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Skill of introducing a lesson

Class-X Subject-Mathema cs

Number of students - 10 units - Mensura on

Teacher's Name - Subunit – Sphere

Ins tute- Idan Teachers Training College Todays lesson- Sphere

Date -

Time – 10 minutes

Topic outline Content lesson Components Procedural Details

1. Communica ng ideas I) Securing The teacher draws a picture of the
about spheres through a en on spheres on the blackboard to a ract the
giving lectures a en on of the students
and a model of the spheres present it to
the students.

ii) Assessing The teacher will ask the following

Mo va onal ques ons to assess the students' level of
level submission.
> What do we mean by sphere?
> How many surfaces does the sphere

The teacher will ask the following

iii) Linking with ques ons to establish rela on with prior
2. Prac cal examples of
past knowledge -
spheres are also
experience < How many spherical objects we see in
presented to the
students nature, name a few.
< What rela onship can a hemisphere
have with a sphere?
A er knowing the prior knowledge of the
iv) Specifying students, the teacher presented the key
the points for aspects of the topic-
teaching > How to determine the surface area,
volume of a sphere?
> If any one of the figures of the sphere,
such as the area of the en re surface, is
known, how can the other figures be
determined from there?

There are two types of learning aids that

the teacher will use -
> General Teaching Aids – chalk, duster,
v) Using > Special Teaching Aids - sphere model
appropriate and chart.
Skill of Ques oning

Class-X subject- Mathema cs

Number of students - 10 Units - Mensuration

Teacher's Name - Subunit- Sphere

Ins tute- Idan Teachers Training College Todays lesson- Sphere

Time – 6 minutes


Topic outline Content lesson Components Procedural Details

1. Formulas for different I) Precision and >How to find the total surface area of a
constella ons of spheres clarity of sphere?
language > How can this formula be proved

ii) Link with < Give the formula for the total surface
2. Proof of Formulas specific area of this sphere of learning.
objec ves < State the formula for the volume of a
< If the total surface area of the sphere is
given, can the volume of the sphere be
< What is the rela onship between
sphere and hemisphere?

iii) Re- focusing >to find out the volume of the sphere,
and redirec ng what math is needed?
3. Formula on solu on > Is it possible to determine the length of
the rod by placing the largest rod inside a
spherical object?

iv) Using > Write the formula for the total surface
students' area of a sphere.
responses for Answer:
further Total surface area of sphere = 411 square
ques oning units
> Q. Write the formula for volume of
Answer - Volume of sphere = cubic unit
>Q: If the length of the radius of a
spherical ball is 4 cm, what is the
Volume of spherical ball = 𝜋4 cubic cm
= . 22/7. 4 cubic cm

v) Promp ng
< volume of spherical object = 𝜋𝑟 , is
there any other formula to find radius
from any other formula?
Answer- Total surface area of sphere =
4𝜋𝑟 square units
Skill of Using Teaching Aids

Class-X subject- Mathema cs

Number of students - 10 Units - Mensuration

Teacher's Name - Subunit- Sphere

Ins tute- Idan Teachers Training College Todays lesson- Sphere

Time – 6 minutes


Topic outline Content lesson Components Procedural Details

i) Relevant to A ball-like solid is called a sphere when
topic the disc is rotated about the diameter of
a semicircular disc. The surface of a
sphere is like the surface of a ball, 1
surface of a sphere and it is a curved
surface. Here the teacher will show a
model of a sphere and draw the diagram
on the board.

sphere Concept of sphere

ii) Appropriate
to the pupil’s Teaching aids will be made and used
level according to the needs, development and
learning level of the students.

iii) Creates Charts or models and topics presented on

interest and the board will be such as to arouse
thinking students' interest and thinking.
iv) Proper The wri ng lines on the board or chart
display shall be clear and spelling shall be
accurate. There shall be adequate spacing
between each word.

v) Appropriate The teacher presents the teaching aids at

use the right me in accordance with the
topic presented while the students are
Skill of Illustra on

Class-X subject- Mathema cs

Number of students - 10 Units - Mensuration

Teacher's Name - Subunit- Sphere

Ins tute- Idan Teachers Training College Todays lesson- Sphere

Time – 6 minutes


Topic outline Content lesson Components Procedural Details

i) Relevant The ma er should be presented with
examples some real examples of spheres.

Students should know the formulas

ii) Clear related to total surface area, lateral
concept surface area of sphere and expand it as
much as possible.
A er explaining the formulas to the
students, it should be ensured that a
clear and transparent understanding of
spheres is created in them.

An idea should be given by extension, so

sphere Solving problems related that no difficult concept about the sphere
to the formula of comes to the mind of the students. The
spheres material iii) simple and ma er should be presented to them in as
easy simple a manner as possible.

It is also important to note student

feedback during the extension
process. If they talk or hesitate
iv) Student
among themselves, it means that they
are not understanding the matter. An
occasional question about the sphere
will give an idea of their attention.
At this stage only sphere related
topics should be presented and
expanded to the students.
v) Correlates
with the topic
Skill of Reinforcement

Class-X subject- Mathema cs

Number of students - 10 Units - Mensuration

Teacher's Name - Subunit- Sphere

Ins tute- Idan Teachers Training College Todays lesson- Sphere

Time – 6 minutes


Topic outline Content lesson Components Procedural Details

i) Posi ve The teacher will ask the students all those
Reinforcement ques ons and if the students answer
and no them correctly, the teacher will
nega ve encourage the students by saying, 'Right'
Reinforcement. or 'Great' or 'Yes' or 'Absolutely correct'
or 'Very good'.

ii) Wrong
response If the student answers a ques on
weakened or incorrectly, the correct answer should be
broken. given to the students without nagging
and the students should be made to
understand the correct answer with
enough interest and curiosity, so that the
students do not hesitate to answer the
sphere Encouragement to next ques on.
answer based on the
ques ons given by the
iii) Providing When students answer a ques on,
lead/seeking whether it is correct or incorrect,
further teachers should inform the students of
informa on. the rela onship.

Some mes students can be encouraged

non-verbally, for example, encourage can
iv) Posi ve be done
non-verbal by smiling or pa ng the student on the
reinforcement back when an answer is correct.
Students will be encouraged to answer
the next ques on even if the teacher
writes the answers on the board.

v) Wri ng
response on

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