Teaching Guide - Theme 5

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Subject: English
Teacher: Alexandra Bermeo Urbina
Email: ajbermeo@itsoriente.edu.ec
Theme: Adjectives
Skills to be developed: Adjectives

Topic 1: Adjectives

Table of contents:

1. Adjectives
2. Adjective + noun
3. No plural


1. 1. Adjectives in English – grammar chart

Adjective + noun

When we use adjectives with a noun in English, the adjectives go before the noun.
 It’s an expensive guitar. (NOT It’s a guitar expensive.)
 She has a new car.

Am/is/are + adjective

We can also use adjectives without a noun after the verb be.

 This guitar is expensive.

 Her car is new.

In questions the adjective can go after be + subject.

 Is your car new?

 Are your classmates nice?

Feel/look/smell/sound/taste + adjective

We can also use adjectives without a noun after the verbs of the senses: feel, look,
smell, sound, taste.

 Your idea sounds interesting.

 I don’t like this soup. It tastes horrible.
 You look tired.
 These cookies smell delicious.
 I feel depressed.

No plural

Adjectives in English have no plural. They are always singular.

 These are my favourite shoes. (NOT These are my favourites shoes.)

 She has blue eyes. (NOT She has blues eyes.)


We can use very and quite before the adjectives.

 It’s very expensive.

 It’s quite expensive.

HOMEWORK ((Complete page 3)

Click on the follow link: https://test-


Exercise 1

Choose the correct forms with adjectives to complete the following sentences.
1. With this makeup, your eyes look different / different look / look different.
2. These are important documents / documents important / documents
3. Are happy they / Are they happy / Are they happies in their new house?
4. He has a job interesting / an interesting job.
5. Sit down. You look tired / tired looks / mell tired.
6. Our holidays fantastic are / are fantastic / are fantastics.
7. John has problems at home. Are goods his marks / Are good his marks /
Are his marks good?
8. Their project tastes interesting / interesting looks / sounds interesting.
9. These cookies excellent are / are excellent / are excellents.
10. Her eyes blue are / are blue / are blues.

Exercise 2

Put the words in the correct order.

1. Which is the correct order?
a.Your great idea is. b.Your idea is great.
c.Great your idea is. d.Your idea great is.
2. Which is the correct order?
a.She an exceptional student is. b.She is a student exceptional.
c.She is an exceptional student. d.She a student exceptional is.
3. Which is the correct order?
a.Is this shirt Italian? b.Is Italian this shirt?
c.This shirt Italian is? d.This shirt is Italian?
4. Which is the correct order?
a.That restaurant very dirty is. b.That is a restaurant very dirty.
c.Very dirty is that restaurant. d.That restaurant is very dirty.
5. Which is the correct order?
a.He a Korean car has. b.He has a Korean car.
c.He has a car Korean. d.A car Korean he has.

Resources web
 https://test-english.com/grammar-points/a1/adjectives/3/

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