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Colege ID-20o 0402

®O@OOG- 5/03/2021 DATE J

Que PmnupalOF Atomicabscnption
Spe(ho OSCop4 1 AtDm qbS.onpHon Sp
echooSCcpy Quantfie s the absonption
f qDoun d Stqte Cto0S- n tbe aais
eos_ State
T h e CtomsqbSonb_Ouighi ond malke
DanSIHons bigbern elelmoni
y evels
he nayte onent»ation i_defomloed
abSoD pHon
4(on(enm atlon MeasuDmenis aneuSLLali-
delen mined_mom Donkingunuea
Callibenatin_ the nstm umnt wth_S+an=
dan dss
1S USe fo detetinq metalS and
metalloids n a Sample-
nshmumentSused in AAS aYe
i A l i g h t Sounce
2 An atom_leil_(aiomi2en)
3 A monolhn ometon
AdetedondoD and Read otdevíte S
3Appilation of AAS (De_-
1Ho eelloO CaHh ode a mp
EletnedelesS dishamge- LamDS
HolloLw (atn.odelamp-
Ihe holou Lcthode Lam_p_Censists of
halaO CuindmicaL tube_ike Catbo de
he anode is made 6 f yngsten
College 10- 20oo4 02 6
OOO06Ute15/03/9.02 0

3Thi GneSealed n CL glassube-

ntainina ille d-
peon at
2AemOdeleS diS [b qme amp
flehaodeleSS dis(hangs mAane-
MLUh m on e CenStHVe- han hollA
Cathode amps- a n d Gne aualable_
an -elements
gAntimonuAnAnSeni BiSmuth


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