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A-ZAMAN ZARFLARINA GÖRE SORU So far = up to now = until now (Şu ana
ÇÖZÜM TEKNİĞİ kadar) . Bitmemiş bir zaman dilimi
1-Throughout the century / in history / so 5-I .... on this report for more than three weeks
far / up to now / recently / lately / for (2 now, but I .... only half of it yet.
years) now,for some time now, until now A) had worked / have been completing
B) am working / complete
BEEN Ving) kullanılır.
C) work / am completing
1-Tensions .... steadily throughout the year, so I
think the peace process .... down completely soon. D) was working / completed

A) have been increasing / will break E) have been working / have completed

B) will increase / has broken For ….. now yapısı ile present perfect
C) had been increasing / breaks continuous (HAVE BEEN Ving)kullanılır.

D) are increasing / was breaking 6-We .... with the sales staff tomorrow because our
sales .... recently.
E) are going to increase / broke
A) will meet / decline
2-Just as the scientists .... to find cures for
different diseases throughout the human history B) are meeting / have declined
so has the bacteria got new shapes. C) meet / decline
A) are trying D) met / were declining
B) tried E) have met / are declining
C) were trying 7-The President .... too hard lately, and as a result,
D) have been trying he .... terrible.

E) had tried A) has been working / looks

B) has worked / looked

Birinci soruda yıl devam ettiği için, ikinci
soruda ise insan tarihi hala devam ettiği C) worked / is looking
için cevap present perfect. D) works / has looked
3-She said she .... me today, but so far she ..... . E) is working / was looking
A) will phone / doesn't 8-While he ..... to scoot into the runner up spot in
B) has phoned / hadn't recent years, many still .... Sebastian Vettal one of
the greatest drivers ever.
C) would phone / hasn't
A) has managed / consider
D) phones / isn't
B) managed / considered
E) phoned / didn't
C) had managed / has considered
4-Up to now, the predicted Millennium computer
bug .... very few problems, although many D) manages / consider
scientists last year .... a catastrophe. E) will have managed / has considered
A) caused / have predicted

B) is causing / predict

C) causes / were predicting

D) caused / have been predicting

E) has caused / predicted


9-Oscar-winner Geoffrey Rush .... £1.57m over 14-Recently psychologist Derek Rucker .... that
allegations recently printed in an Australian manipulating people’s feelings of status either at
newspaper. work or in social life changes the amount that
people will pay for products.
A) has been awarded
A) reported
B) has awarded
B) would have reported
C) awarded
C) reports
D) had been awarded
D) is reporting
E) was going to be awarded
E) had reported
10-Recently, conditions for breeding and migration
.... not just favorable, but ideal. Recently / lately yapılarında eylem bitmiş
A) have been ise simple past (V2) ta kullanılabilir. Bu
durumda genellikle quite recently, only
B) had been
recently şeklinde kullanılırlar.
C) will have been
2- This is the first / second time /This is
D) will be the best / oldest / the most beautiful ...
E) would be yapıları ile PRESENT PREFECT kullanılır.
11-Over recent years, many skilled craftsmen and 1-This is the twentieth patient the doctor .... today.
women .... their jobs in the pottery trade in the UK,
A) had examined
but gradually English porcelain .... its reputation.
B) was examined
A) will have lost / will regain
C) has examined
B) had been losing / has regained
D) was examining
C) lost / regains
E) is examined
D) are losing / regained
2-I belive she …… the most beautiful girl I .... in
E) have lost / is regaining
this town
Recently / lately yapılarında eylem A) was / will see
bitmemiş ise present perfect kullanılır.
B) is / saw
12-Rıhanna .... her relationship with the famous
businessman Hassan Jameel just recently. C) has been / had seen

A) had ended D) is / have seen

B) has been ending E) had been / see

C) was ending 3-She used to come here only for short periods ,
so this is the first time she .... London for so long.
D) ended
A) was visiting
E) will end
B) is visiting
13-Until recently, her aptitude for recognizing facial
features .... to be a quality that only humans and C) has visited
possibly primates possess. D) had visited
A) had been presumed E) would visit
B) will be presumed

C) is presumed

D) is being presumed

E) was presumed

3-all day / all year ile beraber PRESENT A) have been studying
PERFECT (HAVE V3 / HAVE BEEN Ving) B) will be studying
C) study
1-Isn't it strange that you .... for Mark's surprise
party all week, but you .... him a birthday present D) was studying
yet? E) have studied
A) are preparing / didn't buy 2-He was so tired that he .... all day yesterday.
B) have been preparing / haven't bought A) is sleeping
C) prepared / don't buy B) has slept
D) have prepared / aren't buying C) will sleep
E) prepare / weren't buying D) have been sleeping
2-Prices .... steadily all year, so I hope that we .... a E) slept
pay rise soon.
3-He had sore throat last week, because he drank
A) rose / have got cold water in the morning and he .... out all day.
B) are rising / got A) has worked
C) have been rising / will get B) will be working
D) had risen / get C) is working
E) were rising / had got D) has been working
3-The number of orders per week .... all year and E) worked
the sales manager is confident that we .... our
target. All day yesterday, all day last week dediği için
simple past
A) has increased / had been reaching

B) will increase / have been reaching 5- LAST lı ifadeler, önünde the olmadığı
sürece SIMPLE PAST (V2
C) increases / reached
1-We .... in Muğla for two weeks last summer. Since
D) increased / reach then, we .... a holiday by the sea.
E) has been increasing / will reach A) stayed / haven't had
4-Kadir .... Sevda all evening about her new B) are staying / don't have
boyfriend, but so far she .... him upset her.
C) were staying / didn't have
A) is teasing / wasn’t letting
D) stay / aren't having
B) has been teasing / hasn’t let
E) have stayed / weren't having
C) teases / hasn’t been letting
2-Last year, Sonny .... four miles each morning
D) was teasing / doesn’t let before breakfast, but he ....around the block each
E) teased / isn’t letting morning instead since his heart attack.

A) ran / has been walking

4- all day yesterday / all day tomorrow
yapılarında ise eylemin şimdi (PRESENT) B) has run / has walked
ile bir bağlantısı olmadığı için, C) runs / was walking
YESTERDAY ifadesinde PAST,
TOMORROW ifadesi ile de FUTURE bir D) has been running / walks
seçenek tercih edilir. E) was running / walked
1-Please don’t call me tomorrow as I .... studying 6- THE last … / for THE last …/ inTHE
all day. last .../ during THE last… / over THE last …

yapılarında ise, eylem henüz bitmediği için E) will eat / doesn’t take
cevap PRESENT PERFECT. THE LAST In my life / throughout his life ( hayatta olan bir
yerine THE PAST kullanımı da çiftçi) bitmemiş bir zaman dilimi
mümkündür. Ancak, devam etme ihtimali
8- In his life ( a dead person) ölmüş
olmayan, bitmiş eylemlerde SIMPLE PAST
birinden söz ediyorsa eylem bittiği için
(V2) kullanılır.
SIMPLE PAST yapı doğru cevaptır.
1-For the last two weeks, Sandra .... about her
exams so much that her hair ....out because of 1-Some people believe that Sheakespeare ....
stress. anything in his life. They believe that he is the
biggest plagiarist ever.
A) worries / has fallen
A) hasn’t written
B) has been worrying / is falling
B) won’t write
C) was worrying / had fallen
C) didn’t write
D) is worrying / had been falling
D) hadn’t written
E) worried / will have fallen
E) hasn’t been writing
2-For the past 24 hours, a tropical storm .... the
houses of villages in Mozambique, but it is hard to 9- Today / this week / this month / this
know as yet how much damage it .... by the time it year etc. yapılarında kesin bir tense
has stopped. kullanılamaz, eylemin etkileşimi ve oluş
A) was going to batter / causes biçimine bağlı olarak SIMPLE PRESENT,
B) battered / will have been causing
C) has been battering / will have caused kullanılabilir.
D) had been battering / has caused 1-My friend .... for an ice hockey team that .... only
one match this season. It's no wonder that he is
E) is battering / has been causing
not very happy there with them.
the last /past …… yapısı bazen önüne for / in / A) was playing / is winning
during / over alabilir. Present perfect
B) has played / had won
7- In my life / In his life ( a person alive)
kişi hala hayattta olduğu için PRESENT C) has been playing / wins
PERFECT. D) played / will be winning

1-As I .... to abroad in my life , I am very excited E) plays / has won

about the meeting in Prague.
Bu sezonun şu an a kadarki bölümü. (bitmemiş bir
A) have never been zaman dilimi) Present Perfect.

B) had never been 2-My son ..... very well at university this term
because he .... out late at night any more.
C) wasn’t
A) does / hasn't stayed
D) will never be
B) did / isn't staying
E) would not be
C) has done / wasn't staying
2-As the farmer .... yoghurt every morning
throughout his life, he .... medicine and he is D) was doing / hasn't been staying
almost as health as a young man.
E) is doing / doesn't stay
A) had eaten / didn’t take

B) ate / didn’t take

Dönem hala devam ediyor, iyi işler çıkarması
C) has eaten / hasn’t taken devam eden bir eylem.Continuous
D) eats / hadn’t taken

3-Shadow puppets .... in China and ..... as far as afterwards, they .... their country as Ghana.
Turkey and Greece today.
A) vote / are renaming
A) will originate / have been spreading
B) voted / renamed
B) are originating / will be spreading
C) have voted / were renaming
C) originate / had spread
D) were voting / have renamed
D) originated / have spread
E) are voting / rename
E) will have originated / were spreading
Four years ago/ as a child/ in 1951 ifadeleri
Yayılma eylemi bitmiş,şu an görülebilen bir simple past.
eylem. Present Perfect.
11- at the time / this time last year / at this
4-I …. to the opticians this afternoon because I …. time yesterday gibi yapılar geçmişeki
difficulty reading small print recentiy.
zaman dilimini daralttıkları için genellikle
A) have gone / am having PAST CONTINUOS tense ile kullanılırlar.
B) am going / have had 1-This time last year, his business .... a reasonable
profit, but now, because of bad management, he ....
C) went / have
to keep it going.
D) have been going / was having
A) has made / has struggled
E) go / had
B) made / was struggling
Bugün öğleden sonraki ayarlanmış bir randevu,
C) make / has been struggling
gelecek zamana ayarlanmış eylemlerde kullanılan
present continuous. İkinci boşluktaki recently ve D) has been making / struggles
present perfect ilişkisi de cevabımızı doğrulayan
bir etken. E) was making / is struggling

10- As a child / yesterday / in 1980 / at the 2-I .... my book at this time last year , so I watched
almost none of the football games.
time / ,,,, ago / any past date barındıran
soruların cevabı SIMPLE PAST TENSE A) have written
olmalıdır. B) had written
1-Rachel .... up smoking four years ago and she .... C) have been writing
a cigarette since.
D) was writing
A) was giving / doesn't smoke
E) will be writing
B) has given / wasn't smoking
3-Even though it .... heavily at the time, they ....
C) gave / hasn't smoked home.
D) has given / didn't smoke A) has snowed / were driving
E) is giving / isn't smoking B) snows / have been driving
2-I .... a brace on my teeth as a child, but I didn't C) was snowing / drove
like it.
D) has been snowing / drive
A) am wearing
E) snowed / are driving
B) had been wearing
This time last year/ at this time last year/ at the
C) have worn
time yapıları past continuous.
D) wore

E) have been wearing

12- At this time tomorrow / this time next
3-In 1951, the people of the Gold Coast .... for their year yapıları da gelecekteki zaman dilimini
own government and shortly

daralttıkları için genellikle FUTURE changed a lot of procedures. These changes won't
CONTINUOUS ile kullanılırlar. affect me though, because I .... my job here only
1-About this time next month, Sue .... in the Figure
Skating Championships in Stockholm, and A) have left / was starting
according to her coach, she .... the triple jump by B) leave / am starting
C) were leaving / started
A) will be competing / will have mastered
D) left / start
B) was competing / mastered
E) are leaving / have started
C) had been competing / has mastered
3-At the moment, the Spanish team .... well, but
D) has been competing / had mastered they .... a gold medal yet.
E) would compete / masters A) play / don’t secure
2-I am happy because I .... in Europe on Eyobus at B) were playing / weren’t securing
this time next month now that I .... my visa.
C) are playing / haven’t secured
A) will be travelling / have got
D) have been playing / don’t secure
B) was travelling / got
E) played / aren’t securing
C) have been travelling / have got
4-Right now, the hospitals .... for everyone to give
D) have travelled / got blood because ,since the terrorist attack,
E) will have travelled / had got thousands of injured civilians .... hospital
This time next month ve at this time next
A) have called / will bee needing
month ifadeleri ile future continuous.
B) are calling / have needed
13- now / right now / at the moment / for
the time being / more and more gibi C) called / will need
zarflar, şimdi devam eden ya da D) call / have been needing
değişmekte olan olayları anlatan eylemler
E) will call / need
PRESENT CONTINUOUS ile kullanılırlar.
More and more, at the moment ve right now
1-This time last year, his business .... a reasonable
yapıları present continuous.
profit, but now, because of bad management, he ....
to keep it going. 14- nowadays/ these days / at present
A) has made / has struggled yapılarında PRESENT CONTINUOUS veya
SIMPLE PRESENT doğru cevaptır.
B) made / was struggling
1-These research findings .... that people …. baby
C) make / has been struggling wet wipes for many purposes these days.
D) has been making / struggles A) have been indicating / were using
E) was making / is struggling B) have indicated / have used

C) were indicating / used

Now yapısı hikaye anlatımlarında ‘Now he was a D) indicate / are using
doctor ( o artık bir doktordu) ‘ örneğindeki gibi
geçmiş zaman da ifade edebilir. Bu sorudaki E) are indicating / have been using
now,şimdi yi ifade ettiği için ve birinci boşluktaki
this time last year ifadesinden de faydalanarak
cevap present continuous.

2-More and more of my colleagues .... these days

because the new owners of the company have

2-At present, British farmers .... to the government E) have met / are declining
because since the EC lifted the ban on British beef,
the French .... to buy any. 3-Prices ....steadily all year, so I hope that we .... a
pay rise soon.
A) were protesting / refused
A) rose / have got
B) are protesting / have refused
B) are rising / got
C) had protested / were refusing
C) have been rising / will get
D) will protest / refuse
D) had risen / get
E) protest / will be refusing
E) were rising / had got
Ilk sorudaki kullanma eylemi ve ikinci
4-Even though she .... after the normal deadline, it
sorudaki protesto etme eylemi devam ettiği
appears that the college .... her.
için continuous.
A) is going to apply / accepted
3-The use of music in the British artillery .... from
as far back as the 16th century, but the Orchestra, B) applied / will accept
which .... nowadays , is based on the band formed
in 1762. C) had applied / will have accepted

A) is dating / was playing D) has been applying / accepts

B) was dating / is playing E) will apply / has accepted

C) dates / plays Seem, tomorrow, soon ve appear ile future

tense kullanımı.
D) will date / played

E) dated / played
16- Every (at present) / ( in the past) / ( in
Orkestranın günümüzde çalıyor olması şu an
the future)
devam eden bir durum değil, genel olarak var
olan bir eylem olduğu için simple present. İlk 1-I .... a lot of weight since I .... drinking beer every
boşluktaki date fiili her zaman simple present night.
ile kullanılır.
A) have lost / stopped
15- tomorrow / in (2 weeks time) / two days B) lost / am stopping
from now / next … / soon/ seem/ appear
yapıları ile FUTURE TENSE ler kullanılır. C) lose / have been stopping

D) was losing / have stopped

1-Because of the recent floods, a large number of
people .... their homes and it seems that they .... E) am losing / stop
the winter in tents.
Buradaki every night geçmişte her gece dediği
A) are losing / have had to spend için simple past (V2)
B) lost / were spending
2-According to the new schedule the whole team
C) lose / have to spend have accepted, we .... every Monday and
Wednesday next term, but I'm sure we .... back to
D) were losing / had spent our normal routine of once a week before long.
E) have lost / will have to spend A) had trained / revert
2-We .... with the sales staff tomorrow because our B) train / have reverted
sales .... recently.
C) are training / reverted
A) were meeting / declined
D) are going to train / will revert
B) are meeting / have declined
E) have been training / are reverting
C) meet / decline

D) met / were declining


3-Purple heather blossom .... the hills of Scotland A) was appearing / haven't known
every year from the middle of August until the
middle of September, so the area .... lots of visitors B) has appeared / don't know .
at this time of year. C) appeared / don't know
A) will cover / will receive D) appears / didn't know
B) covered / had received E) has been appearing / haven't known
C) had covered / received İlk soruda Hostellerde uyuma eylemi mevcut
D) covers / receives bir durum. are sleeping veya sleep doğru
cevaptır.İkinci soruda da post modernizm
E) is covering / will have received kelimesinin anlamının bilinmemesi genel bir
17- Still yapısı ile anlatılan duruma göre durumdur.
veya PRESEENT CONTINUOUS TENSE kullanılır, ancak eylem günümüze kadar gelmemiş,
kullanılabilir. geçmişte bitmiş ise PAST PERFECT kullanımı da
mümkündür. Bazen know fiili ile görülebilir, bu
1-It’s more than half an hour since I …….. durumda da cevap SIMPLE PRESENT olmalıdır.
assemble this mobile phone and I still ….. in
getting past the second step of the instructions. 1Isn't it strange that you ....... for Mark's surprise
party all week, but you ....... him a birthday present
A) have started / don’t succeed yet?
B) have been starting / didn’t succeed A) are preparing / didn't buy
C) was starting / wasn’t succeeding B) have been preparing / haven't bought
D) started / haven’t succeeded C) prepared / don't buy
E) am starting / don’t succeed D) have prepared / aren't buying
2-I ..…. my belongings for four hours now, and I E) prepare / weren't buying
still …… the living room yet.
2-I ....... on this report for more than three weeks
A) pack / don’t touch now, but I ...... only half of it yet.
B) was packing / didn’t touch A) worked / have been completing
C) have been packing / haven’t touched B) am working / complete
D) packed / haven’t been touching C) work / am completing
E) have packed / am not touching D) was working / completed

İki soruda da eylem yapılamadığı halde süreç E) have been working / have completed
devam ettiği için present perfect.
3-I ....... to play the lottery about two years ago, but
3-Although the number of people sleeping on the I ....... anything yet.
streets in the UK ….. for years, there are still many
A) was starting / didn't win
people who ... in temporary hostels because they
lack permanent houses. B) started / haven't won
A) has been falling / are sleeping C) start / haven't been winning
B) was falling / have slept D) have started / don't win
C) falls / will be sleeping E) am starting / wasn't winning
D) is going to fall / sleep

E) has fallen / were sleeping Henüz hediye alınmamış olması, daha yarısının
4-The phrase "post modernism" ....... about fifty bitmiş olması ve şu ana del hiçbirşey kazanmamış
years ago, but most people still ....... what it means. olmak,bitmemiş bir süreç içerisinde olduğu için
present perfect.

4-Though I have been watching to this film almost 4-Our company's sales ....... since the new
for an hour , if someone asks me what it is about, I management ....... over.
can only say that I ……. yet.
A) have been improving / took
A) hadn’t known
B) improve / has taken
B) don’t know
C) improved / has been taking
C) haven’t known
D) are improving / was taking
D) am not known
E) were improving / is taking
E) didn’t know
5-My daughter ….. about her new course from the
Yet in olduğu sorularda know fiili PRESENT moment she ……. Last Friday.
PERFECT değil, SIMPLE PRESENT olmalıdır.
A) complained / has started
19- since / from the moment yapılarında şu B) has complained / starts
formilleri arayınız.
C) was complaining / was starting
HAVE BEEN Ving. SINCE/ FROM THE MOMENT +a D) has been complaining / started
past date + HAVE V3 veya HAVE BEEN Ving. E) complains / has been starting
Ancak bu yapının kullanımı için eylemin günümüze
kadar gelmesi gerekiyor. Eylem geçmişte bitmiş 20- By edatını ‘’ ..e kadar ‘’ diye çevirirseniz aslında
ise veya gelecekte olacak bir durumdan sözediyor çok farklı anlamda olan UNTIL ile karıştırma
ise bu defa PRESENT PERFECT yerine geçmişteki olasılığınız yüksektir. Bu nedenle BY edatını ‘’ o
durumlar için PAST PERFECT, gelecekteki tarihten önce’’ diye çevirmeniziöneririm. Böylece
durumlar için ise FUTURE PERFECT kullanılır. aşağıdaki formüller de anlam kazanır.

1-Last year, Sonny ....... four miles each morning by + present tarih + will have V3
before breakfast, but he ....... around the block
each morning instead since his heart attack. by + past tarih + had V3
A) used to run / has been walking 1-I hope the pond ....... over by Christmas, so we
can go skating when our cousins ....... to visit.
B) has run / has walked
A) will be freezing / have come
C) runs / was walking
B) is freezing / are coming
D) has been running / walks
C) had frozen / were coming
E) was running / walked
D) has frozen / came
2-We ..... in Muğla for two weeks last summer.
Since then, we ...... a holiday by the sea. E) will have frozen / come
A) stayed / haven't had

B) are staying / don't have 2-On the assumption that the Chinese economy ....... to
grow as at present, China ....... the United States as the
C) were staying / didn't have
world's greatest economic superpower by the mid 21st
D) stay / aren't having century.

E) have stayed / weren't having A) continued / has overtaken

3-My brother ...a new Ferrari and he ... about it ever B) continues / was going to overtake
C) will continue / will have overtaken
A) was buying / bragged
D) is continuing / overtakes
B) is buying / is bragging
E) has continued / is overtaking
C) has bought / brags
3-By the mid 1970s, 'Alo Tevsho' ....... one of the
D) buys / has bragged top department stores and they ....... more
E) bought / has been bragging

underwear than any other British company at the 1-By the time I finished all the questions it ……. 5
time. o’clock and most of my classmates ……. the class.

A) had become / were selling A) was / had left

B) is going to become / had sold B) had been / had left

C) has become / are selling C) had been / were going to leave

D) became / will be selling D) was / have left

E) was becoming / will have sold E) is / have left

21- by the time + cümle 2-It …… too late by the time you return from the
by the time + V1 + will have V3
A) was
by the time + V2 + had V3
B) had been
1-You ....... for three months by the time you leave
for your holiday, so you ....... quite a lot of weight. C) will be

A) have been dieting / will be losing D) has been

B) will have been dieting / will have lost E) will have been

C) had dieted / lost

D) were dieting / had lost 23- Tek başına FOR her zaman present
perfect olmayabilir. For .... now veya for ....
E) are going to diet / have lost
today şeklinde verilmişse present perfect
2-For the past 24 hours, a tropical storm ....... the continuous tense doğru cevaptır.
houses of villages in Mozambique, but it is hard to
know as yet how much damage it ....... by the time 1-You ....... for three months by the time you leave
it has stopped. for your holiday, so you ....... quite a lot of weight.

A) was going to batter / causes A) have been dieting / will be losing

B) battered / will have been causing B) will have been dieting / will have lost

C) has been battering / will have caused C) had dieted / lost

D) had been battering / has caused D) were dieting / had lost

E) is battering / has been causing E) are going to diet / have lost

3-By the time the boss ….. , his secretary ……… For burada gelecek zamanı ifade ediyor.
typing the report.

A) had arrived / finished

B) arrives / has finished 2-We ....... in Muğla for two weeks last summer.
C) has arrived / is finishing Since then, we ....... a holiday by the sea.

D) is arriving / finishes A) stayed / haven't had

E) arrived / had finished B) are staying / don't have

22- by lı yapılarda temel cümledeki fiil ‘be ‘ C) were staying / didn't have
ise D) stay / aren't having

by + present + will be ( will have been E) have stayed / weren't having

kullanımı yanlıştır)
For burada geçmiş zamanı ifade ediyor.
by + past + was / were (had been kullanımı 3-My father ....... forward to retiring for years, but once he
yanlıştır) was a retired person, he ....... bored quickly.

A) looks / has become B) came across

B) was looking / becomes C) come across

C) has been looking / becomes D) have come across

D) had been looking / became E) will have come across

E) is looking / will become Twice ve several times yapılarından ötürü continuous

seçenekler elenir.
For burada geçmişteki emeklilik olayından öncesini ifade
ettiği için past perfect. 25- PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS , henüz
bitmiş ama belirtileri devam eden, izi görünen
eylemlerde, özellikle yakınma, hoşnutsuzluk ve
4-Sally's husband ....... for a new job because his present
kuşku gibi duyguları ifade ederken de kullanılır.
one ....... no opportunities for advancement.
1-Though she is trying to hide, I can see from her red eyes
A) was looking / has offered
that she ………. .
B) looks / was offering
A) cried
C) looked / is offering
B) is crying
D) is looking / offers
C) was crying
E) has looked / has been offering
D) cries
Bazen de değişik anlamlarda kullanılabilen for
E) has been crying
yapısı ,zaman bildiren for ile karıştırılabilir. Ancak bu tür
soruları çözerken for un hiçbir etkisi yoktur. Bu soruda Ağlama eylemi bitmiş olmasına rağmen, gözdeki kızarıklık
cevap D dir. Çünkü buradaki for , look for yapısının bir görülebilen bir iz dir.
parçasıdır ve iş araması devam eden bir durum, mevcut
işyerinin olanaklar sunmaması ise genel bir durumdur. 26- Herhangi bir zaman zarfı olmayan sorular büyük
ihtimalle kanunlardan ya da genel gerçeklerden sözeden
24- PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS (have been bir cümledir ve cevap büyük olasılıkla Simple Present olur.
Ving) , always,never gibi sıklık zarflarıyla , 1-Water ....... from liquid to gas when it ....... a
once ,twice,several times gibi eylemin kaç kez temperature of 100°C.
yapıldığını bildiren zarflarla veya just,yet,already
A) has changed / reached
gibi eylemin bittiğini belirten zarflarla
kullanılamaz.olayın ne kadar süredir devam B) changed / was reaching
ettiğini bu tense i kullanarak verebilmek için C) changes / reaches
genellikle SINCE ve FOR kullanılır.
D) has been changing / is reaching
1-I ………… that book several times so far, though it is not
worth. E) is changing / reached

A) am reading 2-Orchid roots ……. Salep its unique fkavour and cinnamon
…… extra flavor.
B) had read
A) give / adds
C) have read
B) has given / was adding
D) have been reading
C) have been giving / has added
E) was reading
D) were giving / has been adding

E) are giving / is adding

2-Though I ……… with her only twice up to now , I think I
am in love with her. 27- Tense sorularında seçeneklerdeki fiil belli
bir tarihe dayanmak anlamındaki DATE ( back/
A) have been coming across from ) ise cevap her zaman simple present
olmalıdır. Soru içerisinde mutlaka bir past

tarih olacaktır, o tarihe aldanıp simple past C) had shown / could affect
seçeneğine takılmayınız.
D) would have shown / have affected
1-The use of music in the British artillery …….from
E) may show / had affected
as far back as the 16th century, but the Orchestra,
which ……. nowadays , is based on the band Alkışın şekli, müziğin etkileme şekli biliniyorsa
formed in 1762. bitmiş bir eylemdir.Bitmiş eylemler simple past
(V2) ile belirtilir.
A) is dating / was playing

B) was dating / is playing B-ZAMAN BAĞLAÇLARINA GÖRE

C) dates / plays
D) will date / played 1-Zaman bağlaçlarına bağlı cümlede WILL
ve türevlerini kullanmayınız.
E) dated / played
1-When we ....... her, she……... in the wardrobe.
28- ORIGINATE fiili her zaman ACTIVE ve
SIMPLE PAST tır. A) would find / hides

1-Shadow puppets ....... in China and ....... as far as B) will find / has hidden
Turkey and Greece today. C) are going to find / is hiding
A) will originate / have been spreading D) found / was hiding
B) are originating / will be spreading E) were going to find / had hidden
C) originate / had spread When e bağlı cümlede gelecek zaman bildiren
D) originated / have spread yapılar kullanılamaz.

E) will have originated / were spreading

29- Bazen bir soruda geçmişe ait zaman 2- Zaman bağlaçlarında iki cümle arasında
zarfı veya herhangi bir bağlaç bulunmasa TIME AGREEMENT olmalıdır.
bile, bir işin nasıl yapıldığını anlatan bir bağlaç + any present tense or modal + any
zarf, bir eylemin sonucunda ortaya çıkan present tense or modal
bir veri, sayı , cümle içerisinde simple past
bir fiil ya da eylemi yapan kişinin ölmüş bağlaç + any past tense or modal + any past
biri olması da simple past ı gösterir. tense or modal.
SINCE HARİÇ hiçbir zaman bağlacının ana cümlesi
1-We ……… suddenly after the bend in Nursery
Lane because a farmer …… his cows across the
road, which delayed us by ten minutes.
1-When we ....... her, she.... in the wardrobe.
A) were stopping / herded
A) were finding / hides
B) are stopping / is herding
B) will find / has hidden
C) stop / has been herding
C) are finding / was hiding
D) stopped / was herding
D) found / was hiding
E) have stopped / herded
E) have found / had hidden
Eylemin sona ermesi suddenly ( aniden) zarfı
ile verilmişse bilinen ve dolayısıyla bitmiş bir A,C ve E seçekleri time agreement kuralından, B ise will
eylemdir. den dolayı elenir.
2-The loud applause ……. how deeply the music 2-When I ....... the alterations to the company
…….. the audience. accounts, I was left in no doubt that the accountant
....... money from the firm.
A) shows / would affect
A) saw / had been stealing
B) showed / affected

B) am seeing / had stolen 1-Today we ....... a lot of tangerines at one pound

per kilo, unlike yesterday, when we ....... very few
C) see / was stealing customers.
D) had seen / will have stolen A) were selling / have had
E) saw / steals B) are selling / had
Was left past bir yapıdır, present barıındıran tüm C) had been selling / had had
seçenekler elenir.
D) sold / will have had
3-After she ...... to turn up for our appointment for
the third time, I ...... to meet her again. E) are going to sell / will be having

A) is failing / was refusing Bu soruda time agreement kuralını uygularsak

doğru cevap olan B yi elemiş oluruz. Zira buradaki
B) has failed / had refused when yesterday i tanımlayan relative clause.
C) was failing / will refuse 2-I know they will stay in our hotel but I don’ know
D) had been failing / have refused exactly when they …… here.

E) had failed / refused A) come

Tüm yanlış seçenekler time agreement kuralından B) will come

dolayı elenir. C) came
3- WHEN li sorularda ana cümlede have V3 D) have come
/ have been V3 seçeneklerini eleyiniz.
E) had come
1-The guards ....... when the enemy …….. .
Bu soruda when var diye will seçeneğini elersek
A) are sleeping / will attack yine doğru cevabı elemiş oluruz, çünkü buradaki
when , ‘ne zaman geleceklerini bilmiyorum’
B) have slept / was attacking anlamında, know fiilinini nesnesi olan noun clause
C) slept / has attacked yapısıdır.

D) were sleeping / attacked 5- Zaman bağlaçlarına bağlı cümlede (vurgu

amaçlı) simple present (V1) yerine present perfect
E) have sleept / has attacked (haveV3) , simple past (V2) yerine past perfect (had
V3) kullanılabilir. Bu durum, genel kuralları
2-He ……. an ambulance on his mobile phone değiştirmez.
already when a local resident …. to help.
1-When they ....... in Sydney Harbour, they .......
A) has called / offered non-stop for three months.
B) has called / offers A) have anchored / will have been sailing
C) had called / offered B) were anchoring / sailed
D) has been calling / offers C) have anchored / were sailing
E) called / would offer D) are anchoring / have been sailing
3-When the police …… all the evidence, they ……. E) are going to anchor / have sailed
to arrest the main suspect.
Burada anchor ile have anchored arasında fark
A) examined / are deciding yok, PRESENT PERFECT in tense kullanımlarından
B) examine / have decided herhangi biri ile bir ilgisi yok, sadece vurgu
C) will have examined / decide
2-When the judge ....... to all of the arguments,
D) had examined / decided he ....... to postpone the hearing until another time.
E) examined / have decided A) was listening / decides

4- Noun Clause ve Relative Clause da B) listens / has decided

kullanılan WHEN ile bu kurallar aranmaz.
C) has listened / was deciding

D) had listened / decided While a bağlı cümle genellikle continuous tense

lerden biridir. Fakat eylemin kendisi cook, bake,
E) will listen / is deciding wait gibi zaman alan bir fiilse SIMPLE tense ler de
Burada listened ile had listened arasında fark kullanılabilir.
yok,sadece vurgu yapılmış. While ın her iki tarafında da PERFECT TENSE leri
tereddütsüz eleyebilirsiniz.
6- The moment/ the minute / the instant /
immediately / once ve as soon as AS in diğer anlamlarına ve WHİLE ın tıpkı
yapılarında genel kurallara ek olarak WHEREAS gibi zıtlık bildiren anlamına dikkat
bağlaca bağlı cümledeki tüm continuous ediniz.
tense leri, ayrıca ikinci cümledeki tüm 1-I ....... the potatoes while you .... the leeks for the
continuous ve perfect tense leri soup.
eleyebilirsiniz. A) peeled / will be chopping
As soon as + herhangi bir CONTINUOUS tense B) will have peeled / have chopped
i eleyin.
C) was peeling / had chopped
As soon as + S V O + tüm continuous ve
D) peel / will have chopped
perfect tense leri eleyin.
E) will peel / chop
1-Tim ........ a master's degree once he ....... to
Canada. While you are chopping te olabilirdi ama onun
yerine while you chop kullanıldı çünkü pırasa
A) has begun / is returning
soyma eylemi zaten zaman alan bir eylem olduğu
B) began / returned için CONTINUOUS kullanma zorunluluğu ortadan
C) is beginning / returned
2-We ....... a lovely view of the Bosphorus and the
D) was beginning / returns bridges over it while the plane ...... over Istanbul.
E) had begun / had returned A) were getting / had flown
2-A lot of youths …… the army the moment the B) had got / is flying
Parliament ….. war on the enemy.
C) got / was flying
A) are joining / was declaring
D) get / has flown
B) joined / declared
E) are getting / had been flying
C) have joined / is declaring
3-For most of the time throughout the picnic, the
D) are joining / has declared boys ....... football while the girls ....... flowers.
E) have been joining / declares A) will play / have been picking
3-As soon as I ……. paid I …… you all out for a B) are playing / will be picking
C) have played / are picking
A) have got / would take
D) were playing / were picking
B) got / have taken
E) had been playing / have picked
C) will get / will take

D) get / will take

4-As my son ....... down by the river, I ....... his room
E) am getting / was taking thoroughly.
Bu yapılarda time agreement kuralının yanısıra A) fishes / have cleaned
bağlaca bağlı bağlı cümlelerde CONTINUOUS, ana
cümlede ise hem CONTINUOUS hem de PERFECT B) is fishing / cleaned
tense leri eledik.
C) has fished / clean
7- WHILE / AS D) fished / have been cleaning

E) was fishing / cleaned D) just as

While /as zaman bağlacı olduğu için bu E) as soon as

bağlaçların bağlı olduğu cümlelerde will ve
türevlerini kullanan seçenekleri ve time
agreement a uymayan seçenekleri eledik. Bu yapıların iki tarafında da IS VING / WAS VING/
Ayrıca herhangi bir tarafında present perfect HAVE BEEN VING çok nadir görülür. İki taraftaki bu
veya past perfect kullanan seçenekleri de continuous tense leri çok nadir görülen istisnalar
eleyince doğru cevaplara ulaştık. dışında rahatlıkla eleyebilirsiniz.

8- JUST AS + was Ving + V2 TAM 1-He ....... great poverty until he ……..up writing
and got a proper job. LONDON STREET İDRİS
YAPACAKTIM Kİ anlamındadır ve her DEMİRHAN 28
zaman bu formüle uymak zorundadır.
JUST AS e bağlı cümlede WAS ABOUT TO A) has suffered / is giving
V1 de görmek mümkündür. B) suffered / gave
Bazen ‘GİBİ’ anlamındaki AS in önünde ‘TAM’ C) is suffering / has given
anlamına gelen JUST kullanılabilir. Bu yapının
JUST AS bağlacı ile alakası yoktur. D) has suffered / was giving

1-The electricity ....... off last night just as the film E) suffers / is giving
on TV ....... interesting.
2-Before Petar Preradovic ....... poems in his native
A) has gone / got Croatian, he ....... all his poems in German.

B) was going / has got A) has published / is writing

C) is going / has been getting B) is publishing / was writing

D) goes / is getting C) published / had written

E) went / was getting D) had been publishing / will have written

2-The coach driver …….. into the restaurant just as E) has been publishing / has written
I …... hungry.
3-After she ...... to turn up for our appointment for
A) has pulled / have been getting the third time, I ....... to meet her again.

B) has been pulling / got A) is failing / am refusing

C) pulled / was getting B) has been failing / had refused

D) pulls / was getting C) was failing / will refuse

E) is pulling / have got D) had been failing / had refused

3-My son ….... over a full jug of milk just as we E) had failed / refused
……. the house for an appointment at the doctor’s.

A) knocks / left

B) had knocked / were leaving

10- The first / second /last time
C) has knocked / left
The last time + simple past + any past
D) knocked / were leaving
1-The last time we ....... dinner with them, they .......
E) knocks / had left for a new house.
4-They blew down the tunnel .... the enemy was A) have had / looked
about to pass over it.
B) were having / have been looking
A) after
C) have been having / look
B) while
D) had / were looking
C) before

E) have / are looking Çatılar yasaklayan değil, yasaklanandır, 1212 den

dolayı simple past .
2-The first time I ....... horse riding, I was very
nervous and ....... the reins 2-By the end of the year, everybody who .......
unemployed for over two years ....... on a training
very tightly. scheme.
A) was going / am holding A) is / will be sending
B) have gone / hold B) was / had been sending
C) am going / have held C) has been / will have been sent
D) go / was holding D) had been / has been sent
E) went / held E) will be / is going to send
3-The last time we ……. along the seafront at İnsanlar, eğitime gönderilen kişiler olduğu için
Sidmouth, folk dancers ……. on a warm summer cevap passive olmalı.
3-The point on the surface of the Earth directly
A) walk / performed above the focus, the point where the first
B) have been walking / are performing movement ...,….. place, ....... the epicenter of an
C) walked / were performing
A) takes / is called
D) were walking / perform
B) has taken / has called
E) have walked / have performed
C) will be taken / has been called
11- The next time
D) was taken / was called
The next time + simple present + any future E) is taking / will have called
1-The next time I ………. her, I …….. her about the İlk hareketin meydana geldiği nokta ….. adlandırılır.
potential dangers of swimming here. İki eylemde de nokta passive dir.
A) saw / warned 4-Forms of bread ....... as food since prehistoric
B) see / will warn times. Probably, the first bread ....... from acorns or
C) see / have warned
A) were used / has been made
D) will see / will warn
B) will have been used / was making
E) saw / will warn
C) have been used / was made

D) are used / used to make

E) were being used / is made

12- Çözdüğünüz soruda özne ile boşluktaki fiilin
ilişkisine öncelikle dikkat edin, özne o işi yapan Ekmek kullanmaz kullanılır, yapamaz yapılır; bu
değil, o işten etkilenen ( yapılan) ise, aynı tense in yüzden iki taraf ta passive olmalı.
passive (be+V3) hali doğru cevaptır.

1-Thatched roofs ....... in London in 1212, but

they ....... to be used elsewhere even today.
5-Constantin Brancusi, who ....... by the French
A) are forbidden / are continued sculptor Rodin, ....... works in bronze, stone and
B) have been forbidden / will continue wood.

C) forbade / have been continuing A) influences / was created

D) were forbidden / continue B) was influenced / created

E) had forbidden / have continued C) influenced / has created

D) has been influenced / is created


E) will be influencing / is creating 4- According to Korean Central News Agency

(KCNA), When he was last seen , Mr Kim .......... by
Brancusi Rodin den etkilenen olduğu için birinci several senior North Korean officials, including his
boşluk passive dir. Bronz eserler üreten olduğu sister Kim Yo-jong.
için de ikinci boşluğu active olmalı.
A)had accompanied
6-The city of Plovdiv, ……....... considerably in an
earthquake in 1928. B)accompanied

A) was damaged C)is accompanied

B) is damaged D)has been accompanied

C) had damaged E)was accompanied

D) was damaging 5- People .......... me, being a teacher you'll never

have to worry about having a job. And here I am,
E) has been damaged newly 40 years old and unemployed for the first
Plovdiv zarar veren değil verilendir. 1928 den time since I .......... working.
dolayı cevap SIMPLE PAST. A)have told / started
HIGHLIGHTED TEST B)would tell / started

1- Up to now , more than $110,000 ............. to help C)will tell / start

the families of 39 people who ........... while being
smuggled into the UK. D)had told / have started

A)has raised / died E)were going to tell / start

B)was raised / had died 6- Istanbul,which .......... the Roman, Byzantine, and
Ottoman empires rise and fall over its 2,500 year
C)has been raised / died history, has been temporarily conquered by a new
force: The Pandemic.
D)had been raised / have died
A)had seen
E)was raised / have died
B)was seen
2- When island foxes mysteriously ............. to
disappear in the 1990s they ................... the focus C)has seen
of an intense long-term effort to save them.
D)is being seen
A)began / became
E)would see
B)begins / will become
7- It .......... a hundred years since the weasel-like
C)had begun / have become fisher, grizzly bears, gray wolves, and other
predators .......... their historical range.
D)have begun/ became
A)is / share
E)began / have become
B)has been / have shared
3- In the early 20th century, the Ottoman
Empire ............ with Germany, hoping to escape C)was / have shared
from the diplomatic isolation which ............... to its
recent territorial losses, and thus joined World War D)has been / shared
I on the side of the Central Powers. E)was / shared
A)had allied / has contributed 8- In 2017 Prague .......... as the fifth most visited
B)allied / contributes European city after London, Paris, Rome and
C)had been allied / was contributed
D)has allied / contributed
B)was listed
E)allied / had contributed
C)has listed

D)had listed

E)has been listed A. has told / will change

B. told / is going to change
9- The last known member of the Muggletonian C. had told / changed
sect died in 1979 after donating the sect’s archive D. tells / would change
of books and papers, which .......... in more than 80 E. told / had changed
apple crates, to the British Library.
15- The most revelatory moment of the pandemic
A)had been stored so far .......... the massive response to it. World
B)stored leaders who .......... changing the planet’s energy
systems have now shown that the world is, in fact,
C)have stored highly capable of responding to challenges of
great magnitude.
D)have been stored
A. is / will dismay
E)are stored B. has been / dismayed
C. was / would dismay
D. was / are
10- Oscar-winner Geoffrey Rush .......... £1.57m over E. will be / are
allegations recently printed in an Australian
newspaper. 16- By 1943, more than 310,000 American
women .......... in aircraft production, many as
A. has awarded riveters who .......... assemble warplanes.
B. has been awarded
C. awarded A. had been working / helped
D. had been awarded B. were working / have helped
E. was going to be awarded C. had been working / helps
D. have been working / help
11- Ever since the Portuguese .......... Brazil some E. are working / had helped
520 years ago, indigenous people ........... to regain
their rights, particularly to ancestral land that is the 17- Poaching incidents in Botswana, of both
basis of their culture and their connection to elephants and rhinos, .......... during the past couple
traditional food, family, language, and prayer. of years.

A. had colonized / had struggled A. had increased

B. have colonized / struggled B. will increase
C. was colonizing / struggled C. would increase
D. was colonized / have been struggling D. have been increasing
E. colonized / have struggled E. had been increasing

12- For huge numbers of young people, the novel 18- Earth and Titan .......... to have liquids at their
virus .......... a defining moment in their formative surface and terrain on the planet suggests that
years and the economic hardship unleashed will Mars .......... liquid on its surface in the past.
almost certainly shape their worldview in the same A. are known / have
ways the 1930s Great Depression .......... its B. know / had
children to become meticulous adults. C. are known / had
A. would become / had raised D. had known / had
B. is going to define / has raised E. have been known / had had
C. had become / raised
D. became / had raised 19- While there .......... discoveries of
E. will become / raised archaeological evidence of human occupation of
13- Mobile phones and tablets .......... in sci-fi years the Rome area from approximately 14,000 years
before we ........... them in real life. ago, the dense layer of much younger debris ..........
Palaeolithic and Neolithic sites.
A. have appeared / had
B. appeared / have had A. have been / obscured
C. had appeared / would have B. were / obscured
D. had appeared / had C. were / obscure
E. will appear / had had D. had been / obscured
E. were / had obscured
14- He .......... me he didn’t expect massive changes
in the aftermath of the pandemic. But he ........... his
mind a week later.

20- Donations from foundations which ........... by F.

political parties or receive most of their funding
from governments or intergovernmental 26- We already knew my father .......... with
organizations .......... . cardiovascular problems since last August but
it .......... after repeated visits to the city center.
A. fund / are rejected
B. are funded / rejec A. had been struggling / worsened
C. have been funded / had been rejected B. has been struggling / worsened
D. have funded / have been rejected C. has been struggling / will worsen
E. are funded / are rejected D. was struggling / has worsened
E. was struggling / had worsened
21- DNA recovered from ancient chewing
gums............ genomic information for three hunter- 27- By 1840, the U.S. .......... tens of thousands of
gatherers who........... in Scandinavia more than Native Americans from their lands along the Trail
10,000 years ago. of Tears and more than 5,000 people .......... along
the way.
A. provided / had settled
B. provides / had settled A. forced / had died
C. is provided / were settled B. had forced / died
D. provides / settled C. had forced / had been dying
E. has provided / settle D. was forcing / had died
E. forced / were dying
22- Recently, conditions for breeding and
migration .......... not just favorable, but ideal. 28- The only thing that’s certain that this
summer .......... very different from any season
A. had been that .......... before.
B. will have been
C. have been A. is looking / came
D. will be B. will be looking / has come
E. would be C. looks / would come
D. will look / had come
23- Rome's early population .......... from a mix of E. will look / has come
Latins, Etruscans, and Sabines. Eventually, the city
successively became the capital of the Roman 29- Barbary lions .......... relatively healthy levels of
Kingdom and the Roman Empire, and .......... by genetic diversity before disappearing, and their
many historians as the first ever Imperial City and extinction .......... quickly in evolutionary terms.
metropolis. A. have had / happens
A. was originated / was regarded B. had / happened
B. originates / is regarded C. have / will happen
C. had originated / has been regarded D. had had / has happened
D. originated / is regarded E. have had / had happened
E. is originated / is regarded

24- After he .......... the birth anniversary

celebrations of his grandfather, state founder Kim
Il-sung on 15 April, speculation about Mr Kim's
health .......... .
30- Diego Calderon .......... birds in a remote area of
A. missed / had begun Colombia when he .......... by FARC. Now, he’s
B. missed / has begun returning to meet former FARC members and
C. has missed / began search for meaning in what happened.
D. had missed / has begun
E. missed / began A. was researching / has been kidnapped
B. was researching / was kidnapped
25- Peninah Bahati Kitsao, who lives in Mombasa, C. has been researching / was kidnapped
hoped they ..........asleep while they .......... for their D. had been researching / kidnapped
meal. E. had been researching / kidnapped

A. will fall / were waiting 31- Farmers in southeastern Australia ..........

B. would fall / waited difficulties over the past couple of years, and
C. fell / were waiting crippling droughts .......... many to sell off their
D. were going to fall / had been waiting livestock.
E. will fall / are waiting

A. had had / forced 37- Last year, poachers .......... more than two
B. have had / would force dozen rhinos throughout Botswana, and already
C. had / will force that number .......... during the first four months of
D. have had / force 2020.
E. had had / force
A. slaughtered / has been surpassed
32- Some 75 percent of the world's active B. slaughtered / has surpassed
volcanoes .......... around the ring of fire, a 25,000- C. were slaughtered / has been surpassed
mile long, horseshoe-shaped zone that .......... from D. slaughtered / had been surpassed
the southern tip of South America across the West E. had slaughtered / surpassed
Coast of North America, through the Bering Sea to
Japan, and on to New Zealand. 38- Before Europeans .......... in Yellowstone ,
wolves .......... over nearly every inch of what is now
A. were positioned / stretches the U.S.
B. positioned / stretched
C. are positioned / stretches A. arrive / have been roaming
D. are positioned / is stretched B. would arrive / were roaming
E. positioned / was stretched C. had arrived / were roaming
D. arrive / had roamed
33- In 2018 and 2019, when a series of cyclones E. arrived / had been roaming
that scientists link to unusually warm seas ..........
in off the Indian Ocean and soaked a sandy desert 39- Christianity .......... root in Denmark and Norway
in the Arabian Peninsula known as the Empty with the establishment of dioceses by the 11th
Quarter, a locust boom .......... . century, and the new religion .......... to organise
and assert itself more effectively in Sweden.
A. pours / has followed
B. poured / has followed A. took / begins
C. had poured / has followed B. was taking / has begun
D. had poured / followed C. had taken / was beginning
E. poured / had followed D. took / will begin
E. had taken / will have begun
34- By the time the Declaration of
Independence ............ in 1776, white people .......... 40- At the moment, we .......... past the ash cloud
to as “the Americans.” from the eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano
that began in April 2010. Ash from the
A. was signed / had been referred volcano .......... air traffic in Europe for more than a
B. had been signed / were referred month.
C. was signed / were referred
D. signed / had been referred A. flew / disrupted
E. was signed / had referred B. are flying / has disrupted
C. had flown / has disrupted
35- East Africa got lucky in 2004, when a D. are flying / had disrupted
tsunami .......... by a huge earthquake off the coast E. were flying / disrupted
of Indonesia .......... more than 227,000 people.

A. was triggered / killed

B. had been triggered / were killed
C. triggered / had killed 41- In the 17th century, coffee .......... for the first
D. was triggered / had killed time in Europe outside the Ottoman Empire, and
E. triggered / killed coffeehouses .......... , soon becoming increasingly
36- In the 2016 IUCN assessment, popular.
scientists ..........that the bear’s populations .......... A. appeared / will be established
by more than 30 percent over the next 30 years due B. were appeared / were established
to habitat loss and human exploitation of the C. were appeared / established
bear’s food sources. D. were appearing / were establishing
A. predicted / would decline E. appeared / were established
B. predicted / will have declined 42- In September 2018, Sheikh Mohammed
C. have predicted / will decline announced AlMansoori and Sultan AlNeyadi ..........
D. predict / will decline all young Arabs and the climax of the UAE's
E. have predicted / would decline ambitions.

A. have represented

B. represent botanical knowledge as far back as 10,000 years

C. will represent ago.
D. are representing
E. would represent A. originated / date
B. originates / date
43- Scholars .......... that major ancient Greek period C. originated / dated
dialect groups developed not later than 1120 BC, at D. originates / dated
the time of the Dorian invasions and that their first E. was originated / date
appearances as precise alphabetic writing .......... in
the 8th century BC. 49- Examples of early botanical works, having
been found in ancient texts from India, .......... back
A. assumed / would begin to before 1100 BC, in archaic Avestan writings, and
B. will assume / had begun in works from China before it .......... in 221 BC.
C. assume / begins
D. assume / began A. were dated / unified
E. assume / has begun B. date / was unified
C. dating / was unified
44- The British Agricultural Revolution .......... one D. date / unifies
of the causes of the Industrial Revolution because E. dated / was unified
improved agricultural productivity .......... workers
work in other sectors of the economy. 50- Gordon Brown .......... the Brown Ministry after
he .......... by Queen Elizabet II to begin a new
A. was considered / made government following the resignation of the
B. is considered / made previous Prime Minister of the United Kingdom,
C. considers / has made Tony Blair, on 27 June 2007.
D. is considered / has made
E. was considered / was made A. had formed / was invited
B. formed / had been invited
45- During the 18th century, systems of plant C. formed / had invited
identification .......... comparable to dichotomous D. formed / has been invited
keys, where unidentified plants .......... into E. was formed / had been invited
taxonomic groups by making a series of choices
between pairs of characters.

A. were developed / had been placed

B. had been developed / were placed
C. developed / are placed
D. were developed / are placed
E. had been developed / has placed

46- While roman mythology .......... the founding of

Rome at around 753 BC, the site .......... for much
longer, making it one of the oldest continuously
occupied cities in Europe.

A. dates / had inhabited TEST YOURSELF -1

B. dated / had been inhabited
C. dates / has been inhabited 1- Since in the mid-1990s, when the number of
D. dated / has been inhabited supporters .......... to decrease, Greenpeace ..........
E. is dated / has inhabited the use of face to face fundraising where
fundraisers actively seek new supporters at public
47- Without the institutions of the Roman empire places, subscribing them for a monthly direct debit
that .......... its uniformity, medieval Latin .......... its donation.
linguistic cohesion.
A. has started / has pioneered
A. had supported / lost B. started / had pioneered
B. had supported / would lose C. has started / pioneered
C. supported / had lost D. started/ has pioneered
D. had supported / has lost E. had started / had been pioneering
E. has supported / would have lost
2- Many PhD students and postdoctoral
48- Botany .......... as herbalism, the study and use researchers .......... and overstressed, and their
of plants for their medicinal properties. Many mental health .......... because of it.
records of the Holocene period .......... early

A. are overworked /is suffering A. had targeted / had been terrorizing

B. had overworked / were suffering B. had targeted / were terrorizing
C. overworked / suffers C. were targeted / were terrorizing
D. overwork / suffers D. were targeting / had been terrorized
E. have been overworked / suffered E. are targeted / were terrorized
3- During the Nazi attacks, Warsaw’s 350,000
Jews .......... into a ghetto surrounded by 10-foot 9- In 509 BC, the Romans .......... the last king from
walls topped with razor wire. Those who their city and established an oligarchic republic.
escaped .......... on the spot. Rome .......... a period characterized by internal
struggles between aristocrats and small
A. forced /executed landowners before.
B. had been forced / executed
C. were forced / had been executed A. expelled / had suffered
D. were forced / were executed B. expelled / had been suffered
E. were forced / had executed C. had expelled / suffered
D. had expelled / had suffered
4- According to Anna Jarvis, the industries E. expelled / have suffered
profiting from Mother’s Day .......... charlatans,
bandits and pirates that .......... with their greed one 10- World War I .......... the political European map
of the finest movements. radically, with the defeat of the Central Powers and
the 1917 Bolshevik seizure of power in Russia,
A. had been / undermine which eventually.......... the founding of the Soviet
B. were / would undermine Union.
C. are / undermined
D. had been / have undermined A. altered / had led to
E. have been / had undermined B. was altered / led to
C. had been altered / led to
5- The videophone .......... in the first episode of The D. has altered / was led to
Jetsons in 1962, when Jane Jetson .......... a chat E. had altered / led to
with her mother.
11- Fighting over who .......... the next ruler of
A. appeared / have had Benin, a kingdom that was located in present-day
B. appeared / had southern Nigeria, Esigie .......... victorious in 1504.
C. have appeared / had
D. appeared / have had A. was / had been
E. have appeared / have had B. had been / would be
C. has been / was
6- Volcanic ash .......... as the gasses within rising D. will be / was
magma .......... , shattering the cooling rocks as E. would be / was
they burst from the volcano's mouth.
12- By the time Julia Agrippina, known as
A. formed / expanded Agrippina the Younger, ..........24, she .......... for 11
B. forms / expanded years and given birth to her only child, Nero.
C. forms / expand
D. formed / have expand A. had been / was married
E. has formed / expanded B. is/ will have been married
C. was / had been married
7- AlMansoori .......... off from the Baikonur D. was / would have been married
Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan aboard a Soyuz MS-15 E. has been / would have been married
spacecraft on September 25 last year, and ..........
down safely on October 3. 13- When the team’s scans .......... with other tests,
the researchers found that they ........... an
A. blasted / had touched extremely thin layer of fatty substance coating the
B. blasted / have touched outsides of the snake scales.
C. have blasted / touched
D. had blasted / have touched A. combined / have detected
E. had blasted / touched B. combined / had been detected
C. were combined / have been detected
8- Polish Jews .......... first ,but by the spring of D. were combined / had detected
1940, the Nazis .......... non-Jews linked to the E. are combined / detected
resistance as well, staging public executions in
downtown Warsaw.

14- In 2012, the Indian government .......... a national 20- Native to Southeast Asia, the endangered
welfare and conservation action plan for sloth "Queen of the Primates" .......... for its striking
bears, but .......... it yet. appearance.

A. released / hasn't enforced A. knew

B. was released / hasn't enforced B. had known
C. released / hasn't been released C. had been known
D. has released / doesn't enforce D. has known
E. had released / doesn't enforce E. is known

15- Over the past two decades, wild bears .......... TEST YOURSELF - 2
thousands of people, and they .......... hundreds.
1- A year ago people .......... uncomfortable saying
A. mauled / have killed they want to be an astronaut because no
B. have mauled / killed one .......... in that.
C. had mauled / have killed
D. had mauled / had killed A. had felt / believes
E. mauled / kill B. felt / believes
F. C. feel / believed
D. would feel / believed
16- First Lady of the U.S., Lady Bird Johnson, E. would have felt / would believe
made an early Picture phone call to Dr. Elizabeth
Wood and asked if she .......... her and all 2- Tom .......... distribution of an underground press
who .......... make that great scientific stride bulletin secretly. On August 1, 1944, when he
possible. warned people that an order .......... at 5 p.m. to
launch the Warsaw Uprising.
A. may congratulate / helped
B. might congratulate / had helped A. was managing / would be given
C. had congratulated / have helped B. managed / would given
D. has congratulated / had helped C. would manage / was given
E. will congratulate / helped D. was managed / was given
E. had been managed / gave
17- Urbanization .......... what precious wilderness
remains, and sloth bears .......... much from the 3- A huge migration and separation ...........when
conservation projects protecting other species. the ancestors of Asiatic lions .......... off about
70,000 years ago.
A. devoured / hadn't benefited
B. had devoured / doesn't benefit A. had occurred / have split
C. devours / haven't benefited B. occurred / split
D. have devoured / hadn't benefited C. have occurred / had split
E. would devour / wouldn't benefit D. occurred / would split
E. occurs / split
18- Volcanic lightning .......... when roiling ash
particles .......... against each other and become 4- The Solomon Islands .......... bare by foreign
electrically charged. logging companies, in some cases acting illegally.
A. occurs / rub A. stripped
B. occurs / rubbed B. had stripped
C. occurred / rub C. have stripped
D. will occur / rubbed D. is being stripped
E. would occur / have rubbed E. would have been stripped
19- Scientists .......... gray wolves into the world’s 5- Ancient Greek .......... the language of Homer and of
first national park , Yellowstone National Park, in fifth century Athenian historians, playwrights, and
1995 just before they .......... to extinction. philosophers. It .......... a standard subject of study in
educational institutions of the Western world since the
A. had reintroduced / had driven Renaissance.
B. reintroduced / had been driven
C. were reintroduced / had driven A. has been / had been
D. reintroduced / were driven B. has been / was
E. had been reintroduced / were driven C. is / has been
D. has been / has been
E. was / has been

6- Parts of India, China, Central America, South D. had begun / called

America and the Middle-East .......... a long history E. began / will call
of hand manufacturing cotton textiles, which ..........
a major industry sometime after 1000 AD. 12- President Carlos Alvarado Quesada .......... a
state of emergency on March 16, closing schools,
A. had / become beaches, national parks, and borders while virus
B. have had / is becoming cases .......... still in the double digits.
C. have / became
D. had / will become A. declared / were
E. had had / had become B. declared / had been
C. had declared / were
7- A machine for making a continuous sheet of D. had declared / are
paper on a loop of wire fabric .......... in 1798 by E. has declared / were
Nicholas Louis Robert who worked for Saint Leger
Didot family in France. The paper machine .......... 13- Rhianna Pezzaniti was project manager of what
as a Fourdrinier after the financiers, brothers Sealy .......... known as the Public Silo Trail which
and Henry Fourdrinier. still .......... six painted silos in southwestern
Western Australia.
A. patented / known
B. was patented / had been known A. had become / connected
C. has been patented / was known B. had become / connects
D. was patented / is known C. becomes / had connected
E. had been patented / knew D. would become / connects
E. will become / connected
8- In recent years, coffee, tea, sugar, tobacco and
chocolate .......... affordable to many in Europe. 14- By 1908, Anna Jarvis .......... the first Mother’s
Day events in West Virginia and Philadelphia with a
A. had become considerable success.
B. was becoming
C. will become A. have organized
D. has become B. organizes
E. would become C. had organized
D. will have organized
9- Since 1869, Hart Island .......... in the bodies of E. would have organized
people with no known next of kin, including some
who .......... of AIDS, tuberculosis—and now 15- Mount Semeru .......... the highest volcano on
coronavirus. the Indonesian island of Java. It ........... in a
constant eruption since 1967.
A. had taken / have died
B. took / have died A. was / has been
C. had taken / had died B. is / has been
D. would take / have died C. has been / was
E. has taken / died D. had been / was
E. is / had been
10- In April 1964, the picture phone .......... for
public demonstration at the World’s Fair in New 16- Centuries’ worth of hunting, trapping, and
York. Two months later, service .......... with booths poisoning .......... the species from the lower 48
in Chicago, New York, and Washington, DC. states by 1930 when the intense conservation
efforts .......... .
A. debuted / had begun
B. had debuted / began A. had erased / started
C. debuted / begins B. erased / had started
D. had debuted / has begun C. has erased / started
E. debuted / is beginning D. has erased / had started
E. will have erased / started
11- AlMansoori’s pioneering journey .......... two years
ago after UAE Vice-President and Prime Minister Sheikh 17- The engineers said they .......... by people who
Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum .......... for young believe they're working on 5G, which has been
Emiratis to register for the UAE Astronaut Programme wrongly linked to coronavirus.
through the MBRSC.
A. had thretened
A. had begun / had called B. have been treatened
B. had begun / would call C. are threatened
C. began / had called D. will have been threatened

E. had been threatened E. has had to find / will do

18- Feeding wildlife is generally discouraged, but it 4- Facebook .......... to set up a digital payments
.......... the only way to help the endangered Grevy’s system in around 12 countries by early 2020.
zebra .......... drought.
A. will have been planning
A. may be / survive B. will have planned
B. might have been / survived C. would have been planning
C. might be / had survived D. would plan
D. could be / have survived E. is planning
E. could have been / had survived
5- The battle between the Hittites and the
19- Oral tradition passed down from the pre- Egyptians .......... by historians as the largest
colonial kingdom of Benin .......... the idea that chariot battle in history. The extraordinary
Mandana was the only woman who went to war. clash .......... the Hittites as major regional players
for years to come.
A. would have maintained
B. maintains A. was regarded / maintained
C. had maintained B. is regarded / will maintain
D. will have maintained C. is regarded / would maintain
E. had been maintaining D. regards / was going to maintain
E. regarded / would maintain
20- Since the invention of the telephone and even
before we in real life, video chatting ........... 6- As one of the largest keeps in the Christian
in science fiction. world, the White Tower .......... as "the most
complete eleventh-century palace still existing in
A. have / has appeared Europe".
B. has had / appeared
C. had / has appeared A. had been described
D. had had / had appeared B. described
E. had / was appearing C. had described
D. has been described
TEST YOURSELF -3 E. describe

1- The skulls of two ancient hominins .......... at the 7- Every now and then a man’s mind .......... by a
same site in South Africa. They are the earliest new idea or sensation, and never .......... back to its
fossils ever found for their respective species, former dimensions.
which .......... back around two million years.
A. was stretched / is shrinking
A. were found / date B. stretches / shrank
B. had been found / dated C. is stretching / has shrunk
C. found / date D. is stretched / shrinks
D. have been found / are dated E. has stretched / had shrunk
E. have been found / dated
8- Angelina Jolie .......... as a charitable mother and
2- The Helmut Kohl building, opened last survivor figure, largely due to the fact that
October, .......... after the German chancellor she .......... multiple charitable foundations.
who .......... European unity after the collapse of
communism. A. painted / sets up
B. had painted / has set up
A. is named / symbolised C. is painted / has set up
B. names / symbolises D. will be painted / was set up
C. was named / symbolised E. has been painted / will have set up
D. is named / has symbolised
E. named / symbolised 9- Rome .......... the capital city and a special
comune of Italy as well as the capital of the Lazio
3- Generation Z , people born in 1990's to mid region. The city .......... a major human settlement
2000's, today.......... and build communities in for over two millennia.
different ways than any generation .......... before.
A. was / will be
A. is going to have to find / had done B. had been / has been
B. will have to find / has done C. will be / had been
C. has had to find / did D. is / was
D. had had to find / does E. is / has been

10- An economic recession .......... from the late A. was done / had been idealised
1830s to the early 1840s when the adoption of the B. did / was idealised
original innovations of the Industrial C. had done / has been idealised
Revolution .......... . D. has been done/ idealsed
E. had been done / was idealised
A. occured / slowed
B. occurs/ had slowed 16- Even after they .......... Christianity, The kings of
C. has occured / slowed Norway continued to assertpower in parts of
D. was occuring / slows northern Britain and Ireland, and raids continued
E. had occured / was slowing into the 12th century, but the military ambitions of
Scandinavian rulers .......... now directed toward
new paths such as Istanbul and Baghdad.
11- The commencement of the Industrial
Revolution is closely linked to a small number of A. were adopted / had been
innovations, beginning in the second half of the B. had been adopted / were
18th century. By the 1830s the following C. adopted / are
gains .......... in important technologies. D. have adopted / have been
E. had adopted / were
A. will have been made
B. had made 17- In 1900’s the British and Russian
C. made Empires .......... for influence in Central Asia, a
D. had been made rivalry which .......... known as The Great Game.
E. has been made
A. had competed / had become
12- An analysis of 146 fossilized teeth belonging to B. have competed / has become
16 extinct crocodile relatives ........... something C. are competing / will become
surprising: At least three times in their history, D. have been competing / became
ancient crocodile cousins .......... vegetarians. E. were competing / would become

A. revealed / becomes 18- Since the first Moroccan state was found by
B. reveals / becomes Idris I in 788 AD, the country .......... by a series of
C. reveals / will become independent dynasties.
D. has revealed / became
E. had revealed / has become A. had been ruled
B. has beenruled
13- Environmental historian Frank Zelko .......... the C. has ruled
formation of the "Don't Make a Wave Committee" D. ruled
to 1969 and, according to Jim Bohlen, the E. was ruled
group .......... the name "Don't Make a Wave
Committee" on 28 November 1969. 19- Pre-industrial societies .......... by low
productivity and short life expectancy; preventing
A. dates / had adopted children from participating in productive
B. dated / were adopting work .......... more harmful to their welfare and that
C. dates / adopted of their group in the long run.
D. had dated / adopts
E. has dated / has adopted A. characterised /was
B. are characterised / had been
14- Although there .......... evidence of scattered C. were characterised / would be
Brythonic settlements in the area what is now D. had characterised / is
London, the first major settlement .......... by the E. have characterised /was
Romans about four years after the invasion of AD
43. 20- Low-carbon energy technologies such as solar
energy, wind energy ..........substantial progress
A. was / is founded over the last few years, but nuclear energy, and
B. is / was founded carbon capture and storage .......... similarly.
C. iIs / founded
D. has been / had founded A. had seen / have not improved
E. was / has founded B. saw / did not improve
C. had seen / does not improve
15- The Vikings were often depicted with winged D. have seen / have not improved
helmets and in other clothing taken from Classical E. will have seen / will not improve
antiquity. This .......... to legitimise the Vikings and
their mythology by associating it with the Classical TEST YOURSELF -4
world, which .......... in European culture for long.

1- Hamas, the governing authority in the Gaza 7- According to the World Health Organization
Strip, .......... a sophisticated network of military Children's health, brain development and social
tunnels since it .......... control of the Strip in 2007. skills .......... by not taking enough physical
A. had constructed / had seized
B. constructs / has seized A. damage
C. is constructing / seized B. are being damaged
D. constructed / has seized C. damaged
E. has constructed / seized D. were damaged
E. have damaged
2- By the time the Reform Act 1832 .......... law,
Manchester ........... a borough and many social 8- 1619 .......... the year of arrival of the first
reforms had come to fruition. enslaved Africans to the United States and is one
of the most important dates for Africans.
A. had become / became
B. became / has become A. marked
C. became / had become B. had marked
D. becomes / has become C. marks
E. has become / became D. would have marked
E. was marking
3- Although all of Germany's stated
demands .......... by the agreement, privately Hitler 9- After the Western Roman Empire .......... in 476,
was furious that British interference ..........him and Germanic kingdoms took its place, the
from seizing all of Czechoslovakia in one Germanic people .......... Latin as a language more
operation. suitable for legal and other, more formal uses.

A. were satisfied / were prevented A. falls / adopts

B. satisfied / prevented B. fell / had adopted
C. had satisfied / prevented C. had fallen / adopts
D. were satisfied / would be prevented D. fell / adopted
E. had been satisfied / had prevented E. has fallen / adopted

4- Hitler .......... that the United Kingdom's refusal to

end the war was based on the hope that the United
States and the Soviet Union .......... the war against
Germany sooner or later.

A. believed / would enter 10- By the late Roman Republic, Old Latin ..........
B. has believed / will enter into Classical Latin.
C. believes / are going to enter
D. had believed / will enter A. had been standardised
E. believed / have entered B. standardised
C. had standardised
5- By November 1941, Commonwealth D. will have been standardised
forces ........... acounter-offensive, Operation E. has been standardised
Crusader, in North Africa, and reclaimed all the
gains the Germans and Italians ........... . 11- Freezing fog .......... when liquid fog
droplets ........... to surfaces, forming white soft or
A. had launched / would make hard rime. This is very common on mountain tops
B. launched / have made which are exposed to low clouds.
C. have launched / made
D. had launched / had made A. occured / freezed
E. would have launched / would have made B. has occured / freezed
C. is occuring / have freezed
6- An estimated 414 million pieces of D. have occured / freeze
anthropogenic debris including plastics,foam, E. occurs / freze
metal and glass, weighing 238 tonnes ...........
across the Cocos Islands in2017.
12- The techniques to make mass-produced metal
A. distributed parts made with sufficient precision to be
B. were distributed interchangeable ........... to a program of the U.S.
C. had distributed Department of War which ......... interchangeable
D. have been ddistributed parts for firearms in the early 19th century.
E. is distributed

A. is attributed / perfected A. has done / has been appearing

B. attributes / was perfected B. had done / has appeared
C. is attribuded / had been perfected C. is doing / has appeared
D. has attributed / has perfected D. was doing / appeared
E. attributed / perfected E. has been doing / appeared

13- 20th century developments in plant 19- Florian Schneider and Hütter remained
biochemistry ........... by modern techniques of famously enigmatic, but Hütter ........... The
organic chemical analysis, such as spectroscopy, Guardian in 2009 his bandmate .......... in Kraftwerk
chromatography and electrophoresis. for many,many years.

A. drove A. had told / wasn’t involved

B. had driven B. told / hasn’t been involved
C. drives C. has told / hadn’t been involved
D. have been driven D. told /had not been involved
E. is being driven E. had told / isn’t involved

14- In the past week, 3.8 million more people .......... 20- My mother and grandmother .......... to a group
for unemployment benefits in the US, meaning at destined for concentration camps, then she and
least 30 million Americans .......... their jobs since my mother .......... into cattle cars headed to
mid-March. Auschwitz.

A. have filed / lost A. assigned / were packed

B. filed / have lost B. assigned / packed
C. have filed / are losing C. had been assigned / packed
D. had filed / have lost D. were assigned / were packed
E. filed / had lost E. were assigned / had been packed

15- The USA .......... many cases of women thrown

on to the streets since the lockdown .......... ,
because of domestic violence, which is tending to

A. has had / started

B. had / has started
C. has / starts
D. has / had started
E. is having / has started 1- The Nazi spy .......... their neighbor and French
tutor for not declaring an arsenal of hunting guns
16- Amylase, the digestive enzyme that breaks
that the tutor's brother and my
starch down into sugars, the salivary
grandfather ..........before the invasion.
glands and in the pancreas.
A. had denounced / buried
A. makes
B. has denounced / have buried
B. is made
C. denounced / had buried
C. has made
D. has denounced / had buried
D. was being made
E. had denounced / have buried
E. has been making
2- While the guard ........... as the train began to
17- Speculation about Kim Jong Un's health began
move, I .......... , shouting “ Vesile,jump!”
after he .......... the birth anniversary celebrations of
his grandfather Kim Il-sung, who .......... the state A. slept / was leaping
on 15 April. B. was sleeping / leaped
C. had been sleping / leaped
A. missed / had founded
D. has been sleeping / was leaping
B. had missed / founded
E. had slept / leaped
C. has missed / founded
D. has missed / had founded 3- Steven .......... a beloved stuffed turkey when the
E. missed / has founded fearsome thunderstorm of a German air
assault .......... the outbreak of WWII.
18- Known for her sharp, edgy wit, Wanda
Sykes .......... stand-up comedy since the late A. had been cooking / had announced
1980s. Over the years she .......... in various film B. was cooking / had announced
and TV productions. C. has cooked / had announced

D. cooked / has announced 10- Sharon Stone is a former model and actress
E. was cooking / announced who .......... for the film Basic Instinct in the early
1990s, also .......... many awards and acclaim for
4- The 75 years since Victory-Europe Day, when films like Casino,The Mighty, and The Muse.
the Nazis .......... , .......... enough to erase the
indelible scars. A. was known / won
B. is known / has won
A. had surrendered / was not C. has known / has won
B. have surrendered / have not been D. knows / won
C. surrendered / was not E. was known / had won
D. surrendered / have not been
E. have surrendered / is not 11- Just as the President .......... the hall, he ..........
down; as a result, his speech had to be delayed for
5- By 1920, Anna Jarvis .......... the heart about about twenty minutes.
Mother’s Day and felt the commercialism .......... the
holiday’s original intentions. A. was entering / fell
B. had entered / fell
A. had changed / was corrupting C. entered / had fallen
B. has changed / had been corrupting D. has entered / has fallen
C. changed / is corrupting E. was entering / had fallen
D. had changed / has been corrupting
E. has changed / has corrupted 12- The dentist .......... me know the exact price as
soon as he .......... the total amount of implantation I
6- The new version of Hababam sınıfı .......... some need.
famous comedy stars, but it wasn't so funny as
we .......... . A. had let / calculated
B. is letting / calculates
A. stars / have expected C. was letting / calculated
B. is starring / had expected D. will let / has calculated
C. starred / have expected E. let / had calculated
D. starred / had expected
E. was starring / expect 13- By the time he .......... playing basketball in
1989, the legendary basketballer Kareem Abdul
7- l .......... so embarrassed in my life. lt .......... me Jabbar ........... around 38,000 points.
quite a while before l could see the funny side of
the situation. A. had stopped / scored
B. stopped / had scored
A. have never been / was taking C. stopped / has scored
B. have never been / took D. stops / will have scored
C. had never been / took E. has stopped / scored
D. had never been / has taken
E. have never been / takes 14- lt was obvious from their answers that the two
students .......... , so I .......... to them about this
8- Over the last few years, the amount of annual privately in order to warn them.
rainfall monsoon forests receive, .......... unevenly
throughout the year, .......... quite high. A. would cheat / have talked
B. were going to cheat / talked
A. has beeen distributed / is C. were cheating / had talked
B. is distributed / has been D. have been cheating / had talked
C. has been distributed / has been E. had been cheating / talked
D. distributed / has been
E. was distributed / was 15- My brother .......... from Petrol and Natural Gas
Engineering department of ITU two years ago and
9- Even the doctor .......... these awful side effects he ........... for an oil company in Omman since.
of these pills , As soon as I .......... one, I felt dizzy.
A. has graduated / works
A. didn’t mention / had taken B. graduated / had been working
B. hadn’t mentioned / took C. has graduated / has been working
C. doesn’t mention / take D. had graduated / was working
D. hasn’t mentioned / am taking E. graduated / has been working
E. didn’t mention / take

16- 'The Tragedie of Julius Ceasar', which l .......... E. had been disappointed / had blown
while I was in Prague last year, was the first
Shakespeare play l .......... .

A. was watching / saw

B. watched / have seen
C. watched / had seen
D. had watched / have seen
E. have watched / had seen

17- Muhammed XI .......... the last sultan of Granada,

Spain, after he .......... Granada to Ferdinand and
lsabella of Spain in 1492.

A. has become / surrendered

B. had become / surrendered
C. became / had surrendered
D. becomes / had surrendered
E. has become / had surrendered

18- While she .......... her new house, Zehra thought

she .......... a genuine Van Gogh painting in her
attic, but actually it was just a valueless copy.

A. was cleaning / had found

B. was cleaning / has found
C. cleaned / was finding
D. had been cleaning / found
E. is cleaning / has found

19- Esra .......... as upset by not passing last year’s

university exam as her friends .......... .

A. hadn’t been / feared

B. wasn’t / have feared
C. hasn’t been / fear
D. wasn’t / had feared
E. isn’t / had feared

20- I .......... when I heard while in jail that it was my

ex-girlfriend who had blown the whistle on me.

A. had been disappointed / blew

B. am disappointed / has blown
C. have been disappointed / blew
D. was disappointed / had blown

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