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Written by: Oliver R.

Edited by: Scott Vandervalk
Illustrators: Andy Walsh, Alexander Chelyshev, Maarten Hermans, Joshua Meehan

© Immersion Studios and Oliver R. Shead

ISBN: 978-0-9946287-6-3
SKU: IMM1011

Friends in Need
An Infected Scenario for 1–4 players. nuclear weapons. He will do anything to make his
final act come off.
Estimated play time: 4–6 hours.

Summary Who The PCs Are

PCs can be of almost any spectrum, though they
The PCs come across a military truck that has been
should have some sort of reason for being together,
shot up. A balding man asks for aid. He has a heavy
and for being in the Vegas region.
pack, hefting some sort of device. Asking the PCs’
help, he needs to get to his “research facility” to They could have been sent on another mission, by
meet up with the other members of his team. He the Skulls, or Pappa Doc’s Railway, or by Rosie Price,
tells them that his pack is carrying a cure for La or even Lobster Thompson. They could even be
Calera, and that he needs to get it into safe hands working for NORAD — though that could only be if
as soon as possible. There are people after him who they were undercover, as they will come up against
want to destroy it. NORAD troops later in the scenario, and in that
case neither side should realise that they’re on the
This is a lie. In truth, it is a low-yield tactical nuke,
same team.
and he wants to use it to destroy Hoover Dam, thus
crippling the Skulls —and NORAD too.
Dramatis Personnae
A NORAD bureau were using him to gain access
Note on minor NPCs:
to the device, so they could make use of it in a
potential war against the Skulls of Vegas. A very quick way of keeping track of the stats of
minor NPCs, is to assign them a broad “level.” When
The scientist, however, got exposed to a steady
doing that, pretty much all their stats will be at
dose of radiation from the opened warhead and
that level. The Narrator should bear in mind that a
this has left him with only a few weeks to live. After
couple of stats might be stronger or weaker, but this
a lifetime as a nuclear scientist working for the
gives a fair idea.
military, he is desperate to finally detonate one and
make it all mean something. This the means that their Base Initiative and Health
will be at double the listed level.
As such, the scientist stole the device with plans to
detonate it on the Hoover Dam, robbing Vegas and For example:
the surrounding region of power, water and the
James Vaughn is a minor guard, whose level is 4.
ability to survive in the region. This would devastate
He has a speciality in Perception though, which is at
the Skulls, but would also deprive NORAD of the
level 5. He also has a weakness in Spiritual, which is
base they want — his way of giving them both
at level 3.
the finger.
This now means that all of James’s stats will be at 4,
There is a small NORAD force that are close to
except for those related to perception (which will be
catching up with him, as well as a small patrol force
at 5), and aside from his Spiritual Attributes, which
of the Skulls, keeping Hoover Dam secure.
will be 3.
The scientist will appear very rational, but beneath
it all lurks an intense fascination and psychosis on

Glen Stewart, NORAD Scientist: Glen’s hair is falling out from his radiation poisoning,
though he will try to keep that hidden with a hat,
Physical 6 Physical 5 Health and occasional jokes about his baldness.
Social 6 Martial 6
3 3 4 To explain why he’s going to Hoover Dam, Glen
Mental 7 Knowledge 8
Base Init 13 will say that their lab was set up there, because it
Spiritual 6 Perception 5
was unlikely to be intruded upon, and it had nearly
Social 5 Morality 3
unlimited power. If asked how he got exposed to
Glen has no weapons when discovered (apart from a small
utility knife), though he is quite adept at most weaponry.
radiation (if the PCs figure it out), he’ll say that at
one point in their lab work they drew power from a
A solidly built man in his forties, Glen is almost nuclear reactor, but it leaked.
completely bald, and is quite physically strong and
fit, despite a gut starting to expand. However, he has
an unhealthy pallor to him, has little energy, and
exertion sends him into prolonged coughing fits.
In fact, Glen is dying from chronic radiation
overdose over the past year, as he worked with
exposed nuclear weaponry for NORAD. This gives
him a penalty of –2 on all physical actions.

A nuclear scientist in the military for nearly twenty

years, Glen helped to make a number of hydrogen
and atom bombs — and some of them were actually
used during the outbreak.

Glen also worked on tactical nuclear weapons;

weapons designed to be used in a limited nuclear
war — carried to a target by an agent, or fired from
a howitzer or fighter jet. It is one of these that he
stole from his research lab.

Glen has an obsession with nuclear weapons of all

sorts. Having built and tested them over the years,
he finds them utterly compelling — what could be
more interesting than seeing a gigantic explosion
take place? Though he won’t tell people that he’s
actually carrying a nuke, he will still tell people that
he used to work as a nuclear physicist, and tell them
all about the devices. He will tell people how nukes
would “sort out” the Skulls, and any other rebels.

Like a mad professor, he’ll enthusiastically explain

how nuclear weapons of all sorts actually work,
drawing diagrams and trying to make people
understand just how interesting this all is.

Part One: Hitchiker you see that it’s painted a drab, military green.
However, it looks almost empty. The canopy over its
Read the following description aloud: back half has been shredded, its windshield crazed,
and one tyre is clearly flat.
The air is brutally hot, the Nevada sun seemingly
offended by the presence of any water in the region. *
The road you are on is dusty, brown, and long. It’s
If the PCs intervene or fire on it, the truck will stop,
on the way to Las Vegas, the largest city in the
and Glen Stewart, who’s inside, will lurch out with
region, and the seat of power for the mighty Skulls.
his hands up. Otherwise, the truck will crash into a
Inspiring fear with their skull face paint, and their concrete median strip.
worship of death, the Skulls dominate
Glen Stewart is quite ill, and
the region for hundreds of kilometres.
exhausted. He crashes
There has been a lot of death in the
because he almost
world. And now, they think they
passed out at the
can overcome its embrace.
Because of this, pilgrims
If the PCs
have flocked to Vegas,
investigate, they’ll
while crusades of Skulls
find the truck has
venture ever further
been shot up recently,
outwards — turning
with small arms fire. If
the City of Sin into a
Glen sees the PCs, he will
lucrative destination
beg them for help, telling
for merchants, bounty
them that they are his only
hunters, mercenaries,
hope to get a cure back to his
snake-oil salesmen and
research facility.
those just looking for a good
time. In the truck there is only a
backpack with a large mechanical
Vegas is also a vital strategic
device inside. Glen will be very touchy
area for NORAD, who claim to
about them handling it, though will
be the only legitimate
happily show it to them himself if they
government of the
ask, treating it with great care and
USA. This has led to
increasing tensions
as both sides come PCs may make an
into conflict — and Intelligence/Construction
this makes you check –10 to understand
particularly alert to what the device is. If they
your surroundings, lest you pass by 1–3 successes,
are caught in the crossfire. they’ll realise that it’s definitely an explosive of
some kind. Passing by 4+ successes will mean they
Because of this alertness, and the stillness of the
know it’s a tactical nuclear bomb.
desert air, you hear the truck coming from quite a
distance. It kicks up a plume of dust in its wake as If called out on this, Glen will admit it, and apologise
it lurches across the sandy road. As it draws closer, for lying. Then he’ll tell them most of the truth,

saying that he intends to set up the bomb at Hoover baked skeletons watch them pass, picked clean by
Dam to give NORAD more bargaining power with the desert creatures.
the Skulls — as leverage.

If the PCs end up leaving him and/or the bomb

Part Two: Boulder
behind, then nothing further will happen to them. Glen will not want to stop before reaching the dam,
However, if they end up taking the weapon (it is but he’ll be exhausted, sick and unable to carry on
worth a king’s ransom — around a million silvers, without some rest. It should be an obvious choice
and is an incredible strategic asset), they’ll need not to carry on in the dark, when there are likely
an engineer to help them use it. There’s no big red Infected out hunting, and they shouldn’t use lights
button. for fear of being attacked by bandits.
If they end up not going to the dam, then the However, should they carry on, they will reach
NORAD forces will catch up with them, as detailed Scene Three that much sooner — in which case,
later. In this case, Glen will try to detonate the bomb the NORAD agents will catch up to them just after
in the most heavily populated area possible, acting they’ve stormed the gates.
sick and weak to divert suspicions, then attacking
Read the following section aloud:
and priming the bomb at the right moment.
Sitting beside the great Lake Mead, and at the base
At the various points that Glen exhibits symptoms
of the jagged foothills around the Colorado River, is
of being very ill, the PCs make a successful
Boulder City.
Intelligence/Medical check –4 to realise that he’s
suffering from radiation poisoning. He’ll explain this There’s not much left of its pre-outbreak population,
away by saying that he was exposed to radiation at and even then it wasn’t a big place. Now most of
the nuclear facility he was working at. the people live in what was once a small, one-storey
hospital and care home — both sprawling buildings
If the PCs choose to help Glen, they’ll need to repair
that are now surrounded with a shantytown of
the truck, which is fairly damaged, and will require a
corrugated-iron lean-tos, everyone anxious to keep
Brawn/Construction check –2 to get it moved off the
the protection of its high walls.
median strip.
Just beside the town itself, even higher walls enclose
After that, it will be a fairly long trip to Hoover
a long belt of green. It might once have been a
Dam. The next stop on the way is Boulder City — or
golf course, but now it’s crops — the lifeblood of
what’s left of it.
the community, and one of the only reasons they
Glen has loaded the truck with extra fuel, but it can stay in this dusty oven of a town. There’s also
will run out before it reaches Boulder City. The PCs running electricity, which is an incredible comfort
should make an Intelligence/Pilot check –2 to get — what’s more, they have as much as they want,
the truck all the way to Boulder. Failing will mean siphoning it from Hoover Dam’s massive turbines.
they are stranded in the desert, and have a few
hours to walk in the blistering heat. Then they’ll
need to buy diesel and lug it all the way back again! The PCs will be cautiously welcomed when they
By then it will likely be night time... which is the arrive, though after nightfall the townsfolk are much
time the Infected like to hunt. more suspicious. This is a town ruled by the Skulls,
and the symbols are everywhere — painted on the
There are plenty of wrecked cars here, occasionally
curtain walls, on the buildings, on the few vehicles
blocking the road so thoroughly that they have to
that are parked inside. Skulls in their facepaint and
drive or walk out into the desert to get around. Sun-
battledress stalk around the town, clearly at the
top of the food chain, with a varied mix of others NORAD’s Pursuit Team
— the town has quite a number of merchants,
NORAD’s pursuit team will come across the PCs that
mercenaries, farmers, prostitutes and really anyone
night at the settlement, or later on down the road,
who could turn a profit or service a need.
if the PCs don’t stop. They are an elite group of
Narrator’s Note: Water and power are two mercenaries hired to track Glen down and destroy
commodities that are clearly in ready supply. The him, then recover the device for NORAD.
Narrator should make sure to show this to the
PCs several times — the price of water is nothing, Brady — Level 6, Specialisation Physical, Martial 7,
people can have as much as they want, crops are HP 15. Uses a light assault rifle, concealed armour
flourishing, people take baths and have showers, +5/+5 Absorb, HR 3
and some even have working TVs, toasters and
the like. This will make the PCs realise the true A big black dude with a nasty scar running down his
damage that blowing up the dam will cause. face, Brady is a member of the Red Hand anarchist
group (see page .... in the Infected rulebook), and
Fergus wears the badge on his sleeve, with honour.

Fergus is the owner of Boulder City’s most popular Stace — Level 6, Specialisation Social, Martial
ĥotel. He’s a big, affable black man, ready to smile 7, HP 10. Uses a sub-machinegun, knives and
and pour a drink — and also big on information. He concealed armour +5/+5 Absorb, HR 3.
has cheap rooms for a night, or an hour, and lots of
Stace is easily noticeable by her shock of tangled
good music played by live musicians.
red hair, and her lively personality. She’s particularly
His bar is well lit with plenty of electric lights, which
will also give the PCs a real hit of nostalgia, and a
feeling like maybe, just maybe, civilisation hasn’t
entirely vanished.

Fergus will tell the PCs about some of the

troubles with NORAD. He’s not a Skull himself,
but he doesn’t mind them, and doesn’t want
a war. The town is finally doing well again,
and it could destroy everything they’ve got.

He’ll advise the PCs not to venture out of

the town at night, not even to put fuel
into their truck. It’s likely no one will
steal it while they’re gone — heck, it
hasn’t got any fuel, so it’s not going


Glen will be clearly nervous while he’s waiting. He’ll

say that it’s not a good idea to stay here, that they
should move on — but in truth, he knows he needs
to rest, as he can barely stand, and everone will be
bone tired.

skilled at manipulating men, and getting If asked who they are, the NORAD team will say
information out of them, or making herself appear they’re a local group looking to take care of a
like an ally. Often she can go where the rest of the wanted criminal.
team cannot.
If the PCs make a successful Dexterity/Stealth check,
Rake — Level 6, Specialisation Knowledge 7, HP they could hide behind a car, or bit of rubble, and
12. Uses a shotgun, knives and concealed armour the mercs won’t see them.
+5/+5 Absorb, HR 3. Also skilled with explosives
Should they avoid the team in this instance, then
and science.
they’ll encounter them in the town when they head
Rake is a Skull, tried and true, with a livid X carved back – or on the way to the dam, if they don’t stop
into his forehead. But he also owes loyalty to in the town that night.
NORAD — in fact, he became a Skull
to gather information. Despite In the town...
this, he has actually become a
If the PCs stay in the town, then
convert, and vividly believes
the team will arrive a couple of
in the cult of defying death.
hours after them, and then will
Rake is also a chemist, and a
start asking after the owners
skilled bomb maker. He’s the
of the truck, and looking
brains of the operation.
for Glen.
There are a few different ways
they may encounter the PCs.

On the way back to the


If the PCs head back to the

truck to fill it with diesel, the
If the PCs have befriended Fergus,
NORAD troops will encounter
he’ll soon tip them off that the people
them on the road, driving in a
have asked for someone of Glen’s
ramshackle humvee, painted
description, or the truck — while Fergus
with gang signs and tags.
didn’t tell them what he knew, others
If the team sees them, soon will. That will give the PCs a
they’ll stop to question headstart to get out of there.
the PCs, asking them
The mercs will find out from
if they’ve observed
several people where Glen is
someone matching
in the town, then will rapidly
Glen Stewart’s
close in.
description. If the PCs
ask why, the NORAD They won’t immediately strike if they
team will say Glen is armed see the PCs are guarding Glen. In that case, they
and extremely dangerous, and in the interests of will decide to find out more about the PCs and their
everyone’s safety, they should give any information capabilities — one of them will attempt to look like
they have. a local, , and will ask them about who they are and
what they’re doing there. They’ll attempt to buy the

PCs drinks, hopefully just talking to one of them, get to stop by shooting out the radiator of the truck.
friendly, and find out who they are — as far as the Then they’ll attemp to capture the PCs. If a gunfight
mercs knew, Glen was by himself, so who are these starts, the NORAD team will be very careful with
new guys? their attacks, so they don’t hit the nuke (if anyone
does shoot it, then they should make a Luck check
In particular, Stace will use her charms to find out
or spend a point — if they fail, then it sets off the
from the PCs what they’re doing and where they’re
timer or explodes... and that’s all folks!).
going. If she can get one of the PCs alone with her,
Brady and Rake will bust in just as the PC is getting If the PCs evade the mercs (shoot out a tyre, etc.),
comfortable (with weapons not to hand), and then then they’ll come back later at the dam, and attack
they’ll quietly force the information out of him, just as Glen is getting things set up.
using their knives. They’ll kill the PC afterwards —
strangling them with a rope, so as not to leave any Part Three: Hoover Dam
blood. Of course, if the PC is a really good talker,
they may be able to wheedle their way out of it, and Read the following description aloud:
just get tied up, but that would require some great
Twisting and turning through switchback roads
role playing and some good social rolls!
tracing over gaping chasms, you find yourselves
Depending on the situation, the mercenaries have dwarved by soaring, ragged peaks and buffeted by
a number of ways they may attempt to take out the fierce, desert winds.
target and recover “the asset”. They may attempt
At one point you pass the blackened, twisted
to distract the PCs and draw them away from Glen,
remnant of some long-dead convoy, the road itself
with a fight, an argument, or some alarming news.
torn up by the force of that forgotten blast. Some
Stace may also start up a conversation with Glen to
of the vehicles have been shoved out of the way,
gain his interest, then Brady starts a brawl, allowing
off the edge of that high road, but what remains is
Rake and Stace to capture Glen in the confusion.
nearly enough to block your passage.
Rake may steal something from the PCs and runs off
You rumble past acres of power coils, still converting
with it, drawing a pursuit. He’ll then throw the item
immense amounts of power from the dam and
away and attempt to lose the PCs. If they’ve left
sending them on to Vegas. Ahead of you plunges the
Glen unguarded, Stace and Brady will capture him.
dam itself, as monolithic as the Grand Canyon and
If Glen is captured, they’ll drag him into some dark, the mighty Colorado River. To one side, Lake Mead
secluded area (or maybe even upstairs, sticking a stretches in placid blue, while to the other, a convex
knife into his ribs to make him come along). Then grey wall drops a thousand feet or more.
they’ll force the information out of him on the
There are gates in front of the road now, and Skulls
bomb — where is it, and whether it’s been set and
too, sitting watch in sun-baked watch towers. There
armed. Once they have all their information, they’ll
might once have been an official military force
strangle him and attempt to flee with the bomb.
stationed here, with old tanks watching you down
This will give the PCs about ten minutes to find him long, deadly muzzles. But whether those tanks are
before it’s too late. still operational seems dubious.

The Skulls, however, seem eager to meet their

If the PCs press on...
new visitors.
If the PCs press on and don’t stop at the town, the
team will reach them at some point before they
arrive at the dam, and will attempt to force the PCs
A gate of metal bars and razorwire blocks access a rather lacklustre fashion by several Skulls. The
to the road across the dam. Not far behind the defences are solid enough, and one Skull is always
fence, right against the side of the dam, sits an positioned in each. They haven’t seen any action at
administrative building of dull grey concrete. It’s the dam at all, and all of them are bored, and their
here that Glen wants to get to, so he can take the discipline is low. During the day they talk, associate
bomb into the depths of the dam. Even a tactical with the many civilians who have joined them, play
nuke will have little effect on the outside of the dam cards and pass the time in the blistering heat, while
— but from the inside, it has a chance of cracking it, at night they huddle around small fires. They’re not
and would certainly disable it. particularly alert, but if roused to action will fight
Glen will tell the PCs that the Skulls must have
captured his team, and are holding them inside the If it’s early in the morning, around dawn or earlier,
dam. They had captured him earlier, so it stands to the Skulls will mostly be asleep, and there will only
reason that they would have gotten to the rest of be four on duty, each side of the dam.
his team.
If the PCs approach during the day, there will be
This is a fairly important facility, and there are around a dozen Skulls around the access point,
some twenty Skull soldiers, as well as several as well as three times as many civilians. They’re
dozen hangers-on – mostly women and children. still not particularly alert, but will notice anyone
Depending on what time the PCs approach the dam, approaching down the road (there’s no cover to
and how they approach, there may be more or less speak of).
Skulls on sentry.
The Skulls have been told to secure the facility
There are a couple of ramshackle guard towers — against NORAD, or saboteurs, so if the PCs attempt
one each side of the dam — made out of scavenged to bluff their way in, the Skulls will tell them that
materials and reinforced with sandbags. There are they shouldn’t be there, but may let them stay if
also a few sandbagged entrenchments supporting they are given a good excuse. This will require good
heavy machinegun posts, which are manned in role playing, and some good social skill rolls if the
Narrator deems it appropriate.

If the PCs are heavily armed or make

themmselves conspicuous— like
trying to just “hang out” at
the facility, then the Skulls
will search them. If the PCs
manage to convince the
Skulls that they’re just there
to stop off, that they got
lost, or that they’re there to
make a profit (or some other
plausible reason) then the
Skulls may trust them at
their word.

Sneaking in without being

seen is a lot more difficult,
unless the PCs kill the

guards. This would best be done at night, or just Glen cannot be persuaded to disarm it. If the PCs
before dawn, and preferably silently. However, if demand he does so, then he’ll pretend to disarm it,
this is done, then there’s a chance that they may run and instead set it off manually.
into other Skulls or civilians in the tunnels below. It’s
Any PCs getting to the bomb may attempt to disarm
also possible that the bodies will be discovered and
it with an Intelligence/Construction check –6.
the alarm raised that way.
However, they won’t be able to work it out unless
they have a Construction of 7, with a background in
The NORAD Team
explosives or nuclear engineering. It’s fairly complex
The NORAD mercenary team may attack them while stuff. They can still attempt it, but only half their
they’re infiltrating the facility. If so, they’ll attack successes will count.
from behind, and the sound of the fighting will bring
A Bungle will set the bomb off.
Skulls running, pinning the PCs between two forces,
unless they work out some cunning strategem. Should the bomb be set, there will be a fuse of
ten minutes. Glen will hide it, and then attempt
This could result in a fierce and confusing battle
to escape again, to reach a good vantage point to
in the tunnels, and on the surface. Glen will use
watch his handiwork.
the confusion to slip into the facility, locate the
generators and set up the nuke. If the bomb goes off, it will be a truly titanic
blast. A vast amount of concrete will
The Plot Unravels burst off the face of the dam, and a
colossal fireball will rip through
Should Glen escape from
the facility, killing everyone
the PCs and none of them
inside and belching out
realise how important
through the top in a blaze
this is, one of the NORAD
of white and red. Anyone
mercs could let slip
standing on the bridge
something that gives the
will be tossed around, or
game away. If captured, or
even off it, like a rag doll. All
wounded, they’ll gasp something
electronic devices will be ruined
about “the bomb”. If asked to
by the EMP, rendering the entire
elaborate, they’ll say that Glen
facility inert.
has a nuke, “Did you really not
know?!” Shortly afterwards, water will start pouring
through the ruptured face of the dam, in
Setting Up the Bomb a torrent. However, the dam will remain
standing — crippled, and bleeding, but still
If Glen is not stopped from reaching
largely intact. However, there will be no way to
the generators, he’ll be able to set
restore it, and Glen’s mission will have been a
up the bomb. This will only take about
five minutes. If he’s trapped, and unable
to get to the generators, he will set it If he can, Glen will watch this occur, then either
up anyway, to do as much damage escape for another day (he’s dying, but he’s still
as possible. One way or another, got time enough to return as another blighted
he wants to make this villain), or, if faced with capture
bomb go off!

he’ll kill himself, by leaping off the cliff face into The Skulls will likely consider the PCs to be
the canyon. responsible for the attack, and if they can be
identified, there will be warrants put out for their
Glen will remain coolly logical to the end. He’ll be
capture (or their heads). NORAD will likely also
disappointed that the dam didn’t rupture altogether,
consider them enemies to be disposed of, and if any
and explain that he must have had his calculations
of the mercenaries make it back to base, the PCs
off a little bit. Perhaps the blast was dampened by
will be IDed as yet another irritation to be removed,
the extra layers of concrete down that far?
but no further action will be taken against them.
If PCs at any point attempt to persuade him not to After all, NORAD has more enemies than they can
set the nuke off, he’ll listen and understand their count anyway.
reasoning, but explain that in a war, losses are
unavoidable. With every form of creation, there
is some destruction. Besides, he doesn’t care
anymore — he just wants to see it blow up. No one
cared about him when he was exposed to all that
radiation. He was a casualty of war. So why should
he care about anyone else?

If the PCs stop Glen, then they’ll have saved Vegas
from slowly dying of thirst. It’s also possible that
they’ll now have possession of a tactical nuclear
weapon, which is something of massive strategical
and physical value, and could certainly set them up
for some other interesting scenarios. Others will
want the device, will want them to use the device,
or will ask them to help bargain, and so on.

If the PCs fail, then they’ll be lucky to be alive. Vegas

will be without power and water, which will make
life even tougher down there. New projects will
divert water from what remains of Lake Mead and
the Colorado River, but water will remain expensive,
and the new pipelines will be vulnerable to further
NORAD attacks.

This will also be considered an act of war by NORAD.

Ironically, while NORAD didn’t want this to happen,
they will capitalise on the moment, and continue to
close in on the Skulls’ supplies. The Skulls, on the
other hand, will assemble their forces and strike out
at the nearest NORAD forces, starting an intense
desert war.

Fangs For Reading

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