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Question Personalized Answer

1. It’s a regular Tuesday at our • As a student at Humber College’s Baking and Pastry Arts Management program, we learn how to
bakery. We receive an order for a handle high-pressure situations in a fast-paced lab.
large cake for an event. You • This includes situations where we have run out of ingredients or have equipment issues, which
realize that we have run out of demands quick problem-solving and teamwork with classmates, and Chef or student partners in
butter which is needed for the other labs.
buttercream and the nearest • As a public servant, I have learned how to think and act quickly when faced with an issue or
supplier is an hour away. What problem, sometimes involving the public directly. I have also learned communication and
steps would you take to ensure negotiation skills which are important to managing projects including the situation you have
the order is completed on time? outlined.
• I am also very good at building relationships which is key to a situation like this one.
• If we ran out of butter that we needed and the supplier is too far away, my first step would be to
assess our inventory to confirm the shortage. Then, I would inform the team and management as it
may affect other orders and they may also have suggestions on how to handle the issue.
• I would ask a colleague to reach out to our butter supplier, explain the urgency of the situation, and
inquire if there's any possibility of an expedited delivery.
• While this is happening, I would reach out to my local bakery contacts or known Chefs to request
assistance, explaining the urgency and making a commitment to replenish their stock.
• If one source couldn't help, I would contact others, always showing gratitude for their support and
following through on returning the borrowed butter.
• With effective teamwork, we can secure the butter and successfully fulfill the order.
• I would thank the individuals that helped, as well as the ones that took the time to see if they could
help, and also follow-through and return the butter that is owed by the promised date.

Date: October 2023 1

Question Personalized Answer
2. Can you share an example of a • In May 2023, I participated in a 16-day work-study abroad trip with Humber College, travelling
rewarding baking project or through Italy and France with 19 fellow baking and culinary students.
experience? What made it • I was selected from a pool of over 60 student applicants, based on my strong academic and practical
memorable, and how did you performance in the program’s first semester in 2022.
approach it to achieve success? • Led by professors Chef Simon Stenekes and Chef Daniel Gonzalez, the journey was an immersive
exploration of baking and culinary arts.
• We participated in hands-on workshops, visited wineries, farms, and food production facilities.
• This included a macaron workshop in Lyon, a cheese-making workshop at a Buffalo farm, and
visits to the producers of Parmigiano Reggiano, Parma prosciutto, olive oil, and balsamic
• In Florence, I also took part in a culinary and baking workshop at the Florence University of the
Arts and a gelato-making workshop led by Tulio Bondi, Italy’s most famous gelato maker.
• In my resume, you’ll find a link to an article and video about the trip if you are interested in having
more information about what I experienced.
• I learned so much about baking and also culinary arts from all of the experts, as well as the 2
professor Chefs and travel mates. I had a full book of notes by the end of the trip.
• One of the most enriching aspects was gaining insights into the culture and history of the cities we
visited, which profoundly influenced their culinary traditions.
• For instance, I discovered the intriguing backstory of saltless bread in Tuscany, rooted in an
11th-century rivalry between Pisa and Florence that led to a unique bread-making tradition.
• As part of our responsibilities, students collaborated in leading tours of the cities.
• I worked with three fellow students to plan and execute a successful tour of Lyon, which
included a visit to the renowned Pâtisserie Chocolaterie Pralus Lyon Presqu'île. This bakery is
famous for creating the Praluline, a brioche with pink pralines, and won a prestigious
chocolatier award.

Date: October 2023 2

Question Personalized Answer
3. What are three characteristics of Three skills that are important to being a successful baker are:
a successful a baker? 1. Technical Skills
2. Collaboration
3. Commitment to learning

Technical Skills:
• Technical skills are important to delivering consistent and high-quality baked goods. They ensure
that the final product tastes exceptional and meets aesthetic standards.
• These skills include the ability to meticulously follow recipes, understand the science and principles
of baking (including the role of ingredients and chemical reactions to support troubleshooting), and
apply this knowledge effectively.

• Effective teamwork is essential, especially in professional bakery settings.
• Baking often involves effective communication, cooperation, and coordination.

Commitment to Learning:
• The world of baking is constantly evolving, with new techniques, ingredients, and trends.
• Staying current with baking developments and trends, participating in workshops or courses, and
seeking opportunities for improvement and innovation are key elements of a dedicated baker.

• I embrace these characteristics and am enthusiastic about building my technical skills and learning
from experienced professionals so that I am continually improving.
• While I am in the early stages of my professional journey as a baker, I am eager to apply these
principles as I grow in this field.

Date: October 2023 3

Question Personalized Answer
4. What part of being a professional • The aspect of professional baking that I’d like to see improved is product management in terms of
baker do you wish was different waste.
or could be changed? • I understand that it is common to have surplus baked goods or ingredients that can't be used before
they expire.
• While I understand the importance of maintaining product quality and safety, it can be
disheartening to see good food go to waste.
• I know an App now exists called Too Good To Go where the public can purchase surprise bags at a
discounted price that are filled with surplus foods from local restaurants, cafés , bakeries, and
stores, from the end of the day.
• I believe it's a step in the right direction to minimize food waste in the industry and I hope more
bakeries and cafés get involved in this type of App and effort.

5. What would you do if a customer • If a customer came into the bakery saying that their tart had a hair in it, my immediate response
came into the bakery saying that would be to express my sincerest apologies for the unpleasant experience. I would approach this
the tart they purchased situation with empathy and understanding.
yesterday had a hair in it? How • To address the issue discretely and comfortably, I would kindly ask the customer to accompany me
would you handle the situation? to a more private area of the bakery, away from the main counter. This supports a more
confidential discussion. If I were at the main counter, I would arrange for a colleague to assist other
customers while I meet with the customer.
• Next, I would have a constructive conversation with the customer, asking them how we can make
the situation right. I would follow the bakery’s policies which might include offering a replacement
tart or a refund.
• If the bakery’s policy requires manager involvement, I would discreetly discuss the matter with the
manager, ensuring that we uphold the customer's privacy and dignity throughout the process.
• Importantly, I would refrain from questioning the customer, asking for proof, or making excuses.
• The primary goal is to address their concern and ensure their satisfaction.

Date: October 2023 4

Question Personalized Answer
6. Tell me about a time when you • In my pies, pastries, and tarts class last year at Humber College, there was one lab where we had to
had to prepare a large number of prepare multiple trays of profiteroles and chocolate-covered éclairs filled with Crème Diplomat,
products in a limited amount of cream puffs filled with whipped cream, 2 Gâteau St. Honoré (including caramel), and 3 linzer tortes.
time. What steps did you take to • Each team of 2 was expected to produce all of these products within a 5-hour timeframe, as first
successfully complete the task, year, first semester students with minimal experience.
how did you maintain high • To ensure success, my partner and I took the following action:
standards, and how did it turn • We reviewed the materials in advance and created a workplan to organize the tasks and our
out? time.
• We divided the recipes we would scale and organized the recipe ingredients on trays.
• We worked side-by-side and simultaneously on certain elements of each recipe, following the
Chef’s direction and instruction during demos.
• We communicated constantly to prevent duplication and support each other.
• We set timers so that none of the products would be forgotten in the oven and would be baked
• We maintained an organized, clean, and sanitary station.
• We sought guidance and clarification from the Chef and former student that was assisting the
class when it was needed (e.g., how to properly and safely dip the profiteroles into the caramel
for the Gâteau St. Honoré assembly).
• It was the first time either of us had made Choux Pastry or any of these products and we were only
a few weeks into the program but we were able to successfully produce all of the products
according to the Chef’s instruction.
• We were not experienced with piping, however, we were determined, we persisted, and we
completed all the required piping and there was a lot of piping that day!
• All of the products looked good and tasted great.

Date: October 2023 5

Question Personalized Answer
7. What would you say is your • One of my greatest strengths when working in a team is my ability to effectively organize and
greatest strength when working motivate team members to achieve our common goals.
in a team? • As a public servant, I have developed leadership skills, allowing me to successfully mobilize teams,
break down complex projects into manageable tasks, and ensure everyone understands their roles.
• I have led teams to accomplish big goals, such as developing an information/data strategy which
included consulting with key internal and external stakeholders such as community agencies.
• My strong communication and collaboration skills have been pivotal in fostering cohesive team
dynamics, and ensuring that team members feel supported and motivated.
• I also believe in creating a positive and enjoyable team environment. A supportive, friendly, and fun
atmosphere boosts morale and also enhances teamwork, leading to better outcomes.

8. What are the three types of yeast • Yeast is a critical element in baking. The three types of yeast are: fresh or compressed, active dry
and when would you use one yeast, and instant dry yeast.
over the other? • Each type offers unique benefits and is chosen based on recipe requirements and preferences.

• Fresh or compressed yeast is preferred by many bakers, especially bread bakers, because it
provides excellent flavour and texture to bread and pastries, reacts quickly, and has a faster rise.

• Active dry yeast has a longer shelf life compared to fresh yeast but 25% of its yeast cells are
dead. It must be mixed with warm water to activate it and is suitable for bread recipes that
involve longer fermentation times.

• Instant dry yeast is the most convenient because it does not require mixing with water, and it
provides a quick rise so is good for recipes with a short fermentation time.

Date: October 2023 6

Question Personalized Answer
9. What type of baking projects or • I find great enjoyment and fulfillment in various baking projects, each offering a unique experience.
tasks do you find most enjoyable
and fulfilling, and why? Cookies:
• For instance, traditional Italian cookies hold a special place in my heart because they were the first
things I baked with my mom, grandmother, and aunts as a child. The nostalgia and warmth
associated with these cookies make them a beloved choice.
• Drop cookies, even a classic chocolate chunk cookie, have always been a source of joy. Baking them
during the pandemic became a way to share happiness with friends and family when gatherings
were restricted. It's incredible how a simple cookie can bring so much joy.

• Baking breads, on the other hand, intrigues me and peaks my curiosity. The process of working with
yeast, seeing the dough's transformation as it proofs, and the wonderful aroma of freshly baked
bread create a profound sense of satisfaction and contentment.

• During my time at Humber College's Baking and Pastry Arts Management program, I discovered a
newfound passion for creating exquisite pastries, such as fruit flan tarts and pear frangipane tarts.
• Producing these pastries allowed me to explore my creativity and technical skills, making me feel
like a pastry artist.
• The opportunity to craft intricate and fancy pastries was a turning point in my baking journey,
expanding my horizons beyond everyday cookies.

Date: October 2023 7

Question Personalized Answer
10. What are some of the common There are several common errors and issues that can occur when making croissants:
errors or issues that can occur
when making croissants? 1. Overworking the dough: Kneading or rolling the dough too much can result in tough croissants.

2. Uneven butter distribution: If the butter is not evenly distributed within the dough, it can lead to
uneven layers and improper rising.

3. Laminating dough at the wrong temperature: Keeping the dough too warm during the laminating
process can cause the butter to melt and disrupt the layering, resulting in less flakiness.

4. Improper proofing: Under or over-proofing leads to uneven texture and size. Croissants should
double in size during proofing.

5. Baking temperature: Baking at a temperature that is too high can cause the croissants to brown too
quickly on the outside while remaining undercooked inside. Over-baking can make them dry.

Date: October 2023 8

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