02b Declaratory Letter To Councils 2023

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Example letter for individual members of the Taxpayers’ Co-operative to send to Local

(District, Borough or City) Councils re: Lawful Tax Resistance and their refusal to take part in
crimes of genocide.

Dear Councillors
I acknowledge receipt of your demand to pay council tax / business rates and I confirm that I
have settled £______ in a discretionary, revocable, conditional trust, together with a
promissory note for the balance, and as the appointed trustee of the trust will pay this
money to you, the Primary Beneficiary on the condition that before the end of this financial
year you have provided me with incontrovertible evidence (proof) that:
(i) Britain’s involvement in the wars, war crimes, crimes against humanity and
genocides, detailed in Paragraph 2 of the attached Deed have ended;
(ii) War crimes proceedings have started against the main instigators, supporters,
arms suppliers and financiers of Britain’s illegal 21st century genocides;
(iii) HM Government is acting in full accord with the UN Charter and the UN
Declaration on Principles of International Law (UNGAR 2625 – 1970); and
(iv) I have received a guarantee of immunity from prosecution, now or in the future,
for offences related to the payment of money (taxes) to UK public authorities.
I have enclosed with this letter an article that explains the duty to withhold tax, as well as a
copy of my Declaration and Deed of Trust and withdrawal of consent to illegal taxation.
Should you and/or members of His Majesty’s Government fail to act lawfully, continue to
commit serious criminal offences or fail to meet the terms and conditions in my Trust Deed
by April 5th 202_, I, as trustee, am obligated to pay the money to the Secondary Beneficiary,
thereby freeing the Trustee and settlor from all obligations to pay any money to you, to any
UK public authority or to any agent of HM Government in the current financial year.
I look forward to your response, to receipt of the evidence requested and confirmation of
my immunity from prosecution for all tax related offences.
Yours faithfully

Encl: Declaration and Deed of Trust (copy)

Lawful Tax Resistance article

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