Gabarito - Lista AP1

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1—2. A force of N is supported by the bracket as shown.

Determine the resultant internal loadings acting on the

section through point A.

74.0; 15•.0
N, • 71-3N
g. -o; v,-SOSints•-o

u, •go cuas•co.3cos30•)

g, .-O.SSSN.m

-80 •O

1—5. Тће Ьеат su:wrts the disthbuted toad shown.
Determine the intemal !oadings Оп the coss
section through Nint С. Assume Ше reactioas at the
supportsА апа В ате vertical.
1- 1 0mDF ejib •e d| 』 DE
) , ,m , | resultant
ia m |0~』ap ea
, , 罒 dc,
•1—16. Determine the normal force. shear force. and
moment at a Section through point C. Take P 8 kN.

300—4 •O
1—22. Determine the resultant Internal loadings in the
beam at Crosssections through points D and E. Point E
just to the right 01 the 3.kip load.


50-1b lamp is supported by two steel rods
connected by a ring at A. Determine whichrod is subjected
to the greater averagenormal stressand computeits value
Take8 600,Thediameterof each is givenin the figure.
1 Rods АВ ВС have di•meters 0' 2$ тт
тт. respectively.И а load of 6 К.Чis appUed[о the rins а:
В, determinethe averageпоттај in eachгоа if


2—2.A rubberbaodbas•n lengthOt10in.
it stretchedarounda pole having Outcr ot
6 the the


2—3. Bar ABC originaUy in • borizoat.l p«itioa.

eaug the end A to be diotaced downwards It loads
and the bar rotatese ia-
0.2%deternünethe normal
strain in the rods AD, BE, •od CF.


e rtgld beam is supported by a prn at A and wires
BD and CE. the load p on the beam is 10 mm
downward.determine normalstrain in wires
CE and
, ,“, T、 、虍 , 0 thed 0, m』ion

, ” ·

, -00M1
d 0 m i01 ho* bytbedubed 0, ,
synvrrtnc , 1 |be| , n00 ~b in
the" ic d ,,, 亟 A
· :k , d ( b ~go , ctiO
· Deterüc

AE ' i
" b·、, 』· · If
joint is from three steel plates that
are togetherat their Detenninethe
displacementOfend A with ressrct to end D when joint
is subleaedto the Exh plateh" a
5—1. A bat ~ umad ~ | oy b, v g Ⅱ0 * rab
Of, ,, · 12 . | diameter
1 d, | ,吅 mtorque
T ,
tr•asnüttedWhatwould | maximum
|0 T'

, u06
5—3. Ihe shaft has an outer diameterof 125 in. and an
inner diameter of I in. If it is subjected to the applied torques
as shown. determine the absolute maximum shear stress
develosx•din the shaft.Ille smoothbeanngs at A and B do
not resist torque.

• 6.62"i
5 一5 , Tbe solid gn d " | r sb.ft ' d |0 , , 1
~ | d0
torques ~ 0
0麤VO n en, 0 | ~ted , , po
•ㆍ•` 1ㆍ• solid 믈“ • ot
30 - Determine tbc absolute nvxirnum ,hear ,|,“,

5-10. solid has a diameterof 0.75in. it is
subjectedto the torquesshown.determinethe maximum
shear stress deve101Nd in regions CD and EF or the shaft.
at A and F allow free rotation Ofthe shaft.

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