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Topic: Some people think they have right to use as much fresh water as they want, others

believe government should control the use of fresh water as it is limited resource. Discuss
both views and give your opinion.
In recent days, although some say that they are allowed to freely use clean water in their daily
life, others do not agree and they argue that government have to manage about spending of fresh
water due to its importance. This essay will take a look at these points of view in more depth.
To begin with the first problem, some people use high amount of fresh water in life because they
think that they have paid a fee to the state to provide them with water and they can have the right
to use it. In other words, they assume that as long as they have money, the water will always be
there for them, but they do not know about consequence down the road. Another reason is that
water plays a large part in human needs, so restricting its access could be argued a human rights
infringement. In fact, limiting water resource creates the distinction between the poor and the
rich, so one cannot deny the right to fresh water.
However, fresh water is not renewable resource and thus require government control to prevent
its exhaustion. For instance, fresh water can be properly distributed among all citizens in society
under the management of the government, so this help them get enough amount of fresh water to
serve their daily life. On the other hand, even the Earth's surface has 70% of water, but there is
only 3% fresh water which can be used for drinking. Consequently, an individual can know how
to save the water reasonably to avoid serious results in the long run.
In conclusion, some arguments claim that every individuals can have the right to use fresh water
endlessly, whereas others assert that government should intervene to reduce drinking water
depletion day by day. Personally, wasting fresh water will cause unpredictable consequences, so
government’s interceding is too necessary for development’s world.

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