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We can define the renaissance as a movement of cultural renovation, that brought a lot
changes, not only in culture, but in science, mentality, economy, policy, art and so on.
This movement started at Italy, between the XIV and XVI centuries (between the final
of the middle age and the beginning of the modern age). Later it could be expanded to
another countries of Europe.

But, why is it called by renaissance? This word comes from the idea to burn again.
Their purpose was to bring again or to value the antique greco-roman-culture, what was
forgotten in the middle age. In this work we are going to talk about more thinks like
what made ir emerge, the characteristics and soo n.

Factors which promoted the renaissance

There were somethings aroused the emergence of the renaissance, between them we can

The expansion of cities, because the cities were growing and it aroused the
development of trade. The burgos were centres that the people could trade, and it
made too many people of anothers places go there, ‘cause of this there were a big
exange of ideas and culture of diferent people. Later, we will see the bourgeoisie, a
social on what they were dealers and skilled in many areas. Was in the burgos that the
coin were increasing, the Money were getting more value, and the feudalism was was
falling .But, the burgeoisie did not have politic power, and they were considered as
“durty” people, because the catholic church were agaisnt lend or have this great
richness, this blazon. So, this class will try to show theirselfes, show taht they have
Money, they’re important, they will hire artistists to paint them, and the patronage
comes, the emergence of meacenas. They were rich and poweful people who financed
and protected the artists. SO, we can see that too many things were happening, too many
people were having a loto f ideas, and we will have the renaissance.

Renaissance characteristics

The renaissance was a movement with a lot of characteristics, between then we

The classicism, was the appreciation on classical culture (Greco-Roman culture). They
gave a lot of value for this culture, and we can see this on painting, studies, architecture
and sculpture, they will study the philosophers, everything about this culture. This
culture which was forgotten in middle age, was being renewed.

The antropocentrism, the focus in man. In the middle age we had the theocentrism,
that means “God in the center”, but now, the man is the center of studies, art, now the
man is the protagonist of story of humanity.

The humanism, an intelectual and cultural movement that aimed to value and expand
human beings in relation to various areas of knowledge, and to reintroduce the texts to
ancient philosophers into the educational system.

The racionalism, is a phisolophy approach on what the reason is the main way to the
klowledge of the human and the universe. Different from the middle age, on what the
faith was the main way, here “is only real what the reason can explain”.

The individualism, was a change on mentality, that gives a highlight in the person.
Value each one capacities and qualities on society. Putting apart the social status,
everybody has na unlimited potencial, being rich or poor.

The hedonism, a seek for the pleasure, is the pleasure as the main goal. In the past, the
man had to live for the posteriority, fot the lifeafter dead. But now, he had to enjoy the
good things of live, to live the momento. Na iodeology that goes against the catholic

Artistic renaissance
In spite of being ispired on the classical culture and being the man the measurement of
all things, the renaissance art is pioneer and creative. The quantity and quality of the
renaissance, are factors that we rarely see in the history of humanity.

We can see in this art the behalf for the human being and his realistic rendering, with
attention in all the detail. And moreover, there was a big development in the perspective
and profundity.

This art aimed to bring again the themes ans styles of this culture, like the mythology,
the nakedness and the looking for harmony, balace, proportion and symmetry in their

Some exemples of artists of the renaissance are: Leonardo Da Vinci, Michaelangelo,

Rafael Sanzio, Sandro Botticelli, and Donattelo.

Science on renaissance

During the renaissance, there were many changes, not in artistic and comercial side
only, but, in scientific side. We will focus at 2 science: astronomy and anatomy.

Previously, was deemed that the earth was the center of universe. It’s called by
“Geocentric System”. This suggestion was given at the II century by Ptolemy.

But, at XVI century, Nicolaus Copernicus, brougth the suggestion of Aristarchus of

Samos, a greek that centuries ago, proposed a diferent system, on what the sun was the
center. And, the the suggestion of Nicolaus was called by “Heliocentric System”.

And then, another astronomers like Tycho Brahe, Kepler, Galileo and Newton proved
his suggestion.

During the renaissance, there were significant advencements in anatomy. Artists studied
the human body in greater detail, performing anatomical dissectionst understand the
structure and function of human body in a rigth way; wich helped then to depict it more
realistically in their works. Addictionally, anatomists expanded knowledge of the
body’s structure, differentiating disciplice from medice, These changes had a lasting
impact on the understanding and development of medical techniques.

So, we can accomplish that the renaissance is a big movement of cultural renovation
that ocurred between the XIV and XVI centuries in Italy in the city of Florence. This
movement was characterized mainly by the valorization and recovery of classical
culture, wich was forgotten in the middle age. This movement didn’t ocurred in Europe

only, we can see it’s characteristics in China in XVIII century, in Middle east in XIV
centuty but, the history that we see is focused in Europe so we can think this.

The renaissance can be considered the beginning of the modern age, as it marked a
significant transition in history, bringin about significant changes in the arts, sciences
like anatomy and astronomy, and thinking, giving rise to a new worldview and break
from mediaval thought.

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