism, its negation without.

“If it is not negated,” I

will thank him for the time that has passed. As soon as I blamed you for a while, then he

separated from me. S/ (In) appears in the text, between its

types. / superfluous for emphasis. C.

So I raised my whip to my hand As soon as you came up with something

you hate. Q/ What type of (in) in the

text / is superfluous for emphasis. C

My response to Saba, if you do it, is that my passion is none of my business, and I have no doubt.

Q/ Express what is underlined .

C/ In: an assertive conditional. I was: an imperfect past tense verb based on sukun in a jussive predicate. Their raids

we will not procrastinate what we manage. will be easier for you if tomorrow is built,

Machine Translated by Google
Az A Rabiya s
won't have a good time Yes, it is necessary No, I promise the language and visited yat
N M M K about Hassan E

Q/ Express what is underlined. A/

N: An assertive police officer. What: redundant for emphasis.


(1/2000) ( One M ÿÿ
... of us ÿ ÿÿÿÿÿ God Almighty said: “Woe!

ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ S/ brown type (in) then express

what is underlined? C/ in: assertive conditional. From an additional preposition. Ahad: subject of the genitive case in the nomin
(1/1989) I am, to what you have, my uncleI want to be Ysee a neum
n We
righteous( the people of GodI will show you ÿ and what is it ? Operating ÿ
a )( ÿ
were a mother ÿ
The Almighty said: (b)
God bless you

with the present tense verb .


(nine)B ÿ ÿ

As soon as we have a united people,

Once: redundant for emphasis. this is a neglected banality. A: I

will write

(2/2015) ( ... God revealed, “I B

H down the signs. God Almighty said (M.
The descendants of Sultanÿ ÿ
to M.M.H.B. will grant you success” Come on, and you are the ones
is the
who used it. / What ÿ
May Godpeace
grant you

Outside diameter difference between (in) above and our saying: If you read, you will benefit from. /

Inna halal
if you read: assertive conditional. kum: neglected negative, C

The poet said: As soon as I blamed you for a long time and then he left me, I thanked him for the time

but a bloody finger, and for the that had passed. Another said: You are nothing

sake of God I have not met . If you are: negative, neglected, the

descendants of this (Sultan)

(2/2017) ÿ
On the
ÿ authority of God Almighty, He said: (E
We call ÿ

So I raised my whip to my hand upon you. The poet said: As soon as I come up with

something that you hate. Q/ What is the type of (that) in

Once: redundant for emphasis the two texts that mentioned it ? / C


Km (self Indeed, you have: Negative, neglected. God ÿ
Almighty: (If ) is mentioned

Writer twice? If you do well: an affirmative conditional.

A: Verily the ruling is a neglected negative. With a face like the face of the sun, he has

no equal. When we met, he spent the night, we loved him. What do grammarians call the

mentioned (if)? In text C: redundant for emphasis.


Al- Kanq An-Nahar, Ayyub and

(/2022 1) Applied I am concerned irrigationÿ
Qad p
Malfi. Point to the

negative tool and explain its grammatical and moral effect. The article

(mal) has a syntactic effect: it emphasizes the present tense verb. A:

Its moral effect: it denies the present tense verb and shifts its meaning to the past tense.

Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary ArabicNo, I promise the language
and visited yat

I have found no one but you, a god who can And it is nothing but a pearl for which

redeem its abundance by sea. Q/ How do you replace it (ml) with another article located in the

answer to the oath? C/ By God, I


(1/1997) did not find it . pulp

Yes, yes
God Almighty said: (Ka
And he explained it ( Yes Thawa E Y
ÿ They filled them ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ

Q: What indicates the apparent negation? /

They did not C

(2005/preliminary) stay. If he did not do it appropriately. What is the beauty on the young man’s face? It is an honor

for him. Q/ Extract the negative article in the verse and explain the effect of the tool in terms of parsing? C/M:

Punctuate the present tense verb. Q/ Is it

correct for you to say: By God, why do we not ask for our desires instead of you? Why?

Because its negation is certain, it does not need an oath to confirm not correct
C: It is

it. I was amazed at how eloquent her singing was and that she did not gape because she

started with her mouth. Q/ What should you say if you replaced the second negative article (m) with the negative

article (what)? C/ By God, I did

not betray the affection between us. By God, I did not betray the affection between

us, but it has been a displeasure for us to say (by God, correct Q: It is not

I did not betray the affection), why? C/ Because its negation is certain, it

does not need an oath to confirm it. If a person does not refrain from evil against people, then he has nothing to ga

Q/ How do we replace (mill) as a negation device in the answer to an oath in order to preserve time?

A/ By God, it has not stopped...

Nothing remains of my love for her except a vulgarity in Nahil’s body.

Q/ Delete the negation from the actual sentence to preserve time?

C/ Her love remained with me... so

(2014/2014) I did not look at it until I saw you. If, wherever you can, I memorized Tarif, confirm the

negation, then express the subject after the change. C/

Connect with it, the pronoun ta: a continuous pronoun built into a nominative subject. Father

Q/ Make the journal “The patient did not take his medication” pinned./

The patient took his medication. C

I was not satisfied with living while the days were coming, so how could I be satisfied when they passed in a hurry?

Q/ Replace with (m) another article that occurs in the answer to an oath? C/ By

God, I would not be satisfied... and

I know where no calamity has befallen me in a lifetime that did not befall a boy before.

Q/ Make the magazine “Didn’t Misfortune Befall You” pinned?

C/ A misfortune befell me.

Machine Translated by Google
A Rabiya s
won't have a good time Yes, it is necessary No, I promise the language and visited yat
Az MK Hassan E

from N M (3/2015) Why? The Almighty said: “So

people haveyou
how been,
many how many So, remember God, how much ÿ

people have you?) On the letter M / What is the grammatical and moral effect of the negative article

mentioned in the Holy Text? A/M: Its grammatical effect: asserts the

present tense verb, its moral effect: negates the verb. The present tense and its meaning changes to the

past tense. The poet said: I am free from a sin other than my passion, and you are my love without sleep. Q/

Affirm the negative, preserving the tense of the verb. C/ I have

committed a sin . The

(/2019 1) Adeeb poet said: O Tigris, our mills have not diminished your quantity and quality, and we have not believed you in

righteousness . / The negation was proven in the

inability of the verse. C/ We

believed you in the Lord and we were free of nostalgia and pain. The poet said: We did not return

or we did not end the love. Q/ What type of (what) is mentioned in the verse? What is the grammatical and moral effect

of the negation tool? C/ What:

interrogative. L: The syntactic effect: It asserts the present

tense verb. The moral effect: Its moral effect: It negates the present tense verb and shifts its meaning to the past tense. The poet

(2/2021) Blood
eyes while my heart is in the world. than you. I look at my There is nothing sweeter a stray. Confirm said: I went out in the morning of the day, bringing

Applied the negation contained in the verse, then replace it with another article located in the answer to the oath. A: I saw

more beautiful . ...By God, I have never seen anything sweeter. I

have not seen an apron other than you. It is enough for me. The poet said: I passed by the supervision. The dew increased.

The writer
How can you replace it with (mill) another tool that falls in the answer to an oath and is not necessary? By

God, I have never seen anyone praised.


(2/2021) How solo ÿ

the planetsA:tilted in Al-Baida?
Malamatl. many nights
He the
Because wrote
verb with
is not a suitable
close tool, explaining
to the present tense, and the reason for

Applied this is the presence of (had) before it. It is seen that Al-Qash Al-

God Almighty said, “So there is a face to it” / because in the text it is not negated. Justify your Bahm said to them that He came.

Rayya (Sarathhadfa). ÿ
used in the answer?C/ Because it is a conditional case

past tense. As for the negative, it refers to the present tense

verb. Q/ Explain the difference between what is underlined by a line. 2- What the disputing parties reconcile. 1- When they

apologized to me, I forgave them. C/ When they

apologized: a policeman’s time. What is termed: the letter negation, juzm, and qalb. M

(Ya Yazalak M) is glory, so when He approached it, skulls made it drink

(2/2003) They will Y

Give follow their path God
Almighty said: “And the last of the

of Me.” Al-Mutanabbi said: The deep clouds watered it before its

descent. Q/ “Ma” appeared in the Holy Text. So what is the difference between it and “Ma” in Al-Mutanabbi’s statement?

Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary ArabicNo, I promise the language
and visited yat

Ya Lahaqwa: the letter of negation, jazm, and qalb. Film of Dana: Police moment. C/ filled it

What a treasure whose jewels were lost and what we lost was lost. Q/ Do you not

consider what is decisive in the text and trust the rule?

C/ Because it is a conditional case used in the past tense. As for the negative, it refers to the present tense verb. A wounded

(2/2006) He might
Here is this (whatThat's what I said
Three times it was poured
Look woman and her family,God
Almighty said: (a).

Insert (why) into a present tense verb in Mufidah Magazine, then explain the ruling on the verb

after it? C/ I woke up and when the sun rose. The verb after it is a jussive. Explain the

grammatical and moral effect of the negation tool. (As if it were a pearl with holes in it). C/ Why:

the grammatical effect: She asserts the present tense verb.

The moral effect: negates the verb in the past tense connected to the continuous present to the speaker’s time.

When she suppressed love, she said to Shannam, “I have been patient,” and this is not a

heartbroken action. Q/ Is the (why) mentioned in the text not considered assertive, and trus

C/ Because it is a conditional case used in the past tense. As for the negative, it refers to the present tense verb. God

(2/2010) RAH (Am Aam) Y Almighty said (He filled it


(1/2016) the.
Q/ In the text, the tool to negate the meaning of the word “fam” and

“ammah” / the syntactic effect of the action: it delimits the present tenseCverb.

Moral effect: Denying the action in the past tense connected to the continuous present to the speaker’s time, and they

have placed their souls in Kashim, and they have nothing but death as a reward. Q/

Should I make what is underlined a negation, taking into account the time?

C/ They did not get

bored. How can I blame people tomorrow after I saw that my youth had changed?

Q/ The underlined nose is a line, taking into account (the temporal

significance). C/ His covenant

did not change. And when I saw treachery on their part, I was patient, and patience did not extinguish its fire.

Writer 1- When (what) appears twice in the text, among its syntax. 2- Make the negative part of it affirmative? C/

is extinguished: a negative letter, a And when I saw: a conditional spell that entered the past tense verb, and when it

It has been turned off.

jussive, and a heart.

(2/2013) (B Y
fullness, taste its sweetness
For its ÿÿÿ b ÿÿ ÿ
how much
He has no words
B God Almighty said:

Q/ Between the Arabic and moral effect of the negative tool

/ The grammatical effect of the action: fragmentation of the present tense verb. C

Moral effect: Denying the verb in the past tense connected to the continuous present to the speaker’s time. That the day on

and hearts embraced him. Q/ What which the beloved appeared was a happy day,

is underlined is underlined with a suitable negative device . /

Filled with hearts embracing Him


Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

E. (3/2013) Al-Abyad Al-Aquq asked and did not

He did not want elk eggs.

know. Q/ What type of

(why)? C/ Sometimes a conditional entered the past tense. If I

)/2014 died
could, I preserved my side and did not look at it until I saw you. Q/ Make the

my hand( negative sentence affirmative, preserving the tense, and expressing the subject after the change.

Writer in the nominative subject. C/ I looked: The pronoun “ta” is made

(1/2014) Saad was embraced by hearts. day A day when my beloved appeared. Q/ A

nose that is not underlined with a suitable negative tool is documented with the rule? Why don't

you hug him?

It is close to the present time, and the reason for this is the existence of (may) before it. I am Because the action is what

not satisfied with living while the days are coming, so how can I be satisfied when they are gone in a hurry?

Q/ What is the underlined nose, taking into account the temporal

significance? Mulla Toul. A:

Ashwaqa and Malam will not spend more than one night, so how about if he disappoints us with a throne?

Writer Q/ Make the journal “Unless Only One Night Has Passed” affixed to preserve time.

/ More than one night has passed. C

(1/2016) When he appeared as a guest, he rolled up and was concerned.

He saw a ghost in the darkness, his

emptiness. Q/ Make “ma” in the text a negative and express the verb after

Dr, Yup /
Deferred it . Yup
Mulla J

His appreciation is.

My mouth has a share in my heart. My heart shows her excuse and helps her. S/ Nasalize

the second mentioned verb with an article that predicts the occurrence of negation. / What

does it mean?

(3/2018) ( ÿ Nakhal wam Y A third of thisKKM

How much do you know?
T aY Nahha
and her mother entered the term He felt a
TB God Almighty said:

Q/ Identify the tool of negation, and explain its grammatical and moral

effect. C/ Lama: The grammatical effect. Action: The present tense verb

is emphasized. Moral effect: negation of the verb in the past tense connected to the continuous present until the

speaker’s time. The poet said: God has decreed separation for us, so perhaps with our reunion

(2019 He died my
he will decree s/nose everything underlined with a suitable

hand) negation tool. C/ Mulla Yaqid.

(1/2019) Repeat the following sentences, taking into account the

Outside diameter temporal significance: I achieved victory, why I

achieved victory. You might win. When victory is

achieved. Q: Why did you see the people with whom there was no god but all ties and means cut off?

Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

A nose with no line under it

E. Applied. Mentioning the reason.

It is close to the present time, and the reason for this is the existence of (may) before it. They didn't cut
it. His Because the action is what

harm {m a
yqdma s/}khal mlha

Indicate the tool of negation and its action and time. C/

Applied. Lama: The grammatical effect. Action: The present tense verb is emphasized.

Its tense: negates the verb in the past tense connected to the present that continues to the speaker’s tense.

Q/ Oh Basma, why do Zahraa remove the tool of negation from

The writer.
me, and remember her time? C/ When:

You negate the verb in the past tense connected to the present that continues to the speaker’s time. Q/ The

for fraud in the word? He demonstrated poet said: I am tired of your fraudulent color, and is there no use

the negation with a tool that negated the verb in the past tense connected to the present with the plural.

Mulla sings a scam. A:


God is worthy On
We see
ÿ Hassab m al-alFrom Kmmuy
ÿDua saved himthis one
ÿ Yes If you come in, please
He sighed and bored her
Q/ God
Sabbath Mah A Almighty said: {

(2/2021) Biologist Identify the tool of negation and mention its action and the time

of negation. C/ Lama: The grammatical effect. Action: The present tense verb

is emphasized. Its tense: negates the verb in the past tense connected to the continuous present to the speaker’s

tense “lun.”

And I will not neglect the right of tomorrow to the hand of virtue. Does not a person know benevolence?

Q/ In the first part, “Unconfirmed,” how do you confirm it with a more concise expression?

A/ I will not neglect my rights. But

(2/1995) she asks for affection from you. Oh my mother, do not ask for money to get rich. Q/ If the

poet said (do not ask for money tomorrow), how can you negate the phrase, affirming and concisely?

C/ You will not ask for money.

Q/ Negate the following sentence with a suitable negative tool (He will keep his secret in his chest)

secret in his chest. Q/ NG/ He will not hold his

Explode the following sentence with an appropriate negative tool, taking into account the significance of the negative tool on time?

Muhammad will participate in the exam.

C/ Muhammad will not participate in the exam..

High honor is not safe from harm until blood is shed on its sides. Q/ Make the negative tool the

future tense with a conjunction once and without a conjunction the other time. C/ A fine honor will not

be safe from harm tomorrow. A fine honor will not be safe from harm. Q/ Mention a specific letter in the present

tense that often indicates negation or reception?

C/ will not.

Machine Translated by Google
A Rabiya s
won't have a good time Yes, it is necessary No, I promise the language and visited yat
Az MK Hassan E

from N M (2/2006) (By God, time did not throw a suit ) Q/ Why

to insert (lun) instead of (la) to confirm the negation? C/ Because is it not correct

(lun) negates the future with an affirmative negation without an oath. I will cry for

long as you have no you as long as my tears overflow, and if they flow, it will suffice for you from me as

wings. Q/ What is underlined is a line with an appropriate negative tool, taking into account the tool’s indication

of time? C/ I will not make you cry.

(2/2015) His difference (dala n ÿAre there for (And God Almighty said:

you in the Holy Text a negation device that indicates it, then explain what its meaning and

function give it? A/Lan: Its action: accusative of the present tense verb. The action: emphatically denies the present tense action in the future

(1/2016) YCan I see

aB Almighty
counted from the word “lun”? Important
that the words
( S/ “Hana” are
ÿ ÿ

(LN)) in the holy text is a negative tool. Explain when it is used? C/ It is used to negate

the action in the future with an emphatic negation. I gave in flattery every

(1/2017) tongue that I would not be able to praise even if I S / 1- What tense did the negation tool

As much as I can. 2- Put in its place a tool that negate? A: It negated the future tense without a context. Praise it.

negates theverb in the present, with the exact form. A: The poet said: What use is a polished sword or a cannon if it is in

put a tool that negates the action in the the palm of your hand? Fear and trembling. Q/ Instead of (what),

Mosul questions present and future, then a tool that negates the future, and another that negates it in the past connected to the present, adjusting in the form C/ Present and

future: The sword will not be of use. Future : The

sword will not be of use. Past connected to the present: For what is of use. How many thousand people have brought you with me, Lord, as a shroud for

)/2018 d M Okay M MY Yes

down to me
He came
( ÿ The filling onesÿ
ÿ ÿ
night. God
(A/S/) designate
its action
ÿ theand
the time of of
its negation in the

Writer Holy Text. / The tool of negation: because, its action: the accusative of the present tense, its

negative tense: the negation of the future. C

(2019 Preliminary) The poet said: God has decreed separation for us, so perhaps with our reunion, S/ will annihilate everything

underlined with a suitable negative tool. ÿadh C/ It will not be

confirmed that they

/2019) ÿ ÿ The Almighty said: (And

(Have they notwill
in the
tense. been?
of God.)
the isrise
of the
of negation
among the
present believers
tense, who
its action
meaning: it and its will do it

Writer negates the present tense action in the future tense with an emphatic

negation. Or S/ {And is it more convenient for Noah to live? What I mean is the tool of negation, and explain its moral effect. C/ LN: Meaning: It denies

{ mnqd ÿ
the present
tense with an emphatictense action in the future

Biological. negation. Q/ Days will reveal to you something you did not know. How

many clouds were created from the light of the stars, with a line underneath them with a suitable tool,


The writer.

Machine Translated by Google
Az A Rabiya s
won't have a good time Yes, it is necessary No, I promise the language and visited yat
N M M K about Hassan E

C/ You will not


(1/2021) Htt show.

It is ruined (B
ÿ Here is every“You
settledto what
patience withYesme.”
he touched.
grammatical The Almighty said: (My companions said,
What ÿ

The writer
and moral effect of the first tool of negation mentioned in the text? A/Lan: Its

function: accusative of the present tense verb, meaning: it emphatically denies the present tense verb in the future tense. Define

(2/2021) I seek refuge God YAlmighty said:

ÿ ÿ ÿ
We {will give youa number of people, the negative toolitsand mention ÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ
ÿ until keymed

function and time in the text. A/Lan: Its function: accusative

of the present tense verb, meaning: it emphatically denies the present tense verb in the future tense. “The pain of ingratitude”
Leave me, it is

not up to me how to do that, and I was never afraid of going back. Q/ I express

what is underlined. C/ To fear:

the pain, the pain of ingratitude. To emphasize the negation. In

the accusative case, “If I had not saved in your ransom, desiring that my dead be returned with a ransom.” Q/ He affirmed the

(2 / 1999)
call for affirmation? C/ I mentioned negation, mentioning the conditions that

would not have saved... 1 - It must be preceded by a negative being. 2 - A

predicate that was obligatorily

omitted and considered as intending. - 3 It is connected to a present tense verb. And I did not know before Azza what the crying and

(1/2002) heartaches were until I became aware. Q/ How do you confirm the negation of something? A/

I did not know. If God Almighty

Or: By God, I did not know.

said: (And

(2/2003) And He is B May Y

Most Merciful The end is God bless you

smooth. S/The first (lam) differs from the second. How do you see that?

Rauf: The word of affirmation.L’A: He adds

to O
wordit of
it wasToGod,
the the negation. It

(2/2004) (You will

be forgiven)
Almighty said: (And
the s/Can
a difference
was mentioned
inthat? / GodYes
the strength
of thenot punish them: its denial

is certain to enter the pain of ingratitude.

And God was not with their doctrine: an uncertain negation because the pain of ingratitude does not

enter. (By God, time would not have found a substitute.) How do you affirm the negation, preserving the oath and changing what is

necessary? / By God, time would not have found a substitute.


I thought about what life was like, and I could only become more free in my thinking.
Q/ What type of pain is in the text? How do you express the verb afterwards? /

Al-Azdad: Pain, Pain, Ingratitude. To confirm the denial. Increased: a present tense verb in the accusative case that C

The implicit noun, the accusative sign is the fatha, and the subject is a pronoun that is evaluated as “I”.

(2/2009) H
are Indeed, we willwho
be among those n, n, thisYou sleep, ji, n, God Almighty said: (Yes
ÿ ÿ

frightened. (And Allah has guided us.) BeThe

night of guidance.
said: (And

Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

What type of (laam) is in the two holy verses and why?

They are: the pain of emphasis./ Laan: a footing for the oath. We will not be C

Let us be guided: the pain of ingratitude. To confirm the denial.

(/2022 d) (n) And

If it is, O God ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ If God exists God Almighty said: (And
Rumum yehÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿONÿ Suddenly planeeeered.’ Aadhab M

Q/ What type of (pain): and what is its benefit?

C/ No, they do not know: Type of pain: pain of ingratitude, meaning affirmation of the negation.

He came to you with a saying that I would not have said even if mosques were tied around my

sleeves. Q/ What is the type of (laam): and what is its benefit? And what is the parsing of the verb

after it. C/ Type of laam: Laam of ingratitude, indicating the emphasis of the negation. I say: a present tense verb in the accusative case, with the implicit sign of

the accusative being the fatha, and the subject being a pronoun, which is

appreciated by me. You gave me what I did not deserve, and where am I ? Why do I live and

study? Q/ Did he confirm the negation contained in the text?

/ I didn't deserve it. C

(2012 Preliminary) ones. I was in Yumakhon Mudit and I was only a secret keeper from my loved

Q/ Did he confirm the negation in the first part of the first verse? / I

would not have betrayed. Or: By God, I would not be cheatingC

If it were not for my love for you and my longing to meet you. And the semen would not have been

good. Q/ What is the type of (pain) in the first part? What is your evidence? What is its benefit?

(/2022 d)
C, pain, ingratitude; Because it preceded a negative being and connected to the present tense verb. It is

useful to confirm the

denial. Q/ Express what is underlined. Where will the ruins come to you? Let

it be said: Pain is the pain of ingratitude. To confirm the denial. Yatib: a present tense verb in the accusative

case, with the implicit pronoun and its accusative sign being the fatha, and the subject is a pronoun

(1/2014) And the heartaches until she left. whose evaluation is he. Before Azza, I did not

know what Bakka was. Q/ How do you confirm the negation of (what) in two

C know...
different forms? Explain that / with ingratitude: I did not

By oath: By God, I did not know... We will


(1/2014) )...Years M ...

ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ keywomen » pray ÿ
They created a spray with
prostrate to Knl
God Almighty said: He said, “He did not.”

Q/ What is the meaning of pain in (to prostrate) and what is the grammatical analysis of its verb?

/ It confirms the denial. Prostrate: a present tense verb in the accusative case, with the implicit noun and its accusative sign being the fatha and the subject C

My conscience was appreciated by me.

If the chrysanthemum had not had a smile on its face, it would not have become more pleasant at

dawn. Q/ How do you confirm the negation contained in the second part?

Machine Translated by Google
Az A Rabiya s
N M M K about Hassan E won't have a good time Yes , it would No, I promise the language and visited yat

not have increased... Or: By God, it would not have increased.

(1/2015) (n) M Indeed, God Almighty said: “Your mouth

And ÿ ÿ ÿ Yes
The shadow of their arrow
is the
is shadow
the meaning
of the
of shadow
the Noble
of Verse
their being.

the Noble Verse that indicates an emphatic negation that indicates it, mentioning the conditions for its affirmation? Wherever God

Yes L/G/negation)
Shadow (: 1 - It must be preceded by a negative being. 2 - An important

predicate that was obligatorily omitted, and it is considered as “wanted”. 3 - It is connected to a


(2/2011) present tense verb. And indeed,

us . QGod
/ has
ÿ guided
you call pain? What are its

(2/2015) (Hunn) ÿMay God bless you and grant you peace conditions? What are ÿDo YesAlmighty
If your
its ÿ

(2017/2017) benefits? C/ Type of pain: pain of ingratitude. 1- It must be preceded by a negative

being. 2- A predicate that was obligatorily omitted and considered intentional. 3- It is connected to a present tense verb. It indicates the affirmation of the

negation. Here is what God Almighty said: (E

(1/2017) May God forgive

ÿ Yes Y Yÿ
you. (May God protect you and protect you.) Q / What is the ÿ

Mosul Questions type of pain? What is its benefit? What is the parsing of what is related to it? C/ Type of pain:

(2022/1) Practical the pain of ingratitude, indicating an emphasis on the negation. To forgive: a verb Present tense in the accusative case, and the sign of its accusative case is the

fatha, and the subject is a pronoun that can be estimated as he.

(n) M The Did God Almighty

(2017 Muhedhi) writer And ÿ ÿ ÿ Yes say: “Wm
oppression of

your mother. Q/ What type of pain is mentioned in the holy text? What is its benefit? C/

Type of pain: The pain of ingratitude, indicating confirmation of denial. Had


(1/2018) possible ( As much as YThere were sandals and God not struck
ÿ Satisfaction and the pain of the heavens in the them, the Almighty said: (And

Writer Q/ What type of pain? What is its benefit? Where will the ruins come to you? C/ Type of pain:

The pain of ingratitude, indicating confirmation of denial. Ruined was deleted in its estimation of the word (Murida). (2019/2019) If the fire

had not caught on, it was next to what he knew. Tayyib knew the oud. S/ He emphasized the inability of the verse with a letter whose conditions were met, and

accusative expressed what it connected to. C/ He would not have known... Know: verb. Present in the

case, with the implied accusative being marked by the fatha and the subject

My conscience was appreciated by him.

The poet said: Distance or familiarity would not distract me and erase my misery. Q/ What type of pain? What

Writer is its benefit? What is the parsing of what is related to it? C/ Type of pain: The pain of

ingratitude, indicating confirmation of denial. It concerns me: a present tense verb in the accusative case, and its accusative sign is the fatha that is implicit, and

the subject is a pronoun whose evaluation is he, and the nÿn is the preventive nÿn, it has no grammatical predicate, and the yÿ’: a connected pronoun built into an

accusative object as a predicate. Q/ I did not know before Tariqa al-

Hawa that the eyes are traps for hearts. (Ma) was mentioned in a negative and uncertain form. He

(2020/2) Biological. confirmed it in two ways. A/ In the palm of ingratitude: I did not know. In

the oath: By God, I did not know.

Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

(/2021, edited by Adeeb). I loved you and longed to meet you, and wealth would not have been good without it.

Q/ What kind of pain? What is its benefit? What is the parsing of what is related to it?

C/ Type of pain: The pain of ingratitude, indicating confirmation of denial. Yatib: a present tense verb in the accusative case, and its accusative sign is the

fatha that is implicit, and the subject is a pronoun whose evaluation is

he. Lions are the prey of deer Q/ The poet said: I did not know before the sign of the nucleus. He confirmed the

negation with a letter whose conditions were met, along with the parsing of what is connected to it.
I would not have known. A:

I know: a present tense verb in the accusative case with the implicit word after the lam, and its accusative marker is a fatha, and the subject is

a fully evaluated pronoun (I), and the infinitive is in a preposition with the

preposition. It is accepted: a present accusative verb whose accusative marker is a fatha, and the subject is a fully evaluated pronoun (I). .

Q/ I did not love the house except for its people in the house after the two departed. Salem confirmed

the first part with a letter whose conditions were met, with the parsing of what is connected to it.

A: I did not love the house... I love: a


present tense verb in the accusative case, and its accusative sign is the fatha, and the subject is a pronoun that is fully evaluated. I . Q/ The

Biological poet said: I was not afraid that you would see a mistake in me, but God’s judgment is something I cannot escape.

for delaying (what) in the second half. Emphasize (what) in the first half with a letter whose conditions are met, then state the reason

A: And I was not afraid... I waited (what) for the Lord to come before the name.

The writer



For lovers, nothing cures their sickness except meeting, so heal the heart and come back. Put a

name for the negative instead of (no), changing what you see, then indicate its Bedouin position and its

exile. Their sickness.

He saw a cureThe one who loves me is G A:

Ghayri: khabar is in the nominative case, and the sign of its nominative case is the ÿamma appearing at the end of it, and it is a genitive. Negated: He saw (with a genitive genitive).

There is no good soul in that, nor poverty. Otherwise, he makes it clear that I separated

from them disobediently. S/ Express

Added to it is jamur. I am obedient what is underlined. C/ Ghari: An accusative case, and the sign of its accusative is the fatha, which is an genitive.

(2/1995) you because

Express what is of my amusement
underlined. andAn
C/ Ghari: joy. You have
adjective given me that
or adjective an unchangeable
has a heart. Q/

clear kasrah, and it is a genitive,

inverted, with a gramur added to it. Do not keep a companion whom you do not trust. A miserable companion is an untrustworthy

(2 / 1999) companion. Express what is underlined by C/Ghari: an adjective or adjective in the nominative case with the apparent

ÿammah, and it is a genitive. Mamun: a genitive noun is added to it.

But in order to preserve beauty. Al-Basin Al-Wash Al-Mujamalat Q/ Put the position of

(the) noun for negation and adjust it in the form .

Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary ArabicNo, I promise the language
and visited yat

without makeup. irrigation
C/ Wearing facial hair

(1/2000) Do not deny the abundance of my tears, for tears are not helpful or consoling. Q/ What is the

meaning that it stated (not) and how do you replace it with (a letter) in its meaning, taking into account the conditions? C/ It

The And
stated the negative, so the unhelpful tear was
moa. s

(1/2004) Whoever commits a great sin. presented to the Generous without an

is written with (la), preserving the meaning and indicating itsaddition.

type? Q/ What is underlined

C/ without addition: there is no negative, non-active, object between the genitive and the genitive.

(1/2004) Q/ Explain the difference in what is underlined : “This is an unscientific discussion, do not discuss with anyone other than rational people.

Non-rational people: an exception ” C/ Unscientific: negation. The

(2/2007) ((...noun. E-b-k-l-sh And he is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one
lord Y
Almighty said: (Say, “Does

God deviate?

Q/ What is the parsing of what is underlined?

C/ Aghri: A subject in the accusative case that is presented in the accusative case with the apparent fatha, and it is an genitive. The word majesty: added to it.

(2/2008) You hope for my goodness, and today you are denying it, and I mean someone else, for I am not giving

Q/ express (un)?

C/ ghari: khÿrÿn in the nominative case with the apparent ÿammah, and it is an genitive. Mÿtÿ’: a ÿammar is added to it. God is Most

(3/2015) H
a M Ali Th Val E ...
(m) Forgiving and Most Merciful ÿ ÿ
ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿ
God Almighty said: (F

Q/ There is a noun for negation in the same way as it is expressed

C/Ghari: An adverb in the accusative case with the apparent fatha, and it is an genitive. Bagh: Added to it is jamur.

(1/2018) Without
Y Yes
May God bless you. It is important
F ...Sakuna Yes
What's wrong with me?
If you enter, enter be saved Ask me
how much
God Almighty said: “May I

Q/ A noun was given for the same negation, and it was

expressed. C/ Ghari: An adjective in the accusative case with the apparent fatha, and it is an genitive. Haunted: Added to it is embers. If you

(2/2018) are a decent person, know that they are sprinkled with innovations. The nature of those among them is not

a hadith. Q/ Extract a noun for the negation, express it, and mention its

negation. The negative noun: ghari: a nominative adjective and a sign raised by the dhammah, and it is an genitive. Negative: a hadith. C
(1/2019) The poet said: I have you, and if you forget a covenant from the core of your heart, you will not break it.

Writer Q/ What did (Ghare) indicate? And what was its parsing?

C/ It indicated negation. Ghare Nakith: A nominative adjective and a sign that is nominated by the apparent ÿamma, and it is a genitive, (Nakith) is added to it. A

(3/2019) (Yallah) .. word other than this.

ÿ We stayedY ÿ
He cooedGod Almighty said: (Fb

(2/2020) Q/ Give me a name for the negation and express it, and mention its

negation. C/ Ghari: An adjective in the accusative case with the apparent fatha, and it is an genitive. Which: Added to it is jamur.

(3/2019) The poet said: Do not praise someone until you have tried him, and do not disparage him without trying

Writer him. What did (Gree) tell him? And what did he express?

C/Ghari: She reported the negation. Ghari: a genitive noun with a preposition and a genitive sign of the

(1 2021)
heart. And tears poured into the air kasra. Q/ The poet said: Woe to a hot liver and a tortured, wild, rigid

Machine Translated by Google
Az won't have a good time
A Rabiya s
No, I promise the language and visited yat
Hassan E Yes, it is necessary

about N M applied Give me a name for negation and express it, then mention

its negation. A: Negation: non: a nominative adjective and a sign made nominative by the apparent ÿamma, and it is a genitive, (jamid) with a genitive genitive.

Tokounlk { ÿÿ ÿ They are not fragile Du the destroyed
death who Here I am the one
One of the mountains
ÿ May God bless you. ÿ
ÿThe Almighty said: {And E
We were
The writer {} B And it is the ÿ
for me?What is the solution
created on the day of A
deaf word that

is not expressed twice. Then, explain its type in the second text. A: Non-subject: a

noun that is in the accusative case and its accusative sign is the apparent fatha. It is an genitive. Ghee: a

predicate in the nominative case and its nominative sign is an apparent dhammah. It is an genitive. Its type:

Rather, glory was always in you negative. Dabal al-Za’i said: And glory cannot remain isolated. Put a

noun for the negation instead of (la), changing what you see fit. And mention its Arabic position and its negation.

And the.
... It is nominative with a dhammah and it is added. Its negation:
Ha, G:“No.”
Al-Majd, Ghayri: An ambiguous

May our hardships be fair to you. By Allah, we would not have asked for our desires

instead of you. Q/ What

type of Allah? A: An inactive negative form of the past tense verb that does not have the

meaning of supplication. Q/ Between the grammatical and moral effect of the negative

articles in the following: You have hit the target, so

your hand has been paralyzed. A: A non-verbal negative of the past tense

I have worries and you don't know what's wrong with me. that indicates supplication. You are not of me and

you do not care what you took. Q/ What is the time of negation with (no)

mentioned in the text? / Adverb

and reception. C/
ÿ ÿ

Enjoy M H Sa
(2013 Preliminary) Noa( Believe in me ÿ ÿ
DattaarB in us
I believed No, no ÿ YGod Almighty said: (And
ÿ consFEIRE AWAY ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ laterÿ You may be punched
May God bless AQUMAL A

him. Q/ Negation is mentioned using different tools, including the word and the non-worker, which is

Y: neglected negative. What am I: a working exile? JANR ÿ indicated by it? Alkum: a non-verbal negative for the present
tense verb. s a j/al

(2014/2014) (She did not sleep, I mean the cowards)

Q/ Between the type of (la)

A : A non-active negative for the past tense that indicates supplication. Q/

If it were not for my longing, I would not worry about your distance nor tomorrow. My time after you will

Biological. be long Between the type of (la) mentioned in

the text. A: A non-active negative for the past tense and it does not have the meaning of
Yes, yes poison the place of God. This is M
(2014 1) Adeeb () Neither he testified nor made it easy.)Yÿ Yes We have been
wronged. ÿ
supplication. n the from evil
May God protect B God Almighty said: (My

Q/ The word “la” appears in the two noble texts, specifying its type every time? A non-

active negative for the present tense. So fa’sadaq: a non-active negative for the past tense and does not have the meaning of B: C/Ally

supplication. And wa-salla: a non-functional negative for the past tense and does not have the meaning of supplication.

Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

(2014 3) Adeeb There are no anchors who, if they are ignorant, will prevail. It is not good for people to mess with them. Q/

Did the negation occur in more than one place in the verse that indicated it? And the

anchor. : Not suitable. Anchors, come. C

(/2015 1) Adeeb Your face was the face you knew. Today there is a matter that I doubt doubts. Q/ What is the time of

the event that you denied (the no), and what is the second negation device called?

What: Hijazi. C/No: Halal (the present one). God

(2017/2) Questions ( MYYes, yes poison Where is God?We remainHal Ma n the sayingM The badforbid he fled. B God Almighty said: (My
ÿ Yes ÿ
ÿ ÿ

Mosul Q/ What type of (the)? And


: Non-functional negative for the present tense verb. B C

why ?

Q/ I do not hold back the old grudge against them, and no generous person harbors grudge

Applied. What time did (the) negate? Then he narrated the sentence to the present once, and to the future again. And without a context.

To the present: I cannot solve... To the future: I will not solve... C/ The time of negation: case and reception. (You

have no pasture) and you say (You have no pasture)

Q/ What is the type of (no) in the two

Ra’i: denies sex. sentences? C/ No pasture: a non-verbal negative before the accusative infinitive that

miserable and unruly. It does not indicates supplication. A life without love is

know the rod of tears. Express what is underlined. C/ Bal:

non-verbal, transitive between the genitive and the genitive. Love: a Ba is a preposition. La: negative,

noun in the genitive case with an apparent kasra.

Hands on, Bal, who will not prevent the excuse. And who is the credit that you allowed ? Q/ If (la) is

negative, non-active, then from any Type : C/No: Negative, non-verbal, is

an objection between the genitive and the genitive. She says, O Lord, do not

(1/2004) give up this baby’s milk, and have mercy

on her. The negative, non-verb, is returned.

Indicate it and explain the reason? C/No: Because it occurred as an

objection between the genitive and the genitive. Who should do it then ?

(2014/2014) A great sin. I introduced it to the Noble One without adding the word “no,” preserving the

meaning and clarifying its type? S/ The underlined nasal / without

addition: the negative, non-verbal, transitive between the genitive and the genitive. C He endured

(1/2017) the harm with generosity and forbearance.

What type of. You address me without generosity

and clemency. C/Without generosity: negative, non-active, object between the genitive and

(2/2001) the genitive. What a homeland that I

wish I would not sell? Q/ Undo the underlined syllable and then return it to its

point? C/ That: a nasib mastriyya, a non-verbal negation that is in the accusative case between the accusative and the

(2008/2) I won't TA Ali Nafal remote

A We are the people of Naqat
And is it? ÿ ÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿ
accusative. MM QAH
ÿ BAnd I will see meD
ÿÿÿ ÿÿ
ÿ ÿ
Leave a comment God Almighty said: (And
Oh God ÿ

Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary ArabicNo, I promise the language
and visited yat

Q/ What type of negation tool? C/

The negative, non-verbal, is an object between the accusative and the accusative.

(1/2016) And He has guided us (

We are disgraced
God Almighty said: (And
And he cried out to God

Q/ What is the type of

(la)? C/ The negative, non-verbal, is interjected between the accusative and the

(2/1994) accusative. Q/ Express what is

And there is no good soul in that, nor does he abide

underlined , otherwise their separation

is not obedient. C/ Except: If it is an imperative conditional. (La) is the negative, non-operant, and is interjected between

the jussive and the jussive. Research: Present tense

ÿ H
qq a Yes Y Kconditional
(2009 Preliminary) Aoun (Kr B The loss of the mouse B Here Say E She is here a ÿ verb, jamzoum, lord verb God Almighty said, “They said,
ÿ ÿ ÿ It said ‘Call upon us

Q/ What type of... C/

Non-functional negative, objected before the adjective and the described. But in

order for it to become beautiful, it is not beautiful. Q-1/ Put the noun in the negative position

and adjust it in the form 2- If you want to make the noun an emotion, what

do you say while preserving the meaning?

makeup. irrigation C/ Wearing facial hair without

clothes. I was modest like a lover Wear beautiful

who wrote a line in love while crying and laughing, neither sad nor happy. Q/ What type of (no) is mentioned

twice in the text?

C/no grief: a non-working negation that is subject to a dispute between the subject and

its owner. No joy: extra for emphasis.

No one was expecting a question and I knocked on the door of the house, fearing what

Bio type of word there was in the first part and what was the parsing.

No: a non-working woman who is in denial and is subject to the transfer between the person in question

and her owner. A: Muthiba: an accusative case, and the sign of its accusative case is the apparent

fatha. God willing, Hal M A E nf all to

(2004, Muhedhi) writer ÿ
And the earth Yessssssssssssssssssssss
ÿ ÿ God Almighty said: “The shortness of the mother

Q/ What is the type of (no) in (nor satisfaction)?

C/ Negative addition to emphasis.

(1/2002) heartaches were until she left. Q/ What is the Before Azza, I did not know what crying or

type of (No) in the house? What is the parsing of what you entered into? C/ Negative

feminine plural. This is addition . For emphasis. Muja'at: A noun in the accusative case with a kasra instead of a fatha because it is an inclusive

the madam and these are the songs. A rock, I am unable to move me. Q/ I

returned (no) in (nor these songs) as extra for emphasis. Give an explanation for that.

C/ Because it is preceded by negation and balawaw, the emotion that joins a noun to a noun or a semblance of a genitive to a semblance of a genitive.

Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary ArabicNo, I promise the language
and visited yat

(3/2015) SH H to
majorityR And the Mahallatna is towards Fah Your age is not enough for me
Yes, yes

wal d Welcome And Qa

And the wrong with her?
Can I see what's Auditory religion b

mind is right a
For eternity Oh
Before you come back ÿ What happened to Bani M? It really sucks

Q/ Point to the extra (l) to confirm the negation, mentioning what comes after it?

And there is no mind: followed by a singular noun (‘aql). C/ And no bassy: after it is a singular noun (busy). The tongues of a

people who are neither weak nor defenseless have caught me and the events are a wave.

Which joins a noun to a noun, or a noun to a noun, or a noun to a

noun, or some of what is in it, if you are satisfied C/

(1/2017) I am not innocent of the defect of the whole

Outside diameter string. Q/ What type of (no) and

why? C/ An additional negation for emphasis. Because it is preceded by a negation and a “waw” emotion that joins a noun to a noun or a similarity to a similarity.

(2/2021) magazine.

Biological No one is waiting for a question And I knocked on the door of the house,

not fearfully . Make the (no) in the first half an

emotion. A: And I knocked on the door of the house,

confident, not fearful. For your life, man is only the son of his day according to what you

earn his day, not the son of his names.

Q/ What type of (no) is

(1/1998) Rather, he is the most powerful of the authorized men in the text? A/ Denying emotion. A

long time ago, playing and having fun. Q/ What

kind of (no) in the home’s

infirmity? C/ Denying emotion. The boy’s age is his memory, not his long life, and his

death is his disgrace, not his last day. Q/ If there was no emotion on both

occasions, how do you document that? C/ Conditions of (no) The negation of emotion is to join a noun to a noun or a verbal noun to a noun or a noun to

a noun, provided that it is preceded by an affirmative or an imperative,

and not preceded by a waw .

Q/ What is the type of (no) if its magazine is formulated: two movements, this madam, not these songs

C/ negative emotion. I

got engaged and was a preacher, not a preacher adding to our great misfortunes. Q/ If

(no) is an emotion, how do you document that with the rule?

C/ The conditions for (la) that negate affection, are that it joins a noun to a noun or a genitive genitive to a genitive genitive, provided that it is preceded by an affirmative

or an imperative, and not to be preceded by an affectionate letter waw. By

(3/2016) your age, a person is only the son of his day on what his day came, not the son of his yesterday .

Q/ What type of (no) is in the house?

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M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

C/ negative emotion.

To listen to the words of reason and not to the command of passion, for the wiles of error are short

Q/ What type of letter?

C/ Negative emotion. And

your glory is the piety of God, the position that you attain. Are there any nights left except for the remembrance ? Q/

Outside diameter What is the type of (la) and why? A/

Negative emotion. Because it is preceded by an affirmative word and not preceded by the emotion with the waw.

not a lasso that makes hearts bleed and hurt. Q/ So make your words a balm that contains healing,

Biological. What type of (no) and why?

C/ (No) negates emotion. Because it was preceded by a command and the letter “waw”

was not preceded by emotion. Q/ The poet said: I advise you to be sad, I do not advise you to flog.

What type of (no)? And why? If we delete what is underlined, what type does it become?

Applied C/Negative is not active because it is used in the present tense. Become emotionally negated.

Injustice is followed by remorse. Q/ What type of (no)? Do not be unjust if you are able. A/ An assertive prohibition.

O my companions,

(1/2017) .
classical Arabic has its own good things. Do not deny a transliteration of meter to abandonment.

Outside diameter Q/ What is the type of

(no)? C/ An affirmative

noun. (This boy will not live) Q/

How do you formulate the phrase to make the negation contained in the sentence “he does not live”

affirmative? C/ By oath: “And the boy will not live.” Or: “No” negating the gender: “He will not live.”

Dalif Al-Hajj ( C God Almighty said: “By!

Q/ On me, I ruined the word negating gender, then I mentioned, “Help,” its name is based on “a”? C/ The

predicate (la) that denies gender is omitted from its evaluation of the word (existent). It came in the clear because it is singular. And are

(2/1991) M. m BY they God? TheHa t hsaa aa

Nif nickname
) and see PB Fsaid:
Yes (And are
The irrigationYes they?

(3/2016) B(? Q/ Explain the type of (la) and indicate its predicate? Then explain what its meaning is (la.

C/ negating the gender, deleting the word (existent) in its definiteness. It provided emphasis.

Omar bin Abdul Aziz said to a poet whom he praised (We are not in the business of poetry, and what you have in the treasury has a right). When he

insisted on me, he said, O boy, share with him what remains of our livelihood, and

there is no power but ( Bilal) Q/ Is the word “la” mentioned in the text used or not? Express the noun after it?

C/ La qawwa: La negates gender, acting as the letter similar to the verb (in).

Qawwa: The gender-negative noun is based on the fatÿah in the accusative case. He told her, omitting his wording (existent), and

saying, “I am about to leave them.” I said to her, “I have no knowledge of fate.”

Machine Translated by Google
Az A Rabiya s
Hassan E won't have a good time Yes, it is necessary Lÿ ÿa’d al-lÿg and visited yat
N M M K about

(s) / express what is underlined.

C/ l: negating the gender, acting as if., knowledge: the noun lÿ is based on the fatÿah in the accusative case, and the predicate is omitted, its definiteness is present.

(1/1995) is “Nu-Am” and And the word “Al-Kaf” Y And to these people, aOBGod
God Almighty said:

“Wali-Nal-Mir-Rim” ( Q/ What is the type of (L) and how do you express the one after

it? A/ Al-Mawla: The negation of the gender acts like the letter similar to the verb (In).

Mawla: The noun “la” that negates gender is based on the fatÿah in the accusative case. And its predicate is omitted,

(1/1996) its definiteness is (mawwÿd). (Existent). Because it is God’s name

ÿ ÿ

(1/1999) So touch (a)

as an old person M
ÿ Rahmah
... ÿ ÿ God Almighty said: (M

Q/ Indicate the type of (no)? Explain what it means? C/ No:

A working negative (negating gender). It provided emphasis. How poor

(2 / 1999) and rich are the people in the world. They said: A butterfly in a field that has no singing.

Q/ Express what is underlined

by the letter C. / Ghÿnÿ’: Lÿ negating gender acts like a letter similar to the verb (ÿn). Ghÿnÿ’:

The noun negating gender is based on the fatÿah in the accusative case. Its predicate is omitted in its definiteness (mÿwÿd).

Imam Ali (peace be upon him) said (Indeed, I and you are kings of the Lord of God .

(Lord other than Him) Q/ Where is the news

about “no” that negates sex? C/ Its

definiteness is omitted (existent). They are the people to whom there is no known people except them,

)/2021 t
and if it were not for their generosity, we

Adeeb would not know the path of generosity. Q/ What type of “no” is? And what does it do? C/ No negates sex. It works like a
ÿ ÿ

(2/2004) ) BFFEH Yes God Almighty said:

“So how?
letter similarto the verb (in). ÿ

It puts the noun in the accusative and raises the barb. And ma’l ri, when we bring them

together, ls / What is the form in which the noun (la) comes, and what is its ruling indicating the predicate of (la)?

C/ Singular. Its ruling: clear. The predicate (no) that denies sex is omitted,

its evaluation of the word (existent). You want

polite and flawless , and does it smell without smoke

(1/2009) ÿ

Rallah) m a m m num y sam al s / express what is underlined. God Almighty

said (al aj / al asim: the negation of the gender works like the letter similar to the verb

(in). Asim: the noun of the negation of the gender is based on the fatÿah in The noun “la” is in the accusative case. And

its predicate is deleted in the accusative case (found) .

The noun Al is in the accusative case and its accusative sign is yaa because it is a masculine plural form.

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M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary ArabicNo, I promise the language
and visited yat

3-Not common
His head is worthy of company. Common: An accusative noun whose accusative sign is the visible fatha.

(2010/preliminary) He allowed me some good qualities. There is no defect in it except excessive dreaming. Q/ If you

wanted to negate the sentence with a negative article to include gender instead of not, what would you say? B C/ There is

no shame in it. His

(1/2010) He is kind to us, so we honor him. abandonment does not seem to be comforting ,

and in despair there is rest. S/ The word (la) was

neglected. Give reasons for the reason for S/. Rephrase the first part to make (la) his word the action of the

abrogating letter / to enter it into a noun of knowledge. La, he is abandoned.

There is nothing wrong with them, except that their swords are made of remnants of the

Phalange’s swords. Q/ The word “no” was mentioned in denial of sex. Mention its function according to its rule?

C/ Defect: The noun (la) that negates gender is based on the opening in the accusative case.

The predicate of (la) that negates gender is omitted in its definiteness of the

(2011 1) writer word (existent). Neither the sword will ever touch it nor the fire. It has witnessed a state of

truth and is not false. It is valid to consider (la) as negating gender . Explain that, then make it negate sex, whatever you deem appropriate (no

sword) no / to enter it in the name of knowledge. no sword fills it. C

ÿ ÿ

(2/2011) )YehPff Yes

When he combined his meanings forÿ
FE God Almighty said: “Jaw
And my money

And a reason Q/ If (no) in the holy text denies sex, then what is the predicate of it? Explain the ruling on deleting it. C/ The predicate (no)

that denies sex is deleted, denoting the word (existent). Its ruling: permissible. There is no reason: to know about it and to cause confusion or ambiguity in

Delete it
speech. (Truth will be victorious without a doubt,

(2012 Preliminary) but as for falsehood, we will be defeated with certainty ) Q/ Indicate the predicate (no)? C/ The predicate (no)

that denies gender, with the word (existent) omitted in its definiteness. We recover from

(2/2012) what we must drink. We are the children of death, so keep in mind Q/ In the

text, he negated and indicated his tool, explaining the meaning and action it conveys, then he expressed the noun that follows the tool.

C/ Bad: The article (la) negates the gender. Its action: It performs an action that places the noun in the accusative and

raises the lord. Its meaning is: It denies its predicate of the gender of its noun

absolutely and definitely. Bad: The noun (la) that negates the gender is based on the fatÿah in the accusative case, and the lord

(2/2013) is omitted in its preposition (present). Do not be discouraged and do not die frightened

Neither the irrigation is complete nor the spraying. We have been patient. Patience does not

mean forgetting what happened, nor waiting for ease. The hand of the wedding has been restrained .

And do not wait: to come before the Lord in His name. / Al-Ra: because it enters into knowledge. C

)/2013 3(Adib If poetry does not make you happy when you hear it, then it does not deserve to be called

poetry. Q/ Insert the affirmative negative (la) instead of (not) and express its two directives?

C/ No speech is good. Saying: The noun (the) that negates gender is in the accusative case with the apparent fatha.

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Az A Rabiya s
won't have a good time Yes, it is necessary No, I promise the language and visited yat
N M M K about Hassan E

Khaliq: kharab al in the nominative case with a ÿamma.

(2014/2014) writer Your brother, your brother. He who has no brother is like someone rushing to Hajjah

without a weapon. Q/ What is the type of (la) and how do you direct the

parsing of what comes after it? A/ La akh: The negation of gender works like a letter similar to the

verb (in). Akh: The noun of the negation of gender is based on the fatÿah in the accusative case (and the alif is for satiation) and its predicate is deleted. )Existing(.

(1/2014) Did
on deleting Is omission,
Estimate the there something
and mention
the text? ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ
God Almighty say (and...

it? C/ The predicate (the) that negates gender is omitted in its estimation (present). His ruling

Permissible. They are in all doubt except the meeting. The two syllables may be combined after S/ In the

(3/2014) text, there is a negation that indicates its tool and its effect. / La meeting: (la) that negates

the gender, its action: it performs an action that places the

noun in the accusative and raises the bar. C

Its meaning: it denies that it denotes the gender of its name absolutely and definitely. God

Y here, we are here, we are

perhaps Wedead.
are Hankal A
(2015 Preliminary) S/ Express (Al-Ilm) M) Ya Al- Ilm: The M al-Hakak ÿ
ÿ ÿ
ÿ ‘Curse.’”
Almighty said, “They said,

negation of gender works like a letter similar to the verb (Inn). A:

Knowledge: The noun of negation of gender is based on the fatÿah in the accusative case, and its predicate is deleted in its definiteness

(1/2015) Yes
word “sa”?Should we say the
ÿ ÿ Y(present). Here, how
ÿ is the solution ? Q/ In the Holy Text,

is a negation device that he indicates, then explain what it means and its meaning

No touching: (no) which negates sex. Its action: it performs the action of setting the name up and raising the zodiac sign:

Its meaning: it denies that it is different from the gender of its name, absolutely and

no agreement and the oud has no sound definitely. How can you succeed when you have

without a string? Q/ Name the predicate (no) that denies sex in the house, then explain why its name is in the

affirmative? C/ The predicate (no) that denies sex has its predicate (present) omitted. Because it is

singular. Do not swear to the truth or to lie, for nothing will benefit you except the sinful one.

Outside diameter Q/ What is the oath? What is useful is not in our saying (no lying is acceptable) and the parsing that

follows it / does not provide emphasis. C.

False: The noun “la” that negates gender is based on the fatÿah in the accusative case, and its predicate is omitted in its definiteness ( majÿd).

So I forgot the days of a family and a homeland in which there is no defect, except that I

Outside the country - Adeeb meant it. (n). A: Defect: The noun that

negates gender is based on the fatÿah in the accusative case, and its predicate is omitted, its

denotation is (present). M Ali Thafÿl.

E. a
(2015 3) Adeeb They are Allah, Most Forgiving, Most E ... Adha, ghari, God Almighty said: (F
Merciful (J ÿ ÿ
ghwal, `ad. Q/ from

What is the type of (la) in his saying (there is no sin upon him) and what is the parsing of

what comes after it? C/ La sin, its type: negating the gender, acting as the letter similar to the verb (in).

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won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary ArabicNo, I promise the language
and visited yat

Sin: The noun that negates gender is based on the opening in the accusative case. It was destroyed by deleting its estimate (existent).

(3/2015) One day he must be seen patient. Whoever is wondering what type of “no” is

in the text? What is its benefit?

/ Denying sex, serves as emphasis. C

(2/2016) God Almighty said (There is no compulsion in

Outside the religion) Q/ The extent of the omissions in the noble verse

country (2017/2017) / The predicate (no) that denies gender is deleted, its designation (present). C

(2017 1) - writer The poet said: In the heart is an inexhaustible treasure of youth that gives and increases as its gifts increase. Q/

indicates the omitted verb in the first part. A: The predicate (no)

that denies gender is omitted, its evaluation (existent). The poet said: The wolf

is not to be blamed for his aggression, even if the shepherd is the enemy of the sheep. Q/ He

Outside diameter affirmed the negation of (no) and expressed the phrase after affirming

it / There is no blame.

The negation of gender works like a letter similar to the verb (in).

Lum: The gender-negative noun is based on the opening in the accusative case. It was destroyed by deleting its estimate (existent).

(1/2018) (RThere is hope y

you, Lord ministered11
Y Thank
And he God Almighty said (like the crescent moon).

Q/ What is the type of (no)? What is the parsing of what is underlined?

/ The negation of gender acts as the letter similar to the verb (in). C

Wezar: The gender-negative noun is based on the fatÿah in the accusative case. It was ruined by deleting its meaning (existent). The Messenger

(/2018 1) Adeeb of God (PBUH) said: (No is charity and a relative in need.) What is the type

of “no” and what is the parsing of what is underlined?

/ The negation of gender acts as the letter similar to the verb (in). C

Sadaqa: A noun that negates gender based on the fatÿah in the accusative case. And he ruined it, deleting his appreciation (present).

(/2019 3) Adeeb the stars. The poet said: The heart never forgets a lover it loved, nor do the stars separate from

Q/ Make (no) in the first part its factor as (if). C/ No heart forgets. Q/

And no pleasures will

remain in their pure glory if all the foolish things are clouded in the world. What is the type of (no) and

Biological. what is the parsing of what is underlined? C/ No :

Denying gender. Malazaat:

feminine plural with a sound in the The noun (la) is based on the kasra instead of the fatha because it is a

Biological. accusative case. Q/ There is no fault of the free people except their fathers, for their souls

are tyrannical and cruel as is th


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won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

Applied. C/ The predicate (la) that negates gender is omitted, its estimation (existent). Q/ For every

living person, even if the period of time is long and the glory perishes, there will remain a queen and no king.

What is the type of the first (la) mentioned in the verse? What is the parsing of what is underlined?

(/2021 Preliminary) A/N: Denying sex. Ezz: The name of God is in the accusative, and the sign of its accusative is the apparent fatha because it is an genitive. Malaka: an genitive.


This is a cost no good in it. Q/ Q/ If Safa al-Widad is not natural, then there is

In the noble text, there is a negation device that denotes it, then explain its grammatical and moral effect?

A: That's fine. Her action: She performs an action that establishes the Name and exalts the Lord

Its meaning: it denies that it denotes the gender of its name absolutely and definitely.

(1/1998) It tastes bitter to me Neither the terror distracts my sight nor the

destruction in the house. (The) was mentioned in negation, neglected. Why is it neglected? Then rephrase the verse so that it is a function of (that)

confirming the negation?

C/ To enter it with knowledge. The horror is filling.

(2/2010) His abandonment does not seem to be a comfort in despair, nor does his love clear

up for us, so we honor him. Q/ The word “no” was

neglected. Give a reason for “S/” Rephrase the first part to make “no” the same as the abrogated letter.

/ To introduce her to acquaintance. The migration appears. C

The inhabitants of Rasm Dar in Al-Hawa never question a vision from the ruins. Q/ What

changes in the parsing of (la) if (dar) is changed to (dar)?

C/ become neglected. Do not

(3/2012) Irrigation is complete and no spraying. be discouraged and do not die frightened

Is it correct to consider (la) as negating sex? Give reasons for that, then make it negate gender ?

(2011 1) Adeeb The sword will never consume it, nor will the fire. I witnessed a truthfulness and not a lie

It is correct to consider (no) as negating sex. Give reasons for that. Then make it negate sex with whatever temptation you deem appropriate?

/ To introduce her to acquaintance. No sword can dull it. C

Money will not make me forget my modesty and chastity, nor will the events of time destroy my

prosperity. Q/ What type of (no) is mentioned twice in the verse?

/ Neither money / nor the events of time: negated and neglected. C

-------------------------------------------------- ----------

How easy life is to pass by without hope. Do not stay awake in the despair that you embrace. What

does the first “no” mean and function? And what is the type of the second “no”?

Don't stay up late: Meaning: (No) is a prohibition that indicates a request that the action not occur. Action: It emphasizes the present tense verb. A:

Without hope: a non-active negation that is transitive between the genitive and the genitive.

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A Rabiya s
won't have a good time Yes, it is necessary No, I promise the language and visited yat
Az MK Hassan E

-------------------------------------------------- ----------
from N M (2/1991)

one third of usMother

that He blamed you for the
ÿ B
ÿÿÿÿ afflictions of your country. And God Almighty said: “Masjid” said, “Indeed,

Nile H I am here and

ÿ ÿ ÿ
am I am here and I ÿ the ÿÿlÿt ÿaÿanÿ ÿfÿnÿ, so that ÿaÿÿlÿt ÿ
EGod Almighty said: (And

(ÿalÿt ) is sÿbÿ, and (ÿla) and (ÿalÿ) in the noble verses? Q/ What is the difference

That the source of /ÿh is a nasbÿ. C between (ÿla) the ÿalÿt sajdÿd:

. A: Canceled exception tool B a

Sprinkle cardamom

There is no negative, non-functional, object between the jussive and the jussive. The policewoman is decisive. Siff Halatif:

He hears. The ear that hears it Nothing is faster than the volatility of someone

who has S/ (No) is mentioned twice in the second verse, so why does it carry strength in expression? And why? /

Nothing: No, negating gender because its negation is absolute and conveys an affirmation.C

(1/1998) frightening. Q-1/ In The terror fills my sight, and the calamity to me is bitter and

the verse, (l) was mentioned as a neglected negation. Explain its delay, then rephrase the verse so that it is a function of (in),

emphasizing the negation. /

To enter it with knowledge. The terror is filled. C

2- It cannot be said that the second (l) is redundant, so what is your reasoning for making it redundant?

Her uncle had an acquaintance and a magazine came after her. Neither terror fills my sight nor destruction. C

! !
(1/2011) Dika laugh
... with meAnd the deception
Eh Q
... Yes like salt Tuna ... AM ...forth the tree ofAnd
Rakka B a new
has sent
and God has created it
Jajjah, as God
Zajj.”Almighty said, “Al-

! !

( He willed, n y m ÿ light.
with its
Light on light
hereStay tuned
like itI
ÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ

ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿVASHVASH Q/1- What type of “the” appears twice in

the holy text? Eh Q

Al-Rash: a non-verbal negative, before the ...

... Y
And the west: extra for emphasis. ÿ

2- What are the parsing of (Zaytouna),

(Eastern)? C/ Zaytouna, Sharqiya: Its speech is an adjective (adjective) in the genitive case, and its genitive sign is

the apparent kasra. The poet said: He cries and laughs, neither in sadness nor in joy, like a lover who has written a line in

love and enthusiasm. Q/ What type of (No) mentioned twice in the text?

/ No grief: negated, not working, objecting between the person in question and the person in question. Wala Farha: plus a hand. C

I am the one who was killed without sin or blame. What is the negation device in the

second half? What is the type of article when you say (there is no blame on you)? A/ Without sin, no: negative, non-

active, transitive between the genitive and the genitive. No blame: superfluous for emphasis. And there is no blame on you:

denying gender. You obligated yourself to

(1/2013) something that does not oblige it. Q/ What

That neither land nor knowledge is hidden.

Writer is the type of included (no)? She passed me

/ Lÿ yÿrÿyah: an inactive negative verb that is intertwined between the accusative and the accusative.C

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won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary ArabicNo, I promise the language
and visited yat

And knowledge: extra for emphasis.

(1/2014) Nick L He is imitated poison

The statement is false When M
R Atwal Ghariri b ÿ gesticulate
About man, ÿ

kal kal, khal ne

eye S the kohl in the for me
It's too expensive
LHN the

ÿl ÿl m And And
... the promise Long time m Nawal Kadra They evacuated
The maddab

Q/ (No) appears in the text, indicate its type, mentioning what comes after it.

/ And Ghariri: redundant for emphasis. Then a singular noun. (Other) C

With the present tense verb. (he took it easy) No cost: non-working item

The noun is a genitive

( .
(Mbal of: a non-working naveh that is in the genitive case between the genitive and the genitive.

M ( ...
A promise, humiliation
, M
genitive, kadar,
... taal.. Singular noun: extra for emphasis ÿl ÿl m And May
... the promise Long time And trouble

(1/2014) the enemy not leave you with his tears

And have mercy on your youth from an enemy.

High honor is not safe from harm until blood is shed on its sides. Q/ What is the difference

between (the) mentioned twice?

With the present tense verb. / He will not leave you: a strict prohibition. He does not deliver: a non-working, non-working C

(2/2014) person who is attacked by harsh evildoers There is neither watering nor pasture for a covenant

Q/ And we say (I have no water for you), so what is the type of (No) that was mentioned three times?

/ Al-Saqya: a non-functioning negation that helps in supplication. C

addition for emphasis. Al-Saqi: And there is no ra’iya: a non-functional negation that helps supplication, or: an

(3/2014) Denying sex. If you everconfirms

want a decade to prevail, block it with dream, not with haste and insults. Q-1/
What type of letter your statement

with the rule ? C/ No: Negative of affection. The conditions

for (la) that negate affection are that it joins a noun with a noun or a verbal noun with a verbal noun, provided that it is preceded by an affirmative

or an imperative, and that it is not preceded by a waw of affection. 2- What is its type when you say “la-siyada”

with haste or cursing? C/No-siyada: Negative. For sex, nor with cursing: an

addition for emphasis. The poet said: describe and kadar sometimes according to

my testers and it is not desirable to describe without kadar. Q/ What do you call the (no) that appears in the

verse? And what do you call the (la) when you say (la kadar is recommended) C/ without kadar: A non-verbal negation made

between the genitive and the genitive. La kadar: negated by gender .

(2/2016) Hto
It's halal
Yes, I'm sorry
E (And
162 n) And Look at my worries YN F Y
DrUncle, God Almighty said:
ÿ ÿ
This is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one

ÿ ÿ ÿ

Outside diameter M (YHH) Haremhan AlThis is the one a ÿ

Q: (No) was mentioned three times. What type of word was it each time?

Eh: Denying sex. ÿ al-Him: neglected non-verbal noun. unless With the present tense verb. / Al-Yhaff: non-functioning non-verbal, and C

He hears. The ear that hears it The poet said: Nothing is faster than the fluctuation of one who has it. S /

The word (la) was mentioned twice in the verse. Which carries strength and is more eloquent in expression? And why? /

The thing: It is more eloquent because it denies gender and its negation is absolute.C

Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

(1/2017) forgiveness, like rain pouring down. The poet said: A person does not despair of

Another said: Do not despair of the scents of your Lord, for I see senna shining through the darkness

Which expression is more eloquent in what the two poets say (no despair, no despair)? And why?

/ There is no despair: I inform her that she denies sex and her denial is absolute. He C

(1/2017) endured the harm with generosity and forbearance. The poet said: You address me without generosity

Writer and forbearance. Another said: Let you hear the words of reason, not the insinuations of passion , for

the wiles of misguidance are short. : I

sometimes clear and overpower my testers and it is not recommended to clear

without overcooking

(2/2017) .

Writer Q-1/ What do you call the (l) that appears in the verse?

/ Negative, non-verbal, is an object between the genitive and the genitive. C

Expressed or constructed? Why? What is the ruling on the situation after that? Is it recommended?
What do you call (la) when you say (la kadarj /la),

denying gender, and the noun ruling after it is indicative, because it is a singular noun. So, generosity

And miserliness will keep her if she goes. does not negate her if she accepts. What type

Preparatory ( of (no) is in the text? And why? C/ No

generosity: neglected, because it is included in the name of knowledge. No miserliness: neglected, because it is included in the name of knowledge.

(3/2018) Oh 5) H
They are the God who is faithful to meÿ God Almighty said:
Your photos are y yy (He is the kindest one.) Yes

meiv raham
ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ actsMAN laterÿÿ
Ridwal Shhh
He willed
(m) You are welcome (This is Godÿ HAALLÿ unless
in order to

S/ (No) was mentioned three times. Extract it and explain its type. C/ Al-

Yafi: non-active negative, La: additional negative for emphasis, La Ilaha: negative of gender. The poet

/2019) said: I learned that behind weakness there is power and that the truth does not prevail. S/) No) in the

A writer (writer) house is a non-working woman, call her by another name, and how do you make her (working)?

A/N: Negative emotion. There is no power to say. Or: No statement of victory.

The poet said: I complain to God, not to people, about her love, and one must complain about a terrible lover.

Writer Q/ What type of (no) appears in the verse twice? C/ No

And it must: deny sex. The to the people: No: negative emotion. Aoun al-

(3/2019) a(He hissed and fell away toto

sound of Ala
y and

ÿ n Sama E Harmah
And I was humbled and exalted yes Hada’.
ÿ http y ...ÿ
God Almighty said: (Y

Q/ La’ appears in the Holy Text twice. What is its type each time? And when is it most relevant? And why? C/ La’l-

negation of gender that acts as the letter similar to the verb (in). It is not heard: a Awg: a

non-functional negation.

She denies sex. It is the most eloquent and powerful of our gods, and in its detriment the gender of its name is completely negated. crookedness:

Q/ You will go to yes, so the genitals are unified, the rope is not connected, and the heart is not scissored

Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary ArabicNo, I promise the language
and visited yat

What is the reason for the delay? Then make it a working worker. C/

The writer. To enter it with acquaintance. The reunification is comprehensive.

attain, and do the nights remain except for the Q/ And your glory is the piety of God, the position that you

remembrance? What type of (no)? Then show the negative, using a tool that negates the present tense verb related to the present tense,

Biological. with the regularMullatense.

C/ N: negative emotion. Glory

be to you, a clever master of what is difficult for Sadat and an effective oneQ/ The poet said: He has no idea

without any context.One by one, and one moreabout the time of the present Mmn What time did (the) deny? Second

Biological. Glory (without context). He doesn't know The glory is now (with a Qur’inah).C/ The condition and the reception. He does not

a F
ni ( erased foal )
Rahm Al God bless you and your family B Ali Km Al Yes irrigation
study. S/ The Almighty said (He said,

What is the type of (la)? What is the parsing of what is underlined? Then estimate

B: The noun is based on the fatÿah in the accusative case. the ellipsis. C/ (la) negates gender: Th.

Kharb (no) is deleted, its appreciation for the word (existent) .

Hal H Is it okay? Y him Al-Yahf, afflict
Harrahmahn(He is the Oneÿ name
Is this
of the oasis?
ÿ How much
ÿ do they see?
with the punishment
YN F Y )maternal uncle
ÿ ÿ

The writer
(No) was mentioned three times. What type was it each time?

Laif F: non-functional negation, wala: neglected negation, la ilaha: negligence of sex. A: QNA A

a of (no) and
Yaqq and trembling
B. The poetYou
said: So explain what
bring me low to God
explain the reason?
TheyC: Negligently
came denying its entry into
back and were found ÿ ÿ

knowledge. The poet said: If my Lord is not my helper and my guard, then who else do I hope for and

who else is my reserve?


The writer

Point to the negative tool and indicate its type.

A: Indeed, La: (La): a negative, non-verbal, transitive between the jussive and the jussive .
(2/2021) !

Named a
O Name him who is the one n him We move with mERS M The poet said: “No ” was
The writer

mentioned twice, so which of them carries strength in expression and why?

/ Nothing: stronger and more eloquent in expression because it denies sex and its negation is certain. C

betrayed, and no distance from those who kept No distance from those who betrayed and

covenants. What is the type of (no)? And what is the parsing of what is underlined?

With the prescribed sources that are useful for supplication. A: Non-verbal

negative: an absolute object in the accusative case with the apparent fatha at the end.

-------------------------------------------------- ------------


The mind is confused about them, as it amazes people. It is a burying disease that has no cure. What is

the type of (no) and what is the parsing of what is underlined? Then estimate the deletion and explain the ruling on deletion.

The: She denies sex, is a working woman. Medicine: The noun is based on the fatÿah in the accusative case. A:

Deleted: news that cannot be estimated (existent). Deletion is permissible.

-------------------------------------------------- -----------

Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

{On the day when God will gather the messengers and say, “What did you answer?” They will say, “We have no knowledge. Indeed, it is you who is the Knower of

Writer the unseen.” What is the type of (the) in the text? Explaining its grammatical effect.

No knowledge: negating the nominal sentence with an action (that) that places the first in the accusative and nominates the second (negating the gender). A:
-------------------------------------------------- ------------

(/2022 1) Adeeb Will you forgive the captives? There is no reason to forgive those who forgave “Badr” on behalf of your

captives. What

type of (la)? A: Negative, non-verbal, transitive between the genitive and the genitive.

-------------------------------------------------- ------------

(1/2022) She felt remorse when she felt pain I left you under duress, not out of spite, with my

applied hand. What type of (la)? A

treater. A: The type of (la) is an emotion. Because it fulfilled the conditions: 1- It is preceded by an affirmative word. 2- It is not preceded by a conjunction.

3- It is followed by a singular noun.

Ministerial questions about “implicit denial.” The pirate, in his

ignorance, did not sell me. If death had come to me, how much would he have done ?

Explain the stylistic significance of (if) and indicate its meanings?

/If: A non-assertive conditional device that indicates implicit negation. Answer: He did not sell me. A:

(2 / 1999) I would not spare anything for your ransom if my dead

person were to come back

for a ransom. Q/ Are you implying an implicit denial in the house? Point to it, mentioning its

type? C/ If it was: in a conditional manner, its type: implicit denial. They are the

people, there is no people known for them except them, and had it not been for their generosity, we would not have

)/2021 t
known the path of generosity. Q/ What method has benefited the expression (if

Adeeb it were not for their presence)? / The conditional method has C

(2/2002) ÿÿÿÿnMum And Harsetb Oh s

benefited implicit negation .
Because God Almighty said (M

Q/ In what style does the conditional device (if) remind you?

C/ Implicit negation in the conditional style. I

would not choose anyone but you, nor would I accept anyone but you in my love instead. If my heart were

with me. Q/ In the house, implicit negation, between

its types. C/ Implicit negation in the conditional

style. When will he reach The building will be completed one day if you build

it and others will continue it. Q/ Where do you notice the implicit negation in the house? An implicit negation in the house. Explain the type of formula

that indicated it /when... An implicit negation in the metaphorical interrogative C


How can I fear poverty when God is the guarantor of my livelihood? Is there any excuse for me in

stinginess? Q/ Where do you see the

implicit negation ? / How? Is it an implicit negation in a metaphorical interrogative

Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary ArabicNo, I promise the language
and visited yat

I am happy and I do not long for eggs, I am more joyful and playful than the gray-haired man playing. Q: Is

there any implicit meaning in the two halves? Tell them clearly what type it is?

/ Implicit negation in a metaphorical interrogative style with the deleted hamza in his saying: A and Dhu. C

(2/2009) And God has guided usYay

( ÿÿÿÿÿÿBe it for God Almighty said (M

Q/ There was an implicit denial. Extract it and

Writer explain it. C/ Lawal: An implicit denial using the

(2010/preliminary) conditional method. When do you find people abandoning their dream in the grave or dead? Q/ What type of denial is

mentioned? C/ Implicit negation in a metaphorical interrogative style.

ÿ !
(2/2011) K( Y
A fawn
“naf” is about “dhawam”The meaning of the word
ÿ And it was tafGod Almighty said (and

Q/ The negation was confirmed in the Noble Verse in a place indicated by it and its type. /

If: implicit denial in the conditional style. M Umm C


(3/2012) ( I am aliveWAATA FA B Ron

Stop it High)K She said
Kuntu Allah


Remember, Aramÿ Moon E He got it Y mon

ÿ mon and this
ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ Iÿ will cook thisGod Almighty said, “Say, ‘O Me
B) Al-Bulu Al-Ala

Where do you see the implicit negation in the two noble verses:

We: Implicit negation in a metaphorical interrogative style. ÿ / Welcome C

(Preliminary/2013) When is the shadow straight and the stick is crooked? Is there a row equal to it ? A tower. Q/

Indicate the negation in the house and explain its type /

When, is it: implicit negation? C

(1/2013) paternal auntGod Almighty said:

(N) He is satisfiedWe are hopefulRipple can be found
ÿ ÿ And the n

Writer The poet said: How can I fear poverty when God is the guarantor of my livelihood? Is there any excuse for

miserliness? Q/ Explain the negation mentioned in each of the two texts, explaining its type and style.

C/Lawal: Its type: implicit denial in the conditional style. How/

Whether: Type: Implicit negation in a metaphorical interrogative style.

I loved you and longed to meet you. Q/ In what way does the subjunctive remind you ( if it were not for) and the sperm would not have been so good had it not been for an

implicit denial in the subjunctive style. Life would not be C

(1/2014) difficult if it were not for the space of the mother. Q /I'm watching I fill myself with hopes

Writer There is a negation in the verse, indicate it and explain its type and

its tool. / Lawal: implicit denial in the conditional style. C

If there was one of us in a thousand, they would call their brother from Persia for him to help us.

Displaced me questions
Q/ In the verse above there is a negation, indicate it and mention its

tool. C/lo: the letter of abstention from refraining. Implicit denial in the conditional style. Al-
(2014/3) MmhAkhal Tal
Muhadhdhab and A
men On
... the hair of Q TPMSTPSS

Machine Translated by Google
Az A Rabiya s
N M M K about Hassan E won't have a good time It is No, I promise the language and visited yat

obligatory where the negation contained in the verse

occurs / i.e. an implicit negation in the form of a metaphorical interrogative.

(2014 3) Adeeb If he had not been stronger than his smile, he would not have become more pleasant at

dawn. Q/ In the text there is an implicit negation

indicated by / if: an implicit negation in the style of a condition.

(1/2015) What do you want? He replied, “Close.” He replied, “How close are you to

Maram?” Q/ Can you find a negation in the second part? What type? What is his style?

C/ Is: Its type: Implicit negation in a metaphorical interrogative style. The whole

(2/2015) earth
is the type of
(Yam theof
is mentioned
like word
of aHoly
His And
Hemethod ? If:

(/2022 d) implicit denial in the conditional style.

(2016 Preliminary) How can the one who calls upon you repent, and how can the one who hopes for you turn away

with freedom? Q/ Where do you notice the implicit negation, explaining its style

in the verse / How / How / Its type: Implicit negation in the metaphorical interrogative style. C

So, EB Hal M H
(/2017 1) Adeeb ÿ Y Y
has madeit possible for them to benefit from the wealth of the earth, or Is it true that God
ÿ ÿ
E One
... of us ÿ ÿ We are satisfiedÿThe most importantthing is that God Almighty said: “And

(n) A
EB s mlbn
rsh u wa a khalik M
Yes,what is in the brother?”miss them
from among the people of the people of the world, orAnd
they used
to know? Q/ There is an ÿ

denial, where do you find it ? In what style was it received? / If: implicit denial in the conditional style. Take them, bb, oh,

oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, C

(1/2020) ÿ
negation in the
oh, oh,
oh, oh,
oh, oh, oh)
its style.
He indicates
ÿ / If: implicit
the denial in the conditional

Biological. style.

Covetousness is not known to the covetous, and where is that covetous person? S/ You

realize the negation in the first verse. Point to it and explain its type, where is that:

implicit negation. C/ I did not know: apparent denial. Perish the people, perish,

(1/1996) And (n)

oppressors, perish (And
ÿ God Almighty said): “May there be evil upon you.” ÿ
Ron EThe Almighty Almighty said

(Indeed S/) indicates the style and type of negation in the two noble verses? / If:

an apparent denial, whether: an implicit denial. Have C


(2 / 1997) they lived

mountain, or its suburbs?
Yes ( on a ÿ
They filled them Wow , o God Almighty said (ka


Imam Ali (peace be upon him) said: “I am astonished at a man who is approached by his brother and does not see himself as worthy of goodness. If we had neither hoped for Paradise
nor feared Hell, we would have had

Q/ Try to find the two positions of apparent negation and implicit negation. C/ He does

we do not hope, we do not fear: an apparent denial. not see,

Machine Translated by Google
Az A Rabiya s
won't have a good time Yes, it is necessary No, I promise the language and visited yat
N M M K about Hassan E

If: implicit denial.

I like my poverty to you, and I would not have liked it if it were not for your love.

Poverty S/ indicates the style of negation, indicating its

type. C/ML: apparent denial, LOL: implicit denial.

(2/2007) Indeed, they are the people of humanity. (And God Almighty When He said: “F
said (E’aam)
and explaining in theofform
the type ÿ in the
each ofoftwo
S/1 noble
- indicating
them. C/texts
ÿ negation apparent negation.Fear the
No genealogy: ÿ

Indeed, they are: negation. It is apparent. 2- What is the grammatical effect of each

C/ The negation of the negation device in the two holy texts?

gender does the work of (inna) accusative of the subject and raises the Lord,

inna: neglected negation, negation that has no action. A poet said: If I had money, my council would come close to S/, explaining the

(b) If you don't remember what you want, you won't knownegation mentioned
ÿ and style.
in each of the two
texts, explaining its type ÿ

It was said that if you make a mistake, you are right C / (Is): implicit negation in the style of interrogation. (No):

explicit negation. (If): implicit negation in the style of the condition .

(2012 1) writer ÿ B
( My intention
Fahn nm).
(A 57 n) yahdhun al-mus / ÿ

Extract whatever negation you find in the holy text, indicating its type, then express what is underlined / If it

were not for: implicit negation, what: apparent negation.


Bmitni: The ba is an additional preposition for emphasis. Mitni: Kharub ma jamarur pronounced with the yÿ’ in the accusative case of Hamal. I saw

(2012 1) writer young men who were tempted by his reign. How can I blame the people tomorrow after banishment was achieved

in the house in a place that I would point to and explain its type? / How: implicit denial. I know, I

know, I agree with the s/ indicates the C


(3/2012) ( style God Almighty said)

ÿ ÿ
my people
from seeing
them. God has Y helpful hand?
ÿ Are you promised (God Almighty said) like a ÿ
and type of negation in the two nobleÿ

verses, how: Implicit negation. All those who are mindful of You are the Forgiving, the Possessor

of Compassionateness. (What is the punishment/ of

That: anWho
Allah? apparent denial.
has ignorant of the

calamity of Allah? He has not earnedÿ his reward. And Allah Almighty says) And by the Lord

Questions of the displaced

Q/ Explain the negation mentioned in the holy text, explaining its type and style. / If: Its type:

Implicit denial in the conditional style. The breath of the earth C


(A) Y
(2016 Preliminary) He wills.) M.S./
wordsWhat istype
of the like thenegation
of God
is contained
said: (And
in the
to them is an abode, and

and what is its style / If: Its type: Implicit negation in the style of a

condition. May God’s grace be upon them, and His mercy be C

ÿ ÿ

(2/2016) ( Nof hal Ffm n

a lo kum lo Yn sham daad Y
Hm A N ÿ ÿ God Almighty said: (And
the type of negation
in mentionedupon them. Q / What is

the first text and what is its style? / Lawal: implicit denial in the conditional

style. And what: negation: apparent negation. C

ÿ ÿ

(2/2016) Y
therein)Perish the ignorant people, and perish for a long time (with seconds of needlesAnd we counted may God bless you and grant
sake of mind
ÿ any


Machine Translated by Google
Az A Rabiya s
won't have a good time Yes, it is necessary No, I promise the language and visited yat
N M M K about Hassan E

/ml: apparent denial: so: implicit denial. C

( God bless him

mayand grant him And
(Preliminary/2017) Yaziz B

Ya’zaz / Two types of negation were mentioned in the Holy Text, among them, or: Verifying the negation in the Holy Verse, point to it and explain its

Mosul questions style. / Lawal: implicit denial in the conditional style. What are you: apparent denial. C

(2/2017) Here we are,

(ri My drink
ÿ ÿ
what was
ÿ the riyÿt mm
ÿ has been abolished, much worse
of apparent
s/ Construct
the ÿsÿn, um, powerful
And I was more God Almighty said (and

Mosul questions negation and implicit negation, showing the method of implicit negation / If: Implicit negation in the style of the

conditional What: apparent denial. C

/2019) The poet said: Had the fire not burned while it was nearby, he would not have known the goodness of the oud. S/

Preparatory ( indicated the negation contained in the text, and explained its type.

C/ Lawal: Implicit denial using the conditional method. What it was: an apparent denial.

/2019) (
to meThis is what happened
No, no, no
ÿ ÿ
what wasAnd the 108th
mentioned was(Qulqal
an apparent
and implicit
innegation, Q Y/ between
thewhile showing the y d God Almighty said: “Uncle

Mohidi method of implicit negation. C/ They do not want: an apparent denial. If: implicit denial in the

(Adib) conditional style. n n n n a

(2/2019) closely More Yeh Dr Y a

Show ÿ ÿ disciple.
ÿ God Almighty
and (a)
the and he was
than Him God is other

and they found themselves in Q/ Explain the negation mentioned in the Holy Text and

state its type . C/ Aval: apparent denial. If: implicit denial.

(1/2007) Am I the only

He will cover up its evils and cover it with its wreath, and extend its blood together.

one who glorifies the negation in an apparent form with a working tool

and an emphatic expression? C/ I can't help

it. I am not a hand. You want a polite, flawless person, and a stick that smells

without smoke. Q/ Transform implicit negation into explicit negation by using a non-functional tool that negates the present tense in the present and future

tenses? C/ A stick does not smell of

(2/2008) smoke. If the bees save food for their year. Does Al-Dragham save sustenance for his day ?

Q/ Show implicit negation with a suitable tool to negate the present once and the future again? C/ The

what is not stored. The end present: what is stored, the future:

(3/2010) (A) Y
God willing.
is God
like the of the said:
words earth
of a snake.
the noble
a cradle,
do you express that (Lu)

is the letter of abstinence? C/ And that abstinence is the fulfillment of the condition, which is the will and

abstinence. The answer is the right. My heart. Will the heart remain without being split? I was nothing but

(2011, Muhedhi) writer dividing my heart, guarding it. Q/ In the house there is an implicit negation, which he turned into an

apparent one using (the ungrateful letter)? C/ The heart would not have remained. And does the

distress save sustenance for its

If ants save food for a year. day ? Q/ Show the implicit negation. In the

first part, with an appropriate tool to negate the present once, the past connected to the present, and the future without context?

Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

The future is uncertain and will not be saved. yidkhur, the past connected to the present: why He saves C/ Present: What

(2014/2014) I did not look at him until I saw you. If I could, I would have preserved both sides of the sentence

S/1 - Make the negative sentence affirmative, preserving the tense, and expressing the subject after the change.

/ She looked... La Ta: a continuous pronoun built into a nominative subject. C

2- In the text, there is an unapparent negation that is indicated and

shown / if: an implicit negation in the style of a condition. Al-Izhar: I could not and did not memorize my narrations, or: I could not and did not memorize my
(2/2017) idioms. To my mother, does the heart remain in halves? And I was nothing but a keeper of two parts of

Outside diameter He turned the implicit negation into an apparent one using (the word of my heart. Q/

ingratitude) / The heart would not have remained... C.

(1/2018) She said, “Stay, let us not lack water.” So I said, “Do the water-wheels save us from the sea ?” Q/

Outside diameter Show the negation contained in the verse by using (the word “ungratefulness”) /

The water-wheels would not save us... C

(2/2018) If he had become above her, he would have shaded her. I am holding my love for her

in my depths. Q/ Show the negation contained in the verse by using the pain of

ingratitude / Love would not have become...

(2/2020) Q/ If it were not for my longing, I would not have worried about your distance or tomorrow because

Biological. of my long time after you. He extracted the implicit negation

and demonstrated its method. A/ Lawal: He expelled me in a

conditional manner. Q/ How can the one who calls upon you refuse, and how can the one who hopes for you

Applied. touch you with confusion? This indicates the negation

C style.
mentioned and its type and style. / How / What type: Implicit negation in a metaphorical interrogative

Q/ Because of the love in people’s hearts, all the arts of life would have lost their rights in the

home, the denial of its kind and its kind. He expressed endearment.

A: Blame/implicit denial in the style of a condition containing the meaning of negation. Al-Tahabab: a subject in the nominative case with a visible

ÿamma. God has guided us.

Dale's father ht nQ/ God Almighty said: (And it was not

In the noble text there is an implicit negation in its style, then what is underlined is expressed. A:

The writer
Were it not for: the conditional style that includes the meaning of negation.

(That) is implicit after the pain of ingratitude. The subject is a pronoun. Let us be guided: the pain, the pain of ingratitude. We will be guided: a present tense verb in

the accusative case of obligatory assessment (we), and the responsible infinitive is in a preposition with the letter

They filled in
You will be able to avoid it
How can my soul be so easy? n and for you laam .The poet said: He

indicated the negation contained in the verse and explained

its type. A: If: implicit denial in the conditional manner.


The poet said: Is it okay for me to hide my love?

Comfort, and would a revelation benefit me if I revealed it?

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won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

What type of denial is mentioned and what is its method? Then the negation appeared in the second part with a tool that denies the past connected to the

present. A: Is it okay? And is it? Implicit negation in a metaphorical interrogative style. Don't be of any benefit to me

Addendum to the

negation Q/ What is the difference between (lÿ) in the present tense and (lÿn) in the negative?

With the present tense verb, it denies the present and the future, and its negation is uncertain. C/ (No) (You

will not) negates the verb in the future. Its negation is affirmative.

By God, we do not know if we are tempted. He asked me who we are asking for. We

were struck in the country and did not find anyone except you to the honorable ones. S/Dal is

attributed to the two articles of negation. Then explain why the second is more emphatic. Among the first in the text other than the one

mentioned. C/ We do not know, we did not find, because (m) its negation is affirmed, so it does not need an oath

for affirmation. The pirate, while unaware, did not sell me. If death had come to me, how much

would he have done ?/ Do you see a difference between the two phrases (he did not sell me) And (what sold me) in terms of

the strength of the expression? And why? C/ (he did not sell me): more and stronger expression, because (he did not) its negation

is affirmed, so it does not need an oath to affirm it. As for

(what they sold me), it needs an oath to confirm it. What a waste of time from it . And I sought

towards You with great love. Q/ How is the negation tool mentioned in the verse different from

the negative (m)? C/ (M) is an affirmative negative that does not need an oath to affirm it because its negation is affirmative. As for (ma), an inactive negative whose

negation is uncertain, it needs an oath

to affirm it. Q / How does the negation of (ml) differ from the negation of

(2013 Preliminary) (what)? Where have you seen standing water spoil it? If it clears, it is good, and if it does not change, it is not goo

C/ (What) is an affirmative negative that does not need an oath to confirm it, because its negation is affirmed. As for (what), an inactive negative whose negation is uncertain,

it needs an oath to affirm it. Have you

(1/2007) never been accompanied by an imagination

And the miser did not tend to avoid me.

in which the first tool of negation differs from the second ? S/Bm C/

Lis: It is inserted into the nominal sentence, raising the subject as its noun and accusative of the Lord as its predicate.. Ma:

An inactive negative sentence that is inserted into the verbal sentence.

(1/2009) (God blessÿ ÿGF ÿÿÿ It's a boring napwhatÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ

ÿÿ ÿÿÿ
MAh Either way God Almighty

said: ( S/ There were two articles of negation (mal, lÿn). What is the tense that negated each of them? And what is its grammatical effect on the

absence of it? C/ lÿn: It denies the present tense action in the past. Lÿn: It denies the present tense action in the

future tense. (Lÿn) (: Accusative of the present tense verb. (Lon): Accusative of the

present tense verb. In the span of days I will not show the complaint, otherwise in the companions

Preparatory ( one day in our time. Q/ Find a difference in meaning and parsing if you use: (LM, LA) instead of

(LEN). / MLM: negation Present tense verb in the past. Affirmative of the C

verb. Verbs.
No: negates the present tense in the present and future. Non-functional with

Machine Translated by Google
Az A Rabiya s
N M M K about Hassan E won't have a good time Answer : It No, I promise the language and visited yat

denies the present tense verb in the future tense. Accusative of the present tense verb.


(1/2011) Um, is it okay? M

ÿ And henhaha wazi naha Bniv They saw the earth descending
above them, leveling the heavens against the
ÿ water. God Almighty said: (a)
ÿÿÿÿÿÿ ( !

Hal Khal F. E ... M ÿÿ

(R) Here
ÿ I amYes
They are a ÿ
ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ and
ÿ Alahshaq
Pundaria B We sent you here,ÿ and God Almighty said:

Q / What is the ruling on the two negation adjectives under which a line is placed in terms of Arab influence? Why? C/ (Ma):

Negative neglected due to the Lord’s precedence over the subject, and it has no action. (An):

Negative neglected due to the negation of its negation with (Yalla) that has no action. For

my life, you have done good to me and tried me, and you are a tyrant for a broken heart. Q/ What

is the difference between (what ) ? What is Sunnah) and (will not be Sunnah) in terms of temporal

connotation? C/ (Ma): negates the present tense, denying the present tense without a context. (Won’t): emphatically negates the future. If poetry

does not make you happy when you hear it, then it is not worthy of being called poetry . / Make the

poetry (singing) in the first half and express the word poetry in the second half. C/ Make the poetry sing. A passive participle

in the nominative case with a ÿamma.


(2/2014) This is
ÿ ÿ
a spray God Almighty said: (M

Q/ What is mentioned, (Indeed) in the Holy Qur’anic text there is a difference between them in terms of

work? C/ What: A factor (Hijazi) that raises the subject and places the Lord in the accusative, In: Neglected for the derivation of its negation with (except) There is

(2/2014) Y
said: (Khala).
no work for this, it is gnawed. The Almighty

(Lama) (or where did you see the standing water spoils it? If it flows, it is good, and if it does not flow, it is not

good. And (lama) in both texts, its words are a tool for negation, affirmation, and inversion, so what difference can you find between

them? Q/ (lama) C/lama: It asserts the present tense and inverts its meaning. To the past continuous, to the speaker’s time, and its negation is uninterrupted and expected to

happen. Did not: She asserts the present tense and turns its meaning to the past, and its negation is interrupted and not expected

(2/2014) and to
ÿ Y Because God Almighty said: (E
Your fatheryour
(andmother) came as arrows happen. Here is ÿ

Writer my name if it is not in its action and what is appropriate is what is good in the young man’s face as an

honor for him. S/ came (what), And (that) in the two above-mentioned texts there is a difference between

them. C/ In: Negative neglected to denote its negation with except, there is no action for it.

What: A Hijazi operator that raises the subject and accusatives the Lord.

HTo M a HSo, EB
) is this. )M
perhaps May
(3/2015) B Halÿ E preventÿ and B He will Yes, I am
B Y God grant
Whatever he wants
come to his successor and his ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ millimeter
ÿ ÿ y
him intercession yy This

mother. Q / What is the difference between (and they will not sit) and (they will not sit) in meaning and

parsing? A/ And they will not sit: Meaning: an inactive negative that negates the present and future tenses, and its negation is uncertain. It has no action. Lama: It

negates the future with an emphatic negation and without its action context, the present tense is placed in the accusative

(1/2016) Y She
Hdid notA Yatawa b
Oh God (and he died
case. ÿ ÿ ÿ
full of lies They are God Almighty said: (b)

amelha s/ received two negative articles, explain the difference

between them. C/ml: It asserts the present tense and turns its meaning into a past, and its negation is discontinuous and

unexpected. Lama: She asserts the present tense and turns its meaning To the past continuous, to the speaker’s time, and its negation is uninterrupted and expected to oc

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won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

(1/2001) LKAF hdt l (F-

(n) YR ÿ ÿThe ugliness of the ungrateful is the solution Its fuel is the end Y Rahletÿ So they did so and escaped the prohibitionÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ
Tafa'lwa Naml

S/) is mentioned in the Holy Qur’anic text. There is a difference between them in meaning and function.

(O) C/ML: It asserts the present tense and turns its meaning into the past, and its negation is discontinuous and

unexpected. Ln: It denies the future with an emphatic negation, and without its conjunction, the

present tense verb is accusative. What a lost time among us. The poet said: And I sought you with

great love. Is the negation used in the verse (what) different from the negation S/Bm

(ml) is an affirmative negative that does not need an oath to affirm it because its negation is affirmative. As for (ma), an intransitive negative whose negation is

uncertain, it needs an oath to affirm

it. The poet said: Gray hair will not return to youth, nor will they master the justice of youth. They have as little leaf as the

Q/ If we say: No /Won’t:
stick . Gray hair returns to youth), so what is the time that was denied by both (len, the) and which of the Nevinists confirmed?

it denies the future, and without the context of an affirmative negation, it does not need an oath. C

No: It denies the adverb and the reception. Its negation is uncertain and needs a section to confirm it.

(1/2017) The first one That a N.A

Moon (Al The descendants of Sultanÿ
Nadak m m
God Almighty said (E
You say, “Oh God.” Give it a shot

Mosul questions Q/ There were negative adjectives that extracted them, indicating that the Bedouins

left them. With the present tense. No work, welcome. A/N: neglected negation, offering the Lord. There is no work for her, no: non-working

-------------------------------------------------- -----------------

The remnants of the Phalange's guerrillas gathered. There is no defect in them except that their

Dreams do not cause their arrows to go astray swords, and indeed I have known

to Tatin my death .

Defect: The noun is based on the fatÿah in the accusative case, and the lord is omitted, its definiteness is present.

No: Negative is not used

with the present tense.

Tatish: A present tense verb in the nominative case marked with a nominative sign by the ÿamma appearing

at the end. Her arrows: a nominative subject and a nominative sign of the dhammah, and it is added (they) in a preposition by

addition. I yearned and not a single night had passed, so how about if he hid a throne for us? Do not

been darkened by the mouth of an feel safe from eternity, a heat that has

oppressed night, generous and sleeping. S/ Express what

is underlined by C/ MLA: The letter of negation, juzm and qalb. Yamd: a present tense verb jamzum and the sign of jazmah deleting the vowel. Ma: a

female Hijazi worker who does a job that is not, night: a noun (ma) in the nominative case and the sign is nominative of the dhammah and it is added.

Mazloum: genitive case of jamur and the sign of its genitive case is karsa. Karim: adjective of jamurah. And a woman dragged her with a chair.

Sleeping: kharab ma jamrur is in the accusative case of hamal.

(2/1991) Security is nothing but what the boy sees as security. S/ Express what is underlined: Thousands are nothing but what the boy fears. C/ What is a

neglected negation whose negation is invalidated by nothing. Aluf: a subject in the nominative case and a sign in the nominative case

is a dhammah, except for a canceled exception tool. Ma: a connected noun built into a nominative predicate.

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M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

Khatufah: A past tense verb based on the fatha and the pronoun “ha” is a connected pronoun built in the accusative case as an object. The boy:

a nominative subject, and its nominative sign is the decreed dhammah. I

express what is underlined: I imagine life without love as miserable and unruly as it does not know tears. The

stick of love. We see that all life does nothing and we are both without what it is.

C/With love: Ba is a preposition. (Lÿ) is a non-verbal negative, and is in the genitive case. (Love) is a

genitive noun and its genitive sign is an apparent kasra. (Ma) is

an additional verb for emphasis. (Love) is a genitive noun with a genitive genitive sign.

Express what is underlined: Let us and what remains if you are done, for by God nothing will remain without love /

if: the noun of an uncertain condition, an adverb of what is to come from time. Nothing redundant to emphasize.C:

Nafiyah is a Hijazi worker who does not work. Sha: The noun (ma) is

in the nominative case and the apparent sign of the ÿamma is. (Baqÿya) is the ÿÿbÿ in the accusative case and the sign of the accusative case is the fatÿa.

And leave me alone, it is none of my business how that is, and I was never afraid of secrecy. I express what

is underlined: C/No: negating gender, acting as the letter similar to the verb (IN).

Shaan: The noun is based on the fatÿah in the accusative case, and the lord is deleted, its definiteness is present.

Pain: The pain of ingratitude is a preposition.

or willing to do so, nor agreeing to say, Q/ I express what is underlined: Otherwise I will leave them, not being obedient

knowledge of fate.” “How about your departure from them?” So I said to her, “I have no

/ Except: In: a jussive conditional, and (la) is a negative, non-verbal, transitive between the jussive and the jussive. Ibh: a C

present tense verb with a jussive condition, and the sign of its jussive is a sukoon, and the subject is a pronoun whose evaluation is “I”.

Ghari: an accusative adverb and the sign of the accusative is the fatha, and it is a

genitive. La negates gender, science: The noun La is based on the fatÿah in the accusative case, and the letter Yÿb is omitted, its definiteness is present.

(1/1995) Q/ I express what is underlined: The dream is for the intention of the usurpers, and not for the usurper, the ills of his

their raids. As for tomorrow, we will not destroy what we plan.

arrogance are easier with

. / The: denial of affection


Aalat: A noun that does not have a delayed nominative case and a sign in the

nominative case is a ÿamma. Either: If: his police are firm. What: redundant for emphasis. What: A relative noun made in the

(2/1995) accusative case as an object. Q/ I express what is

underlined: Here is what I am of amusement and euphoria. You have

died from me with an unchangeable heart. Reply to Saba if I am doing it. My passion is not

C (what).
my business and there is no doubt / Ma: Hijazi nafiyyah doing work that is not. I: a separate pronoun built into the nominative noun

Ghari: An adjective of a jamurah and a sign of the genitive case of the

kasra. The: negative is superfluous for emphasis. There is a police force. Q/

(2/1996) Express what is underlined: Do not accompany a companion whom you do not trust. A miserable companion is an unsafe companion. C/ Not: Not is

a past tense verb. The ta’ is a continuous pronoun that is built into a nominative nominative noun and is nothing else: an adjective in the

nominative case and a sign made in the nominative case by the apparent dhammah.

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M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

(1/1997) Express what is underlined: I heard you if you called. The road is alive, but there is no life for whom you call

C/If: a non-assertive conditional device. Abstinence letter. No: negating

gender, acting as a letter similar to the verb (in).

Hayat: The noun is based on the fatÿah in the accusative case, and the Lord is omitted, its definiteness is

is not permanent and there is no good in the present. I see a covenant like a rose that

one whose covenant does not last. Q/ Express

what is underlined? / Badam: ruined, not jamur, in the accusative C

case of Hamal. No: negating gender, acting as a letter similar to the verb (in).

Khair: The noun is based on the fatÿah in the accusative case, and the lord is omitted, its definiteness is present.
! ÿ

(1/1998) Oh t hal up ( a paternal aunt n A Nobody

Call them out a
Aali) and m T.S.
(on) ÿ He And his face is gone
will flee ÿ
He will be rewarded (19) ... ÿ ÿÿ ÿ ÿ ... ÿ

said / Express what is underlined by

Ahad: a noun of a noun and its prepositional sign is a kasra and a semi-sentence in the nominative case of a predicate/Ahad: Laam is a preposition. Passport C

submitted. Nima: A delayed subject, ÿammar, pronounced in the nominative case of ÿammal.

Q/ Express what is underlined: There is no one else to intercede for your good deeds, and there is no reason other than clinging to friendliness.

What: A neglectful denial of the Lord’s progress. Yal: Pain is a preposition. The relative pronoun is built into a preposition with a letter C

Pay. It is similar to a nominative case in the nominative case of an advanced predicate. Shafi’: a delayed subject in the nominative

case with a ÿamma. No: negating gender. Reason: The name “no” is based on the opening in the accusative case because it is singular. And the Lord deleted his appreciation


Many centuries have passed us by, and we will go on and on after them

(/2022 1) Adeeb Underline what is underlined with a suitable negative tool, mentioning rule C:

By Allah, I did not mention it. Because the actual sentence is preceded by “qadd” and the

oath, we will not proceed: because the verb indicates reception due to the presence of the letter “sin.”

Ministerial questions about “method of submission and delay”

(1/1999) Where is our status with you? What did you do with it?) Al-Manfaluti said: (We have great and small hopes, so tell us about Q/ There

is an introduction in the text. What is its type? Why is it obligatory to apply?

Words that are prominent in speech. C/ Where: Its type: prioritizing God over the subject. Because God is one of the most

prominent words in speech. What: Presentation type: object. Because the object is shackles and restrictions

(1/2006) How can you advise someone at home to

apply for their delayed rights? Mention one of them and explain the reason for presenting the words that have

priority in speech. C/How: Because the Lord is from or: They have shackles: the

subject is an indefinite indefinite article, and the Lord is semi-gendered. We have

vineyards. Is there any harm in saying that if we ask them where the clusters are ? Q/ There

is more than one predicate in the text that indicates it and explains the ruling on introducing it?

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M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

Where: obligatory. A: Ours: Permissible. In other words: permissible.

(2/2012) (N And my countryYes,

color a
Sa YGod Almighty

said ( Q/ in the noble text, what is the right of delay between its type and its ruling, mentioning the reason?

Words that are prominent in speech. C/ Its type: giving precedence to God over the subject. His ruling: obligatory. For the Lord is from , and

(2/2011) where is your home that you used to cover? A lover whom you loved, how much he left

Writer you. Q/ What is the significance of (where)? And what is the ruling on

introducing it? Give the reason for the words that take precedence in speech. C/ For the place: His ruling:

Obligatory. Because the Lord is from and I leave worry, distress, and fatigue. How is the

Writer way to reach the enemies ? Q/ In the verse, present its essence and explain its type

obligatory. Isn’t the word “lord” one of the words and ruling, mentioning the reason? C/How: Its type: giving priority to the subject. Its ruling: It is

(n) Y )a God Almighty said:

(2014/2014) that take precedence in speech ? And
How delicious are you?
He was bribed

Q/ What is the name of the forerunner of the Lord, His ruling, and the reason

it one of the most prominent words in speech? in the noble text? C/Where: Its ruling: Obligatory. Isn't

(1/2016) ne( Q .msad

ÿ ÿ
We were
And come backThis came Say m YGod Almighty said: (And

(2017/2017) Q/ In the noble text, there is precedence for what is due to the delay between the type of precedence and the

Isn't it one of the most prominent words in speech?ruling on precedence. C/ Its type: the priority of God over the subject. His ruling: obligatory.

(2/1989) Not to hide things with a secret You see a person as a creature, and the eye has

its share. Q/ In the house, presenting the news to the subject, the same, then mention the ruling on presenting it with an explanation of the

reason? C/For cursing: its ruling: obligatory. The reason: Because it is connected in the subject with a pronoun that refers to some kind of righteousness.

If we say: Iraq has its ancient history. Who made it necessary to give precedence to the subject C/ because it is

connected to the subject by a pronoun that refers to some kind of righteousness?

(2/2001) a Aqfahil Y
B According to theHe saw a not reflect? God Almighty said: “Why do you
words of Aaron Al-Q

Q/ Indicate the precedent, mentioning its type, the ruling on introducing it, and the reason?

C/On the hearts: Its type: giving precedence to God over the subject. His ruling: obligatory. Because he called in the subject a pronoun referring to some good.

(Every nation has its own civilization, and every people has a

frozen history) Q/ God is offered twice. What is the ruling on offering Him each time? And why?

C/ For every nation: its ruling: obligatory. Because he called in the subject a pronoun referring to some righteousness.

For every people: its ruling: permissibility. Because the subject is an indefinite indefinite article, and the noun is a semi-gender

noun. (Muhammad has his opinion and you

have yours) Q/ Name the Lord who takes precedence (obligatorily) and state the reason for the

precedence? A/ For Muhammad: Because he is connected in the subject by a pronoun that refers to some good.

the heart there was his complaint and there was his loss in it. And Samra was astonished that he loved her and in

Q/ In the second part, there is a presentation of the news. What is the ruling on this presentation?

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M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary
ArabicNo, I promise the language and visited yat

In it: permissibility. C/ In the heart: obligatory.

(Preliminary/2011) (1/2012) Every house has its own enviable chivalry They do not have the enmity of those

envious of the Lord’s eye, his type, and the reason for offering. C/ Every

(Preliminary/2013) (1/2011) verse has a chivalry: its type: prioritizing the Lord over the subject. Because he called in the subject a pronoun referring to some good. My friend, the

Classical language has its own characteristics. Do not deny the transposition of a meter to a

Writer desert. Q/ In the house, introducing a signifier to the precedent, then explaining its type and the ruling on

(1/2011) introducing it with an explanation? C/For classical: its type: prioritizing God over the beginner. His ruling: obligatory. Because he called in the subject a pronoun referring

(2013 Preliminary) to some good. (The lord has its poets) Obtain the obligatory precedence of the lord and state the ruling

on presenting it. A/ For the lord:

(2/2016) Obligatory. You say (Every nation has

its own civilization) Q/ If the lord is presented, what is the ruling on prioritiz

C/ Ruling: Obligatory. Because he called in the subject a pronoun referring to some good. We say: Men

(2/2016) are for the homeland. The Lord has obligatorily presented in one of the places of submission, with an explanation of the reason. C/

The homeland has its men. Because he called in the subject a pronoun referring to some good. Or: The

nation has nothing but its men: the Lord’s narration to the beginner. If

(3/2016) we said: ((Iraq has its great manifestation)). Q/ What

is it that made it necessary to put God before the subject? C/

Because he attached to the subject a conscience that refers to some kind of

(1/2017) righteousness. (In virtue there is its rewa

Q/ He built a type that was presented, explaining the ruling on presenting

it with an explanation. C/ Its type: giving precedence to God over the subject. His ruling: obligatory. Because he called in the subject a pronoun referring to some

(1/2017) good. O my companions, classical Arabic has its own goodness. Do not deny moving one meter to Hajar.

Outside diameter Q/ What made it necessary to give precedence to God over the beginner?

Because he called in the subject a pronoun referring to some good. A:

(2/2017) We say: Dilemmas have men.) Q/ In the

statement, there is an introduction to what is due by delay, between the type of the antecedent and the ruling on presenting it with a reason?

C/ Its type: giving precedence to God over the subject. His ruling: obligatory. Because he called in the subject a pronoun referring to some righteousness.

(1/1990) Bonn (
ÿ Yhow they were
MM B YL B A He is pleased with me
May God bless them Radhafaza M M In their hearts
God Almighty said:

(2/2015) Q/ Indicate the applicant’s right to delay, indicating its type and the reason for submitting it? C/

In their hearts: Its type: prioritizing God over the beginner. The subject is an indefinite indefinite article, and the particle is a semi-gender noun.

(1/1991) Leave the shackles and shackles behind maturity. How can you advise someone at home to

apply for their delayed rights? Mention one of them and explain the reason for presenting it? Words that are

prominent in speech. C/How: Because the Lord is who

Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary ArabicNo, I promise the language
and visited yat

Or: They have shackles: the subject is an indefinite indefinite article, and the letter is semi-specific.

What comes to Abbas is contagious and does not stop. She said to Al-Abbas: I said: Who then ? Q: Is there an

introduction in the second half, the same, and its type?

A/L: Its type: prioritizing God over the subject. You have

(2/1992) to describe it and welcome Do you not see that the bricks have souls? Q/

There is an offering in the house, so when is the offering obligatory and why?

C/ Hala Bakur: The subject is an indefinite indefinite noun, and the noun is semi-

gendered. Woe - oh you who are distressed, you have hope and gifts from you - oh my family - I ask. Q/

In the house, there is an introduction to the predicate and the object. Did he speak about me, explaining his ruling?

Object: gifts: permissible. C/Lord: It is obligatory. / Asha and Haif are from his lineage a

thorn, which is (Al-Asma’i said: “I have not made anything permissible for anyone except a house.” His lineage is attributed to the

And you denied me, and the things you denied of the incidents were nothing but gray hair and baldness. Q/ In Al-

Asma’i’s statement, there is news that was presented, specify it and mention the ruling on presenting it?

It's a bitter pill. His ruling: obligatory. C/ Oh

(2 / 1997) irrigation( Don't writeThe amount of moneyGod Almighty said: (And

Noel and the text God

Q/ Do you suggest that the applicant has his late right, the same, and the basis for the

ruling on submitting it? C/ for you. His

(1/2003) ruling: permissible. How good is the Nile,

how sweet is the paradise of souls in its banks

Q/ What is the type of applicant and what is the ruling on applying? And why?

C/ On its two sides: Its type: prioritizing God over the subject. His ruling: obligatory. The subject is an indefinite indefinite article, and the particle is a semi-gender noun.

(1/2005) and on the face of the one we love, splendor Below the face of the hateful, his sense of terror,

Q/ In the two parts of the verse, what type is presented for what is due for delay? What is his

ruling? C/ without the hateful face. Its type: prioritizing God over the beginner. His ruling: obligatory. In a

way: Its type: prioritizing God over the subject. Ruling: Permissible. I don't think so

(2/2005) You y God bless you

Yazz Azza
B God bless you Hmmmm
ÿ ÿÿÿÿ
ÿ God Almighty said: (And
Qaam (Y Q)

There is a precedence between him, then he explained the ruling on precedence, explaining the reason?

Words that are prominent. He mouthed: ruined. Permissible. Allen from C/From: Type: Object. Its ruling is obligatory. Because the subject is an

indefinite indefinite article preceded by a negation, and the word “rab” is semi-
(2005/2) When is it obligatory? Why?
gendered. If only you had two hands besidemythem.
dad Duan hand and heart BThe most beautiful one
S/ In the text, there is an introduction toMM.

C/ Dawahana: The subject is an indefinite indefinite article, and the verb is semi-gendered. She

said, “How can someone like you be inclined to youth when you have the characteristic of being gentle and dignified?”

Q/ In the house, the same is presented, and what is the ruling on the applicant

and his type? A: It is obligatory for you to do so. Its type: prioritizing God over the beginner.

Machine Translated by Google
won't M
M mk about n Hassan E
Why? Yes, it is necessary ArabicNo, I promise the language
and visited yat

(1/2009) to Yes, it is Yes God Almighty said: (And

You will be wise The core ÿ
(your family). B Woe to me! healthy Thank you very much

Q/ In the noble text, what is the right of delay to be presented, between the type of precedence and the justification for

presenting it? C/ Its type: giving precedence to God over the subject. The subject is an indefinite indefinite article, and

(2010/preliminary) the particle is a semi-gender noun. And for the time, as it is, after the polite blessings

of the days, and the right, C/For time: its type: prioritizing God over the subject. Its

ruling is obligatory. Is there anything more astonishing than this to hear? I have patience

(1/2010) and a complaint with my beautiful woman . Q: What type of food is in the house? What is his ruling? With the

obligatory. The subject reason? C/ Its type: giving precedence to God over the subject. Its ruling is

is an indefinite indefinite article, and the particle is a semi-gender noun. I have one hope, and I do not praise anything other than that, and it

deleting what is above the word on the is my question. Q/ What is the effect of

ruling on giving precedence to the Lord as Maalal?

A: It becomes permissible: because the subject is an indefinite indefinite article, and the noun is a semi-

(1/2012) KA
He was thirsty They are our souls Oh
ehpa a
gender noun. Because the meat is quenched ÿ
We are people who are bored

Q1/) What is the ruling on prioritizing the Lord over the subject? A: It is obligatory.

2) Make the ruling on prioritization the opposite of what it is in the text. A: With it, there is a great nose. Or: With it, the nose. Jill, F.
(3/2012) (n) M You will drive
Y Roan an hour and a halfÿÿÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿYS
That a to
And ÿ
This is the agent of ÿA God Almighty said: (And
Most of them did not come ÿ

Q/ What is the meaning of the Lord who gives precedence and the ruling on his precedence supported by the rule?

C/ The Lord’s Introduction: For every nation: His ruling is obligatory. The subject is an indefinite indefinite article, and the particle is a semi-gender

(1/2013) Might
(m) ÿ ÿ
ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ noun. God Almighty said: “And all of this

Q/ Did the Lord explain the presenter and His ruling, mentioning the

reason? C/ The Lord, the precedent: Above: His ruling is obligatory. The subject is an indefinite indefinite article, and the particle is

a semi-gender noun. What the nights threw at you are wounds that are deep in the heart

Q/ In the second part, there is an introduction between its type and its ruling, mentioning the

reason? C/ Its type: giving precedence to God over the subject. Its ruling is obligatory. The subject is an indefinite indefinite article, and the

particle is a semi-gender noun. (Not required): B Jarrahat: Its type: Giving the rab to the subject. Its ruling is permissible. The subject is a specific indefinite article and the

(2012 3) Adeeb rab is a semi-gender. It is derived from the shamim of Arar , we find a mouth after

the evening from Arar . / After the evening, Al-Arar or: After the evening, Arar Majil. It says: (For

every tribe, there is a mouthpiece and a head.)

(2012 3) Adeeb

Q/ In the statement, he indicated news that was presented, mentioning the ruling on presenting it? How do you formulate the phrase, making the subject include a

pronoun that refers to some good? C/ For

each tribe: its ruling is obligatory. Every tribe has its own sip. Then for others

(2015 Preliminary) there is a cold. I am like a rose. There is comfort for a people. Q/ In the house,

give priority to them, and explain their type?

Machine Translated by Google
Az A Rabiya s
won't have a good time Yes, it is necessary No, I promise the language and visited yat
N M M K about Hassan E

C/ God is given precedence: there is comfort for a people. Its type: God is given precedence over

the subject. God is given precedence: there is a cold: its type: God is given

(1/2015) ÿÿÿÿReward the oppressorsBe ÿ precedenceÿ God Almighty said

over the subject. We made it easy, and the same applies to it. (Is the

(2015/2) Adeeb (2017 Lord of precedence and His judgment supported by the rule? Q/ Bani Al- J/

Preliminary) The Lord. Presenter: Hallelujah: Its ruling is obligatory. The subject is an indefinite indefinite article, and the particle is a semi-gender noun. The

Lord is an ancient hope: and from above them: His ruling is obligatory. The subject is an indefinite indefinite article, and the particle is a semi-

gender noun. He gives and increases as his gifts increase. In the heart is an inexhaustible treasure of youth. Q/ In the

text, an indication of it and its ruling is given, mentioning the reason. C/ The Lord is

presented: In the heart: permissible. The subject is an indefinite indefinite article, and the particle is a semi-gender noun. I have

(1/2016) If it weren't for the censor, you would have reached your mouth. letters of longing that I do not remember. Q/ What is the

effect of deleting what is above the ta on the ruling on the introduction ? Reason: It remains

permissible: Because the subject is an indefinite indefinite article and the particle is a semi-gender noun.

(2/2016) H
G S/ Extract
A greateach
is a curse right of
It became b Q/ God Almighty said (and upon A

delay, and explain its type and ruling, and mention the reason. And on AJ/ The presented Lord: and the presented Lord is similar

: Its type: giving precedence to God over the subject. Its ruling is obligatory. The subject is an indefinite indefinite noun It became bto the verb. The presented Lord: wahl: its

type: presenting the Lord. On

the subject. Permissible. Because the subject is an indefinite indefinite article and the definite article is semi-definite. I thought, “Here they are orM
where I am.” He is here, or

H ÿ
(3/2016) (n) he has
Mon kal nal nal Y IM IM AGod Almighty said (M
And Y ÿ AndY ÿ
ÿ ÿ ÿ

S/ In the holy text, there is a presentation between its type and its ruling.

N: Its type: prioritizing the Lord over the subject. Permissible. Because the subject is an indefinite indefinite article, and the subject is a semi-gender Ahem C/ Noum

noun. If he does not shake our hand by achieving the text. We have a goal. We will not settle on the ground. Q/ At

Outside diameter home, what is the ruling on presenting news? Why? / Permissible. Because

the subject is an indefinite indefinite article, and the subject is a semi-gender noun. C
(2/2017) naf And ma'fa That's itYes ÿ God Almighty said (And the
(peace be upon him) Mother He created it as many

people as He had created it. S/ He clarified what was presented, explaining the ruling

on prioritizing it with a reason. C/ The Lord: in it: its type: presented news. His ruling: obligatory. Because the subject is an indefinite indefinite article, and the definite noun is semi-specific.

(3/2018) And both of these, if more, he will be killed. The poet said: between extravagance and miserliness

of the rank of S/ about the antecedent and between its type and the

rule of precedence / between extravagance: precedent news. C


(1/2019) ) His ruling:Yobligatory. Theykilled

will be
for fear that he will commit a sin. God

Outside diameter said: “And is there a reason for it?” C/ Come on: Its ruling: It is obligatory.

Because the subject is an indefinite indefinite article, and the definite article is semi-specific. This is the agent of A

Moon's The
(/2019 2) Adeeb shadow ( Y Messenger F ... ÿ God Almighty said: (And no
descendants ofprevious
the Banu Baydids.
ÿ His
the came to them, and they were ÿ

one and explained its type and the ruling on its precedence.


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