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1, MARCH 2019 139

Single-phase-to-ground Fault Detection with

Distributed Parameters Analysis in Non-direct
Grounded Systems
Baowen Liu, Member, CSEE, Hongzhong Ma, Member, CSEE, Honghua Xu, and Ping Ju, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—The fast and accurate detection of the single-phase- to compensate the capacitive fault current, the detection of
to-ground fault is of great significance for the reliability and a single-phase-to-ground fault is more difficult than that in
safety of the power supply. In this paper, novel algorithms for solid grounded systems. And then, the zero-sequence over the
distribution network protection were proposed with distributed
parameters analysis in non-direct grounded systems. At first, current protection algorithm and zero-sequence captive current
novel generating mechanisms of zero-sequence voltage and resid- direction based protection algorithm are no longer applicable
ual current were proposed. Then the compositions of residue in compensated networks [4]–[6]. But the grounding fault
parameters, including residual current and residual admittances, protection algorithm based on the active component direction
were decomposed in detail. After that, an improved algorithm of the zero-sequence current cannot be influenced by the com-
for a fault resistance calculation of a single phase-to-earth fault
was also proposed, and the algorithm is much more convenient pensation of the Petersen coil [7]. However, compared with the
as it only needs to measure the variation of the zero-sequence residual current in the feeder, the active component is lower,
voltage and does not need the prerequisites of the faulty feeder let alone the low-current faults are produced by high fault
selection. Furthermore, the fault feeder can also be selected by resistance. So, the sensitivity of the conventional detection
an improved calculation algorithm of zero-sequence admittance algorithm was low [7]. In addition, the active component of
of the faulty feeder, which cannot be affected by the asymmetry
of the network. Theoretical analysis and the MATALB/Simulink the zero-sequence current can also be greatly influenced by
simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed the asymmetry of the networks, especially in high resistance
algorithms. ground faults.
Index Terms—Fault resistance calculation, fault feeder selec- The most important steady-state data-based algorithms for
tion, non-direct grounded system, residual parameters, residual single-phase-to-ground fault detection are DESIR (Detection
current, zero-sequence voltage. Sélective par des Intensités Residuéls/“Elective Detection us-
ing Residual Currents”) and DDA (Differential Detection
using phase-to-ground Admittances) [2], [6]–[8]. These al-
I. I NTRODUCTION gorithms are generally based on calculating and monitoring
the resistances of each phase and feeder, partial residual

T HE most fault-prone parts in power systems are dis-

tribution lines, where single-phase-to-ground faults are
likely to occur. Power distribution lines have represented an
neutral voltages, relative variations of the line asymmetries and
phase asymmetries [9], [10]. In addition, there is an algorithm
based on the change of the neutral-voltage and zero-sequence
extremely important role in achieving the necessary continuity currents [11]. However, these algorithms present a limitation
of service from substations to customers [1]. As the fault with their application in the certain grounding systems [1]. The
current is low and the line-to-line voltage remains constant, article in Reference [1] proposes a new method of detecting the
the supply of electric power can be maintained for a long low-current faults based on monitoring the residual variations
time when the single-phase-to-ground fault occurs in high of the line and phase asymmetries, which can be used in both
impedance grounded networks, which have been widely used compensated and ungrounded mid-voltage networks. As the
in Europe and Asia [2], [3]. magnitude of line and phase asymmetry is small, it is difficult
In compensation grounding systems, as the Petersen coil to obtain accurate measurement results.
produces inductive current at the neutral point of the network There are also several methodologies proposed to detect
Manuscript received July 24, 2016; revised January 10, 2017; accepted
single-phase earth faults, including artificial-intelligence (AI)
April 10, 2017. Date of publication March 30, 2019; date of current version techniques [12], [13], Laplace trend statistics (LTS) [14], and
January 21, 2019. This work was supported in part by the National Natural transient-state data analysis (TDA) (e.g., wavelet transform,
Science Foundation of China (No. 51177039), in part by the Fundamental
Research Funds for the Central Universities (2018B06314), and in part by
traveling wave, etc.) [15]–[18]. All these methodologies have
the 111 Intelligence project (B14022). improved the detection of single-phase-to-ground fault, but
B. W. Liu (corresponding author, e-mail: lbw, H. Z. Ma, each has its own shortcomings; for instance, AI and LTS based
and P. Ju are with the College of Energy and Electrical Engineering, Hohai
University, Nanjing 211100, China.
techniques are still not mature enough for implementation
H. H. Xu is with the State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Company Nanjing in various conditions, and TDA based techniques need more
Power Supply Company, Nanjing 210008, China. complicated algorithms to practically discriminate between
DOI: 10.17775/CSEEJPES.2016.00740
before and during faults [5], [15].
2096-0042 © 2016 CSEE

In this paper, novel generating mechanisms of zero- se- 2) In Ungrounded Systems

quence voltage and residual current are first proposed. Ac- For the ungrounded systems, the switch K shown in Fig. 1
cording to the novel generating mechanisms, the compositions is off. As is widely known, there is no residual current in
of the residual current and residual admittance can be decom- ungrounded systems. But the natural unbalance current is not
posed in detail, and the influence of the feeder’s asymmetry is 0 (i.e., I˙bd 6= 0). In order to meet Kirchhoff’s current law,
considered. Then the single-phase-to-ground fault protection the network should generate the zero-sequence voltage at the
algorithms are proposed, which include the fault resistance neutral point adaptively. As the neutral-to-earth voltage in
measurement and fault feeder selection. And the effectiveness ungrounded systems is only determined by the asymmetry
of the proposed component analysis of residual parameters of the line distributed parameters, the neutral-to-earth voltage
and earth fault protection algorithms are validated by the U̇bd in ungrounded systems can also be named as the natural
MATALB/Simulink simulations. unbalanced voltage.
The current I˙Ubd produced by the natural unbalanced volt-
II. N OVEL G ENERATING M ECHANISMS OF age U̇bd on the total zero-sequence impedance is:
A. Zero-sequence Voltage Generating Mechanism where ẎΣ0 is the total zero-sequence admittance of the un-
Strictly speaking, the distribution parameters of feeders grounded system, ẎΣ0 = jωCΣ + GΣ , CΣ = CA + CB + CC ,
in non-direct grounded networks are asymmetrical, which and GΣ = GA + GB + GC . According to Kirchhoff’s current
is decided by the feeders’ laying form and structure. If all law, I˙Ubd should satisfy the equation:
feeders of a network are cable, the range of the asymmetry I˙Ubd + I˙bd = 0. (3)
coefficient is 0.2%–0.5%; if all feeders are overhead lines with
transposition, the range of the asymmetry coefficient is 0.5%– From (1)–(3), in ungrounded systems, the natural unbal-
1.5%; and if the overhead lines are without transposition, the anced voltage U̇bd can be calculated as:
range of the asymmetry coefficient is 1.5%–5% [19], [20]. I˙bd ĖA k̇0
Consider the simplified equivalent circuit of non-direct U̇bd = − =− . (4)
ẎΣ0 jωCΣ + GΣ
grounded systems with 1 feeder shown in Fig. 1, where CA ,
CB , CC are the phase-to-earth capacitance, respectively; GA , Equation (4) is the same as the formula in [21] calculated
GB , GC are the phase-to-earth conductance, respectively; Ẏ0 by using Kirchhoff’s voltage law.
is the neutral grounding admittance. 3) In Non-direct Grounded Systems
The non-direct grounded systems include ungrounded,
impedance grounded, and resonant grounded systems. The
ĖA İres total zero sequence admittance of the non-direct grounded
N network is ẎYΣ = jωCΣ + GΣ + Ẏ0 . Due to the introduc-
ĖC tion of the grounding admittance, if Ẏ0 6= 0, it is obvious
that the neutral-to-earth voltage U̇0 in non-direct grounded
systems is different from the natural unbalanced voltage U̇bd
voltage Y0 CC GC CB GB CA GA in ungrounded systems. The current produced by the neutral-
to-earth voltage U̇0 on the total zero-sequence impedance is
I˙U0 = U̇0 ẎYΣ . However, the natural unbalance current I˙bd
has nothing to do with the neutral grounding admittance Ẏ0 .
Fig. 1. Insulation parameters measuring circuit. According to Kirchhoff’s current law, I˙U0 should satisfy the
equation as:
1) In Solid Grounded Systems I˙U0 + I˙bd = 0. (5)
In solid grounded systems, the neutral-to-earth voltage is 0. From (1) and (5), in non-direct grounded networks, the
The residual current I˙res can be calculated as: neutral-to-earth voltage U̇0 can be calculated as:
I˙res = I˙bd = ĖA ẎA + ĖB ẎB + ĖC ẎC I˙bd ĖA k̇0
U̇0 = − =− . (6)
= ĖA (ẎA + α2 ẎB + αẎC ) ẎYΣ jωCΣ + GΣ + Ẏ0
= ĖA k̇0 (1) Through the above derivation we can form a novel gen-
erating mechanism of neutral-to-earth voltage in the power
where ẎA =jωCA + GA , ẎB =jωCB + GB , ẎC =jωCC + GC ; network and its physical meaning are expounded: asymmet-
α2 and α are the rotation operators (2π/3, 4π/3, respectively) rical power network produces the neutral-to-earth voltage
in the complex plane; k̇0 is the natural unbalanced parameters adaptively, and the current produced by the neutral-to-earth
of the feeder; I˙bd is the natural unbalance current. I˙bd and voltage on the total zero-sequence impedance compensates the
k̇0 are only determined by the structure of the network. If the natural unbalance current completely. So, the neutral-to-earth
distribution parameters of the whole network are symmetrical, voltage is controlled by the total zero- sequence impedance
I˙bd = 0. and the natural unbalance current, jointly.

B. Residual-current Generating Mechanism 1) In the Normal State

Consider the simplified equivalent circuit of a radial op-
In practice, the residual current exists in asymmetrical
erated distribution system with n feeders shown in Fig. 2.
networks. The generation condition of the residual current
According to the generating mechanisms of the zero-sequence
is that the zero-sequence voltage is not equal to the natural
voltage and residual current proposed above, zero-sequence
unbalanced voltage of the feeder. For the ungrounded network
voltage U̇0 of a distribution system with n feeders in the
with several feeders, the residual current exists in each feeder,
normal state can be calculated as:
but the sum of the residual currents of all feeders is 0.
From (1)–(3), the residual current of the solid grounded I˙bdΣ ĖA k̇Σ
U̇0 = − =− (10)
feeder can be rewritten as: ẎYΣ jωCΣ + GΣ + Ẏ0

I˙res = I˙bd = (U̇0 − U̇bd )(jωCΣ + GΣ ) where I˙bdΣ is the sum of the natural unbalance current of each
feeder, I˙bdΣ = I˙bdi (i = 1, 2, . . . , n), I˙bdi is the natural
= U̇∆res (jωCΣ + GΣ ) (7) i=1
unbalance current of the feeder i, k̇Σ is the sum of the natural
where U̇∆res is named as the residual voltage, which indicates P
unbalanced parameters of all feeders, k̇Σ = k̇i , k̇i is the
the deviation of the zero-sequence voltage U̇0 from the natural i=1
unbalanced voltage U̇bd . natural unbalanced parameters of the feeder i (i = 1, 2, . . . , n).
Analogously, the residual current I˙res of the non-direct The natural unbalanced voltage of the feeder i can be written
grounded system is equal to the neutral-to-earth current, as: as:
I˙bdi ĖA k̇i
U̇bdi = − =− (11)
I˙res + I˙Y0 = 0. (8) ẎΣi jωC Σi + GΣi

where ẎΣi is the zero-sequence admittance of the feeder i, CΣi

From (4), (6) and (8), I˙res can be calculated as: is the total distributed capacitance of the feeder i, and GΣi is
the total distributed conductance of the feeder i. The residual
I˙res = −I˙Y0 = (U̇0 − U̇bd )(jωCΣ + GΣ )
current I˙resi of the feeder i and the total residual current I˙resΣ
= U̇∆res (jωCΣ + GΣ ). (9) of the system can be written respectively, as:

As can be seen from (7) and (9), despite the grounding I˙resi = (U̇0 − U̇bdi )(jωCΣi + GΣi ) (12)
modes being different, the calculation form of the residual I˙resΣ = (U̇0 − U̇bd )(jωCΣ + GΣ ). (13)
currents are the same. Through the above derivation we can
form a novel generating mechanism of the residual current in
İres1 Sound Feeder 1
the power network and its physical meaning are expounded:
asymmetrical power network produces the residual current İres
adaptively, and the current produced by the residual voltage
U̇∆res on the zero-sequence impedance of the feeder is residual ĖA G1C G1B G1A
current. So, the residual current is controlled by the zero-
sequence impedance and the residual voltage, jointly. ĖC
Residual voltage can be changed by injecting the funda- İresi Fault Feeder i
. .
mental frequency current at the neutral-to-earth point [1], [7], U0 Y0
[22], or by adjusting the neutral-to-earth impedance, such as
the Petersen coil [23], [24]. GF CiC C C
GiC iB GiB iA GiA


Fig. 2. Simplified equivalent circuit of a radial operated distribution system
with a faulty feeder.
A. Component Analysis of Residual Current
According to the static version of DESIR [1], [6], [7], [25], As the asymmetry of each feeder is random and indepen-
in the earth fault state, the residual current of the feeders was dent, each feeder always has residual current.
considered as the sum of two independent parts. One part is From (10)–(12), the residual current of the feeder i in (12)
the sum of the phase-to-ground capacitive, and other part is can be rewritten as:
dependent on the asymmetry of the distribution parameters.
I˙resi = −τ̇i I˙bdΣ + I˙bdi (14)
However, the leakage resistances of the feeders in the static
version of DESIR were neglected. Actually, the damping where τ̇i is the quotient, and τ̇i = ẎΣi /ẎYΣ . From (14), in the
coefficient d usually changes from 3% to 5%, which depends normal state of the network, the residual current of a feeder
on the feeder’s age, environmental humidity, temperature, is the sum of two independent parts. One part is the natural
etc. [1], [2], [19], [20]. unbalance current I˙bdi of the feeder, and the other part is
A more detailed component analysis of the residual current proportional to the total natural unbalance current I˙bdΣ of the
is presented below. network. Through the above derivation, in the normal state of

the network, the small-random residual current of a feeder is B. Component Analysis of Residual Admittance
determined not only by the natural unbalance of itself, but also In the static version of DESIR [1], [6], [7], [25], the residual
by the natural unbalance of the whole system. current of the healthy feeders was considered as perpendicular
The sum of residual current of all feeders in (13) can be to the zero-sequence voltage. By analyzing the residual admit-
rewritten as: n tance, a fresh judgement of the phase relationship between the
I˙resΣ = I˙resi = τ̇Σ I˙bdΣ (15) residual current and zero-sequence voltage is essential.
i=1 1) In the Normal State
where τ̇Σ = Ẏ0 /ẎYΣ , and I˙resΣ = −U̇0 Ẏ0 . The residual admittance of the feeder in this paper is
2) In the Single-phase-to-ground Fault State defined as the quotient of the residual current divided by the
If the single-phase-to-ground fault is represented by a tran- zero-sequence voltage. In the normal state of the network,
sition conductance GF in feeder i, the zero-sequence voltage the residual admittances ẎresS of the sound feeder can be
U̇0F can be calculated as: calculated by using (10)–(12), as:

I˙bdΣ + I˙bdF ĖA k̇Σ + ĖA GF I˙resS I˙bdS

U̇0F = − =− (16) ẎresS = = ẎΣS − ẎYΣ
ẎYΣ + GF jωCΣ + GΣ + Ẏ0 + GF U̇0 I˙bdΣ
where I˙bdF is the unbalance current caused by the transition I˙resS I˙bdS
ẎresS = = ẎΣS − ẎYΣ . (24)
conductance GF , I˙bdF = ĖA GF . And the natural unbalanced U̇0 I˙bdΣ
voltage of the fault feeder i is: From (24), the residual admittance of the sound feeder is
I˙bdi + I˙bdF ĖA k̇i + ĖA GF the sum of two independent parts. One part is the sum of
U̇bdFi = − =− . (17) the zero-sequence admittances of the feeder (i.e., ẎΣS ), the
ẎΣi + GF jωCΣi + GΣi + GF
other part is proportional to the zero-sequence admittance of
The residual current of the fault feeder i and the sound the total system (i.e., ẎYΣ ). Furthermore, as the value of I˙bdS
feeder 1 can be written respectively, as: and I˙bdΣ are stochastic, the residual admittance of the feeder
I˙resFi = (U̇0F − U̇bdFi )(jωCΣi + GΣi + GF ) (18) can be greatly influenced by the asymmetry of the network.
I˙resS1 = (U̇0F − U̇bd1 )(jωCΣ1 + GΣ1 ). (19) 2) In the Single-phase-to-ground Fault State
If a single-phase-to-ground fault is represented on phase
From (16)–(18), the residual current of the fault feeder i in A in feeder i by a transition conductance GF , the residual
(18) can be rewritten as: admittance ẎresFi of the fault feeder i can be calculated by
I˙resFi = −τ̇Fi I˙bdΣ + (1 − τ̇Fi )I˙bdF + I˙bdi (20) using (16)–(18), as:

where τ̇Fi = (ẎΣi + GF )/(ẎYΣ + GF ). Likewise, the residual I˙resFi I˙bdi + I˙bdF I˙bdΣ − I˙bdi
ẎresFi = = ẎΣi − ẎYΣ + GF .
current of the sound feeder 1 in (19) can be rewritten as: U̇0F I˙bdΣ + I˙bdF I˙bdΣ + I˙bdF
I˙resS1 = −τ̇S1 I˙bdΣ − τ̇S1 I˙bdF + I˙bd1 (21) From (25), the residual admittance of the fault feeder is
where τ̇S1 = ẎΣi /(ẎYΣ + GF ). From (20) and (21), the the sum of three independent parts. Likewise, the residual
residual current in the fault network is the sum of three admittances ẎresS1 of the sound feeder 1 can be calculated
independent parts. One part is the natural unbalance current of as:
the feeder, the second part is proportional to the total natural I˙resS1 I˙bd1 I˙bd1
unbalance current of the system I˙bdΣ , and the third part is ẎresS1 = = ẎΣ1 − ẎYΣ − GF .
U̇0F I˙bdΣ + I˙bdF I˙bdΣ + I˙bdF
proportional to the unbalance current caused by the transition (26)
conductance I˙bdF . From (26), the residual admittance of the sound feeder is
If the single-phase-to-ground fault is metallic, GF → ∞, the also the sum of three independent parts. And the residual
unbalance introduced by the earth fault is considerably greater admittance of the sound feeder can also be affected by the
than the natural unbalances of the feeder. (20) and (21) can transition conductance GF . According to the component anal-
be rewritten as: ysis of the residual admittance, the phase relationship between
I˙resFi = −I˙bdΣ + I˙bdi (22) the residual current and the zero-sequence voltage is complex.
If the single-phase-to-ground fault is metallic,GF → ∞, the
I˙resS1 = I˙bd1 . (23) unbalance introduced by the earth fault is considerably greater
From (22) and (23), it can be seen that in the metallic than the natural unbalance of the feeder. (25) and (26) can be
single-phase-to-ground fault, the residual current of the sound rewritten as:
feeder is equal to its natural unbalance current, and the residual I˙resFi
current of the faulty feeder is equal to the negative sum of ẎresFi = = ẎΣi + k̇i − (ẎYΣ + k̇Σ ) ≈ ẎΣi − ẎYΣ
all sound feeders’ natural unbalance current. Then, the fault (27)
feeder can be selected. But, with low accuracy introduced by
the asymmetry of the network, this method cannot be used in ẎresS1 = = ẎΣ1 − k̇1 ≈ ẎΣ1 . (28)
the condition of the high- resistance-ground fault. U̇0F

As the unbalanced parameters (i.e., k̇i in equations (27) According to Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL), the sum of the
and (28) and k̇Σ ) are much smaller than the zero-sequence residual current variation of all feeders is equal to the variation
admittance (i.e., ẎΣi and ẎYΣ ), the residual admittance of current of the neutral-to-ground current. The residual current
the sound feeder is equal to its zero-sequence admittances, variation of the sound feeder 1 caused by the single-phase-to-
and the faulty feeder’s residual admittance is equal to the ground fault can be calculated as:
neutral grounding admittance plus the negative sum of all
the sound feeders’ zero-sequence admittances. In the metallic I˙∆resS1 = U̇∆0F ẎΣ1 . (33)
single-phase-to-ground fault, the residual current of the healthy Then the residual current variation of the fault feeder i
feeders is almost perpendicular to the zero-sequence voltage. caused by the single-phase-to-ground fault can be calculated
Then, the faulty feeder can be selected. But with low accuracy as:
introduced by the asymmetry of the network, this method also
cannot be used in the condition of the high-resistance-earth I˙∆resFi = U̇0F (ẎΣi + GF ) − U̇0 ẎΣi
fault. = −U̇∆0F (ẎYΣ − ẎΣi ). (34)
From (32) and (34), the faulted current can be recalculated
A. Protection Algorithm of Fault Resistance Measurements I˙F = −U̇∆0F ẎYΣ . (35)
The algorithm of DDA can calculate the faulted current and
If the single-phase ground fault occurred on phase A, the
the fault resistance [6], [7], [25]. But this algorithm needs
fault resistance can be calculated as:
some preconditions, such as the fault feeder should be selected
correctly and the fault feeder’s zero-sequence admittances U̇0F + ĖA
RF = . (36)
should be measured accurately. What’s more, this algorithm −U̇∆0F ẎYΣ
not only needs to measure the variations of the zero-sequence
In (36), it is not necessary to measure the residual current
voltage, but also needs to measure the variation of the residual
variation of the fault feeder. So it is not necessary to select
current. Thus, it is complicated. And the DDA algorithm has
the fault feeder. Since the fault current I˙F has the same phase-
ignored the leakage conductance in its theoretical model.
angle with the fault phase-voltage U̇0FA = U̇0F + ĖA , the fault
From (10)–(12), in the normal state of the network, the
phase can be selected by comparing the phase-angle.
natural unbalanced current of the feeder i can be rewritten as:
In distribution systems, the normal switching events (such
I˙bdi = I˙resi − U̇0 ẎΣi . (29) as switching on/off a feeder) are essential. In order to mea-
sure the fault resistance adaptively, the total zero-sequence
From (16)–(18), if a single-phase-to-ground fault is repre- admittance of the network (i.e., ẎYΣ ) should be recalculated
sented by a transition conductance GF in feeder i, the residual after the switching events. At present, many algorithms for the
current of the fault feeder i can be rewritten as: total zero-sequence admittance measurements in a non-direct
I˙resFi = U̇0F ẎΣi + I˙F + I˙bdi (30) grounded system have been proposed [19], [26].

where I˙F = (U̇0F + ĖA )GF , I˙F is the faulted current. From B. Protection Algorithm of Fault Feeder Selection
(29) and (30), the faulted current I˙F can be calculated as: In order to select the fault feeder, [27] has proposed a
ground fault protection method based on the zero-sequence
I˙F = I˙resFi − I˙resi − (U̇0F − U̇0 )ẎΣi
calculated admittance. In [27], the asymmetry of the network
= I˙∆resFi − U̇∆0F ẎΣi (31) was not taken into account. The zero-sequence calculated
admittance of the sound feeder Ẏ0S1 and the fault feeder Ẏ0Fi
where I˙∆resFi is the variation of the residual current caused
were calculated respectively, as:
by the single-phase-to-ground fault; U̇∆0F is the zero-sequence
voltage variation caused by the single-phase-to-ground fault. I˙resS1
Ẏ0S1 = = ẎΣ1 (37)
If the single-phase-to-ground fault occurred on phase A, the U̇0F
fault resistance can be calculated as: I˙resFi
Ẏ0Fi = = ẎΣi − ẎYΣ (38)
U̇0F + ĖA U̇0F
RF = . (32)
I˙∆resFi − U̇∆0F ẎΣi It shows in (37) and (38) that the zero-sequence calculated
Equation (32) is derived based on the relationship of the admittance is equivalent to the residual admittance. However,
residual current and zero-sequence voltage, which is the same almost all networks are asymmetrical, so this method suffers
as with algorithm DDA [6], [7], [25]. As the theoretical model from the disadvantage of low accuracy in the condition of the
takes the leakage conductance of the feeder into account, (32) high-resistance-earth fault. And comparing (27) with (37), and
has the advantage of higher accuracy than the DDA algorithm. (28) with (38), this method can only be used in the case of a
As the DDA algorithm needs to measure the residual current metallic single-phase earth fault. An improved measurement of
variation I˙∆resFi of the fault feeder, the fault feeder selection zero-sequence calculated admittance is proposed below which
is a prerequisite for the fault resistance calculation. So it is of can eliminate the deviation introduced by the asymmetry of
some complexity. A simplified algorithm is proposed below. the network.

1) Zero-sequence Calculated Admittance of the Sound Feeder Z ERO S EQUENCE PARAMETERS OF THE S IMULATION S YSTEM
As it shows in (12) and (19) the improved zero-sequence
calculated admittance of the sound feeder 1 can be calculated Name Feeder 1 Feeder 2 Feeder 3 Whole
as: CA (µF) 4.064 6.107 3.343 13.514
I˙∆resS1 Capacitance CB (µF) 4.071 5.819 3.027 12.917
ẎΣ1 = (39) CC (µF) 4.243 6.285 3.161 13.689
U̇∆0F RA (kΩ) 43.085 28.694 56.37 13.193
Resistance RB (kΩ) 42.974 28.694 56.306 13.179
where I˙∆resS1 = I˙resS1 − I˙res1 , I˙∆resS1 is the residual current RC (kΩ) 42.717 28.530 56.054 13.106
variation of the sound feeder 1 caused by the earth fault. Capacitive current iC (A) 22.451 33.031 17.287 72.770
Resistance current iR (A) 0.404 0.605 0.308 1.316
2) Zero-sequence Calculated Admittance of the Fault Feeder Damping (%) 1.797 1.831 1.781 1.809
Mismatch (%) 1.420 2.238 2.885 1.750
From (12) and (18), we can see that the residual current
variation of the fault feeder i can be calculated as:
According to the simulation system parameters listed in
I˙∆resFi = I˙resFi − I˙resi = U̇∆0F ẎΣi + I˙F . (40) Table I, theoretical values of the natural unbalanced voltage
U̇bd and the natural unbalance currents I˙bd were calculated
From (35) and (40), it shows that the improved zero- respectively by using (1) and (4). Simulation values of the
sequence calculated admittance of the fault feeder i can be natural unbalanced voltage U̇bd and the natural unbalance cur-
calculated as: rent I˙bd were measured respectively in the simulation system.
I˙∆resFi Theoretical and simulation results are shown in Table II.
ẎΣi − ẎYΣ = . (41)
Based on the above analysis, the fault feeder can be selected U NBALANCED VOLTAGE AND THE NATURAL U NBALANCE C URRENTS
by comparing the zero-sequence calculated admittance. In
Name Feeder 1 Feeder 2 Feeder 3 Whole
particular, the zero-sequence calculated admittance of the Network
sound feeder is equal to its zero-sequence admittance, but TheoreticalAmplitu- 81.963 290 129.229 401 166.554 650 101.049 452
the zero-sequence calculated admittance of the fault feeder is value of de (V)
Ubd Phase −57.170 171−96.782 516−153.974 722−106.546 771
equal to the value that its zero-sequence admittance minus the angle (◦ )
total zero-sequence admittance of the network. In addition, Simulation Amplitu- 81.963 289 129.229 401 166.554 649 101.049 450
as the improved fault feeder selection algorithm only needs value of de (V)
to measure the variation of each feeder’s residual current, the Ubd Phase −57.170 179−96.782 526−153.974 733−106.546 780
angle (◦ )
switching events have nothing to do with the algorithm as well TheoreticalAmplitu- 0.318779 0.7394 653 0.498 786 1.273 842
as the fault resistance and the asymmetry of the network. value of de (A)
Ibd Phase 31.800 177 −7.831 441 −64.995 289 −17.583 013
angle (◦ )
V. S IMULATION A NALYSIS Simulation Amplitu- 0.318 784 0.739 478 0.498 794 1.273 864
value of de (A)
Ibd Phase 31.800 173 −7.831 446 −64.995 295 −17.583 019
In order to validate the low-current fault detection algo- angle (◦ )
rithms proposed, extensive simulation tests have been run by
using the Matlab/Simulink shown in Fig. 3. The simulation
system is a 10 kV distribution network whose angular fre- A. Component Analysis of the Residual Current
quency is 50 Hz. The simulation system has three feeders. According to the parameters of the simulation system in
Different neutral grounded modes were considered. The in- Table I, the quotient τ̇i in (14) can be calculated. And
fluences of the unbalanced distribution parameters were also according to the natural unbalance currents in Table II, the
investigated. Performance of the protection against earth faults theoretical results of the residual currents can be calculated by
was assessed. The zero sequence parameters of the simulation using (14). Theoretical and simulation results of the residual
system are listed in Table I. currents of each feeder in the resistance grounded system are
shown in Table III. The ground resistance is 800 Ω.
G T Feeder 1 TABLE III
Feeder 2
Name Feeder 1 Feeder 2 Feeder 3
TZ GF Amplitude 0.306474 0.450 900 0.235 983
Quotient τi Phase angle (deg)
İresS3 5.658 430 5.639 157 5.667 515
. Feeder 3 Theoretical Amplitude (A) 0.272 320 0.171 586 0.398 767
Y0 value of Ires Phase angle (deg) −65.934 245 6.058 497 77.943 170
Simulation Amplitude (A) 0.272 325 0.171 589 0.398 773
value of Ires Phase angle (deg) −65.934 327 6.058 732 77.943 140
Amplitude relative error (%) −0.001 705 −0.001 620 −0.001 432
Fig. 3. The radial operated distribution simulation system with a faulty
Phase angle relative error (%) −0.000 123 −0.003 880 0.000 040

Table VI shows that (14) can calculate the residual current FAULT- CURRENT M EASUREMENT IN D IFFERENT N EUTRAL P OINT
accurately which illustrates that the component analysis of the G ROUNDED C ONDITIONS
residual current is correct.
Neutral Point Grounded Conditions
Name Ungrounded Resistance Petersen Coil Petersen Coil
B. Component Analysis of Residual Admittance (R = 800 Ω) (v a =–15%) in Parallel with
As the natural unbalance currents are presented in Table II, (v = 0%,
I˙bdi /I˙bdΣ can be calculated. And according to the simulation R = 400 Ω)
Amplit- 303.133 519 300.103 013 1938.399 717 1221.587 413
system parameters in Table I, the theoretical results of the ude (V)
feeder residual admittances can be calculated by using (24). Phase −86.905 962 −81.324 723 70.420 747 −1.302 286
Theoretical and simulation results of the residual admittances Angle
of each feeder in the resistance grounded system are shown Amplit- 3.821 341 3.808 436 3.691 307 3.332 466
in Table IV. The neutral ground resistance is also 800 Ω. Theoretical ude (A)
value of IF Phase 2.057 797 1.987 197 –12.703 419 –1.302 286
Amplit- 3.821 378 3.797 087 3.690 930 3.332 437
G ROUNDED S YSTEM Simulation ude (A)
value of IF Phase 2.057 785 1.883 774 –12.702 814 –1.298 787
Name Feeder 1 Feeder 2 Feeder 3 Angle
Amplitude 0.250250 0.580 500 0.391 560 (deg)
Ibdi /IbdΣ Phase angle (deg) 49.383 190 9.751 572 −47.412 276 Amplitude relative –0.000 956 0.297 988 0.010 104 0.000 880
Theoretical Amplitude 2.712 939 1.709 395 3.972 643 error (%)
value of Yres (×10−3 S) Phase angle 0.000 594 5.204 423 0.004 761 0.268 711
Phase angle (deg) 34.960 686 −73.046 571 178.838 100 relative error (%)
Simulation Amplitude 2.712 981 1.709 420 3.972 694 a v is the resonance deviation of the compensation network.
value of Yres (×10−3 S)
Phase angle (deg) 34.960 692 −73.046 249 178.838 155 TABLE VI
Amplitude relative error (%) −0.001 562 −0.001 477 −0.001 290 T HE FAULT P HASE S ELECTION AND FAULT R ESISTANCE M EASUREMENT
Phase angle relative error (%) −0.000017 0.000 442 −0.000 031 IN D IFFERENT N EUTRAL P OINT G ROUNDED C ONDITIONS

Neutral Point Grounded Conditions

Name Ungrounded Resistance Petersen coil Petersen Coil
Table IV shows that (24) can calculate the residual admit-
(R = 800 Ω) (v = −15%) in Parallel with
tance accurately which illustrates that the component analysis Resistance
of the residual admittance is correct. (v = 0%,
In addition, according to the simulation system parameters R = 400 Ω)
Phase Phase A 2.057 785 1.987 222 –12.702 839 –1.298 791
in Table I, the zero-sequence admittances of feeder 1, feeder angle Phase B –121.448 025 –121.572 673 –117.664 954 –125.615 740
2, and feeder 3 are 3.889 2914×10−3 S, 5.722 113×10−3 S, (◦ ) Phase C 119.387 937 119.583 785 130.750 731 126.853 788
and 2.994 727×10−3 S respectively, which have big differences Fault 2.057 797 1.987 197 –12.703 419 –1.302 286
with the residual admittances in Table VII. The reason is the The fault phase? Phase A Phase A Phase A Phase A
influence of the asymmetry of the network. And this is also Voltage 5732.066 272 5712.707 605 5536.405 263 4998.660 938
the reason why article in reference [27] cannot select the fault amplitude
of phase A (V)
feeder accurately in the high-impedance ground fault. The fault resis- 1500.000 006 1504.497 264 1500.001 167 1500.001 767
C. Fault Resistance Measurement
The single-phase-to- ground fault was set in feeder 2 (phase D. Fault Feeder Selection
A). The fault resistance is 1500 Ω. The zero-sequence voltage The single-phase ground fault was also set in feeder 2
variations U̇∆0F caused by the single-phase earth fault in (phase A). According to the simulation system parameters
different neutral point grounded conditions were measured. listed in Table I, the zero-sequence calculated admittance of
And the theoretical results of the fault current can be calculated feeder 1, feeder 2, and feeder 3 are 3.889 2914×10−3 S,
by using (35). Theoretical and simulation results of the fault 6.884 018×10−3 S, and 2.994 727×10−3 S, respectively. The
currents are listed in Table V. traditional fault feeder selection method based on the zero-
Table V shows that (35) can calculate the fault current sequence calculated admittance which can be calculated by
accurately which is much more simplified than the ADD using (37) and (38) was simulated first. Simulation results with
algorithm. Then the phase angles of phase A, B, and C different fault resistance (i.e. 10 Ω and 1500 Ω) are listed in
were measured. As the phase angle of phase A is equal to Table VII and Table VIII, respectively.
the phase angle of the fault current, the fault phase can be From Table VII and Table VIII, in the condition of the
selected. And the fault resistance can be calculated by using high-resistance-earth fault (i.e. 1500 Ω), the traditional fault
(36). Simulation results of the fault phase selection and fault feeder selection method is invalid. However, an improved fault
resistance measurement are listed in Table VI. feeder selection method was proposed, and the zero-sequence
Table VII shows that the fault current and fault resistance calculated admittance can be calculated by using (39) and (41).
can be calculated only by measuring the variation of the zero- Simulation results with a 1500 Ω fault resistance are listed in
sequence voltage, which is more convenient than DDA. Table IX. Table IX shows that (39) and (41) can calculate

In this paper, several algorithms for single-phase-to-ground
Neutral Point Grounded Conditions fault detection with distributed parameters analysis in a non-
Name Ungrounded Resistance Petersen Coil Petersen Coil direct grounded system were proposed. The novel generating
(R = 800 Ω) (v = −15%) in Parallel mechanisms of zero-sequence voltage and residual current
with Resista-
nce (v = 0%, enrich the phase-sequence-analysis theory. The residual cur-
R = 400Ω) rent and the residual admittance in the fault network can
Amplitude 3.92546 6.847368 2.921928 3.92546 be decomposed into three separate parts. According to the
Feeder1 (×10−3 S)
Relative 0.929 961 –0.5323 963 –2.430 890 0.929 961
component analysis of the residual admittance, the phase
error(%) relationship between the residual current and zero-sequence
Amplitude 3.925845 6.998331
Feeder2 (×10−3 S)
2.920965 3.925845 voltage can also be recognized more accurately. The fault
current and fault resistance can be calculated accurately only
relative 0.939 844 1.660 560 –2.463 067 0.939 844
error(%) by measuring the zero-sequence voltage variation caused by
Amplitude 3.918 618 7.199 137
Feeder3 (×10−3 S)
2.916 139 3.918 618 the single-phase earth fault. It no longer needs the prerequisites
of the faulty feeder selection and the fault feeder’s zero-
relative 0.754 028 4.577 537 -2.624 210 0.754 028
error(%) sequence admittances measurement. And the fault phase can
also be selected. The fault feeder can be selected by comparing
TABLE VIII the zero-sequence calculated admittance, which only needs to
T RADITIONAL FAULT F EEDER S ELECTION IN D IFFERENT N EUTRAL measure each feeder’s residual current variation. The improved
P OINT G ROUNDED C ONDITIONS WITH 1500 Ω FAULT R ESISTANCE fault feeder selection method will not be affected by the fault
resistance and the asymmetry of the network.
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Baowen Liu received his B.S. degree from Uni-

versity of Jinan in 2011, M.S. degree from China
University of Mining & Technology in 2014, and
Ph.D. degree from Hohai University in 2018, re-
spectively. Currently, he is a Lecturer with Hohai
University. His research interests include distribution
system control and protection, and fault diagnosis of
electrical equipment.

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