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Name Data Grade


I. Complete the sentences with names of countries and nationalities.- Completeaza

propozitiile folosind nume de tari sau nationalitati

1. Tom comes from Australia. He is ……………………………

2. Mary is British. She lives in …………………………………
3. He is Hungarian. He lives in ………………………………..
4. The children live in Mexico. They are ………………………..
5. My friend is visiting India but he is not ………………………

II. Write the suitable personal pronouns for the following nouns- Scrie pronumele

1. The flowers-
2. Tom-
3. Mary and I-
4. Jane-
5. The car-

III. Write sentences using the verb to be.- Formati propozitii cu ajutorul vb to be

1. I and my sister/not/ students-

2. She/ your teacher?-
3. They/my friends-
4. Christmas/your favourite season?
5. The cat/ yours?

IV. Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjectives- Completati folosind
adjectival posesiv corect

1. This is Max and ……………………..sister, Sophie.

2. We are in class 5B and…………………….teacher’s Miss Jones.
3. They are twins and ………………………..mum’s American.
4. That girl is my friend. …………………………’s Lucy.
5. Mary and Tom are cousins. ………………………….. grandma’s name is June.

V. Fill in the gaps with a or an- Folositi articolul a/an

………… apple
………… cat

VI. Rewrite the sentences using possessive ’s and the words in brackets
Rescrie propozitiile folosind Genitivul (‘s)

1. It’s a school. (Ellie and Dan)


2. They aren’t grandparents. (William)


3. He’s a dad. (the children)


4. It’s a poster. (Penny)


5. This is a laptop (Darius).


All subjects- 1.5 p (0.3 each)

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