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Management Problem: Should our retail chain offer online shopping?

: research objectives are what are the goals one is trying to achieve
Research Problems:
What are the benefits and drawbacks of offering online shopping for our retail chain?
What is the current demand for online shopping in our target market?
What are the costs and resources required to implement online shopping for our retail chain?
How will offering online shopping affect our existing brick-and-mortar stores?
How will our competitors' online shopping offerings impact our decision to offer online shopping?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of our retail chain offering online shopping?
What is the market's current appetite for online shopping?
What financial and human resources will our retail chain need to implement online shopping?
How will allowing online shopping impact our already-existing physical stores?
How will the online shopping options of our rivals affect our choice to offer it?
Research Objectives:
Identify the advantages and disadvantages of offering online shopping for our retail chain.
Analyze the current demand for online shopping in our target market.
Evaluate the costs and resources required to implement online shopping for our retail chain.
Examine the potential impact of offering online shopping on our existing brick-and-mortar stores.
Compare our competitors' online shopping offerings and determine how they may impact our decision to offer
online shopping.
for e.g., the management problem is "Should our retail chain offer online shopping?"
in this we have to identify the research problem that is what are the issues that needs to be investigated in
offering online shopping by retail store like what are demands ? competitor? benefits? drawbacks?
Explore the pros and cons of introducing online purchasing to our retail establishment.
Determine how much interest there is in online shopping in our target demographic right now.
Figure out how much money and manpower will be needed to launch our retail chain's online store.
Analyze how offering online shopping might affect our traditional stores.
Analyze the online storefronts of our rivals to see how they stack up against our own potential offerings.
To solve the management issue, "Should our retail chain offer online shopping?" we must first determine the
research problem, namely, what questions must be answered about the feasibility of online shopping for brick-
and-mortar stores, such as "What are the demands?" competitor? benefits? drawbacks?

Management Problem: What advertising media should we use to reach our market?
Research Problems:
Who is our target market and what are their demographics?
What advertising media do our competitors use to reach the same market?
What is the budget for advertising and what channels are most cost-effective?
What is the effectiveness of each advertising medium in terms of reach and conversion rates?
How can we measure the success of our advertising campaign?
Who exactly are we trying to reach, and what makes them succeed?
How do competing businesses like ours advertise to the same demographics?
What is the advertising budget, and what methods yield the best return on investment?
How does each advertising platform compare in terms of reach and return on investment?
How do we know if our marketing strategy is working?
Research Objectives:
Identify the most effective advertising media to reach our target market.
Determine the budget required for the chosen advertising media.
Develop a creative and impactful advertising campaign.
Measure the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.
Compare our advertising strategy with that of our competitors.
Find the best channels for reaching our demographic with advertising.
Find out how much money will be needed to promote through the selected channels.
Create an engaging and effective marketing strategy.
Find out how well your advertising is doing.
Evaluate our marketing approach in light of that of our rivals.

Management Problem: How do we get more people to attend our outdoor festival/event?
Research Problems:
What are the reasons why people attend outdoor festivals/events?
What is the target audience for our event?
What are the preferences and interests of our target audience?
What is the current marketing strategy for the event and how effective is it?
What can be done to enhance the overall experience for attendees?
Why do people flock to open-air celebrations?
Who should we expect to see at our function?
Who exactly are we trying to reach, and what do they care about?
How effective is the event's current marketing strategy?
How can we improve the event for the attendees as a whole?
Research Objectives:
Increase attendance at the event by a certain percentage.
Identify the target audience and their preferences and interests.
Develop a targeted marketing strategy to reach the intended audience.
Enhance the overall experience for attendees by providing entertainment, food, and other amenities.
Measure the success of the event through attendance, revenue generated, and attendee feedback.
Raise the number of people who show up to the event by a predetermined amount.
Find out who you're writing for and what they like.
Create a well-thought-out advertising plan to get your message across to the right people.
Provide entertainment, food, and other comforts to attendees to improve their overall experience.
Attendance, proceeds, and comments from those who were there can all be used as indicators of how well an
event did.

Management Problem: Should we build a new warehouse to store our excess inventory?
Research Problems:
What is the current inventory management process?
What is the current inventory storage capacity and utilization rate?
What is the cost of renting additional warehouse space versus building a new one?
What is the demand forecast for the products and how will this impact inventory storage needs?
What is the impact of not building a new warehouse on the business?
How do we currently handle inventory?
How much of the available inventory storage space are we actually using right now?
How much more expensive is it to construct a new warehouse than to rent out some extra space?
How long will the products be in demand, and how will that affect how much space you need to store them?
What would happen to the company if they didn't construct a new storage facility?
Research Objectives:
Evaluate the need for additional warehouse space to store excess inventory.
Analyze the cost-benefit of renting versus building a new warehouse.
Determine the impact of not building a new warehouse on the business, such as lost sales or increased costs.
Develop a project plan for building a new warehouse if it is deemed necessary.
Identify potential risks and challenges associated with building a new warehouse.
Assess whether or not you'll need more warehouse space to hold your surplus goods.
Compare the expenses of renting a warehouse to those of building one from scratch.
Find out what would happen to the company if a new warehouse wasn't built, in terms of lost sales and extra
If a new warehouse is required, create a project plan for its construction.
Determine what difficulties and threats may arise as a result of constructing a new warehouse.

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