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Erikson's 8 stages of psychosocial development quiz

What are erik erikson's 8 stages of psychosocial development. What are erikson's 8 stages of psychosocial development. What are erikson's eight stages of psychosocial development. Erikson's 8 stages of
psychosocial development quizlet.
What are erikson's 8 stages of development.

If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains * and * are unblocked. Correct AnswerD. School Age ExplanationDuring the school age stage, children are exposed to various demands and challenges. This
is a crucial period where their ability to cope with these demands is tested. Depending on their experiences and interactions, children can either develop a sense of competence or feelings of inferiority.

This stage is characterized by the development of social skills, academic abilities, and self-esteem. It is a time when children begin to compare themselves with their peers and strive for success in various areas of life. ExplanationErik Erikson proposed a theory of psychosocial development that includes different stages of life. Each stage is associated
with a specific virtue that individuals should develop. The virtues are qualities that contribute to healthy development. In Erikson's theory, honesty is not listed as one of the life stage virtues.

Erikson's 8 stages of psychosocial development quizlet. What are erikson's 8 stages of development.

If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains * and * are unblocked. Correct AnswerD.

Correct AnswerD. School Age ExplanationDuring the school age stage, children are exposed to various demands and challenges.
This is a crucial period where their ability to cope with these demands is tested.
Depending on their experiences and interactions, children can either develop a sense of competence or feelings of inferiority.
This stage is characterized by the development of social skills, academic abilities, and self-esteem. It is a time when children begin to compare themselves with their peers and strive for success in various areas of life. ExplanationErik Erikson proposed a theory of psychosocial development that includes different stages of life. Each stage is associated
with a specific virtue that individuals should develop.
The virtues are qualities that contribute to healthy development. In Erikson's theory, honesty is not listed as one of the life stage virtues. The correct answer is honesty because it does not align with any specific stage of development in Erikson's theory. Correct AnswerB. Strongly disagree ExplanationErik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development
suggests that each stage of life presents a unique conflict that individuals must resolve in order to develop a specific virtue. However, Erikson also believed that individuals could continue to work on unresolved conflicts even after moving onto the next stage. Therefore, it is incorrect to state that if a person does not resolve a conflict within a stage,
they will not acquire the life stage virtue. Instead, they may still have opportunities to work on and develop the virtue in later stages. Correct AnswerD. Generativity vs.
Stagnation ExplanationDuring middle adulthood, individuals often face the conflict of generativity vs. stagnation. Generativity refers to the desire to contribute to society and leave a legacy, whether it be through raising children, mentoring others, or making a meaningful impact in their career. Stagnation, on the other hand, refers to a sense of
feeling unproductive and lacking purpose. This conflict arises as individuals reflect on their accomplishments and question whether they have made a meaningful difference in the world. Correct AnswerA. No bachelor's ExplanationErik Erikson does not have a bachelor's degree. Correct AnswerA.

This is a crucial period where their ability to cope with these demands is tested. Depending on their experiences and interactions, children can either develop a sense of competence or feelings of inferiority. This stage is characterized by the development of social skills, academic abilities, and self-esteem. It is a time when children begin to compare
themselves with their peers and strive for success in various areas of life. ExplanationErik Erikson proposed a theory of psychosocial development that includes different stages of life. Each stage is associated with a specific virtue that individuals should develop. The virtues are qualities that contribute to healthy development. In Erikson's theory,
honesty is not listed as one of the life stage virtues. The correct answer is honesty because it does not align with any specific stage of development in Erikson's theory. Correct AnswerB. Strongly disagree ExplanationErik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development suggests that each stage of life presents a unique conflict that individuals must
resolve in order to develop a specific virtue. However, Erikson also believed that individuals could continue to work on unresolved conflicts even after moving onto the next stage. Therefore, it is incorrect to state that if a person does not resolve a conflict within a stage, they will not acquire the life stage virtue. Instead, they may still have
opportunities to work on and develop the virtue in later stages. Correct AnswerD.

If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains * and * are unblocked. Correct AnswerD. School Age ExplanationDuring the school age stage, children are exposed to various demands and challenges. This is a crucial period where their ability to cope with these demands is tested. Depending on their
experiences and interactions, children can either develop a sense of competence or feelings of inferiority. This stage is characterized by the development of social skills, academic abilities, and self-esteem. It is a time when children begin to compare themselves with their peers and strive for success in various areas of life. ExplanationErik Erikson
proposed a theory of psychosocial development that includes different stages of life.
Each stage is associated with a specific virtue that individuals should develop.
The virtues are qualities that contribute to healthy development.
In Erikson's theory, honesty is not listed as one of the life stage virtues. The correct answer is honesty because it does not align with any specific stage of development in Erikson's theory. Correct AnswerB. Strongly disagree ExplanationErik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development suggests that each stage of life presents a unique conflict that
individuals must resolve in order to develop a specific virtue. However, Erikson also believed that individuals could continue to work on unresolved conflicts even after moving onto the next stage. Therefore, it is incorrect to state that if a person does not resolve a conflict within a stage, they will not acquire the life stage virtue. Instead, they may still
have opportunities to work on and develop the virtue in later stages.
Correct AnswerD. Generativity vs.
Stagnation ExplanationDuring middle adulthood, individuals often face the conflict of generativity vs.
stagnation. Generativity refers to the desire to contribute to society and leave a legacy, whether it be through raising children, mentoring others, or making a meaningful impact in their career. Stagnation, on the other hand, refers to a sense of feeling unproductive and lacking purpose. This conflict arises as individuals reflect on their
accomplishments and question whether they have made a meaningful difference in the world. Correct AnswerA. No bachelor's ExplanationErik Erikson does not have a bachelor's degree. Correct AnswerA. Psychosocial stages ExplanationErikson characterizes development as a series of psychosocial stages. This means that he views development as a
combination of psychological and social factors that influence an individual's growth and progression. These stages involve the individual's interactions with their social environment and the psychological challenges they face at each stage. Erikson believed that successful resolution of these psychosocial conflicts leads to healthy development and the
acquisition of important life skills. ExplanationThe psycho-social theory, developed by Erik Erikson, consists of eight stages that individuals go through across their lifespan.
Each stage represents a specific conflict or challenge that individuals must resolve in order to develop a healthy personality and move on to the next stage. These stages include trust vs. mistrust, autonomy vs. shame and doubt, initiative vs.
guilt, industry vs. inferiority, identity vs. role confusion, intimacy vs. isolation, generativity vs. stagnation, and integrity vs. despair. Therefore, the correct answer is 8. Correct AnswerA. Autonomy vs. shame and doubt ExplanationThe psychosocial crisis that results in either a feeling of "self-will" or "giving-up" is autonomy vs. shame and doubt. During
this stage of development, which occurs during early childhood, children are exploring their independence and developing a sense of self. If they are successful in their attempts to assert their autonomy, they will develop a sense of self-will. However, if they are met with criticism or over-control, they may develop feelings of shame and doubt, leading
to a sense of giving up on asserting their independence. Correct AnswerC. Conflict ExplanationDuring each psychosocial stage, people face conflicts that can serve as turning points in their development.
These conflicts arise due to the challenges and demands of each stage, which require individuals to navigate and resolve various psychological and social dilemmas. These conflicts can involve issues such as identity, autonomy, intimacy, or generativity, and successfully resolving them leads to personal growth and development. Conflict is an essential
element in the psychosocial stages as it prompts individuals to confront and overcome obstacles, ultimately shaping their personality and life trajectory.
Correct AnswerA. During young adulthood ExplanationIntimacy vs. Isolation occurs during young adulthood. This stage, as proposed by Erik Erikson, typically takes place between the ages of 19 and 40. During this period, individuals seek to form close and meaningful relationships with others, both romantically and socially. They strive to develop
intimate connections and establish a sense of belonging and companionship. Failure to achieve intimacy may result in feelings of isolation and loneliness. Anorexia Arthritis Aspergers Asthma Bipolar Disorder Cancer 0-1 yrs'Can I trust the world?'1-3 yrs'Is it okay to be me?'3-6 yrs'Is it okay for me to do, move, and act?'6-12 yrs'Can I make it in the
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