Do's and Don'ts Language Paper 2023

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Dos and don'ts of Composition Writing

1. Entire composition must be written in 4-5 paragraphs (300-350 words).

2. Follow the given word limit. Do not write short scripts.
3. Do not write a lengthy composition exceeding the prescribed word limit.
4. The Essay must be written in standard English language entirely.
5. Avoid writing long sentences with too many connectors.
6. A sentence must not begin with And, But, Because or So.
7. Do not use any slang language.
a. Example- dude, buddy, what's up, no probs, guys et cetera.
8. Avoid using words like kids, mom, dad, bro, sis et cetera
9. Avoid use of Hindi or any other regional words. In case you have to mention any
word (not having an English name for the same) because of the context, put that
word in inverted quotes.
a. For example if in your essay, you are talking about Indian attire and
somewhere in the essay, you write the word Kurta, you must write it as
"kurta". Likewise if you want to use the words kebabs, it should be written
as- "kebabs"
10. Do not make use of contractions.
a. Example - Don't, I'll, can't, won't, didn't.
b. Instead use complete words like do not, I will, cannot, would not, did not.
11. Do not use abbreviations or acronyms. Example - T.V. , A.C., Dr, ASAP, BBC et
cetera. Use the complete word instead.
12. Do not use any symbols in the essay like & (Ampersand)
13. Avoid writing any numerals in the composition.
14. Essays must have a clear connection with the topic given or the content should be
15. The composition should be original and must not be influenced / lifted / copied
from any source.
Format for an Informal Letter (Traditional Format)

Sender's Address (½ mark)

Date (½ mark)

Receiver's Address (½ mark)

Salutation (½ mark)

Body (2 marks)

Thanking you

Subscription (½ mark)

Full Name (½ mark)

Format - 3 Marks
Content - 2 Marks
Expression - 5 Marks
Total - 10 Marks
Pinpoints to focus-

1. Sender’s address should be in 3 lines and receiver's address in 4 lines.

Sender’s address Eg :
112, Saket Apartment,
Hind Nagar,

Receiver's address Eg :

The Commissioner,
The Municipal Corporation,

(Punctuation must be taken care of.)

2. Format for writing date -

eg : 8th April, 2023

*Full name of the month should be written.

*The date of the letter should be the same day when you are writing.
* No past or future date will be accepted.

3. Salutation
eg : Dear Sir,
Dear Madam,
● Salutation for a letter to the editor of a newspaper
eg : Sir,

Do not make use of the word ma'am,

Respected Sir or Respected Ma'am.

4. Body should include four points. Each point carries half a mark.

For example, if you are writing a complaint letter, you should include two complaints and
two suggestions.

5. Subscription can be written as

Eg- Yours faithfully,/Yours truly,

Where 'Y' in yours has to capital and 'f' in faithfully or ‘t’ in truly has to be small followed by a

6. A formal letter must include both your first name and second name.

*No squiggle
*Name should not be written in capital letters

7. Do not forget to write Thanking you just above the subscription where T is written
capital and y in small letters.

Format for an Informal Letter (Traditional Format)

Sender's Address (½ mark)

Date (½ mark)

Salutation (½ mark)

Body (2 ½ marks)

Subscription (½ mark)

First Name (½ mark)

Format - 2 ½ Marks

Content - 2 ½ Marks

Expression - 5 Marks

Total - 10 Marks

Pinpoints to focus-

1. Sender's address should be in 3 lines.

Eg :

112, Saket Apartment,

Hinad Nagar,

(Punctuation must be taken care of.)

2. Format for writing date -

eg : 8th April, 2023

*Full name of the month should be written.

*The date of the letter should be the same day when you are writing.
* No past or future date will be accepted.

3. Salutation

Eg - Dear Rajesh,

Dear Mother,

Dear Father,

Dear Grandmother,

Dear Cousin Disha,

4. Body should include five points. Each point carries half a mark.
5. Subscription

Eg- Yours lovingly/affectionately,

Where 'Y' in yours has to capital and 'l' in lovingly or 'a' in case of affectionately has
to be small followed by a comma.

6. An informal letter has your first name only.

*Name should NOT be written in capital letters

Format for Notice Writing

Creative Title - [Title only in English words] (1)

Name of the Event (1)

Date - (date+month+year) (½)

Time (½)

Venue - Smaller location, Bigger location (½ + ½ )

Target Audience - Invite participation(1)

Pinpoints to focus-

1. The creative title should have a clear connection with the event.

2. Name of the event should not be a long sentence but a phrase.

3. Creative heading and name of the event should be written in the proper case.

4. The date of the event must have a gap of at least 10 days from the date of

registration and the date for the registration should be within 5-7 days from the date

of writing the notice.

5. Time should be written as-

Eg- 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

8:00 a.m. to 12 noon

6. No short forms should be used while mentioning the location.

7. The information in the target audience should include target audience, point of

contact and last date for registration.

Specimen Notice

Your school is hosting an interschool debate competition. Write a notice for your
school informing them of the event.

War of Words

Inter-school Debate Competition

on 25th April, 2023.

from 9.00 a.m. to 12 noon

at Auditorium, City Montessori School

All pupils from classes IX and X who wish to participate should give their names to Ms Smita
Srivastava by 15th April, 2023.
Format for Email Writing

To : Receiver's ID email ID (½ mark)

Subject: (½ mark)

Salutation, (½ mark)

Opening Sentence (½ mark)

Body (2 marks)

Closing Sentence (½ mark)

Thanking you

Subscription, (½ mark)

Full name


To note –

1. If there is more than one recipient, mention both receivers’ IDs and separate them using a
Eg - ;

2. Salutation - as in formal letter.

3. Opening sentence includes the information (invite/conduct) of the event.

4. Body - All details of the notice are to be included in full sentences in the email

(date/time/venue (both smaller and bigger) and any other information should be included)

5. Closing Sentence

Eg- I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information.
Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I would appreciate your immediate attention.

6. Subscription - as in formal letter

Specimen E-Mail
Write an e-mail to the principal of a neighbouring school informing her of the event
and requesting her to send a team to participate. (½ mark)

An invitation to send participation in the Inter-school Debate Competition (½ mark)

Dear Madam, (½ mark)

Our school is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. As part of the celebrations we are

hosting a series of competitions and we are beginning with ‘War of Words’, an Inter-school

Debate Competition. (Opening Line-½ mark)

It will be held on 25th April, 2023 from 9.00 a.m. to 12 noon in the Auditorium of City

Montessori School. Please do send your senior debate team to participate in the event.

The topic will be given to the participants an hour before the start of the competition. They

may bring their laptops for use during the preparation time. (Body

- 2 marks)

We look forward to your school’s participation in the competition. (closing line-½ mark)
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully, (½ mark)
Ashish Roy
Debating Secretary

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