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Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)


Designed by Ian Tassin and Chris Nelson

Written by Ian Tassin
Editing by Jadon Alford, Kelly Clayton, Chris Nelson, and Nina Skinner
Art Direction by Lady 3agle Art
Illustrations by Lady 3agle Art, Jackson Blackmon, Sergey Kuzin, Maddie Mae,
Jessica Tomlin, and Verquillos
Book design by Ian Tassin

Copyright © 2021 by Ian Tassin

All rights reserved. No text from this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without
written permission of the copyright owner except for the purpose of review.
For more information, email us at



Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Key Terms 1 Initiative 37

Creating a Character 3 Understanding EP 37

SPECIES 4 Character Effects 38

Dwarf 4 Rounds and Actions in Combat 38

Elf 5 Attacking 39

Halfling 6 Death Saves 40

Human 7 Wounds 40

Orc 8 Resistance, Immunity, and Vulnerability 41

Antherian 9 Ranged Weapon Attacks 41

Bijou 11 Reach and Range 41

Demor 12 Cover 41

Hell-born 13 Casting a Spell 42

Neurocite 14 1s and 20s 43


BACKGROUND 17 Sprinting 44

Alignment 18 Hiding 44

Throwing a Weapon 44
Charging 44
Stats 19
Opportunistic Attacks 44
Luck 19
Retreat 45
Strength Abilities 20
Prepared Actions 45
Dexterity Abilities 23
Unarmed Strikes 45
Constitution Abilities 26
Grappling 45
Intelligence Abilities 29
Surprise Attacks 46
Charisma Abilities 32
Disarm 46
Shoving or Tripping 46
Attributes 35
Called Shots 46

Executions 46


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

OTHER INFORMATION 47 3 Cost Spells 81

Checks 47 4 Cost Spells 86

Competitive Checks 47 5 Cost Spells 88

Saving Throws 48 MAGIC ITEMS 89

Damage Types 48 Common Magic Items and Properties 90
Expertise 49 Uncommon Magic Items and Properties 92
Resting 49 Rare Magic Items and Properties 94
Hunger and Thirst 50
Terrain 50
Challenge 0 96
Falling 51
Challenge 1 98
Size Classes 51
Challenge 2 102
Encumbrance 51
Challenge 3 104
Obscurity and Obscured Areas 52
Challenge 4 106
Gods and Deities 52
Challenge 5 108
Riding a Mount 53
Dual Wielding 53
Setting DCs 111
Small Size Class Items 53
Finding Treasure 111
Awareness and Targeting 53
Random Magic Items 112
Languages 54
Random Cursed Items 113
Creating Monsters and NPCs 115
Melee Weapons 57
Character Effects Cheat-sheet 117
Ranged Weapons 60
Creating Dynamic Environments 118
Armor 61
The Rule of 3 119
Other Equipment 62
Crafting 119
SPELLS 64 Group Checks and Saves 119
0 Cost Spells 65 How to Play a Roleplaying Game 120
1 Cost Spells 69 Optional Rules and Homebrewing 120
2 Cost Spells 76


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

_________KEY TERMS_________
Attack Roll DC
An attack roll determines how well a A roll DC, or Difficulty Classification, is a
creature’s attempt to attack something goes. The numerical representation of how difficult
total for an attack roll must be higher than the something is. The higher the DC the more
Defense of the target of the attack to be difficult it is to succeed on the action. When
considered a true strike. If the total for the attack making a check or saving throw your roll total
roll is less than the Defense of the attack’s target must be greater than the DC to succeed. This is
then the attack is an untrue strike. The terms “to also true of attacking, where the DC for an attack
attack” or “to strike” are used to reference attack roll is represented by the creature’s Defense
rolls. Score.

Attribute Defense Score

Every creature has 5 attributes: Strength, A creature’s Defense Score (Defense) is a
Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and measure of how difficult it is to make a potentially
Charisma. These attributes determine how good a damaging attack against a creature. It can be
creature is at doing different categories of things. thought of as the creature’s ability to avoid
For example, a person who spends a great deal of damage without expending much effort. It
time studying and reading would likely have a includes physical armor (such as chain mail),
high Intelligence, but might have a lower combat positioning and mobility (such as
Strength. Dexterity), and environmental elements (such as
Strength and Dexterity are physical attributes cover). A creature’s Defense Score is the DC for
and are bound to a creature’s body, while an attack roll made against that creature.
Intelligence and Charisma are mental attributes,
bound to the creature’s mind and soul. Dice
Constitution is a mixed attribute that determines
Playing Apotheosis requires a set of
both a creature’s physical endurance and mental
polyhedral dice. These dice are refereed to by the
number of sides the have. For instance a die with
6 sides is called a D6. To play Apotheosis you
Check will need the following dice: D4, D6, D8, D10,
Skill checks, or checks, are categories of D12, and D20. If a number is written proceeding
actions. For example, a Comprehension check is a one of these die indicators it represents how many
form of Intelligence check that measures a of that dice to roll. For example, 4D6 would mean
creature’s ability to understand things by that you should roll four six-sided dice and add
examining them or having them described. You the results.
may be asked to make a check any time you Additionally, the game will occasionally
attempt to do something that isn’t trivial to reference a D100 or percentile dice. To roll
complete. percentile, roll a D10 twice. Assuming the D10 is
numbered from 0 to 9, the first roll represents the
10s place. Then the second roll is added to the
Damage Roll first to give you a result between 0 and 99.
A damage roll determines how much a given For example, if you roll a 5 then a 8 the result
attack or effect would wound a creature affected would be 58. If you roll a 0 then a 0 the result
by it. Additionally, it determines how difficult the would be 0.
attack or effect is to avoid with EP. The higher the
damage roll, the more wound damage can be
inflicted by the source of the damage and the Encumbrance Weight
more EP is required to avoid being wounded. A creature’s encumbrance weight is not a
While an attack roll determines if the attack is measure of the creature’s maximum carrying
well aimed enough to have a chance of hitting, the capacity. Instead it’s a value that determines how
damage of an attack can generally be much a creature can carry before the weight
conceptualized as how good or strong the attack begins to affect their movement speed. For more
is. information on encumbrance, check page 51.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

EP Modifier
A creature’s EP, or energy/evasion points, In the context of rolls, a modifier is an
represent a creature’s stamina and combat skill. umbrella term encompassing everything that
Expending these points can allow a creature to makes a change between the roll and the roll total.
either perform great feats or avoid damage. This includes things like attributes and
bonuses from abilities or expertise. In essence a
EP Expenditure Limit modifier is the difference between a roll and a roll
A creature’s EP expenditure limit is the
maximum amount of EP they can expend at a
time. A creature’s EP expenditure limit is equal to Roll vs Roll Total
20 + their Dexterity. A creature’s EP expenditure While a roll is the number rolled on a die or
limit is not their limit for a round or turn, but dice, a roll total (often shortened to just “total”) is
rather, their limit for evading a single attack or the number on the die or dice after the addition of
effect. all appropriate modifiers.
For example, if a creature with a Strength of 6
Expertise makes an attack roll with a weapon they don’t
Normally when making a check, saving throw, have expertise with, they would roll a D20. If the
or attack roll, a creature will add the D20 rolls an 11, then 11 would be their roll. After
corresponding attribute to their roll. However, if a adding their Strength (6) the result would be 17,
creature has expertise in the action in question, their roll total.
they can add 1.5 times their corresponding
attribute (rounded up) instead. Saving Throw
Saving throws, or saves, are a D20 roll that is
GM and PC done to determine if a creature is able to avoid or
The game master (GM) is in charge of prevent a given effect. Generally saving throws
describing and managing the world that the player are either attribute saving throws, where a
characters (PCs) will adventure through. The GM creature adds the appropriate attribute to their
has ultimate power over all rulings and events. D20 roll, or Luck saving throws, where a creature
Players control their character’s actions within the adds their Luck to the D20 roll.
world and circumstances described by the GM.
True Strike vs Untrue Strike
Mana A true strike is a well aimed attack that has the
A creature’s mana is their pool of magical potential to injure a creature. Generally a true
energy. Mana can be used to cast spells and strike will cause a creature to either expend EP or
generally regenerates after a creature rests. be wounded.
In contrast, an untrue strike is an attack
attempt that is not good enough to have a chance
Mana Expenditure Limit of damaging a given creature. Generally an untrue
A creature’s mana expenditure limit is the strike will not deal any damage nor require a
maximum amount of mana they can expend at a creature to expend EP to avoid it.
For example, a creature who knows a spell Wounded
that has a mana cost of 5 can only cast that spell if
their mana expenditure limit is 5 or more. Wounds are injuries such as cuts, bruises,
broken bones, etc. When a creature is unable to
Note: A creature’s mana expenditure limit is avoid damage they are wounded.
not their limit for a round or turn, but rather their
limit for a single action or spell. When a creature is wounded, they must make
a death save. On a failed death save, the creature
dies. More information on wounds and death
saves is available in the Combat section.
Wounds are much more difficult to recover
from than EP loss and may have long-term effects
if they are severe enough.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

The first step in creating a character is to choose a species. After that you’ll want to create a
backstory. Your backstory can be anything, provided it fits within the world and setting your GM has
created. If you’re not sure if a backstory would work, ask your GM. It’s possible that your species might
play a role in your backstory as well. Using one of the official Apotheosis character sheets can be very
helpful in the process of character creation. These can be found in the back of the book or downloaded
for free from the Apotheosis website.

Choosing a species
• Your character has 5 attributes: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma.
Choosing a species will determine your initial distribution of these attributes.
• Each species comes with particular species traits and features as well as cultural information which
may be useful for completing your background.
• You can choose from the common species: dwarf, elf, halfling, human, and orc. Or from the exotic
species: antherian, bijou, demor, hell-born, neurocite, and trichosa.
• Keep in mind, depending on the species you choose it may be easier or more difficult to create a
given play-style. For example, dwarfs and orcs have natural advantages in Strength. This makes
them very effective fighters, but it’s more difficult to make them into spell-casters since they lack
some natural ability in that area.

Creating a BACKSTORY
It's time to come up with your character's backstory. This will depend on the campaign setting so it's
advised to consult your GM for notes before starting. Your backstory can be as specific or broad as
you’d like, but should explain your character’s personality traits and/or quirks. You are encouraged to be
creative with this section and come up with something that will make your character compelling to play
and gives them some motivation to participate in the campaign, despite the likely danger.

Choosing a Background
Now that you’ve created a backstory, you’ll choose a background that most closely matches the
backstory you’ve made. A background gives a character attribute bonuses, expertise, languages, and
money to purchase starting equipment. All of this is intended to correspond to the character’s lifestyle
prior to the beginning of the game.
For example, if an element of your backstory is that you were working as a guard until the job
became too mundane for you and you decided to seek out adventure, you might want to choose the
Fighter background. Alternatively, if you were noble, but a rival family had your parents and siblings
assassinated, causing you to flee to gather wealth and skills in order to take your revenge, you might
choose the Highborn background.

Choosing Equipment
The background you select will determine the amount of money you have. This money can be kept
or used to purchase equipment. When buying equipment, keep in mind what your character has expertise
with and remember that everything you carry has weight and that weight can slow you down if you carry
too much. See page the Economics and Equipment section for a list of options and equipment prices.

Choosing Abilities
Finally you will choose your abilities. You gain 1 ability for a given attribute for every 1 that
attribute is over 2. For example, if you have an Intelligence of 4 you will gain 2 Intelligence abilities.
Abilities determine what you are good at and give you access to special skills to be used during the
game. As you progress and your attributes increase you’ll gain additional abilities.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)


Dwarves are solitary in comparison to the other humanoid
species. They tend to stay among their own kind and are
frequently intolerant of outsiders. When they do mingle with
the other species, it’s usually as part of a trading expedition.
Dwarves are renowned for their masterful, enduring
craftsmanship. Dwarves don’t usually enchant their weapons
beause they consider it a form of cheating, but they produce
vast quantities of high quality metalwork.
Dwarves are naturally distrustful, especially of other
species. Besides other dwarves, they tend to get along best
with humans.
As a dwarf you will gain the
following initial attribute

Strength 2
Dexterity 0
Constitution 2
Intelligence 1
Charisma 0 agle A
Lady 3

You also gain the following species traits:

• Aging: Dwarves reach maturity around age 20, but they are not considered adults in dwarven society
until age 50. Dwarves live naturally up to 4 centuries, though they often die before that due to poor
working conditions in mines.

• Alignment: Dwarves tend to be lawful as they respect the order and hierarchies of society. Dwarven
societies often stress the importance of playing your role in society and maintaining order.

• Size: Dwarves are generally 4 to 5 feet tall and around 140 pounds. They are considered to be of the
medium size class.

• Speed: Dwarves unencumbered movement speed is 25 feet. Dwarves are stout and built for hauling
weight. Dwarves movement speed is reduced half as quickly from encumbrance.

• Resting: Dwarves need 8 hours of sleep to gain the benefits of a completed rest.

• Night-vision: Dwarves countless centuries of living in cavernous cities and mountain sides has led to
their developing highly perceptive eyes. If an area is obscured due to darkness, dwarves can see as
though the level of obscurity was reduced by one. For example, a heavily obscured area would only
count as moderately obscured, assuming the obscurity is due to darkness.

• Dwarven Toughness: Dwarves have +3 on Constitution checks and saving throws.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Elves are generally known for their unique mix of joyfulness
and stoicism. They are innately magical and it gives them an
ethereal quality and naturally long lives. Elves are renowned for
their fine craftsmanship and skills with magic. Elves produce
very little, though what they do make is of the highest quality
and often bestowed with enchantments.
Elves generally consider themselves to be superior to the
other species, most of all humans, though they rarely begrudge
them for it. Elves simply see themselves as above the
petty squabbles of lesser beings.

As an elf you will gain the

following initial attribute

Strength 0
Dexterity 2
Constitution 0
Intelligence 2
Charisma 1
Lady 3agle Art

You also gain the following species traits:

• Aging: Elves live long lives, up to 1000 years. They mature more slowly than humans, reaching
physical adulthood around age 30. However, in elven society one is generally not considered an adult
until the end of their first century.

• Alignment: Elves tend toward good alignments, though there are always exceptions.

• Size: Elves are generally tall, around 6 feet. Though some sub-species of elves are shorter. Elves have
lean builds, almost without exception. Most people, even elves, have never seen a fat elf. A fully grown
elf normally weighs around 135 pounds. Elves are of the medium size class.

• Speed: Elves’ unencumbered movement speed is 30 feet.

• Resting: Elves need 8 hours of untaxing activity, such as mediation or guard duty, to gain the benefits
of a completed rest. Elves do not need to sleep, though some choose to.

• Night-vision: Elves have innate magic that helps them to see in the dark. If an area is obscured due to
darkness, elves can see as though the level of obscurity was reduced by one. For example, a heavily
obscured area would only count as moderately obscured, assuming the obscurity is due to darkness.

• Innate Magic: Elves tend to manifest some magical abilities during childhood or adolescence. As an
elf, you can choose one spell with a mana cost of 0 to learn without it counting against your number of
known spells.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Halflings are generally liked by all. They are known for being
joyful, energetic, and enjoying festivities. They are also well known
for their extraordinary luck. Other species frequently mistake them
for human children and underestimate or dismiss them as cowardly
or unhelpful. Far to the contrary, halflings can be extremely
brave if the need arises.

As a halfling you will gain the

following initial attribute

Strength -1
Dexterity 2
Constitution 1
Intelligence 1 agle Ar
Lady 3

Charisma 2

You also gain the following species traits:

• Aging: Halflings live fairly long lives and generally make it to adulthood. Of all the species, halflings
are the most likely to die of old age. Halflings live up to 300 years and reach adulthood around their
second decade.

• Alignment: Halflings are almost always of a good alignment as they are generally cheerful and

• Size: An adult halfling is generally around 3 feet tall and weighs about 45 pounds. Their size class is

• Speed: Halflings’ unencumbered movement speed is 25 feet.

• Resting: Halflings’ need 6 hours of sleep to gain the benefits of a completed rest.

• Frequently Underestimated: Halflings have expertise in Deception checks when targeting any
creature besides another halfling.

• Innocent Demeanor: Halflings cannot gain expertise in intimidation.

• World’s Favor: Things always seem to work out for halflings. Some scholars have speculated it’s due
to some hitherto undetected magic that manifests as good fortune. As a halfling, you have +1 to your
Luck and when you roll a 1 on an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check, you can reroll the die once
per turn.

• Small Target: Creatures have -3 on ranged attack rolls against halflings for every size class the
creature is above small. (-3 if the attack is from a medium creature, -6 if it’s from a large creature).

• Language: If a halfling knows Standard, they can learn the halfling language without it counting
against their number of known languages.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Humans are generally considered to be self-centered and
short sighted by the other species. They live short lives and are
not particularly skilled in any field. They are the most prevalent
species by far. This is generally attributed to their extreme
flexibility. Humans can become skilled in just about anything
with some practice. There is another reason behind human
dominance though: their sheer, unbridled ambition. Their short
lives make them a species that has little concept of what can or
cannot be done. They are willing to try just about anything,

Lady 3agle Art

trusting in their force of will to get them through any

As a human you will gain the

following initial attribute

Strength 1
Dexterity 1
Constitution 1
Intelligence 1
Charisma 1

You also gain the following species traits:

• Aging: Humans live short lives in comparison to many of
the other species. They reach maturity around age 20. However, in human society they are often
considered adults by age 15. Humans live naturally up to about 80 years.

• Alignment: Humans are not predisposed toward any particular alignment.

• Size: An adult human is generally anywhere from 5 to 6 feet tall, though humans vary in size more
than the other species so this is not always true. Their size class is medium.

• Speed: Humans’ unencumbered movement speed is 30 feet.

• Resting: Humans need 8 hours of sleep to gain the benefits of a completed rest.

• Ambitious: When a human has a goal or belief, it’s very difficult to dissuade them from it. Humans
have +3 to saving throws against being persuaded or intimidated away from pursuing their goals or
upholding their ideals.

• Generalist: Humans gain expertise in 1 check and 1 weapon category of their choice.

• Diverse: Humans know the spoken and written portions of 1 common language of their choice without
it counting against their number of known languages.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Orcs are looked down on by nearly all other species as brutish and
warlike. It’s not an undeserved reputation, but it is an
oversimplification. Orc societies are warlike, though no more than
some human ones. Their governance is generally
determined though combat, similarly to most human
societies. Orcs are just more direct. They don’t have time
for the many lies and obfuscations of other cultures. Orc
leaders frequently come into power by defeating the
previous leader in single combat and lineages or dynasties
are short lived as a result. Though they spend the most time
fighting humans, orcs dislike elves most. Elves are generally
regarded as pretentious, cowardly, and weak in orc cultures.

As a orc you will gain the

following initial attribute

Strength 3

e Art
Dexterity 1

Constitution 2
Intelligence -1
Charisma 0

You also gain the following species traits:

• Aging: Of the common species, orcs age the most quickly. They reach adulthood around age 15,
though an orc is generally considered an adult as soon as they win their first melee combat. Orcs age
quickly. They can live naturally into their 70s, but they rarely survive that long, dying in combat before
nature can take its toll.

• Alignment: Orcs’ warlike nature makes them tend toward evil alignment, though this is not ubiquitous.

• Size: Orcs are large generally around 6 feet tall and bulky often weighing in excess of 200 pounds.
Their size class is medium.

• Speed: Orcs’ unencumbered movement speed is 30 feet.

• Resting: Orcs need 8 hours of sleep to gain the benefits of a completed rest.

• War-like: Orcs have expertise in Intimidation checks and a +3 to saving throws against being

• Orcish Resilience: Orcs cannot be killed on the same turn that they are reduced to 0 EP. An attack
which would kill an orc on the same turn they are reduced to 0 EP cripples them instead in a manner
determined by the GM. This trait can only be used once per completed rest.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Antherians are the descendant offspring of humans and nature spirits such as nymphs and dryads.
Antherians have humanoid posture and structure but with animal-like characteristics. Antherians
generally live in small, often nomadic, tribes. They are frequently looked down on by the other species
as primitive and brutish because of their appearance and preference for speaking Therianthropic.
Therianthropic is an ancient language with some magical properties, allowing those who know it to
better communicate with animals and more easily invoke nature magic.
Some cultures kill antherians when found or are otherwise hostile toward them, confusing them for
the unrelated and far more aggressive, lycanthropes such as werewolves.
Depending on their lineage, antherians can appear in a variety of ways and manifest various animal-
like characteristics.

As an antherian you will

gain the following initial
attribute distribution:

Strength 0
Dexterity 1
Constitution 1
Intelligence 0
Charisma 0

e Art
Lady 3agl

Antherians come in many forms, each with their own characteristics. The most common are as

• Bear-folk: +3 to Strength, +1 to Constitution, -1 to Charisma.

Included in full game.
• Cat-folk: +2 to Dexterity, +1 to Charisma.
Night-vision: If an area is obscured due to darkness, cat-folk can see as though the level of obscurity
was reduced by one.
Claws: Cat-folk have cat’s claws which protrude from their hands. Their unarmed attacks deal +2
slashing damage.

• Deer-folk: +1 to Strength, +1 to Dexterity, +1 to Charisma.

Deer’s Dexterity: Deer-folk have an unencumbered movement speed of 35 feet.
Alert: Deer-folk have expertise in Awareness checks.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

• Fox-folk: +2 to Intelligence, +1 to Charisma.
Fox's Cunning: Fox-folk have expertise in Insight checks and Comprehension checks.

• Owl-folk: +3 to Intelligence.
Included in full game.
• Rat-folk: +1 to Intelligence, +2 to Dexterity.
Small: Rat-folk are of the small size class.
Stealthy: Rat-folk gain a +1 bonus to Stealth checks.
Night-vision: If an area is obscured due to darkness, rat-folk can see as though the level of obscurity
was reduced by one.

• Wolf-folk: +1 to Strength, +2 to Charisma.

Pack Tactics: Your wolf-like instincts tell you just when to strike. You have +1 on attack and
damage rolls against creatures who attacked a creature other than you with their last major action.

You also gain the following species traits:

• Aging: Antherians’ life spans are comparable with those of humans, though they generally reach
maturity more quickly, around age 15. Antherians live naturally up to about 80 years.

• Alignment: Antherians don’t generally have lawful alignments.

• Size: Antherians vary in size depending on their lineage, but they tend to be 5 to 6 feet tall. Their size
class is generally medium.

• Speed: Antherians generally have an unencumbered movement speed of 30 feet.

• Resting: Antherians generally need 8 hours of sleep gain the benefits of a completed rest.

• Natural Instincts: Antherians have natural instincts around survival and have expertise in Survival

• Enhanced Senses: Antherians have natural senses better than those of a human. Antherians have a +3
bonus to Awareness checks.

• Language: When an antherian learns the written and spoken forms of the Therianthropic language they
automatically learn its runic aspect also.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Bijou are fay-like creatures who can be
born to a mother of any species. They are
generally the result of a virgin birth and are
considered by some to be blessings from
the gods. They are innately magical. Some
are even said to glow faintly in the dark.
Bijou have a wide array of appearances, but
some of their most common traits are as
follows: golden eyes, transparent skin showing
their inner musculature and bones, teeth and bones
which shine like silver or another metal, a complete
lack of hair, and no sexual organs or sexual desire. All
bijou have a glyph in Pure-Runic somewhere on their body.
These glyphs are at least 2 square inches and glow faintly.
As a bijou you will gain the
following initial attribute

Strength -1
Dexterity 0
Constitution 1
Intelligence 3
Charisma 2 Lady 3agle Art

You also gain the following species traits:

Included in full game.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Demor are cursed souls, trapped between states of living and dead.
They come into being as a byproduct of powerful dark magic or from
failed blood sacrifices. They are frequently forced to disguise
themselves to avoid being mistaken for undead. Demor are effectively
half dead. Some demor even trail a faint silhouette as they walk,
evidence of a partially detached soul.

As a demor you will gain the

following initial attribute

Strength 2
Dexterity -1 La
Constitution 2 t

Intelligence 1
Charisma 1

You also gain the following species traits:

Included in full game.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Hell-born are the offspring of devils and mortals, generally
humans. Hell-born are very rare. Some cultures consider them
little more than a myth. This is largely due to their ostracization
from society. Hell-born tend to group together in more tolerant
areas and rarely leave since many societies kill hell-born on
sight. There are many variants of hell-born throughout the world
depending on what species suffered this curse and how many
generations have passed since its first introduction into a given
Hell-born’s physical characteristics vary a lot, but they will
almost always have one or more of the following traits: Red or
purple skin, a tail with a pointed end, horns, a forked tongue, and
eyes that are solid black or have red irises.
As a hell-born you will gain the
following initial attribute

Strength 0
Dexterity 1
Constitution 1
Intelligence 2
Charisma 1 Kuz

You also gain the following species traits:

• Aging: Hell-born can live up to 150 years, more if they are of a non-human ancestry, such as elvish or

• Alignment: Hell-born are rarely true or lawful good alignments as their devil blood always influences
them toward evil, though they can keep from enacting these urges by exercising their will.

• Size: Hell-born vary in size depending on the species of their genealogy, but they tend to be between 5
and 6 feet tall. Their size class is medium.

• Speed: Hell-born have an unencumbered movement speed of 30 feet.

• Resting: Hell-born need 6 hours of sleep in a warm environment or 10 hours in a cold environment to
gain the benefits of a completed rest.

• Thermal Sight: Hell-born have demonic ancestry that allows them to see the heat radiating from
things. Hell-born are able to see the heat radiating off of everything within 20 feet of them, even in

• Born of Fire: Hell-born have resistance to fire damage.

• Spiked Tail: Hell-born with tails can use a minor action to attack a creature with their tail. On a true
strike, it does 1D4 + half their Strength piercing damage. It has a reach of 5 feet and Hell-born have
expertise with this attack.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Neurocites are small and insect-like. They can burrow through the base of the skull of vertebrate
creatures and control their minds. Neurocites generally pick a host for life, often burrowing into the skull
of infants and developing with them. The burrowing process is painful for the neurocite’s soon-to-be
host so neurocites generally target creatures which are helpless, restrained, or subdued. Once a neurocite
has possessed a host, it gains not only full motor control of the creature’s body but also the ability to feel
and interpret all of its sensory input. Neurocites are so closely linked with their hosts, that pain for the
host is indistinguishable from real pain for the neurocite. The same goes for other sensory information.
Neurocites can tell when a creature is being controlled by another neurocite. When two neurocites
find each other, they will often temporarily paralyze their hosts and burrow out in order to lay and
fertilize eggs. This can be done by any two neurocites, since all have both male and female reproductive
Neurocites are generally unfamiliar with love and other humanoid emotions, though they do their
best to emulate them and fit in to avoid being discovered. Neurocites are hated by essentially all
humanoids, and, if someone is found to be a host to a neurocite, a stake
is driven through the skull to kill both neurocite and host.

As a Neurocite you will gain the

following initial attribute
Lady 3agle Art
Strength 0
Dexterity 0
Constitution 0 As a neurocite you may choose one attribute from Strength, Dexterity, or
Constitution to add 1 too, this will represent the initial attributes of your host,
Intelligence 2 assuming you start with one.
If you choose to start without a host, ignore this and take the Strength,
Charisma 2 Dexterity, and Constitution attributes of a host once you find one.

You also gain the following species traits:

• Aging: There is no known limit to the lifespan of a neurocite, though they cannot survive for more than
a month without a host. A neurocite’s host lives a lifespan appropriate to the species. Despite a long
lifespan, neurocites live only a few days on average due to high mortality rates in their eggs and early
development. Once hatched, a neurocite reaches matuirity within a week.

• Alignment: Neurocites tend toward neutral alignments since they rarely respect the laws of humanoids
and are primarily motivated by self-preservation.

• Size: Neurocites are between 1 and 2 inches in size, though the size of their host’s can vary. Neurocites
are of the miniature size class.

• Speed: Without a host, a neurocite’s speed is 1 foot walking or 5 feet flying.

• Physical Disconnect: A host body will never respond quite as quickly to a neurocite as it would its
own brain. A host being controlled by a neurocite requires twice as many attribute progression points for
Dexterity attribute increases. (20 times the attribute score instead of 10 and with a minimum of 20).


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

• Host Dependent: Though a neurocite’s host body may improve physically over time, the neurocite
will not. As a neurocite your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores cannot be increased past 0.
However, while in a host body, a neurocite can use the host’s Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution
attributes any time those attributes are referenced. However, a neurocite does not inherit the abilities of
its host. Abilities are permanent and transfer with a neurocite between hosts. Abilities cannot be used or
gained unless the neurocite (or its host) meet the prerequisites.

• Conquered Mind: Anytime a neurocite’s Intelligence or Charisma is referenced, they must use their
own Intelligence or Charisma and not that of their host body.

• Body of The Host: Neurocite’s gain the species traits of whatever body they control. Additionally, a
host body’s Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution attributes can all increase using attribute progression
points while the body is being controlled by a neurocite.

• Disembark: As a neurocite you can release an agent into your host body that will paralyze it for 1
hour. After the hour is over, the body will reanimate under the control of the host’s brain unless you have
reassert control by re-entering the brain.

• Dominate Host: While outside of a host body a neurocite can attempt to claim one. To do this a
neurocite must position itself at the base of a creature's skull and spend at least 1 minute burrowing into
the brain. This action is painful for the targeted creature and will alert them to the neurocite’s presence if
they were not already aware. The process of burrowing into and dominating a host’s brain isn’t risk free,
the process wounds the host for 1D10 piercing damage. If this damage kills the host, the neurocite
cannot use the host body and must find a new one. Creatures targeted by this ability must be of at least a
small size class and no larger than the large size class. Additionally, the targeted creature must have a
working brain and nervous system.

• Crowded Mind: Neurocite’s minds cannot be read while they inhibit a host body. Attempts to read
one’s mind will either yield unintelligible murmurs or the thoughts of the host body’s brain at the GM’s

• Language: Neurocites know Phrenic and can use it to communicate psychically to any
creature within 10 feet of them, as long as they share at least 1 known language with
the creature. Additionally, neurocites can speak in the primary language of their
host body as long as they are occupying it.
Lady 3agle Art


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Trichosa are small, thin creatures which resemble blue skinned
children with solid black eyes. They generally live in small
communities in deep cave systems. Trichosa are completely blind, but
have incredible hearing and vibration senses which allow them to
navigate and maintain awareness of their surroundings. Trichosa
rarely live above ground since over-worlders insist on using two-
dimensional writing systems that trichosa cannot perceive. Trichosa
also appear perpetually youthful. It’s very difficult to tell the
difference between a trichosa that is 15 and one that is 45. Trichosa are
generally soft spoken and peaceful, but quick to anger if they perceive
As a trichosa you will gain the
following initial attribute

Strength 1
Dexterity 1
Constitution 2
Intelligence 1
Charisma 0
Maddie Mae

You also gain the following species traits:

• Aging: Trichosa naturally live around 80 years. However, they mature very quickly. Trichosa are
generally considered matured adults by age 12.

• Alignment: Trichosa tend to have neutral alignments.

• Size: Trichosa are generally between 4 and 5 feet tall with the females generally being taller than the
males. Their size class is medium.

• Speed: Trichosa have an unencumbered movement speed of 30 feet.

• Resting: Trichosa need 8 hours of sleep to gain the benefits of a completed rest.

• Echolocation: Trichosa have extremely sensitive ears and they can sense vibrations through the
ground. This enables them to perceive things around them as though they could see. Everything with a
corporeal form within 10 feet of a trichosa counts as unobscured. This is true regardless of obscurity due
to light, invisibility, or similar factors. For every 10 feet an area is away from a trichosa, its level of
obscurity is increased by 1. Though its obscurity may also increase due to physical obstructions such as
walls. Additionally, trichosa have +6 on Awareness checks that rely on hearing.

• Blind: Trichosa are blind. They automatically fail checks and saving throws that rely purely on vision
and have -3 on checks and saving throws that rely largely on vision.

• Language: Trichosa can learn Lithic without it counting against their number of know languages.
Trichosa can communicate in and understand Lithic through vibrations in the ground.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Once you choose from these backgrounds, you can either move on to select your alignment, stats,
and abilities or you can head to the Economic and Equipment section on page 57 to choose your starting
gear using the money you’re given in your background.

Fighter Thief
You’ve spent some time doing basic combat You’ve stayed alive until now by stealing,
training. Possibly you worked as a guard, or manipulating, and out running the law.
mercenary, or had a position in the military. • With a thief background, you have +2 to
• With a fighter background, you gain a +1 to Dexterity, and +1 to your choice of either
your Strength score, a +1 to your Dexterity, Intelligence or Charisma.
and a +1 to your Constitution. • You start with 20 gold worth of money and
• You start with 15 gold worth of money and equipment.
equipment. • You know 2 languages (written and spoken)
• You know 1 language (written and spoken) of your choice.
of your choice. • You also have expertise in your choice of
• You also have expertise in Athletics and one Deception, Stealth, or Sleight of Hand checks
weapon category of your choice. and one weapon category of your choice.
• People with the thief background generally
Highborn don’t have a lawful alignment.
You grew up in a life of wealth and privilege.
You have also received some formal education in Pastless
either combat or intellectual pursuits. You haven’t done much, not yet at least.
• With a highborn background, you have +2 Perhaps you’ve only just reached adulthood or
to Charisma, and +1 to your choice of either your past is lost to you.
Intelligence or Strength. • With a pastless background, you have +1 to
• You start with 40 gold worth of money and an attribute of your choice.
equipment. • You start with 6 gold worth of money and
• You know 2 languages (written and spoken) equipment.
of your choice or 1 language and its runic • You know 1 language (written and spoken)
variant. of your choice.
• You also have expertise in Persuasion and • You also have expertise in one check of your
Insight checks. choice.

Scholar Custom
You’ve spent time studying. Possibly you With the approval of your GM you can make a
were a wizard’s apprentice, a noble’s advisor, or custom background. If you choose a custom
otherwise spent time acquiring knowledge. background you gain the following:
• With a scholar background, you have +2 to • With a custom background, you gain up to
Intelligence and +1 to Charisma. +1 to three attributes of your choice or +2 to
• You start with 15 gold worth of money and one attribute and +1 to another.
equipment. • You start with 0 to 40 gold worth of money
• You know 3 languages (written and spoken) and equipment.
of your choice or 2 languages and the runic • You know up to 2 languages (written and
variant of 1 of them. spoken) of your choice or a language and it’s
• You also have expertise in two Intelligence runic variant.
checks of your choice. • You also have expertise in one check and one
weapon category of your choice or two checks
of your choice.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Your alignment represents your moral judgment and values. Your alignment consists of two
components: your alignment modifier and your moral path. A completed alignment is written:
{alignment modifier} {moral path}
For example, chaotic good or true neutral.
Your alignment modifier determines your values. Your moral path determines your moral inclinations.
Based on your character’s backstory and personality, determine your alignment from the following

Alignment Modifiers Moral paths

Lawful characters want order. They are generally Good characters are motivated by compassion.
less inclined to lie outright and generally work to They want to help others, prevent injustice, and
uphold some code of laws or set of ideals. preserve life.

True characters tend to weigh their judgments in Neutral characters are mostly indifferent to the
a given situation and come to a conclusion. They moral ponderings of others; they are motivated by
are not bound by a code but will generally defer their own moral judgments, though they don’t
to their moral judgment when making decisions. generally want to cause unnecessary suffering.
Neutral characters frequently have some line of
Chaotic characters are unpredictable. They want ethical reasoning that they follow regardless of if
to uphold their ideals/moral path, but are willing it’s shared by others.
to act contradictory to their moral path if they
think it will serve their interests or values in the Evil characters believe the ends justify the means
long run. or are motivated entirely by their self interest.
They care very little for the feelings or lives of
others and are willing to do whatever it takes to
accomplish their goals.

Maddie Mae


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

_________STATS AND ABILITIES_________
Once you’ve selected a species and a background you need to calculate your stats.
• Your maximum EP is equal to 5 times your Constitution + 2 times your Strength + 2 times your
Dexterity. Your maximum EP cannot be less than 2.
• Your encumbrance weight is equal to 2 times your Strength + 16 if you're of medium size class, or
2 times your Strength + 4 if you’re of the small size class. More information on encumbrance is
available on page 51.
• Your movement speed is equal to your unencumbered movement speed -1 for every 5 pounds over
your encumbrance that you are carrying. More information on movement speed is available on page
• Your unarmored Defense is equal to 10 + half your Dexterity (rounded up). Your final Defense
will depend on other factors such as what armor you wear and if you carry a shield. More
information on Defense is available in the Combat section and the Economics and Equipment
• Unless specified otherwise, your mana maximum and mana expenditure limit both equal 0.

Now it’s time to determine your Luck. Unlike attributes, Luck does not naturally change over time.
It will be used to determine the outcome of various activities and actions of your character for which the
outcome is not predetermined. Depending on the GM, Luck may be used frequently or infrequently. To
determine your Luck, roll a D10. On a 5 or 6, your Luck is 0. For every 1 that you roll below 5 your
Luck is reduced by 1. For every 1 that your roll above 6 your Luck is increased by 1. For example, if
you roll a 8 your Luck is +2, however, if you roll a 4 your Luck is -1. Alternatively, you can use the
Luck Table to determine your Luck based on your D10 roll.
Certain items and effects can increase your Luck either temporarily or permanently. For example,
halfling’s World’s Favor trait increases your Luck by 1 and the Constitution ability Fortuity can also
increase your Luck. Just like attributes, the maximum Luck you can have is +10. However, Luck granted
by magic items or spells may allow you to go beyond that. Luck is generally applied
to either D20 rolls or D100/percentile rolls. When added to a D20 just add the Luck
value, when added to a D100 multiply your Luck value by 2 then add it.
Luck Table
D10 Roll Result
10 4
9 3
8 2
7 1
6 0
5 0
4 -1
3 -2
2 -3
1 -4


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Abilities are skills you’ve acquired through your training in a specific attribute. You gain a number
of abilities in each attribute for every 1 that attribute is over 2.
For example, if you have a 4 in Strength you get 2 abilities from the Strength category for which you
meet the prerequisites. Or if you have a 3 in Intelligence you gain 1 ability from the Intelligence
category for which you meet the prerequisites.
Keep in mind, the abilities you choose during character creation won’t be your only abilities. You’ll
have the option to gain more abilities whenever you get a permanent attribute increase.

_________STRENGTH ABILITIES_________
Athlete Light Footed
(Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 3) (Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 4)
You gain expertise in Athletics checks. While you are wearing light armor or less,
your unencumbered movement speed is
Grappler increased by 10 feet.
(Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 3)
You gain expertise in Grappling checks. Pack Mule
(Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 4)
Weapon Training When encumbered, your movement speed
is only reduced by 1 per 10 pounds over your
(Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 3) encumbrance that you carry instead of 1 per 5
(You can take this ability as many times as pounds.
you want)
You gain expertise in a weapon category
Battle Mage
of your choice, such as swords, knives, bows,
or polearms. (Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 4)
You gain expertise with spell attack rolls.
(Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 3) Vengeance
You gain expertise with unarmed strikes (Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 4)
and improvised weapons such as chairs, Included in full game.
planks of wood, or chains. Additionally, when
you make an unarmed strike, you deal an
additional 1D4 bludgeoning damage. Burst of Strength
(Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 4)
Abductor You can push your body to perform acts
which would normally be beyond your ability.
(Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 4) When you use this ability you can expend EP
When you successfully grapple a creature to temporarily gain a bonus to your Strength
of your size class or smaller, you can still use or Constitution. For every 5 EP you expend in
your movement, though the creature’s weight this way you gain a +1 bonus to your Strength
counts against your encumbrance. or Constitution for 1 round. You cannot use
Additionally, creatures are unable to speak this ability to expend more than 20 EP.
when restrained by your grapple. For example, if you make an Athletics
check without expertise to hold up the
Beginners Luck portcullis of a castle before it closes, trapping
(Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 4) your friends, and the DC is 21, but your roll
total is 19 you could expend 15 EP to increase
Included in full game. your Strength by 3 and increase your roll total
to 22, allowing you to hold the portcullis


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Dual Wielder you go further than 120 feet from the weapon,
(Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 4) in which case, it stops in place and remains
Once per turn, if you are wielding a there until it is moved.
weapon in each hand you can use a minor • If you use this ability on another weapon
action to attack with your off-hand weapon. after you have already used it on one, the
effects of this ability end on the previous
• Using this ability on a weapon which
(Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 4) requires attunement automatically attunes it to
Included in full game. you.

Fit Reckless Attacker

(Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 4 and a (Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 5)
Dexterity of at least 2) As a minor action, you can begin adding
(You can take this ability up to 3 times) half your Dexterity to your attack modifier.
Your maximum EP increases by 10. Doing this reduces your Defense by half of
your Dexterity. This effect lasts until you use
another minor action to end it, doing so allows
Versatile Warrior creatures to take opportunistic attacks
(Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 5) targeting you if you’re within their reach.
In addition to your normal modifiers, you
can add ⅓ of your Strength (rounded up) to Rehearsed Attacker
your attack rolls with weapons you don’t have (Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 5)
expertise in.
Once per turn, when you attack a creature
you can decide not to roll and just assume that
Heavy Armor Master you rolled a 10 on your attack roll.
(Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 5) This ability cannot be used to target the
• You gain a +2 bonus to your Defense while same creature more than once per rest.
wearing heavy armor.
• While wearing heavy armor, you can use Battle Fury
your reaction to reduce damage targeting you (Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 6)
by 3.
• You can use heavy armor without it Included in full game.
impeding your movement speed, though it
does still count against your encumbrance. Critical Striker
(Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 6)
Weapon Bond Your attacks now count as critically true
(Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 5 and the when you roll a 19 or a 20.
ability to cast spells)
You can spend 1 mana and 10 minutes
performing a ritual on a weapon. Once the
ritual is complete, you gain the following
benefits and effects:
• You have expertise with the weapon even if
you otherwise wouldn’t.
• You can use a free action to summon the
weapon to your hand as long as it is within
120 feet of you.
• When summoned, the weapon flies toward
you with a movement speed of 60 feet.
• Once summoned, it will continue to move
toward you until it reaches your hand unless


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Fast Attacker Arcing Strike
(Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 6 and a (Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 8)
Dexterity of at least 3) You expend 5 EP and a major action to
When you use your major action to make a perform an arcing strike, making one melee
melee attack, you can expend 2 EP to make a attack against each enemy within your reach.
second melee attack immediately afterwards. You cannot use this ability to do piercing
This ability cannot be used on a turn where damage.
you would already attack more than once. Once you use this ability you must wait at
least 1 minute before you can use it again.
Combat Caster
(Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 6 and the Deadly Thrust
ability to cast spells) (Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 8)
When you use your major action to attack, You expend 5 EP to deal double damage
you can expend 2 EP cast a spell with a on an attack made with a piercing weapon.
casting time of a major action or less and a Once you use this ability, you must wait at
mana cost 2 or lower at the same time. Using least 1 minute before you can use it again.
this ability does not prevent a creature in
melee with you from attempting to interrupt
your spell if the spell has somatic components. War Machine
This ability cannot be used on a turn where (Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 10)
you would already attack more than once. Included in full game.
This ability cannot be used to cast spells
with a mana cost higher than your mana
expenditure limit. Weapon Mastery
(Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 10 and a
Dexterity of at least 4)
Shield Master
(Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 6) Included in full game.
Attacks made with a shield do an
additional 1D4 bludgeoning damage and you
have a +3 bonus to saving throws against area
of effect spells while wielding a shield.
Additionally, shields function as though they
had the thrown property for you.

Improved Combat Caster

(Prerequisites: the Combat Caster ability)
Included in full game.
Polearm Master
(Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 7)
Included in full game.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

_________DEXTERITY ABILITIES_________
Acrobat Highly Mobile
(Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 3) (Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 3)
You gain expertise in Acrobatics checks. You’ve trained to move fluidly through
just about any terrain. Difficult terrain is only
Reflexive half as detrimental to you.
(Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 3) For example, if you are moving over a
bunch of rubble that would reduce your
You gain expertise in Reflex checks. movement speed by 15 feet, instead it only
reduces your movement speed by 8 feet.
Stealthy Alternatively, if your movement speed would
(Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 3) be halved from swimming it is instead only
You gain expertise in Stealth checks. reduced by 25%.

Quick Release Ambidextrous

(Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 3) (Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 4)
When you grapple a creature, you can end On your turn, you can expend 5 EP to gain
the grapple as a free action instead of a minor a second minor action for the turn.
action or reaction.
Dexterous Grappler (Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 4)
(Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 3) While you are wearing light armor or less,
When you grapple a creature, you can still you can add your entire Dexterity to your
expend EP to avoid damage. However it Defense instead of half.
consumes 50% more EP than it would
normally. Sprinter
For example, if you have grappled a guard, (Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 4 and a
then another guard makes a true strike against Strength of at least 2)
you for 6 damage, you can expend 9 EP to When you use the sprint action, your
avoid being wounded. movement speed increases by 3 times instead
of 2 times.
(Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 3 and a Quick Mind
Strength of at least 1) (Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 4 and a
You gain expertise with a category of Intelligence of at least 2)
ranged weapons of your choice.
Included in full game.
Martial Artist
Stow Away
(Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 3)
(Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 4 and
You gain expertise with unarmed strikes. you must have expertise in Stealth checks)
Additionally, you can use your Dexterity
instead of your Strength for the attack and You can use the major action Hide even if
damage rolls of your unarmed strikes. you are obscured only by a creature at least
one size class larger than you.
Experienced Martial Artist
(Prerequisites: the Martial Artist ability)
Included in full game.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Precise Aim Quick Retreat
(Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 4 and a (Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 5)
Strength of at least 2)
You’ve learned to target vulnerable places
Included in full game.
quickly and with high precision. When you
make a true strike using a weapon that does Silent Killer
piercing damage, you can use your Dexterity (Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 5)
instead of your Strength when determining When you target a creature with a surprise
damage. attack, they have -3 on their Dexterity saving
Precise Striker
(Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 4 and a Critical Vulnerability
Strength of at least 1) (Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 5)
You’ve trained to aim your attacks very When you make a critically true strike
precisely. You can use your Dexterity instead against a creature, you deal 1D8 unavoidable
of your Strength for attack rolls. damage instead of 1D4.

Opportunistic Fast Stealth

(Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 5) (Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 5 and
Included in full game. expertise in Stealth)
You can use the major action Hide as a
minor action.
Blade Dancer
(Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 5)
Calculated Stealth
When you make an Acrobatics check, you
can choose to make an attack at the same time. (Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 5 and an
Using this ability allows you to make your Intelligence of at least 3)
Acrobatics check and an attack using a major You’ve learned to intuitively identify the
action. To use this ability, you must declare best hiding places. When you use the major
that you’re using it before you have rolled action Hide you can add half your Intelligence
your Acrobatics check. (rounded up) to your Stealth checks. This
If you succeed your Acrobatics check, then ability cannot be used in combination with the
you gain a bonus to your attack damage equal Fast Stealth ability.
to ¼ (25%) of the DC of the Acrobatics check,
(rounded up). If you fail the Acrobatics check, Quick Draw
then you are knocked prone or suffer a -6 (Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 5)
penalty to your attack roll at the discretion of When you use your major action to attack
the GM. you can switch, draw, or stow your weapons
Note: this ability’s bonuses can only be as a reaction.
applied to melee or thrown weapon attacks.
For example, if you make an Acrobatics
check to do a flip off a rock and land on the Cautious Combatant
shoulders of a troll, you could use this ability (Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 5)
to make the check and attack the troll with the As a minor action, you can begin adding
same major action. If the DC of the check was half of your Strength to your Defense. Doing
18 and you succeeded, then you could add +5 this reduces your attack roll and damage
to your attack damage. However, if you failed modifiers by half of your Strength. This effect
the check then you might be knocked prone. lasts until you use another minor action to end
it. Ending this effect allows any creature
whose melee range you are in to take an
opportunistic attack targeting you.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Disarming Strike You’ve learned to enchant your projectiles
(Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 5 and a as you fire them. When you use your major
Strength of at least 2) action to attack with a ranged weapon, you
When you are wielding a melee weapon can expend 2 EP to cast a spell with a casting
with which you have expertise, you can use time of a major or minor action and a mana
your minor action to attempt to disarm your cost 2 or lower as a free action. The spell is
opponent. See page 46 for information on centered on or targets whatever the attack’s
disarming. projectile strikes. If the projectile misses and
the spell would target a creature, the spell may
Once you use this ability you cannot use it
fail or may target whatever it hits at the GM’s
to target the same creature again until you’ve
completed a rest.
This ability cannot be used on a turn
where you would already attack more than
Projectile Deflection once.
(Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 6 and This ability cannot be used to cast spells
expertise in Reflex checks) higher than your normal mana expenditure
When you use EP to avoid damage from a limit.
projectile, you can expend an additional 1 EP
to catch the projectile and use your reaction to
Reactive Positioning
make a thrown weapon attack with it.
(Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 6)
This ability cannot be used on projectiles
that you would not be able to lift and throw. You’ve learned how to leverage the
mistakes of others to your advantage in
For example, if a creature throws a javelin
combat. When a creature makes an untrue
at you, and you use EP to prevent the damage,
strike against you with a melee attack, you can
you can expend 1 EP and your reaction to
use your reaction to increase your Defense by
catch the javelin and throw it back at the
2 for the rest of the round.
creature. Alternatively, if an archer fired an
arrow at you, you could use this ability to
deflect the arrow mid-air, causing it to target Advanced Arcane Archer
another creature. (Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 7 and the
Arcane Archer ability)
Reactive Included in full game..
(Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 6)
Included in full game. Experienced Runner
(Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 7 and a
Quick Shot Strength of at least 4)
(Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 6 and a Included in full game.
Strength of at least 3)
When you use your major action to make a
ranged weapon attack, you can expend 2 EP to
make a second attack immediately afterwards.

Arcane Archer
(Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 6 and the
ability to cast spells)


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Observant Light Sleeper
(Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 3) (Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 4 and
You gain expertise in Awareness checks. you may not have the Heavy Sleeper ability)
You remain aware while sleeping or
High Endurance resting. If you fail an Awareness check while
sleeping, you can re-roll it and take the higher
(Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 3) roll total.
You gain expertise in Endurance checks.
Innate Magic
Rustic (Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 4 and
(Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 3) an Intelligence of at least 2)
You gain expertise in Survival checks. (You can take this ability as many times as
you want)
Mental Fortitude You gain the Caster ability regardless of
(Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 3) prerequisites. However, your magical ability
Some may call you stubborn, but you’re comes from innate power within you. Your
not one to be pushed around or manipulated. mana is equal to half your Constitution
You have expertise in saving throws against (rounded up) instead of your Intelligence.
Persuasion and Intimidation. Your mana remains equal to half your
Constitution even if you later take the Caster
ability through other means.
Weight Training Note: This ability requires that your
(Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 3) character has somehow become infused with
(You can take this ability up to 3 times) magical energy. This may have happened in
Your encumbrance weight is increased by your backstory or, with the approval of the
5 lb. GM, at some point during the game.

(Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 4)
(You can take this ability up to 3 times)
Included in full game.
Steady Aim
(Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 4)
You can use your Strength instead of your
Dexterity for ranged attack rolls.

(Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 4)
You have expertise in saving throws
against disease and poison.

Heavy Sleeper
(Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 4 and
you may not have the Light Sleeper ability)
After a rest you regain additional EP equal
to your Constitution. This EP cannot be used
to go beyond your usual limit.
Maddie Mae


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Fortuity Sure Footed
(Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 4) (Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 5)
(You can take this ability as many times as If you fail a save against an effect which
you want.) would knock you prone or move you
You’ve found that when you take care of involuntarily, you can roll a second save and
yourself, the world will do the same. You gain take the higher roll.
+1 to your Luck, this bonus cannot exceed
your normal Luck limit. Wakeful
(Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 5)
Will to Live It takes twice as long for your level of
(Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 4) exhaustion to increase. Additionally, once per
complete rest, if your level of exhaustion
Included in full game. would increase for any reason, you can make a
DC 10 Endurance check. On a success, your
Energy Surge level of exhaustion does not increase.
(Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 5)
You’ve learned to regain energy even from Life of Luck
only momentary rests. As a minor action you (Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 6)
can regain a number of EP equal to your Once per completed rest, when you are
Constitution. wounded, you can add your Luck to your
Once you use this ability, you can't use it death saving throw.
again until you complete a rest.
Power Surge
Adrenaline Rush (Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 6)
(Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 5) On your turn you can use your minor
Included in full game. action to take a major action without any
Fight or Flight Once you do this, you can’t do it again
until you complete a rest.
(Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 5)
Once per partial or completed rest, you
can force your body past its normal limits in a Quick Recovery
high stress situation. When you use this ability (Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 6)
you either gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls or a Anytime you regain EP, you gain an
+5 to your movement speed for 1 minute. additional 1D4 EP.
After this effect ends, you must either lose
10 EP or gain 1 level of exhaustion. Lucky Shot
(Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 6)
Strength of Will
(Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 5)
Included in full game.
Whenever you would make an Athletics
check you can make an Endurance check Regenerator
instead. (Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 6)
When you complete a rest your wounds
heal by an additional 1D4.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Mindful Mana Leech
(Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 6) (Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 8)
You have +3 to saving throws against When you successfully wound a creature
being frightened, intimidated, or dazed. with a melee attack and that creature has
mana, it loses mana equal to half your
Disciplined Constitution (rounded up) and you gain EP
equal to your Constitution.
(Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 7 and
the Mindful ability)
On your turn, you can use a minor action Absorb Energy
to make a saving throw against an effect (Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 8)
afflicting your mind such as being charmed, When you succeed on your save against a
frightened, or dazed. This ability can be used damage dealing spell, you can add half the
whether or not you would otherwise make a mana cost of the spell (rounded up) to your
save against the effect. Additionally, you have mana pool. You cannot use this ability to go
resistance to psychic damage. beyond your maximum mana.
Once you use this ability you can't use it
Flawless Physique again until you complete a rest.
(Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 7)
Gain an additional 10 EP. Legendary Resistance
(Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 9)
Arcane Inoculation Included in full game.
(Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 7 and
you must not be able to cast spells) Apotheosis
Included in full game. (Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 10
and at least 10 in 1 or more other attributes)
Vengeful Caster You have transcended the limits of mortals
(Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 7 and and become a force unto yourself. Upon the
the ability to cast spells) death of your body, your soul will weave itself
into the fabric of the universe and, in time,
Once per completed rest, when you are become divine. Once per completed rest, you
wounded by an attack, you can cast a spell can manipulate that universal fabric and alter
with a mana cost of 1 or less and a casting any one roll as you see fit. For instance,
time of a major action or less using a reaction. turning a 1 into a natural 20 or vice versa.

Energy Converter
(Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 7 and
the ability to cast spells)
Included in full game.
Pure Mind
(Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 8 the
Disciplined ability)
You automatically succeed on saving
throws against effects which would afflict your
mind such as being charmed, frightened or
dazed. Additionally, you can now gain the
benefits of a rest in half the time and while
maintaining awareness of your surroundings.
Additionally, you have immunity to psychic


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Student of Arcana Caster
(Prerequisites: an Intelligence of at least 3) (Prerequisites: an Intelligence of at least 3 and
You gain expertise in Arcane Knowledge knowledge of at least 1 runic language)
checks. (You can take this ability as many times as
you want.)
Engineer You’ve gained enough practical arcane
(Prerequisites: an Intelligence of at least 3) knowledge to cast spells.
You gain expertise in Comprehension • Your mana maximum equals your
checks. Intelligence.
• You can cast spells with mana costs of 1 or
less (your mana expenditure limit is 1).
Historian • You can add 2 spells of your choice to your
(Prerequisites: an Intelligence of at least 3) known spells.
You gain expertise in History checks. If you already have this ability and you
take it again, you learn 2 new spells and your
Investigator mana expenditure limit increases by 1.
(Prerequisites: an Intelligence of at least 3)
You gain expertise in Investigation checks. Cleric
(Prerequisites: expertise in Religion checks)
Physician (You can take this ability as many times as
(Prerequisites: an Intelligence of at least 3) you want.)
You gain expertise in Medicine checks. You gain your magical abilities through
your connection to a god.
• You gain the Caster ability regardless of
Ecologist prerequisites.
(Prerequisites: an Intelligence of at least 3) • Once per day, you can spend 1 minute
You gain expertise in Nature checks. praying and regain half your currently
expended mana (rounded up). Additionally,
Theologian you can cast spells with a mana cost of 3 or
less without material components.
(Prerequisites: an Intelligence of at least 3)
• Once you’ve taken this ability, you cannot
You gain expertise in Religion checks. learn spells which are not in the domain or
domains of the god you primarily worship.
Kinesiologist If you already knew a spell outside of your
(Prerequisites: expertise in Medicine or Nature god’s domain when you took this ability you
checks) must replace it with a different spell.
(You can take this ability up to 2 times.) For example, if your primarily worshiped god
is a trickster/travel god, you can only cast
Included in full game. spells from the Trickery and Travel domains.
(This does not apply to spells that can be cast
Linguist through a species trait or magic item.)
(Prerequisites: an Intelligence of at least 3) • If you do something to upset your god or go
(You can take this ability as many times as against their motives, they may (at the GM’s
you want.) discretion) limit or take away your ability to
You can learn the written and spoken cast spells until you redeem yourself.
forms of 2 language of your choice. Or you
can learn the written, spoken, and runic forms
of 1 language.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Tactical Strike made by a creature you can see within the next
(Prerequisites: an Intelligence of at least 4) minute. After you use this ability, you cannot
You’ve learned to see the openings in an use it again for 1 minute.
enemy’s defenses. Once per 10 minutes, when
you make a true strike you can add half your Master the Basics
Intelligence to the damage of the attack. (Prerequisites: an Intelligence of at least 5)
(You can take this ability up to 3 times.)
Calculating Archer
(Prerequisite: an Intelligence of at least 4)
Included in full game.
When you make an attack roll with a
ranged weapon, you can use a minor action to Magic Poisoning
ignore penalties from environmental factors (Prerequisites: an Intelligence of at least 5)
such as wind, or cover (except full or If a creature saves against one of your
complete cover). spells, it has -6 to save against the next one
you cast targeting or centered on it.
Expanded Arcane Knowledge
(Prerequisite: an Intelligence of at least 4 and Calculating Combatant
the caster ability) (Prerequisite: an Intelligence of at least 5)
(You can take this ability as many times as You have a calculating and careful
you want.) approach to combat. You’ve learned to watch
Your education in the arcane arts has led to and wait for just the right moment to strike.
your mastery of new spells. You learn 4 new On your turn, if you use your major action to
spells of your choice. attack, you can use your minor action to add
+3 to your attack roll.
Empowered Caster You can use this ability a number of times
equal to �⁄� (33%) of your Intelligence. After
(Prerequisite: an Intelligence of at least 4 and you complete a rest, you regain all uses of this
the caster ability) ability.
(You can take this ability up 2 times.)
Through your continued magical training
you’ve become more powerful. Your mana Precision Caster
expenditure limit increases by 2. (Prerequisites: an Intelligence of at least 5)
When you cast an area of effect spell, you
can either choose up to 3 creatures to
Subtle Caster automatically save against it, or you can
(Prerequisites: an Intelligence of at least 4) choose up to 6 creatures to get a +6 bonus to
Included in full game. save against it.

The Residue of Design Telekinetic

(Prerequisites: an Intelligence of at least 4) (Prerequisites: an Intelligence of at least 5)
Your experience observing and striving to Included in full game.
understand the world has allowed you to pick
up on subtle patterns in how things work. By
understanding these patterns, you can attempt Alchemist
to manipulate them to get a desired outcome. (Prerequisites: an Intelligence of at least 5)
After you succeed on an Intelligence You’ve practiced much with your
check or saving throw, you can add half your transmutation spells. When you cast a spell in
Luck (rounded up) to a check or saving throw


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

the transmutation domain, you can use it to When you make an Intelligence check
affect twice as much volume or weight as which you do not have expertise in, you can
indicated by the spell description. add half your Luck (rounded up) in addition to
your Intelligence.
(Prerequisites: an Intelligence of at least 5) War Caster
You’ve learned to let your illusions (Prerequisites: an Intelligence of at least 6)
manipulate sound so precisely that they can You’ve trained in offensive magic and
create haptic sensations. Creatures have -3 on have learned ways to bolster the effects of
checks and saving throws made to determine some spells. When you make a true strike with
the falsehood of your illusions, and, if one of a spell attack, you can add half your
your illusions would wound a creature, you Intelligence (rounded up) to the damage.
can use a reaction to have the space within
your illusion fill with powerful, low-frequency Dispel Magic
vibrations, allowing it to deal force damage
equal to 1D4 + the mana cost of the illusion. (Prerequisites: an Intelligence of at least 6)
Additionally, your illusions can now create (You can take this ability up to 3 times.)
sounds and haptic sensations even if the spell Included in full game.
wouldn’t otherwise allow it.
Conjurer of Cheap Tricks
Summoner (Prerequisites: an Intelligence of at least 7)
(Prerequisites: an Intelligence of at least 5)
You’ve learned to bind Conjuration spells Included in full game.
to mundane objects such as rocks or cards. To
bind a spell, it must be in the Conjuration Life Leech
domain and you must spend the spell’s casting (Prerequisites: an Intelligence of at least 9)
time to bind the spell to the target object.
If you have bound a spell to an object, you Included in full game.
can cast the spell centered on the object as a
major action. If the spell already has a casting
time of a major action or less, it can be cast as
a minor action in this way. Doing so still
requires you to expend mana and components
for the spell. After casting a spell in this way,
the object is unbound from the spell and
cannot be used again in this way until
rebound, as described above.
You can have any number of objects
bound in this way and they remain bound until

Versatile Intelligence
(Prerequisites: an Intelligence of at least 5)
You gain expertise in 3 Intelligence checks
of your choice.

Lucky Guess
(Prerequisites: an Intelligence of at least 5)
You’re very educated in many different
fields and can use that knowledge to make
good assumptions about other areas where
you’re less experienced. Or that’s what you
tell people anyway.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

_________CHARISMA ABILITIES_________
Animal Lover Well Traveled
(Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 3) (Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 3)
You gain expertise in Animal Handling (You can take this ability as many times as
checks. you want.)
You can learn the spoken form of 3
Liar languages of your choice, or the written and
(Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 3) spoken forms of 2 languages, or the written,
spoken, and runic forms of 1 language.
You gain expertise in Deception checks.
Lip Reader
(Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 3)
(Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 3)
You’ve spent enough time watching and
You gain expertise in Distraction checks. studying speech to know what someone is
saying just by watching their lips move. When
Perceptive a creature whose mouth you can see is
(Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 3) speaking a language you understand, you can
You gain expertise in Insight checks. know what they are saying without hearing
Deceptive Striker
(Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 3)
(Prerequisites: expertise in Deception and
You gain expertise in Intimidation checks. Distraction, or Deception and Sleight of Hand)
Three times per completed rest, you can
Persuasive use a major action to perform a Deceptive
(Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 3) Strike targeting a creature within your melee
You gain expertise in Persuasion checks. range. To perform a Deceptive Strike, roll a
Sleight of Hand check and an attack roll. If the
targeted creature fails its save against your
Deceptive Movement Sleight of Hand check, and your attack roll is
(Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 3) a true strike then your attack damage cannot
You gain expertise in Sleight of Hand be avoided with EP. A creature wounded by
checks. this ability does not lose EP. If a creature fails
a death save from wounds inflicted by a
Deceptive Strike, the creature is not killed, but
instead sustains serious or crippling wounds.
(Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 3)
For example, if you hit a creature with a
(You can take this ability as many times as Deceptive Strike, you might cut their ankle
you want.) and reduce their movement speed or break
The world itself seems charmed by you. their hand and reduce their attack modifier.
You’ve found things have a way of working Specifics of the results from a Deceptive
themselves out in your favor. If your Luck is Strike are up to the GM and the creature’s
less than 0, gain +2 to your Luck; otherwise death save.
gain +1 to your Luck. This bonus cannot
exceed your normal Luck limit.
(Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 4)
Included in full game.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Impersonator Versatile Charisma
(Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 4) (Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 5)
You gain the ability to mimic almost any You gain expertise in 3 Charisma checks
writing or sound. Examples include, of your choice.
someone’s voice or handwriting and the
sounds of rustling leaves or footsteps. Hurtful Words
You get +6 on Charisma checks involving (Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 5)
mimicry or impersonation.
Included in full game.
Trick Shot
(Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 4) Auspicious
When you are making a ranged or thrown (Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 5)
weapon attack against a creature, you can You’ve always found that things have a
make a false attack as a minor action. This way of working themselves out. Whenever
false attack is designed to draw the creature’s you make a saving throw you can use your
attention. Make a Distraction check against Luck instead of the associated attribute.
the creature. If you succeed, the creature’s
Defense is reduced by 1D6 until the end of
your turn. Deceptive Dodger
Once you use this ability, you cannot use it (Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 5 and a
to target the same creature again until you Dexterity of at least 3)
complete a rest. You can get inside creatures’ heads,
keeping them from ever knowing what you’ll
do next. On your turn, you can use your major
Observational Learning action to move deceptively. When you do this,
(Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 4) you add half your Charisma (rounded up) to
(You can take this ability as many times as your Defense until the start of your next turn.
you want.)
Included in full game. Tricky Combatant
(Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 5 and a
Dexterity of at least 3)
When you attack a creature in melee range
(Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 5) you can choose to make a Sleight of Hand
Creatures find you charming. Even when check as a minor action. For example, you
they are your enemy they are inclined to show might use this check to unbuckle a piece of
you more mercy than they would under their armor, or steal a small item from them.
normal circumstances. Creatures will avoid
targeting you in combat until you have
targeted them, unless they have a particular Puppeteer
reason to do otherwise. (Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 5)
You’ve become very experienced with
Double Check controlling illusions of creatures. When you
make an illusion perform an action, it does so
(Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 5) in half the time it would take you to do it
Once per completed rest, when you fail a yourself.
check or saving throw, you can re-roll it and For example, if it would take you a major
add your Luck instead of the associated action to make an attack against a creature you
attribute. You must use the new roll total. can command an illusion to attack using only
a minor action.
Additionally, if a creature sees you and
one of your illusions simultaneously it has -6
on checks to discover that the illusion is false.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Commanding Caster another save against your charm. On a
(Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 5) success, the effects of charm are ended and the
When you use a spell to summon or creature may become agitated with you.
conjure a creature or creatures, you can take
more direct control over them. You can give Crowd Pleaser
the creatures exact commands and control (Prerequisites: the Charming ability)
them individually if there’s more than one. As You’ve spent enough time around crowds
long as the conjured or summoned creatures to know how they think. If you spend at least
are loyal to you, they will obey you. 5 minutes making an impassioned speech to a
group of creatures who can understand you,
Know Your Enemy you can roll 1D100 and add 2 times your
(Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 6) Charisma. The roll total to a maximum of 100
You’ve learned to intuit information about is the percent of the crowd that must now
an opponent’s combat tactic by observing make a save against being charmed by you as
them in other settings. If you spend at least 1 outlined by the Charming ability.
minute interacting with or watching a creature
outside of combat, you gain +3 on attack and Gaslighter
damage rolls made against it. (Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 7)

Tactical insight
Included in full game.
(Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 6)
You know how to get inside someone’s Vengeful Thief
head. When you succeed on an Insight, (Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 7 a
Deception, or Distraction check against a Dexterity of at least 3)
creature, you can subtract half your Charisma Included in full game.
from its next attack roll against you within one
minute. Additionally, you gain a +3 bonus to
Insight checks made to understand other
creatures tactics or plans.

Fast Manipulator
(Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 6)
You can manipulate creatures with just
subtle gestures and actions. You can make an
Intimidation or Distraction check against a
single target as a free action.
Once you use this ability, you cannot use it
to target the same creature again until you
complete a rest.

(Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 6)
You can attempt to charm any creature
who can understand you and is not already
hostile toward you. When you attempt to
charm a creature, it must make a Charisma
saving throw against a DC equal to 1D20 +
half your Charisma. If a creature is charmed
by you, you have +6 on all Charisma checks
targeting it. If you attempt to convince the
creature to do something that is strictly against
its self-interest or morals, it can attempt


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

As you adventure through the game you will gain experience and become stronger, more skilled, and
more powerful.
For each of your attributes, Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma, you will
keep track of the total number of checks and saving throws on which you succeed against a DC equal to
or greater than your related attribute + 10. These totals are called your attribute progression points. Once
one of your attribute progression totals is equal to 10 times the corresponding attribute (to a minimum of
10), that attribute increases by 1 and your progression points for that attribute are reset to 0. Attribute
increases don’t take place until next time you complete a rest. If the attribute increases to 3 or more, you
also gain a new ability in the corresponding category. You cannot gain progression points for failed
checks or saving throws, or checks or saving throws against a DC less than 10 + the progressing
For example, if you have a Strength of 4, and you have 39 Strength attribute progression points, the
next time you succeed on a Strength check or saving throw with a DC of 14 or more you will reset your
Strength attribute progression counter, increase your Strength attribute by 1, and gain a new Strength
ability. Attribute increases and new abilities aren’t applied until after you complete a rest. After this
increase, your Strength would be 5 and you would need to succeed 50 checks, saving throws, and attack
rolls of a DC of 15 or more before your next Strength attribute increase.
The maximum achievable in any stat is 10, beyond which you can no longer gain increases to, or
new abilities in, that attribute. This is called an attribute maximum.
• At the GM’s discretion, checks and saving throws against or imposed on a player character by
another player character cannot count toward attribute progression.
• The default attribute progression system is designed for slow, long-term progression. This is best
suited for long lasting campaigns, extending over many months or years. To increase the rate of
attribute progression, the GM may award additional attribute progression points at their discretion.
Additionally, the GM may determine that true strikes against a Defense score of at least 10 + your
attack roll modifying attribute also give attribute progression points.

Every time you gain an attribute increase you can choose an attribute to train in. While training in an
attribute, your attribute progression increases by 2 points instead of 1 per successful check or saving
throw using that attribute. Once that attribute increases, your training in it ends and you can either
choose a new attribute to train in or select the same one again.

Endgame Attribute Perfection (optional rule)

If the GM allows it, you can use reduce your attribute maximum for some stats and, in exchange,
increase it for others. Generally, the exchange rate will be 2 to 1. For example, if your character is a
melee fighter and has maxed out their Strength attribute, your GM may allow you to reduce your
Intelligence maximum to 6 and increase your Strength maximum by 2 for a maximum of 12. The default
attribute maximum is 10 for each attribute.

Your maximum EP is equal to 5 times your Constitution + 2 times your Strength + your 2 times your
Dexterity. This increases accordingly every time one of those attributes increases. If your maximum EP
would be less than 2, it is instead 2. Note: your maximum EP increasing does not necessarily increase
your current EP.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Alternative EP
At your GM’s discretion, you may use the alternative EP system for increased realism and shorter
combat encounters. Under this alternative EP system, you add your Strength and Dexterity undoubled to
your EP. Instead of your EP being calculated as described above, your maximum EP is equal to 5 times
your Constitution + your Strength + your Dexterity. As usual this increases accordingly every time one
of those attributes increases and if your maximum EP would be less than 2, it is instead 2. Additionally,
enemies have their EP reduced by their Strength + their Dexterity. Additionally, your GM may choose to
reduce your EP expenditure limit and the expenditure limit of enemies.

Abilities and Attribute Regression

If you have an ability, but lose one or more prerequisites for that ability, you also lose the ability. If
you lose the prerequisites temporarily, you regain the ability when the prerequisite is restored to normal.
However, in the case that you permanently lose an attribute point which is a prerequisite for an ability
you lose the ability and do not regain it unless you use an attribute increase for the attribute in question
to gain the ability again.

Alternative Progression Systems

If your GM decides, you may use great feat based progression or milestone based progression.
In great feat based progression a character gains attribute progression points when they do something
particularly miraculous or noteworthy, as determined by the GM. These points can be divided among the
character’s attributes as their player sees fit. Generally attribute progression points are given out in sets
of 5 or 10.
Alternatively, under milestone based progression, all characters in a group gain a number of attribute
points to be distributed among their attributes as each character’s player sees fit. The frequency of these
milestones and the number of points given to the characters is determined by the GM.
Under great feat or milestone based progression, characters will not be able to choose an attribute to
train in.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Though combat takes place concurrently, there's generally a creature who is the fastest to react; they
are considered as having initiative. When combat begins all creatures roll 1D20 and add their Dexterity.
Whoever has the highest total gets to take their turn first, with subsequent turns being determined by
who has the next highest initiative. If two creature’s tie in initiative their actions take place
simultaneously. At the GM’s discretion, initiative order can be determined differently and other factors
may override this general precedence.
For example, if you suddenly attack another creature when they aren't expecting it, you would
automatically have the higher initiative.

Understanding EP
EP, or energy points, are a measure of a character's stamina and ability to evade damage. EP does not
generally indicate physical damage resistance, rather it measures a character’s ability to avoid injury. A
creature can expend EP to avoid being damaged by an attack that would otherwise wound them. EP is
most commonly expended to let a character move themselves with a burst of speed to get out of the way
of a weapon’s strike or a magical effect, though these are not the only uses. When expending EP to avoid
damage, a creature must expend an amount of EP equal to the amount of damage they are avoiding.
Whenever a creature uses EP to avoid damage, they can also move a number of feet equal to the amount
of EP they expended in a direction of their choice. This movement doesn’t count against a creature’s
maximum movement for the turn.
For example, if a creature has an arrow shot at them for 5 damage, the creature could Expend 5 EP to
jump out of the way and move up to 5 feet away (potentially behind cover). Alternatively, if they only
have 3 EP left, they might expend it, but not be able to get entirely out of the way in time, and take 2
wound damage. Even if the creature isn’t able to entirely avoid being wounded, they can still move with
the EP expenditure.
Notes: EP can also be expended to perform miraculous feats, as specified in some abilities, or to
push a character beyond what is normally possible. Some effects, such as psychic damage, can drain EP
without dealing damage.
EP vs Defense
The distinction between EP and Defense is important. Defense determines how difficult it is to
make a good attack against a given creature and whether a given attack has the opportunity to hit. In
the case of Dexterity-based Defense, it is a creature’s ability to effortlessly maneuver themselves
outside harm's way. For armor-based Defense, it is a creature’s ability to make blows deflect off their
equipment harmlessly. If a creature makes a true strike, it means the targeted creature’s armor and
positioning weren’t good enough to easily avoid damage. In such a case, they may expend EP to get
themselves out of the situation and avoid being wounded.
For example, if you are fighting a creature who makes 2 attacks per turn, its first attack might
glance harmlessly off your armor or they might not be in position to make an effective attack against
you; this would result in an untrue strike. However, on its second attack it might manage to slip a
knife between the plates of your armor or swing directly toward you. In such an instance, you might
expend EP to push the attacking creature away before its knife can find its mark or use the EP to
dodge the blow.
Limits of EP
EP cannot be expended in all situations. A creature who is subdued, sleeping, unaware of the
danger, or otherwise restrained may not be able to expend EP to avoid being wounded. For example,
a creature who has been tied up and taken hostage could be attacked and killed while still having EP
if they were unable to realistically avoid the damage.
Additionally, there maybe times during the game where a creature is targeted by an attack so
strong they cannot completely avoid being wounded. Such instances are referred to as massive
damage; generally a creature cannot expend more than 20 + their Dexterity EP at a time. This is


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

called a creature’s EP expenditure limit. It does not limit how much EP a creature can expend in a
round, just how much they can avoid from a single attack or effect.
Finally, a creature’s ability to expend EP may be limited by certain effects, magical or mundane.
For example, if a creature’s leg was wounded badly, affecting their speed, they may only be able to
expend up to 15 EP at a time to avoid damage. If this creature was targeted by a true strike that
would deal 20 damage, they would have to make a DC 5 death save even if they had EP remaining.
Even on a successful death save, it’s possible for the creature to be wounded and potentially suffer
further detriment as a result. For more information on death saves, check page 40.

Large Creatures and EP

When a creature is fighting something significantly larger than itself, the larger creature often isn’t
able to realistically avoid being damaged by the smaller. In cases such as this, EP is representative of a
creature's ability to ignore minor injuries rather than its ability to avoid damage altogether.
Generally, this applies when the size class difference between creatures is 2 or more, but it’s up to
the discretion of the GM.

Being Subdued
A creature can become subdued in a variety of ways. A creature is considered subdued if they cannot
attack, cast spells, or move voluntarily. Examples of potentially subdued creatures include: sleeping
creatures, creatures who are bound and shackled, and creatures who have been rendered magically
immobile. When a creature is subdued they cannot add their Dexterity to their Defense and cannot use
EP to prevent being wounded or killed. Depending on the situation and the GM’s discretion, they may
also suffer other detrimental effects.

Being Prone
While prone, creatures have -3 on attack rolls, Dexterity saves and checks, and Defense. When a
creature is knocked prone, they must use a minor action or half their movement to return to a standing

Being Dazed
When a creature is dazed, they are unable to properly focus and need to reorient themselves. Until
the effects of being dazed end, they are unable to take major actions and have -3 on Intelligence saves
and checks.

Being Surrounded
A creature is considered surrounded if they are either in the melee range of 2 enemies on opposite
sides of them and there is physical obstruction, such as a wall within 5 feet of them on another side, or if
they are in the melee range of 3 or more enemies positioned around them. When attacking a creature
who is surrounded, attacking creatures have a +3 bonus on attack rolls.

Rounds and Actions in Combat

During combat, each round takes place over the course of 6 seconds. During each round, each
creature will be given a turn. A creature’s turn is used to describe what actions they take during the
round. Creatures can choose to use reactions or free actions even when it’s not their turn.
Unless you have an ability that states otherwise, you can do the following during each round of combat:
• 1 major action.
• 1 minor action.
• 1 reaction.
• free actions.
• movement a number of feet up to your movement speed.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Major actions are whatever you are devoting most of the round to doing. Examples of major actions
include: making an attack, casting a spell, drinking a potion or attempting to grapple a creature.
Additionally, if you would like to take two minor actions on a turn you can use your major action to take
a minor action.
Minor actions are smaller actions that you can perform while doing your major action. These are less
common and frequently unused during a round. Examples include: drawing or stowing a weapon or item
or using an ability or spell that only takes a minor action.
Alternatively, when the GM allows it, you can attempt to quickly and thoughtlessly emulate a major
action using a minor action. Doing so consumes 2 EP and prohibits you from adding associated
attributes or bonuses to any rolls that result from the action, unless specified otherwise or if the action is
allowed through an ability.
For example, if you’re engaged in melee combat but notice an enemy escaping you might use your
major action to attack your melee combatant then use your minor action to throw your weapon at the
fleeing creature. Choosing to do so would mean making an attack roll against the creature without
adding your Strength or other attributes. Your 1D20 roll alone would have to overcome the creature's
Defense. Additionally it would consume 2 EP.
Free actions are minor things you can reasonably do while doing something else during combat.
Examples include: speaking, looking at something, or expending EP.
Reactions can be taken in response to any event such as an attack or movement (even on another
creature’s turn). If you use a reaction in response to an event, you must declare that you are using it
before the outcome has been determined.
For example, if you are attacked and use your reaction to cast Protective Sphere, you must declare
that you cast it before the damage of the attack has been rolled.
If you use a reaction during another creature’s turn, they get to resume their turn after the reaction is
complete. Very few things can be done as reactions. If something can be done as a reaction it will be
explicitly stated. Many reactions, such as opportunistic attacks, require specific events to take place in
order to be use, others, like some spells, can be used at any time.
Movement is your ability to re-position yourself during combat. Your movement speed is the number
of feet you can move in a round while doing other things. This allows you to move up to your movement
speed on a turn even while taking your major and/or minor actions. It’s important to note that your
unencumbered movement speed is not necessarily the same thing as your movement speed. You can find
the formula for converting from unencumbered movement speed to actual movement speed in the
economics and equipment section.

Attacking a creature usually uses your major action for a turn. When you attack a creature, unless
specified otherwise, you will roll 1D20 and add your Strength. The resulting number will be compared
against the Defense of the creature you are targeting. If the sum of your rolled number and Strength
exceeds the targeted creature’s Defense, it is classified as a “true strike.” You can then roll damage dice
as specified by your weapon and abilities. If the creature you targeted with your attack has EP, they can
subtract your total damage from their EP. Otherwise, the targeted creature will be
wounded and make a death save. The DC for their death save is equal to the sum of
all the wounding damage they have taken. Wounds can be healed through
magic, resting, or other means. When wounds heal, the DC of subsequent
death saves is reduced by the amount healed. For more information on
death saves look on page 40.
For example, if you make a true strike against a creature with 3 EP
and your total damage is 8 the creature must make a death save with a
DC of 5. If the creature succeeds, it is not killed but might suffer
serious wounds. If you attack the creature again and make another true
strike, this time dealing 5 damage, the creature must succeed on a DC 10 Maddie Mae
death save.
When the roll total for an attack does not exceed a creatures Defense it is an “untrue strike.” Untrue


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

strikes do not deal damage and effectively mean that you were unable to maneuver such that you could
make a potentially damaging attack.
Note: the minimum damage a true strike can deal is 0.

Death Saves
Whenever a creature is wounded, it must make a death save. Death saves are constitution saving
throws that determine the severity of wounds. Unless specified otherwise, the DC for a death save is
equal to a creature’s total wounds. If a creature is healed, its death save DC no longer takes the healed
wound damage into account when being calculated.
For example, if a creature takes 3 damage and cannot use EP to avoid it, they must succeed on a DC
3 death saving throw or die. If the same creature is wounded again, this time taking 7 damage, it must
succeed on a DC 10 death saving throw.
Even on a successful death save, the target creature is wounded. Being wounded can have a variety
of effects ranging from mild to crippling. The results of a wound are determined by the GM, but
generally, if a creature saves by 3 or less they are crippled, 6 or less and their wounds are serious, saving
by more than that means the wounds are mild. Crippling wounds may even have long-term or permanent
effects even after the wound is healed. Frequently a Medicine check will be required to prevent lingering
effects from crippling wounds. Examples of lingering effects include: reduced movement speed,
becoming exhausted more quickly, or even a reduced EP maximum.
Serious wounds include deep gashes or cuts, and damage to internal organs. Often, creatures with
serious wounds suffer reduced ability to function and may take penalties such as -10 feet to their
movement speed, or -6 on attack rolls.
Crippling wounds include losing a leg or arm, and having bones crushed. Crippling wounds can
cause loss of abilities such as movement, the ability to attack, or the ability to stand. Crippled creatures
may need to make Endurance checks to keep from passing out.
Optional rule: If a creature obtains a crippling or serious wound, particularly from slashing or
piercing damage, they may begin bleeding out. If a creature is bleeding, it is wounded for 1D4 - 1
damage each round until something is done to stop the bleeding or it dies. If a creature obtains a serious
or crippling wound from bleeding out, they may lose consciousness or take a penalty to one or more

Wounds are a measure of the damage that has been dealt to a creature’s body and can encompass
anything from a cut to a broken bone to the effects of poison and more. Whenever a creature is wounded
they add the damage to their current wounds. The higher the amount of wounds, the more damage has
been done to the creature’s body. Additionally, wounds are cumulative and generally last until something
is done to heal them. Healing wounds is never easy, but it can be done by resting, medical kits, magic, or
some other methods. Resting in particular heals wounds very slowly.
Unless specified otherwise, anytime a creature takes wound damage they are required to make a
death save. While the amount of wound damage received determines the magnitude of the injury, the
death save determines how much bodily harm that injury does.
For example, if a creature is cut for 6 slashing damage and gets a 12 on their death save the cut
might be along their arm, still painful, but not something that will seriously hinder them. On the other
hand, if the creature was cut for 6 slashing damage and gets a 5 on their death save the same cut might
be across their neck, slicing through an important artery and killing them. Alternatively, if a creature is
wounded for 16 piercing damage they might be stabbed in the gut and their death save would determine
whether or not the stab punctured a vital organ.
Some effects such as psychic damage don’t do physical harm but instead cause mental harm. This
kind of damage is still recorded as wound damage, though it’s generally more easily healed and can’t
directly kill. However, since it is still wound damage, it does make it more likely that a physical wound
will kill. This is because as a creature takes psychic damage their reflexes may become sluggish and they
become less motivated and less able to mitigate physical damage, as well as potentially losing a measure
of their will to survive.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

If a creature has resistance to a damage type, their roll totals for death saves are doubled when
making a save against that damage type and it deals half damage when inflicting wounds.
For example, a creature who is resistant to fire damage would still need to expend the same number
of EP to avoid taking the damage, but, if they were wounded by something which dealt 6 fire damage,
they would only be wounded for 3 fire damage and their death save total (1D20 + Constitution + other
bonus) would be doubled against the wound.

If a creature has immunity to a damage type, they cannot be wounded or killed by it. They can still
choose to expend EP to avoid damage which they have immunity to (particularly if they aren’t aware of
the damage type of the attack), but if the damage would wound them, it instead does 0 damage.

If a creature has vulnerability to a damage type, they take twice as much damage if wounded by that
damage type. They can still choose to expend EP at a normal rate to avoid damage to which they have
vulnerability, but if they are wounded, the consequences are likely dire.

Ranged Weapon Attacks

Attacking a creature with a ranged weapon, such as a bow, or blowgun proceeds in much the same
way as attacking in melee with the notable exception that you add your Dexterity instead of your
Strength to your attack roll. Thrown weapons do not count as ranged weapons and still use Strength for
attack rolls.
If you are within melee range of a creature who is making a ranged attack, you can use your reaction
to attempt to interrupt their attack. If you choose to do so, the creature must make a Sleight of Hand
check against a DC equal to 1D20 + your Dexterity. On a failed save, they suffer a -6 penalty to their
attack roll. Unless specified otherwise, you may not make opportunistic attacks using ranged weapons.
You will generally still add your Strength to the damage rolls on ranged attacks.

Ranged Attacks and Size Class

Smaller targets are harder to hit, particularly with ranged attacks. When you make an attack roll
against a creature smaller than you, there is a -3 penalty for every size class it is smaller than you. For
example, if you are medium size and make a ranged attack roll against a tiny creature, you would have a
-6 penalty. If the attack was made against a small creature you’d have a -3 penalty.

Reach and Range

The reach of a weapon determines how far away something can be for it to be considered within
melee range. If something is outside of a weapon’s reach you will need to move closer in order to hit it.
While unarmed, your reach is 3 feet if you’re of medium size class or 1.5 feet if you’re of small size
Instead of reach, ranged weapons have a range. If you are attempting to hit something outside of a
weapons range you suffer a -1 penalty to your attack roll for every 10 feet the target is out of range.

In combat a creature may choose to take cover behind something. While behind cover, you can gain
various benefits. It's important to remember that cover can be subjective. For example, a creature
shooting at you from one angle might perceive you as having ½ cover while a creature firing at you from
another angle, such as behind you, might perceive you as having no cover. Things do not give you cover
unless they are at least partially between you and the origin of an attack or spell effect.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

½ cover:
While behind ½ cover you gain a +3 bonus to your Defense and have +3 bonus to saving throws
against area of effect spells.
¾ cover:
While behind ¾ cover you gain a +6 bonus to your Defense and have +6 bonus to saving throws
against area of effect spells.
Full cover:
While behind full cover you cannot be directly targeted by attacks or spells and have a +9 bonus
to saving throws against area of effect spells.
Complete cover:
While behind complete cover you cannot be directly targeted by attacks or spells and you are not
affected by area of effect spells.

Casting a Spell
Casting a spell can take various amounts of time as specified by the spell. Most spells use a major
action to cast and will either affect an area of your choice or a creature or object of your choice. Spells
have a variety of effects as specified in their descriptions, some damaging, others not. Spells are
separated into four primary categories: area of effect, single target effect, multi-target effect, and spell
attacks. Area of effect, single target effect, and multi-target effect spells specify their use and effects in
their descriptions.
Spell attacks, unless specified otherwise, require you to roll 1D20 and add your Intelligence. The
resulting number will be compared against the Defense of the creature(s) you are targeting. If the sum of
your rolled number and your Intelligence exceeds the targeted creature’s Defense, it is a true strike and
you can roll damage as specified by the spell and your abilities. If the creature you targeted with your
spell attack has EP, they will subtract your total damage from their EP. If the targeted creature has 0 EP,
they will be wounded and make a death save.
For more information on wounds and death saves look on page 40.
Note on area of effect spells: Area of effect spells can vary
greatly in the area they take up. Though some spell
descriptions will list an exact radius or area which is affected,
many area of effect spells will effect an area equal to
the amount of damage they deal or their save DC.
For example, a caster might cast an area of effect
spell that deals 3D6 fire damage to creatures within
its area of effect. If the caster rolled 18 for their
damage roll, the spell would affect a 18 foot radius.
Conversely, if they rolled only 3 damage the area of
effect would be only a 3 foot radius.
The area affected by an area of effect spell is
refereed to as the spell’s affected area. s
Additionally, if a creature uses EP to avoid being
wounded by an area of effect spell, they will
generally need to use that EP to either move to
outside the affected area or to take cover behind
something. Failure to do so may result in them
being wounded or suffering other effects.

Casting in Combat
If you are within melee range of a creature who is trying to cast a spell that uses somatic
components, you can use your reaction to attempt to interrupt their spell. If you choose to do so, the
casting creature must make a Sleight of Hand check against a DC equal to 1D20 + your Dexterity. If the


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casting creature fails, their spell fails. Failed spells do not consume mana (unless specified Ar
otherwise), though they do still consume time up until the point that they failed.
For example, if the casting time of a spell is a major action and it costs 4 mana,
and a creature attempts to cast it but the spell fails, the creature’s mana is not
consumed but it still loses its major action.

Unavoidable Strikes and Damage

Sometimes you may not be able to use EP to avoid a blow altogether.
Whether you or your GM is in charge of describing the results of your EP
expenditures, there may be times when it’s unrealistic for you to
completely avoid a strike with EP. In such cases you may instead use EP to make the
damage from the blow negligible and non-lethal instead, or you may have no choice
but to be wounded.
For example, if you were fighting another creature with unarmed strikes
(brawling), it’s unlikely that you would be able to avoid being struck for the
entirety of the combat. The creature may attempt to punch you and rather than using
your EP to duck the blow you might use it to catch their fist, or move in, causing only
the creature’s arm to hit you instead of its fist and letting you avoid any serious damage.
Alternatively, if you had to run through a fire, you would likely be wounded even if
you had remaining EP since there would be no amount of maneuvering you could do
to avoid being burned by the flames.

1s and 20s Fumble Table

During combat, creatures can get lucky hits
or unexpectedly stumble. In the context of Roll
attack rolls, natural 1s and 20s can turn the tides Total
of a battle. A natural roll is the number on the You fumble your weapon and
die before any modifiers are added. injure yourself or a friendly
If a creature rolls a natural 20 on an attack 1 or creature. Roll damage as though
roll, the creature’s attack is critically true. you targeted yourself or another
Critically true attacks are true strikes regardless
of the target’s Defense. Additionally, a critically
friendly creature with the weapon
true strike deals an additional 1D4 damage (of attack and made a true strike.
the same damage type as the attack) that cannot You fumble and fall. You are
be avoided with EP, even if the rest of the knocked prone and cannot take
damage is avoided. Damage from a critically 2-8
any other major actions, minor
true strike cannot be reduced by the protective actions, or movement this turn.
property of some armor.
On the other hand, if a creature rolls a Your weapon slips from your
natural 1 on an attack roll, the creature’s attack hands. It takes 10 feet of
is considered a critical miss and misses movement and a minor action to
regardless of the target's Defense. Optionally, retrieve and re-equip it.
your GM may choose to use fumble rules. If so,
when a 1 is rolled on an attack the creature
You stumble, but catch yourself.
fumbles it’s attack. A fumble can vary 15-19 You miss your attack but suffer no
depending on the situation and the GM’s further issues.
discretion, however the Fumble Table can be You stumble or drop your weapon,
used to determine the outcome of a given but it miraculously hits your
fumble. To choose the outcome roll 1D20 and 20 or opponents anyway. Roll damage as
add your Luck.
greater though your attack had been a true
strike regardless of the targeted
creatures Defense.


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On your turn you can take the major action Sprint to double your movement speed for 1 round.

On your turn you can take the major action Hide in an attempt to prevent a creature from being
aware of you or knowing your location. To Hide a creature must not be able to see you or otherwise be
aware of your exact location. To hide you must make a Stealth check against a creature’s passive
awareness which is equal to their Constitution + their Intelligence. If a creature suspects that someone is
nearby they may choose to make an Awareness or Investigation check by rolling 1D20 and adding their
Constitution or Intelligence respectively. If their check returns a higher total than your Stealth check,
you are noticed. Otherwise you remain hidden.

Throwing a Weapon
Weapons with the thrown property:
If you throw a weapon that has the thrown property it counts as ranged weapon attack.
Weapons with the thrown property can be thrown accurately up to 3 times your Strength + 60
feet. For distances beyond that, the GM may choose to impose disadvantages.
Weapons without the thrown property:
If you are throwing a weapon with which you have expertise, your
attack roll equals 1D20 + half your Strength (rounded up). If you
do not have expertise, it equals 1D20.
Non-thrown weapons can be thrown accurately up to 3
times your Strength + 20 feet. For distances beyond that,
the GM may choose to impose disadvantages.

If you make a true strike against a creature
while moving past them, you can add �⁄��
(10%) of the speed you're moving to your
attack damage. The speed you’re moving is
measured in feet per round (feet per 6
seconds) and is relative to the position of the
creature you’re attacking.
Additionally, on a true strike, the creature cannot

take an opportunistic attack against you as a result of


your charging movement.


If your charging attack is untrue the creature is

free to take an opportunistic attack against you.
• You cannot make more than one charging
attack against a single creature in 1 turn,
even if you can normally make more than
one attack.
• Charging bonuses only apply to true
strikes made with melee weapons.

Opportunistic Attacks
If a creature you’re aware of moves voluntarily out of your melee range,
you can make a melee weapon attack against it as a reaction. Such an attack is called an opportunistic
attack. This is true even if the movement was the result of an EP expenditure.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

As a major action you can choose to retreat on your turn. Doing so prevents up to 4 creatures of your
choice from making opportunistic attacks against you until the next round.

Prepared Actions
On your turn, you can choose to prepare. Doing so allows you to do anything you could normally do
as a major action, minor action, movement, or free action and choose to do it only after a certain event
takes place before the start of your next turn.
For example, you might be hiding and choose to prepare to attack as a major action once a creature
comes within melee range. Doing so would use your major action for that turn, but if the creature came
into melee range you would be able to attack them even if it wasn’t your turn and the attack might count
as a surprise attack if you remained hidden.
However, if you prepare for something to happen and it doesn’t occur, then your action goes unused.
When you prepare any action, it uses the corresponding action on the turn you prepared the action. For
example, if you prepare a major action, it uses your major action, if you prepare a minor action it uses
you minor action, etc.

Unarmed Strikes
When attacking unarmed (while not wielding a weapon), your attacks count as unarmed strikes.
Unarmed strikes are classified as melee weapon attacks. Your damage for an unarmed strike equals half
your Strength (rounded up, with a minimum of 0). While attacking using unarmed strikes, you cannot be
disarmed and have +3 when determining the outcome of a fumble.

During combat, a creature may attempt to grapple another creature as a major action. To initiate a
grapple, you must have at least one hand free (not wielding a weapon or other item). To grapple, you
make a Grappling (Strength) check against the targeted creature’s Strength or Dexterity saving throw. If
the Grapple check succeeds, the grappled creature can attempt to end the grapple on their turn using a
minor action, prompting a Grappling check from you against a Strength saving throw from the grappled
If you successfully grapple a creature of the same size class or smaller than you by only 1 size class,
then while the grapple is active, both you and the targeted creature are restrained and cannot move,
attack, or use EP to avoid wounds. If you initiated the grapple, you can choose to end it as a minor
If you successfully grapple a creature of a larger size class than you, neither you, nor the targeted
creature is restrained and as long as the grapple is active you are able to hold onto the targeted creature.
If you successfully grapple a creature smaller than you by at least 2 size classes, then the targeted
creature is restrained and cannot move, attack, or use EP to avoid wounds, and you are able to move
freely except that grappling the creature uses 1 of your hands and the creature’s weight counts against
your encumbrance.
For example, if a human character succeeded on a grapple check against a dragon the human is able
to hold onto the dragon as long as the grapple is active. At the GM’s discretion, the dragon may be able
to use a major or minor action to attempt to end the grapple on its turn.
Note on grappling and cover: at the GM’s discretion, one or more creatures involved in a grapple may
count as having cover. Generally, if two creatures of the same size-class are grappling they both count as
having ½ cover. If creatures of different size-classes are grappling the smaller creature gains ¾ cover or
more and the larger creature gains no cover.
Additionally, untrue strikes against a creature involved in a grapple may result in a true strike against
another creature in the grapple if the attacking creature fails a Reflex check. The DC of the Reflex check
is 10 if the targeted creature gains ½ cover from the grapple and 15 if the creature gains ¾ cover from
the grapple.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Surprise Attacks
If you attack a creature who is unaware of you, it’s called a surprise attack. When making a surprise
attack, you have a +6 bonus to your attack roll. When you target a creature with a surprise attack, it has
the opportunity to make a Dexterity saving throw against a DC equal to 1D20 + your Dexterity. On a
failed save, the creature is unable to use EP to avoid being wounded by your attack.

If a creature used its last attack to make an untrue strike against you, you can take a major action to
attempt to disarm the creature. To do this, make a Sleight of Hand check. The targeted creature can make
a Strength or Dexterity saving throw against a DC equal the roll total for your Sleight of Hand check. On
a failed save, the creature drops its weapon and the weapon falls 1D10 + 2 feet away in the direction of
your choice.

Shoving or Tripping
You can attempt to shove or trip a creature as a major action.
If you attempt to shove a creature of your size class or smaller, then you make a Grappling
(Strength) check against the targeted creature’s Strength or Dexterity saving throw. If the targeted
creature fails its saving throw then you can force it to move up to 5 feet in the direction of your
If you attempt to trip a creature, make a Grappling (Strength) check against the target creature’s
Strength or Dexterity saving throw. If the targeted creature fails its saving throw then it is knocked
prone. For more information on being prone check page 38. You cannot trip a creature who is 2 or
more size classes larger than you using this method.

Called Shots
When in combat, you can attempt to injure a particular part of an opponent's body. Doing so
increases the target’s Defense by an amount determined by the GM. Generally, the smaller the target the
harder it is to hit. Additionally, places the target is naturally inclined to defend are more difficult to hit.
For instance, a creature might get +3 to their Defense if you attempt to target their arm, but get +5 to
their Defense if you target their head. If you wound a creature with a called shot, the wound is applied to
the targeted area of the body. You can also use called shot to negate the protective property of some armor
by targeting an unprotected area.
For example, if you target a creature’s eye with a called shot while using a bow, and the attack
wounds them they will likely lose sight in the affected eye or if the wound is serious or crippling, may
lose their sight all together as blood runs into their other eye or the arrow splinters and impales both
eyes. Certain called shots may also cause the targeted creature to take a penalty to their death save. For
instance, a called shot on a humanoid creature’s head or heart might give the targeted creature a -4 to
their death save, at the GM’s discretion.

When a creature is subdued they can be executed. To perform an execution you must use a minor
action to prepare to execute, then, on the same or your next turn you can use your major action to
perform an execution on a target creature, provided that the target creature is subdued. When you
perform an execution, make an attack against the target creature. You have a +3 bonus to hit on the
attack roll and your damage roll for the attack is doubled.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

_________OTHER INFORMATION_________
Checks are measures of whether you successfully complete a given action. To make a check, you roll
1D20 and add your associated attribute for the check. If your roll total is greater than the DC of the
check, you succeeded. If it's less than the DC, you fail. If your check is equal to the DC you can re-roll.
If you have expertise in the check you add 1.5 times your related attribute instead.
For example, if you are attempting to lift something heavier than your natural lifting weight, you
may be required to make an athletics check. If you have expertise in athletics checks you roll 1D20 and
add 1.5 times your Strength to the roll.
There are two types of checks, broad and specific. There are 6 types of broad checks: Strength,
Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Charisma, and Luck. Each of those categories, except Luck, has a
set of specific checks associated with it. Those specific checks are listed under the Competitive Checks
header later in this section. Creatures can have expertise in specific checks, but cannot have expertise in
broad checks. For example, you can have expertise in Reflex checks, but cannot have expertise in
Dexterity checks.
Different Checks take different amounts of time at the GM’s discretion.
For example, an Athletics check to lift something might take a major action. However, an Athletics
check to jump over a large pit might not take any actions and could just be considered part of movement.
Conversely if you want to thoroughly search an area for a secret passage it might take several minutes,
but only require a single Investigation check.
The GM may also allow creatures to perform longer checks quickly at the cost of a disadvantage. A
character may, for instance, be able to search an area for a secret passage in just one turn, but be required
to subtract their Intelligence from their total for the check.
When you fail a check, it's up to the GM’s discretion to determine if you can attempt the same check
again, though frequently it will not be allowed.

Competitive Checks
At times, a creature may make a check against another creature. Often this will require the targeted
creature to make a check or saving throw in response. If the targeted creature is forced to make a saving
throw, the DC of the save will equal the initiating creature’s roll total for their check. If the targeted
creature must make a check, the creature with the larger check total wins and the situation proceeds in
their favor. The nature of the targeted creature’s check or saving throw depends on the circumstances
and the GM’s decision, but generally will proceed as follows:
• Athletics check response: Athletics check.
• Grappling check response: Strength or Dexterity saving throw.
• Acrobatics check response: Strength or Dexterity saving throw.
• Reflex check response: Reflex or Sleight of Hand check or Dexterity saving throw.
• Stealth check response: Awareness or Investigation check.
• Awareness check response: Stealth, Sleight of Hand, or Distraction check.
• Endurance check response: Athletics check or Endurance check.
• Survival check response: Deception check.
• Arcane Knowledge check response: Deception check.
• Comprehension check response: Deception or Distraction check.
• History check response: Deception check.
• Investigation check response: Stealth, Sleight of Hand, or Distraction check.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

• Medicine check response: Deception or Distraction check.
• Nature check response: Deception check.
• Religion check response: Deception check.
• Animal Handling check response: Distraction check.
• Deception check response: Insight check.
• Distraction check response: Charisma or Intelligence saving throw.
• Insight check response: Deception check.
• Intimidation check response: Constitution or Charisma saving throw.
• Persuasion check response: Charisma saving throw.
• Sleight of Hand check response: Awareness or Reflex check.

Saving Throws
There are 6 types of saving throws, Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Charisma, and
Luck. If you are targeted by a spell, or other effect, you may be required to make a saving throw
(sometimes shortened to “save”). While checks are to attain a certain outcome, saving throws are to
avoid effects. A saving throw determines the outcome of whatever effect is targeting you. To make a
saving throw, you roll 1D20 and add the attribute associated with the save. If your roll total is greater
than the save’s DC, you succeeded; if it is less than the DC, you fail; if your roll total is equal to the DC,
you can re-roll. Generally, creatures will not have expertise in saving throws, though there are
For example, if you have to make a death saving throw against a DC of 10. You would roll 1D20 and
add your Constitution. Even if you have expertise in a Constitution check, such as Survival, you would
not use that bonus when determining the outcome.

Anytime a decimal is returned for a value during the game round up to the nearest integer unless
specified otherwise.

Temporary EP
At some points in the game you may receive temporary EP. Temporary EP is added to your current
EP even if it exceeds your normal EP maximum. However, it does not increase your EP maximum and
isn’t permanent. Temporary EP is prioritized to be expended first. Additionally, temporary EP expires
after a certain period of time. Unless specified otherwise, temporary EP is lost after 12 hour or the next
time you rest.

Damage Types
There are many damage types that exist. The most common damage types are acid, bludgeoning,
cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, piercing, poison, psychic, and slashing damage.
Some damage types have special properties. They are as follows:
Bludgeoning damage: A creature who is dealing bludgeoning damage can choose to use it to
subdue rather than kill. When bludgeoning damage is used to subdue a creature, they are knocked
unconscious rather than being killed on a failed death save.
Fire damage: If an flammable object is hit with fire damage, it may catch on fire depending on
how easily it can be lit and how much fire damage is dealt.
Lightning damage: If lightning damage is dealt to an object which conducts electricity well,
such as metal or water, its damage is increased by 50% and divided among all creatures touching the
object in question.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Necrotic damage: If a creature is wounded by necrotic damage, they cannot heal the wound
except by magical means. If a creature is killed due to necrotic damage they are unlikely to be
revivable, even when magic is used. Additionally, a creature killed with necrotic damage may
become undead.
Poison damage: If wounded by poison, the damage is applied over 2 rounds, half each round.
Depending on how quickly the poison acts, the 2 rounds may or may not be consecutive.
Psychic damage: If a creature is uses EP to avoid psychic damage it’s generally described as
them being drained of energy. If a creature is wounded by psychic damage, they are not physically
wounded. Instead they suffer effects such as their level of exhaustion increasing or being dazed.
Psychic wound damage is healed fully after 10 minutes. If a creature fails a death save against
psychic damage, they aren’t killed but suffer a permanent insanity effect of the GM’s choice or from
the Insanity and Trauma Table on page 117.

Normally when attempting to do something which requires a D20 roll you will add the appropriate
attribute to your roll to get your total. However, when attempting to do something you have expertise in,
you add 1.5 times the appropriate attribute instead.
For example, if you have a Strength of 4 and attempt to attack with a weapon with which you don’t
have expertise, you can add +4 to your attack rolls with that weapon. If you change weapons to one
which you do have expertise in, you can add +6 to your attack rolls with that weapon. Similarly, if you
make a Persuasion check without expertise, you add your Charisma to the roll, but if you have expertise
in Persuasion you would add 1.5 times your Charisma to the roll.
Additionally, if you have expertise in something
and have a negative related attribute, you add 0 Exhaustion Table
instead of the negative value. Level Effect

Exhaustion 0 You feel well rested and prepared.

For every 12 hours you go without completing a Your energy has faded a bit since
rest, you gain 1 level of exhaustion. Additionally, if
1 earlier.
you are reduced to 0 EP, you gain 1 level of
exhaustion. Any time you gain a level of exhaustion, Your body is urging you to rest and
you lose 5 EP to a minimum of 0. The minimum your judgment and reflexes have
2 begun to deteriorate. You have -1 to
level of exhaustion is 0. The effects of the levels of
exhaustion are cumulative. all of your attributes.
Your body and mind become very
Resting 3 sluggish. You have and additional -2
to all of your attributes (total of -3).
• It can take a various amount of time to
complete a rest, as specified by your species. You can barely keep yourself moving.
Additionally, the GM may choose to increase the If you sit down or stop moving you
amount of time needed to complete a rest due 4 will fall unconscious involuntarily.
environmental or other factors. Your movement speed is halved and
• After completing a rest, your level of your EP expenditure limit is halved.
exhaustion is reduced to 0. Being awake feels like torture. Your
• After a completed rest, you regain all of your current and maximum EP is reduced
expended mana. 5 to 0 until your level of Exhaustion is
• When you complete a rest, you regain a number reduced.
of EP equal to half your EP maximum and you
heal 1 point of wound damage. Even after You cannot keep yourself awake any
wounds heal, if they were crippling or serious, longer. You automatically fail all
they may have lingering effects, and you may not 6+ saving throws or checks. You may be
be able to recover from resting alone, requiring required to make Endurance checks to
magical healing or other treatments. remain awake.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

• Many abilities also reset after a rest, though this will be specified in their descriptions.
• If you are interrupted before your rest is complete, you may still get some benefits. If you complete
at least half of a rest, you regain half of the mana, half of the EP, and half the exhaustion that you
would from a complete rest, but you do not regain usage of abilities unless specified otherwise. This
is called a partial rest.

Hunger and Thirst

As you adventure, there may be times when your resources are depleted and you run out of food or
water. This can have serious consequences. If you are in an area where food can be foraged for, you can
make a Survival check with a DC determined by the GM and your surrounds. On a successful save, you
are able to find enough food and water for yourself for 1 meal. Each meal reduces your status on the
Hunger and Thirst Table by 1 (minimum 0).
For every 24 hours you go without food or 12 hours you go without water, your status on the Hunger
and Thirst Table increases by 1 (maximum 5). The effects of the Hunger and Thirst Table are cumulative.

Hunger and Thirst Table

Status Effect
0 You suffer no negative effects.
You are very hungry/thirsty. You regenerate half the amount of EP you would normally
1 from resting.
Your mind is muddled with the effects of hunger or thirst. You have -3 on attack rolls,
2 checks, and saving throws.
3 Your body and mind become very sluggish. You have -1 to all of your attributes.
You can barely keep yourself moving. Your movement speed is halved and you cannot
4 regenerate EP or wound damage.
Your body begins to shut down. Every 3 hours, you are wounded for 1D6 damage of an
5 unspecified type. On a failed death save from this damage, you dehydrate or starve to

Depending on the terrain a creature is in, its movement speed might be reduced. For example, if the
ground is very wet and muddy, its movement speed might be reduced by �⁄� (33%) or more. Some terrain
might also reduce a creature’s movement speed by a set amount such as 10 feet. Some terrain may also
impose checks upon creatures to move successfully or avoid certain effects such as falling prone.
Swimming: Generally, if a creature is swimming through water, their movement speed is halved.
Climbing: Generally, if a creature is climbing, their movement speed is reduced by �⁄� (66%).

For medium or small creatures, jump height is generally as follows:
Horizontal Jumping: Generally a creature can jump horizontally a number of feet equal to its
Strength + its Dexterity (with a minimum of 2), assuming it is unencumbered and has at least 10 feet
to run and gain speed beforehand.
Vertical Jumping: Generally a creature can jump vertically a number of feet equal to ½ (50%) of its
Strength (rounded up, with a minimum of 1), assuming it is unencumbered and has at least 10 feet to
run and gain speed beforehand.
Jumping While Encumbered: For every 10 pounds of weight a creature carries over its encumbrance
weight, its jump height and distance are reduced by 1 (with a minimum of 0).


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

If a creature of medium size falls from more than 10 feet onto a hard surface, they take 1D6
bludgeoning damage for every 5 feet above 10 they fall.
For every size class a creature is above medium, they can fall twice as far before taking damage, but
take twice as much damage from falling and +1 wound damage per 5 feet for falls from great heights.
For every size class a creature is below medium, the damage they take from falling is halved.
Falling from a great height: If a creature takes damage from a fall of 50 feet or more, they cannot use
EP to completely avoid being wounded. In addition to the damage from their fall (avoidable with EP)
they are wounded for 5 + 1 bludgeoning damage for every 5 feet over 50 that they fell.
Size Class Table
Size Classes
Creatures and items are Size Class Dimensions
categorized into size classes based on Miniature less than a 1x1 foot cube.
the number of cubic feet they occupy.
Tiny a 1x1 to a 2x2 foot cube.
A creature’s size class is determined
by the smallest cube it would fit into Small a 2x2 to a 4x4 foot cube.
while standing, as specified by the
Size Class Table. Medium a 4x4 to a 8x8 foot cube.
For instance, if a creature is 8.5 feet Large a 8x8 to a 16x16 foot cube.
tall and 3 feet wide while standing it Giant a 16x16 to a 32x32 foot cube.
would be of the large size class.
A full list of size classes and their Enormous a 32x32 to a 64x64 foot cube.
dimensions can be found on the Size Gargantuan a 64x64 to a 128x128 foot cube.
Class Table.
Brobdingnagian greater than a 128x128 foot cube.
By default a creature’s encumbrance weight is equal to 2 times its Strength + the product of the
lower bounds of its size class pounds, to a minimum of 0. A list of the size class encumbrance bonuses
can be found in the Size Class Encumbrance Table. For every 5 pounds of weight a creature carries over
its encumbrance, its movement speed is reduced by 1. A creature’s movement speed cannot be reduced
below 0. Additionally, for every 20 pounds a creature is carrying over its encumbrance, it has -3 on all
Dexterity checks and saving throws.
For example, a creature with a Strength of 3 and a medium size class would have a 6 + 16, or 22,
pound encumbrance weight. If it is carrying 48 pounds of equipment (it’s 26 pounds over its
encumbrance) its movement speed is reduced by 5. If it has an unencumbered movement speed of 30, its
final movement speed would be 25. Additionally, since it’s encumbered by more than 20 pounds, it
would have -3 on Dexterity checks and saving throws.
Note: flying and swimming speeds are reduced three times as quickly (-3 for every 5 pounds of
weight a creature carries over its encumbrance).
Size Class Encumbrance Table
Size Class Encumbrance Bonus Lifting
A creature can lift weight up to their encumbrance
Miniature +0 times 4 without needing to make a Strength check. For
Tiny +1 anything weighing more than that, the creature may be
Small +4 required to make a Strength or Athletics check at the
GM’s discretion.
Medium +16
Large +64
Giant +256
Enormous +1024
Gargantuan +4096
Brobdingnagian +16384


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Obscurity and Obscured Areas
There are 5 levels of obscurity.
Unobscured: Creatures in unobscured environments can see and act normally. Stealth checks are
extremely difficult or impossible while unobscured.
Lightly obscured: Creatures have -1 on checks, saving throws, and ranged attacks that rely on
vision in lightly obscured environments.
Moderately obscured: Creatures have -3 on checks, saving throws, and ranged attacks that rely on
vision in moderately obscured environments.
Heavily obscured: Creatures have -6 on checks, saving throws, and ranged attacks that rely on
vision in heavily obscured environments. Attempting to move quickly or sprint in a heavily obscured
environment may require a Luck or Dexterity saving throw to avoid falling prone (especially in
difficult terrain). Additionally, creatures who are heavily obscured have a +3 bonus to their Defense.
Fully obscured: Creatures have -9 on checks, saving throws, and ranged attacks that rely on
vision, or may automatically fail them at the GM’s discretion, in fully obscured environments.
Attempting to move quickly or sprint in a fully obscured environment is likely to require a Luck or
Dexterity saving throw to avoid falling prone (especially in difficult terrain). Additionally, creatures
who are fully obscured have a +6 bonus to their Defense.

Gods and Deities

Many creatures may elect to be religious. A creature may choose one or more gods to worship.
However if they take the Cleric ability they must choose a primary god. If a creature derives magical
abilities from its god, the creature’s magic is generally limited to the domains of their god/gods.
Though there are many gods, here are some of the most commonly worshiped:

Artex____ Rosmer____
Domains: Nature and War. Domains: Blessings and Restoration.
Alignment: True good. Alignment: Lawful good.
Characteristics: Artex is a goddess of hunting. She is Characteristics: Rosmer is a god of the sun. He is
fiery of temper and does not tolerate disrespect. She regal and thoughtful. He encourages his followers to
encourages her followers to be fearless and fast to act. spread good and light throughout the world.

Lastra____ Serrus____
Domains: Life and Trickery. Domains: Death and Curses.
Alignment: Chaotic neutral. Alignment: Chaotic evil.
Characteristics: Lastra is a trickster goddess. She is Characteristics: Serrus is a goddess of death. She is
impulsive and cunning. She encourages her followers stoic and destructive. She wants to bring about the
to be creative regardless of the purpose that creativity end of the world so that she may seize power for
serves. herself. She encourages her followers to kill and
destroy indiscrimantly.
Domains: Mind and Arcana. Zek____
Alignment: True neutral. Domains: Conjuration and Transmutation.
Characteristics: Odmeer is a god of acquiring Alignment: Lawful neutral.
magical knowledge. He expects his followers to be Characteristics: Zek is a god of creation. He is
brave and hungry for knowledge. forceful and controlling. He expects his followers to
be leaders and to change and create.
Domains: Elements and Life. Custom____
Alignment: Chatoic good. Domains: Two of your choice.
Characteristics: Pefix is a god of weather. He Alignment: Alignment of your choice.
encourages his followers to travel and explore. Characteristics: A description of the god and his/her
expectations for their followers.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Riding a Mount
(For information on charging attacks check page 44)
• While riding a mount which you control, your movement speed is replaced with the mount’s
movement speed and you can sprint as a minor action.
• At times it may be necessary to make an animal handling check to keep your mount under control,
particularly, if your mount is injured or if you attempt to have it do something that frightens it.

Dual Wielding
If you are wielding a weapon in each hand, it does not increase your number of attacks, but you can
choose which weapon to use when you make an attack. The hand holding the unused weapon is referred
to as your off-hand. Some abilities or effects may change this, such as the Dual Wielder ability.

Small Size Class Items

Smaller creatures use smaller items. To account for this, if a character is of the small size class, items
they purchase are also smaller, lighter, and cheaper. In general, items for a character of small size class
are half as expensive and weigh half as much. In the case of melee weapons, their reach is also reduced
by 1/3 (rounded up) and their damage dice is reduced by 1 size.
For example, if a halfling buys a halfling-sized odachi, it would cost 3 gold and 5 electrum pieces
instead of 7 gold, have a reach of 7 feet instead of 10, weigh 2.5 pounds instead of 5, and deal 1D8
damage instead of 1D10.
At the GM’s discretion, small creatures may have disadvantages imposed on them when they use
full-sized weapons, generally a -3 to attack.

Awareness and Targeting

Awareness generally works intuitively, but if you’re unsure in a situation, you can use this section as
a guide. There are three levels of awareness, which work as follows:
Unaware: You are considered unaware of a creature or object until you perceive it. Generally to
perceive something you will have seen or heard the creature or object in question. If something is
intentionally hidden or hiding, you may need to make an Investigation or Awareness check to
become aware of it.
If you are unaware of something, you cannot target it directly, though it can still be affected by
an area of effect spell if it is in the affected area. Additionally, if you are unaware of something, it
can make a surprise attack against you. For example, a trap you are unaware of, could fire a poisoned
bolt at you as a surprise attack, potentially making it unavoidable with EP. The same could be done
by a hidden assassin or other creature. For more information on surprise attacks see page 46.
Abstractly Aware: You become abstractly aware of a creature or object when you know it’s
approximate location, but don’t know its exact location. When you are abstractly aware of
something, you can attempt to target it, but are disadvantaged to do so. Generally, when targeting
something you are only abstractly aware of, the creature or object in question counts as being
heavily or fully obscured. Additionally, if the creature or object in question moves without being
perceived, or you become somehow disoriented, then you may become unaware of it.
Aware: You are aware of something when you are able to perceive it directly and know where it
is relative to yourself. If you are aware of something you can target it. If you lose track of something
that you were aware of, you may become abstractly aware or unaware of it.
Finally, if you are attempting to target a point in space, these same general principals can be applied.
• If you are unaware of a point, such as a spot in a place you’ve never been, you can’t target it.
• If you are abstractly aware of a point, such as a spot in a room you were recently in, but can’t
currently see, you can attempt to target it, but may need to make a Comprehension or History check
to determine if you succeed. Alternatively, you may have other disadvantages imposed on you at the
GM’s discretion.
• If you are aware of a point, such as a spot you are currently looking at, you can generally target it
without issue.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

There are many languages across the realms. The number of languages a character knows is
specified by their background and sometimes their species.
Runic languages are languages of magic. Not all cultures have developed them. Runic languages
generally have spoken and written elements. Although all runic languages share some characteristics,
they are melded with and obfuscated by their languages of origin. A character can attempt to use
knowledge of other runic languages to translate a runic language they do not understand, though it is
very difficult and failure can be disastrous as it can result in unpredictable spell effects should they fail
and try to cast the spell or activate the magic with a faulty translation.
Runic languages are also frequently accompanied by notes in the language’s non-runic form; these
notes may provide insight into the runes purpose. A creature who does not know any runic languages,
but does know a language in which a runic transcription is written may be able to understand a portion
of its purpose from these notes, but is unlikely to be able to activate any magical effects as a result.

Common Languages

• Standard
The primary language of humans, which many other species and cultures have also adopted due
to the prevalence of humans across the world. It has spoken, written, and runic forms.

• Dwarvish
The primary language of dwarves, though due to mingling and trade between human and
Dwarvish cultures, the Dwarvish language has begun to adopt characteristics from Standard.
Dwarvish has spoken, written, and runic forms. It also has a second written form which is partially
comprehensible to those who know Standard script and has become more common in recent times.

• Elvish
The primary language of elves, Elvish has endured largely unchanged for centuries. The elvish
language is streamlined and incorporates its runic form into its primary written and spoken aspects.
It has spoken and written forms, and if a creature learns both the spoken and written forms of Elvish,
they also learn the runic form. A creature must have an Intelligence of at least 2 to learn Elvish.

• Halfling
Halflings do not have a true language. They usually speak Standard, however, they do have a
widespread sub-form of Standard in which they encode secret meanings into their words and writing
through a variety of tactics and subtleties. This secret halfling code is known almost exclusively to
halflings, though there are some others who can understand it. It has spoken and written forms, both
of which are encoded forms of Standard that otherwise seem unremarkable.

• Orcish
The primary language of orcs and goblins. Orcish is a rough, bellowing language that is
communicated as much through gesticulations as through speech. It does have a written form,
though often much meaning is lost in its transcription and many native speakers never learn its
writing system. It has spoken and written forms.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

• Leviathanian
The primary language of both giants and intelligent sea creatures, Leviathanian is an ancient
language derived directly from the language of ancient titans. Though it has a spoken form it is
rarely used. Most speakers communicate through physical gestures and signs, and its spoken form is
simply a verbal translation of these gestures. It has spoken/signed, written, and runic forms.

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Exotic Languages fr om Levi
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• Pure-Runic
Pure-Runic is the ancient language of the gods, its remnants are extremely rare and scattered
across the world. The few artifacts that remain with this script are kept as treasured possessions.
Though it’s believed to have had a spoken form, all that remains documented of this language is
written, mostly carved into stone. It has a written/runic form. A creature must have an Intelligence of
at least 6 and know at least 1 other runic language to learn this Pure-Runic.

• Feylic
Feylic is the natural language of most fey creatures such as fairies, pixies, and sprites. It shares
many characteristics with Elvish, so much that some proficient Elvish speakers are able to
understand fragments of it. Feylic is naturally runic in all its forms. It has spoken and written forms,
and if a creature learns both the spoken and written forms of Feylic, they also learns the runic form.

• Draconic
Draconic is the language of dragons. Due to the limitations of humanoid anatomy, Draconic is
extremely difficult to speak. A creature must know at least 3 spoken languages to learn spoken
draconic, and even then it will likely be heavily accented. The draconic language is not innately
magical, though it’s runic form has some direct ties to Pure-Runic and is very efficient for magic and
runic writing as a result. Written Draconic resembles claws dragged through stone, with sharp, often
jagged edges. Draconic has spoken, written, and runic forms.

• Therianthropic
Therianthropic is the primary language of the antherians. It relies heavily on body language and
vocal inflections to convey its meanings, though its written form has found ways to incorporate these
attributes into the text. Therianthropic is close to the language of animals and beasts. A creature
speaking Therianthropic gains a +3 bonus to Animal Handling checks. Though it has a runic form, it
is limited in scope and only able to invoke magic which deals with natural phenomena, such as
magic in the domains of Nature or Elements. It has spoken and written forms, as well as a limited
runic form.

• Grey Speech
Grey Speech is a relatively new language, created and used by rebel organizations around the
world. It’s innately magical and designed to be incomprehensible to anyone who doesn’t know it. It
shares some roots with Lithic and Fiendish. It’s difficult to learn, and harder to find someone to teach
it to you. It sounds like static to those who don’t understand it and it can’t be translated by the spell
Magic Translation. You must have an Intelligence of at least 3 to learn Grey Speech. It has spoken
and written forms, and if a creature learns both the spoken and written forms of Grey Speech it also
learns the limited runic form. It’s runic form is limited to magic in the domains of Trickery, Mind,
and Travel.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

• Phrenic
Phrenic is a magical language of the mind. It has no spoken, written, or runic forms. It can only
be used by creatures who are able to use it naturally or through magical means. When a creature
communicates in Phrenic, any creature they are communicating with is able to hear a psychically
projected message in their mind. This message overcomes language barriers and automatically
translates in the mind of the creatures using it, unless specified otherwise. If you know a creature
speaks Phrenic you can speak to it in Phrenic even if you can't normally use the language.

• Lithic
Lithic is the natural language of elementals and creatures who live deep beneath the earth. It has
a slow spoken language that can also be communicated through vibrations in the earth. Its written
and runic forms are made up of deep 3D grooves and complex patterns carved into stone. Because of
this, Lithic’s written form is rarely learned by humanoids since it cannot be efficiently transcribed
onto parchment. It has spoken, written, and runic forms.

• Fiendish
The language of devils and demons fiendish is a forbidden language in many parts of the world.
Fiendish text often seeks to mislead its reader by hiding double meanings, a trend which extends to
its runic form as well. It takes a very experienced reader to understand the language. It has spoken,
written, and runic forms. To learn Fiendish a creature must have at least an Intelligence of 4 and
attempting to understand written or runic Fiendish can trigger a History, Comprehension, or Arcane
Knowledge check at the GM’s discretion, even if the creature reading it knows the language.
Attempting to use Fiendish runes or follow written Fiendish instruction based on a mistranslation
can have disastrous results. It has spoken, written, and runic forms.

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Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

The economics of the world is left up to the GM. Generally cost increases linearly with the size and
material value of an item and increases exponentially with its quality. For example, where a shortsword
might cost 3 gold pieces, a longsword might cost 4 or 5 since it is larger and uses more material and time
to make. However, for a masterwork longsword it might cost 20 to 30 gold pieces if one is even
available for purchase and assuming the economics of the game make gold uncommon. Food and other
supply costs are generally measured in copper or silver pieces.
Pricing suggestions are listed next to the items below.
Though some campaigns may take place in worlds where magic is extremely abundant, generally
stores will only have low-level magic items such as potions of energy restoration and higher level items
will have to be acquired through adventuring or as rewards.
Additionally, throughout a campaign, the costs of items can vary between regions and over time. For
example, if a village is suffering frequent raids from a band of orcs, food costs may be inflated.
However, if the orcs are subsequently killed or run off, costs may return to normal. A similar effect may
occur regionally. Weapons, for instance, could be significantly lower value in a dwarven city where
weaponry is the primary export than in a coastal city that primarily exports fish or boats.
Though it may vary depending on the campaign and region, currency is typically valued as follows:
1 silver piece is equivalent to 10 copper, 1 electrum piece is equivalent to 10 silver, 1 gold piece is
equivalent to 10 electrum, and 1 platinum piece is equivalent to 10 gold pieces.
Every 50 coins weighs 1 pound.

Melee Weapons
• Machete (3 gold)
1D6 + half your Strength slashing damage. One handed. Weight: 2 lb. Reach: 5ft.
• Shortsword (3 gold)
1D6 + half your Strength slashing damage. One handed. Weight: 2 lb. Reach: 5ft.
• Katar (3 gold)
1D6 + half your Strength slashing damage. One handed. Weight: 3 lb. Reach: 5ft.
Good Grip: +3 bonus against being disarmed and to fumble rolls.
• Rapier (3 gold)
1D6 + half your Strength piercing damage. One handed. Weight: 2 lb. Reach: 6ft.
• Katana (4 gold)
1D6 + half your Strength slashing damage. One handed. Weight: 3 lb. Reach: 5ft. on B
Versatile: add your entire Strength to damage if wielded with two hands. on
• Longsword (5 gold)
1D8 + half your Strength slashing damage. One handed. Weight: 3 lb. Reach: 6ft.
• Bastard Sword (5 gold)
1D8 + half your Strength slashing damage. One handed. Weight: 5 lb. Reach: 6ft.
Versatile: add your entire Strength to damage if wielded with two hands.
• Odachi (7 gold)
1D10 + your Strength slashing damage. Two handed. Weight: 5 lb. Reach: 10ft.
• Claymore (7 gold)
1D12 + your Strength slashing damage. Two handed. Weight: 6 lb. Reach: 7ft.
Heavy: -3 on attack rolls unless your Strength is at least 4.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

• Push Dagger (1 gold)
1D4 + half your Strength slashing or piercing damage. One handed. Weight: �⁄� lb. Reach: 3ft.
Good Grip: +3 bonus against being disarmed.
• Throwing Knife (5 electrum)
1D4 slashing + half your Strength piercing damage. One handed. Weight: �⁄� lb. Reach: 3ft.
• Dagger (5 electrum)
Jessica Tomlin

1D4 + half your Strength slashing or piercing damage. One handed. Weight: 1 lb. Reach: 3ft.
• Tri-bladed Dagger (3 gold)
1D4 + half your Strength piercing damage. One handed. Weight: 1 lb. Reach: 3ft.
Killer: when a creature is wounded by this weapon, it has -3 on its death save.
• Swordbreaker (3 gold)
1D4 + half your Strength slashing damage. One handed. Weight: 2 lb. Reach: 4ft.
Disarming: +3 on attempts made to disarm creatures wielding slashing weapons.

• Javelin (1 gold)
1D6 + half your Strength piercing damage. One handed. Weight: 2 lb. Reach: 6ft.
• Quarterstaff (1 gold)
1D6 + half your Strength bludgeoning damage. One handed. Weight: 3 lb. Reach: 8ft.
Versatile: add your entire Strength to damage if wielded with two hands.
• Spear (3 gold)
1D8 + half your Strength piercing damage. One handed. Weight: 4 lb. Reach: 8ft.
Versatile: add your entire Strength to damage if wielded with two hands.
• Scythe (6 gold)
1D10 + your Strength slashing damage. Two handed. Weight: 5 lb. Reach: 6ft.
• Trident (3 gold)
3D4 - 3 + your Strength piercing damage. Two handed. Weight: 5 lb. Reach: 7ft.
• Pike (5 gold)
1D8 + your Strength piercing damage. Two handed. Weight: 10 lb. Reach: 15ft.
Heavy: -3 on attack rolls unless your Strength is at least 4.
• Glaive (5 gold) Jessica Tomlin
1D10 + your Strength slashing damage. Two handed. Weight: 6 lb. Reach: 10ft.
• Halberd (7 gold)
1D12 + your Strength slashing damage. Two handed. Weight: 7 lb. Reach: 8ft.
Heavy: -3 on attack rolls unless your Strength is at least 4.
• Lance (6 gold)
1D4 + half your Strength bludgeoning or piercing damage. One handed. Weight: 6 lb. Reach: 10ft.
Charge: attacks made with this weapon while charging deal 3D4 + half your Strength piercing damage
Heavy: -3 on attack rolls unless your Strength is at least 3.

• Hatchet (2 gold)
1D6 + half your Strength slashing damage. One handed. Weight: 2 lb. Reach: 4ft.
• Throwing Axe (1 gold)
1D6 + half your Strength slashing damage. One handed. Weight: 2 lb. Reach: 3ft.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

• Battleaxe (6 gold)
1D12 + your Strength slashing damage. Two handed. Weight: 6 lb. Reach: 5ft.
Heavy: -3 on attack rolls unless your Strength is at least 4.
• Greataxe (7 gold)
2D6 + your Strength slashing damage. Two handed. Weight: 8 lb. Reach: 6ft.
Heavy: -3 on attack rolls unless your Strength is at least 5.

• Club (5 electrum)
1D6 + half your Strength bludgeoning damage. One handed. Weight: 5 lb. Reach: 5ft.
Versatile: add your entire Strength to damage if wielded with two hands.
• Hammer (1 gold)
1D6 + half your Strength bludgeoning damage. One handed. Weight: 3 lb. Reach: 4ft.
• Spiked Mace (3 gold)
1D8 + half your Strength bludgeoning damage. One handed. Weight: 6 lb. Reach: 6ft.
Versatile: add your entire Strength to damage if wielded with two hands.
• Morningstar (4 gold)
1D6 + half your Strength bludgeoning damage. One handed. Weight: 6 lb. Reach: 5ft.
Flexible: +1 bonus to melee attack rolls against creatures using shields or behind cover.
• Warhammer (6 gold)
1D10 + your Strength bludgeoning damage. Two handed. Weight: 8 lb. Reach: 5ft.
Heavy: -3 on attack rolls unless your Strength is at least 3.
• Greatclub (3 gold)
1D10 + your Strength bludgeoning damage. Two handed. Weight: 10 lb. Reach: 6ft.
Heavy: -3 on attack rolls unless your Strength is at least 5.
• Greathammer (7 gold)
1D12 + your Strength bludgeoning damage. Two handed. Weight: 10 lb. Reach: 7ft.
Heavy: -3 on attack rolls unless your Strength is at least 5.

• Rope Dart (2 gold)
1D6 + half your Dexterity piercing damage. Two handed. Weight: 1 lb. Reach: 10ft.
• Shuriken (5 silver)
1D4 + half your Strength piercing damage. One handed. Weight: �⁄� lb. Reach: 3ft.
Spiky: non-thrown attacks made with this weapon also wound the wielder for 1 slashing damage.
• Chakram (3 gold)
1D6 + half your Strength slashing damage. One handed. Weight: 2 lb. Reach: 3ft.
• Net (4 gold)
0 damage. One handed. Weight: 5 lb. Reach: 15ft.
Ensnaring: on a true strike, a creature of small to large size, targeted by a net, has their movement
speed halved until they use a major action to free themselves.
• Bola (1 gold)
0 damage. One handed. Weight: 2 lb. Reach: 4ft.
Entangling: on a true strike, a creature of small to medium size, targeted by a bola, is knocked prone.
• Shield (4 gold)
Half your Strength (rounded up) bludgeoning damage. One handed. Weight: 6 lb. Reach: 3ft.
Defensive: while wielding a shield you gain a +3 bonus to your Defense.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Ranged Weapons
Note on ranged weapon weights:
Ranged weapon weights are listed without ammunition weights. Ammunition weights have to be
accounted for separately. In general, every 10 arrows or bolts weighs 1lb.

• Compound Bow (5 gold)
1D4 + half your Strength piercing damage. Two handed. Weight: 2 lb. Ranged (80ft).
Fast: if you have expertise with this weapon, you can attack with it as a minor action.
• Recurve Bow (5 gold)
1D8 + your Strength piercing damage. Two handed. Weight: 3 lb. Ranged (100ft).
• Longbow (6 gold)
1D12 + your Strength piercing damage. Two handed. Weight: 4 lb. Ranged (120ft).
Heavy: -3 on attack rolls unless your Strength is at least 4.

• Composite Crossbow (6 gold)
2D4 piercing damage. One handed. Weight: 3 lb. Ranged (80ft).
Loading: takes 1 minor action to load before firing.
• Repeating Crossbow (6 gold)
1D4 piercing damage. One handed. Weight: 5 lb. Ranged (80ft).
Loading: takes 1 major action to load before firing.
Repeating: can be fired up to 3 times before reloading.
• Crossbow (7 gold)
2D6 piercing damage. Two handed. Weight: 5 lb. Ranged (100ft).
Loading: takes 1 minor action to load before firing.
• Heavy Crossbow (8 gold)
2D10 piercing damage. Two handed. Weight: 7 lb. Ranged (120ft).
Heavy: -3 on attack rolls unless your Strength is at least 3.
Loading: takes 1 major action to load before firing.

• Atlatl (8 silver)
1D10 + half your Strength piercing damage. One handed. Weight: 1 lb. Ranged (120ft).
Loading: takes 1 minor action to load before firing.
Special Ammunition: uses javelins as ammunition.
• Sling (5 silver)
1D6 + half your Strength bludgeoning damage. One handed. Weight: 1 lb.
Ranged (100ft).
Loading: takes 1 minor action to load before firing.
Special Ammunition: uses rocks or other similar
objects as ammunition.
• Blowgun (1 gold)
1D4 piercing damage. Two handed. Weight: 1 lb.
Ranged (80ft).
Loading: takes 1 minor action to load before firing.

Silent: surprise attacks made with this weapon increase

die M

your surprise attack DC by 6.



Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Note on protective armor:
Protective armor reduces the damage you take by padding and blocking much of the damage you
would otherwise take. This is applicable not only to damage that would wound you, but also allows
you to make better use of your EP by relying on your armor to allow you to block or redirect strikes
made against you. If your armor has the protective property, then once the damage total from a given
source has been determined, you can reduce it by the amount listed by your armor.

Light Armor
• Clothes (8 electrum)
Your Defense is increased by 0 while worn. Weight: 4 lb.
Unarmored: you count as unarmored even while wearing this.
• Leather Armor (3 gold)
Your Defense is increased by 1 while worn. Weight: 7 lb.
Protective: while wearing this, damage against you is reduced by 2.
• Reinforced Leather Armor (5 gold)
Your Defense is increased by 2 while worn. Weight: 14 lb.
Protective: while wearing this, damage against you is reduced by 2.
• Elven Scale Mail (100 gold)
Your Defense is increased by 3 while worn. Weight: 12 lb.
Protective: while wearing this, damage against you is reduced by 2.

Medium Armor
While wearing medium armor, your Dexterity bonus to your Defense cannot be more than half your
Dexterity, even if you have abilities that allow you to add more than half your Dexterity.
• Patchwork Armor (5 gold)
Your Defense is increased by 4 while worn. Weight: 20 lb.
Protective: while wearing this, damage against you is reduced by 1.
• Chain Mail (10 gold)
Your Defense is increased by 7 while worn. Weight: 30 lb.
Loud: -3 on Stealth checks.
• Scale Mail (12 gold)
Your Defense is increased by 5 while worn. Weight: 25 lb.
Loud: -3 on Stealth checks.
Protective: while wearing this, damage against you is reduced by 1.
• Half Plate (15 gold)
Your Defense is increased by 8 while worn. Weight: 35 lb.
Cumbersome: -3 on Dexterity checks.

Heavy Armor
While wearing heavy armor, you cannot add your Dexterity to your Defense. You must have a
Strength of at least 4 to use Heavy Armor. While wearing heavy armor, your movement speed is
reduced by 5ft.
• Heavy Patchwork Armor (10 gold)
Your Defense is increased by 6 while worn. Weight: 35 lb.
Cumbersome: -3 on Dexterity checks.
Protective: while wearing this, damage against you is reduced by 2.
• Heavy Scale Armor (20 gold)
Your Defense is increased by 8 while worn. Weight: 45 lb.
Cumbersome: -6 on Dexterity checks.
Protective: while wearing this, damage against you is reduced by 1.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

• Splint Mail (30 gold)
Your Defense is increased by 9 while worn. Weight: 40 lb.
Cumbersome: -3 on Dexterity checks.
• Full Plate (40 gold)
Your Defense is increased by 10 while worn. Weight: 50 lb.
Cumbersome: -6 on Dexterity checks.
• Dwarven Fine Plate (100 gold)
Your Defense is increased by 12 while worn. Weight: 45 lb.
Cumbersome: -3 on Dexterity checks.

Other Equipment
• Arrows or Bolts (5 silver)
A 10 arrows or bolts. Weight: 1 lb.
• Backpack (5 electrum)
A backpack can be used to store items without having them equipped. Weight: 2 lb (empty).
• Bedroll (2 gold)
Can be used to increase quality of rest and stay warm. Weight: 4 lb.
• Book (with quill and ink) (1 gold)
A book which can be written in. Weight: 2 lb.
• Chain (3 gold)
A 10 foot length of iron chain. Weight: 10 lb.
• Chest (2 gold)
Can be used to store things and can be locked with a padlock. Weight: 10 lb (empty).
• Cooking Pot (5 electrum)
A pot that can be used to cook. Weight: 4 lb.
• Flask of Oil (2 silver)
A flask of flammable oil. Weight: 3 lb.
• Food Rations (6 copper)
Enough food rations for 1 day. Weight: 2 lb.
• Ladder (2 gold)
A 15 foot ladder. Weight: 20 lb.
• Manacles and Key (1 gold)
A set of manacles that can be used handcuff a humanoid creature. Weight: 4 lb.
• Mirror (1 gold)
A small mirror in a metal frame. Weight: 1 lb.
• Padlock and Key (1 gold)
Can be used to lock somethings shut. Weight: 1 lb.
• Quiver (1 gold)
A quiver for holding up to 20 arrows or bolts. Weight: 3 lb (full); 1 lb (empty).
• Rope (4 electrum)
A 50 foot length of rope. Can be cut through with 6 or more slashing damage. Weight: 8 lb.
• Rope (light) (1 gold)
A 50 foot length of fine rope. Can be cut through with 4 or more slashing damage. Weight: 4 lb.
• Sack (2 silver)
A sack which can be used to hold items. Weight: 1 lb.
• Saddle and Saddle Bags (5 gold)
Can be used to assist in ride a horse more easily and store equipment. Weight: 20 lb (empty).
• Tent (5 gold)
A tent to protect from weather while resting. Weight: 10 lb.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

• Torch (1 silver)
A torch which can be lit to create a zone of light within 30 feet for up to an hour. Weight: 2 lb.
• Waterskin (6 silver)
Can be used to store up to 1 day worth of water. Weight: 6 lb (full); 0.5 lb (empty).

• Climbing Kit (1 gold)
Can be used with an Athletics check to increase climbing speed and secure ones self to a climbable
surface. Weight: 5 lb.
• Disguise Kit (5 electrum)
Can be used with a Deception check to make someone appear as someone else. Weight: 5 lb.
• Fire Starting Kit (7 copper)
Can be used with a Survival check to attempt to start a fire, given flammable material. Weight: 1 lb.
• Fishing Equipment (1 electrum)
Can be used with a Survival check to attempt to catch fish in a body of water. Weight: 5 lb.
• Gaming Set (8 copper)
A set of dice and cards. Weight: 2 lb.
• Lock-picking Set (2 gold)
Can be used with a Comprehension check to attempt to pick a lock. Weight: 1 lb.
• Maintenance Kit (1 gold)
Can be used with a Comprehension check to attempt to repair items or sharpen weapons.
Weight: 5 lb.
• Medical Kit (2 gold)
Can be used with a Medicine check to attempt to stop bleeding or heal 1D4 wound damage. The DC
of this Medicine check depends on the severity of the wounds and the GM’s discretion. A medical kit
can be used a total of 3 times before being used up and a character cannot be healed by a medical kit
more than once per completed rest. Weight: 5 lb.

• Crowbar (2 gold)
Can be used with an Athletics check to attempt to pry something open. Weight: 5 lb.
• Battering Ram (portable) (6 gold)
Can be used with an Athletics check to attempt to smash down a door. Weight: 20 lb.
• Grappling Hook (1 gold)
Can be used with an Athletics check to attempt to fasten a rope to an environmental element.
Weight: 2 lb.
• Shovel (2 gold)
Can be used to dig up to 1 cubic foot of dirt or lose earth with a major action. Weight: 5 lb.

• Canoe (with paddle) (1 platinum)
A wooden canoe, can be used to transport up to 500 lb of creatures and equipment over water.
Movement Speed: 20 + (Strength of rower) feet. Weight: 70 lb (empty).
• Chariot (6 platinum)
A wooden chariot to be pulled behind a creature. Movement Speed: (Movement speed of creature
pulling it). Weight: 300 lb (empty).
Wheels: the weight of this item (and its contents) is reduced by �⁄�� (90%) when calculating
encumbrance for a creature pulling it along a non-inclined surface.
• Wagon (small) (4 platinum)
A wooden wagon to be pulled behind a creature. Movement Speed: (Movement speed of creature
pulling it). Weight: 600 lb (empty).
Wheels: the weight of this item (and its contents) is reduced by �⁄�� (90%) when calculating
encumbrance for a creature pulling it along a non-inclined surface.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Spells are magical effects that can be created through a variety of methods. Generally a creature
must know at least 1 runic language to be able to cast spells. Spells usually require components to cast.
The most common components are Verbal, Somatic, Material, and Concentration.
• A spell with Verbal components requires the caster to speak an incantation aloud to achieve the
desired effect. If the caster’s speech is interrupted for one reason or another, the spell may fail.
• A spell with Somatic components requires the caster to move in a particular way to direct the
magical energy as required. If the caster is interrupted in their movement, such as by a creature
whose melee range they are in using a reaction to interrupt their casting, the spell may fail.
• A spell with Material components requires the caster to possess something to cast the spell.
Generally this is not consumed when the spell is cast, though some spells may specify otherwise.
For example, a spell might have a bit of clay as a Material component. In such a case the spell is
generally not castable unless the caster has the component on their person.
• A spell with Concentration components cannot be cast unless the caster is able to maintain their
attention on the spell. Spells with Concentration components generally end if the caster breaks
concentration. A creature’s concentration is considered ended if they choose to end it, begin
concentrating on another spell with a Concentration component, or if they are wounded.
Additionally, if a concentrating creature expends EP to avoid damage they may be required to make
a Constitution savings throw with DC equal to the damage targeting them or lose Concentration.
Other effects can also cause a creature to lose Concentration at the GM’s discretion.
Note on Spell Saves
Some spells don’t specify that a creature can save against
them. If a spell doesn’t specify a save DC, a creature can
generally still attempt to save against it. To do so, the creature
will make a save of a type determined by the GM to either evade
or resist the spells effects. The DC for this save equals 1D20 +
the casting creature’s Intelligence.

Note on Subtle Spells

Casting a spell does not necessarily alert the affected creature
that they have had a spell cast on them. If there are no obvious or
major effects, a creature may never discover that the spell was
cast at all. This is particularly true for spells which do not list
Verbal components and do not directly alert a creature that a
spell has been cast.
For example, the 0 cost spell Minor Hex can be cast from
range and does not require verbal components. A creature
targeted by it may suffer its effects and reasonably think they are
simply the result of bad luck or a personal blunder. Even a
creature who saw the spell being cast, unless they are well versed
in magic, may not know that it targeted them or what the spell
did at all. Final ruling on this subject is up to the GM.

Note on Ending Spells

Not all spells can be ended at the will of the caster. If a spell
requires Concentration, it can be ended through the caster ending
Concentration on it, or if its description specifies a way to end it,
Maddie Mae
it can be ended. However, if a spell does not meet these criteria it
will persist regardless of the caster’s will until the end of its
duration or something else, such as the Dispel Magic ability,
causes it to end.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

_________0 COST SPELLS_________
Arcane Assistance Bind
Components: Verbal (whispered), Concentration. Components: Verbal, Somatic.
Domains: Fate, Guidance. Domains: Telekinesis, Transmutation, Trickery.
Type: Single target effect. Type: Area of effect.
Casting time: a major action. Casting time: a major action.
Range: 20ft. Range: 10ft.
Duration: up to 1 minute. Duration: 1 minute.
You imbue a creature with temporary Magical energy streams from you into a
knowledge or skill. The targeted creature gets point on a surface within range. Until this spell
+3 to its next attack roll, check, or saving ends, a 1 square foot area on the surface will
throw made before the spell ends. The spell emit tiny, black bubbles. Until the spell ends,
ends once the creature uses its benefit, the anything that touches the affected area will be
duration ends, or you lose concentration. magically adhered to the surface. The adhesion
is strong enough to hold an amount of weight
equal to 4 times your encumbrance. To remove
Basic Teleportation something from the surface it requires a DC 13
Components: Verbal, Somatic. Athletics check. When the spell ends, anything
Domains: Trickery, Travel. adhered to the surface is no longer stuck.
Type: Single target effect.
Casting time: a major action. Bounce
Range: 60ft. Components: Somatic, Concentration.
Duration: N/A. Domains: Trickery, Telekinesis.
Included in full game. Type: Area of effect.
Casting time: a major action.
Basic Transmutation Range: 20ft.
Components: Verbal, Somatic. Duration: up to 1 minute.
Domains: Alteration, Transmutation. A target creature or object within range,
Type: Single target effect.
that weighs 200 pounds or less, is surrounded
by a thin, magical casing. Until the spell ends,
Casting time: a major action. the target creature gains resistance to
Range: Touch. bludgeoning damage. Additionally, if the
Duration: N/A. creature is wounded by bludgeoning damage,
You can change the material of an object, they are thrown back a number of feet equal to
or portion of an object, with uniform the amount of bludgeoning damage targeting
composition, weighing up to 5 pounds into any them. The direction they are thrown is always
other substance. This change does not happen directly away from the source of the damage.
instantly. This spell cannot be used to turn
material from or into magical, living, metal, or
crystalline substances. Once an object or
portion of an object has been targeted by this
spell the object cannot be targeted by it again
for 1 minute.
For example, you can grab the wooden
shaft of a javelin and turn it into dirt, but you
could not change it into iron.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Cold Beam
Components: Verbal, Somatic.
Domains: Elements, War.
Type: Spell attack.
Casting time: a major action.
Range: 20ft.

Duration: N/A.

You make a spell attack roll. All creatures


in a straight line from you, within range, are

targeted by the spell attack. Each creature that
Chaos Strike you make a true strike against takes 1D4 cold
Components: Verbal, Somatic. damage.
Domains: Blessings, Curses, Fate.
Type: Spell attack.
Compel Truth
Casting time: a major action.
Components: Verbal, Somatic.
Range: 50ft.
Domains: Mind, Guidance.
Duration: N/A.
Type: Single target effect.
A blast of swirling magical energy flies Casting time: a major action.
from the palm of your hand. On a true strike,
roll 1D100. If your Luck is 1 or more you can Range: 30ft.
choose to add or subtract 2 times your Luck to Duration: Special.
the roll. Choose the corresponding effect from A target creature must make an Intelligence
the Chaos Strike Table. On a critically true saving throw against a DC of 1D20 + your
strike, the effect is doubled. Charisma. On a failed saving throw, they are
Chaos Strike Table
compelled to answer the next question you ask
them truthfully.
Result Each time a creature fails a saving throw
against this spell, they gain +3 on subsequent
5 or The creature is targeted by the grow saving throws against this spell until they
less effect of the 2-cost spell Shrink/Grow. complete a rest.
Swirls of magical energy infuse the
6-19 creature and its movement speed is Entanglement
doubled until the end of its next turn. Components: Verbal, Somatic.
Swirls of magical energy infuse the Domains: Telekinesis, Travel, Guidance.
creature, the targeted creature gains Type: Multi-target effect.
2D6 temporary EP that lasts for 1 Casting time: a major action.
minute. Range: 50ft.
Swirls of magical energy bolster the Duration: 1 minute.
creature. It gains a +3 bonus to its
next saving throw, check, or attack Included in full game.
The 1-cost spell Conjure Mist is cast
centered on the creature’s head.
The blast forms a solid bolt of frost,
dealing 1D8 cold damage.
The blast forms a solid bolt of flame,
dealing 1D12 fire damage.
95 or The creature is targeted by the shrink
more effect of the 2-cost spell Shrink/Grow.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Ignite Minor Illusion
Components: Verbal, Somatic. Components: Somatic, Concentration.
Domains: Elements, Conjuration. Domains: Conjuration, Trickery.
Type: Area of effect. Type: Single target effect.
Casting time: a major action. Casting time: a major action.
Range: 20ft. Range: 10ft.
Duration: Special. Duration: Special.
You cause fire to ignite on inanimate Included in full game.
objects and surfaces in a 5 foot radius of a
point within range. The fire lasts for 1 round
without fuel, or longer if centered on
something flammable. The fire does 1D6
damage per round unless aided by an

Components: Verbal, Somatic.
Domains: Blessings, Guidance.
Type: Single target effect.
Casting time: a major action.
Range: Touch.
Duration: up to 1 hour.
You touch an object and it begins glowing
with a bright light. A 10 foot radius around the
object is in bright light; 20 feet beyond that is
in dim light. A creature who is looking at the
object when it begins glowing must make a
DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be blinded
for 1 round. A creature who touches the
affected object can choose to extinguish its
light before the end of the duration as a minor
action if they are familiar with this spell.

Magic Dart
Components: Verbal, Somatic.
Domains: War, Arcana, Curses.
Type: Spell attack.
Casting time: a major action.
Range: 60ft.
Duration: N/A.
A blast of magical energy flies from the
palm of your hand, smashing into a creature or
object of your choice. You make a spell attack
roll against a target within 60 feet of you. On a
true strike, the target takes 1D6 force damage.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Minor Hex Plant Growth
Components: Somatic, Material (a bit of salt). Components: Verbal, Somatic.
Domains: Ritual, Curses, Fate. Domains: Nature, Life, Transmutation.
Type: Single target effect. Type: Area of effect.
Casting time: a major action. Casting time: a major action.
Range: 100ft. Range: 15ft.
Duration: Special. Duration: N/A.
You cast a small curse on a creature of You cause plants in a 5 foot radius of a
your choice. The creature must make a point within range to grow up to two feet and
Constitution save against 1D20 + your to grow into a shape of your choice.
Intelligence. On a failed save, they have minus
1D4 on their next attack roll, check, or saving
throw. On a successful save, the creature is Psychic Message
aware of your location and that you attempted Components: Somatic.
to place a curse on it. Domains: Mind, Travel.
Type: Single target effect.
Minor Telekinesis Casting time: a minor action.
Components: Somatic, Concentration. Range: 120ft.
Domains: Telekinesis, Mind, Arcana. Duration: 1 round (6 seconds).
Type: Single target effect. You point at a target creature with whom
Casting time: a major action.
you share at least 1 spoken or written
language. Until the spell ends you are able to
Range: 40ft. speak with them in Phrenic.
Duration: N/A.
You choose an object weighing up to 15
pounds within range and psychically move it Ventriloquism
up to 20 feet in the direction of your choice. Components: Somatic.
Until you lose concentration or the object is Domains: Trickery, Conjuration, Nature.
acted on by a force other than gravity it will Type: Single target effect.
remain in the position you moved it to. Casting time: a minor action.
This spell is generally not strong enough to Range: 40ft.
pull an object out of a creature’s grasp. Duration: 1 round (6 seconds).
You choose a point within range and it
Obscure emits a sound of your choice. The sound can
Components: Somatic, Material (an obsidian be anything you are familiar with, but cannot
shard). be louder than a sound you could create
Domains: Trickery, Arcana, Curses. yourself. If you recast this spell on your
Type: Area of effect.
subsequent turn, the sound can be continuous
with the previous casting. To replicate a
Casting time: a major action. particular sound or voice it may be necessary
Range: 30ft. for you to make a Deception check.
Duration: 1 minute.
You target a point within range. The air
within 10 feet of the point becomes hazy and
the area becomes slightly darkened. When you
cast this spell, everything within a 10 foot
radius of a targeted point increases its level of
obscurity by 1.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

_________1 COST SPELLS_________
Adhesive Rope carrying remains visible, appearing to float as
Components: Somatic, Concentration. long as they continue to wear or hold it.
Domains: Arcana, Travel, Trickery. While invisible, creatures have a +6 bonus
Type: Single/multi-target effect. to their Defense and can’t be targeted through
Casting time: a minor action. visual means alone. If a creature is visible, due
to things they are carrying or other factors, this
Range: 50ft. bonus may be reduced or eliminated at the
Duration: up to 10 minutes. GM’s discretion.
Until the spell ends, you can use a major If the affected creature makes any sudden
action to conjure a translucent rope. The rope movements, such as attacking, sprinting, or
is up to 50 feet in length and composed of casting a spell with Somatic components, the
magical essence. When the rope appears, one invisibility is disrupted and the creature’s
or both ends are magically adhered to outline becomes visible for 1 round.
something of your choice within range. The
adhesion is strong enough to hold an amount
of weight equal to 6 times your encumbrance. Blessing of Luck
Once the rope is conjured, it acts as a normal Components: Verbal, Somatic.
rope and can be severed if hit by 6 or more Domains: Blessings, Fate, Guidance.
slashing damage. Type: Single target effect.
If you create a new rope while your Casting time: a minor action.
previous rope still exists, the previous rope Range: 20ft.
Duration: 4 hour.
If you attempt to adhere one end of the
rope to an unwilling creature, make an attack A target creature within range gains a +2
roll as though you had made a ranged weapon bonus to their Luck until the spell ends. While
attack using a weapon with which you have a creature is under the effects of this spell, they
expertise. On a true strike, the rope cannot be targeted by it again.
successfully adheres to the target creature. If a Flexible Casting: This spell can be cast
creature is adhered to one end of the rope, they using more mana to bolster its effects. For
can use a minor action to attempt a DC 14 every 1 mana over 1 that you spend to cast this
Athletics check to un-adhere themselves from spell, it provides an additional +1 to the target
the rope. creature’s Luck.
Flexible Casting: This spell can be cast
using more mana to bolster its effects. For Bond Lesser Servant
every 1 mana over 1 that you spend to cast this Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (2 gold
spell, it can be used to create and maintain an pieces [consumed by casting]).
additional rope. Domains: Conjuration, Ritual.
Type: Single target effect.
Basic Invisibility Casting time: 1 hour.
Components: Somatic, Material (glass dust Range: 5ft.
[consumed by casting]). Duration: Special.
Domains: Trickery, Protection.
Type: Single target effect. Included in full game.
Casting time: a major action.
Range: Touch.
Duration: 1 hour.
You sprinkle a bit of glass dust over a
creature, and its body fades into transparency.
Until the spell ends the creature's body is
transparent, though it still keeps its corporeal
form. Any equipment the creature was


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Conjure Mist
Components: Verbal (whispered), Somatic.
Domains: Nature, Conjuration, Trickery.
Type: Area of effect.
Casting time: a major action.
Range: 60ft.
Duration: 10 minutes.
When you cast this spell, thick mist begins
to spontaneously fill a 15 foot radius area of
your choice. The area becomes heavily
obscured. For more information on obscured
areas check page 52.

Conjure Random Item

Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (a small
box or bag).
Domains: Conjuration, Fate.
Type: Area of effect.
Casting time: a major action.
Range: 3ft.
Duration: Special.
You shake the small bag or box and imbue
it with magical energy. Roll a D20 and add
Burst of Strength your Luck modifier. A creature or object as
Components: Verbal, Somatic. determined by the GM and your roll total falls
Domains: Alteration, War.
to the ground in front of you. It remains until
destroyed or until the end of its duration (as
Type: Single target effect. specified by the GM) at which time it will
Casting time: a reaction. disappear.
Range: 30ft. Note: A table and list of possible random
Duration: up to 1 round. items with corresponding durations and roll
Until the spell ends, a target creature totals can be found on page 116 and can be
within range gains a +2 bonus to their Strength used at the GM’s discretion.
or Constitution. Flexible Casting: This spell can be cast
using more mana to bolster its effects. For
Conjure Grease every 1 mana over 1 that you spend to cast this
spell, it creates an additional random item.
Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (a bit of
Domains: Trickery, Conjuration. Curse of Misfortune
Type: Area of effect. Components: Somatic, Material (a bit of salt).
Casting time: a major action. Domains: Guidance, Curses, Fate.
Range: 30ft. Type: Single target effect.
Duration: 1 hour. Casting time: a major action.
You conjure a pool of grease which covers Range: 100ft.
an area with a 15 foot radius from a point you Duration: Special.
choose within range. The creatures who You cast a small curse on a creature of
attempt to move in the grease must either your choice. The creature must make a
halve their movement speed for their turn, or Constitution save against 1D20 + your
make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw to avoid Intelligence. On a failed save, their Luck is
falling prone. reduced by 1D8. The target creature regains 1
Note: The grease is also highly flammable. Luck per day until it has regained all the Luck


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

it lost to this spell, at which point this spell Flexible Casting: This spell can be cast
ends. using more mana to bolster its effects. For
A target who is already under the effects of every 1 mana over 1 that you spend to cast this
this spell automatically succeeds on saving spell, it restores an additional 1D6 EP.
throws against this spell.
Enhanced Rest
Detect Magic Components: Verbal.
Components: Verbal, Somatic, Concentration. Domains: Mind, Nature, Ritual, Restoration.
Domains: Mind, Arcana, Guidance. Type: Multi-target effect.
Type: Single target effect. Casting time: 4 hours.
Casting time: a minor action. Range: 10ft.
Range: Touch. Duration: Special.
Duration: up to 1 hour. You choose up to 2 creatures within range
You touch a creature and they are able to and begin chanting a low, melodic incantation.
see colorful auras around magical objects. If the creatures choose to rest for the duration
Until the spell ends, unless a magical object of your casting, they gain all the benefits of a
has been specifically designed or enchanted to complete rest and gain +4 temporary EP by the
avoid detection, its aura will tell the target how end of its casting. If the spell is interrupted or
powerful it is and may give an indication of you do not finish casting it for another reason,
one or more of its magical domains. the spell fails and has no effect. If a target
creature ends their rest before the spell is
finished casting, they are not affected by it.
Empower Emotion
You can rest while casting this spell and
Components: Somatic, Concentration. can target yourself with it.
Domains: Mind, Trickery, Fate.
Type: Single target effect.
Casting time: a major action.
Flaming Chakram
Components: Verbal, Somatic.
Range: 30ft.
Domains: War, Elements, Conjuration.
Duration: up to 10 minutes.
Type: Single target effect.
A target creature within range must make a
Charisma saving throw against a DC equal to Casting time: a minor action.
1D20 + your Intelligence. If it fails, whatever Range: Self.
feeling or emotions it's currently having are Duration: up to 8 hours.
multiplied and exaggerated so much that it is You conjure a chakram made of fire in
compelled to act on them. This spell does not your hand. It acts as a normal chakram, found
allow you to change the target’s emotions, on page 59, except it deals fire damage instead
only inflame them. However, you may be able of slashing damage. Additionally, if you throw
to use an Insight check to understand their the chakram and make an untrue strike, it
emotional state beforehand. returns to your hand by the start of your next
turn. If you throw it and make a true strike, the
Energize chakram explodes, dealing an extra 1D6 fire
damage and ending the spell.
Components: Verbal, Somatic.
Domains: Life, Restoration.
Thown attacks with the chakram count as
ranged spell attacks.
Type: Single target effect.
Casting time: a major action.
Range: 60ft.
Duration: N/A.
A target creature within range is imbued
with magical energy which urges their body
into action. The target creature regains 2D6


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Float does not prevent them from taking damage as
Components: Verbal, Somatic. a result of falling.
Domains: Telekinesis, Nature, Blessings. Flexible Casting: This spell can be cast
Type: Single target effect. using more mana to bolster its effects. For
Casting time: a major action. every 1 mana over 1 that you spend to cast this
spell, your horizontal and vertical jumping
Range: Touch. distances double again and the spell’s duration
Duration: up to 1 hour. is halved.
Included in full game.
Lashing Tentacles
Hastened Step Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (a
Components: Verbal, Somatic. tentacle).
Domains: Travel, Alteration, Guidance. Domains: Death, Conjuration.
Type: Single target effect. Type: Area of effect.
Casting time: a major action. Casting time: a major action.
Range: 30ft. Range: 30ft.
Duration: 2 hours. Duration: 10 minutes.
A creature you can see gains +10 to their Included in full game.
unencumbered movement speed for the
duration of the spell.
Flexible Casting: This spell can be cast
using more mana to bolster its effects. For
every 1 mana over 1 that you spend to cast this
spell, it affects 1 additional creature.

Ice Dart
Components: Verbal, Somatic.
Domains: War, Elements, Guidance.
Type: Spell attack.
Casting time: a major action.
Range: 40ft.
Duration: N/A.
You conjure 2 shards of ice in the air
nearby that immediately fly off toward targets
of your choice. You make a ranged spell attack
roll for each shard. On a true strike, each shard
deals 1D6 cold damage.

Components: Verbal, Somatic.
Domains: Guidance, Travel.
Type: Single target effect.
Casting time: a major action.
Range: 20ft.
Duration: 4 hours.
You target a creature within range and
magic streams into them, lightening their body
and propelling them magically through the air.
Until the spell ends, their horizontal and
vertical jumping distances are doubled. This


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Mage Plate word it may go untranslated or be
Components: Verbal, Somatic. mistranslated at the GM’s discretion.
Domains: Arcana, Protection, Life.
Type: Single target effect. Minor Healing
Casting time: a major action. Components: Verbal, Somatic, Concentration
Range: Touch. (while casting).
Duration: 8 hours. Domains: Life, Restoration, Ritual.
You touch an unarmored creature and they Type: Single target effect.
are surrounded by a thin magical barrier that Casting time: 30 minutes.
offers them some protection. Until the spell Range: Touch.
ends, the targeted creature gains a +2 bonus to Duration: Special.
its Defense and the protective property, which
reduces incoming damage by 1. If a creature is Over the course of half an hour, you infuse
already being affected by this spell, it cannot a wounded creature with magic, healing their
be affected by it again. wounds and rejuvenating them. However, the
process is painful. The target creature must
succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw
Mage Shield or fall unconscious for 1D4 hours due to the
Components: Verbal. pain. By the end of the ritual, the target
Domains: Arcana, Protection, Life. creature’s wounds heal by 1D4 and it regains
1D8 EP. This magical healing can cure even
Type: Single target effect.
some serious wounds, though it's generally not
Casting time: a reaction. powerful enough to fully heal crippling ones.
Range: 30ft.
Duration: up to 1 round (6 seconds).
When you cast this spell, a small,
translucent, glowing shield appears floating in
the air before a target creature within range.
The target creature gains a +2 bonus to its
Defense until the end of its next turn.
Flexible Casting: This spell can be cast
using more mana to bolster its effects. For
every 1 mana over 1 that you spend to cast this
spell, it provides an additional +1 bonus to the
target creature’s Defense.

Magic Translation
Components: Verbal, Somatic.
Domains: Mind, Guidance.
Type: Single target effect.
Casting time: a major action.
Range: Touch.
Duration: 2 hours.
You touch an intelligent creature and their
eyes momentarily glow. The affected creature
can understand up to 3 non-runic languages of
their choice. For the duration or until you or
the affected creature chooses to end the spell,
the magic will do its best to translate any non-
runic writing or speech the creature perceives
into a language they can understand. If a
translation does not exist for a given phrase or
Maddie Mae


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Psychic Oppression Table Psychic Oppression
Number of Components: Verbal, Somatic, Concentration.
Effect Domains: Mind, War, Curses.
Failed Saves
Type: Single target effect.
The creature has -3 on its next 2
1 attack rolls, saving throws, or Casting time: a major action.
ability checks. Range: 30ft.
Duration: up to 8 rounds (48 seconds).
The creature has a sudden bout A creature of your choice within range
of nausea and must succeeded makes an Intelligence saving throw against a
on a DC 12 Constitution saving DC equal to 1D20 + your Intelligence. On a
throw or be dazed for 1 round. failed save, they begin to lose track of reality
and suffer the first effect on the Psychic
The creature’s mind becomes Oppression Table. Each turn until the spell
malleable and begins to submit ends or the creature successfully saves, the
easily to your will. It has -3 on creature will make an additional Intelligence
3 saving throw. On a failed save, they gain an
all saving throws made against
you or spells you cast until this effect from the Psychic Oppression Table that
spell ends. corresponds to the number of failed saves they
have made against this spell.
The creature loses the ability to If the targeted creature rolls a 1 on its
differentiate friend from foe. saving throw, it automatically counts as 2
You can designate up to 4 failures and the creature suffers the next two
4 creatures that you can see and effects listed on the table. After a creature
the affected creature treats them succeeds on a saving throw against Psychic
as friends for 10 minutes, even Oppression they are immune to its effects for
if the spell ends before then. 24 hours.
You gain partial control of the Note: Each time the creature makes a
creature. Every turn until this saving throw, the DC must be re-rolled.
spell ends, you can direct it to
use its major actions to do a
simple task of your choice that Read Mind
does not cause it direct harm. Components: Somatic, Concentration.
Domains: Mind, Guidance.
The creature's mind begins to
deteriorate under your power. It Type: Single target effect.
loses 2 points of Intelligence Casting time: a major action.
6 every turn until it saves to a Range: 120ft.
minimum of 0. The creature Duration: N/A.
regains its previous Intelligence You ask a creature within range a question
after it completes a rest. in Phrenic. The creature must succeed on a
The creature spends 1 round in Deception check with a DC equal to 1D20 +
a stupor. While in this state it half your Charisma + half your Intelligence.
7 On a failed save, the creature is forced to
counts as subdued and cannot
take any actions or movement. respond to your question truthfully, to the best
of its knowledge. If the creature responds in
You gain absolute control over this way, its response is in Phrenic and it is
the creature. For the next 24 unaware of who read its mind.
hours it will do exactly as you
8 On a successful save, the creature is
direct. The creature
immune to the effects of this spell until it
automatically fails saves made
completes a rest. It also becomes aware that
against you or spells you cast.
you attempted to read its mind and knows your
location relative to it.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Seeking Orb Shape Stone
Components: Verbal, Somatic, Concentration. Components: Verbal, Somatic.
Domains: Guidance, Travel, Curses. Domains: Elements, Alteration, Transmutation.
Type: Area of effect/Single target effect. Type: Single target effect.
Casting time: a major action. Casting time: a major action.
Range: 10ft. Range: Touch.
Duration: up to 5 minutes. Duration: N/A.
You create an orb of magical energy which You touch something stone and it bends
appears at an unoccupied point within range. and moves to your will. Up to a cubic foot of
You designate a target for the orb. The orb will stone forms into the shape of your choice.
pursue that target until the spell ends. The While transforming the stone, you can also
orb’s movement speed is 35, the orb is cause it to move up to 2 feet in a direction of
incorporeal, so mundane weapon attacks made your choice.
against it go though harmlessly. The orb is
destroyed if it takes 10 damage or more from
magical means or if the orb touches its target. Thermal Sight
If the orb is destroyed, it explodes dealing 3D6 Components: Verbal, Somatic.
force damage to everything in its affected area. Domains: Elements, Guidance.
The spell’s affected area is equal to its Type: Single target effect.
damage. Casting time: a minor action.
The orb’s position in initiative is Range: Touch.
immediately before your turn. Duration: 2 hours.
Flexible Casting: This spell can be cast You touch a creature and give them the
using more mana to bolster its effects. For ability to see heat. Until the spell ends, the
every 1 mana over 1 that you spend to cast this target creature is able to see the heat radiating
spell, it deals an additional 1D6 force damage off of everything within 60 feet of it. The
and the orb’s movement speed increases by 5 hotter something is the brighter it will glow.
feet. You cannot expend more than 4 mana to The effects of this spell work even in complete
cast this spell. darkness. This spell has no effect on blind
Shape Earth
Components: Verbal, Somatic, Concentration. Zone of Deafening
Domains: Elements, Transmutation, Ritual. Components: Verbal, Somatic, Concentration.
Type: Single target effect. Domains: Arcana, Death, Trickery.
Casting time: a major action. Type: Area of effect.
Range: Touch. Casting time: a major action.
Duration: up to 30 minutes. Range: 50ft.
You touch a patch of earth and it begins to Duration: up to 5 minutes.
move in accordance with your will. As long as A non-magical target object of your choice
you maintain concentration and the spell’s within range begins to vibrate chaotically and
duration has not elapsed, you can move up to 3 heat up slightly. Until the spell ends no sound
cubic feet of dirt per turn it into the shape of can enter or be emitted from anything within a
your choice. While transforming the earth you 5 foot radius of the object. Spells which
can also cause it to move up to 10 feet in a require Verbal components fail if a creature
direction of your choice. attempts to cast them in the area, and all
creatures within the affected area are
considered deaf.
Flexible Casting: This spell can be cast
using more mana to bolster its effects. For
every 1 mana over 1 that you spend to cast this
spell, either its duration or its affected area is


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

_________2 COST SPELLS_________
Chains of Prometheus Conjure Lesser Animals
Components: Verbal, Somatic. Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (a bit of
Domains: War, Curses. fur, skin, scales or feathers from the animal(s) you
intend to summon).
Type: Spell attack/single target effect.
Domains: Conjuration, Ritual, Nature.
Casting time: a major action.
Type: Multi-target effect.
Range: Touch.
Casting time: 12 seconds (2 turns).
Duration: up to 1 minute.
Range: 10ft.
You make a spell attack roll against a
creature within range. On a true strike, fiery Duration: up to 1 hour.
chains appear in the air and attempt to bind the Included in full game.
target creature. The creature takes 1D4 fire
damage and must make a Strength or Dexterity
saving throw or be bound by the chains. While Create Food and Drink
bound, the creature counts as grappled. The Components: Verbal, Somatic.
escape DC is 1D20 + your Intelligence. The Domains: Restoration, Ritual, Conjuration.
creature gains a +1 bonus to escape for each Type: Single target effect.
round that it has been bound. If the creature Casting time: 10 minutes.
escapes or the spell ends, the creature is
Range: 5ft.
Duration: Special.
You spend a few minutes doing an
Conjure Item incantation. During this time magic coalesces
Components: Verbal, Somatic. at a point of your choice within range. Once
Domains: Transmutation, Conjuration, Alteration. the spell is finished casting, there's enough
Type: Single target effect. food and water for 1 medium creature to eat
Casting time: a major action. for 1 day. The food is warm and looks
Range: Self. extraordinary, but it's bland and tasteless.
Duration: Special. Flexible Casting: This spell can be cast
using more mana to bolster its effects. For
When you cast this spell, pure magic every 1 mana over 2 that you spend to cast this
coalesces into a solid form in your hand. You spell, it can be used to create enough rations
can create a simple object with which you are for an additional medium creature for 1 day.
familiar, weighing up to 6 pounds, including
weapons. The object lasts as long as you’re
conscious and holding it in your hand. If you Dazing Bolt
let go of the object or fall unconscious it Components: Verbal, Somatic.
remains solid for 30 seconds then disappears. Domains: War, Curses, Mind.
You can use a minor action to cause the Type: Spell attack.
object to change form into something else Casting time: a major action.
weighing 6 pounds or less.
Range: 30ft.
Duration: up to 1 minute.
You make a ranged spell attack roll against
a creature within range. A bolt, being trailed by
a strange smoke, shoots forth from your hand.
On a true strike, the targeted creature takes
2D8 bludgeoning damage. Each creature
within 5 feet of the bolt’s trajectory must make
a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be dazed
for 1 round.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Electrical Conduit Mage Propulsion
Components: Somatic, Material (a length of Components: Verbal, Somatic.
tightly wound copper wire), Concentration. Domains: Arcana, Telekinesis, Travel.
Domains: Elements, War. Type: Single target effect.
Type: Spell attack. Casting time: a minor action.
Casting time: a major action. Range: Touch.
Range: 30ft. Duration: 1 round (6 seconds).
Duration: up to 5 rounds (30 seconds). You touch a willing creature or an object
Your body crackles and glows with weighing up to 250 lb and imbue it with
electrical energy, allowing you to attack magical energy, which is violently expelled
creatures within range with electrical strikes. from it, propelling it in the direction of your
Until the spell ends, you can use your minor choice. The target’s movement speed drops to
actions to make ranged spell attacks. Each of 0 until the start of its next turn. All creatures
these spell attacks deals 1D4 lightning damage within 5 feet of the target must succeed a
on a true strike. Dexterity saving throw against a DC of 12 or
take 1D10 force damage. Over the duration of
the spell, the target is moved up to 60 feet in
Force Blast the direction of your choice.
Components: Verbal, Somatic, Concentration.
If something is obstructing the target from
Domains: War, Arcana. reaching its destination, then the target and the
Type: Spell attack. obstruction each take 3D6 bludgeoning
Casting time: 2 major actions. damage (avoidable with EP).
Range: 40ft. For example, if you use this feature to
Duration: 1 round. move yourself 40 feet in a given direction, but
after only 10 feet a goblin jumps into your
Included in full game. way, both you and the goblin take 3D6
bludgeoning damage.
Hex of Unrest
Components: Verbal, Somatic. Shocking Strike
Domains: Curses, Mind. Components: Verbal, Somatic.
Type: Single target effect. Domains: Elements, War.
Casting time: a major action. Type: Single target effect.
Range: 50ft. Casting time: a minor action.
Duration: Special. Range: 20ft.
You target a creature you can see within Duration: 2 hours.
range. They must make a Constitution saving You imbue a target melee weapon within
throw against a DC of 1D20 + your range with electrical energy. The next true
Intelligence. On a failed save, they cannot strike made with that weapon before the end of
regain EP by resting until they have this curse the spell’s duration deals an additional 2D4
removed. lightning damage.
If the target notices the effects of this spell,
they can make a DC 14 Medicine or Arcane
Knowledge check to understand what is
wrong. If they succeed, they can make 1
attempt per day to make a saving throw against
the spell. On a successful save, the curse is


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Illusion Imbued with Strength
Components: Somatic, Concentration. Components: Verbal, Somatic.
Domains: Conjuration, Trickery. Domains: Blessings, Alteration, War.
Type: Single target effect. Type: Single target effect.
Casting time: a major action. Casting time: a major action.
Range: 50ft. Range: 30ft.
Duration: up to 1 minute. Duration: up to 1 minute.
You imbue a point on an object or surface Until the spell ends, the target creature
with magical energy, allowing it to project an gains a +2 bonus to their Strength.
illusion up to a giant size class. The illusion is
static, or loops through a predetermined set of
actions, unless you take actions to control it. Phase Shift
When you take control of the illusion, it can Components: Verbal, Material (a bit of acid).
move up to 30 feet from the point it is bound Domains: Trickery, Protection, Travel.
to. The illusion’s actions are 1 to 1 with your Type: Single target effect.
own. If it does something that takes you a Casting time: a minor action.
major action, it consumes your major action to Range: Touch.
have the illusion do it, same for minor or other
Duration: up to 1 round (6 seconds).
The illusion is unbound by the laws of Included in full game.
nature and is incorporeal. The illusion cannot
create non-visual sensory effects unless Protective Sphere
specified otherwise by an ability or effect. If a
Components: Verbal.
creature sees the illusion do something that
defies the laws of nature, or sees something Domains: Blessings, Protection, Telekinesis.
pass through it, the creature can make an Type: Single target effect.
Intelligence check against a DC set by the Casting time: a reaction.
GM, depending on the severity of the illusion’s Range: Self.
revealing action. Additionally, if a creature Duration: 1 round (6 seconds).
sees you and your illusion simultaneously,
while you are controlling the illusion, it can A sphere of force explodes outward from
make a DC 12 Insight or Intelligence check to you, knocking and pushing back everything
understand that it is an illusion. around you. The sphere is transparent and has
a diameter equals to your height + 3 inches. If
If the illusion is attacked, you can cause it you are holding or carrying anything that
to evade but doing so consumes your EP. The would exceed the dimensions of this sphere
Defense of the illusion is equal to your the object is ejected up to 50 feet away as the
unarmored Defense while you are controlling sphere expands. You are free to move within
it, or 1 if you are not controlling it. The the sphere, and the sphere can move in
illusion can attack under your control, (it uses reaction to forces acting upon it. Very little,
your modifiers when doing so), but if it would magic or otherwise, can penetrate the sphere.
wound a creature, the creature instead takes no However, if it takes 50 damage or more, it
damage and realizes it is an illusion. If a breaks, appearing to shatter. You cannot cast
creature would wound the illusion, its attack spells targeting things outside the sphere while
passes through harmlessly and the creature you are in it. Likewise, you cannot be targeted
realizes it is an illusion. by spells originating from outside the sphere.
Flexible Casting: This spell can be cast In the case of a sudden impact to the
using more mana to bolster its effects. For sphere which causes it to move, potentially
every 1 mana over 2 that you spend to cast this wounding you despite the existence of the
spell, its duration is increased by 5 minutes. sphere, the sphere will do its best to reduce the
Improved Spell: If you already knew damage you receive. Treat circumstances such
Minor Illusion when you learned this spell you as this as though you had resistance to the
can learn an additional mana cost 0 spell. damage in question.
Doing so doesn’t count against your known


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

For example, if you were falling from a A creature can attempt a Constitution
great height the sphere would do its best to savings throw to resist the effects of this
cushion your impact, though it would not spell. The DC for the save is 1D20 + your
prevent the damage. Therefore, instead of the Intelligence.
full fall damage, you would only take half. For Notes: If the target is a creature, an amount
more information on resistance check page 41. of its equipment up to its encumbrance grows/
Flexible Casting: This spell can be cast shrinks with it. Additionally, if the target is
using more mana to bolster its effects. Either confined, such that it cannot double/half in size
when you cast this spell, or on your next turn it grows/shrinks until it fills the space it is in
after it has been cast, you can renew and then stops. This is also true for a creature
enhance the sphere. For every 2 mana you returning to normal size at the end of the
spend to do this, the sphere’s duration is spell’s effects.
multiplied by 10, its radius increases by up to
5 feet, and it can take an additional 50 damage
before being destroyed. Spider’s Climb
Components: Verbal, Somatic.
Domains: Travel, Nature.
Shock Wave Type: Single target effect.
Components: Verbal, Material (a bit of copper).
Casting time: a major action.
Domains: Telekinesis, Protection, War.
Range: 20ft.
Type: Area of effect.
Duration: 4 hours.
Casting time: a major action.
A target creature’s hands and feet become
Range: Self. magically adhesive. Until the spell ends, the
Duration: N/A. target creature can stick to and move on any
An explosion of force energy radiates out non-magical surface.
from you. Creatures within 10 feet of you Note: This does not change the direction of
must make a Constitution saving throw against gravity, unless the target creature moves using
1D20 + your Intelligence, or take 1D8 force its hands and feet in tandem it may struggle to
damage, be knocked prone, and be pushed move along vertical surfaces or while upside
back 10 feet. On a successful save, creatures down.
take half as much damage (rounded up) and
are pushed back 5 feet.
Summon Steed
Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (an
Shrink/Grow animal skin or hide).
Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (a Domains: Conjuration, Ritual.
Type: Single target effect.
Domains: Alteration, Nature.
Casting time: a major action.
Type: Single target effect.
Range: 5ft.
Casting time: a major action.
Duration: Special.
Range: Touch.
You summon a celestial or demon creature
Duration: 30 minutes.
from another plane of existence. It takes a
You touch a creature or object within range rideable form of your choice. Its attributes are
and it undergoes one of the following effects: equivalent to those of a horse, found on page
Shrink: The target is halved in size in all 99. It can be of medium or large size.
dimensions and its weight is divided by 8, The steed has limited ability to understand
reducing its size class by 1. If it’s a you, but understands basic commands such as
creature, its Strength and Constitution are “run,” “walk,” “come,” and “go.”
both reduced by 2. You can send the steed back to its plane of
Grow: The target doubles in size in all origin as a minor action. If you go more than 1
dimensions and its weight multiplies by 8, mile from the creature, it returns to its plane of
increasing its size class by 1. If it’s a origin automatically.
creature, its Strength and Constitution are
both increased by 2.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

The summoned creature remains with you
until it returns to its plane of origin or dies. If
it returns to its plane of origin, you must cast
this spell again to re-summon it. If the creature
dies, you are psychically pained and take 2D10
psychic damage.

Telekinetic Attack
Components: Verbal, Concentration.
Domains: Telekinesis, War.
Type: Single target effect.
Casting time: a minor action.
Range: Within reach.
Duration: up to 1 minute.
You build a telekinetic tension and imbue
your attacks with energy. This spell ends after
its duration has elapsed, you lose
concentration, or once you’ve made a true
striking utilizing the spells effects. Until the
spell ends, your attacks gain the following
• You have +1 on melee attack rolls.
• Your attacks radiate telekinetic energy.
On a true strike, they deal an additional
2D6 force damage.
• On a true strike, the target of the attack is
knocked back 1D10 feet for every size
class it is below giant. Due to the force
wave surrounding the strike, even if the
target is not wounded by the attack, they
are pushed back in this way.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

_________3 COST SPELLS_________
Advanced Entanglement Conjure Minor Elemental
Components: Verbal, Somatic, Concentration. Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (a bit of
Domains: Telekinesis, Travel, Arcana. material corresponding to the elemental you would
like to summon).
Type: Multi-target effect.
Domains: Conjuration, Ritual, Elements.
Casting time: a major action.
Type: Single target effect.
Range: 50ft.
Casting time: 12 seconds (2 turns).
Duration: 5 minutes.
Range: 10ft.
Included in full game. Duration: up to 10 minutes.
You conjure an elemental creature. It takes
Blind a shape of your choice and a form as selected
Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (flint and from the list of Minor Elementals below. The
steel). stats and attributes for the elementals can be
Domains: Curses, Life, Elements. found in the in the Creatures section on page
numbers 102-103. When summoned, it is loyal
Type: Area of effect.
to you. It is of medium or large size (your
Casting time: a major action. choice). It has limited ability to understand
Range: Touch. you, but understands basic commands such as
Duration: Special. “attack,” “stop,” “come,” and “go.” You can
You strike pieces of flint and steel together unsummon the creature as a minor action.
and the sparks explode into brilliant light. All Minor Elementals:
creatures within 40 feet who can see the light • Minor Air Elemental
must make an Intelligence saving throw • Minor Earth Elemental
against a DC equal to 1D20 + your
Intelligence or be blinded for 1D4 rounds. • Minor Fire Elemental
Undead or light sensitive creatures are also • Minor Water Elemental
dazed for 1 round on a failed save.
Note: Each affected creature rolls 1D4
separately to determine duration of blinding.

Claws of Hades
Components: Verbal, Somatic.
Domains: Death, War, Curses.
Type: Spell attack/Multi-target effect.
Casting time: a major action.
Range: 40ft.
Duration: N/A.
Three large, dark claws appear to rip
through reality itself. As they move to strike
your targets, they leave a void resembling a
tear behind them. These tears begin to re-knit
themselves behind the claws as they move.
You make spell attack rolls against up to 4
creatures you can see within range. On a true
strike, a targeted creature takes 1D8 necrotic


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Curse of Enfeeblement Gravitational Locality
Components: Verbal (whispered), Somatic, Components: Verbal, Somatic.
Material (a bit of salt [consumed by casting]). Domains: Trickery, Travel.
Domains: Curses, Trickery. Type: Single target effect.
Type: Single target effect. Casting time: a major action.
Casting time: a major action. Range: Self.
Range: 100ft. Duration: 2 hours.
Duration: Special. Until the spell ends, you can use a minor
You whisper an incantation and sprinkle a action to change the direction of gravity acting
bit of salt on the ground. A target creature on you and things you’re carrying up to your
within range must succeed on a Constitution encumbrance weight.
saving throw against a DC equal to1D20 + For example, if you change the direction of
your Intelligence or have an attribute of your gravity upwards, you would begin to fall
choice reduced by 2. This effect lasts until the straight up relative to everything around you.
creature completes a rest.
A creature affected by this spell cannot be
affected by it again until the effects of the Illusory Clone
previous casting end. Components: Verbal, Somatic, Concentration.
Flexible Casting: This spell can be cast Domains: Trickery, Conjuration.
using more mana to bolster its effects. For Type: Single target effect.
every 1 mana over 3 that you spend to cast this Casting time: a major action.
spell, its save DC increases by 1 and it requires Range: Self.
an additional completed rest to end its effects. Duration: up to 1 hour.
If this spell is cast using 5 or more mana its
effects can only be reversed through the use of An illusion of a clone springs forth from
magic. your body. You can use a major action to
control it for a round. You can control its
actions and cause it to speak or make sounds
Field of Force as you see fit. You can see and hear from the
Components: Verbal, Somatic, Concentration. clones perspective. However, while doing so,
Domains: Conjuration, Protection. your body is deaf and blind. If you go a turn
Type: Area of effect.
without giving it commands, it will spend that
time completely immobile. It inherits all your
Casting time: a major action. attributes while you are controlling it.
Range: 40ft.
It does not need to act in accordance with
Duration: up to 10 minutes. the laws of nature. If it makes a true strike
You conjure an invisible wall of force 20 against a creature, they can expend EP as they
feet long, 10 feet high, and 1 foot thick, would normally to avoid the attack; however,
centered on a point within range. You can if it attacks and would wound a creature, the
choose the orientation of the wall when you creature takes no damage and understands that
cast this spell. If a creature collides with the it is an illusion.
wall, it must succeed on a DC 16 Strength If a creature notices the clone doing
saving throw or take 1D6 force damage and be something inexplicable, the creature can make
thrown 5 feet away from the wall. On a an Insight or Investigation check with a DC
successful save, it takes 1D6 force damage and the GM’s choice to realize that the clone is an
is able to force its way through the wall. Doing illusion. If a creature can see both you and
so also consumes half of the creature's your clone, they can make a DC 17 Insight or
movement for the turn. Investigation check to realize the clone is an
The spell ends after its duration or once
you lose concentration. When the spell ends
the clone disappears.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Invisibility creatures wearing metal armor are also moved
Components: Somatic, Material (glass dust up to 15 feet and knocked prone on a failed
[consumed by casting]). save.
Domains: Trickery, Protection.
Type: Single target effect. Paralyzing Grasp
Casting time: a major action. Components: Verbal, Somatic.
Range: Touch. Domains: Curses, War.
Duration: 1 hour. Type: Single target effect.
You sprinkle a bit of glass dust over a Casting time: a reaction.
creature and its body fades into transparency. Range: Touch.
Until the spell ends, the creature's body is Duration: Special.
transparent, though it still keeps its corporeal
form. Additionally, an amount of equipment up When you successfully grapple a creature,
to 2 times the creature's encumbrance weight you can cast this spell targeting it. When you
turns invisible. cast this spell, the targeted creature must make
a Constitution save against a DC equal to
While invisible, creatures have a +6 bonus 1D20 + your Intelligence. On a failed save, the
to their Defense and can’t be targeted through targeted creature’s body becomes rigid as its
visual means alone. If a creature is visible, due muscles are paralyzed one by one, starting
to things they are carrying or other factors, this with the portion of its body that your hands are
bonus may be reduced or eliminated at the touching. The creature takes 1 round per size
GM’s discretion. class it is larger than you to become fully
If the affected creature makes any sudden paralyzed. Once it is fully paralyzed, it
movements, such as attacking, sprinting, or remains paralyzed for 1D4 rounds. While
casting a spell with Somatic components, the paralyzed, the creature cannot move and is
invisibility is disrupted and the creature’s considered subdued.
outline becomes visible for 1 round.
Improved Spell: If you already knew Raise Undead
Basic Invisibility when you learned this spell
you can learn an additional mana cost 1 spell. Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (a vile of
your own blood [consumed by casting]).
Doing so doesn’t count against your known
spells. Domains: Death, Ritual, Restoration.
Type: Single target effect.
Casting time: 2 major actions.
Magnetic Burst
Range: 25ft.
Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (a
magnet). Duration: Special.
Domains: Telekinesis, Trickery. Included in full game.
Type: Area of effect.
Casting time: a major action. Restorative Burst
Range: 20ft. Components: Verbal, Somatic.
Duration: N/A. Domains: Life, Restoration.
You create a magnetic burst centered on a Type: Single target effect.
point within range. All creatures in the affected Casting time: a major action.
area who are wielding something made of
metal must succeed on a Strength saving throw Range: 15ft.
against a DC equal to 1D20 + your Duration: N/A.
Intelligence. On a failed save, anything metal All creatures within range are imbued with
they are holding is ripped from their grasp and magical energy, which urges their bodies into
lands at a point of your choice within range. action. All creatures within range, including
This spell’s affected area is everything you, regain 2D6 EP.
within a number of feet equal to the spell’s
save DC.
Note: If you have the Telekinetic ability,


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Stabilize For example, you can cause all the
Components: Verbal, Somatic. moisture in the air in a room to turn to water
Domains: Life, Restoration, Alteration. and fall to the ground. Alternatively, you could
cause the water in a fountain to freeze into an
Type: Single target effect.
ice sculpture. If you transmute water or
Casting time: a reaction. moisture in the air into a shape, but do not turn
Range: 60ft. it into ice, it will lose its shape and act
Duration: N/A. normally, beginning at the start of the next
When a creature within range makes a round.
death saving throw, you can use your reaction
to help their body resist the damage. The target Transmute Self
creature gains a bonus to their death save equal
Components: Verbal, Concentration.
to your Intelligence. If you have expertise in
Medicine checks, they instead gain a bonus Domains: Nature, Transmutation, Alteration.
equal to 1.5 times your Intelligence. Type: Single target effect.
Casting time: a major action.
Teleport Range: Self.
Components: Verbal, Somatic. Duration: up to 1 hour.
Domains: Trickery, Travel. Included in full game.
Type: Single target effect.
Casting time: a minor action. True Sight
Range: 200ft. Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (a lens or
Duration: N/A. piece of glass).
You teleport yourself, and up to 100 Domains: Mind, Arcana, Blessings.
pounds of equipment that you’re carrying to an Type: Single target effect.
unoccupied space within range. If the space Casting time: a major action.
you choose is occupied, the spell fails and you Range: 20ft.
are dazed for 1 round.
Duration: up to 4 hours.
If you are carrying more than 100 pounds
of equipment, all excess equipment falls to the A target creature within range gains the
ground in the space you teleported from. The ability to see magical auras around illusions
equipment that you keep is determined by the and other magical effects. Until the spell ends,
GM, but the spell prioritizes magical items the creature can see things which have been
which are bound to you and things which are made invisible and can’t be tricked by most
held in your hands. illusions.
Improved Spell: If you already knew
Basic Teleportation when you learned this True Translation
spell, you can learn an additional mana cost 0 Components: Verbal, Somatic.
spell. Doing so doesn’t count against your Domains: Mind, Guidance.
known spells. Type: Single target effect.
Casting time: a major action.
Transmute Water Range: Touch.
Components: Verbal, Somatic. Duration: 2 hours.
Domains: Elements, Transmutation. You touch an intelligent creature and their
Type: Area of effect. eyes momentarily glow. For the duration, or
Casting time: a major action. until you or the affected creature chooses to
Range: Touch. end the spell, the affected creature can
Duration: N/A.
understand all languages and can speak in
Phrenic to creatures within 50 feet. The
You touch water near you and it transforms affected creature is also able to understand and
in accordance with your will. You can control communicate with plants and animals. They
the state and shape of up to 15 cubic feet of also gain additional insight into body language
water. While transforming the water you can
also cause it to move up to 20 feet in a
direction of your choice.

Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

and slight emotional ques in conversation.
Until the spell ends the affected creature has
+6 on Insight checks and +3 on all other
Charisma checks.
Improved Spell: If you already knew
Magic Translation when you learned this spell,
you can learn an additional mana cost 0 spell.
Doing so doesn’t count against your known

Water Breathing
Components: Somatic, Material (a fish’s gill).
Domains: Protection, Nature, Elements.
Type: Multi-target effect.
Casting time: a major action.
Range: 15ft.
Duration: Special.
You can choose up to 12 creatures within
range. Until the spell ends, all targeted
creatures gain the ability to breathe
underwater. This spell lasts for 12 hours
divided by the number of creatures it targets.
For example, if the spell is cast targeting 6
creatures, each gains the ability to breathe
underwater for 2 hours. However, if it only
targets one creature, the spell lasts for 12

M ae

Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

_________4 COST SPELLS_________
Accelerate Conflagrate
Components: Verbal, Somatic. Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (flint and
Domains: Travel, Alteration. steel).
Type: Single target effect. Domains: War, Elements, Arcana.
Casting time: a major action. Type: Area of effect.
Range: 20ft. Casting time: a major action.
Duration: 1 minute. Range: 60ft.
Duration: N/A.
Included in full game. You choose a point you can see within
range and strike your flint and steel. The
Blizzard sparks fly toward the point of your choice and
Components: Verbal, Somatic, Concentration. coalesce into a small orb of fire. Once the orb
Domains: War, Elements, Alteration. reaches the specified point, it explodes, raining
fire in the surrounding area. All creatures
Type: Area of effect.
within the affected area must make a Dexterity
Casting time: a major action. saving throw against a DC equal to 1D20 +
Range: 30ft. your Intelligence. On a failed save, creatures
Duration: up to 2 rounds (12 seconds). take 6D6 fire damage, or half as much on a
The temperature drops around you, successful save.
freezing moisture in the air instantly. An This spell’s affected area is equal to its
intense, cold wind rages around you, damage.
extinguishing all non-magical fires within Additionally, all flammable materials in the
range. Each round, the following effects take affected area burst into
place: flame and remain on fire
• All creatures within range have their vision until extinguished.
heavily obscured as the air freezes and blows
thick snow.
• All creatures within rage have movement
speed reduced by 10 feet as wind and ice make
movement difficult.
• All creatures within range, excluding you,
must make DC 15 Endurance checks or be
wounded for 1D4 cold damage.



Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Create Portal Regenerate
Components: Verbal, Somatic, Concentration. Components: Verbal, Somatic.
Domains: Travel, Conjuration. Domains: Life, Nature, Protection.
Type: Area of effect. Type: Single target effect.
Casting time: a major action. Casting time: a reaction.
Range: 120ft. Range: 30ft.
Duration: up to 10 minutes. Duration: N/A.
Included in full game. Included in full game.

Energy Bond
Components: Verbal, Somatic, Concentration.
Domains: Life, Death, Fate.
Type: Single target effect.
Casting time: a major action.
Range: 30ft.
Duration: up to 10 minutes.
A thin line of blue light appears in the air
between you and a target creature within range
as you create a bond between you and the
creature. Until the spell ends, anytime you lose
EP, the targeted creature loses an equal
amount. Additionally, anytime you gain EP,
the targeted creature gains an equal amount.
The spell ends if the target creature is ever
further than the spell’s range from you.

Mass Daze
Components: Verbal, Somatic.
Domains: Mind, War.
Type: Area of effect.
Casting time: a major action.
Range: 100ft.
Duration: 1 round.
A point above your head glows brightly
then explodes with light and deafening sound.
All creatures within range of the point must
make a Constitution saving throw against a
DC of 1D20 + your Intelligence. On a failed
save, a creature is blinded, deafened, and
dazed for the duration. On a successful save,
the creature is only dazed for the duration.
Flexible Casting: This spell can be cast
using more mana to bolster its effects. For
every 1 mana over 4 that you spend to cast this
spell, its duration increases by 1 round. You
cannot expend more than 6 mana to cast this


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

_________5 COST SPELLS_________
Anti-magic Zone Reconstruct
Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (a bit of Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (a
copper [consumed by casting]). platinum rod at least 5 inches long [consumed by
Domains: Arcana, Protection. casting]).
Type: Single target effect. Domains: Life, Death, Mind.
Casting time: a major action. Type: Single target effect.
Range: 20ft. Casting time: a major action.
Duration: 1 minute. Range: Touch.
Duration: 1 day.
Included in full game. You touch the platinum rod to the body of
a creature who died within the last 30 seconds
Major Transmutation and the creature’s soul is absorbed into the rod
Components: Verbal, Somatic, Concentration. as it leaves the creature’s body. After the soul
Domains: Alteration, Transmutation. is absorbed, the rod will glow brightly. Over
the course of the next day, the light from the
Type: Area of effect.
rod will begin to solidify and form a new body
Casting time: a major action. for the soul bound to it. By the end of the 24
Range: 20ft. hours, the new body will be fully constructed
Duration: Special. and the soul will be able to control the new
When you cast this spell, the air around body permanently. This new body is an exact
you appears to ripple momentarily. You are replica of the creature’s previous body.
able to transform any non-magical, inanimate If this spell is used to target a creature who
object in accordance with your will. You can died more than 30 seconds ago, or a creature
control the shape of up to 15 cubic feet of whose soul has been damaged, the spell may
anything within range and move it up to 20 fail or the reconstruction may have adverse
feet each turn. Alternatively, you can change effects at the GM’s discretion.
an object into a different non-magical, non-
metal, non-crystalline material.
Time Warp
After casting this spell, you can expend a Components: Verbal, Somatic.
major action and 2 mana on your next turn to
re-cast the spell. Domains: Alteration, Travel, Nature.
Type: Single target effect.
For example, if you are in a stone cave,
you can erect a wall to block off a passageway Casting time: a major action.
and prevent a creature from following you. If, Range: Touch.
on your next turn, you expend 2 mana to cast Duration: 2 rounds (12 seconds).
the spell again, you could create another effect.
Included in full game.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

_________MAGIC ITEMS_________
There are many magic items within the realms. As you explore and adventure you may find some.
Magic items can have a wide range of effects and strengths of enchantment. Some items even have
multiple enchantments placed upon them, though these are very rare.
Items with strong magical effects may require a creature to bond or attune to them in order to
activate their magic.
To attune to an item you must complete a long rest while in the presence of the item. You can be
attuned to any number of magic items, but, if you are attuned to multiple magic items with similar
effects, you may encounter problems at the GM’s discretion.
To un-attune from an item you generally need to spend 24 hours 1 mile or more from an item. At
the end of the 24 hours, the item is no longer attuned to you. Some items may require special rituals or
other procedures to un-attune from them.
To bond with a weapon you must complete a ritual which entwines the item's magic with your soul.
The specifics of the ritual depend on the item and the GM’s discretion. Generally, the ritual will take
about 1 hour and require the sacrifice of something valuable. Often, items which require bonding are
sentient and will tell their owner how to perform the bonding ritual in Phrenic, though not always.
Bonding with an item can be dangerous since the process of unbonding can have serious, sometimes
long-term effects. Once bonded to an item, you cannot bond another item without unbonding from your
currently bonded item.
Un-bonding from an item is generally an arduous process and can have serious consequences. The
process varies from item to item, but generally the more powerful the item, the more difficult it is to un-
bond. Less powerful items may only require the expenditure of mana or EP to unbond and have only
minor repercussions, such as the inability to rest for several days. Very powerful items on the other hand
may require you to go to great lengths to unbond from them and may leave you with permanent effects
such as insanity or damage to your soul.

Breaking Magic Items

Magic items are very difficult to break. The stronger the enchantment placed on the item, the more
difficult it is to break. Even +1 swords can endure abuse that would easily break other swords and only
suffer minor bending or chipping. However, if a magical item is broken, it will generally shatter, causing
an explosion and scattering shrapnel. The damage of the explosion depends on the item and the strength
of the magic within it. A good rule of thumb is that broken common magic items deal 2D4 damage, and
the radius of the affected area equals the damage in feet. For every additional level of rarity, the damage
done increases by one dice size, and the quantity of dice doubles. The affected area always equals
explosion’s damage.
For example, an uncommon magic item would deal 4D6 damage and a rare magic item breaking
would deal 8D8 damage. If the uncommon magic item broke and the damage roll total was 14, then it
would deal 14 damage to everything in a 14 foot radius.
The damage type depends on the GM’s discretion and the kind of magic enchanting the weapon.
Creatures central to the explosion when a magic item is destroyed may be unable to avoid being
wounded by at least some portion of the damage done. Additionally, creatures may be able to make a
Reflex check before an item explodes to take only half damage. The DC for this check depends on
circumstances and the GM’s discretion. A broken magical item may also cause other magical effects in
the area. For example, if a Shrinkable Weapon broke while a creature was holding it, that creature may
be shrunken for some period of time or until they could find a way to undo it. Additionally, when a
magical item shatters, its shards may retain some of the original item's magical properties.

Note on Magic Items

Though magic items and properties are listed separately, magic items are very frequently found with
2 or more enchantments on them. If a weapon has multiple enchantments, such as being shrinkable and
returning, its rarity will generally be increased by 1.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Common magic items are easy enough to produce that they can often be purchased at stores or found
in the possession of guards or other intelligent creatures.
Potions and Elixirs Wands and Staffs

Elixir of Energy 0-Cost Wand

Weight: 0.5 lb. Weight: 1 lb.
Appearance: A small vial full of a blueish-green Appearance: An intricately carved, short wooden
elixir. The vial is solid glass, with no apparent way stick with runes inscribed into it.
to open it. A 0-cost wand has 1D10 + 2 charges of a
When the vial breaks, it releases a vapor given 0-cost spell held within it. These charges
which restores 1D4 + 2 EP to all creatures can be expended to cast the specified spell
within 10 feet of the point where the vial without using mana, material components, or
broke. having the ability to cast spells.
Once the wand runs out of charges, it
Elixir of Fire becomes a mundane wand. A mundane wand
Weight: 0.5 lb. can be recharged with magic, though the
Appearance: A small vial full of a red liquid
process is not cheap.
which seems to occasionally emit sparks. The vial
is solid glass, with no apparent way to open it.
When the vial breaks, it releases a fiery
explosion. All creatures within the affected Weapons
area must make a DC 12 Reflex check or take
2D6 fire damage. On a successful save, they Masterwork Weapon
take half as much damage (rounded up). The Weight: Varies.
affected area is equal to the elixir’s damage. Appearance: A beautiful version of the traditional
form of the weapon, one which can’t be considered
Potion of Energy anything less than a work of art.
Weight: 0.5 lb. Masterwork weapons are not actually
Appearance: A small vial full of a blueish-green magical, though some overly enthusiastic or
liquid. manipulative salesman might say otherwise.
Masterwork weapons have +1 bonus on attack
When you drink the potion’s contents, your rolls and generally weigh 1-3 pounds less than
body feels instantly rejuvenated when you a traditional version of the weapon.
drink it. You regain 2D4 + 2 EP.
Additionally, these weapons have
increased durability. Masterwork weapons do
Potion of Fire-breathing not deal additional damage and are not
Weight: 0.5 lb. magical.
Appearance: a small vial full of a bubbling red
Shrinkable Weapon
When you drink the potion’s contents, your Weight: Varies.
throat begins to burn. If you open your mouth,
all creatures in a 15 foot cone in front of you Any weapon can be enchanted to be
must make a DC 12 Reflex check or take 3D6 portable. A weapon with this enchantment can
fire damage. On a successful save, they take shrink to �⁄� (20%) of its original size at its
half as much damage (rounded up). user’s command. When a weapon shrinks, it’s
damage changes accordingly.
If you don’t open your mouth, you are
wounded for 2D12 fire damage. For example, a 5 lb, 5 feet long Claymore
could shrink down to be 1 foot long and 1
pound. At that size, it would act similarly to a
dagger, dealing 1D4 damage instead of 1D12
and being wielded with 1 hand instead of 2.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

A Shrinkable Weapon may be found in its Armor and Accessories
full full size or shrunken form.
Generally, shrinking works by command Boots of Speed
word or by will of the wielder, meaning that as
Weight: 1 lb.
soon as a creature picks up the weapon, they
could potentially activate this enchantment. If Appearance: A pair of shoes which are lighter
the weapon is command word activated, its than expected when you pick them up.
magic may be trigger-able by nearby creatures, While wearing boots of speed, a creature’s
provided they know the command word. unencumbered movement speed is increased
by 10 feet.
Returning Weapon
Weight: Varies. Amulet of Charisma
Appearance: A weapon with a faintly glowing Weight: 1 lb.
gemstone set into its handle. Appearance: A beautiful, ornate amulet.
Requires attunement While attuned to and wearing the amulet,
you gain a +1 to your Charisma.
Included in full game.
Magic-Channeling Weapon
Weight: Varies. Other
Appearance: A weapon with a channel of a silver,
sparkling metal running its length and runes carved Orb of Spell Absorbing
into it.
Weight: 3 lb.
Some weapons are created specifically to Appearance: A large glass orb with iron bands
channel magical energy. Weapons enchanted to inscribed with runes.
be magic-channeling allow you to cast spells
with a range of Touch targeting anything Orbs of spell absorbing are magical orbs
within the reach of the weapon, provided you designed to protect spell casters and alchemists
can touch the target with the weapon. from spells or experiments gone wrong. Orbs
of spell absorbing can often be purchased in
large cities, though they tend to be rather
When an area of effect spell would deal
damage to you, you can use your reaction to
say the activation word for your orb of spell
absorbing. Doing so reduces the spell’s
damage by 2D6 and reduces its affected area
by the same amount. Once an orb of spell
absorbing has been used in this way, it will
begin to glow brightly. The brightness of the
glow will continue to intensify for 1D6 + 1
rounds, after which the orb will explode,
dealing 2D4 force damage to everything
within a number of feet of it equal to its
damage. After the orb explodes, it’s destroyed
and you are unattuned from it.
Some orbs can be commanded to explode
immediately by a creature uttering their
e Ar activation word a second time. This variant of
dy 3agl
La the orb generally requires attunement and will
only react to commands uttered by an attuned
creature. It is also generally less common and
more expensive.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Uncommon magic items are generally not easy to produce. They can sometimes be purchased at
stores but generally will need to be custom commissions or be found in the possession of a high ranking
Intelligent creature.
Potions and Elixirs Wands and Staffs

Concentrated Elixir of Energy 1-Cost Wand

Weight: 0.5 lb. Weight: 1 lb.
Appearance: A small vial full of a blueish-green Appearance: An intricately carved, short wooden
elixir. The vial is solid glass, with no apparent way stick with runes inscribed into it.
to open it. A 1 cost wand has 1D10 + 2 charges of a
When the vial breaks, it releases a vapor given 1 cost spell held within it. These charges
which restores 2D4 + 4 EP to all creatures can be expended to cast the specified spell
within 15 feet of the point where the vial without using mana, material components, or
broke. having the ability to cast spells. Once the wand
runs out of charges, it becomes a mundane
Concentrated Potion of Energy wand. A mundane wand can be recharged with
Weight: 0.5 lb. magic, though the process is not cheap.
Appearance: A small vial full of a blueish-green
liquid. 0-Cost Staff
When you drink the contents, your body Weight: 3 lb.
feels instantly rejuvenated. You regain 3D6 + 2 Appearance: An intricately carved, short wooden
EP. staff or cane with runes inscribed into it.
Requires attunement
Elixir of Chaos A 0 cost staff has 1D4+1 charges of a given
Weight: 0.5 lb. 0 cost spell held within it. These charges can
Appearance: A small vial full of a black vapor- be expended to cast the specified spell without
like substance that flickers with streaks of using mana, material components, or having
randomly colored electricity. the ability to cast spells. After completing a
When the vial breaks, it releases a black, rest, while attuned to this item, it regains 1
cloud-like vapor which disperses quickly. All charge. If you have a mana maximum greater
creatures within 15 feet of the point the elixir than 0, it regains 2 charges instead.
broke must make a DC 14 Reflex check. On a
failed save, a true strike is made against them
from the 0-cost spell Chaos Strike. The effects
of chaos strike are determined separately for Weapons
each affected creature.
+1 Weapon
Weight: Varies.
A +1 weapon is magically enchanted to be
more deadly. +1 weapons are generally also
Damage done by +1 weapons counts as
magic damage. On a true strike, a +1 weapon
deals an additional 1 damage.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Mega Sword Robes of The War-Caster
Weight: 12 lb. Weight: 3 lb.
Appearance: A massive sword, magically Appearance: A finely crafted set robes which
enchanted to be lighter than it should be. Despite incorporate reinforced leather.
its enchantment, it requires great strength to wield. While attuned to and wearing this item,
Included in full game. spells you cast in the War domain deal +1
damage. Additionally, this item has
incorporated armor. While wearing this item
you gain all the benefits of wearing reinforced
Armor and Accessories leather armor.

+1 Armor Slippers of Spider’s Climb

Weight: Varies. Weight: 2 lb.
Appearance: A finely crafted set of armor that Appearance: A pair of nice shoes.
glows slightly in dim light. Requires attunement
+1 armor increases the wearer’s Defense While attuned to this item, you can cast
by 1 more than the mundane version of the Spider’s Climb once per day without
same armor would, and the armor gains a expending mana or components.
protective property for a damage reduction of Rare variant:
1. If the armor already had the protective A rare variant of this item allows an
property, its damage reduction increases by 1. attuned wearer to cast Spider’s Climb at will
For example, +1 chain mail armor would without expending mana or components.
increase a creature’s Defense by 8, instead of
7, and reduce incoming damage by 1.

Hat of Random Items Other

Weight: 1 lb.
Appearance: A tattered top hat. Switch Stick
Once per day, this hat can be shaken to cast Weight: 1 lb.
Conjure Random Item without expending Appearance: A short wooden rod with a glyph
components or mana. carved into one end.
While wielding a switch stick you can use
a minor action to hit the glyph into something.
When the glyph is hit, a target creature of your
choice within 30 feet must make a DC 16
Strength saving throw. On a failed save, one
item the targeted creature is wielding has its
position swapped with that of the switch stick.
For example, if you are holding a switch
stick, and a guard is charging at you with a
spear, you can hit the switch stick. Then the
guard must make a DC 16 Strength saving
throw. If they fail, their spear would disappear
from their hands and be replaced with the
switch stick. Meanwhile, for you the switch
stick would disappear and be replaced with the
guard’s spear.
If the targeted creature is wielding an item
they are bonded to, they automatically succeed
their saving throw.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Rare magic items are not easy to produce. They can almost never be purchased at stores. They are
almost always either custom commissions or found in the process of adventuring.
Potions and Elixirs components, or having the ability to cast
spells. Once the wand runs out of charges, it
becomes a mundane wand. A mundane wand
Elixir of Energy Draining can be recharged with magic, though the
Weight: 0.5 lb. process is not cheap.
Appearance: A small vial full of a black elixir.
The vial is solid glass, with no apparent way to
open it. 1 or 2 Cost Staff
When the vial breaks, it releases a vapor in Weight: 3 lb.
a 15 foot radius. The vapor lasts in the area for Appearance: An intricately carved, short wooden
1 minute. Any creature that enters the vapor staff or cane with runes inscribed into it.
must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw Requires attunement
or gain a level of exhaustion and lose 3D12 A 1 or 2 cost staff has 1D4+1 charges of a
EP. This saving throw repeats each round that given 1 or 2 cost spell held within it. These
the creature remains in the affected area. charges can be expended to cast the specified
spell without using mana, material
Elixir of Gravity components, or having the ability to cast
spells. After completing a rest, while attuned
Weight: 0.5 lb.
to this item, it regains 1 charge. If you have a
Appearance: A small vial full of a silver elixir. mana maximum greater than 0, it regains 2
The vial is solid glass, with no apparent way to charges instead.
open it.
When the vial breaks, it releases an low
frequency sound. Make a DC 12 Luck check.
On a success, you can choose one of the Weapons
following effects. On a failure, the effect is
chosen by the GM.
• The direction of gravity flips in a 20 foot +2 Weapon
radius. Everything within the affected area will Weight: Varies.
now fall upward until it reaches the edge of the A +2 weapon is magically enchanted to be
affected area, at which point it will float, more deadly. +2 weapons are generally also
suspended in the air. masterwork.
• The pull of gravity triples. Everything within Damage done by +2 weapons counts as
a 20 foot radius has its weight tripled. magic damage. On a true strike, a +2 weapon
Creatures must add 2 times their weight to deals an additional 2 damage.
their encumbrance and the weight of anything
they are carrying is tripled. Club of Quakes
Weight: 10 lb.
Appearance: A greatclub with red, glowing runes
Wands and Staffs inscribed into it. It lightly vibrates when you first
pick it up.
Requires attunement
2 or 3 Cost Wand A club of quakes is a two handed greatclub
Weight: 1 lb. which has been enchanted to have additional
Appearance: An intricately carved, short wooden effects. On a true strike, it deals 1D12 + your
stick with runes inscribed into it. Strength bludgeoning damage.
A 2 or 3 cost wand has 1D10 + 2 charges Twice per partial rest, you can activate the
of a given 2 or 3 cost spell held within it. club of quakes. When you do so, and hit
These charges can be expended to cast the something with it, a shock wave will
specified spell without using mana, material reverberate outward from the point you hit.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Roll damage targeting whatever you hit. All Other
creatures within 15 feet, excluding you, must
make Dexterity saving throw with a DC equal
to the damage total. On a failed save, they take Bag of Diminishing
1D6 force damage. If they are of large size Weight: 2 lb.
class or less, they are also knocked prone. If Appearance: A finely decorated backpack or sack.
you roll 12 on your damage die for this attack, When the bag is closed, everything within
its runes glow brightly and everything within it is targeted by the shrink effect of the 2-cost
10 feet is also wounded for 1D4 force damage, spell Shrink/Grow. This can target creatures
including you. and items. This effect persists on the contents
of the bag until the contents are removed.
Additionally, the effect ends if the bag is left
open for 1 minute.
Armor and Accessories
Card of Clairvoyance
+2 Armor Weight: 0 lb.
Weight: Varies. Appearance: A playing card inscribed with a
Appearance: A finely crafted set of armor that silver rune.
glows slightly in dim light. Requires attunement
+2 armor increases the wearer’s Defense Included in full game.
by 2 more than the mundane version of the
same armor would, and the armor gains a
protective property for a damage reduction of Orb of Protection
2. If the armor already had the protective Weight: 2 lb.
property, its damage reduction increases by 2. Appearance: A wooden orb with silver and bronze
For example, +2 chain mail armor would trim.
increase a creature’s Defense by 9, instead of Requires attunement
7, and reduce incoming damage by 2. Once per completed rest, you can activate
the orb of protection as a reaction. When
Amulet of The Arrow activated the orb glows faintly blue and all
nearby creatures are surrounded with a
Weight: 1 lb.
shimmering shield. While active, the orb gives
Appearance: A silver amulet in the shape of an all creatures within 30 feet of it resistance to
arrow. all damage types. The orb remains active for 1
Requires attunement minute or until you use a minor action to
Included in full game. deactivate it.
ica T


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Note on Large Groups and Enemy EP
When GMing for a larger group of players, it can be beneficial to scale up EP for enemies. The
reason for this is simple: as group size increases their damage per round increases, but an individual
player remains just as easily wounded or killed. In large groups, say 5 or more players, they can easily
deal massive damage in a single round. This allows them to take down large enemies quickly which can
push a GM to increase the challenge rating of enemies used, leading to a party of characters fighting
enemies who can kill them in only a couple hits. If you increase the EP of enemies, their damage output
will remain balanced per attack. This will create longer, more intense battles as players are forced to
expend more resources to defeat the creatures. Only do this sparingly though, as you don’t want battles
to feel hopeless or drawn out. Using more lower challenge enemies can achieve a similar effect.

Giant or Larger Creatures

Creatures who are of the size class giant or larger may not be able to
realistically evade damage from player characters who are likely of
medium or small size class. However, their increased size
makes the attacks of medium creatures relatively
ineffective. For these reasons and for the purposes of
combat against giant or larger creatures, it is recommended
that true strikes are counted as wounding the creature and that
the creatures current EP is added as a bonus to their death saves.
More broadly this rule should be applied any time an
attacking creature is 2 or more size classes smaller than the
creature being attacked. However, it can be applied at the GM’s

Lady 3agle Art

_________CHALLENGE 0_________
Cat Crow
EP: 6 EP: 6
Defense: 15 Defense: 14
Attributes Attributes
Str: -2 Dex: 5 Con: 0 Int: -3 Cha: 2 Str: -2 Dex: 4 Con: 0 Int: -1 Cha: 1
Attacks (1 per turn) Attacks (2 per turn)
Scratch: +5 to attack. 1D4 (2) slashing Claw: -2 to attack. 1D4 (2) slashing damage.
damage. Reach: 1ft. Reach: 1ft.

Size class: Small or tiny. Size class: Tiny.

Movement speed: 40ft. Movement speed: 5ft, 40ft (flying).
Alignment: Unaligned. Alignment: Unaligned.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Dog Fox
EP: 11 EP: 11
Defense: 11 Defense: 12
Attributes Attributes
Str: 2 Dex: 1 Con: 1 Int: -3 Cha: 2 Str: 1 Dex: 2 Con: 1 Int: -2 Cha: 1
Attacks (1 per turn) Attacks (1 per turn)
Bite: +3 to attack. 1D4 + 2 (4) piercing Bite: +1 to attack. 1D4 + 1 (3) piercing
damage. Reach: 2ft. damage. Reach: 2ft.

Size class: Medium or small. Size class: Small.

Movement speed: 40ft. Movement speed: 40ft.
Alignment: Unaligned. Alignment: Unaligned.

Small Monkey Vampire Bat

EP: 8 EP: 6
Defense: 15 Defense: 11
Attributes Attributes
Str: -1 Dex: 5 Con: 0 Int: -1 Cha: 1 Str: 1 Dex: 2 Con: 0 Int: -2 Cha: -1
Attacks (1 per turn) Attacks (2 per turn)
Bite: +5 to attack. 1D4 + 3 (5) piercing Bite: +1 to attack. 1D4 + 1 (3) piercing
damage. Reach: 1ft. damage. Reach: 1ft.

Size class: Small. Size class: Miniature.

Movement speed: 30ft, 30ft (climbing). Movement speed: 5ft, 35ft (flying).
Alignment: Unaligned. Alignment: Unaligned.

Venomous Snake Wolf

EP: 8 EP: 11
Defense: 12 Defense: 11
Attributes Attributes
Str: 0 Dex: 4 Con: 0 Int: -4 Cha: -1 Str: 2 Dex: 1 Con: 1 Int: -3 Cha: 2
Attacks (1 per turn) Attacks (1 per turn)
Bite: +4 to attack. 1D4 + 1 (3) piercing Bite: +3 to attack. 1D4 + 2 (4) piercing
damage. If a creature is wounded they must damage. Reach: 2ft.
succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw
or take 1D10 (5) poison damage. Reach: 3ft.
Size class: Medium.
Movement speed: 40ft.
Size class: Small or tiny. Alignment: Unaligned.
Movement speed: 20ft, 20ft (swimming).
Alignment: Unaligned.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

_________CHALLENGE 1_________
Bear Generic Human Archer
EP: 32 EP: 14
Defense: 12 (thick hide) Defense: 13 (damage reduction: 2)
Attributes Attributes
Str: 6 Dex: 0 Con: 4 Int: -2 Cha: 0 Str: 2 Dex: 2 Con: 2 Int: 1 Cha: 1
Attacks (2 per turn) Attacks (1 per turn)
Bite: +6 to hit. 1D6 + 6 (9) piercing damage. Reach: 2ft. Bow: +3 to attack. 1D6 + 2 (5)
Claw: +6 to attack. 1D6 + 3 (6) slashing damage. piercing damage. Range: 100ft.
Reach: 3ft. Dagger: +2 to attack 1D4 + 1 (3)
piercing damage. Reach: 3ft.
Size class: Large.
Movement speed: 35ft. Size class: Medium.
Alignment: Unaligned. Movement speed: 30ft.
Equipment: Recurve bow, dagger,
reinforced leather armor, 6 silver pieces.
Languages: Standard.
Human Cultist Alignment: Varies.
EP: 9
Defense: 11
Attributes Generic Human Guard
Str: 1 Dex: 1 Con: 1 Int: 4 Cha: 3 EP: 14
Attacks (1 per turn) Defense: 13 (16 with shield)
Dagger: +1 to attack 1D4 + 1 (3) piercing damage. (damage reduction: 2)
Reach: 3ft. Attributes
Mana: 4 Str: 2 Dex: 2 Con: 2 Int: 1 Cha: 1
Spells Attacks (1 per turn)
Magic Dart: Mana Cost: 0. Spell attack. +4 to attack. Spear: +3 to attack. 1D8 + 2 (6)
1D6 (3) force damage. Range: 60ft. piercing damage. Reach: 8ft.
Ice Dart: Mana Cost: 1. Spell attack. +4 to attack. 2D6 Shortsword: +3 to attack. 1D6 + 1
(7) cold damage. Range: 40ft. (4) slashing damage. Reach: 5ft.
Grease: Mana Cost: 1. Area of effect. Area: 10ft
radius. DC: 12 Dexterity save. Range: 30ft. Effect: fall Size class: Medium.
Movement speed: 30ft.
Equipment: Spear or shortsword and
Size class: Medium. shield, reinforced leather armor, 6 silver
Movement speed: 30ft. pieces.
Equipment: Dagger, robes, torch, 4 silver pieces. Languages: Standard.
Languages: Standard, and and sometimes Fiendish. Alignment: Varies.
Alignment: Varies.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Giant Hawk Imp Trickster
EP: 19 EP: 10
Defense: 14 Defense: 12 (18 while invisible)
Attributes Attributes
Str: 4 Dex: 3 Con: 1 Int: -1 Cha: 0 Str: 2 Dex: 3 Con: 0 Int: 4 Cha: 1
Attacks (2 per turn) Attacks (1 per turn)
Claw: +6 to attack. 1D6 + 2 (5) slashing Bite: +2 to attack 1D4 + 2 (4) piercing
damage. Reach: 3ft. damage. Reach: 2ft.
Bite: +6 to attack. 1D6 + 4 (7) piercing Mana: 4
damage. Reach: 3ft. Spells
Magic Dart: Mana Cost: 0. Spell attack. +2 to
Size class: Large. attack. 1D6 (3) force damage. Range: 60ft.
Movement speed: 25ft, 40ft (flying). Basic Invisibility: Mana Cost: 1. Single target
Alignment: Unaligned. effect. The imp becomes invisible except when
attacking, casting, or moving quickly.
Curse of Misfortune: Mana Cost: 1. Single
target effect. DC: 14 Intelligence. The target
Horse has its Luck reduced by 1D8 (4). It regains one
EP: 26 Luck per day until back to normal. A target
Defense: 12 cannot be affected by more than one casting of
this spell at a time.
Str: 5 Dex: 3 Con: 2 Int: -3 Cha: -1
Size class: Tiny or small.
Attacks (1 per turn)
Movement speed: 25ft, 30ft (flying).
Kick: +5 to attack. 1D6 + 3 (6) bludgeoning
damage. Reach: 4ft. Languages: Fiendish, (sometimes Standard).
Resistances: Resistance to fire damage.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil.
Size class: Large.
Movement speed: 40ft.
Alignment: Unaligned.
Sprinter: When this creature uses the sprint Kobold
action, it moves 3 times it’s movement speed
instead of 2. EP: 10
Defense: 14 (17 with shield)
Str: 1 Dex: 4 Con: 0 Int: 1 Cha: 0
Attacks (1 per turn)
Spear: +1 to attack. 1D4 +1 (3) piercing
damage. Reach: 5ft.
Hatchet: +1 to attack. 1D6 + 2 (5) slashing
damage. Reach: 2ft.

Size class: Small.

Movement speed: 25ft.
Equipment: Spear or hatchet and shield, 3 copper
Languages: Draconic, (sometimes Standard).
Alignment: Varies, generally evil.

Jessica Tomlin
Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)
Orc Ooze
EP: 18
Defense: 11 (14 with shield)
Attributes Included in full game.
Str: 3 Dex: 2 Con: 2 Int: -1 Cha: 0
Attacks (1 per turn)
Spear: +5 to attack. 1D6 + 3 (6)
piercing damage. Reach: 8ft.
Hatchet: +5 to attack. 1D6 + 2 (5)
slashing damage. Reach: 4ft.

Size class: Medium.

Movement speed: 30ft.
Equipment: Spear or hatchet and shield,
clothes, and 5 copper pieces.
Languages: Orcish, (sometimes Standard).
Alignment: Varies, generally evil.
Other: +2 to saving throws against


Included in full game.

EP: 26
Defense: 12
Str: 5 Dex: 3 Con: 2 Int: -2 Cha: -3
Special actions
Engulf: The slak attempts to grapple a creature. If
grappled, the creature takes 1D6 piercing damage.
The slak then attempts to fly away.

Size class: Large.

Movement speed: 5ft, 35ft (flying).
Alignment: Unaligned.
Description: Slaks are creatures which resemble large
sheets of dried leather covered in spikes and fangs.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Skeleton Skeleton Archer
EP: 9 EP: 9
Defense: 10 Defense: 10
Attributes Attributes
Str: 2 Dex: 0 Con: 1 Int: -1 Cha: -1 Str: 2 Dex: 0 Con: 1 Int: -1 Cha: -1
Attacks (1 per turn) Attacks (1 per turn)
Bite: +3 to attack. 1D6 + 2 (5) necrotic Bite: +3 to attack. 1D6 + 2 (5) necrotic
damage. Reach: 1ft. damage. Reach: 1ft.
Dagger: +3 to attack. 1D4 + 2 (4) piercing Recurve Bow: +3 to attack. 1D6 + 2 (5)
damage. Reach: 3ft. piercing damage. Range: 100ft.

Size class: Medium. Size class: Medium.

Movement speed: 25ft. Movement speed: 25ft.
Made of Bones: Skeleton’s have resistance Made of Bones: Skeleton’s have resistance against
against all mundane damage except bludgeoning. all mundane damage except bludgeoning.
Equipment: Dagger. Equipment: Recurve Bow.
Undead: Skeletons have +10 on death saves. Undead: Skeletons have +10 on death saves.
Necrotic damage restores EP to this creature Necrotic damage restores EP to this creature
instead of wounding it. instead of wounding it.
Alignment: True evil. Alignment: True evil.

Zombie Zombie Wolf

EP: 12 EP: 9
Defense: 8 Defense: 9
Attributes Attributes
Str: 3 Dex: -2 Con: 2 Int: -2 Cha: -2 Str: 3 Dex: -1 Con: 1 Int: -2 Cha: -2
Attacks (1 per turn) Attacks (1 per turn)
Bite: +5 to attack. 1D6 + 3 (6) necrotic Bite: +5 to attack. 1D6 + 3 (6) necrotic
damage. Reach: 1ft. damage. Reach: 1ft.

Size class: Medium. Size class: Medium.

Movement speed: 20ft. Movement speed: 30ft.
Equipment: Tattered clothes, 1D4 copper Undead: Zombie Wolves have +10 on death saves
pieces. that don’t wound the head. Necrotic damage
Undead: Zombies have +10 on death saves that restores EP to this creature instead of wounding it.
don’t wound the head. Necrotic damage restores Alignment: True evil.
EP to this creature instead of wounding it.
Alignment: True evil.

Lady 3agle Art


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

_________CHALLENGE 2_________
Assassin Minor Air Elemental
EP: 21
Defense: 16
Included in full game. Str: 2 Dex: 6 Con: 1 Int: -1 Cha: 0
Attacks (2 per turn)
Whirlwind: +3 to attack. 1D6 + 2 (5) force
damage. Reach: 6ft.

Size class: Medium.

Movement speed: 45ft (flying).
Alignment: Unaligned.
Resistances: Resistance to all non-magical
damage types.

Minor Earth Elemental

EP: 31
Defense: 9
Str: 5 Dex: -2 Con: 5 Int: -3 Cha: -1
Attacks (1 per turn)
Smash: +5 to attack. 1D8 + 5 (8) bludgeoning
damage. Reach: 6ft.

Size class: Medium.

Movement speed: 25ft, 10ft (meld with earth).
Alignment: Unaligned.
Meld with Earth: Can meld with earth or stone
and move through it unseen.
Large Bear Resistances: Resistance to all damage types.
EP: 40
Defense: 12 (thick hide)
Str: 8 Dex: 2 Con: 4 Int: -2 Cha: 0
Attacks (2 per turn)
Bite: +8 to attack. 1D6 + 4 (7) piercing
damage. Reach: 3ft.
Claw: +8 to attack. 1D6 + 4 (7) slashing
damage. Reach: 4ft.

Size class: Large.


Movement speed: 35ft.


Alignment: Unaligned.
y 3


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Minor Fire Elemental Orc Warrior
EP: 25 EP: 38
Defense: 12 Defense: 15 (18 with shield)
Attributes (damage reduction: 3)
Str: 6 Dex: 4 Con: 1 Int: -2 Cha: -1 Attributes
Attacks (1 per turn) Str: 5 Dex: 4 Con: 4 Int: -1 Cha: 0
Flame Strike: +6 to attack. 1D10 + 6 (11) fire Attacks (1 per turn)
damage. Reach: 6ft. Spear: +8 to attack. 1D8 + 6 (10) piercing
damage. Reach: 8ft.
Size class: Medium. Throwing Axe: +8 to attack. 1D6 + 3 (6)
Movement speed: 30ft. slashing damage. Reach: 4ft.
Alignment: Unaligned.
Immunities: Immunity to fire damage. Size class: Medium.
Vulnerabilities: Vulnerability to cold damage. Movement speed: 30ft.
Other: Water deals cold damage to Minor Fire Equipment: Spear or 3 throwing axes and a shield,
Elementals. leather armor, 2 silver pieces.
Languages: Orcish.
Alignment: Varies, generally evil.
Minor Water Elemental Other: +2 to saving throws against intimidation.
EP: 23
Defense: 18
Attributes Well Trained Guard
Str: 4 Dex: 5 Con: 1 Int: -1 Cha: -1 EP: 33
Attacks (1 per turn) Defense: 18 (21 with shield)
Smash: +4 to attack. 1D8 + 4 (8) Attributes
bludgeoning damage. Reach: 6ft.
Str: 6 Dex: 3 Con: 3 Int: 1 Cha: 1
Attacks (1 per turn)
Size class: Medium.
Spear: +9 to attack. 1D8 + 6 (10) piercing
Movement speed: 25ft, 40ft (meld with water). damage. Reach: 8ft.
Alignment: Unaligned. Longsword: +9 to attack. 1D8 + 3 (7)
Resistances: Resistance to all damage types slashing damage. Reach: 6ft.
except cold.
Vulnerabilities: Vulnerability to cold damage. Size class: Medium.
Meld with Water: Can meld with water and Movement speed: 30ft.
move through it unseen.
Equipment: Spear or longsword and shield,
chain mail armor, 1 gold piece.
Languages: Standard.
Alignment: Varies, generally lawful.

Jackson Blackmon


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

_________CHALLENGE 3_________
Armored War Bear Guard Captain
EP: 54 EP: 54
Defense: 17 Defense: 20 (23 with shield)
Attributes Attributes
Str: 10 Dex: 2 Con: 6 Int: -2 Cha: 0 Str: 7 Dex: 5 Con: 6 Int: 1 Cha: 2
Attacks (3 per turn) Attacks (2 per turn)
Bite: +10 to attack. 1D6 + 5 (8) piercing Bastard sword: +11 to attack. 1D8 + 4 (+7 if
damage. Reach: 3ft. wielded 2 handed) (8 or 11) slashing damage.
Claw x2: +10 to attack. 1D6 + 5 (8) slashing Reach: 6ft.
damage. Reach: 4ft.
Size class: Medium.
Size class: Large. Movement speed: 30ft.
Movement speed: 35ft. Equipment: Bastard sword and shield, half plate
Equipment: Half-plate armor for a bear. armor, 3 gold and 2 silver pieces.
Alignment: Unaligned. Languages: Standard, and one other language.
Alignment: Varies, generally lawful.


Included in full game.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Knight Orc Chief
EP: 54 EP: 52 (damage reduction: 1)
Defense: 20 (23 with shield) Defense: 16
Attributes Attributes
Str: 8 Dex: 4 Con: 6 Int: 2 Cha: 3 Str: 7 Dex: 4 Con: 6 Int: 0 Cha: 2
Attacks (2 per turn) Attacks (2 per turn)
Bastard sword: +12 to attack. 1D8 + 4 (+8 if wielded Battleaxe: +11 to attack. 1D12 + 7
2 handed) (8 or 12) slashing damage. Reach: 6ft. (13) slashing damage. Reach: 6ft.
Recurve bow: +12 to attack. 1D6 + 8 (11) piercing
damage. Range: 100ft. Size class: Medium.
Movement speed: 30ft.
Size class: Medium. Equipment: Battleaxe, patchwork armor,
Movement speed: 25ft. 5 gold pieces.
Equipment: Masterwork bastard sword and shield, recurve Other: +2 to saving throws against
bow, 20 arrows, backpack full of supplies, full plate armor, intimidation. Expertise in intimidation.
7 gold and 20 silver pieces. Languages: Orcish, Standard.
Languages: Standard, and one other language. Alignment: Varies, generally evil.
Alignment: Varies, generally lawful.
Note: Knights generally also have a horse, though not

Mountain Mite
EP: 25
Defense: 17 (carapace)
Str: 6 Dex: 4 Con: 1 Int: -1 Cha: 0
Attacks (2 per turn)
Claw: +9 to attack. 1D6 + 3 (6) slashing damage.
Reach: 10ft.
Bite: +9 to attack. 1D8 + 6 (10) piercing damage.
Reach: 5ft.
Special actions
Pheromonal Release: If wounded or endangered and alone, the mountain mite releases a burst of
pheromones around itself. These pheromones alert other mountain mites within half a mile that there is
danger at the mountain mite’s current location. Any creature within 10ft of the mountain mite must
make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw to avoid being coated with the pheromones.
If a creature is marked by the pheromones, they will draw mountain mites within ½ a mile to their
location for 3 days or until they are able to spend 1 hour thoroughly washing themselves.
A mountain mite can only use this ability once per completed rest.

Size class: Medium or large.

Movement speed: 40ft.
Alignment: Unaligned.
Blind: Mountain mites are blind, but have incredible ability to track creatures by scent, sound, and the
vibrations of their footsteps through stone.
Description: Mountain mites are insectoid creatures which resemble massive termites. They are generally
found in large colonies or hives deep in the cave systems within mountains.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

_________CHALLENGE 4_________
Giant Giant Octopus
EP: 106
Defense: 14 (thick skin)
(damage reduction: 2) Included in full game.
Str: 14 Dex: 4 Con: 14 Int: 0 Cha: 0
Attacks (2 per turn)
Unarmed strike: +14 to attack. 7
bludgeoning damage. Reach: 15ft.

Size class: Giant.

Movement speed: 50ft.
Equipment: A set of giant clothes.
Languages: Leviathinian, (sometimes Standard).
Alignment: Varies.

Mountain Mite Queen

Included in full game.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)


Included in full game.

Lady 3agle Art

EP: 69
Defense: 17 (thick hide)
Str: 9 Dex: 6 Con: 10 Int: 1 Cha: 0
Attacks (2 per turn)
Greataxe: +14 to attack. 2D6 + 9 (16)
slashing damage. Reach: 6ft.
Horns: +14 to attack. 2D4 + 9 (14) piercing
damage. Reach: 3ft.
Special actions
Charge: If a target creature is 15ft or more
away, the minotaur can take a sprint action
and make 1 attack with its horns against the
creature. This attack does an additional 14
damage on a true strike.

Size class: Medium.

Movement speed: 35ft.
Equipment: Greataxe.
Alignment: Varies.
Languages: (Sometimes Therianthropic).


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

_________CHALLENGE 5_________
Death Knight Wyvern

Included in full game. Included in full game.

Lady 3agle Art


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

_________GM NOTES AND TIPS_________
Describing Defense vs EP
The distinction between Defense and EP can be somewhat confusing at first. However, during the
game, it is essential that you make a clear distinction between them. When a player makes a true strike,
you want it to feel satisfying, even if a creature uses EP to avoid being wounded. In order to create this
satisfaction for players, you will have to employ a lot of spontaneous creativity to describe the situation.
Generally, when a player makes an untrue strike, tell the player they are unable to find a good opening in
the target’s defenses. On the other hand, if a player makes a true strike and the creature uses EP to avoid
being wounded, the creature should be described as going to great lengths to avoid the strike and
potentially putting themselves at a disadvantage because of it. For examples of what these descriptions
might sound like, read the sections below:
Untrue Strike Against Dexterity
When player is attacking a creature with a Dexterity-based Defense this could say something like,
“You attempt to strike, but the creature dances effortlessly out of the way,” or “Your attack is parried by
the creature.”
Untrue Strike Against Armor
When a player makes an untrue strike against a heavily armored creature, such as one in full plate, or
wielding a shield, describe an untrue strike something like this, “Your attack glances harmlessly off their
armor,” or “The creature raises their shield and blocks your attack easily.”
True Strike Against EP
When a player makes a true strike against a creature who uses EP to avoid being wounded, you may
want to describe the creature “leaping backwards and narrowly avoiding the strike,” or “barely raising
their sword in time to parry and staggering under the force of the strike.” If the creature has to expend a
lot of EP to avoid the damage, you might make them move away enough that they provoke an
opportunistic attack from another player, or something else that causes the creature some detriment.
Notes on Big Creatures
The rules and recommendations described above work well when players are fighting creatures with
sizes comparable to their own. However, when players are fighting against something larger, such as a
giant or wyvern, these descriptions wouldn’t make much sense. Frequently large creatures have
increased Defense thanks to their “thick skin” or other protective factors. When a player makes an
untrue strike against a very large creature, you may choose to describe the attack hitting, but not making
it through the creature’s skin, or otherwise not drawing blood. Under this system, the difference between
a true strike and an untrue strike against a giant creature is essentially whether or not the attack was
good enough to draw blood. Since they make such large targets, big creatures will often be unable to
realistically avoid wounds from small creatures, just as a person would be unable to dodge a bee-sting.
Additionally, their increased size makes much of the damage they take inconsequential. When two
creatures are fighting, and there is a size class difference of 2 or more, it’s advised that you add the larger
creature’s EP to their roll total for death saves, but don’t allow them to use EP to avoid wounds. So
instead of a giant using EP to jump backwards and avoid a strike, the giant allows the wound to occur,
but shrugs it off as minor. It’s only through the accumulation of these minor wounds that the players are
able to finally defeat the massive creature.

Delegating Descriptions
When possible, encourage players to describe things in the game. Doing this not only keeps players
more engaged, but also alleviates some of the burdens of GMing, allowing your mind to momentarily
relax. It’s best not to give players descriptive power over the environment or NPCs, but the more control
you give them over their characters, the more they will engage with your narrative.
Specifically, when a player attacks, encourage them to describe, or even act out, how they envision
the attack. This can increase immersion, particularly if the attack is going to wound an enemy.
Additionally, when a player uses EP to avoid damage, it’s advised that you ask them describe what their
character does to avoid the damage.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Describing EP in a Satisfying Way
Describing EP can be difficult and many GMs struggle to make their depictions of EP usage exciting
and satisfying while still describing what amounts to a missed attack. In addition to the advice
previously listed in this section, here is some advice for making EP usage satisfying and exciting for
Describe EP in Detail and Don’ t be Afraid to Impose Consequences for Using it on Enemies.
When a creature, player character or otherwise, misses an attack due to the Defense of their target,
make your descriptions brief and focus on the miss being the fault of the attacker. In contrast, when a
true strike is made, but a creature uses EP to avoid being hit, describe the creature being forced to go
to great lengths to avoid the attack. Don’t be afraid to give a creature, particularly an NPC or enemy,
a temporary disadvantage of some sort due to them needing to expend EP to avoid an attack. For
example, if a creature uses EP to throw itself out of the way of an incoming arrow, they may be
forced to begin their next turn prone. It can even be a good idea to give enemy creatures a harsher EP
expenditure limit than the one imposed on players. That way, even when a creature dodges with EP,
they might receive minor wounds if the attack is particularly good. For example, if a player character
makes 2 attacks against a guard, you might describe it as follows:
If the player character’s first attack is an untrue strike, say something like “your attack comes
in at a bad angle and glances harmlessly off the guard’s armor.” If the player character’s
second attack is a true strike you may want to say something like, “before the guard is able to
retaliate, you recover and attack again. This time you swing straight for the guard’s head. In
his shock, the guard doesn’t manage to bring his sword up in time to fully block your attack
and your sword catches him in the shoulder.”
Notice that description is much longer and more detailed when the guard is forced to use EP. This is
because you want true strikes to feel satisfying and exciting for your players. The trick to making
combat exciting in this way is to give the player the feeling of success when they force a creature to
use EP. Additionally, as done in the example, don’t be afraid to impose minor consequences on an
enemy, such as a small amount of wound damage, to add excitement to the combat. This can be
especially useful if a creature is running out of EP since it can signal to the players that the creature
is beginning to slow down and that victory is in sight. In the context of the game, the actual damage
or consequences you inflict on enemies in situations like this may be very minor. In the example
above, the guard might only have taken 2 wound damage to his shoulder which is unlikely to affect
the combat at all. But it gives players the feeling of success. This is especially important in situations
where the players’ characters might be running low on EP or resources. Players notice every time
they lose EP and it serves to increase the tension of the situation. If you don’t tell the players about
the consequences of their actions, and the lengths the enemies are having to go to survive, the
players may assume that they are hopelessly losing and don’t stand a chance. This can often cause
them to be frustrated and detract from their enjoyment of the game.

Action Economy
The way you manage the action economy of creatures can have a big effect on the game. There are
many ways to use the action economy to change the dynamic of a battle. Generally, it’s best to divide the
enemy attacks among all the players, focusing extra attacks on the characters with builds that are based
around having higher EP and/or Defense. This is the most advantageous situation for the players and
will create combat encounters that are generally fun and will allow all players to stay involved
throughout the combat.
If you want to play combat such that it’s more difficult for players, you can have enemies target one
player character at a time. This combat method can be very vicious, particularly if the enemies don’t
relent until the targeted character is severely wounded or dead. This combat method is generally not
advised because the targeted player will quickly be put into a state where they aren’t able to
meaningfully contribute to combat and can’t afford to take risks. This makes the combat, and potentially
the rest of the game session, very difficult for players who have been targeted and much easier for those
who haven’t. If you let your players know that you will be running combat in this way, it can be done
well, but it’s more difficult than simply making enemies spread out their attacks among the party


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Setting DCs
Setting the DC for a given check or saving throw will often require quick, on-the-
spot thinking, especially since DC can be affected by a wide array of factors. In
general, you can think of DC as indicated by the General DC Table.
General DC Table
DC Difficulty
5 or less Very easy
10 or less Easy
15 or less Moderately difficult
20 or less Difficult
25 or less Very difficult
30 or less Extremely hard

die M
35 or less Nearly super-human

40 or more Essentially impossible

Finding Treasure
Frequently as a group adventures through the world they will stumble upon loot. Whether it’s the
warehouse of a city gang they recently overthrew or the treasure horde of a dragon, there will be times
when you need to come up with some exciting loot for your party to take. Coming up with your own
unique items and treasure is always great, but can be time consuming. For those times when you just
want to distribute some treasure without the hassle, here are some tables for random loot generation. For
the sake of easy distribution, you can get the Luck of each character and make a separate roll for each of
them to determine what they find. Each character’s roll total will equal 1D100 + 2 times the character’s
The tables of loot are in ascending order of size, and general value.
Common Treasure Table Uncommon Treasure Table
Roll Total Treasure Roll Total Treasure
A common cursed An uncommon cursed
5 or less 10 or less
item. item.
6 - 10 4D6 copper pieces. 11 - 15 4D10 copper pieces.
A mundane weapon or A common magic
11 - 20 16 - 25 weapon or mundane set
piece of armor.
Supplies worth 3D6 of armor.
21 - 35
silver pieces. 26 - 35 4D8 silver pieces.
36 - 50 3D8 electrum pieces. 36 - 50 4D6 gold pieces.
A gem worth 2D8 gold A gem worth 4D8 gold
51 - 70 51 - 70
pieces. pieces.
71 - 85 1D6 platinum pieces. 71 - 85 2D8 platinum pieces.
86 - 99 A common magic item. An uncommon magic
86 - 99
An uncommon magic item.
100 or more 100 or more A rare magic item.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Rare Treasure Table Random Magic Items
Roll Total Treasure Now that your party has some loot, it’s time to uncover
some of its secrets. The tables that follow will be for
10 or less A rare cursed item.
generating random magical items. Roll 1D100 and use the
Jewelry worth 5D10 roll to determine the properties of the item from the tables.
silver pieces. The tables are ordered by ascending rarity of the items.
An uncommon, magic Each magic item will either have 1 property of its rarity
15 - 20
weapon or set of armor. or two properties of 1 rarity lower.
21 - 35 5D12 silver pieces. For example, an uncommon magic item will either have
1 uncommon property or 2 common properties.
36 - 50 5D12 electrum pieces.
Common Properties Table
A gem worth 6D10 gold Roll Total Property
51 - 70
71 - 80 5D12 platinum pieces. 15 or less The item is magic-channeling.

90 - 99 A rare magic item. While attuned to this item, you

16 - 25
are immune to poison.
100 or more A legendary magic item.
26 - 35 The item is masterwork.
While attuned to this item, you
36 - 45 have expertise in 1 check of the
GM’s choice
While using this item, your
46 - 60 movement speed is increased
by 10.
61 - 75 The item is shrinkable.
Lady 3agle Art

76 - 85 The item is returning.

While attuned to this item, you
86 - 94 can cast a 0-cost spell of the
GM’s choice once per day.
95 or more 2 properties from above.

Uncommon Properties Table

Roll Total Property
15 or less While bound to this item, your mana maximum is increased by 2.

16 - 25
While attuned to this item, you gain resistance to a damage type of the
GM’s choice.
26 - 35 If the item is a weapon it’s a Mega Sword. Otherwise re-roll.
The item can cast a 0-cost spell of the GM’s choice 1D4 times per day without
36 - 45
expending mana or components.
46 - 60 The item is +1.
61 - 75 The item is +1 and masterwork.
The item can cast a 1-cost spell of the GM’s choice once per day without
76 - 85
expending mana or components.
86 - 94 While attuned to this item, you gain +1 to an attribute of the GM’s choice.
95 or more 2 properties from above.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Rare Properties Table
Roll Total Property
15 or less While bound to this item, your mana maximum is increased by 4.

16 - 25
While attuned to this item, you gain resistance to two damage types of the
GM’s choice.
26 - 35 This item has two common properties and one uncommon property.
The item can cast a 1-cost spell of the GM’s choice 1D4 times per day without
36 - 45
expending mana or components.
46 - 60 The item is +2.
The item can cast a 2-cost spell of the GM’s choice once per day without
61 - 75
expending mana or components.
The item can cast a 2-cost spell of the GM’s choice 1D4 times per day without
76 - 85
expending mana or components.
While bound to this item, you gain +2 to one attribute and +1 to another attribute
86 - 94
of the GM’s choice.
95 or more 2 properties from above.

Random Cursed Items

Occasionally your party might happen upon a cursed item. Cursed items are almost always
ostentatious, often glowing with magical energy, designed to attract a victim. The tables that follow are
for generating random cursed items. Roll 1D100 and use the roll to determine the properties of the item
from the tables. The tables are ordered by ascending rarity of the items. Often, it will not be obvious that
an item is cursed and cursed items frequently have beneficial, magical properties in addition to their
curse to incentivise creatures to use them.
Each cursed item will either have 1 curse of its rarity or 2 curses of 1 rarity lower. Additionally, a
cursed item will generally have a beneficial property of the same rarity or less.
For example, an uncommon cursed item will either have 1 uncommon curse or 2 common curses. It
may also have a beneficial common or uncommon magical property.
Common Curses Table
Roll Total Property (curse)
Once you attune to this item, you cannot become un-attuned from it except
15 or less through magical means (such as a curse removal ritual). If you attempt to
abandon it, it teleports to you once you go 30 feet or more from it.
This item has a property from the Common Properties Table and a curse
16 - 25
from the Uncommon Curses Table.
26 - 35 While within 3 feet of this item, your Luck is reduced by 3.
36 - 45 While carrying the item, your movement speed is reduced by 5.
While within 3 feet of this item, an attribute of the GM’s choice is reduced
46 - 60
by 2.
Every time you make a Stealth check with this item on your person, the item
61 - 75
releases a screaming sound, clearly audible within 200 feet.
While attuned to this item, you have -3 on attack rolls made with anything
76 - 85
except this item.
The first time you attempt to use this item, it disappears (teleports to a
86 - 94
random location).
95 or more 2 properties from above.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Uncommon Curses Table
Roll Total Property (curse)
Once you attune to this item, you cannot become un-attuned from it except
15 or less through magical means (such as a curse removal ritual). If you attempt to
abandon it, it teleports to you once you go 30 feet or more from it.
While attuned to this item, you you feel sickly and have -3 on Constitution
16 - 25
saving throws (including death saves).
26 - 35 While within 3 feet of this item, your Luck is reduced by 5.
While you are within 15 feet of this item, you require 50% more time to
36 - 45
complete a rest.
While within 3 feet of this item, an attribute of the GM’s choice is reduced
46 - 60
by 3.
Any gold within 5 feet of this item is transmuted into silver once it’s not
61 - 75
being directly observed by any creatures.
While attuned to this item, you have -6 on attack rolls made with anything
76 - 85
except this item.
While attuned to this item, it nullifies the effects of all other magic items you
86 - 94
attempt to use with a rarity equal to or less than this item.
95 or more 2 properties from above.

Rare Curses Table

Roll Total Property (curse)
2 properties from the Uncommon Curses Table and 1 from the Common
15 or less
Curses Table.
While attuned to this item, you feel sickly and have -6 on Constitution
16 - 25
saving throws (including death saves).
26 - 35 While within 10 feet of this item, your Luck is reduced by 8.
While you are attuned to this item, you cannot complete a rest unless you
36 - 45 have killed at least 1 person that day. You cannot un-attune from this item
except through magical means (such as curse removal spells).
While within 3 feet this item, two attributes of the GM’s choice are reduced
46 - 60
by 2.
While attuned to this item, you must make DC 14 Constitution saving throw
once per completed rest or become insane in a manor of the GM’s choice
61 - 75
until you un-attune from this item. While under the effects of this insanity,
you become obsessed with this item and will do anything to protect it.
While attuned to this item, you cannot benefit from having expertise. If you
76 - 85
have expertise in something you must act as though you don’t.
While attuned to this item, it nullifies the effects of all other magic items you
attempt to use with a rarity equal to or less than this item. Additionally, if you
86 - 94
attempt to cast a spell while attuned to this item, you must make a DC 10
Luck check or the spell fails.
95 or more 2 properties from above.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Often, before a game, you will want to create a special encounter for your players. Whether it’s the
leader of a cult or an incomprehensible abomination of tentacles and severed arms, you will need to
know how to make the battle challenging without it being impossible. In this section we will outline the
process for creating a creature and how to balance it against your players. Later in this section, we’ll
cover creating interesting and memorable NPCs for your players to interact with.

Determining a Challenge Classification

A challenge 1 creature is generally going to have an attribute total of about 10 (an average of 2 in
each attribute). Challenge 1 creatures should be roughly equivalent to a newly created player character,
or a character who has done some adventuring, but is still relatively new. Creatures less powerful than a
newly created character are categorized as challenge 0. For every challenge classification above 1 that
the creature is, add 5 to their attribute total (1 to their attribute average).
For example, a challenge 2 creature would have an attribute total of about 15 and a challenge 3
creature would have an attribute total of around 20. Next, if your players would fight this creature by
itself, consider adding a few points to its attribute total (+25% or so). For creatures who will fight a party
of players by themselves, it’s good to increase their Constitution to keep the battle from being too short
or anti-climactic.
Now determine any special abilities your creature has, such as damage resistances, special actions,
or passive abilities such as regeneration. For each special ability the creature has, reduce one of their
attributes by 1 or more (depending on the power of the ability). For example, trolls are challenge 4
monsters, but have an attribute total of only 16. This is because trolls have the ability to paralyze player
characters, and regenerate up to 7 wound damage per round. Both these factors make trolls more
dangerous and difficult to kill in combat so their attributes are reduced to reflect that. This reasoning can
also apply to things like equipment. If a creature has particularly good armor or a magical item, you may
consider reducing their attributes to keep them balanced against your players’ characters.
Finally, when determining your creature’s number of attacks per turn, consider the size of your
players’ party and if your creature will be faced alone or along side other creatures. If the players have 4
or more characters in the party and your creature will fight them alone, the creature should have at least
2 attacks or the ability to target multiple player characters with a single action.
A note on attribute balancing:
Though challenge classifications can be generally defined around their attribute totals, it’s unwise to
put too much or too little into any attribute, especially Constitution. If a creature has an unbalanced
attribute distribution, they can be very annoying for players to deal with. For example, a creature with
too much Constitution, but very little Strength or other attributes could take a very long time for players
to defeat while simultaneously not posing a significant threat to them. This could make the combat feel
boring and low-stakes for players, which is the last thing you want.

Making Good NPCs

Making convincing and interesting NPCs can be daunting. A good rule of thumb can be to give each
NPC 2 memorable physical traits and 1 memorable character trait. For example, if they’re big, hairy, and
timid, they are easy for players to remember and will feel special and distinct from other NPCs.
When your characters interact with the NPCs, it can also help with immersion if you roleplay the
NPC conversations. For example, instead of just letting your players say something to the affect of ,“I
try to convince him to give me the wand,” make them roleplay the interaction by asking them, “What do
you say to convince him to give you the wand?” Instead of simply letting the players roll a persuasion
check to convince the NPC in question, you can change the DC of the check based on what the character
actually says. If they say something that the NPC would find persuasive, reward them by reducing the
DC of the check. If they say something that NPC would dislike, do the opposite.
There are many more ways to increase immersion through the quality of your NPCs and your players
interactions with them, but if you follow these tips you should be off to a good start.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

_________CONJURE RANDOM ITEM_________
Random Item Table Items marked with a star have additional
Roll Item Duration properties as listed below:
<1 *Your severed head Until it dies Your severed head
A copy of your own head falls to the
1 *A small glass orb 1 round ground and then comes to life. Its sole
2 An aggressive wolf Until it dies motivation is to kill you. Its stats and
attributes are equal to yours except it has
3 *Grease 1 minute two attacks. Every turn it will attempt to
The rotting corpse of bite you for 1D4 + your Strength necrotic
4 No limit damage.
a small animal
If it kills you, it will remove your head
*A weapon radiating and put itself in your head’s place. This
5 1 hour
magical energy will allow it to control your body and
6 A spider Until it dies attempt to run to the nearest town to wreak
7 A gong No limit A small glass orb
A partially burned As the glass orb falls to the ground, any
8 No limit
pair of pants creature within 5 feet of it, excluding you,
A cat with no can use its reaction to attempt to catch it
9 Until it dies before it lands with a DC 16 Reflex check.
10 *A notebook No limit If no creature successfully catches the orb,
it hits the ground and shatters causing a
11 A quill and ink No limit spell of the GM's choice to be cast
centered on the point where the orb hit the
12 A cape No limit ground or targeting the nearest creature.
13 50 foot rope 24 hours Grease
Casts the 1-cost spell Conjure Grease
14 A well used rowboat 12 hours
centered on you.
A dog who will fight A weapon radiating magical energy
15 1 hour
for you The weapon is an illusion only you can
1 Serving of your see. You must succeed on a DC 15
16 favorite food and a No limit Investigation check or believe it to be an
bottle of wine extremely powerful magic weapon. Each
time you would wound a creature with the
17 10 gold pieces 10 minutes weapon, you can make a DC 15
A Potion of Energy Comprehension or Investigation check to
18 (drink to gain 2d4 24 hours see through the illusion. Attacks with this
EP) weapon cannot deal damage and the
weapon is incorporeal.
19 A +1 Dagger 8 hours
A notebook
A potion of Water This notebook may contain text specified
20 24 hours
Breathing by the GM.
21 A scroll of Teleport 2 hours An old man
22 *An old man Until it dies A friendly old man appears. He is
controlled by the GM. He's been around a
23 *A flying carpet 10 minutes while and might be helpful.
An item of your A flying carpet
>23 choice from the Varies A magic carpet that can carry up to 400
Random Item Table lb and has a flying movement speed of
60 feet.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

A creature is considered subdued if they cannot attack, cast spells, or move voluntarily. When a
creature is subdued, they cannot add their Dexterity to their Defense and cannot use EP to prevent being
wounded. For more information, check page 38.

When attacking a creature who is surrounded, the Insanity and Trauma Table
surrounding creatures have a +3 bonus on attack Roll
rolls. For more information, check page 38. Total
Re-roll on this table twice and
5 or less
Prone take both results.
When a creature is knocked prone, they must use The only time you feel okay or
a minor action or half their movement to return to a 5 - 10 in control is when you’re
standing position. While prone, creatures have -3 on killing something.
attack rolls and Dexterity saving throws, and You have vivid hallucinations
Defense. For more information, check page 38. and often can’t tell the
11 - 20
difference between what’s real
Blind or Deaf and what’s not.
For blind creatures, everywhere around them You have an imaginary friend
counts as fully obscured, this gives them -6 on melee who tells you people are
attack rolls and -9 on ranged attack rolls. Unless a 20 - 30 conspiring against you. The
blind creature has something to compensate for the imaginary friend is the only one
blindness, such as enhanced hearing, it becomes you can trust.
unaware or abstractly aware of its surroundings. Some days you find yourself
If a deaf creature is attacked from behind, it can completely apathetic to
count as a surprise attack even if the deaf creature 31 - 40
everything around you, even
was abstractly aware of the attacking creature’s your own survival.
presence. You tend to massively over-
41 - 50
estimate your own abilities.
Dazed You get horrifying flashbacks.
When a creature is dazed, they are unable to take When surprised or scared you
major actions and have -3 on Intelligence saves and 51 - 60 must roll a DC 15 Constitution
checks. For more information, check page 38. saving throw or be dazed for 1D4
Restrained You only feel okay when you’re
Creatures can be restrained by a variety of 61 - 75 drunk or otherwise heavily
effects and to various severity, but generally if a inebriated.
creature is restrained, they cannot move voluntarily. You tend to lash-out and over
76 - 85 react to even sight
Insanity and Trauma
If a creature is severely psychologically You suffer from narcissism and
traumatized, subject to certain magical effects, or self aggrandizement. You think
86 - 95
fails a death save against psychic damage, they may you are the absolute best in every
become insane. The duration of these effects can way, at every thing.
vary widely and can even be permanent. Rolling You can’t take things seriously.
1D100 and adding a character’s Constitution can be 96 or The more people are distressed
used with the Inanity and Trauma Table to more about something, the more you
determine the effects of a character going insane or find humor in it.
being traumatized.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Environments are one of the most frequently undervalued aspects of game-play in tabletop role-
playing games. Detailed and dynamic environments are important for descriptions and downtime where
they increase player immersion, but are also vital to combat encounters. For small, random encounters it
can be fine to give players a relatively generic area to do combat in. However, if you want a combat to
be exciting or memorable, you need to put it in a memorable setting that the players can interact with in
a meaningful way. When designing such an encounter, try to put at least 2 interactable objects in the area
and/or add areas for creatures to take cover or change their elevation relative to the rest of the battle.
These environmental elements don’t need to work in the favor of the players. Sometimes giving the
enemies an environmental advantage can make an otherwise easy combat into something memorable
and intense.
For example, if the players’ characters are walking through a field when a small group of orcs charge
over a hill to ambush them, the combat is likely to be easy as the players have obvious options. They can
charge in and fight the orcs head on, or run away, or hit the orcs with ranged attacks, attempting to pick
some off before they have the chance to attack. By contrast, if the players’ characters were walking
along the bottom of a ravine when a small group of orcs ambush them from above, the encounter is
much more memorable because it instantly gives the players a set of problems to solve. They can’t
simply charge at the orcs. They have to find a way up first. They are much more limited in their options
to retreat, especially if the orcs choose to knock down some rocks to block their path. And the orcs have
the advantage in ranged combat since they are more easily able to take cover over the edge of the ravine.
You can tell how this adds urgency to the combat and makes the players need to expend resources that
they otherwise might not. For instance, a magic user in the group might use mana to teleport the fighter
to the top of the ravine or create a Field of Force to block incoming projectiles. Alternatively, a fighter
character might choose to risk climbing the wall to attack the orcs while the archer character gave him
cover fire with their bow.
Already you can see how creating more detailed and interactable environments makes combat more
interesting and encourages players to take risks and experiment. If you imagine the same ravine ambush
described above, but with the addition of a few interactable objects it could make the combat even more
exciting. Perhaps some of the orcs are on an overhanging ledge and the players are able to knock it
down, causing the orcs to tumble into the ravine. These kinds of details allow players to gain strategic
advantages and make combats much more memorable.
Here’s a list of some interactable objects that you might consider adding to a combat:
Interior objects:
• A lever that changes the direction of gravity in the room.
• A pressure plate that activates a trap.
• A large dining table that can be overturned to create cover.
• A large cage which holds a wild animal.
• An alchemist's bench with various half made potions.
• A cursed statue that repels anything that touches it, dealing force damage and throwing the creature
or object up to 30 feet away.
• A barrel of gunpowder or flammable oil.

Exterior objects:
• A water fountain that a water elemental lives in and protects.
• An old, decaying bridge over something dangerous.
• A bonfire.
• A magical tree that attacks anything that comes near it.
• Quicksand (the really quick kind).
• A steep, cliff-like incline.
• A catapult.
• A windmill.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

_________SOME FINAL NOTES_________
The Rule of 3
This is less a rule and more a generalization. The rules of Apotheosis have been written with an eye
towards keeping the game moving quickly and making rules which are easy to remember. Generally in
the game, whenever an effect gives a numerical bonus or detriment to a creature it will be done in an
increment of 3. For example, the levels of obscurity give -1, -3, -6, and -9 on checks and saving throws
respectively as the level of obscurity increases. Similarly, when surrounding a creature, attacking
creatures have +3 on their attack rolls. The rule of 3 will not always be true throughout the rules,
particularly in the cases of effects that the players will be in charge of managing for themselves such as
character armor class or attack modifiers. However, in general, and for the sake of quick referencing and
on the spot thinking, numerical bonuses and disadvantages are applied as follows:
+ or - 1: A minor change or effect.
+ or - 3: A notable change or effect.
+ or - 6: A serious change or effect.
+ or - 9: An extreme change or effect.

At times players may want to create something new: a spell, a fortress, an item either mundane or
magical. Under these circumstances it’s up to you to decide how difficult such a project will be, if it’s
possible at all. Generally, if your players are all interested in doing something, it’s best to try and find
some way to accommodate them and let their interests guide the direction of the game when possible. In
that kind of situation, here are some guidelines and things to consider:
• Do your players know how to create the thing in question? Often you may determine this through
an Intelligence check of some sort, the more complex the thing in question, the higher the DC of the
• If your players don’t know how to create the item they may need to spend some money in
exchange for someone teaching them, alternatively they may need to go on some adventure to seek
out the information.
• Do your players have the resources required to create the thing in question? This can take many
forms. If your players are trying to create a magic item they will likely need magical substances that
are required in the items creation process, such as a unicorn’s horn or a dragon’s claw. If your
players are trying to build a house or base of some sort, they will likely need to hire workers to
construct it which could be very expensive. Additionally they will need to attain the materials such
as lumber required for the build. This too could be accomplished through questing and adventure, for
example, a banker might be willing to give the player characters a more favorable lone in exchange
for them retrieving a family heirloom from a cursed crypt where it was lost long ago.
• Finally, consider the ramifications of what the players are crafting. If they are attempting to make
something too powerful, it’s ok to say no, or to lower their expectations to what they could
realistically accomplish. Additionally, keep in mind that if they players create something like a
fortress, it may change the scope of your game since the players are likely to be more inclined to stay
relatively near their base. You could fix this by giving them magical items to make transport easier,
changing the focus of the game to revolve around a smaller area, or by giving them a more tempting
option. For example, maybe the fortress they want to build is too expensive for them, but there is a
decommissioned airship for sale at a more reasonable price.

Group Checks and Saves

Often in the game, there will be times that the entire party is prompted to make a check or saving
throw of some sort. For instance, while traveling you might require the players to make a Luck check to
determine if they run into bandits on the road. There are may ways to handle such a situation, but it’s
recommended to do as follows. Have all the players roll for the check in question, then look only at the
highest and lowest roll totals. Add the two roll totals and compare that sum to 2 times the DC of the
check. If the sum exceeds 2 times the check DC then it’s a success, otherwise it’s a failure.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

How to Play a Roleplaying Game
Roleplaying games are a form of collaborative storytelling. The story is created through teamwork
between the game master (GM) and the players. The GM creates and describes the environment and the
players create characters which they control. The player characters (PCs) interact with the environment
created by the GM. The GM’s environment will generally include, places, people, monsters, and puzzles
which the PCs will interact with under the direction of the players. Generally, each player will control
their own PC. As the PCs move through and interact with the world created by the GM, the story of the
game unfolds.
Roleplaying is, in essence, a form of improvisational acting. An example of the interaction between
the GM-created world and the PCs could be as follows. The GM tells the players that their characters
have arrived in a town. The players choose to go and talk to a local shopkeeper. As the players interact
with the shopkeeper, they roleplay as their PCs, saying what their characters do as though they were the
characters. As the players roleplay their side of the interaction, the GM will respond by roleplaying as
the shopkeeper and responding to the PCs. If a PC attempts to do something with an uncertain outcome,
the GM could require them to make a check. For example, if the PC tries to haggle with the shopkeeper
over the price of an item, the GM might ask that character’s player to make a Persuasion check. If the
player fails the check, the shopkeeper would refuse to lower the price. If they succeed, the shopkeeper
would agree to lower the price. For more information on checks, see page 47.
The rest of a roleplaying game proceeds in a similar fashion. The players state what their PCs do. If
the action is non-trivial, they may be required to make a roll to determine the outcome. Then the GM
describes how to PC’s actions, success or failure, influence the environment and creatures. The rules
have more details and guidelines on how this is done, but most actions in the game should follow this


Apotheosis is designed to be a modular game, easily expanded and modified. If this book doesn’t
contain something that you wish was included, add it! Have an idea for a character, but can’t make them
with the spells and abilities included in this book? Write up a brief description of the new content you
want to make and ask your GM to approve it. If they like it, and think it’s balanced, it can easily be
integrated into the games mechanics! Generally, when homebrewing like this, try to use a piece of
existing content as a reference for the wording, and to help keep your content balanced with the rest of
the game.

species Attribute Maximums (Optional Rule)

If you want to increase the effect a creature’s species has on their character build and attributes, you
can implement this rule: Instead of every character having an attribute maximum of 10, each character’s
attribute maximums are determined by their species. Specifically, each species has attribute maximums
equal to their initial attributes + 9.
For example, an orc starts with a 3 in Strength, but a -1 in Intelligence. Using this rule, an orc’s
maximum Strength would be 12 and their maximum Intelligence would be 8. This same principle would
apply to all other attributes as well.

Mixing potions (Optional Rule)

A character may want to use multiple potions or elixirs at the same time. If you want to add a bit
more danger to your game, you can use this rule: If a character is currently under the effects of a potion
or elixir, and is placed under the effects of an additional potion or elixir, they must make a Luck Check.
• If their roll total is 5 or less, the potions have their effects doubled and reversed. So they do the
opposite of what they would normally do (as determined by the GM) and do it twice as intensely, or
for twice as long as normal.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

• If their roll total is between 6 and 10, the potions have their effects reversed. So they do the
opposite of what they would normally do (as determined by the GM).
• If their roll total is between 11 and 15, both potions act as they would normally.
• If their roll total is 16 or greater, the potions have their effects doubled. So the potions act as they
would normally, but their effects are either twice as intense, or last twice as long.

Altering EP Expenditure Limits (Optional Rule)

If you want to increase the realism of the game, you may want to implement some form of alternate
EP expenditure limit. Normally, the EP expenditure limit of a creature is equal to 20 + the creature’s
Dexterity. This limit is high so that it’s unlikely to come into play until characters are powerful enough
that they can receive some wound damage without it having the potential to kill them outright. This
keeps the game from feeling too brutal or unfair. However, if you want to run a more brutal game you
can alter the EP expenditure limit in a variety of ways, but here are a few examples:
• If you want creatures to be less capable of reacting to attacks from behind them, you could say that
a creature’s EP expenditure limit is halved against attacks originating from behind them or from a
source they can’t see.
• If you want to make the early game more difficult, you could make EP expenditure limits equal to
10 + a creature’s Strength + their Dexterity. This makes the limit lower in the early game, but with
the same potential maximum, so it isn’t overly brutal in the late game.
• If you want to make combat more deadly. You can make a creature’s EP expenditure limit apply
across the entire round. So instead of it being the creature’s limit for a single action or evasion, it’s
their limit for each round.

Pushed Beyond Limits (Optional Rule)

If you want PCs to have a new way of regaining EP, you may want to implement this rule. Under this
rule, a PC can push themselves beyond the point of exhaustion to gain a temporary boost. Once per day,
a PC can choose to gain a level of exhaustion to push themselves beyond their limits. When they choose
to do this, they do not lose 5 EP as they normally would from gaining a level of exhaustion. Instead, they
regain 2D10 EP. If a PC does this, their next rest must be twice as long as usual to count as a completed

Meta Rewards (Optional Rule)

At times during the game you may want to reward one of your players for a reason outside of the
confines of the rules. Perhaps they came up with a clever idea that went awry due to bad rolls, or they
did a particularly good job of roleplaying and portraying their character. In situations such as these you
can give a PC a boon. Boons can be expended to either add a +1 bonus to a roll or increase a character’s
Luck by 1 for 1 minute. A character can use multiple boons simultaneously, but cannot have more than 3
boons at a time. The distribution of boons is at the discretion of the GM. However, it’s advised that you
let players know how they can earn boons and you should be consistent with your boon distribution, not
showing favoritism toward any one player.

Absolute Obscurity (Optional Rule)

If you’re running a horror-centric game, a game where darkness and light management play a major
role, or just add a little more biological realism into the game, you may consider adding absolute
obscurity. When an area is absolutely obscured, it counts as being fully obscured even for creatures with
night-vision. The explanation for this is that absolute obscurity is a complete absence of light, and that
night-vision, particularly night-vision which is non-magical, still requires some light even if its a very
small amount.


Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

_________THANK YOU_________

Thank you for buying and supporting Apotheosis! We want to continue to expand and improve the
game so be sure to follow us on our social media and keep an eye out for updates!
Let the adventure begin!

Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Character Name
Species_________________________________ Alignment________________________________


ATTRIBUTES EP Maximum Defense Score Mana Maximum EXPERTISE
LANGUAGES Encumbrance Weight Movement Speed
Current EP Current Mana

Temporary EP Current Wounds Mana Expenditure Limit




Age: Innate and Species Traits


Platinum Pieces________ Arrows________
Gold Pieces____________ Bolts__________
Electrum Pieces_________ Darts___________
Silver Pieces____________ Other___________
Copper Pieces___________

Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)




Arcane Knowledge
Animal Handling
Sleight of Hand

Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)




Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

Santiago Iglesias (Order #34031691)

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