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Students details
Name Student code

Person Participation criteria

1 2 3 4 5 6
a a a a a a Planning/organising of project
b b b b b b a) Took a leading role & gave time to planning
c c c c c c b) Did fair share of planning work
d d d d d d c) Did some planning work but less than others
d) Did not participate in planning activities
a a a a a a Conceptualisation of the project
b b b b b b a) Took a leading role
c c c c c c b) Contributed good ideas
d d d d d d c) Contributed some ideas but less than others
d) Did not contribute to project conceptualisation
a a a a a a Attendance at team meetings
b b b b b b a) Organised meetings & facilitated the involvement of team members
c c c c c c b) Attended all scheduled meetings
d d d d d d c) Missed one or more meetings but informed others in advance
e e e e e e d) Missed one or more meetings but did not inform others in advance
e) Poor attendance
a a a a a a Meeting team deadlines
b b b b b b a) Always worked to deadlines
c c c c c c b) Missed one or two deadlines but negotiated changes with others
d d d d d d c) Missed one or two deadlines without discussion with others causing
minor problems for team
d) Poor in meeting team deadlines causing major problems for the team
a a a a a a Cooperation, flexibility & resourcefulness
b b b b b b a) An excellent team member & facilitator
c c c c c c b) A good team member
d d d d d d c) Generally worked well as a team member with some lapses
d) Difficult and uncooperative
a a a a a a Quality of work submitted to team
b b b b b b a) High quality contributions
c c c c c c b) Good contributions
d d d d d d c) Fair contributions with some lapses in the quality or amount of work
e e e e e e
d) Submitted work but it was unsuitable for inclusion as part of team output
e) Failed to submit work, or work not submitted in time

Aditional question:
What have you remembered the most in today session?

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