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Career Manager

Quick Guide

Setting UK-SPEC
and Actions

Disclaimer: Career Manager is an IET owned product and the related content of this guide remains property of the IET.
Last Updated: February 2019
The Institution of Engineering and Technology is registered as a Charity in England & Wales (no. 211014) and Scotland (No. SCO38698).
• From the homepage, navigate to the ‘My Development’ menu;
select ‘Development Planning’

What is Development Planning?

Here you can set and update your development objectives and actions, which can be independent or links to
Professional Registration. (See further guidance for Job Role Objectives)

• This is an overview of your ‘In Progress’ development objectives and actions.

*If this is your first time on this page, your overview will be blank until you set objectives.

• Navigate to ‘Development Planning to begin setting your Objectives and Actions.

Disclaimer: Career Manager is an IET owned product and the related content of this guide remains property of the IET.
Last Updated: February 2019
The Institution of Engineering and Technology is registered as a Charity in England & Wales (no. 211014) and Scotland (No. SCO38698).
UK-SPEC Objectives
To set objectives against the UK-SPEC competence, you must first complete a Professional Registration Competence
Assessment. A tutorial video, as well as a quick guide is available on how to complete a Competence Assessment which
we recommend you look at if you haven’t already.

Use this functionality to create objectives and actions and link them to your professional registration competence
assessment. This will enable you to structure your development and identify what you need to do to reach your desired
level of competence for professional registration.

How do I set my Objectives and Actions?

1. Select the ‘My Development’ tab and select ‘Development Planning’ under the Development Manager section.
2. This will display three tabs along the left hand side. Select ‘Development Planning’ to take you to the ‘Development
Objectives & Actions’ page.
3. You should ensure you choose your objective type as UK-SPEC using the drop down list

TIP: Only assessed competences will show for you to set

objectives and actions against. You do not need to have your
assessment verified in order for you to add objectives against
your competences.

4. You will notice your self-assessed levels will be displayed in orange, your objective levels will be in white. You can
select ‘Set Objectives’ and create an objective for any level.

5. Once you have selected ‘Set Objectives’ you can enter the information required into the box, this will create your

Disclaimer: Career Manager is an IET owned product and the related content of this guide remains property of the IET.
Last Updated: February 2019
The Institution of Engineering and Technology is registered as a Charity in England & Wales (no. 211014) and Scotland (No. SCO38698).
6. Once you have entered your desired objectives you can add actions by selecting the ‘Set Actions’ tab.

TIP: You can add as many actions to your objectives as you need.

7. Once you have added your actions against your objectives, you can view them at a quick glance in the ‘Development
Overview’ tab.

Creating a Development Action Plan

Your Development Action Plan is not a record of past development – this will be evidenced in your application; this is a
plan for the future with short and long term goals and how you are going to achieve them.

1. After setting your UK-SPEC Objectives & Actions detailed in above, you will find that your future targeted actions will have
been collated in the form of a Development Action Plan.

2. This is a mandatory requirement for those applying for IEng and CEng, but optional if you are applying for EngTech or
ICTTech. To export a copy of this to add to your application, go to the ‘My Development’ tab and then ‘Development
Action Plan’

Disclaimer: Career Manager is an IET owned product and the related content of this guide remains property of the IET.
Last Updated: February 2019
The Institution of Engineering and Technology is registered as a Charity in England & Wales (no. 211014) and Scotland (No. SCO38698).
3. You should choose to export a copy of all active objectives as this pulls through all your forward planning.

4. This can then be uploaded in the supporting document of your registration checklist:

Disclaimer: Career Manager is an IET owned product and the related content of this guide remains property of the IET.
Last Updated: February 2019
The Institution of Engineering and Technology is registered as a Charity in England & Wales (no. 211014) and Scotland (No. SCO38698).

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