Ayodhya Kanda - Lesson-5

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(For Children)

Dhruva Jnanam
Lesson 5
Rāma crosses River Ganga
As per instructions of Rāma, Guha got the boat ready.
Sumantra requests Rāma to take him as a personal attendant
to the forest, but Rāma declined and told him to go back to
Ayōdhya. Later, Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa matted their hair with the
latex of a banyan tree procured by Guha. On reaching the
middle of the stream, Sītā offered prayers to Mother Ganga for
their safe return and vowed to offer gifts to Brahmins and
worship all the deities along the banks of Ganga.
Rāma also made an attempt to send Lakṣmaṇa back citing the
safety of Kausalya and others. But He had to concede to the
pleads of Lakṣmaṇa, that he can’t survive without Rāma and
would die instantly like a fish out of the water.

Maharṣi Bharadwāja directs Rāma, Sītā, and Lakṣmaṇa to Citrakūṭa

Rāma, Sītā, and Lakṣmaṇa visited Maharṣi Bharadwāja and
prostrated in veneration. Maharṣi Bharadwāja honored them with
words of welcome and offered ‘Madhuparka’. Later, He suggested
that they can stay in the same hermitage for the next fourteen years.
Rāma mentioned that it might cause some disturbance and asked for
a suitable place. Maharṣi suggested Citrakūṭa Mountain, which has
beautiful and serene surroundings, and rich in tubers, honey, and
other resources.

Proceeding along the path mentioned by Maharṣi Bharadwāja, Rāma, Sītā, and Lakṣmaṇa
crossed the confluence of Ganga and Yamuna. Sītā offered prayers to River Yamuna and
sought the blessings for successful completion of the period of exile.
Rāma, Sītā, and Lakṣmaṇa reached Citrakūṭa Mountain seeing the beauty of nature and
grandeur of woods all along the way. They visited the hermitage of Maharṣi Vālmīki.
Lakṣmaṇa builds a leaf-hut upon instructions from Rāma. All of them enter the thatched
hut, after performing purification ceremony.
Having subdued their senses, Rāma and Sītā very happily strolled in that excellent forest,
filled with many classes and multitude of beasts and birds, trees having multi-colored
crowns of flowers, and resonating with sounds of elephants in rut and of antelopes.
Delighted by the river Mālyavati and frequented by birds and beasts, Rāma, Sītā, and
Lakṣmaṇa shed their agony caused by their exile from the city of Ayōdhya.

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Sumantra returns to Ayōdhya
Sumantra returned to Ayōdhya after learning from Guha that
Rāma, Sītā, and Lakṣmaṇa proceeded towards Citrakūṭa Mountain.
Daśaratha and Kausalya fainted and went into deep slumber after
hearing the travails of Rāma, Sītā, and Lakṣmaṇa. Sumantra
explained Daśaratha the messages of the trio and the lamentations
of everyone in the kingdom. Sumitra consoled Kausalya saying that
there is absolutely no need to grieve, as it is Rāma, the most
capable, went into the forest, accompanied by Sītā and Lakṣmaṇa.

Later, Kausalya regained composure and told the king –

śokō nāśayatē dhairyam śokō nāśayatē śrutam |
śokō nāśayatē sarvam nāsti śōka samaḥ ripuḥ || - Ayōdhya Kāṇḍa Sarga 62 Ślōka 15
Grief ruins courage. Grief ruins sacred learning. Grief ruins everything. There is no enemy like grief.

Soothed for a while by her words, Daśaratha fell into sleep just for a while.

Daśaratha recalls the incident of Śravaṇa Kumāra

Daśaratha suddenly woke up with anxious thoughts. He told Reap the fruit of action
Kausalya the incident of Śravaṇa Kumāra –
A doer reaps surely the fruit of
As a prince, I was famous for my skill to hit the target one’s own deeds corresponding
perfectly without even seeing, but just by listening to the to the nature of work either good
sound from the source. In a rainy season, propelled by the or bad! One who does not
desire to hunt, I went to the forest on the banks of River consider, while undertaking
Sarayu and waited for any animal that might come to drink actions, the relative value of their
water. Hearing some sound resembling an elephant drawing fruits as well as the utilities or
water with the trunk, I hit with my arrow. defects accruing from them, is
Immediately, I heard a human voice surely called a fool.
saying, ‘How a weapon rushed
towards an innocent ascetic like me who did no harm to anyone?’
Utterly bewildered and afraid at what could have happened, I
rushed towards the sound and found an ascetic with blood. He told
me that his name was Śravaṇa Kumāra and he carries his blind
parents to all pilgrimage centers on his shoulders placing in two
baskets yoked. He further said that they were thirsty waiting for him
to bring the water. He also instructed me to go to his parents, first
give them the water, and then tell his father what happened. Finally, he asked me to pull
out the arrow, for his vital parts are paining extremely. I pulled the arrow and he died.

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I carried water to his parents and told them the truth. They both wept pitiably. After
performing the last rites to their departed son, they pronounced a curse on me saying that
I would also die like them suffering with agony of separation from my son. Later they placed
themselves on a funeral pyre and left to heavens.
O Kausalya, there is no recourse for me but to die suffering from the agony of separation
of Rāma.’ Thus saying, wailing Daśaratha fell into deep slumber again.

Daśaratha leaves for heavens; Vaśiṣṭha sends for Bharata and Śatr̥ughna
It was the sixth day Rāma left to forest. Daśaratha did not wake up to the singing of bards
as done every day. Everyone realized that the king left his mortal body. Entire palace
reverberated with the cries of queens, servants, and others. For a while, Kausalya lost
control and reproached Kaikēyī.
Maharṣi Vaśiṣṭha arrived and arranged for the body of the king to be immersed in a trough
filled with scented oils and other preservatives. Later, Vaśiṣṭha ordered messengers to
travel to Kēkaya kingdom with all the normal gifts as always and bring Bharata and
Śatr̥ughna back to Ayōdhya without telling about all the happenings here.

Bharata and Śatr̥ughna arrive in Ayōdhya

Meanwhile, in Kēkaya, Bharata experienced a very bad dream and was depressed. Though
his friends attempted to rejoice him, he still was very disturbed. He explained his dream –
‘I have seen a dream in which my father was with his soiled body and his hair was
disheveled. He fell from the top of a mountain into a polluted pond defiled with cow dung.
He was floating in that pond drinking oil through his hollowed palms and laughing again
and again. Thereafter, with his whole body smeared with oil, he plunged into the oil itself.
I saw in the dream the ocean dried up, the moon fell on the ground, and the earth as if
covered by darkness. My father was adorned with red garlands and his body besmeared
with sandal paste and seated in a chariot drawn by asses, proceeded towards the south.’
Meanwhile, the messengers sent by Maharṣi Vaśiṣṭha arrived and informed Bharata that he
should hurry to Ayōdhya. Bharata obtained permission from his maternal uncle, received
lot of gifts from him, and set out to Ayōdhya. Despondent, distressed in mind, and
frightened at not finding the city in its normalcy, Bharata expressed apprehensions to his
charioteer. He said, ‘I lost all my energy. The temples of gods are deserted and have lost
their radiance, with their splendor of floral decorations lost, nor are there any assembling
to perform sacrifices as before. Worships of the deities were placed aside. The population
of men and women in the city look anguished with tears held in their eyes.’

Kaikēyī tells Bharata

Not finding his father Daśaratha in his palace, Bharata went to the palace of Kaikēyi. She
then informed him about the death of Daśaratha. Devastated at the news, Bharata fell like

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a large sala tree cut with an axe. He wept for a long time rolling on the floor. He recollected
his father’s association with all the objects there and his fondling touch and affection for
him. Gradually, he recovered and asked his mother Kaikēyi about the last message of his
illustrious father. Kaikēyi told him that Daśaratha did not say anything except “Rāma”.

Bharata vows to bring back Rāma

Perplexed that Rāma was not by the side of Daśaratha, Bharata asked his mother
Kaikēyi about the whereabouts of Rāma. Kaikēyi then told about the two boons
she obtained - the exile of Rāma and the crowning of Bharata.
Having understood completely the turn of events, Bharata reproached Kaikēyi for her evil
and cruel conduct. He told her that she is the cause of Daśaratha’s death. He asked what
harm did Rāma do to her and what sin did he commit to be banished. He further said she
committed a terrible and horrendous sin one can ever do. Finally, Bharata concluded that
he can’t live without Rāma and vowed to bring back Rāma along with Sītā and Lakṣmaṇa
back to Ayōdhya and make Rāma the king, as it is the custom in the dynasty of Raghu to
make the eldest son as the king always.
Bharata, whose eyes were filled pitiably with tears, rose after a long time, and went to
Kausalya. Seeing Bharata, Kausalya told that he should be happy now that he got the entire
kingdom abundant in affluence with the help of his mother. Aghast at her comments,
Bharata spoke to Kausalya in a polite but firm voice – ‘O Mother! Trust in me that I never
knew that Rāma would be banished into the forest. Neither do I know about the plans of
my coronation.’ Here, Bharata mentions a long list of grave sins. He asserts that he shall
attain such horrible state which shall be attained by those who committed any one of the
following sins.

One should avoid the following sins

• Answer the calls of nature in the face of the sun

• Kick a sleeping cow with foot.
• Imposing the heaviest labor on the servant without proper remuneration.
• Break the promise made to a priest to pay the sacrificial fees.
• Partake delicious foods such as rice pudding etc. without offering to Gods or without
sharing with wife, family, and servants.
• Divulging the words spoken with confidence and in secret.
• No sense and expression of gratitude.
• Abandon dependents such as wife, children, aged parents etc.
• Indulge in wine and women always.
• Does not worship the ancestors with reverence.
• Stay with people of cruel, cunning, and back-biting nature.
• Drink the milk of the cow which has calf of less than ten days age.

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Having convinced Kausalya thus, Bharata then vowed to bring back Rāma to Ayōdhya and
coronate Him as the king.

Bharata resolved to bring back Rāma

At the instructions of Maharṣi Vaśiṣṭha, Bharata completed the last rites of Daśaratha on
the banks of River Sarayu. Later, he performed various kinds of charities as stipulated in
the scriptures.
After the completion of all the ceremonies, the ministers in the assembly told Bharata to
fulfill the wish of his father and take over the kingdom. Politely refusing, Bharata said that
it is only Rāma who should be enthroned. Everyone rejoiced at his words. Tears of joy fell
from their eyes looking at the commitment of Bharata towards Dharma and his unwavering
love and veneration for Rāma. Bharata then ordered that all necessary arrangements should
be made by building pathways, tents, and clearing of stones, shrubs etc. to bring back Rāma
along with Sītā and Lakṣmaṇa at the earliest.

Bharata directed to Citrakūṭa by Maharṣi Bharadwāja

Bharata set out with his entourage into the forest on his mission to bring Rāma back to
Ayōdhya. Though doubtful in mind, Guha received him with due honors. Later, Guha
realized the true intentions of Bharata and informed him how Rāma fasted that night,
where He slept etc. Looking at the bed Rāma slept, Bharata immediately became
unconscious. After regaining consciousness, Bharata wept inconsolably bringing tears to
everyone around.

After resting that night, the entire entourage crossed the River Ganga with the aid of
arrangements made by Guha and his tribesmen. They reached the hermitage of Maharṣi
Bharadwāja. Leaving ministers and others at a visible distance, Bharata entered the
hermitage of Maharṣi Bharadwāja along with Maharṣi Vaśiṣṭha. Maharṣi Bharadwāja
received them with due honors and wanted to know if Bharata intended to harm Rāma.
With tears welling up in eyes, Bharata replied that he had no recourse even if Maharṣi
Bharadwāja doubted him. He said his resolution is to take Rāma back to Ayōdhya.
Prompted by Maharṣi Vaśiṣṭha and others, Maharṣi Bharadwāja then said that he asked
that question only to strengthen the fame of Bharata immeasurably and told him that Rāma
is living on Mountain Citrakūṭa.
Later, Maharṣi Bharadwāja invoked the divine architect Viśwakarma who constructed great
palace and other places suitable for the entire army of Bharata. Upon the prompt of Maharṣi
Bharadwāja, Bharata entered the palace, circumambulated around the throne and other
regal paraphernalia mentally imagining Rāma on the throne, and returned to place
appropriate to him. Later, his ministers, commanders, and others sat in places suiting their
position. They were all served delicious food and wine along with one’s favorite items.

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Next day morning, Bharata introduced his mothers Kausalya, Sumitra, and Kaikēyi to
Maharṣi Bharadwāja. While speaking highly of Kausalya and Sumitra, Bharata spoke in a
derogatory tone about his mother Kaikēyi. Maharṣi Bharadwāja said that such harsh words
should not be spoken about Kaikēyi as it is not her mistake, and indeed the exile of Rāma
shall bring happiness to entire universe. Later, he told exact route to Mountain Citrakūṭa.

Bharata surrenders to Rāma

Bharata reached Citrakūṭa with his entire entourage. Seeing smoke enveloping from a
distant hermitage, Bharata asked the army and others to wait back and started towards the
smoke to find Rāma.

Meanwhile Rāma heard the rumblings of an army and asked Lakṣmaṇa to look around.
Lakṣmaṇa climbed up a tall tree and noticed Bharata and his army. Enraged, he said that
he would destroy Bharata, Kaikēyi, and the entire army.
Rāma pacifies Lakṣmaṇa that Bharata would have come to meet them. He further says –

dharmamarthaṃ ca kāmaṃ ca pṛthivīṃ cāpi lakṣmaṇa |

icchāmi bhavatāmarthē ētat pratiśṛṇōmi tē ||
bhrātṛiṇāṃ saṃgrahārthaṃ ca sukhārthaṃ cāpi lakṣmaṇa |
rājyamapyahamicchāmi satyēnāyudhamālabhe ||
yadvinā bharataṃ tvāṃ ca śatrughnaṃ cāpi mānada |

bhavēnmama sukhaṃ kiṃcidbhasma tatkurutāṃ śikhī ||

- Ayōdhya Kāṇḍa Sarga 97 Ślōka 5,6, & 8
‘O, Lakṣmaṇa! It is for your sake I desire virtue, legitimately acquired wealth and pleasure or
even the earth itself. I promise this to you. I desire the throne only for the protection and
happiness of my brothers. I touch my weapon and swear this fact. If there be happiness that
I could enjoy without Bharata or you or without Śatr̥ughna, may it be burnt to ashes by fire.’
Rāma also adds that if Lakṣmaṇa wishes, He will tell Bharata to give the kingdom to
Lakṣmaṇa. Abashed with these words, Lakṣmaṇa realized his mistake.

Meanwhile, Bharata tells Śatr̥ughna that he is in rush to see Rāma, Sītā and
Lakṣmaṇa and he shall not be at peace till he sees them. Here, Maharṣi
Vālmīki mentions, in a set of ślōkas that ends with ‘na mē śantirbhaviṣyati’,
the eagerness and emotions of Bharata to see Rāma.

Finally, Bharata and Śatr̥ughna saw Rāma, Sītā and Lakṣmaṇa. Just uttering
‘O noble one!’, Bharata threw himself at the feet of Rāma with throat choked, eyes welling

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up with tears, and unable to speak even a single word further followed by Śatr̥ughna. Rāma
lifted them both and embraced with tears of joy.
‘Kaścit’ Sarga
Rāma offered libations to Daśaratha
Immediately after seeing Bharata
Bharata told Rāma about Daśaratha reaching heaven. Hearing that and before hearing news about
unpleasant thunderbolt like news, Rāma fainted. After gaining Daśaratha’s death, Rāma asks
consciousness, He wept inconsolably and told Sītā and Lakṣmaṇa Bharata volley of questions,
the news. The cries of all the brothers and Sītā echoed in the popularly known as ‘Kaścit’
mountains. Later, Rāma was consoled by all the brothers. He Sarga in Śrī Rāmāyaṇa. ‘Kaścit’
prepared Himself to offer libations to the departed king in River means ‘Acting like this..’ i.e. an
Mandākini, told Lakṣmaṇa to arrange for the same, and asked Sītā expression of aspiration and
to walk in front and said He would follow Her. advice. Here, Rāma mentions
Assisted by Sumantra, Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa offered libations in about the various duties of a king
River Mandākini and later completed the ceremonial offerings with respect to polity, finance,
with the pulp of Ingudi tree. ministers, priests etc., which
relates to many aspects of
Meanwhile, Maharṣi Vaśiṣṭha along with the queens, ministers, modern-day management. This
royal officers, and others came there and saw Rāma, Sītā, and is a must-read chapter for all
Lakṣmaṇa. Rāma offered salutations to His preceptor and those aspiring to become future
Mothers. He received everyone with due honors and affection. leaders & administrators. This is
Bharata requests Rāma Sarga # 100 in Ayōdhya Kāṇḍa.

Next day morning, with everyone in the assembly, Bharata submitted to Rāma, ‘O venerable
brother! Just like a donkey can’t bear the load of a horse, a small bird can’t fly like Garuḍa,
I can certainly not bear the load of this mighty and large kingdom of Ayōdhya. It is only
You who can do so.’ Everyone in the assembly said ‘Excellent’ in approbation of Bharata’s

Hearing the words of His affectionate brother, Rāma said, ‘Man is not able to do what he
wills. He is not the Master. A fixed form or name drives him hither and thither. All that is
piled up, is finally disbursed. What rises, ends in a fall. Union ends in separation. Life ends
in death. As pieces of wood floating on the ocean come together for a span, so wives,
children, kinsmen wealth and property come together for a while and part with us. Their
parting indeed is inevitable. Here, no being can escape its destiny. While present here on
this earth, one should amass merits by performing virtuous deeds like our father Daśaratha,
who now reached heaven, due to his noble deeds. Hence, Bharata, I can’t perform any
deed that brings ignominy to our illustrious father. It is the duty of all four of us to
follow his command. Therefore, I can’t violate his command and return to Ayōdhya, and
you also should not.’
The pious Bharata addressed Rāma, ‘O Rāma! Due to the act committed by my evil mother,

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we arrived at this situation. Being the son of noble Daśaratha, how can I submit to this
wrongdoing that has been done in my absence? You are equipoised in pain and pleasure,
gain and loss. You are venerated by everyone. Wipe out the curse of my mother and protect
the desire of our venerable father that You should rule this entire kingdom. Like Śiva, the
Lord of all creatures, please show pity on us all. I bow down my head to You. If You do not
wish to return, I also shall stay in the forest along with You.’
Rāma now reveals the word given by Daśaratha at time of his marriage with Kaikēyi. He
also explains the two boons given by the king to Kaikēyi.
tvam rājā bhava bharata svayam narāṇām |
vanyānām aham api rāja rāṇ mṛgāṇām ||- Ayōdhya Kāṇḍa Sarga 107 Ślōka 18
O, Bharata! You become the Lord of men. I will become the emperor of the wild beasts of the
Rāma recommends that Bharata should strictly adhere to the promise made their father,
according to which Rāma should stay in forest for fourteen years and Bharata should rule
the kingdom of Ayōdhya.

Jābāli reproached by Rāma for advocating the theory of Non-believers

Jābāli spoke to Rāma, ‘O Rāma! Who is father? Who is mother? There is none who belongs
to another. Just like a traveler passes through a strange place and leaves everything there
itself next day morning to continue journey, one has to leave everything here. The father is
only the seed of a being. The sperm and the ovum blend at the right time in the mother's
womb, so that a human being is born in this world. The king has gone to wherever he had
to go. This is the fate of all beings. Unnecessarily, you are still frustrated over the matter. I
pity all those whosoever devoted to religious merit and undergoing suffering in this life.
Hence, do not ponder over this matter anymore. Follow the advice of everyone here and
return to Ayōdhya to rule like Indra ruled over the heaven.’
Undisturbed and with clarity in thought and word, Rāma said, ‘O Jābāli! Whatever you said
is forbidden food, though makes its appearance like delicious.
satyam ēva ānṛśaṃsyam ca rāja vṛttam sanātanam |
tasmāt satya ātmakam rājyam satyē lōkaḥ pratiṣṭhitaḥ ||
dattam iṣṭam hutam caiva taptāni ca tapāṃsi ca |

vē satya pratiṣṭhānāḥ tasmāt satya parō bhavē ||

- Ayōdhya Kāṇḍa Sarga 107 Ślōka 10, 14
The eternal royal governance is an assemble of truth. The essence of kingship is Truth.

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This entire world is in Truth in which gift, sacrifice, oblation, austerities, and even Vēdas have
their foundation. Hence, one should thoroughly surrender to truth.
Therefore, I can’t return to Ayōdhya overruling the truthful word given by my noble father.
I’m surprised that even such wise person like Daśaratha was misled by you in keeping in
his court. A non-believer should be punished.’
Jābāli then told Rāma that he is not a non-believer, but just spoke in that manner to bring
back Rāma to Ayōdhya. Maharṣi Vaśiṣṭha told Rāma that it is the truth.

Maharṣi Vaśiṣṭha asks Rāma to honor tradition of Ikṣvāku dynasty

Later, Maharṣi Vaśiṣṭha explained Rāma the entire genealogy of Ikṣvāku dynasty and told
him to follow the footsteps of His illustrious ancestors, where always the eldest son has
been taking over the reins of the kingdom from the father. He further adds that there is no
harm if Rāma follows his words, as he is the preceptor of his father Daśaratha too.
Rāma then replied that He can’t disregard the command of His The greatness of a Satpuruṣa
father. Hearing to this resolve of Rāma, Bharata vowed to fast
Bharata took a wrong vow. Thus,
unto death till Rāma grants his wish. Rāma says that it is not
he committed error. Rāma tells
fit for a person of warrior class to take such approach. When
Bharata to touch Him, because
Bharata looks around for support from all the people who
Bharata has to touch ‘Satpuruṣa’
came with him, everyone says that Rāma is truthful and hence
to get free from that sin.
they can’t say anything. Rāma then tells Bharata to getup,
touch Him, and drink water (ācamāna) to purify himself. Such is the efficacy and greatness
of Satpuruṣas.
Bharata does accordingly and then tells Rāma that he shall
obey the command of Daśaratha by staying in forest and Rāma
should return to Ayōdhya. Rāma explains that it is not the exact fulfilment of the words
given by their father to Kaikēyi and hence not even worthy of thought.

Bharata agrees to the propostion of Rāma

All the Maharṣis, ministers, counsellors, intellectuals,
countrymen, and others present there were astonished hearing
this loving debate between Rāma and Bharata. Finally, all the
Maharṣis request Bharata to accept the proposition of Rāma.
Like before, Bharata submits that he is incapable of controlling
such a vast kingdom as Ayōdhya. Rāma then tells him to take the
counsel of preceptors, ministers, and other courtiers, and
thereafter everything shall fall into place. Bharata agrees but requests Rāma to place His
Feet on the golden Pādukās carried by him from Ayōdhya. Rāma placed His Feet on the
golden Pādukās and gave them to Bharata. Bharata also took a vow before Rāma that he
would enter fire, in case Rāma did not return immediately after the completion of fourteen

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years. Rāma agreed and after embracing Bharata and Śatrughna, Rāma bid farewell to all
with due respect in accord with the rank of each one who entered His hermitage.

The coronation of the Pādukās

Placing Pādukās on his head, Bharata left Citrakūṭa along with his entire
entourage. He met Maharṣi Bharadwāja and informs about the insistence of
Rāma. He also showed the Pādukās of Rāma he brought to ensure harmony
and safety in Ayōdhya.
Entering the city of Ayōdhya, Bharata felt desolated. He seeks the permission
of Maharṣi Vaśiṣṭha to live in Nandigrāma awaiting the return of Rāma. Upon
acceptance, he along with Śatrughna proceeds to Nandigrāma, installs the
‘Rāma Pādukās’ there on the throne, and orders to provide white canopy over
them just as they would do to Rāma saying ‘chatram dhārayata kṣipram
āryapādāvimau matau..’

Bharata further assured that everyone that it is the reign of Rāma, and therefore everyone
shall have peace and prosperity.

Rāma meets Atri and Anasūya

Pondering over the incidents, Rāma told Lakṣmaṇa that the place The greatness of Anasūya
is reminding Him of all the events of past few days. He also said Atri mentioning that Rāma is
that the place is soiled due to the visit of many people as well as like their son is in reference to
animals. Further, Rāma mindful about the mentioning of the Bhagavān Dattatrēya, who is an
ascetics about the evil deeds of demons such as Khara and others, embodiment of Brahma, Viṣṇu
expresses to venture further into the forest. and Mahēśvara. Atri later
On their way, they saw the hermitage of Maharṣi Atri and sought explains them the efficacy of his
their darsan. Maharṣi Atri and his wife Anasūya were overjoyed chaste wife Anasūya. He tells
and welcomed Rāma that Anasūya produced roots
as their own son. and fruits when entire earth was
wreaked with drought. He also
Anasūya received adds that once she made ten
Sītā and said, ‘diṣṭyā nights into one night with the
dharmam avēkṣasē’ power of her tapas.
i.e. Sītā is lucky
enough to follow Dharma. Sītā mentions that
it was taught by both Her mother and mother-
in-law that it is the duty of a woman to follow
her husband judiciously, even if one is bad.
But, in Her case, She says that it is Rāma who
is an embodiment of all virtues, and hence there is no difficulty at all to follow Him.

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Hearing the words of Sītā, Anasūya was overjoyed and kissed Sītā on forehead with
affection. She gifted rare body creams, a silk saree that never fades, and some ornaments
to Sītā which would never lose their luster. Later, Anasūya expressed wish to hear about
the marriage of Sītā. Sītā explains that in great detail.
Sītā approached Rāma bedecked in all the ornaments. Rāma was delighted to see Her.
Later, they all spent the night there and took leave of Maharṣi Atri and his wife Anasūya to
proceed into the forest further.

Rāmāyaṇa Lesson 5 - Questions - Answer the questions for your level

Level 1

1. Who suggested Rāma to spend the fourteen years at Citrakūṭa Mountain?

2. Who informed Daśaratha and Kausalya that Rāma, Sītā, and Lakṣmaṇa went into the
3. Who recounted the incident of Śravaṇa Kumāra to Kausalya?
4. What were the last words of Daśaratha?
5. Did Bharata like the boons of Kaikēyi?
6. Was Bharata ready to become the king of Ayōdhya?
7. One shall acquire sin by kicking a sleeping cow with foot. (True / False)
8. Who told Bharata that he should not speak harsh about Kaikēyi, as it is not her mistake?
9. Who said that the exile of Rāma shall bring happiness to the entire universe?
10. Rāma told Lakṣmaṇa, “If there be happiness that I could enjoy without Bharata or you
or without Śatr̥ughna, may it be burnt to ashes by fire”. (True / False)
11. Rāma told Bharata, “You become the Lord of _____. I will become the emperor of the
________ of the forest”.
12. Did Rāma go back to Ayōdhya from Citrakūṭa Mountain?
13. Where did Bharata stay while Rāma was in exile?
14. Bhagavān Dattatrēya is an embodiment of ______, __________, and _________.

Level 2
1. Who told, “Grief ruins courage, sacred learning, and indeed everything” to Daśaratha?
2. Name the place suggested by Maharṣi Bharadwāja to Rāma to stay for fourteen years.
3. Write the names of river in Citrakūṭa Mountain.
4. Where did Bharata go first on return from his maternal uncle’s place?
5. Who told about the death of Daśaratha to Bharata?
6. One shall acquire sin by staying with people of cruel, cunning, and back-biting nature.
(True / False)
7. Maharṣi Bharadwāja invoked the divine architect ____________ who constructed great
palace and other places suitable for the entire army of Bharata.
8. Who said that the exile of Rāma shall bring happiness to the entire universe?
9. ____________ were installed on the throne in ___________ village.
10. Why Maharṣi Atri said that Rāma is like his son?

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Level 3

1. Rāma, Sītā, and Lakṣmaṇa met Maharṣi___________ at Citrakūṭa Mountain.

2. Name the two rivers Sītā offered prayers and sought the blessings for successful
completion of the period of exile.
3. Who sent messenger to Bharata that he should return to Ayōdhya?
4. What was the curse that Daśaratha received from the parents of Śravaṇa Kumāra?
5. How Bharata came to know that Rāma was not present next to Daśaratha during his
last moments?
6. One shall acquire sin by breaking the promise made to a priest to pay the sacrificial fees.
(True / False)
7. Who performed the last rites of Daśaratha?
8. Rāma told Jābāli that punishment should be given to a _______________.
9. What was the vow taken by Bharata if Rāma did not return immediately after the
completion of fourteen years?
10. Who gifted rare body creams, a silk saree that never fades, and some ornaments which
would never lose their luster to Sītā?
Level 4
1. After leaving Śr̥ṅgāvērapura and while crossing the river, Sītā offered prayers to
__________ for their safe return and vowed to offer gifts to Brahmins and worship all
the deities along the banks of the river.
2. What did Śravaṇa Kumāra ask Daśaratha for his parents?
3. One shall acquire sin when one has no sense and expression of gratitude. (True /
4. Name the sarga in which Rāma mentions about the various duties of a king with
respect to polity, finance, ministers, priests etc., which relates to many aspects of
modern-day management.
5. Who advocated that one need not be devoted to religious merit and undergo suffering
in this life?
6. Rāma said, “This entire world is in ________ in which gift, sacrifice, oblation, austerities,
and even Vēdas have their foundation. Hence, one should thoroughly surrender to
7. Why Rāma told Bharata to touch Him?
8. When Rāma finally did not agree to return to Ayōdhya, what was Bharata’s request?

Level 5

1. One shall acquire sin by not worshipping the ancestors with reverence. (True / False)
2. One shall acquire sin by indulging in wine and women always. (True / False)

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3. Maharṣi Vālmīki mentions, in a set of ślōkas that ends with ‘________________’, the
eagerness and emotions of Bharata to see Rāma.
4. While present here on this earth, how one should amass merits?
5. How did Maharṣi Vaśiṣṭha try to convince Rāma to come back and rule Ayōdhya?
6. What is the greatness of Satpuruṣas?
7. How did Maharṣi Atri described the greatness of Anasūya?

Level 6

1. Who told Rāma, “I can’t survive without You and would die instantly like a fish out of
the water?”
2. How Bharata reacted and what did he tell to Kaikēyi when he came to know that Rāma,
Sītā, and Lakṣmaṇa were sent to the forest?
3. Write at least five sins that Bharata mentioned to Kausalya.
4. How did Bharata try to convince Rāma to come back and rule Ayōdhya?
5. What was Rāma’s reply to Maharṣi Vaśiṣṭha when asked to return to Ayōdhya?
6. Who finally convinced Bharata to accept the proposition of Rāma?
7. What is the meaning of ‘diṣṭyā dharmam avēkṣasē’?

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