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Oral Presentation

One of the tasks you are to complete for your English SBA is an oral

The oral presentation is a personal ORIGINAL response related to the

issue/topic/theme/event of your S.B.A.

This is where you present creatively on your individual topic for

3-5 minutes.

This means if your specific topic is the’ Factors that lead to domestic
violence’ then your presentation should focus on these factors in an
interesting way.
The oral presentation requires you to be:
creative, confident and informative/persuasive.

As you finalize your presentation, seek feedback and

practise often.
Your presentation can take the form of a:

● Speech-expository, argumentative
● poem/dub poem
● skit/role play
● prose

The presentation is worth

Whatever the form of your presentation, it must:
● give an overview of your presentation.
● provide information on your chosen topic. This means if your chosen
specific topic is ‘The effects of drug abuse’ and you choose to say a
poem, the poem should contain information on the effects of drug abuse
using poetic language.
● be original. It should be something you wrote, not something you copied.
● engage the audience's attention.
● be completed within the stipulated time limit.
Oral Presentation Outline ( to be placed in the Written Portfolio )

● Topic - (Individual topic)

● Genre- speech (expository)
● Language- ( language you will use in your presentation)
● Language Devices - facts,statistics
● Main Idea- outline the three main points that will be discussed
● Aids- what will you use to help you to effectively deliver the
● Sources used- ( APA style) example
At the beginning of the presentation , the student should ( In Standard
English) say :
● Their full name
● The theme /topic
● How it will be presented :poem,song,speech
● The sources used ( this will only be needed if you will be referring to a
specific source)
● The objectives (reasons)for the presentation; for example The
objective ofthis presentation is to sensitize my audience about the
negative impact of domestic violence on families
● The kind of language used

All of this should be said before doing the oral presentation

● prepare for your presentation.
● maintain eye contact.
● show familiarity with your content.
● speak clearly.
● use Standard English.
● organise the content of your
● use visual aids or props.
● speak quickly and incoherently.
● read from a paper.
● use your hands too much.
● use fillers like 'ahm'
● walk back and forth unnecessarily.
● stand in one space.
● allow fear to dominate your mind
and time.
You are graded on the following areas:

● fluency of delivery (3 marks),

● structure, comprehensibility and development
of topic (4 marks)
● language use and vocabulary (3 marks)

All this adds up to 10 marks.

Isthe oral presentation plan different from the
oral presentation ?
Yes, the oral presentation plan is different. It is an outline of what your
presentation will cover and it must be submitted in the portfolio.

The plan should:

● identify the genre you have chosen.
● provide a reason for the selected genre.
● identify the sources used.
● highlight the language in the sources.

The oral presentation is what you actually do. You will be

assessed for your delivery, development of topic,
organization and use of language.
What should the overview be about ?
The syllabus states that “the student should deliver a brief overview
of the presentation”.
This should be done before the presentation and it outlines
● the theme and sub-topic selected
● the genre chosen
● the sources used
● commentary on the kind of language used in the presentation”.
What happens if I forget a part in my presentation ?
Do not make this too obvious. Improvise if you must, but
don't resort to panicked outbursts.
Can I redo my presentation?
This is dependent on the discretion of the teacher who supervises you.
However, if you are given advanced notice to prepare and then execute
your presentation, you may not have this luxury.
Can I use dialect in my presentation?
Yes, you are able to use dialect, but your presentation
must be done predominantly in English.

If you use too much dialect, you will be penalized.

As you prepare and then execute your presentation, do all you can to
get the highest mark by doing presentation.

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