Captura de Tela 2022-11-15 À(s) 20.28.56

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History ( year, country,

Bibliographic CEO...)
(1,5 )

Name: Giulia Araujo, Eduardo Freitas, Lorraynne Fantaucci, Stephany Number: 12, 05, 23,
Araujo, Sthefany Carvalho e Victoria Dorta. 36, 37, 39
Grade: 3 ano class: A Date: 19. 10. 2022
Teacher: Dimi Subject: English
Report Value: Score:
•( ) A- On the deadline and in English

•( ) B- Only 1 white paper - Orientation - Portrait

•( ) C - Font : TNR 12 – spacing :1,0 – alignment: Justify – Margin: Narrow

•( ) D - Contents

•( ) E- Present the curiosities in Portuguese.

Meaning of the name

Origin of the name was created by a group of friends, who had the objective to renew the
materials for the study to make it more fun and colorful, that's why they had the idea of the
name Fun pen.
(1,0 ) = =

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A group of friends were tired of always using the same pens, pencils, etc, and their study
materials started to make them discouraged. Then they get an idea: why not decorate the
materials, make them colorful? In this way they began to decorate their pencils and pens, and
this became famous among the students of their school.
Over the years, the same group decided to start a company called "FunPen" to sell their fun

Area: 4,800 hectares

333 million dollars

Curiosities ( two)

1- The company has a conservation area reserved for planting our “discarded” organic
materials, which we reuse for the production of new materials.
2- Our company logo has a rainbow that has three colors, each one represents important
meaning for our company. Blue represents creativity, pink love and purple dedication.


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