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Reason and role of workforce:

HR department need to calculate the future employment needs of the

business, failure to do this can lead to too few workers with the right
skills or too many workers with the wrong skill.
Workforce Planning: Forecasting the numbers of workers and the skills
that will be required by the organization to achieve its objective.

Work force Audit: A check on the skills and qualifications of all existing

Factors that may affect future employee requirement:

1. Number of Employees required.

=forecast demand for product

=Productivity level

=The objectives of the business

=Change in law regarding worker’s rights

=The labour turn over and absenteeism rate

2.Skills of workers required.

= The pace of technological change in the industry. e.g
production methods and the complexity of the machinery used.
=The need for flexible or multi skilled workers as businesses try
to avoid excessive specialization. Many businesses recruit
workers with more than skill who can be used in a variety of
different ways, this gives business greater flexibility to meet
changing market conditions, and can also make the workers jobs
more rewarding.
Labour Turnover:
It measure the rate at which employees are leaving an
Labour turnover = Number of employees leaving in 1 year/average no. of people employed x100

Questions HRM
Q1 Explin one important role of an HR department.3

Q2.Analyse two role of HRM. (8)

Q3.Evaluate whether improving employee moral and welfare is
the most important role of HR department of large
manufacturing business. (12)
Q4. Evaluate how HRM department can help to make a retailing
business more competitive. (12)

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