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Caco-2 cell permeability assays to

measure drug absorption
Richard B van Breemen† & Yongmei Li
of Illinois College of Pharmacy, Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy,
1. Introduction 833 S. Wood Street, Chicago, IL 60612, USA

2. Caco-2 cell monolayers as

Caco-2 cells are a human colon epithelial cancer cell line used as a model of
models of intestinal absorption
human intestinal absorption of drugs and other compounds. When cultured
and metabolism
as a monolayer, Caco-2 cells differentiate to form tight junctions between cells
3. Conclusions to serve as a model of paracellular movement of compounds across the mono-
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4. Expert opinion layer. In addition, Caco-2 cells express transporter proteins, efflux proteins,
and Phase II conjugation enzymes to model a variety of transcellular pathways
as well as metabolic transformation of test substances. In many respects, the
Caco-2 cell monolayer mimics the human intestinal epithelium. One of the
functional differences between normal cells and Caco-2 cells is the lack of
expression of the cytochrome P450 isozymes and in particular, CYP3A4, which
is normally expressed at high levels in the intestine. However, Caco-2 cells may
be induced to express higher levels of CYP3A4 by treatment with vitamin D3.
Caco-2 cell monolayers are usually cultured on semipermeable plastic supports
that may be fitted into the wells of multi-well culture plates. Test compounds
are then added to either the apical or basolateral sides of the monolayer.
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After incubation for various lengths of time, aliquots of the buffer in opposite
chambers are removed for the determination of the concentration of test
compounds and the computation of the rates of permeability for each com-
pound (called the apparent permeability coefficients). Although radiolabelled
compounds were used in the original Caco-2 cells monolayer assays, radio-
labelled compounds have been replaced in most laboratories by the use of
liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and LC-tandem mass spec-
trometry (LC-MS-MS). Mass spectrometry not only eliminates the need for
radiolabelled compounds, but permits the simultaneous measurement of mul-
tiple compounds. The measurement of multiple compounds per assay reduces
the number of incubations that need to be carried out, thereby increasing the
throughput of the experiments. Furthermore, LC-MS and LC-MS-MS add
another dimension to Caco-2 assays by facilitating the investigation of the
metabolism of compounds by Caco-2 cells.

Keywords: Caco-2 cells, drug absorption, intestinal absorption, intestinal metabolism,

liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry

Expert Opin. Drug Metab. Toxicol. (2005) 1(2):175-185

1. Introduction

1.1 Role of intestinal absorption assays in drug development

During the last 15 years the synthesis of compounds for drug discovery efforts has
evolved from one at a time to combinatorial synthesis, which enables the simultane-
ous synthesis and purification of hundreds of compounds [1]. Furthermore, high-
throughput screening methods have been developed to facilitate the rapid identifica-
tion of pharmacologically active compounds. However, in vitro activity does not
Ashley Publications guarantee in vivo efficacy. On average, for every new drug entity that reaches the market, at least 5000 compounds are screened, and the majority of lead compounds
that emerge from drug discovery programmes fail during development due to

10.1517/17425255.1.2.175 © 2005 Ashley Publications Ltd ISSN 1742-5255 175

Caco-2 cell permeability assays to measure drug absorption

Table 1. Models of intestinal absorption of pharmaceutical compounds.

Model system Advantages Limitations Reference

Nonbiological models
Immobilised artificial membrane Models transcellular passive diffusion Low throughput. Cannot model effects of [5]
chromatography transporters, vesicular transport, efflux
systems or paracellular diffusion
Parallel artificial membrane High-throughput model of transcellular Cannot model effects of transporters, [6]
permeability passive diffusion vesicular transport, efflux systems or
paracellular diffusion
In silico computer modelling of Inexpensive high-throughput model of Does not model transporters, vesicular [7]
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membrane diffusion transcellular passive diffusion transport, efflux systems or paracellular

Biological models
In vivo animal models Encompasses mechanisms of Expensive and low throughput. Individual
absorption, efflux and metabolism roles of intestinal absorption and hepatic
metabolism on bioavailability undelineated
In situ intestinal segments Encompasses mechanisms of Expensive and low throughput. Uses [8]
absorption, efflux and metabolism nonhuman tissue. Requires large quantities
of test compounds
Everted gut sacs Provides accurate measurement of Viability lost rapidly. Fresh tissue required [7]
intestinal permeability for each assay. Often damaged during
Intestinal mucosa/Ussing Provides accurate measurement of Loses viability rapidly. Fresh tissue required [9]
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chamber intestinal permeability for each assay. Often damaged during

Isolated membrane vesicle May be cryopreserved for use as Often damaged during preparation. [7]
needed Enzymes lack apical and basolateral polarity
Caco-2 cell monolayer Models transcellular and paracellular Low throughput. Low expression of [10]
permeability, vesicular transport, active intestinal cytochrome P450 isozymes
transport, facilitated transport and
efflux systems
Caco-2 cells treated with Same advantages as Caco-2 cell Low throughput [11]
vitamin D3 to express monolayer, but also models intestinal
cytochrome P450 3A4 metabolism

unacceptable pharmacokinetic, metabolic, and toxicity terms of patient compliance, oral administration is preferred
profiles. A large proportion of new drug entities that are when possible. However, intestinal absorption is a formidable
tested in clinical trials, therefore, fail due to unexpected toxic- barrier that restricts the oral bioavailability of many potential
ity or pharmacokinetics [2]. Thus, it is important to have relia- new drugs. To address the need for in vitro assays of intestinal
ble and accurate pharmacokinetic and metabolic data permeability of potential new drugs as part of the drug develop-
available as early as possible during drug discovery in order to ment process, a variety of approaches has been developed and
select only those drug candidates for development that are are summarised in Table 1. Among these approaches, the
most likely to be useful as drugs. Caco-2 cell monolayer assay of intestinal permeability has
As a result of the high failure rate of compounds emerging emerged as one of the standard in vitro tools [3,4].
from drug discovery programmes, many pharmaceutical com-
panies have incorporated pharmacokinetics and toxicity evalua- 1.2 Drug absorption by the human intestine
tion in the early screening phase of the drug discovery process. The small intestine is the primary organ responsible for the
Furthermore, due to time constraints and the large numbers of absorption of nutrients, and serves as a physical and biological
compounds produced by combinatorial chemistry and high- barrier to digestive enzymes and ingested foreign
throughput screening, the demand for in vitro assays that can substances [7]. Among the many factors influencing intestinal
be used to evaluate the biological systems that affect pharma- absorption of drugs, their dissolution rate, solubility and
cokinetics of drug candidates both qualitatively and quantita- intestinal permeability are the most influential [12]. The disso-
tively has risen dramatically. As oral delivery is the most lution rate and solubility determine how fast the drug
convenient form of administration of pharmaceutical agents in achieves its maximum concentration in the luminal intestinal

176 Expert Opin. Drug Metab. Toxicol. (2005) 1(2)

van Breemen & Li

Endocytosis Transcytosis
Paracellular Gap
pathway junction
Active transport

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Figure 1. Routes of drug absorption at the intestinal brush border. Differentiated Caco-2 cell monolayers exhibit all of these routes
of drug absorption. Although Caco-2 cells exhibit phase conjugation enzymes, such as glucuronyl transferases and sulfotransferases,
they usually express abnormally low levels of the cytochrome P450 isozymes CYP3A and -1A. However, Caco-2 cell lines can be treated
to express higher levels of human CYP3A.

fluid and are constants that are easily measured in vitro. How- transport processes. There are three types of vesicular trans-
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ever, the determination of intestinal permeability is a complex port pathways, including fluid-phase endocytosis, receptor-
biological process that is much more challenging to measure. mediated endocytosis, and transcytosis (Figure 1) [13]. Some
Intestinal absorption of orally administered drugs occurs peptides and proteins are absorbed through fluid-phase endo-
via three pathways: passive diffusion, carrier-mediated or cytosis [15]. In this process, the plasma membrane forms vesi-
-limited transport, and vesicular transport [13]. The more cles or pinosomes that engulf the dissolved molecules and
complex biological models, such as the Caco-2 cell assay, move inwardly. The dissolved molecules in the vesicles and
encompass all of these pathways, but the nonbiological pinosomes are transported to endosomes, which eventually
models currently in use do not (Table 1 and discussion fuse with lysosomes. Macromolecules can be absorbed by the
below). Passive diffusion can be divided further into paracel- process called receptor-mediated endocytosis, in which
lular passive diffusion and transcellular passive diffusion macromolecules bind to the receptors on the membrane and
(Figure 1). In paracellular passive diffusion, chemicals are the receptor–ligand complexes cluster together to form clath-
transported across the epithelium through the aqueous, rin-coated pits. Next, a process called sorting leads to the
extracellular route. Differences in drug concentration, electri- destruction of the ligand in the lysosomes [13]. However, the
cal potential and hydrostatic pressure between the luminal ligand might bypass the lysosomes and be released from the
and blood sides of the intestinal epithelium create gradients, basolateral side of enterocytes in a process called transcytosis.
which are the driving forces for extracellular passive Only biological models of intestinal absorption, such as the
diffusion. The tight junctions between cells are the major Caco-2 cell monolayer assay, encompass vesicular transport as
barrier to paracellular passive diffusion. Similarly, electro- a mechanism of predicting the intestinal absorption of drugs.
chemical gradients can also drive transcellular transport. As The intestinal mucosa contains various transporter
the surface of a cell membrane is much larger than the sur- proteins, such as transporters of di- or tripeptides, large
face of tight junctions (99.9 versus 0.01%) [14], compounds neutral amino acids, bile acids, nucleosides and monocarboxy-
using the transcellular pathway tend to have higher absorp- lic acids, and some of these mediate the absorption of drugs
tion rates than compounds that cross the epithelium via the (Figure 1) [16-18]. Some transporters are influx transporters,
paracellular pathway. It should be noted that the Caco-2 cell which bind molecules in the intestinal fluid on the apical side
monolayer model may be used to measure intestinal permea- and transport them to the basolateral side of enterocytes; for
bility that results from both transcellular and paracellular example, H+/oligopeptide cotransporter (PEPT1) functions as
absorption, whereas simpler membrane models only predict an uptake transporter of peptidomimetic drugs, including
transcellular passive diffusion. angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, β-lactam anti-
Although some drugs are not able to pass through entero- biotics, and renin inhibitors [19-21]. Some other transporters
cytes by passive diffusion or carrier-mediated pathways, they have the opposite function and transport compounds from the
can still cross the intestinal epithelium through vesicular cell cytoplasm to the intestinal lumen and, therefore, reduce

Expert Opin. Drug Metab. Toxicol. (2005) 1(2) 177

Caco-2 cell permeability assays to measure drug absorption

the absorption of the compounds. Transporters in the multi- plates coupled with a spectrophotometric plate reader.
drug resistance (MDR) and multidrug resistance-associated Recent studies have demonstrated good correlation between
protein (MRP) families are efflux transporters that hinder the the flux in this system and the extent of absorption in
absorption of certain molecules [22]. In particular, the efflux humans for some well-characterised drugs [6,30]. However,
transporter P-glycoprotein has been shown to prevent the net artificial membranes are different from the biological
absorption of many drugs [23]. Efflux and transporter proteins membranes in that they lack paracellular pores, influx and
are expressed by Caco-2 cell monolayers (Figure 1). efflux transporters, and metabolic enzymes, all of which
influence the extent of intestinal absorption of drugs. There-
1.3 Role of intestinal drug metabolism in fore, although artificial membranes may be useful for the
bioavailability prediction permeability of passively transported compounds,
As xenobiotic metabolism is usually considered a function of they have serious limitations for the prediction of intestinal
the liver, most metabolic studies have focused on liver permeability of compounds that are small, hydrophilic, or
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enzymes. However, enzymes of the cytochrome P450 transported by carrier proteins [7]. Except for deficiencies
(CYP)3A subfamily, which are the most abundant Phase I with respect to CYP isozyme expression, the Caco-2 cell assay
drug-metabolising enzymes in humans, have been found to be overcomes these limitations.
expressed at high levels in the mature villus tip enterocytes of The prediction of drug absorption using computational
the small intestine [24-26] (Figure 1). Furthermore, immuno- (in silico) methods is an area of ongoing investigation. In prin-
histochemical studies, protein measurements and enzyme ciple, in silico methods might be faster and less expensive sub-
activity determinations have shown that some CYP3A iso- stitutes to in vitro or in vivo assays. Although existing in silico
zymes have higher concentrations in the small intestine than in methods range in complexity from relatively simple quantita-
the liver [27,28]. Other enzymes, such as CYP1A and Phase II tive models to complex pharmacokinetic and/or pharmaco-
enzymes, are also found in the small intestine. These enzymes dynamic models, they are still too inaccurate to replace
might have significant impact on the bioavailability of some in vitro and in vivo approaches in determining human drug
orally administered drugs. As summarised in Table 1 and dis- intestinal absorption [7].
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cussed below, only the biological models of intestinal permea- A variety of animal intestinal tissues are in use as models of
bility may be used to account for intestinal metabolism as a human intestinal permeability of drugs, and include the
factor in the absorption of orally administered drugs. everted gut sac, intestinal mucosa in the Ussing chamber, and
isolated membrane vesicles. In the everted sac method, an
1.4 Models of intestinal absorption intestinal segment is turned inside out, filled with oxygenated
Lipophilicity (log P/log D) had been a commonly used buffer, tied at both ends, and the rate at which a drug crosses
physiochemical property in the prediction of membrane from the incubation medium to the inside is measured [7,13].
permeability [29]. Lipophilicity can be measured by deter- In the Ussing chamber method, intestinal tissues are isolated
mining the logarithm of the partition coefficient between and cut into strips of appropriate size to fit in the opening of
octanol and water. However, it has been recognised that diffusion chamber. The drug transport rate can then be meas-
there is a substantial difference between octanol/water and ured based on the rate of appearance of the drug on the sero-
membrane/water partition coefficients [30]. As a result, the sal side. The Ussing chamber method provides accurate
use of this single property of lipophilicity is an oversimplifi- measurements of intestinal permeability [32], but suffers from
cation that results in unreliable predictions. Therefore, some of the same limitations as the everted gut sacs approach.
more sophisticated physiochemical methods have been These problems include rapid loss of viability due to a lack of
developed, including immobilised artificial membrane active blood and nerve supplies, the potential for morpho-
chromatography and the parallel artificial membrane logical damage during preparation and the need for fresh
permeability assay (PAMPA). tissue with each assay [7].
Immobilised artificial membrane chromatography is Isolated membrane vesicles, prepared from either intestinal
essentially reverse-phase liquid chromatography in which lip- scrapings or isolated enterocytes, have been used in suspen-
ids emulating those of cell membranes are used to replace the sion to model the intestinal absorption of drugs. The isolated
usual hydrocarbon phase on the solid support [5]. Using this membrane vesicles require smaller amounts of test com-
technique compounds with longer retention (k′) are pre- pounds than the everted sac or Ussing chamber methods and
dicted to have good permeability across lipid bilayers based may be cryopreserved for use as needed. Disadvantages
on the assumption that the major factor regulating drug include problems with transporter proteins and enzymes that
intestinal transport is the ability to diffuse through cell mem- are often damaged during vesicle preparation and lack of api-
branes. In support of this assumption, reasonable correlation cal and basolateral polarity which characterises intestinal
has been demonstrated between the log k′ and permeability mucosa cells in vivo. Due to the many disadvantages of the
across Caco-2 cell monolayers [30,31]. A higher throughput everted sac, Ussing chamber and isolated membrane vesicles,
type of artificial membrane assay for drug intestinal permea- their use is much less common than the cell culture models
bility is the PAMPA. The system uses 96-well microtitre such as the Caco-2 cell monolayer model [13].

178 Expert Opin. Drug Metab. Toxicol. (2005) 1(2)

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AP-to-BL permeability BL-to-AP permeability

Figure 2. Caco-2 intestinal epithelial cell assay for intestinal absorption. A solution of a test compound or mixture of compounds
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is placed on the apical side of a Caco-2 cell monolayer, and the rates of appearance of the test compounds on the basolateral side of the
cells are measured to assess the permeability of the monolayer for each compound. Alternatively, the test compound or compounds may
be added to the basolateral side in order to test for the presence of active transport or efflux in one direction or the other across the
Caco-2 cell monolayer. Reprinted from LI Y, SHIN YG, YU C et al.: Increasing the throughput and productivity of Caco-2 cell permeability
assays using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry: application to resveratrol absorption and metabolism. Comb. Chem. High
Throughput Screen. (2003) 6:757-767 [10] with permission.
AP: Apical; BL: Basolateral.

Many cell monolayer models have been developed to emu- and for mechanistic studies of drug transport [33]. The Caco-2
late the human intestinal epithelium and are gaining in popu- cell monolayer permeability assay is reliable, easy to carry out,
larity. These models use immortalised cells that grow rapidly and requires only small quantities of compounds. Originally
into confluent monolayers and undergo spontaneous differen- isolated from a human colon adenocarcinoma, Caco-2 cells
tiation. Therefore, these cell monolayer models provide an undergo spontaneous enterocytic differentiation in culture to
ideal system for the study of drug absorption by the intestine. resemble epithelial cells of the small intestine [34]. When
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Several cell lines are in use for modelling human absorption grown to confluence, cell polarity and tight junctions are
including Madin Darby canine kidney (MDCK), TC-7, established in the Caco-2 cell monolayers, and several active
HT29-MTX, 2/4/A1, and the most popular, Caco-2 cells. transport systems are expressed as in the walls of the human
In situ perfusion of intestinal segments from rats or rabbits small intestine. These active transport systems include trans-
has been used for the study of intestinal drug absorption. In porters for bile acids, amino acids, and sugars [35]. P-glyco-
the in situ perfusion experiment, drug solution in physio- protein, which is the product of the MDR gene, and the
logical buffer is perfused through the isolated cannulated MRPs are also expressed in the cell membrane of Caco-2 cells
intestinal segments. Drug absorption is estimated based on and induce a basolateral-to-apical efflux of specific xenobiotic
disappearance of drug from the intestinal lumen. Because the compounds [36,37]. The apparent permeability coefficients
blood supply, nerve and clearance capabilities of the intest- measured for reference compounds across Caco-2 cell mono-
inal segments remain intact, this method avoids many of the layers have shown good correlation with in vivo absorption
problems associated with the everted gut sac model and the [38,39]. As a result of these favourable properties, the Caco-2
Ussing chamber model. This method appears to accurately cell monolayer assay has become a standard in vitro model for
predict in vivo intestinal permeability of passively trans- assessing the intestinal permeability and transport of drug
ported compounds, but needs a scaling factor for accurate candidates and lead compounds.
prediction of the permeability of carrier-mediated com- Caco-2 cells are cultured on semipermeable polycarbonate
pounds [8]. In addition, in situ perfusion requires relatively surfaces on inserts that fit into an assay chamber establishing
large numbers of animals for statistically significant data and apical and basolateral chambers. These two chambers are con-
larger quantities of test compounds to perform the experi- nected only through the monolayer of cells and their semi-
ment than the Caco-2 cell assays [7]. Therefore, Caco-2 cell permeable substrate (Figure 2). The apical and basolateral
monolayer assays are more practical for drug discovery and chambers represent the luminal and blood/mesenteric lymph
early drug development studies. sides of the gastrointestinal tract, respectively. Caco-2 cell
monolayer assay culture dishes usually contain 6, 12 or
2. Caco-2 cell monolayers as models of 24 wells. Typically, Caco-2 cells are cultured for ∼ 21 days to
intestinal absorption and metabolism reach confluence and to differentiate into enterocytes exhibit-
ing transporter proteins and tight junctions. In preparation
2.1 Caco-2 cells and intestinal absorption for the Caco-2 cell monolayer assays, the cell culture medium
Human epithelial Caco-2 cell monolayers were used for the is removed from both the apical and basolateral chambers and
first time to model human intestinal absorption in the late replaced with HBSS containing 25 mM HEPES at pH 7.4
1980s [3,4]. Since then, this model has become a standard tool and 37 °C. To evaluate the integrity of the monolayers, the
for the prediction of intestinal drug absorption in humans transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) is usually

Expert Opin. Drug Metab. Toxicol. (2005) 1(2) 179

Caco-2 cell permeability assays to measure drug absorption

A. B.
MS response at m/z 260

MS response at m/z 181

3.6 1200 6.6 Mannitol
1400 Internal
standard 800
9.2 Propranolol
600 400

4 6 8 10 4 6 8 10
Expert Opin. Drug Metab. Toxicol. Downloaded from by University of Guelph on 09/09/12

Retention time (min) Retention time (min)

Figure 3. Representative LC-MS chromatograms of (A) the high permeability standard propranolol, and (B) the low
permeability standard mannitol. For the analysis of propranolol, selected ion monitoring of the protonated molecule of m/z 260 and
that of the internal standard acebutolol of m/z 337 was carried out. A reversed-phase C18 column (2.1 × 100 mm, 3.5 µm) was used for
the HPLC separation. The mobile phase for the propranolol analysis consisted of a linear gradient from 0.5% acetic acid to methanol at a
flow rate of 0.2 ml/min. For the analysis of mannitol, the deprotonated molecule of m/z 181 was monitored, and HPLC separation was
carried out using an aminopropyl column (2.0 × 150 mm, 5 µM) with a mobile phase consisting of a linear gradient from water to
acetonitrile at a flow rate of 0.5 ml/min.
HPLC: High performance liquid chromatography; LC-MS: Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry; MS: Mass spectrometry.
For personal use only.

measured before and after an experiment as an indication of compounds determined on different days or even in differ-
the tightness of the cellular junctions [40]. Typically, TEER ent laboratories (interassay variation), it is convenient to
values > 300 Ω cm-2 indicate adequate monolayer integrity. measure some reference compounds with each assay.
During Caco-2 cell assays, the compounds to be evalu- Ideally, reference compounds representing high (i.e., pro-
ated are added to either the apical or the basolateral side of pranolol) and low cellular permeability (i.e., mannitol)
each cell monolayer to simulate the influx or efflux of com- should be measured along with the test compounds [41].
pounds across the intestinal epithelium. The concentrations Typical Papp values for mannitol and propranolol from the
of these compounds in the Caco-2 permeability assays are apical to the basolateral side of the Caco-2 cell monolayer
usually in the range of 10 – 500 µM. By carrying out multi- are ∼ 0.3 × 10-6 cm/sec and ∼ 5 × 10-5 cm/sec, respectively.
ple assays with different initial concentrations of test com- Examples of the liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
pounds, the participation of saturable receptors or (LC-MS) measurement of mannitol and propranolol in
transporter pathways may be detected. At various time aliquots from the basolateral side of a Caco-2 cell mono-
points (i.e., 10, 20, 30 and 40 min), the concentration of layer are shown in Figure 3. Additional details concerning
the test compounds in the receiving chambers are assayed. the measurement of the concentrations of test compounds
The transport rate for a particular concentration of a test in Caco-2 cell experiments are discussed below.
compound is typically expressed as the apparent permeabil- If the Papp values in the apical-to-basolateral direction are
ity coefficient (Papp), which is calculated using the following not equal to those in the basolateral-to-apical direction, or if
equation: the Papp values decrease with increasing test compound con-
(1) centration, this suggests the involvement of transporter path-
ways. Additional incubations may then be carried out to
P app = V r × ( dC ) ⁄ ( dt ) × 1 ⁄ AC o probe for the involvement of specific transporter or efflux sys-
tems. For example, the measurement of Papp values for a test
compound may be repeated in the presence of verapamil
where Vr is the volume of the recipient compartment, dC/dt (100 µM) [42] or MK-571 (50 µM) [37], which are inhibitors
is the slope of the cumulative concentration of the compound of P-glycoprotein and MRP, respectively [43]. Changes in the
in the recipient chamber over time, A is the membrane surface Papp value in the presence of such an inhibitor would confirm
area, and C0 is the compound initial concentration in the its participation in the transport or efflux of the compound.
donor chamber [38].
As the Papp is not a constant, it varies according to the 2.2Caco-2 cells and intestinal drug metabolism
assay conditions and batch-to-batch characteristics of the As in the liver, certain CYP isozymes are abundant in the
Caco-2 cell monolayers. To compare the Papp values for human small intestine. In particular, CYP3A4 accounts for

180 Expert Opin. Drug Metab. Toxicol. (2005) 1(2)

van Breemen & Li


300 nm

Resveratrol-3-glucuronide Resveratrol
2500 m/z 227

Mass spectrometer response

Resveratrol-3-sulfate m/z 307
Expert Opin. Drug Metab. Toxicol. Downloaded from by University of Guelph on 09/09/12

Resveratrol-3-glucuronide m/z 403


2500 Total ion chromatogram

0 5 10 15 20 25
Retention time (min)
For personal use only.

Figure 4. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry chromatograms of resveratrol and its metabolites after incubation of
resveratrol with Caco-2 cells. Reprinted from LI Y, SHIN YG, YU C et al.: Increasing the throughput and productivity of Caco-2 cell
permeability assays using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry: application to resveratrol absorption and metabolism. Comb. Chem.
High Throughput Screen. (2003) 6:757-767 [10] with permission.

∼ 50% of all CYP isozymes in the human intestine [44]. Expres- levels that are useful for studies of intestinal drug metabolism
sion of CYP3A4 has also been reported in Caco-2 cell mono- [48,49]. For example, hydrolases resembling those at the intesti-
layers, too. For example, Gan et al. [45] observed a hydroxylated nal brush border are expressed in Caco-2 cells. In addition,
metabolite of cyclosporin A in Caco-2 cell incubations, which carboxylesterases, uridine diphosphoglucuronosyl transferases,
was a product of CYP3A4. However, other investigators have glutathione-S-transferases, sulfotransferases [50,51] and cyate-
reported neither immunological nor functional evidence of chol-O-methyltransferase are present and functional in
Phase I enzymes in Caco-2 cells [46]. Caco-2 cells. Among these enzymes, the Phase II sulfotrans-
As Caco-2 cells typically underexpress CYP isozymes com- ferases and glucuronyltransferases are particularly significant
pared with the human small intestine or even human jejunal in the determination of the bioavailability of orally adminis-
microsomes, this is a limitation in the use of Caco-2 cells as a tered compounds, because conjugation of pharmacologically
model for intestinal Phase I metabolism of orally administered active compounds usually results in reduction or elimination
compounds. To try and overcome this limitation, Schmiedlin- of their activity.
Ren et al. [47] determined that treatment of Caco-2 cell mono- For example, Caco-2 cells have been shown to produce sul-
layers at confluence with 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin-D3 fate and glucuronide conjugates of resveratrol [10,52] (Figure 4).
resulted in a dose-dependent increase in CYP3A4 mRNA and In another example, sulfation by Caco-2 cells was the primary
protein expression. This treatment also increased levels of route of intestinal metabolism of epicatechin, which is an
NADP CYP reductase and P-glycoprotein expression in antioxidant flavonoid in tea [53]. In another investigation of a
Caco-2 cells. Subsequently, Fisher et al. [11] used 1α,25-dihy- flavonoid natural product, Hu et al. [54] reported that api-
droxyvitamin-D3 treated Caco-2 cell monolayers for in vitro genin was conjugated by Caco-2 cells to form sulfate and glu-
modelling of first-pass intestinal metabolic kinetics. When curonide Phase II metabolites and that the sulfate conjugate
applying this system to the metabolic kinetics of midazolam, was a substrate for an organic anion transporter.
which is a substrate for CYP3A4, the results were similar to
those observed in vivo. 2.3 Higher throughput Caco-2 cell monolayer assays
Although CYP isozymes are poorly expressed in Caco-2 Caco-2 cells are usually cultured for ∼ 21 days to allow time
cells, many other drug-metabolising enzymes are expressed at for the formation of confluent, differentiated monolayers.

Expert Opin. Drug Metab. Toxicol. (2005) 1(2) 181

Caco-2 cell permeability assays to measure drug absorption

Modified 3- to 7-day Caco-2 cell culture systems have been Recently, compound quantification in the Caco-2 permea-
developed in order to expedite the preparation process [55,56]. bility assay has been improved considerably by the application
Although the rank ordering of compounds with respect to of LC-MS [59] and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS-
their passive permeability across the Caco-2 cell monolayer MS) [60,61]. Compared with the radiolabelling approach and
has been demonstrated to be similar whether using the stand- high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-UV meth-
ard 21-day culture or the 3- to 7-day culture, the expression of ods, LC-MS and LC-MS-MS assays are more sensitive and
active transporter and efflux proteins, such as P-glycoprotein, more selective. Another advantage of these mass spectro-
was significantly lower in the accelerated Caco-2 cell cultures. metry-based detection methods is the ability to distinguish
In addition, as indicated by TEER measurements and micro- the test compounds from their metabolites. Furthermore,
scopy, the monolayer of the accelerated culture is less conflu- MS-MS facilitates the identification of these metabolites;
ent as well as less differentiated. Baranchzyk-Kuzma et al. [50] thereby adding another dimension to the information that
observed that the specific activity of the sulfotransferases in may be obtained using Caco-2 cell monolayers [10].
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Caco-2 cells increases with the confluence and age of the cell As mass spectrometry is an inherently fast detection
monolayer from 7 to 21 days in culture. Chikhale and Borc- method, efforts have been made to increase the throughput of
hardt [57] also found that Caco-2 cells that had been cultured the chromatography step used for Caco-2 cell assays. For
for 25 days showed greater drug-metabolising activity than example, fast chromatographic separations have been deve-
cells cultured for only 11 days. Therefore, the 21-day Caco-2 loped for LC-MS-MS analyses of samples from Caco-2 cell
cell culture period still remains the standard for studies that incubations that have a throughput of ∼ 2 min/sample [62].
require proteins such as P-glycoprotein that are expressed These fast chromatographic methods are able to sacrifice chro-
primarily in fully differentiated Caco-2 cells. matographic efficiency to save time by taking advantage of the
Other approaches have been pursued with greater success to extremely high selectivity of tandem mass spectrometric detec-
increase the throughput of Caco-2 cell assays. For example, cell tion. As a result, improvement in LC-MS-MS throughput of
culture plates with semipermeable polycarbonate inserts are > 10-fold may be achieved compared with routine reversed-
available from commercial sources for the parallel culture and phase HPLC separations. Another approach to enhancing the
For personal use only.

testing of Caco-2 cell monolayers. These plates are available in throughput of the HPLC separation while taking advantage of
6-, 12- and 24-well formats with insert diameters of 24, 12 the speed of the mass spectrometric detection is to interface
and 6.5 mm, respectively. The use of these multiwell plates has multiple HPLC columns to a single electrospray mass spec-
enhanced the convenience as well as throughput of Caco-2 cell trometer. For example, Fung et al. [63] reported the simultane-
monolayer assays. ous use of four multiplexed HPLC columns with a single mass
In its original form, measurement of apparent permeability spectrometer for Caco-2 cell applications. By using a combina-
coefficients using the Caco-2 cell monolayer assay required tion of fast HPLC separations and a multiple sprayer LC-MS-
radiolabelling and liquid scintillation counting for the quanti- MS system, a throughput of 100 compounds/week was
tative analysis of the concentration of a test agent in the desti- achieved for Caco-2 cell monolayer assays [63].
nation well [39,43]. However, radiolabelled compounds are Finally, another advantage of the selectivity of LC-MS-
expensive to synthesise, their use requires special safety pre- MS for quantitative analyses in support of Caco-2 cell intes-
cautions, and disposal of radioactive waste is expensive. tinal permeability assays is the ability to analyse multiple
Another disadvantage of the use of radiolabelled compounds compounds simultaneously. Instead of being limited to the
in the Caco-2 cell assay is that only one compound can be measurement of one compound per well in a Caco-2 cell
assayed per well, which limits the throughput of the assay. experiment, HPLC separation and mass spectrometric
Liquid chromatography coupled with ultraviolet (UV) or detection facilitate the quantitative analysis of multiple com-
fluorescence detection has also been used for quantification pounds in a single well. This approach has been called N-in-
[58], but this approach requires that the analytes have a strong one analysis, cassette dosing, cocktail analysis and sample
UV or fluorescent chromophore for adequate sensitivity. pooling; for example, Bu et al. [64] reported the analysis of
Many compounds, such as mannitol, which is used as a low- pools of up to five drugs, and Laitinen et al. [65] and Tannergren
permeability standard in Caco-2 cell assays to test the inte- et al. [66] reported the analysis of pools of up to 10 compounds
grity of the monolayers, lack either type of chromophore. during Caco-2 cell monolayer permeability assays.
Another severe limitation of the use of radioisotope, UV or
fluorescence detection is the inability to identify metabolites 3. Conclusions
formed from the test compound by Caco-2 cells. Typically,
the radiolabelling method overestimates the apparent permea- The Caco-2 cell monolayer system has become a standard
bility coefficient of compounds by failing to distinguish model for human intestinal absorption of xenobiotic
between the test compounds and their metabolites. UV and compounds that is more convenient and less expensive than
fluorescence usually lack sufficient sensitivity to detect meta- in vivo models, more accurate than physical models such as
bolites and, in any case, cannot provide structural information artificial membranes, more convenient and higher throughput
for their identification. than in vitro models such as everted gut sacs, and more

182 Expert Opin. Drug Metab. Toxicol. (2005) 1(2)

van Breemen & Li

accurate than most other in vitro models such as isolated may be used to predict whether intestinal absorption and
membrane vesicles. Rates of absorption (determined as appar- metabolism might reduce bioavailability. In addition, the use
ent permeability coefficients) may be determined, and the of the Caco-2 cell assay facilitates the identification of specific
involvement of transporter proteins, such as P-glycoprotein, mechanisms at the level of intestinal absorption that causes
and the MRP may be identified. In addition, the involvement poor or good oral bioavailability.
of Phase II conjugation reactions, such as glucuronidation and The use of radiolabelled compounds is no longer required
sulfation, may be assessed using the Caco-2 model. However, for the measurement of intestinal permeability using the
the role of intestinal CYP isozymes in the metabolism of Caco-2 cell monolayer assay. Instead, LC-MS and LC-MS-
compounds during absorption can only be investigated in MS have emerged as the fastest and most selective techniques
specially treated Caco-2 cell monolayers, as these cells to measure the concentrations of test compounds and stand-
typically do not express these isozymes. ards such as mannitol and propranolol on either side of the
Recently, the use of LC-MS and LC-MS-MS in place of cell monolayer. Higher throughput Caco-2 cell assays of mix-
Expert Opin. Drug Metab. Toxicol. Downloaded from by University of Guelph on 09/09/12

radiolabelled test compounds has helped increase the tures of test and control compounds have also been developed
throughput of Caco-2 cell assays [67,68]. In addition, mass that take advantage of the ability of LC-MS and LC-MS-MS
spectrometric detection now provides investigators with the to measure the concentrations of multiple species in a single
opportunity to investigate the Phase II intestinal metabolism analysis. Finally, LC-MS and LC-MS-MS provide the analyst
of test compounds using Caco-2 cells [10]. Mass spectrometry with the ability to detect and even quantify metabolites of test
has the advantages of high sensitivity, high selectivity and high compounds that were formed during incubation with Caco-2
speed, which makes it an ideal detector for target analytes in cells. Together, Caco-2 cell incubations in combination with
trace quantities. LC-MS and LC-MS-MS facilitate the rapid determination of
During drug discovery and development, early predictions of intestinal permeability, absorption and even metabolism of
drug metabolism and pharmacokinetic properties help stream- test compounds in support of preclinical studies of
line the selection of lead compounds that are most likely to metabolism and bioavailability.
become useful drugs. In vitro models, such as the human intes- During the next several years, we should anticipate the
For personal use only.

tinal epithelial Caco-2 cell monolayer assay for drug permeabil- development of higher throughput innovations in the Caco-2
ity, have become standard during the early stages of drug cell assays. Improvements in the efficiency of these assays
discovery and development [3,10]. The application of the Caco-2 should help reduce their cost and would enable even greater
cell monolayer assay not only facilitates the determination of applicability of this assay to early drug discovery and develop-
intestinal permeability, but also enables the identification of ment. One of the deficiencies of the Caco-2 cell monolayer
specific transporter or efflux proteins and intestinal Phase II assay at present is the lack of expression of the normal levels of
drug-metabolising enzymes that might be responsible for intestinal CYP isozymes in these cells. Correction of this
enhancing or preventing intestinal absorption. Therefore, this enzyme expression deficiency through genetic engineering or
cell-based assay provides valuable information for drug develop- perhaps through novel approaches to cell culture would add
ment in an efficient and reproducible manner that is not considerable value to these assays as more complete models of
available from nonbiological models and not even available human intestinal absorption and metabolism. Another limita-
from many other biological models. tion of the Caco-2 cell monolayer assay is the inability to
differentiate between compounds of intermediate permeabil-
4. Expert opinion ity. Although the assay is reliable for distinguishing between
compounds of high, middle and low permeabilities, the
Compared with whole animal assays or clinical trials, the sigmoidal nature of the measurements do not provide quanti-
Caco-2 cell assay is less expensive and provides information tative distinction between compounds in the intermediate
regarding the specific roles of intestinal permeability, trans- range. Hopefully, improvements in the assay will help address
port and efflux. During drug discovery, the Caco-2 cell assay these current limitations.

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