Topsoe Coker Naphtha Hydroprocessing Catalysts

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Coker Naphtha Hydroprocessing Catalysts

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Topsøe Refinery Catalysts

Coker Naphtha Hydroprocessing Catalysts


Coker Naphthas

In hydroprocessing of coker naphtha feedstocks from delayed coking, silica poisoning of catalysts
often presents a severe problem. The catalyst run length will often be dictated by the amount of
silicon entering with the coker feedstock and by the silica tolerance of the selected catalyst system.
A fundamental understanding of the deposition of silicon and the reaction steps involved has
enabled Topsøe to develop a range of coker naphtha hydroprocessing catalysts with unmatched
silicon pick-up capacities.

Hydroprocessing of Coker Naphthas

Coker naphthas, as well as other coker products, contain Based on fundamental knowledge about silicon depo-
much more sulphur, nitrogen, olefins and aromatic com- sition, Topsøe finds that the best catalyst for a coker
pounds than the straight-run products, increasing the naphtha unit has the following properties:
demand on the hydroprocessing catalyst. G A high surface area per reactor volume
The delayed coker is often used for upgrading of G A medium metal loading (NiMo)
residual oils. However, products from the delayed coker G A small particle size (1/20”)
add to the processing difficulties encountered in down- G An active alumina surface
stream hydrotreaters due to the presence of silicon. The
residue from silicone oils used to prevent foaming in A NiMo catalyst is the best choice for processing of
coker drums is largely distilled in the naphtha range and coker naphtha. Topsøe currently offers three different
will cause catalyst deactivation in downstream hydro- catalysts, which are all very effective in treating silicon-
treaters. However, the silicon will also be present in the containing feedstocks.
diesel and VGO cuts from the coker, although in lower
concentrations than in the naphtha fraction. TK-431 is a high surface area catalyst for desulphurisa-
Furthermore, coker naphtha feedstocks and other tion of coker naphthas with a moderate to high silicon
thermally cracked feedstocks are very rich in diolefins, content. The metal loading of TK-431 gives this catalyst
which tend to polymerise, which may result in unit pres- a high HDS and a high HDN activity. The pure alumina
sure drop build-up without the proper use of a graded carrier used for preparation of TK-431 ensures that this
bed system. catalyst has a very high density and a higher surface
area compared with other commercially available coker
Topsøe Coker Naphtha Catalysts naphtha catalysts. As a result, TK-431 has a very high
Since the operation of each naphtha hydrotreater is surface area per reactor volume, which results in a very
slightly different, the catalyst loading must be tailored high silicon pick-up capacity and, thus, a prolonged cycle
to meet the objectives of each unit. length.

TK-431 TK-437 TK-439

HDS activity High Medium Inactive
Relative metals loading 1.0 0.3 0
Relative silicon pick-up capacity 1.0 1.1 1.3
Application (catalyst) Main bed Guard bed (diolefin) Guard bed

Table 1. The features of Topsøe’s TK-400 series of coker naphtha catalysts.

Haldor Topsøe A/S 2

TK-437 is a very high surface area catalyst for silicon mised graded bed system to minimise pressure drop on
pick-up and desulphurisation of coker naphtha feedstock. top of a combination of TK-431, TK-437 and TK-439,
This catalyst has a low HDS activity and should be used in which will result in a significantly longer cycle length of
combination with TK-431 as a guard catalyst. TK-437 has any coker naphtha unit compared with operation on
the same high surface area per volume as TK-431, but other typical naphtha hydrotreating catalysts. Table 1
due to a lower metals loading, the silicon pick-up capacity summarises the features of Topsøe’s TK-400 series of
is even higher than that of TK-431 on a volume basis. coker naphtha catalysts.
TK-437 is also our recommended catalyst for diolefin
saturation. Diolefin hydrotreating is best carried out in a Objectives
separate guard reactor operating at low operating tem- The catalytic reformer and its associated naphtha hydro-
perature (350–425°F). treater are found in every modern refinery today. The
content of sulphur, nitrogen and silicon in the reformer
TK-439 has the highest silicon pick-up capacity of all the feed is required to be very low, normally below 0.5 ppm.
TK-400 series catalysts. This catalyst is used as a guard This requirement can be met without difficulty when the
bed catalyst in units with severe silicon contamination. naphtha hydrofiner processes straight-run feeds while
TK-439 does not contain any metals and should there- achieving long cycle lengths. Hydroprocessing of coker
fore be used in combination with TK-437 and/or TK-431 if naphthas requires that the catalyst has a very high silicon
desulphurisation and denitrifications are also required. capacity since silicon deposition typically determines the
The catalyst system should be designed with an opti- cycle length.

Figure 1. The antifoaming agent PDMS added to the CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3
coker is converted into smaller fragments mainly
distilled in the naphtha range at temperatures H3C Si O Si O Si Si O Si O Si CH3
above 450°C. A typical fragment found in the coker CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3
naphtha is hexamethyltricyclosiloxane. The silicone
fragments are converted into modified silica gels Decomposition
and adsorbed on the catalyst surface. This change in the coker unit
in catalyst surface structure caused by the silica is
associated with the rapid irreversible loss of catalytic
activity observed during hydrotreating of coker
naphtha. The silica gel on the catalyst surface has H3C CH3
been shown to consist primarily of SiO2, Si(OSi)4,
Si(OSi)3OH and various methylated forms: = =SiCH3, O O
=Si(CH3)2. The deposition of silica is a catalysed re- H3C CH3
action, which is moderately diffusion limited. The Si Si
catalytically active sites are known to be surface O
alumina OH sites.
The adsorbed silica forms a highly dispersed layer
on the catalyst surface. The amount of silica uptake
is therefore related to the surface area of the cata-
lyst. Higher surface area catalysts will give higher
silica uptake provided the catalysts have the same
nickel and molybdenum loading.

Catalysts for All Applications

3 Haldor Topsøe A/S
Topsøe hydroprocessing catalysts have been developed
in-house and are manufactured in Topsøe plants.

Removal of Diolefins ends up in the coker naphtha, and the remaining silicon
Formation of diolefins is a result of high-temperature ends up in the diesel and VGO fractions.
conversion reactions. Diolefins easily polymerise at nor-
mal hydrotreating temperature conditions, and the poly- Silica’s Impact on Catalyst Activity
mers often foul the reactor causing pressure drop build- Deposition of relatively large amounts of silica and small
up. These compounds must therefore be removed amounts of carbon takes place on the catalyst during
before normal hydrotreating at rather low temperatures coker naphtha hydroprocessing. The effect of silica (SiO2)
of 175–220°C (350–425°F). Commercially, the naphtha is deposition on the catalyst activity has been studied at
often treated in two consecutive reactors: the diolefin Topsøe’s research facilities on commercially aged cata-
reactor and the main reactor. The diolefin reactor is lyst samples. The results of this work can be seen in
used to reduce the diolefins and to trap some of the sili- Figure 2. The most profound effect is seen for the HDN
con. The main reactor catalyst hydrotreats the olefins, activity. At a level of 20 wt% SiO2 (10% Si) on the cata-
organic sulphur and nitrogen compounds, and picks up lyst, the HDS activity of most catalysts was reduced by
the remaining silicon. only 30%, whereas the HDN activity was reduced by
90%. Since the denitrogenation is more affected by sili-
Origin of Silicon con deposition than the desulphurisation, Topsøe recom-
The origin of the silica deposits can be traced back to the mends that the denitrogenation activity of the catalyst
silicone oil added to the heavy residue feed in the delayed is followed during the run to define the silicon contami-
coker. Because of gas formation, silicone oil (polydimet- nation and to better determine the expected end-of-run.
hylsiloxane, PDMS) is usually added to the coker drums When the denitrogenation activity becomes unaccept-
to suppress foaming. This silicone oil is usually cracked able, the silicon breakthrough may be imminent, even
or broken down in the coker to silicone oil fragments though the desulphurisation is still satisfactory.
(see Figure 1). These fragments are mainly distilled into Another unfortunate effect of silica deposition is that
the naphtha range and are sent to a hydrotreater along the silica makes the catalyst unregenerable, because the
with the coker naphtha. Typically, 70–80% of the silicon silica is adsorped on the entire catalyst surface, resulting



Activity Relative to Fresh (%)







0 10 20 30 40

% SiO2 on Catalyst

Figure 2. The effect of silica (SiO2) deposition on the catalyst activity.

Haldor Topsøe A/S 4

in irreversible loss of surface area, pore volume and
active sites.
The silica species are distributed on the catalyst sur-

Si content
face in the same way as the coke is deposited. This
means that silica does not act as a catalyst poison by
bonding to a metal site but by blocking the catalyst pore
system and accessing the active metal sites. After a cer-
tain accumulation of silica on the catalyst surface, a
rapid catalyst deactivation will occur.
The silicon competes with the catalytically active met-

Surface Center Surface
als for the same sites on the catalyst carrier. Conse-
Catalyst 1 Catalyst 2 Catalyst 3 Catalyst 4
quently, a catalyst with a low metals loading will have a
higher silica uptake than a catalyst with a higher metals
Figure 4. Silicon profiles for 1/20” catalyst pellets.
loading as seen by Topsøe for TK-437 and TK-439. The
TK-439 without metals is in fact the most efficient sili-
con trap of the TK-400 series catalyst. action, which leads to diffusional limitations in catalysts
larger than 1/20” in diameter. For 1/20” pellets, a micro-
Operating Conditions probe analysis showed that the silica-contaminated hy-
Topsøe has determined that the silicon pick-up is not de- drotreating pellets from all levels of a reactor had a uni-
pendent on the unit pressure, but very dependent on form distribution of silica throughout the entire catalyst
the operating temperature. At a higher operating tem- pellet diameter (Figure 4).
perature, the silicon pick-up is higher. Figure 3 shows the The same analyses carried out on larger pellets (›1/20”)
silicon uptake with temperature. There is no indication showed that the silica was not deposited uniformly
of the fact that the curve has reached its maximum. For through the entire pellet diameter, but had a higher ac-
maximum Si uptake, Topsøe thus recommends opera- cumulation of silica toward the outside of the pellets.
tion at the highest possible temperature. Depending on the process conditions in the coker
naphtha unit, the silicon deposition appears to be some-
Diffusion of Silicon Species what diffusion limited in catalyst pellets larger than
The deposition of silica on naphtha catalysts is a fast re- 1/20”.

% Si on spent catalyst


0 10 20 30 40


Figure 3. Silicon uptake with temperature.

5 Haldor Topsøe A/S

Refinery Services Haldor Topsøe A/S
P.O. Box 213
Nymøllevej 55
Topsøe’s worldwide services to the refining industry are DK-2800 Lyngby
Phone: +45-45 27 20 00
based on a fundamental understanding of heterogeneous Telefax: +45-45 27 29 99
catalysis, including catalysts, process technologies and
engineering services. INDIA
Haldor Topsøe International A/S
Topsøe’s unique integrated approach has resulted in B-42 (First Floor)
profitable solutions in the areas of: Panchsheel Enclave
New Delhi 110 017
G FCC Pretreatment Phone: +91-11-5175 0081
Telefax: +91-11-5175 0252
G Hydrocracker Pretreatment
G Hydrocracking JAPAN
G Deep HDS of Diesel Haldor Topsøe International A/S
Tokyo Branch Office
G Diesel Dearomatisation Shiroyama JT Trust Tower, 33 F
G Resid Hydroprocessing 3-1, Toranomon 4-Chome
Minato-Ku, Tokyo 105-6090
G Kero/Naphtha Hydroprocessing Phone: +81-3-5472 7501
G Pressure Drop Control Telefax: +81-3-5472 6633
G Reactor Design
G Reactor Flow Distribution Haldor Topsøe International A/S
G Hydrogen Production Beijing Representative Office
Room 1008, Scitech Tower
G Sulphur Management
22 Jianguomenwai Dajie
G Spent Acid Regeneration 100004 Beijing
G Alkylation Phone: +86-10-6512 3620
Telefax: +86-10-6512 7381
G Flue/Waste Gas Treatment
Visit for more information. Haldor Topsøe A/S
Moscow Representative Office
Bryusov Street 11, 4th Floor
125009 Moscow
Phone: +7-095-229 6350
+7-503-956 3274
Telefax: +7-503-956 3275

Zao Haldor Topsøe

42 Respublikanskaya
150040 Yaroslavl
Phone: +7-0852-730173
Telefax: +7-0852-252558

Haldor Topsoe, Inc.

Cover photo: Art Wolfe/The Image Bank, back page photo: James Balog/Stone
17629 El Camino Real
Houston, TX 77058
Phone: +1-281-228-5000
Telefax: +1-281-228-5109

Haldor Topsoe, Inc.

Refining Technology Division
770 The City Drive
Orange, CA 92868
Phone: +1-714-621-3800
Telefax: +1-714-748-4188
Branded Design TK Series 03/04 (2)

The information and recommendations

have been prepared by Topsøe special-
ists having a thorough knowledge of
the catalysts. However, any operation
instructions should be considered to
be of a general nature and we cannot
assume any liability for upsets or dam-
age of the customer’s plants or person-
nel. Nothing herein is to be construed
as recommending any practice or any
product in violation of any patent, law
or regulation.

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