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Sara Al Shehab

Psychology – 2023

Everyone hates stress, and although though it's a necessary part of life, nobody has ever gone
through life without feeling it at some point.Stress is a normal reaction to the demands and ob
stacles in our lives, and in moderation, it may even be helpful.What exactly is stress, and how
does it impact our mental and physical health?In essence, stress is the body's response to any
form of pressure or threat, setting off a complicated series of physiological and psychological
events.It may cause blood pressure to rise, the heart rate to quicken, and stress chemicals like
cortisol to be released. In addition, long term stress can negatively impact our mood, sleep
habits and immune system, thus it’s critical to develop appropriate coping mechanisms.
Stress is something that everyone abhors though it is a part of life which nobody has ever
lived without encountering it at some point.

Stress arises as a normal reaction on the challenges in one’s lifetime and only becomes
helpful when experienced moderately. However, what exactly is stress Muscle tension and
trouble in concentrating as well as being quick-tempered are some of the common symptoms
for stress. It may give rise or amplify mental health conditions including anxiety and
depression. As a result, one should find the most appropriate and healthy ways to manage
stress, such as, relaxing or asking for support of the family members and friends. Chronic
stress is also related with a higher probability of heart attack and other physical illnesses. It
could also inhibit our abilities to make decisions and our interactions with other people.

As such, we ought to embark on measures aimed at curbing stress in order to enhance our
mental health as well as promote bodily fitness and good living. This is an example of more
depth meaning. The sleep deprivation coupled with the pressure feeling emanating out of
school / university stress has been with me since then. Such chronic stress adversely impacted
my studies and led to regular headaches and indigestion. However, I understood that through
using measures such as mindfulness techniques and time management, I could reduce these
symptoms and enhance my health status. We might feel that this is too much for them
because each of them wants us to be the best version of ourselves and succeed in what we
want. Moreover, it is imperative to appreciate that our parental pressures originate from the
love and care they give us and their concerns about how successful we shall be. Although at
times they can seem like heavy-handed expectations, they should act as motivation for us to
achieve excellence and reach the maximum of our abilities. We need to strike a fine balance
when it comes to fulfilling their dreams and preserving the sanity of our minds. In this regard,
another instance that portrays deeper and personal experience is football and I have always
thought of it as a hobby for how I would like do my best in football since I always strove to
be the best but there was always school stress as if I was juggling between two Sometimes, I
experienced a lot of pressure from school work that had to be done on top of playing football
and I would get tired or burnout. Nevertheless, I learned that no one can be so dedicated to
meet others’ requirements until he/she neglects his mental and spiritual health. Through
balancing out my duties with caring for myself, I learned a trick or two on enjoying either
side of my life. What is usually called “stress” is basically a form of mental disturbance
triggered by a situation that demands attention with no definite solution. This phenomenon is
a normal aspect of living people, making them ready to tackle whatever arises in their lives.
One becomes stressed at several occasions in life.
Sara Al Shehab
Psychology – 2023

Nevertheless, as people respond to stress determine greatly upon our health at large. Stress
affects the body and the mind in different, though similar ways. Stress, which is a little bit
healthy, can also act as a positive agent by helping one get through day-to-day activities.
While too much stress is bad for our physical and mental well-being. Our capability to deal
with stress helps us overcome the feeling of overload and improve our mental and physical
state. In tense situations, different people employ their own kind of response strategies.
Coping strategies as well stress-related symptoms may differ from one person to another. It is
normal to experience anxiety when facing things like job interviews, test-taking, heavy
assignments, uncertain employment, quarrels among families and friends, or fellow
colleagues at workplaces. People tend to report reduced stress levels when their lifestyles
change for the better and they learn how to cope with emotions in an effective manner.

Stress at substantially high volumes is attributable to economic downturns, diseases, natural

causes like earthquakes and flooding, wars, and mass community aggression. Also, using
appropriate stress management techniques will greatly minimize an individual’s level of
worry and enhance general health. Examples of stress management strategies involve
incorporating relaxing exercises like meditation, involving in various physical activities,
having social interactions with others, and also engaging in the adoption of various healthier
life choices which may include taking balanced diets and also good sleep. These strategies
are useful when it comes to mitigating stress as they enhance overall wellness.

To conclude all, stress is our body’s reaction to any change necessitating adjustment or
response. School may be affected by lack of sleep as it affects one’s ability to concentrate,
academic performance, interest in learning, among others. Excessive stress may result into
various physical health complications such as heart attack, stroke, cancer, and psychological
conditions like depression or anxiety. Coping with stress in a healthy way is important.
Engaging in physical activity such as sports and exercises provides one with an opportunity
of exercising. On-the-other hand, talking things out with friends or relatives is an alternative.
However, we should remember that mild amounts of stress might motivate us while large
volumes may just overcrowd you. So, it's all about balance.

Book: atomic habits
Author: James Clear
October 16, 2018
2) Me

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