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Class Notes

History and Culture Of Pakistan

-->Syed Ahmed Barelvi

-->Born in village near lucknow
-->early education from madrassa rahimiya
-->joined a pathan military leader, to learn use of european weapons
-->he was called “Man of action”.
-->After hajj, he founded jihad movement,
→ he believed muslims could achieve freedom by armed struggle
against british and sikhs
-->enrolled many mujahideen
-->he believed evils in the islamic society had to be cured/pured.
-->So he called for a jihad movement to overthrow non-muslims force
and power which was oppressing muslims, ONly then Islam could be
rescued from the evils of other societies through armed struggle.
-->he raised mujahideen force for jihad movement
-->KPK and Punjab were under sikhs and they oppressed muslims.
-->he sent a letter to Ranjit Singh, Sikh leader of Punjab, requesting him
to either free muslims or face the mujahideen force.
-->Ranjit Singh refused and Syed Ahmed Barelvi has no choice other
than to attack.
-->At Okara, SIkhs were attacked and defeated then Hazanmoth was
attacked and Sikhs again suffered defeat.
-->Already Created a HQ in Peshawar.
-->Next they wanted to attack Fort of Attock
-->Encountered an army of 35000 sikhs at attock.
-->Yaar Muhammed Khan, chief of patan was bribed by sikhs, Yaar
Muhammed deserted him during the war.
-->He was defeated due to a large amount of his force deserting him,
because of this he changed HQ from peshawar to Near Balakot.One of
his slaves also tried to poison him.His name was Panjthar.
-->Again he was betrayed by his people and his location was revealed
due another of his men being bribed by SIkhs, he was suprise attack and
he was killed with 600 other muslims.
-->Mujahideen were defeated at Battle of Balakot but jihad movement
survived but since they were seen as a threat to the British, the british
sent a large force to kill them.

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