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Darbhanga Engineering collage, Bihar Ó (+91) 9708024365 ¯

DL model for Face Mask Detection B.Tech in Electrical Engineering
Course Project Darbhanga Engineering collage Bihar
 January 2023 – April 2023  December 2020 – Present CGPA:5.31
• This project is focused on identifying, if a person is With mask,
Without mask and Mask worn incorrectly, using a DL model. Class XII
• The model consists of convolutional layers with batch normalization,
English School Darbhanga Bihar
ReLU activation, and max-pooling. It takes input with 3 channels  May 2019 87.60%
(RGB images) and output is the class of the input image (with 3
possible classes).
Class X
English School Darbhanga Bihar
 June 2017 CGPA:10.0
Seq2Seq Model for Neural Machine Translation in PyTorch
Course Project
 January 2023 – April 2023
• Developed and trained a seq2seq model which takes as input the Deep Learning PyTorch Python
romanized string, and produces the corresponding word in native
C++ HTML CSS Javascript
• The model contains encoder, which sequentially encodes the input Node.js Blockchain
character sequence (Latin) and decoder, which takes the last state of Matplotlib numpy
the encoder as an input and produces one character output at a time
Web development for navigating electric vehicles • Machine Learning
Design Credit Project • Deep Learning
 August 2021 – November 2021
• Data Structures and Algorithms
• A google map API based website for finding optimal path for electric • Object- Oriented Programming
vehicles while accounting the factors like battery status, charging
• Introduction to Blockchain
points, traffic and road conditions (worked in front end using HTML
and CSS). • Computer Architecture
• Embedded systems

Cloud services for power system control CO-CURRICULAR

Design Credit Project ACTIVITIES
 August 2022 – November 2022
• Created a website to take user input, to calculate frequency change • Video editing in DaVinci Resolve.
and deployed it on AWS, using AWS Amplify. Created a function (in
• Participated in school level football
Python) for an isolated AGC on AWS Lambda and connected it using
competition and secured 1st rank.
REST API. After processing data in AWS Lambda stored the data in
DynamoDB and send it back to the website. • Participated in school level badminton
tournament and secured 1st rank.
EXPERIENCE • Organised many school events.
• Volunteer in Varchas IITJ(Sports event).
Contributed in Engineering design projects
DEC Bihar
 March 2021 – April 2021 Darbhanga
• Studied and Worked on the garbage management problems faced in
Indian society and the possible technical solutions for them.
• Designing of a headset for the blind people, to tackle their
day-to-day life problems.

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