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Namc- Dungesh PanduncmgPag)k»One

College 10-20oo4026

O u n ife
Pmeise_any _exp.em enle_ho On
in Sbomt

elebmatei C huge U)n

o v elONe wben b o ne neloqnizes

my- acComplishmeniS, Said nb One
even whethen H7G a pen5.on On
wonk Vitomy, taike a monme nt t o
el ebnate iw itb 1DO penSeD OfyounD
RDHhuSiQSm wh erm w Onked at Boa
Ould Dinga hugegongLOit
my Lawonkens_andqiveeuh Cthotben
highfVeS was aUeSomeEVRnySingle
mepeaple oVe to feel appnedCAted
Name Dungesh PandunangRhOne.
College LO-20oo4o2.6
Date / /

ESSay On ethics

Ehis(an br definfd as establish

Standands ofmigh
panesinlbe and wmon- hat
wbat Pe.ople Shouid do,US.u
aliy in tnms Of human ightS,
nesponSibilines advantages to Soial oncden
honesty on Speih (one Values EthiaL
pnnuples als.o ndude thOse wniih
enloin he Values of auth entl044
and ustlc
nRgnlty_fhics involves he demank
top PenSona mee dom,
ibenty, and
night+o m ee wil and pnivolY
Ihese pminuiples ane aLLeptable thilal_
guidelLnes as a leam and well-founded
neason balks them Emicss alSo
nequln es O (onSt ant attmPt to mesean th
OuD Spin thua ValueS and momai bena
and my 0 QuQnant ee that we
and the Omganization5 we belp fom m
pemfonm_ up to expe t0tlonS hat ane
fain and ethila


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