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Mechanical Services

To determine the performance of fans in series and parallel


The aim of this experiment was to demonstrate that the forward facing centrifugal fans in series and parallel
performance alligned with the theory. The theory stated the volumetric flow rate supplied by fans in parallel should be
double of a single fan, yet the same pressure. Whereas, for two fans in series the pressure is expected to be double
that of a single fan.

This results did not fully align with the theory, due to the errors in the method and test conditions. This resulted in
either biased recordings, or additional pressure losses than expected and necessary.


 X2 Nuaire boxed centrifugal fans. Model: Squirbo Single Fans

 X2 digital micronamoters and connecting tubes

 ‘Halton’ Fixed-grid flow measurement device (FDM). Diameter: 20mm

 Opposed Blade Damper. Diameter: 200mm

 Spiral wound duct sections. Diameter: 200mm [including branch fittings]

 Duct Tape

To determine the performance of fans in series and parallel

1 Introduction
A fan is a very versatile machine than can be: built in many shape and forms, can operating at many different speed
and vary significantly in performance. Through years of experience, Bill Cory, in the fans and ventilation- A practical
guide coherently provides his definition of a fan:

“A fan is a rotary-bladed machine which delivers a continuous flow of air or gas at some pressure, without materially
changing its density.” (2005)

Fans plays an essential role in how modern society is run, they are machines that can integrated into many type of
system applications, in building design and afar (Daly,1979). The primary uses for fans within building design are for
heating, air conditioning and ventilation. There are considered two main categories of fans; axial and centrifugal.
These two categories significantly define the performance and characteristics of their operation. Axial fans move the
air along their axis. Whereas, centrifugal, push the air in a radial direction away from the fan (Figure 1). (Daly,1979.)
For more information on the operation of fans see: Chapter 1 of fans and ventilation (Cory,2005)

Figure 1: Daly, 1979

2 Theory and Objectives

When there is a need for multiple fans they can be either be configured in series or parallel. Depending of the building
design and application, each configuration will have a different characteristics. This experiment is going to evaluate
the performance of each arrangement, through a series of performance curves that communicate the relationship
between the static pressure and volume flow rate.

The curves then can be compared against the theory and the manufacture’s (Nuaire) results in order to establish the
fan’s performance. The theory states that when fans are in series, at any given volumetric flow rate, the total pressure
at the combined outlet is sum of each fan’s pressure. But, in reality it is the sum of each fans’ pressure, minus any
losses due to the interconnecting ductwork. When the system is under higher pressures, it will have an impact on the
compression, as the second duct will receive air at an increased pressure, resulting in a higher density of air.
Therefore, this arrangement is most suited for systems that require high pressure at a small air flow rate, which can be
used to supply air to furnaces. When the system requires more than 2 fans, application such as vacuum cleaning and
pneumatic conveying are best suited (Cory,2005).

In a parallel arrangement, the total volume at the combined outlet is the sum of each individual unit’s volume, and the
static pressure at each fan are the same as each other. However, this only applies for fans that are inside a chamber,
in which the ‘Squibo’ single fans are so (Cory,2005).

To determine the performance of fans in series and parallel

3 The Test
The aim of this procedure was to measure the static pressure and velocity pressure for each arrangement. A damper
was used to regulate the air flow rate, and readings were taken from fully closed to 100% open in stages of 20%, in
order to construct the performance curve. A fixed-grid flow measurement device was used to measure the differential
pressures through the use of measurement probe pipes and attached to micromanometer to enable the values to be
read (detailed procedure can be found in Appendix A: Section 9.1). The volumetric flow rate, for each reading, was
determined by using in the following equation:

𝑄𝑄 = 𝑘𝑘 ∗ �𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝

The K factor, a constant, was displayed on the fixed flow measurement device (see appendix A: Section 9.3). ‘Halton’
determined the K factor through using a calculation that involved the flow and expansion coefficients, under their test

The flow and expansion coefficients are not constant and heavily dependent on the test conditions. This test will have
differed from Halton’s, and therefore, the flow and expansion coefficients will have varied, and consequently the K
factor (Ebmpapst, 2015). Therefore, it was assumed that there could be errors with in the results.

An alternative method, in order to obtain more accurate readings, is as follows:

2 ∗ ∆𝑝𝑝 Q= air flow rate

𝑄𝑄 = 𝛼𝛼 ∗ 𝜀𝜀 ∗ 𝐴𝐴𝑑𝑑 ∗ �
𝜌𝜌1 𝛼𝛼 = flow coefficient (dependant on friction and geometry)
[1] 𝜀𝜀 = expansion coefficient (dependant on gas characteristics)
𝐴𝐴𝑑𝑑 = area of the nozzle opening
∆𝑝𝑝 = differential pressure
𝜌𝜌1= density of the air Figure 2
The strict procedure of BS standards (BS 848-9,
2007), was not followed in this test, resulting In the
increase in error. Therefore, Nuaire’s performance graph was used as a comparison as they following the British
Standards (see appendix A Nuiare’s Declaration: Section 9.2)

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To determine the performance of fans in series and parallel

4 Results

Table 1

Table 2

Table 3

One error identified was that when the damper was fully closed the velocity pressure
was not zero1.This is a result of leakage in the PVC tubing (figure 3) connection with
the ductwork. To mitigate this effect, the BS standards should be followed. To
ensure accuracy is to take average pressures, by having 4 tapping’s at equal
diameter, at the same point (BS848-9, 2007). To avoid leakage would be to follow
clause 7.5 (figure 4)

The results were amended to have zero velocity pressure for when the damper is
closed in order to have a more realistic character curve of the fans.

Figure 3

7.5 Checks for compliance

Care shall be taken to ensure that all tubing and connections are free from blockage and leakage, and are empty of liquid. Before
beginning any series of observations, the pressure at the four side tappings should be individually measured at a flowrate approaching
the maximum of the series. If any one of the four readings lies outside a range equal to 5 % for pex u 1 000 Pa or 2 % for 1 000 Pa < Pex
< 30 000 Pa, pex being the mean gauge pressure, the tappings and manometer connections should be examined for defects. If none are
found, eight pressure tappings should be used.
NOTE 21 By the mean gauge pressure is meant the pressure across the nozzle or orifice at rated flow in the case of flow measurement,
or the rated fan pressure in the case of pressure measurement.
Table 4

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To determine the performance of fans in series and parallel

5 Discussion

Single Fan Compared to Manufacturer's Data



Static pressure (Pa)

r's Single
300 Fan Test


200 Single Fan




0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
Volume Flow Rate m3/s Figure 4

The single fan outperforms the manufacturer’s (Nuiare’s), in some parts, which could be sure to Nuiare using a
different K factor (See section 2).

Fan Characterteristic Graph



Static Pressure (Pa)

Two Fans
Fans in
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35

Volume Flow Rate m3/s Figure 5

The fans in series don’t align with the theory. (see section 2) One suggestion is that each test was reconfigured by
applying duct tape to the fans, by different people, resulting in biased results, as they were constructed at causing a
variation total pressure losses at the interconnections.

5 | { S T U D E N T NU M B E R }
To determine the performance of fans in series and parallel

Since the theory did not take into account pressure losses, the parallel arrangement has the same correlation but not
100% accurate (Cory, 2005). The losses are a result of: the friction on the duct walls, turbulence in the bend or
through the equipment attached to the system (CIBSE, 2006).

The connection of the fan and duct are considered ‘flexible,’ through the use of duct tape, which generates turbulence.
The increase in turbulence, increases the resistance, reduces the flow rate, and consequently, increases pressure
loss (CIBSE, 2005). The bend in the system will have generated a swirling effect, further increasing the resistance.
Installing cascade turning vanes in the corner will have mitigated this effect, by smoothing the air around the bend.
(CIBSE, 2006.)

5 Operation of Parallel and Series

Forward facing centrifugal fans, are not usually suitable for
parallel operation, due to the shape of the fan’s curves, there is a
likelihood that the fan’s will operate in the stall region (figure 6),
which presents the risk of ‘hunting’ (CIBSE,2006). The hunting
effect occurs when the share of total volume is not equal, causing
instability, and potential reversal of flow. This won’t have been
detected in the experiment, as it is one likely to occur when the
duct runs are long or at higher pressures (Cory,2005 )

Forward facing centrifugal fans are best applied to series

operation and are effective, for designing a system that requires a
precise control of the flow through the system (CIBSE, 2006).

Figure 6
6 Comparison of Fans and Pumps
A kinetically driven centrifugal pumps will behave in the same way as a forward curved fan as they are both machines
that move a fluid, “across an adverse pressure difference “(Marchildon,2006), and therefore, follow the same rules by
deriving the principles of Bernoulli’s energy, and hence the same theory. The principle states; “within a horizontal flow
of fluid, points of higher fluid speed will have less pressure than points of slower fluid flow.” (KhanAcadamy) This can
be found to be proven from the fan’s characteristic graph (figure 6) and from the Mechanical Engineer’s Handbook
(2006) Centrifugal pump behaviour graph in figure 7. However, a key difference between the fluids is that water
(liquid), has a much higher viscosity (the fluid’s internal friction) than air (fans and ventilation). Therefore, higher
frictional losses, and require higher pressure to overcome them (Marchildon 2006).

Figure 7: (Marchildon, 2006)

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To determine the performance of fans in series and parallel

7 Conclusion
In conclusion, it is clear that the performance of the fans in each arrangements were poor especially the
fans in series. It is evident that a significant impact on the performance was due to the lack in accuracy of
the test conditions, resulting in unnecessary pressure losses. Therefore, when testing the performance of
fans for the design of a building, British standards should be used. It is also transparent that the design of
the arrangement has a significant impact. Fans sizing, duct length, bends and connections all need to be
carefully considered when applying them to the design in order to reduce the impact of pressure losses,
and hence the performance of the fans.

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To determine the performance of fans in series and parallel

8 References

CIBSE. (2006) Fan Application Guide [online]. TM42:2006. London: CIBSE

Cory, B. (2005) Fans and ventilation: A practical Guide. Amsterdam: Elsevier

Daly B.B (1979) Wood Practical guide to fan engineering. Colchester: Wood of Colchester Limited

Khan Academy (2018) what is Bernoulli’s equation. Available from: [Accessed:
February 2018]

Marchildon, K. Mody, D. (2006) Pumps, Fans, Blowers, and Compressors. In: Kurtz (2006) A Mechanical Engineers
Handbook. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, pp.717-752

Ebmpapst (2015) TTM-02: Determination of duty point of fan. 29 January 2018.

British Standards Institution (2007) BS 848-9 Fans for general purposes. Performance testing using standardized
airways method.

To determine the performance of fans in series and parallel

9.0 Appendix A

9.1 Building Services System Performance Laboratory sheet

Figure 8: Mechanical Services, Fans in Series and Parallel Lab


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To determine the performance of fans in series and parallel

9.2 K factors

Figure 9: Halton’s FDM, K factors

9.3 Declaration Form

Figure 10: Nuaires Declaration


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To determine the performance of fans in series and parallel

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