SBA INSTRUCTIONS 2024 Spreadsheet

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Carnival has long been a traditional cultural festival in several Caribbean territories. Every year,
thousands of costumed masqueraders parade through the streets, dancing to the pulsating
sounds of steelband, calypso and soca. Most of these revelers register to participate in the
band of their choice months before the festivities begin. Organizers of these bands must utilize
management and organizational skills in order to stage a successful event.

As a bandleader of one these carnival bands, you are required to utilize suitable Word
processing, forms, website, spreadsheet, database management as well as a programming
application to design and implement computer-based solutions to the tasks involved in the
management of your carnival band. You are to create a name for a new band with THREE
named sections relating to your Band name. Both men and women may register to play in each
section. Each section must have at least 14 masqueraders.

The costs of costumes are quoted in US dollars. The cost by section is as follows:

Sections Cost
1 $ 900
2 $1 200
3 $1 800

Important to note

• Masqueraders are given the option of paying for the costume in three payments which
attracts an interest of 10% or a SINGLE FULL PAYMENT which attracts a discount of
10%. Installments are spread over three equal payments – a down-payment and two

• Each Masquerader pays an ‘Inclusive Fee’, a fee of $500 entitles the masquerader to
food, drinks, access to portable bathroom facilities and bottled water during the

• A fee of $150 entitles the masquerader to portable bathroom facilities and bottled
water only.
The financial records of the band are maintained using a spreadsheet application. Masquerader
details are initially obtained when Masqueraders sign up via the website. The names of
masqueraders are to be listed by section. Expenditure is incurred in the provision of several
amenities for masqueraders during the carnival. The bandleader must supply food, drinks,
portable bathroom facilities, transportation, music, security personnel and artiste fees. In
addition, the costs of material for the manufacturer of costumes as well as labour costs are
incurred. The bandleader has decided to manage the income and expenditure of each section

(1) Design a worksheet(s) which accepts income and expenditure costs for each section.
a) Your worksheet must record all payments made by masqueraders, (a few people
have only made one or two of the required three installment payments on
costumes), the total amount paid by each person as well as the grand total
collected must be calculated. Costume payments must be made in US dollars. The
total payments made by each person, however, must be converted to the
equivalent amount in local currency.

First Last Gender Section Payment Section Down Payment Payment Interest Discount Inclusive Final
Name Name (I,II, III) Option Cost Payment 2 3 Fee Cost
three, F
- Full)

b) In an appropriate row, count the number of masqueraders in the section.

c) Calculate the total payment on costume, Inclusive fees and the total overall

d) The expenditure incurred for each section must also be calculated. Food is
$160.00 per person; drink is $140.00 per person; material is $250.00, and labour
is $150.00. Other services are provided at a flat rate for the entire band. These
are as follows: bathroom- $3000.00; transport- $2500.00; music- $4000.00;
security- $1800.00; artiste- $5000.00. The cost of each flat rate services for each
section = Rate/ No. of Sections.

e) Food and drinks are increased by 15% of the starting per person cost for each
successive section; material is increased by 12% of the starting cost for each
successive section, while labour is increased by 8% of the starting cost for each
successive section.

f) The total cost of each service for each section = cost of service X the number of
masqueraders in the section.

g) Rename the worksheet as Masquerader1.

h) Save your workbook as SpreadsheetSBA_FirstInitialLastName

2. Make a copy of Masquerader1 worksheet and rename it Masquerader2. Modify your

Masquerader2 to reflect the following changes:

a) Insert a masquerader before the last person in each of the first two sections.

b) Delete the third masquerader from the last section.

c) Insert a table at the bottom of your spreadsheet the shows the total income and
total expenditure for each section.

d) Save your work

3. Make a copy of Masquerader2 worksheet and rename it Masquerader3. Modify your

Masquerader3 to reflect the following changes:

a) The cost of raw materials has decreased. Change the initial cost of materials from
$250.00 to $235.00

b) Labour costs have increased, the starting cost of sewing costumes for the first
section is now $175.00

c) Due to inflation, the cost of food and drink has increased from 15% to 20%. The
first section has spared this price hike.

d) Filter all sections on the “Inclusive Fee” column to show persons who have paid
the all-inclusive package fee of $500.

e) Sort the 2nd and 3rd sections in ascending order by LastName then by cost.

f) Create an appropriate chart (bar, line and pie) which compares the income and
expenditure of each section. Give this chart a suitable name.

g) Create a bar chart, with appropriate data labels to compare the income and
expenditure for all sections in your Carnival band.

h) Save your work.

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