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April 1, 2020


Accounting and finance professionals can increase their chances of

landing their dream job by showcasing their skills and talents online.

The first part of the year is a popular time for job searches, and many
professionals place “make a career move” near the top of their New Year’s
resolutions. Even in a candidate-friendly job market, your application needs to be
spot-on if you want to land a role that will propel your career forward. Here are
some do’s and don’ts to help financial professionals stand out from the crowd—
for all the right reasons.

1. DO promote an online presence. Whether it’s a LinkedIn profile or a personal

website, having a digital presence is essential in today’s tech-savvy corporate
landscape. Many hiring managers visit these sites, and it’s a good way to
demonstrate your technical skills and show some personality. Highlight
certifications you hold and any specialized experience, such as advanced Excel
ability or enterprise resource planning expertise. Just make sure you keep your
digital portfolio up to date and consistent with your résumé.

2. DO connect on social media. Hiring managers and recruiters today also use
more general social media to search for candidates, so this should be a key part of
your strategy as well. Online forums such as Twitter and Facebook aren’t only
great ways to make new contacts and register your interest, but they’re also a
platform for increasing your visibility and advertising your skills.

According to a survey from global staffing firm Accountemps, a division of

Robert Half, nearly half of hiring managers (49%) said they would be impressed
by accounting professionals who take the time to network with employees at their
company ( ). A targeted approach is best when it comes to making
connections online. Think about your ultimate career goals and pinpoint some
companies you would like to join. If your goal is to join a manufacturing
company, for example, look through your existing contacts to see if introductions
can be made.

3. DON’T mix business with pleasure. If you’re using social media to look for
work, use separate accounts for your personal and professional updates. The last
thing you want when you’re trying to impress a recruiter is to be tagged in an
inappropriate photo or associated with negative comments. Keep in mind that
your comments on public posts can be seen by the public on most social media
sites. Screening applicants online is now commonplace, so double-check your
privacy settings. It’s a good idea to Google yourself in “incognito” or “private”
mode to see what information is publicly visible.

4. DO tailor your résumé. Personal websites are a useful career marketing tool,
yet many employers still ask for a résumé. Rather than submitting a standard
summary of work history and education, candidates should customize their
curriculum vitae (CV) for each application. Always read the job description
carefully, picking out key words and phrases to mirror (if they apply to you, of
course), and list your most relevant experience first. Most accounting and finance
job postings specify which technical skills are required. It might sound like a lot
of effort, but targeting your application will significantly boost your chances of
being shortlisted for an interview—especially if the company uses AI to screen

5. DO write a cover letter. Despite what many think, our research shows that
cover letters aren’t obsolete. Fifty-eight percent of hiring managers in Robert
Half’s survey said they found cover letters useful. If you include one, it’ll be the
first thing recruiters see when they screen your application.

Unlike a résumé, which often includes bulleted lists, a well-written cover letter
showcases your written communication skills—which are essential for accounting
and finance professionals—and allows you to draw attention to attributes and
experience that might not be obvious from your CV. Keep your cover letter
concise and, most importantly, tailor it for the company and position for which
you’re applying.

6. DO keep it conservative. If you’re applying for a job in accounting or finance,

it’s best to keep your résumé traditional throughout. In the Robert Half survey,
more than a third (35%) of hiring managers said that using cartoon icons or
avatars is the tactic most likely to hurt a candidate’s chances. What would stand
out to a finance leader are short statements about your experience that quantify
your accomplishments, presented professionally in a simple font and color. For
example, mention the amount of investments or the size of budget you managed
in previous finance roles. Want to be creative? Highlight your achievements in an
infographic, a method four in 10 senior managers said may give a candidate the

7. DO highlight soft skills. While experience, education, and certifications can

indicate whether you qualify for the role, it’s equally important to have
interpersonal skills and business know-how. List some soft skills to let the hiring
manager get a broader picture of you as a candidate. Give examples of cross-
departmental collaboration in your cover letter or list on your résumé any
leadership courses you’ve taken. A customer service mind-set is sought after in
this profession; it’s essential for accounting and finance staff to be able to interact
with clients, internally and externally. Other soft skills that are in demand include
planning and organizational skills, the ability to work well in teams, and problem-
solving skills.

8. DON’T make mistakes. It should go without saying, but there’s no excuse for
allowing typos or grammar errors to slip through in your application. How can a
business trust you with their income reports or tax accounting if you have poor
attention to detail? Always review your materials carefully, then ask a reliable
friend or family member to proofread the documents with a critical eye.

No set of documents will be a slam dunk, of course, but a polished résumé, a

compelling cover letter, and a strong online presence will give you the best shot
at landing the job you want. It can be a way to get your foot in that door.


CareerDriver is a free benefit for IMA ® members to assess their technical and
leadership skills in management accounting and help plan their career path.
Complete an assessment to get feedback on your strengths and areas for
improvement, and then map out a development plan to help you toward your
desired role. For more information, visit .
Paul McDonald is senior executive director at Robert Half and a member of IMA. You can follow him on
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